#RC Airplanes
gtsvideos2 · 1 year
RC Flight School 101 - Welcome to the Next Level
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0rion5212 · 13 days
Spade, (in depth blueprints).
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dprs99 · 2 years
It Was Hard to Sell My Radio Controlled Airplanes
It Was Hard to Sell My Radio Controlled Airplanes
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View On WordPress
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humanoidhistory · 1 month
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From the draft folder. (via)
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thegodofhellfire · 1 day
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peanutsairplanes · 8 months
✈ KWIK STICK, diseño realizado para el número 191 de RC Model.
📸 Año 1.997
📄 En noviembre de 1.973 la revista americana RC Modeler publicó un diseño de George Chabot bajo el título "Kwik Stick", que a la vez estaba basado en otro mítico diseño anterior: el Ugly Stick.
Para rendir homenaje a estos dos modelos, y a sus autores, realicé un diseño actualizado pero basado en la misma filosofía de simplicidad, rapidez y economía.
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glorodavionics · 1 year
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Glorod Avionics is a leading organization in the field of RC plane and RC aircraft manufacturing. The team at Glorod Avionics is driven by a passion for their work and is dedicated to creating top-quality products for their customers. Their expertise in the industry and commitment to innovation make them a trusted name in the world of RC aircraft. Whether you're a seasoned RC pilot or a beginner, Glorod Avionics has the right solution for your needs.
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eraauthor98 · 2 years
<h1>The Complete Guide to Artists Who Can Draw Anything with a Pencil, Paper Art & Drawing</h1>
What is Paper Art & Drawing, and How does it Work?
Paper art is drawing on paper with the use of ink and watercolors. Paper art can be traced from traditional Asian art to more modern forms. Paper art is a form of drawing that can be traced back to ancient Asia, a popular form of expression. It started as a way for people to express themselves uniquely, using their unique style and creativity. Drawing on paper with ink and watercolors allows artists to create unique works without worrying about the limitations of working with other materials like paint or charcoal. https://electricrctoys.co.uk/product-category/melodica/ come from this technique, such as creating beautiful works without any mess or hassle and working in total privacy when desired.
Artists Who Can Draw with a Paper Art & Drawing and What They're Doing Now
Paper art is an ancient art form that various cultures worldwide have practiced. It is also an art form that is slowly being revived and adapted to contemporary times. Artists are now using different materials and techniques to create their paper art. Some artists use digital tools to create their work, while others use traditional methods such as pencils, markers, watercolors, and other traditional materials. This article will provide some insight into how artists are drawing with paper in the present day and what they're doing now.
Ways to Draw Like an Artist in 5 Minutes or Less
If you want to know how to draw like an artist, this article is for you. It will teach you the basics of drawing and getting started in drawing. 1. Get a piece of paper or a canvas 2. Draw pyramid soundproof foam on the paper or canvas with your pencil 3. Start drawing something with your pencil, for example, a face 4. Keep going until you're done
How Paper Art & Drawing is Revolutionizing the Way People Create & Express Themselves Today
Art has the power to change people's moods and make them feel more alive. It is also a way for people to express themselves, their emotions, and their thoughts. It isn't easy to find a person who doesn't like art. Art has been around for centuries, but it has only recently evolved into something new: Paper Art & Drawing. Paper Art & Drawing is an art form that uses paper as the medium of expression. It can be used in many different ways: as a tool for self-expression, creativity, or even as an artistic medium itself.
Paper Art & Drawing as Part of the New "Digital Artist" Movement?
The new digital art movement is a movement that includes the use of digital art tools, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These tools are used to create digital artwork. The benefits of this movement are many. It allows artists to create their work on a computer instead of using traditional materials like pencils, paper, and paint. It also allows artists to explore new mediums and techniques that they may not have been able to before. For example, an artist can take a photo or scan an image of their drawing and use it as a texture in their artwork, or they can use the image as the outline for their drawing if they want it to be more realistic in appearance.
How to Draw Like a Pro with Paper Art & Drawing
Drawing is a great way to express yourself. It can be done on different surfaces like paper, canvas, and even walls. There are many ways to draw, and in this article, we will focus on some of the most popular ways of drawing. Drawing is not just about art but also creativity. It would be best if you were not afraid to experiment with your style and learn new techniques with time. The most important thing when you start drawing is to take the time to observe your surroundings and find inspiration from them. - Observe people around you who have good posture, body language, etc. - Find a place that has good lighting conditions for drawing - Find an object that has geometric lines or shapes that you want to draw - Find something interesting or unique
Ways to Get Started with Paper Art & Drawing
Paper art is a type of art that uses paper as the primary medium. It can be used to create anything from artwork to collages and even sculptures. Anyone can do paper art with a creative mind and a pencil in their hand. There are airplane fighting games to get started with paper art. Some of the ways include: - Using old newspapers - Using magazines - Drawing on top of old photographs - Creating collages
Top Awesome Ways to Use Paper Art & Drawing in Your Home or Office
This is a list of the top incredible ways to use paper art and drawing in your home or office. 1) As a decoration: You can hang it on the wall or place it on your desk as a decoration. 2) As an alternative to wallpaper: You can draw on your walls and create an entirely new look for your home.
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3) As a DIY craft project: You can make some cool art projects with paper and other materials, such as origami, collages, and more.
A Brief History of Paper Art & Drawing and How the Digital Era is Disrupting the Tradition
Paper art & drawing was a tradition that has been around for centuries. With the advent of the digital era, paper art is becoming less popular. The digital era is disrupting the tradition of paper art and drawing. This section will read about how Paper Art & Drawing has been around for centuries and how the digital era is disrupting its many uses.
History of Paper Art & Drawing in China and Europe
Paper art has been around since ancient China. It was used as a medium for illustration, calligraphy, and painting. In the late 18th century, paper became a popular material in Europe. The popularity of paper art in Europe significantly increased during the 19th century. There was an increase of interest in using paper as an artistic medium due to its low cost and availability. Paper art is still popular today, with many people using it for various purposes such as making cards or greeting cards.
The Story of Paper Art & Drawing in the USA
Paper art and drawing have been a part of American culture for centuries. Despite the rise of digital technology, paper remains a popular medium for artists. The Story of Paper Art & Drawing in the USA: - From cave drawings to modern-day pieces, paper art and drawing have been an essential part of American culture since the beginning. - The first piece of paper was found in China around 10,000 BC, but it wasn't until Europeans arrived in America that paper became widely used. - In the late 1800s, when printing became more mainstream and affordable, many artists switched from painting to drawing on paper. - Today, many artists are still drawn to this medium because it's easier than painting or sculpting on a canvas.
The Rise of Digital Drawing Tools and How it's Changing Modern Painting and Illustration
With the rise of digital drawing tools, artists have found new ways to express themselves on a canvas. These digital drawing tools are changing the way modern painters and illustrators work. The most popular digital drawing tool is Adobe Illustrator, which has been with us for a long time. This is mainly due to its versatility and versatility. It's also easy to use and inexpensive compared to other tools like Photoshop. However, artists can use other powerful software in their work today, such as Sketchbook Pro, ArtRage, or Krita. Digital painting has been around for a long time, but it has started becoming more popular with the rise of digital drawing tools. Many benefits come from using these kinds of software in your work since they help you create your style without having it.
The Future of Paper Art & Drawing in a Digital World
Paper art & drawing is dying art form in the digital world. However, it is still a captivating and beautiful way to express oneself. A paper artist creates their work using various materials such as pencils, pens, paint, watercolor, and pastels. The materials are then applied on paper in different colors to create the desired effect. This article discusses the impact of technology on the future of paper art and how artists can adapt to this changing environment. It also presents some solutions for artists who want to keep up with the digital world. Visit Us Now.
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campbelltownhobbies · 35 minutes
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From Kits to Collections: The World of Plastic Aircraft Models
Introduction to Plastic Aircraft Models
Welcome to the fascinating world of plastic aircraft models! Whether you're a seasoned model enthusiast or just starting out, the realm of plastic airplane toys offers endless possibilities for creativity and enjoyment. Join us on an exciting journey as we explore the art of crafting detailed replicas of these iconic flying machines.
Building Techniques and Tips
When it comes to building plastic aircraft models, there are various techniques and tips that can help you achieve a professional-looking final product. One key tip is to carefully read the instructions before starting as they often contain valuable information on assembly steps and painting guidelines.
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Before assembling your model, make sure to clean the parts thoroughly to remove any mold release agents or debris that could affect bonding. Use a sharp hobby knife for precise cutting and sand down any rough edges for seamless fits. Test fitting components before gluing them together can save you from potential mistakes later on.
Consider investing in quality modelling tools such as tweezers, clamps, and brushes for better precision during the construction process. When painting your model, thin your paints with acrylic thinner for smoother coats and let each layer dry completely before applying the next one.
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Experiment with weathering techniques like dry brushing or washes to add depth and realism to your model. Practice patience throughout the building process; rushing can lead to errors that may be difficult to correct later on.
Plastic model planes
Campbelltown Hobbies - Plastic model planes have come a long way in terms of quality and detail, making them a favourite pastime for both hobbyists and collectors alike. Whether you are just starting or have been building plastic aircraft models for years, there is always something new to learn and explore in this fascinating world.
So, go ahead, pick up your favourite plastic airplane toy kit or collection, unleash your creativity, and let your imagination take flight with these incredible miniature replicas of aviation marvels!
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rclipobattery · 4 months
Signs It's Time to Replace Your Airplane Battery
Flying high in the sky is an exhilarating experience, but it's essential to ensure that every component of an aircraft is in top-notch condition, including its battery. In this guide, we'll explore the crucial signs that indicate it's time to replace your airplane battery, ensuring your safety and peace of mind.
I. Importance of Airplane Battery Maintenance
Your airplane's battery is like its heart, providing the necessary power to start engines and run critical systems. Regular maintenance ensures smooth operations and prevents unexpected breakdowns.
II. Understanding Aircraft Batteries
Aircraft batteries come in various types, each with its unique characteristics and lifespan expectations. Knowing the type installed in your aircraft helps in proper maintenance planning.
III. Safety Precautions
Prioritizing battery safety is paramount. Failing batteries can pose significant risks, including electrical fires and loss of essential systems mid-flight.
IV. Monitoring Battery Health
Regular inspections and utilizing diagnostic tools are key to detecting early signs of battery degradation. These proactive measures can prevent emergencies.
V. Signs of Battery Degradation
Keep an eye out for diminished starting power, irregular voltage readings, and visible signs of corrosion or leakage. These are clear indicators that your battery might be nearing the end of its lifespan.
VI. Environmental Factors Impacting Battery Life
Extreme temperatures, high humidity levels, and improper storage conditions can accelerate battery deterioration. Storing your aircraft in a suitable environment is crucial for prolonging battery life.
VII. Manufacturer Recommendations
Following OEM guidelines and adhering to scheduled maintenance routines ensures optimal battery performance and longevity.
VIII. Aircraft Usage Considerations
The frequency of flights and duration of storage impact battery health. Even if your aircraft is not in use frequently, regular checks are necessary to maintain battery integrity.
IX. Professional Assessment
Seeking professional inspection from aviation experts provides an expert evaluation of your battery's health and recommendations for replacement if necessary.
X. Testing Procedures
Load testing methods and electrolyte testing techniques are employed to assess battery health accurately. These tests help identify underlying issues that may not be apparent through visual inspection alone.
XI. Cost Analysis
While the expense of battery replacement may seem daunting, proactive maintenance ultimately saves money by preventing costly emergencies and system failures.
XII. Regulatory Compliance
Adhering to FAA requirements for battery maintenance is not only a legal obligation but also ensures the safety of your aircraft and passengers. Neglecting battery health can have severe legal implications.
XIII. Risk Mitigation Strategies
Having backup power alternatives and being familiar with emergency procedures can mitigate risks associated with battery failure, providing added safety measures during flights.
XIV. Extending Battery Lifespan
Implementing proper charging techniques and adhering to maintenance best practices can significantly extend the lifespan of your airplane battery, saving you time and money in the long run.
XV. Case Studies
Examining real-life scenarios of battery failures provides valuable insights and lessons learned, highlighting the importance of proactive maintenance and vigilance.
XVI. Future Technological Trends
Advancements in battery technology continue to revolutionize the aviation industry, offering more efficient and reliable power sources, which will further enhance safety and performance.
XVII. Summary of Key Points
Replacing your airplane battery isn't just a routine task; it's a critical aspect of aircraft maintenance that ensures safety and reliability. By understanding the signs of battery degradation and taking proactive measures, you can avoid potential emergencies and keep your flights smooth and secure.
XVIII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the typical lifespan of an airplane battery?
The lifespan of an airplane battery varies depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and environmental conditions. However, on average, it ranges from 3 to 5 years.
How often should I inspect my airplane battery?
It's recommended to inspect your airplane battery during routine maintenance checks and before every flight. Regular inspections help detect early signs of degradation and prevent potential issues.
Are there warning signs before a battery fails completely?
Yes, there are several warning signs, including diminished starting power, irregular voltage readings, and visible corrosion or leakage. Paying attention to these signs can help you identify when it's time to replace your battery.
Can I replace my airplane battery myself?
While some minor maintenance tasks can be performed by aircraft owners, replacing the airplane battery should be done by certified aviation professionals to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.
What should I do if my battery fails mid-flight?
In the event of a battery failure mid-flight, pilots are trained to follow emergency procedures and utilize backup power sources if available. It's essential to remain calm, communicate with air traffic control, and prioritize the safety of passengers and crew.
Ensuring the health and reliability of your airplane battery is crucial for safe and smooth flights. By staying vigilant, following maintenance guidelines, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can prevent potential emergencies and enjoy worry-free flying experiences.
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stone-cold-groove · 4 months
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A Republic XF-12 prototype in a commercial airliner configuration.
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Flying Off of Water Blew My Mind | Porco Rosso | Sea Angel
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0rion5212 · 13 days
The NCCF2 Harpy, (basic blueprints).
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dynamhobby · 10 months
Dynam P-47D Thunderbolt V2 Hun Hunter XVI RC Airplane
It is the upgraded version (V2) of the Dynam P-47D Thunderbolt. With its striking design and impressive performance capabilities, this Dynam P47-D Thunderbolt V2 Hun Hunter XVI aircraft will turn heads on the ground and in the air.
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delstonejr · 11 months
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On May 27 I visited the local RC aeroclub at the invitation of Lee Prestwood. Hmmm. A new hobby? Perhaps down the road.
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peanutsairplanes · 8 months
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✈ KWIK STICK, diseño realizado para el número 191 de RC Model.
📸 Año 1.997
📄 En noviembre de 1.973 la revista americana RC Modeler publicó un diseño de George Chabot bajo el título "Kwik Stick", que a la vez estaba basado en otro mítico diseño anterior: el Ugly Stick.
Para rendir homenaje a estos dos modelos, y a sus autores, realicé un diseño actualizado pero basado en la misma filosofía de simplicidad, rapidez y economía.
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