taichi-x-koushiro · 8 months
"...and Koushiro, {in 'that' kind of 'world'}, would 'just' be a 'quiet' person who loves computers. Yes, Koushiro might remain *partly* 'expressionless', to a point... but Koushiro would still laugh at jokes that don't land - including Koushiro's own - and might blush just a bit in embarrassment. And then as time goes by... Koushiro would just gradually open up Koushiro's heart."
"...That's the kind of person Koushiro might become..." - Taichi Yagami {"Incorrect Quote"} (Source: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu")
“Why won’t you allow Tentomon to evolve?! Tell me why!” Koushiro understood after Taichi explained himself, but he turned pale upon realizing that he had spoken to his senior {senpai} Taichi with such an insolent tone. Even {Koushiro} seemed surprised at what {Koushiro} had done. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean—” But Taichi said, “Don’t worry about it. In fact, it made me happy to hear you speak so casually to me. I felt like you’d finally opened up your heart to me.” - Digimon Adventure Novel #3 Pt 2; during vs. Mugendramon; Written by director Hiroyuki Kakudou & {+Koushiro's} script-writer Hiro Masaki; Translated by Digital Scratch (Link in Comments)
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
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{REPEAT?_}-Verse Excerpt, Pt. 24 ~ Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai} (Taichi's P.O.V) + {Semi Canon compliant}!Taichi's View on Koushiro* (Post-02 Timeline; either, Post-02, early {not canon compliant} Tri era, {as the original concept was developed pre Tri timeframe}; late High school but before graduation {+if more canon compliant}, or early University depending on Timelines)
{Adventure & 02 Chosen are all gathered together in This scene} (Originally up-loaded Jun. 2nd 2k18)
{Written by Me} (DO NOT Re-post) (DO NOT Copy) (DO NOT Reproduce Under Any Circumstance without my Permission!)
*(The main difference{s} here being Canon proceeds mostly as usual; however, both Taichi and Koushiro regain vague memories of Timelines + Choose to Not Tell Each Other Quite Everything here, + Koushiro retains an injury from a past timeline, but it's faded over lightly since, though still noticeable to Chosen.)
{Since Chosen here (besides Taichi) all first 'met' Koushiro having had the injury already, they're used to seeing it, and its nothing 'new' to them.}
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure{s} (Series)/[02] ~ (Closet!) Cosplay ~ (Post-02!)Koushiro[u] Izumi {Aesthetic[s]} / Detail shots {January 2k23} (I don't have a full-size plush of partner yet so I usually consider this Koushiro to be late-final-year of middle school Koushiro, or a Koushiro who enters high school and has a jacket in similar color / style as previously {I intended to cosplay Koushiro pre-Tri as well}.)
In my fic-verse, Koushiro has such a jacket in the darker green color; maybe different color tie and pants because the school location changes (I used "Odaiba High" at the time writing my old fic-verse). There, Koushiro was already in 2nd~ year of high school and Taichi was in the 3rd~ year about to graduate (by J.P.N school system schedule); the original fic follows them all through University years. In my fic-verse the green may also be slightly more "muted" to distinguish it, I haven't fully decided yet; but this jacket still looks pretty bright if sunlight hits it, despite it being dark emerald green) featuring (Me) / @izzyizumi Also in the original fic; The Digital Gate had, similar to Tri, since closed briefly; travel functioned a little closer to 02 still, when they could only see their partners briefly at times via Gate-hopping (until a lead-in to pre-epilogue era had them all "meeting" again under various circumstances). So the Koushiro I cosplay is one who's supposed to be a little distant from having seen partner 'Mon in a while and is feeling the effect of it. (They typically still communicated via brief e-mail messages when possible / when the Gate allowed contact, but it was different.) Fortunately Taichi usually comes in more and they start hanging out. {Wig was bought from & styled by a previous Koushiro cosplayer!} - The jacket for Koushiro's (02) "school!" uniform is actually closet cosplay jacket found in a regular department store sometime just before 2k15! Finding it in this exact shade / color was amazing, I'm not quite sure I'll ever find much close in the future!! (As it's from around 2k15, it's a little old, but holding up!) - Gold Laptop is my own! (in use since about 8~ years ago, aka also around 2k15!) {I bought it less for the cosplay [it was sometime before the pre-Tri fan base revival, actually; I was still actively following the series and Koushiro-relevant fan base things on this blog and in my own time] and mainly because color, price + condition was seriously good for 200+ GB of storage space at the time.} {The yellow laptop Koushiro canonically uses has never really been produced in the right "full" size (Yet?!?), so this was a "next best thing" until I can get a shell replacement or the like similar to the canonical yellow-and-white laptop!}
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-produce or use WITHOUT Authorization}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive or respectful are OK!]
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 17
Wait...I literally just remembered that the parents (plus a bunch of other people) saw all the digital world stuff by the final episode of season 1. What exactly is the IRL awareness of digimon?? The kids have to hide that they're going to the digital world from their parents, but maybe that's more because it's dangerous? Or was there some memory wipe thing I'm forgetting about. (This ramble triggered by a line in the dub where Matt says "Don't tell me Myotismon destroyed the studio again!?" to his dad...)
Anyway, putting my confusion aside, I really enjoyed this one. It had the good kind of callbacks instead of some cheap repeats. It was especially nice to see the S1 kids finally sit down with the new kids and tell their story. Probably should have done that already by now, but better late than never!
There was...no battle in this one?? Wild...
-I think the movie director in the beginning of the episode had the same VA as Joe. Low key distracting.
-I liked the concept of not just a ghost being caught on camera, but a ghost that changes its movements every time you play the video back. Not sure I've seen that done before...
-Very heartwarming that they've turned Aug. 1st into a special day of remembrance amongst their friend group. I've seen fans making posts about the date before and maybe I'll start celebrating it too! (I'm an August baby so it feels extra special).
-Aside from Bakemon who doesn't count, I guess this is our first ghost digimon? Really unfair that Wizarmon didn't get to be reincarnated like everyone else :'( I wonder if we'll see him again?
-I sighed a small sigh of relief when we got hat!Mimi back. More importantly, her ridiculous pink/starry hair is gone! I hope this isn't just a temporary change. She looks really cute with pig tails
-Didn't really think about the difference between living with a single dad vs. a single mom until Takeru and Yamato had a discussion about it. Is every single mom in this series a homemaker...? (Nothing wrong with that, but it would be awkward if there wasn't at least one mom with a job).
-They censored the curry in the dub lol. American kids in the early 2000s didn't know what curry was I guess
-This episode featured a bunch of MD players to the point where it felt suspiciously like an ad. I had to google what an MD was and it's a mini-disc (like GameCube game sized). Of course, they just called it a "CD player" in the dub
-Dead at the dub line "Don't mind him dad, he's just not a happy little buffalo!" LOL (American kids also don't know what sutras are apparently)
-They addressed a question I had in my earlier post about how they were stuck using the computer lab to enter the digi-world. Koushiro finally figured out that they could connect from any computer and that the D3 device was more important. (Honestly, they should have thought of this sooner, but I guess everyone's busy with school lol).
-It felt kind of weird to me how Wizarmon was showing up on TV to get Tailmon's attention, but we never really see the kids watching TV or catching any of these appearances. They kinda just stumble across him instead because Tailmon's Wizarmon's senses start tingling. Oh well, all's well that ends well...
-Very rare episode where there's no battle and the digimon only evolve to their rookie forms. I feel like this shows that the writers trusted the kids enough to sit through an episode without all the usual stuff, so that's nice.
-I'm going to go ahead and qualify this as a Halloween episode because ooky spooky
-Wizarmon continues Gennai's tradition of giving super vague and unhelpful information. Thanks for nothing! (I guess he was mainly hinting that Ken is a victim of "the darkness." Okay, Kingdom Hearts...)
-Sad Tailmon tho ;-;
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piracytheorist · 2 years
One day I will write a more detailed post about everything that I disliked about the path they chose in Last Evolution Kizuna, but I was thinking today of how they basically wrote themselves into a dead end but expect us to take a positive outcome out of it.
Like, the ending is very bitter with one pinch of sweet. It is meant to make us sad, and just a little hopeful that they still keep the 02 ending canon so we can assume that eventually all Chosen Children (or Adults) reconnect with their Digimon partners.
But I’m thinking, even if you want to ignore tri. (which to me it felt like they were deliberately ignoring everything about it with the exclusion of one (1) mention of Meiko and Meicoomon) where the whole plot happens because a former Chosen Child wanted to reconnect with her Digimon, the same thing happens in Kizuna. Sure the separation of Taichi and Yamato from Agumon and Gabumon was “fated” but Menoa’s actions were what kicked the plot forward.
And so, with what Kizuna sets up, more and more Chosen Children will be separated from their Digimon partners until something happens off-screen and they reach the 02 ending (which to me, doing that off-screen is a huge cop-out but that’s a point for another post plus we’ve still got the upcoming 02 movie to watch so). So I’m asking, how are we supposed to think that absolutely none of those people will go to such extremes like Menoa did? Yeah, maybe we don’t want to assume that of the beloved twelve children from Adventure and 02, but there’s way more Chosen people out there... so are we supposed to assume things go well afterwards?
If anything, in Kizuna, only Taichi and Yamato (because of course only those two) were directly impacted by Menoa’s actions; as a proof, when Mimi and Palmon wake up from their coma, they both consider everything a dream, so I can’t be convinced anyone other than Taichi and Yamato would fully understand the consequences of going too far to be reconnected with your Digimon partner (again, tri. notwithstanding). It’s also only the original eight that are even brought up with the idea of moving forward; none of the other Chosen that were taken by Eosmon are shown to struggle with the concept, they’re just brought in the Neverland and then wake up safe in their hospital beds. Did they even understand what went on, why Eosmon was created, why she fell and why they woke up again? Will they understand what it means when the countdown ring appears on their Digivices? Will they expect and (reluctantly) accept it when their time runs out like Taichi and Yamato did?
So, with the way the topic is written and explored in the film, it doesn’t become an object lesson to that many people, so it’s bound to happen again. There’s nothing in the film to disprove this, and even if we assume that Koushiro would issue a warning among the Chosen Children network about what’s fated to happen (which again, is work we’d do off-screen in order to make the film make sense), I cannot safely assume at least one of them wouldn’t go as far to try to stop it or undo it as Menoa did.
It’s not just a mostly bitter with a bit of sweet ending the film gives. It’s so sloppy that upon closer inspection it falls apart and only fates itself to be repeated.
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variouscolors · 2 years
Kamen Chef AU details (updated):
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The prompt:
This is totally an AU verse now thanks to Kizuna and its drama CD’s info re: Daisuke.
The story starts when one day Daisuke and V-mon come to talk with Chef Digitamamon from Chinatown area and Daisuke asks Digitamamon to teach him some tips and such. Digitamamon then says he wants what Daisuke can do already and runs a little test. Surprised with Daisuke’s skill being not bad but also having room to be improved, the egg-like digimon accepts him as intern. V-mon also gets “employed” to help with Daisuke’s training.
Since it’s too dangerous for both, also the fact villains the Chosen Children still have to fight come to Digitamamon’s restaurant... Daisuke gets an ALIAS to keep himself safe from trouble (?!) -- So now while he’s working there he’s an Lighdramon-like armored digimon called Lightnimon and gets more than a double life as HS student and Chosen Child: Now he’s a masked chef.
As you can think, Daisuke himself still got no time to explain to his friends and his seniors (Taichi-Yamato-Koushiro-Sora-Mimi-Jou) or even his family about this part-time job. But hey, one day he will get there.
Now does this disguise work?
Since digimon can spot who’s a digimon and who’s not pretty well, the food scent messes with said senses and it also hides Daisuke’s scent.
Daisuke also tries his best to not talk much and only when needed. Anyone who knows him pretty well is able to identify him. There’s no in between.
To prevent being caught, Daisuke and V-mon have their own “safety route” to go back to human world and to come to the Digital World.
They also avoid using public spaces for that. So, basically he does it from his own room once everyone at home is asleep.
Thanks to 02 ep 33 we learn the 02 group’s digivices can give them the appearance and outfit they deeply want, so this is how Daisuke got this “Lighdramon-esque armor” and how he can switch quickly back to his original appearance. This is referred by “change” when mentioned.
Now, details about the muses involved there:
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Digitamamon (he/him): The owner of this restaurant, pretty strict but has a soft heart. Will fight whoever tries to hurt his employees and customers, but will also smack you in the head if you break his building. It’s like a father figure for his employees, and can speak ancient digimon language.
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Daisuke AKA Lightnimon (17yo, he/him): Just an ordinary Chosen from Odaiba... Who once saved the world from BelialVamdemon. So yeah, Daisuke’s pretty famous and of course there’s bad and mean digimon seeking to beat him and become famous for it. He works disguised as a digimon named “Lightnimon” (or Lightni, called by almost everyone there) as Digitamamon’s student. Somehow, his ideas and suggestions starts improving the restaurant to the point it gets pretty busy later.
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V-mon (he/him): Daisuke’s partner, best digi-bud and partner-in-crime when it comes to Daisuke’s food experiments. He supports Daisuke so much, but sometimes gets worried about Daisuke and Daisuke’s clumsiness... Though V-mon can also be a walking mess and stupid. Can evolve to multiple forms by using Digimentals, but his main adult evolution is XV-mon. He works as waiter and as kitchen assistant.
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Bakumon (they/them): One of the oldest employees from this restaurant. They can talk, but it’s more easier pretend to not, and just repeat the menu when someone asks them about something. They do everything though, but mostly to greet the customers and serve them.
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Gekomon(s) (they/them): A tiny amount of the employees lately are Gekomon from the local area. Some probably had met Mimi, Palmon, Taichi, Agumon, Jou and Gomamon before. They have small jobs such as helping serving the customers or keeping the place clean.
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meeedeee · 1 year
[AMV] Lost Time Memory by Hikari
In another timeline, earlier on, Koushiro encounters an accident... Taichi tries Taichi's best to help - but can Taichi succeed? (What happens when the 02 Chosen have 'Fallen'; and the Chosen's memories have been wiped back to around the beginning of Tri?) {They're all still "friends" - but do they even know fully what's going on?} Can you figure out the 'mysteries' unfolding? What more is there to 'figure out'?
This is a re-post (for AO3) of an A.M.V. I made some years back. Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi are heavily featured characters; In this specific A.M.V., Meiko Mochizuki also appears. This series of A.M.V.s is an AU spinning off from various canon points up until the Epilogue. Song featured: "Lost Time Memory", by Jin, from the Kagerou Project series. (This work is not a 1:1 direct parody of characters/storyline there, but very inspired!)
This is a "Music Route" version of my other KouTai/Taishiro story, REPEAT?_ and everything as presented in a series of A.M.V.s for this "Music"-based "route" will heavily connect back to that work. (Side ships may also feature. This AMV is Koushiro x Taichi {+x Meiko as side Polyship}.)
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) from Search Works | Archive of Our Own https://ift.tt/ufTmVcO via https://ift.tt/nCN3U8O
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aph-japan · 1 year
{DigiAdvs}/{Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi’s Fan-Fic's for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi {KouTai}/{Taishiro}/{Etc. (+Friend)Ship[s]}
I know there’s been a lot of DigiAdvs fan-events going on lately. I usually can’t participate in events for varying reasons, but I’m glad to share my past works in the form of this index. ALL were created out of Positivity and respect for this series.
{This post is marked as 'no rb' so I can go back and change later; but feel free to 'Like' if wanted!}
[I'm trying to keep this out of less commonly-used tags; but I do use these for organizing on my blog, and I hope they can reach more fans of these pairs this way!]
Title: REPEAT?_ Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} (Main Focus) YamaSora {Yamato x Sora} is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments {along with a single ambiguous timeline one-shot} Summary: Taichi wasn't sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn't… this…
(Please see inside for all Notes!)
Title: The Past World Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing (both Taichi & Koushiro) & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general - Royalty!A.U.; however things may not be as they appear... + Dark!Chosen Children A.U. appears in some parts (mainly in flash-back form, until...). Characters: Taichi, Koushiro, Adventure Chosen team, 02 Chosen Ship{s}: (Same as "Infalliable" listed below can be read in) + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus. Ken x Miyako has a scene where they're both present, but not completely in a relationship yet; as friendly. Yamato x Sora is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments Ken x Daisuke is implied for a total of one (flash-back) A.U. scene, but will come to have a heavy presence in future sequels to this A.U.
"-- About that, you'd be better off asking your new advisor," "H-huh?--" When suddenly -- -- as if out of nowhere -- -- from a short distance -- a shy gaze peers up at him
… pure black eyes.
Title: Possession Rating: PG-13 / R (Violence implied) Notes: Epilogue era / Taichi and Koushiro are adults, 30-35+ - can be conidered a spin-off timeline / part of REPEAT?_ - partly based on general head-canons, partly based on my old as heck Digi-O.C. fic and the head-canons I / Young me had for its own future / epilogue era - Leans more post-02, {no Tri} canon compliant overall (thus many things happen differently between these two things) - (still) partly based on new ideas gained from Tri - KouTai + Government Corruption A.U.??? + Ambassador!Taichi (Koushiro hasn't quite reached the "Digital World" Researcher position Yet) Summary:
"We’re… being targeted," "but not just by---"
"One, a certain one, among them" "had the power to open the gate" "–and immediately close it again" Title: Ten Rating: PG-13 Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya {Friendship} Ship{s} KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} heavily Implied Summary:
“…Can you turn around and— - it’s April 2004. (..Or is it April 2003? Spring 2003?) - at the end of Spring 2003, something else astonishing occurred: Daisuke’s sister Jun, the Inoue sisters, & Shuu Kido all became Chosen at once. - an incident, (occured, and then) —
“I’ll help, so we, you, can get out of here !!—”
“They {Won’t come}”
…TAICHI-SENPAI’s GOGGLES ( … Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but…. ) Title: Candles Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) or Mature / technically Work-safe Notes: some Specific Headcanons are heavily implied technically part of REPEAT?_Verse, ( ficverse version here ); - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff Verses: Post-Advs (can also be post-Tri/Kizuna); pre-Epilogue [+Kids]; Taichi has graduated a while ago by now. Taichi has been involved with his Ambassador career for a while, but it’s still getting off the ground too. (And it’s . Stressful) +Taichi and Koushiro are heavily implied to be living together already here. Summary: Taichi is having ... a hard time. Featured Head-canon: Jewish!Taichi (+Koushiro) Implied
Title: Dreams Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) {It's a bit Ambiguous. You Might Get An Idea} Summary:
Sometimes, Koushiro dreams. (Of Brown hair, Brown eyes.)
This can serve as a prequel spinoff to my other Koushiro-centric series, "REPEAT?"_-verse or be read as a standalone.
Title: (Dirty) Computer Summary:
"Do you like computers?" Tentomon had asked Koushiro, once.
“You just like working with machines more THAN PEOPLE, don’t you?!” … But why does it MATTER if Koushiro – DID —
A character study and analysis on Koushiro Izumi's Canon personality, (with a touch of heavily implied headcanons), with brief references to Koushiro's notable relationships, Family, and those Interests. "It's OK for you to be obsessed with computers!" - Mr. Masami Izumi, Adventure Episode #38 (There are some light references to the novel's given backstory details for Koushiro, including Koushiro's mindset there.)
Title: Koushiro Izumi Is Touched By Death Rating: PG Notes: Implications about Death & Grief (for passed loved ones), + the mourning/grieving process in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned Summary:
In which Koushiro Izumi Is Traumatized, Has Always BEEN Traumatized, And Daisuke Motomiya {NOTICES}.
Takes place shortly before "the summer of" a somewhere between 2003~2005. (02 takes place in April~December 2002, Tri takes place in 2005 June~December.) {Tri knowledge is not required to read, but may be helpful to understand continuity.}
Title: Infalliable Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned; Daisuke x (Girl)!O.C. ("Hikaru"); in background; (My O.C. does not appear much within the context of the fic, but the dialogue refers to an event she was involved in immediately previously, with a Koushiro-focus and Daisuke-relevant aftermath.) Daisuke x O.C. aren't "together" yet; it is developing relationship. Ken x Daisuke x O.C. may be Implied in spin-off fic{s}; Ken x Miyako may be implied in canon-compliant 'verses, with former Ken x Daisuke heavily implied / mutually requited-yet-unrequited (as purssuing a direct relationship) / hinted. Poly-ships may be included in any future spin-off, but none are referenced in this specific one (yet). Summary:
Daisuke stares moodily ahead. Koushiro does the same, except Daisuke genuinely doesn't know - cannot even tell - if Koushiro's doing it "moodily" or not, because Koushiro's blank staring is that unreadable. They sit, Daisuke next to Koushiro, for a few long, long moments. And then -- Koushiro... opens his mouth -- "I'm not infalliable." Daisuke's eyebrows furrow, even if he can't look at Koushiro in this exact moment --
"Unshakeable? Indestructible--" Daisuke's head hurts. "I admit there was a time when I thought, ..." "NO!! That's not true!!"
"When you asked me, 'What about YOU, Daisuke-kun' -- the one who gave me that push -- that was you."
A "missing scene" of Daisuke & Koushiro friendship from my other Adventures & 02 Chosen fic; "The Past World" You do not have to read that one to appreciate this "missing" moment, as its mainly friendship. There is a slight hint of Daisuke/Original ("Girl") Character OC, but its more lightly implied; (Epilogue semi-canon compliant) There are also background relationships like Taichi/Koushiro, the slightest hint of background Ken/Daisuke, others hinted.
Title: Words Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general; with a focus on self-acceptance + Koushiro's heavy use of formal speech and communication in the J.P.N version is referenced frequently. Tri is referenced / implied-as-AUs or for semi-canon compliancy (light spoilers for Kokuhaku; but not majorly referenced; just a quote) {plus a gif of a small moment involving Taichi + Koushiro} [also one more small conversation moment between Taichi and Meiko] (a scene from the first episode of the 2020 Reboot is referenced) - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff (i.e. this can be read on its own) Characters/Groups: Taichi & Koushiro; Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon; Koushiro Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa; Koushiro & Izumis Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus Summary:
– To be honest,
Taichi and Koushiro don’t need words.
( They have a lot more than Just )
( words )
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earlgreymon · 3 years
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Koushiro and Hikari's Summer Break ☀️🏮 ft. Jenrya Lee (Digimon Tamers) and Hoi Brothers (Digimon Adventure 02) for @digiweek​ 2021 day 5 // crossover
(click the images for a more readable full scale!) remember when i said: 1) i had a friend with jenrya/hikari as otp, 2) she made me write a 8k words fic of koukari going to hongkong where she met jenrya and ended up dating? it would be a hassle for me to translate it and trust me it was so cringe lmao, so i made this instead. it was hard and tedious, but i told myself i had to show some love for koukari in digiweek—and i did! i could even show some love too dear jenrya too! i always wanted to make something again out of my #digicentfancast anyway~
inspired by @dianaagron​’s digimon social media edit some usernames taken and inspired from @tangledupblue​’s instagram edit and @fromsorawithlove​​ ;)
fancast by maysnow - deng enxi as hikari yagami - fei qimin as koushiro izumi - leo wu lei as jenrya lee
more ramblings and further explanation below the cut!
let’s assume hikari and jenrya are in the same age.
the series never mentioned hoi brothers first names, so i took the liberty of choosing them; using bruce lee and donny yen’s first name. i know a lot of hongkongers have a western name, but i have a hunch that the hois are quite the traditionalist.
hikari is indeed an avid nichi users.
and yes, koushiro is trying his best to look cute.
i had to open my instagram and looked how my japanese friends named their account. i remember they rarely use their full names. instead, from what i learned, they often: 1) prolong some alphabets (like miiiiiyako), 2) use a lot of numbers, 3) also use repeated dots and underscores. idk whether this is true or not, but that’s just base on my investigation.
14 is taichi’s shirt number in da:2020
koushiro should’ve been born on 1989. i took @dutchforstrangers​​ headcanon where she said koushiro was born on august, hence 898.
1 in japanese is “ichi” - so you can read 1jouji as ichijouji.
also, sora’s username was created by mimi, and even though she’s kinda shy about it (“why do i have to blatantly use the word ‘love’?!”), she didn’t have any other username idea.
yes, takeru and hikari just love to tease each other and never really date. gah.
her “oh” is more because she was surprised, not she was being mean.
hikari posted a lot of cats in her instagram. no surprise.
howlatthemoon is the script’s song yamato’s username, of course.
jenrya lives permanently in hong kong in this universe, but his family is planning to move to japan anyway. DO YOU THINK THEY WILL END UP DATING? #theoriesarewelcome
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
My Projects/To-Do List
Chatter about stuff I wanna work on and where I am on the stuff I AM working on :D  More beneath the cut!
Puits d’Amour
There are currently seven remaining written updates for Puits d’Amour.  Of those, I still have two left to edit/complete between chapter updates.  However, I realized I want to add an update after the next one, so I will spend the next month making sure that is ready (I have four weeks before it would be time to post that).  So that’s... eight updates, or sixteen weeks of posting every other week, which takes us out to... early July.
It shouldn’t take me too much longer to finish editing, maybe two months?  But I am also really low on art made during campdigimonth2022, meaning I’ll be drawing a lot in the upcoming weeks.  Part of me is intimidated- I’m not much of an artist- but part of me is excited to draw the entire Adventure/02 cast, plus some characters I haven’t worked with before, like Wallace/Meiko/Osamu.  I can’t wait to make a master list with links to all the art!
So basically, updates will all be Puits d’Amour until July.  This is not the end of the story; it’s just the end of the material I wrote during Nanowrimo2021.  At this point, I’ll have to figure out what I’m doing next.
Ideas for what I’ll post next
A lot will depend on how I’m feeling in July!  I might continue PdA, or I might go back to TIL.  Those are the most likely things.  FY also remains open, but when I launched TIL, I meant to write and post in movie-based chunks.  I left Ketsui unfinished, so I would like to close out that movie before moving on to something else.  Also, as the person hosting Koushiro week 2022, I do want to have something written about him for that, so that’s circling my brain, too.
Other Ideas/Projects
Every now and then, I like to post a laundry list of projects I want to work on.  Here’s what’s in my orbit now:
-Developing the Camp Digimonth Discord and blog
So it turns out that folks enjoyed the Camp Digimonth discord and create-together atmosphere.  I don’t know much about Discord, but apparently most of the servers are based on specific seasons/characters/ships, which means that a lot of people are left out if they aren’t into that specific thing.  There’s special alchemy to combining the following: a place for all digimon content, a creation-oriented environment, and a place where folks generally know one another to some degree via the Tumblr community.
I’ve been trying to think of ways to keep the community content-creation vibe going!  It can’t be an eternal event, because everyone should have a chance for their events.  But if the bulk of goings-on is on discord, then we can avoid stepping on toes on Tumblr.  
That’s where we are now, working together to figure out how to best use the Discord.  For now, it’s limited to the original Campdigimonth crew while we figure out what it is we want to do, but eventually, we will likely offer invites to interested folks! 
-Koushiro Week 2022
I’ve scheduled Koushiro week!  I’d like to have the Tumblr up and the prompts written and available for circulation to Koushiro fans for further suggestions by the end of April.
I’m also considering reserving a single day of Koushiro week for a specific purpose.  Most of us Tumblr content creators are adults, with lots going on.  It’s really difficult to be ready for events.  That’s why I want to reserve a day of Koushiro week for reblogging your own existing Koushiro content (not anyone else’s, just yours).  Another idea is Koushiro recs- a day to recommend your fave Koushiro fics/meta/art!  I’m hoping that everyone can feel included with these days (maybe the same day for both old content and content recs).  Folks shouldn’t be left out because we’re adults with busy lives.  Koushiro for everyone, lol!  (AS IT SHOULD BE).
-Book Binding
Making my first book was so satisfying, I’m hooked!  My next book binding project will be a repeat of After August, but first, I want to read the existing physical book, then ship it off to its new home.
The problem is that I wanna make ALL OF MY FICS books- but I need to edit first, and editing takes more time than the initial drafting!  So this process is going to take literal years.  I really want to make Growing Up with You.  Can you even imagine it, book one with Mitty’s art?!  MY HEART!  I would cry.  No really, I would cry.
But honestly, prepping fics for book binding is more of a project than the actual... book binding part, so don’t expect anything soon.
I can make stickers and prints now!  I really want to make a sticker of the cover art for TIL! 
-Digimon Tarot
The Chosen as Major Arcana Tarot Cards is one of my all time favorite projects.  Now that I have access to a high end printer, I’ve been thinking more seriously about drawing art for my tarot card selections.  The trouble is that I mainly draw simple hips up portraits, lol!  And 22 illustrations for the Major Arcana is already a lot, and that doesn’t even touch on the remaining 56 cards (although you can substitute for ace through 10 of Cups/Wands/Swords/Pentacles using an ordinary deck of cards, and you also have jack/queen/king, at which point you need to create page or knight cards of each suit, depending on what you decide the jack is).  
I don’t have the skill to make this work, but maybe if I keep practicing drawing...
I love tarot, check out this video I made about my decks!
-Original Stories
Do you remember Tales of REM?  They’re a collection of ideas for stories based on dreams.  I have a lot more that aren’t listed.  
Unfortunately, I’ve more or less decided not to write them as fanfics (although I might toss up the one I’ve already written and have been sitting on for years).  The last time I wrote a story based on a dream, I had the sense that folks were confused/disappointed that it wasn’t like my normal stuff (it was a crackfic, lol).  I think my time would be better spent turning them into original stories.  
I’ve never really considered publishing before, and I’m not saying that I think I can just... put some stuff together and be successful, lol!  But I do think I could write a book.  If it’s just for me, fine.  If I buy an ISBN# and publish it digitally, fine.  In fact, I’m dubious of traditional publishing, because the author loses most of their control over their work via that route.
But, um, as someone who is sitting on...  1.4 million archived words on FFN, uh, yeah.  I can Book.  I am capable of Book, many times over.  What a strange thought!
I honestly think that holding the printed and bound copy of After August kind of... made this concept real to me.  I write books.  I have written actual piles of complete books, they’re just digital and unsuitable for publishing, as fanworks.  
I’m a book witch.  I create on a mysterious digital plane, then conjure those creations into the physical world.
What a thought!  What a power!  What a gift.  I’m in awe of creation, however small.
-Upcoming fanfics
Nothing, except for the rare oneshot/short story for events, particularly Koushiro’s event in October.  I need to complete something first.
That’s what is in my heart and mind!  Are any of these things particularly interesting to you?  I hope you are all well and creating, if that is your jam <3
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro Izumi
Koushiro, FIRMLY to Taichi's child {in a hypothetical slightly earlier Epilogue timeline}: No matter what anyone else in this world may believe, you and Taichi-san are important to me too. Taichi's child: Taichi's child: ...Can I spend the night??? Koushiro: Yes. Taichi's child: Can Dad come too??? Koushiro: Koushiro: (It's not like we haven't been seeing each other. But Taichi-san will have some more time soon) Koushiro: It's fine, of course. (Smile) Taichi's child, nodding firmly: Ok, then... before Dad and the rest gets here... Taichi's child, pleading look: (Can I play on the game system with you because I'm very emotional right now and *need* to unwind before I *burst into tears* and you're the *best*???) KoushirO, Immediately Picking Up On: Absolutely Koushiro: (I'll have to pretend to lose again this time, maybe...)
#koutai#izumi koushirou#taichis child#taichis son#taichi's son#yagamis and izumis#taishiro au#pre 02 epilogue#oc: kai yagami#koushiro and kai#repeat koushiro#repeatverse#coftff koushiro#coftffverse#koutai theme: non normative family#koutai found family au#(I want to say Kai's around 5~6 here???)#(Older than 4 and def able to communicate effectively maybe not quite 7~10 yet)#(Taichis child in Epilogue to me always looked around 6~7 but style wise seemed younger than Takeru who was 7 so maybe 6)#(Taichis child was pretty small and shorter than I expected a hypothetical Taichis child to be by age 7 too)#(I also HC that Kai is somewhat more emotional than even Taichi in the sense that Kai reacts more visibly)#(mainly due to having lost bio mom pre my old A.U. start)#(but it began before that too and it's also something Kai picks up on early in life for reasons)#(*also* not just those reasons but also because Kai doesn't really fully know who bio parent *is*)#(Which helps in how Kai relates well to Koushiro once knowing Izumi fams history)#(Kai obvs gets ~canon~ looks from Taichi but I also H.C. Kai's hair is a little longer and naturally curlier especially over time ? ?? Yeah#(Koushiro usually does engage in gamestuff w Kai seriously but here Koushiro's going easy a Bit)#(KAI Pleading look ' Don't go TOO EASY on me ok Koushiro?!??! I don't want to defeat you THAT easily--!!1! ')#(Koushiro Laughing ' If you say so ')#(Anyway Kai in this form has existed since I first saw the Epilogue & My H.C.s for this 'verse Will Never Die)
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs Koushiro & 02 Chosen [...and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: You two said you wanted to speak with me? KEN, Firmly: Yes. (*also speaking for Shane*) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane, Lingering A Bit Behind Ken (Only A Bit): ... Koushiro, regarding Shane: Jou-san told me Jou-san looked you over. It's very encouraging to see you seem to have "recovered" to this level... SHANE, Bit Taken Aback: Shane: ... T-Thank. You. (Only Slightly Formal, Still Not As Formal As How Koushiro Used to Say "Arigatou Gozaimas" to Everyone, but Shane will say it in the way Shane's ComfortableTM with, Only Because Its KoushiroTM) ...You're the one who helped set up "The {Improved} Network" for the Inter-national Chosen Children, aren't you? I'm on it... KOUSHIRO: ... (Yes...) Yes, I'm aware of that... SHANE: (... Oh) Koushiro: ... But it wasn't until Hikaru-san recalled your old email address in full and surname that we were finally able to "find" you in our older database logs. (Because Shane was smart enough to *not* include first name and surname or initials as part of Shane's old messaging address. And didn't even "register" {Instead; Connected via Making Message Contact with Koushiro not long post-Adventure} under "Shane", but...) SHANE: ... Yeah. My birth name is "Shinji". "Shane" is my ""Americanized"" name but... SHANE: (Likes It For A Hidden Meaning, Too) Shane: ... I go by "Shane" to anyone not Hikaru and my family. Koushiro, NODDING: ... I understand. (*Genuine!*) SHANE: ... SHANE: (I thought Koushiro would be at least a bit of hot-shot person. But Koushiro's actually really modest.) Ken: (Koushiro does take Pride in Koushiro's Skills, though...) KEN: ... Koushiro-san, we were going to ask the two BlackTailmon staying with Hikaru-san too, but we also thought to ask someone else we... *must* speak to. KOUSHIRO: Koushiro: ... I see. (to Shane also) As well, Hikaru-san's new messaging address is also in my database, and I have Hikaru-san's old one as well... it's still active, and Hikaru-san still checks it. SHANE: ... (I was a bit Concerned if Hikaru DID...) SHANE: (... I don't want what pulled ME in to "The Void" to eventually pull HIKARU IN because they KNEW Hikaru's old one was one I was actively CONTACTING...) SHANE, Not relating that Now: ... I-I see. I figured that would be the case... (but Koushiro wasn't "seeing me" enough so I couldn't get Koushiro to pull me out of The Void completely. But in a way Koushiro still Helped...) I plan to Contact Hikaru, I just... wanted to make sure I had all the facts first. DAISUKE, also lingering behind both Shane & Ken but finally speaking up: I have Hikaru's messaging address! We talk to each other almost every day!! Oh, but sometimes Hikaru is busy with classes because Hikaru still has some at night, and I'm trying to get the shop open so-- SHANE: ... Later. KEN, NODDING: First, let's talk to... Koushiro, giving a small smile: ... Yes. It doesn't always like to show itself either. But... KOUSHIRO, Calling Out Gently: ... You can show yourself now. These people are on our side. BLACKTENTOMON: . . . . . BLACKTENTOMON, Slowly Appearing From Shadows: ... EVERYONE Except Koushiro: !!!!! SHANE: (It was there the whole time?!? Could it see me EVEN way back then?!?? But why didn't it Tell Koushiro---) Koushiro, gently, to BlackTentomon: I know you're wary of speaking at *all* to others, especially about... "what happened" in "that Time". But we all deeply require your help. Including ME... BLACKTENTOMON: ..... Tentomon: (It's been many years since it's spoken to any human not Koushiro-han {and Hikaru-han and those staying with Hikaru-han, like the BlackTailmon}.) {Watching from next to Koushiro-han} (I've spoken to it a couple times... but I can understand why it's daunting...) SHANE: ... Please. (As Formally As Shane Can Manage) BLACKTENTOMON, NODDING Just Once: Koushiro: (I'm not sure what to Expect, but if it's anything like back Then...) Koushiro: (...We have a lot of Information to Cover.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv ~ Tri + {Side} / {A.U.} Adventure: [2020 Reboot]) ~ AMV [Anime Music Video] - Tomodachi no Uta {Song of Friends} (sung by: Nanami Kashiyama) {from originating series: Kagerou Project} featuring DUO/O.T.P/Poly-ships: - {Main} KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi (Mimi x Koushiro x Taichi); - (Heavily Implied) KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [TaiKou+Chosen] / Shissou Word [Never-Lost Word] [(Yamatox)Sora(xMimi)(xJou)]+[TaiKou]+[Chosen] / My Funny Weekend [Mimi+Hikari+Chosen] / Kusanagi Attention [(Ken x)Miyako(x Hikari) (xDaisuke)+Mimi+02 Chosen+Advs Chosen (+TaiKou)] / Shinigami Record (Short Edit) [(+2020!)TaiKou] / [KSHRO’s]? Theory of Happiness [Adv~Tri TaiKou + Special Appearance] / Imaginary Reload (Music Edit Ver. 2) [Adv Chosen+2020 Chosen] / Children Record Re:Boot (Music Edit) / Children Record (Nijisanji Cover version)
Digimon Adventure{s} Franchise © Toei Animation & Bandai
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work * Please do not re-post, re-distribute, edit, or use my specific editing of any work in this series without asking my Permission! I do not allow my works to be re-produced for any usage, including A.I.!
There are some spoilers for Tri (mainly Ketsui); {as well as a much smaller ‘moment’ of Mimi & Sora from “Kyousei”}; a scenery spoiler from the very opening moments of “Kizuna” also included (No character is shown!), as well as scenes from DigiAdv 2020 Eps 49~50, which feature an important mid-end series (second-to-last big) battle. The 2nd to final scene included has audio left in (though I still have to add in subs); of that battle’s aftermath; {the enemy itself is not seen in this}
This A.M.V. is part of the “A.M.V.s Route” of my Digimon Adventures Koushiro Izumi-centric, semi canon compliant A.U.s series; REPEAT?_VERSE (Please note all notes on that series if you choose to view it!) This one is an A.U. spin-off of sorts, with a pretty, “calm” song, and can easily be watched as a stand-alone!
A fan-translation for the song (not by me) can be found here! You may want to read the lyrics first before watching!
Side ships, AMV specific notes, & Lyrics/Translation under ‘read more‘!
also featuring - {as Poly, Friendship or Side-shipping}: -- Michi / TaiMimi (Taichi x Mimi); -- JouMi (Jou x Mimi); -- YamaMimi (Yamato x Mimi); -- MimiSora (Mimi x Sora); -- MiMei (Mimi x Meiko); -- Yamato x Jou x Mimi x Sora (YamaJouraMi); {as canon-compliant!} - (so long as KouTai is still included somewhere, regardless of combinations above involved)
{Other Original Notes}:
This A.M.V. is currently technically incomplete; I’m aiming to see if I can add in a few finishing touches; (as well as sub-titles!) However, as this has already taken me 1 hour and 45 min or so of editing, along with another full hour of simply previewing; (And this was made during in-betweens of a large storm near my area on top of that!!); Those finishing touches may have to wait just a bit longer, so hopefully this pre-view can suffice!!
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I walk home alone in this transparent city.
In the depths of these tearful eyes, my vision blurs, and I can’t see.
Within this scenery that never changes, I found something precious to me.
I don’t want to lose it, so I’ll carry it with me forever.
Ever since I met you, so many radiant and gentle words have piled up over TIME.
They’ll always be here.
I look back on today, that was full of smiles and dreams, while holding your hand.
Yeah, I fell down and cried yesterday, even if it’s embarrassing to remember…
This “LIGHT” is so small, so blurry.
Yet it SHINES so softly, so KINDLY.
- Mimi, about Mimi’s Friends {in this A.U.}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro); [along with] (this work) KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi and etc. listed Poly-ships; please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship names and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship names!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch)- Episode 5
Okay, I feel like this episode was a return to form because it was character-focused, specifically on Iori this time. The episode's arc was basically about him gaining confidence to stand up for himself and building his relationship with his digimon partner.
Digimon introduced: Ebidramon
-I somehow only just realized that the cast-size is different this season. In Adventure 01 it was 7 kids but now we're down to 5 and 2 of them are repeats so it does feel kinda dinky in comparison. On the other hand, smaller casts are sometimes better for development because you can give each person more screen time. We'll see how they use it.
-They were kind of hinting at the parallels between Joe and Iori the whole episode and I was like "nah, he's definitely a Koushiro." Then Joe was like "he's both" and I felt vindicated lol
-I'm gonna need them to be more consistent with the "you can't evolve when there's a dark tower around!" thing. Like...armor evolutions don't count? Why? Is it a difference between the new and old digivices? -big shrug-
-I've always found Gomamon and Joe kinda awkward together, like they never fully bonded. They're more like business partners than friends lol.
-Daisuke continues to exist just to be dumb and annoying. It's not like I hate him or anything, he's just kind of there.
-Joe's hair has kind of a 1970s Hardy Boys vibe to it. Kinda feathered and flouncy. I think it suits his dorkiness.
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-I wonder what the inspiration was behind Iori's Digi-world outfit. It has a traditional, almost Indigenous look to it...
-The girls have been so sidelined. They could have been cut out of this episode and it wouldn't have made a difference. Waiting for a Miyako episode. She's appeared so little I keep forgetting her name! (Maybe she's the Sora of the season)
-Kendo is really cool and I'd love to see it IRL someday. I was surprised when Iori said he was going to the "police dojo." Police have dojos in Japan? Wha?
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luke-reviews-things · 4 years
Before I start reviewing Digimon Adventure: (2020) I want to give a little background to my thoughts on the parts of the franchise I've experienced up to now and how they inform my opinions on the reboot.
The original canon:
I watched the original Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 when I was a kid, probably around age 5-8. I never saw every episode but I saw most, and rewatched them in adulthood when they first released them on DVD in the UK. The reason I liked it as a kid is that it had a large cast of characters who all had real flaws and individual qualities that made them feel real. When I watched as an adult I really appreciated that it didn't shy away from Yamato's and Takeru's parents being divorced, Koushiro being adopted or the children experiencing grief when their friends and allies died. It also made it feel like there were real stakes in the story which made the experience all the more enjoyable.
Another main reason I liked it is because the characters actually aged between each series so in 02 we got to see more mature versions of the Digi-destined as well as new characters, who for the most part I liked. Their flaws grated on me a bit more than the original characters as they felt slightly more superficial. (Davis/Daisuke being obsessed with Kari being the major source of irritation.)
As far as Tri. is concerned, I enjoyed it 99% of the time. I didn't mind Meiko as a character or her partner. I felt the original characters got some good development even if it was a little rushed in places. (Biyomon and Sora's relationship in the fourth movie particularly stands out to me.) I would also have liked to see the 02 kids properly and did feel it was out of character for the original kids to not worry about them for the most part. I hear this is addressed in the new movie but I haven't seen that yet so can't really comment.
The last major thing I enjoyed about the original is that it was partially set in the real world. I'm a sucker for anime/fantasy series set in the real world and as much as I love the digital world, I really enjoy it when the characters are hanging out in Japan or even battling in the real world. That sentiment will definitely tie in to my thoughts on the reboot.
As a whole I really enjoyed the old canon (Kizuna excluded for now) but I don't expect the reboot to follow it too closely, nor do I think they should. We've already seen the old version, give us something new and different rather than repeating the same old stories and format.
Finally, I think it's fair to say my favourite characters in the original were Yamato and Gabumon plus Joe and Gomamon. However in Tri. I really enjoyed the focus on Joe and Mimi as characters in the second movie, that scene in the rain is one of the few times I cried watching Tri.
Basically I love Digimon and I'm very excited for what the new series has in store!
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (20/21)
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier. 
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo . . . 
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5: SCENE 4: LIONHEART  (Chapter after the cut)
“Why?” the old man ask as soon as the knife penetrate his skin, the surprise take all the strench that remains on his body, he didn't fight, he didn't scream, he just repeat “Why?” 
But Henry didn't answered  to his corpse, he left the room of his former allie as quiet as he entered, he has a fair mision, not good or noble, but fair. 
Kill the spies, prove his loyalty, serve the King 
The death of the counselor was  scandalous; a member of the court stabbed on his own bedroom;  all the castle shake with fear, everybody talked about the  silver knife nail over the body and the beautiful symbol engraved on the handle: a  flower with diamonds as petals, the symbol of the light 
The king was there when Henry inspected the room, he, the trusty adviser, the wiser; the one in charge of investigate his own crime, Takato really was that naive, kill him would be so easy. 
To be fair, Henry had not be his first choice, Takato instanly search for Ruki, but she denied it, is the work of a coward  she said pretending to know nothing, what an amazing liar. 
Gallant lick the blood of the carpet before it could be clean it and  the Lion buried the body and burn all of the gathering. 
In all the palace no one cried the dead of counselor as the Queen, such a crime was no common on Piramide, they were used to fights at coliseum, the honor to die with your opponent in front of you; but for Takato, raised on the old temple, a childhood on the cult, killing on the dark was expected; he fails at comforting his wife. 
The lion carried her around the castle, throwing suspicious and curses to anyone who come closer, doing the job he had done all his life: be the champion of the Queen.
 “Is the work of your enemies your majesty” Henry Wong asure kneeling in front of the King and Queen 
“How?” Takato tried to look compose and fails “How did they surpass our defenses?” 
“and why him? “ Yuri  as usually asked the questions that Takato would never ask “Why send an  from a old man when the Queen and KIng live in the same castle?” 
“I don't know” he standed up and spoke calm and slowly   “But i promise i will found out” 
“Tenemos que prepararnos” the queen continues “we must reinforce the castle, bend the guard…” Lion was beside her, nodding with his head after every order 
“Excuse me?” 
“Momantai” he repeat “Is mean no te preocupes” he turns to Takato “Not to worry” 
“How i cannot be worried if a man is killed in my own castle” Yuri yells, send wàs so little,he could take her down with no effort; The Lion standed up.
“Because that man was a target” still serene he continues “ just think about it, someone entered the castle and only attack an old council, not you or the King, my guess is that is personal, not only that, my thought is that no one really break into the castle, it was an inside job” 
He felt Ruki eyes over him, the entire court gasped, the queen sobed
“the guards saw nothing, the lock was not forced, there was no sign of a fight, the murderer was someone the council knew, someone he trusted, the murderer is a member of this castle, probably a spy from the light” 
The gasp became a scream, and the sob became tears 
“And you tell me not to worried about it?” 
“Gallant is with you all the time,  the Lion protect the Queen, and now that we are aware of this spy he or she would not be able to act without been caught”  he bow “Momantai” and excuse himself out of the audience. 
“Are you out of your mind?”  Ruki follow him  “what is wrong with you?” 
“the best lies are the ones who begins with the true” 
“Don't mess with me Wong!” she come closer “just tell me who the others spies are and i would handle it! this is way out of you control!” 
“Wong!” another figure run to them 
“I don't take orders from you!” 
“Just do it!” and very much to her regret she obeyed
“Wong!” a man approached to him, he was sweating despite the cold weather “Wong! we need to talk, the counselor! what you said¡” the man searched for a safe place to speak “ are we in danger?” 
Ruki recognized him as one of the guard
“listen” a little tremble on his voice, subtle and fake “my hope is that whoever is behind this crime would panic after my declaration, I only act by the command of the alchemist” 
“Did you speak with him?” both men whispered but Ruki was able to listen  “What did he said?” 
“What I need to know, I told you, I merely  follow his instructions” one hand over his shoulder “I trust in his guide, if my purpose is to die for the light, then it will be” 
The man become a young boy at his words 
“Yes, yes of course” he mumble “I, i think the same, i just… im use to the life in this city” 
“Are you coming outside of the light my friend?” 
“No! of course not, im sorry for bothering you is just.. i have doubs” 
“Doubs about the true of the light or about our lider? 
 the fear on his face was enough  answer
Ruki come out of her hide at the same time he running away 
“Nervous men make stupid mistakes” 
“Dont lecture me” she was not convince “this is gonna explode in your face, let me help you” 
“You are helping” he sigh “The king would recognize your murder technique in an instant, I´ll do it, one by one until the last one snap” 
“or you…” 
“I´m calm” he breath, exasperate “I´m in control” even when he was thinking in a millions ways of break her neck
Ruki look at him with her big menacing eyes “Koushiro train you well” 
“I never told you he was my teacher” 
“You didn't have to” but she pause, as  if she was afraid “don't forget why are we doing this, our goal” and she look back at the throne room, the King smile as he talk and welcome the audiences, the light shine over Takato crown making him look almost divine “Only a child of the sun must reight over the living land” 
“For the glory of the house of courage” 
 “For the glory of the house of courage!” she repeat, hoping that he knew what he was doing, hoping that trust in him would not be as disastrous as it was trusting his teacher.
That night the archers of the wall shoot the guard who tried to escape at the middle of the night.  
Two days later one of the maids  throw herself from one window 
One of the gardeners was found floating on the south fountain one week later 
His work was almost done, one last victim and it would be over. 
He called him to met on the garden at dawn, at diference of the others this time they will fight, Henry will won, then he will drag his corpse to the King chamber claiming that he was the perpetrator, ending all doubs over his persona and bringing peace at the castle. 
The last spy  appear at dawn, as planning,  sweating and at the edge of tears, the oldest sidesman of the castle. Henry feel the rush on his blood, still he remains calm. 
“My friend” he said with a smile, barely controlling his excitement “i´m so happy that  you come to me in this our darkest moment” 
 “I´m sorry” he barely whisper,  something was wrong
Another figure emerged between the leaves, tall as a three, strong and proud, The lion looked at him as you can only see the traitors 
“se terminó Wong” he roar 
“Dear light” he turn to the old man “What had you done?” 
“The right thing my friend” his grind was peacefully but twisted “ the right thing” 
 “You…” Henry rush   “You old snitch” 
“hard words on the mouth of a spy” the Lion was still there, with his old chain and ball “I didn't want to believe it” 
“but is true” the sideman step back as he talked “ Wong is the one who communicate with the great alchemist, he had been an informant for him since before the King even married our queen” 
“As same as you!” 
“but he come to me with the true, he regret his past  and swear the rest of his life in favor of Piramide” 
“I´m in favor of Piramide!” Henry need to thing faser, “I´m purging all the light of this city” 
“All except you” 
“That was not...!” 
“Liar!” the heavy chain hit the floor, Henry need to act, The lion would not fail a second time. 
He need a strategy, a way out, he need to focus, to think, he would not follow into dispair; the firmest tree is the only one that can stand the storm 
“I´m not following the orders of the alquemist…” he said trying to stay calm 
“You called this man to murder him, just as you had murder so many others, you attack them from the back and  set them up as accidents, rejecting the honorable pat of a true warrior, do you denied those crimes?” 
“No, but listen…” if only he could explain 
“You lied about your loyalties, you share the secrets of the crown with their enemies” 
“I´m loyal to the king!” his plea sound empty “My only concern is the safety of the King!” 
The lion speak since his hearth “And i only live to protect my Queen” 
The queen, the fragile girl who cried with every dead, and those tears where his sentence, the Lion would kill him for bringing pain to  the monarch 
Even then, he keep breathing, he search for an exit, a distraction, an opportunity 
But then he hear the laugh of the sideman, his bitter utterly obnoxious laugh, suddenly it's fill all his thoughts, all his mind, the mocking of a buffon; he didn't care for the King, or the Kingdom or the magic or the Courage, he was a man manipulating the true to his benefit; Henry get mad at seen at him, not for the imminent death but for how much he could see himself in that elder. 
The calm before the storm was over. . . 
“Wong! Henry stop!” The hand of Ruki hold his wrist, he drop the chain and the ball fall to a pool  of blood,  his eyesight was blurry, his coat was dyed red, to his right the inert body of the old man lay on the ground “What are you doing?” 
What was he doing?
Breath… breath…  he remains  himself and stand up, the ground feel warm, under him layed another body, in horror he saw the lion heads crush on the floor, more than fourteen stabs on his back, with total security injuries perpetrated by his hand
“It's dawning, come on Wong, we have to clean up this disaster”
“Its to late” he remain inmobil, perplexe by the unspoken crimes, soon screams shocked the wind around him, the life in the palace begins early. 
A monster roar, the King was near and he was covered in rot and violence, he did not stand the storm, he was the storm. 
“Run!” Ruki commanded at the same time that she throw over him a dark water.  And what else he could do. 
Henry jumped and ran the faster, the monsters of the King would smell the blood and start follow him at any second. But they didn’t, Henry saw the dark shadow of Ruki colecting every drop of blood that fall from his body. The warrior didn´t stop until the water of the sea had cover him to head to toe. When the shadow of Ruki let him he stayed under the ocean, hopping for the salt water to clean his concience and clean his doubs. He noticed that he still had the heavy weapon of León on his hand, it was drowing him at the deptest of the blue. Henry colected his stregnth  and get out of the water.
The King watch horrified. The corpses of Leon and the old coin advisor were on the floor. There was blood and human parts all over the place. 
“It must had been an ugly battle” Ruki said 
“What?” Takato asked incredulous “Why León would fight an old man?”
“He was obviusly hidden his force, but they kill each other, that is clear” Ruki spoke with force and saw how Takato believed her “we found our killer”
“What?” the child repeated
“One of them was the killer and the other his last victim” 
A heartrending scream cut the conversation. 
Takato turned over himself and hold his trembling wife. 
“León!” The Queen cry and scream as she fallen over the corpse of his protector. 
The King hold her. The three sauros get together and howl. Ruki commanded the guard and get shure to clean everything. 
The murders stopped and for three months the castle cover its standar of black. The Queen stopped to cry a week after the body was buried, but she wasn’t talking anymore. The King hold her hand and talk to her, but her eyes failed to look at him. 
The Queen versed over herself and The King versed over her pale Queen. 
The throne of Piramide was weak.
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