oklotea · 1 year
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Here's a little dexven doodle I made a few days ago, featuring my face claims for them! :DDD GAGAHAHHA I'M DEXVEN TRASH AND I MISS THEM AND I WISH THEY WERE WRITTEN BETTER LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO HEAR ME GUSH ABOUT THEM
Maybe I'll clean this up if I have the motivation to lol
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authorwaynelynn · 11 months
A/N: As my first post, I wanna share an original work of mine and I hope you all enjoy reading this. If the feedback is plentiful, I shall continue to share more of this story in here. ^^
Story summary
Jessie is a 22 year-old living in the ground floor of his landlord's home with his dog, struggling to get by as a college student with a decent enough salary. He keeps having these strange dreams involving a raven-haired girl whom he's sure he's never seen before, until a fateful encounter with said girl leads him into a world he believed only existed in myths...
New York City. The city that never sleeps.
Many bustled through the streets during the late-night hours, as the city lights invited everyone to come out and have a good time wandering from one hotspot to the other. Amongst the crowd, a bespectacled crimson-haired young man walked down the path to the subway entrance just ahead, looking behind him every so often. With the bust of Terminus greeting him at the top of the steps, he headed down, his feet light, almost gliding across the stone and metal.
The station was still pretty crowded to the right, even for this late in the evening. Looking to the left, there was only a single girl standing near one of the pillars, and he could tell that she was a bit taller than he was. She was raven-haired, and it covered the right side of her face. She carried an overall goth aesthetic, judging by the dark eyeliner, nails and lipstick. That, coupled with the all-dark clothing, made her appear almost grayscale. The one thing about her that did not seem to match was the scarlet dragon tattoo on her right arm.
She stared at the rails, likely listening in for the train, but then directed her gaze at him. As soon as their eyes met, hers looked startled, before she turned and started walking away. He watched her retreating form for a bit and then began following her at a distance. She picked up the pace somewhat, while he kept at the same speed trailing towards her. She looked behind her and once again gave him that alarmed look, full-on sprinting. So he decided to throw caution to the wind and likewise ran full-speed, catching up to her with ease.
"Think he's still after us?"
She grinned and looked behind her once more.
"I think we lost him."
They both chuckled as they got on the train right as it left. They sat down on an empty corner of the car, catching their breath as the train took them away from the mess they had gotten themselves into.
"Good evening we are having, it seems, Jess."
"Indeed it seems, Mags. Now, at least."
She giggled as she nudged him in the chest with her elbow.
"Oh c'mon, it's been a fun game of tag to play while gambling with our lives."
He crossed his arms while setting his right leg up on his left.
"Well, the part where I fell in the fountain was definitely not one of my most dignified moments, as I recall."
She full-on burst into laughter, almost losing her balance on the train seat. He held her before she could fall, groaning at how she found hilarity in his misfortune. He could notice some stare at the odd scene, averting their gaze soon after.
"Hah-hah, I got all wet, comedy gold. C'mon, it's not that funny."
She was leaning onto him for support as her maniacal fit of giggles kept turning her face a darker and darker shade of fuchsia each passing second.
"Ok, ok, prō Juppiter, calm down. Lest you rush to meet your dad again so soon."
At the mention of her father, she restrained herself in an instant, though her chest still spasmed a bit from the giggles begging to be let out.
"Well played, Jessie, well played."
"I learned from the best."
He gave her a cheeky smile and she raised her brow.
"If you think a compliment and a smug grin are all that's gonna take to get us to have s-"
Before she could finish the thought, a giant bear-like hand engulfed in dark flames burst through the ceiling. It left a huge open gap in the middle of the car, even as the train continued to travel forward like nothing happened. All the occupants on the other side of the car fled at once to the next one, panicked.
From the newly-wrecked fissure came forth a gargantuan dark beast with massive bull horns protruding from its temples and sharp crocodile teeth, its eyes two bluish flames.
"Ita Mercurius nōs amet."
Something was wrong, but all he could do was wait and hope.
The beast turned its head towards the two passengers left, its sight zeroing in on the girl. It flashed a menacing grin before bellowing towards the sky. As soon as its booming roar shook the whole place, several fiends identical to it crawled onto the train.
The beast gave out its will in its own words, which were well understood by the young man, translated in his mind to his native Latin.
Ad mortem puerum, ad salūtem puellam
"Lead the boy to death. The girl, salvation."
The two stood side-by-side, her wielding an ax, him a sword. Her previously dark hair floated upwards burning like a great candle flame, and her skin became pitch-black. His teeth were tinged red, as his hair darkened, and his face covered in dark vein-like scars. Both had eyes the color of blood instead of their usual dark hue.
Why was the beast still here?... The thought gnawed at him.
The fiends kept approaching, the beast right behind.
"On three. One…"
One of the fiends readied an attack.
It jumped right at the man.
She jumped to the side and he crouched, as a portal materialized on the door behind him. Out of it sprung a black wolf and a red dragon. The wolf sank its teeth into the fiend and tore it to pieces, while the dragon flew ahead incinerating the rest.
"Svaka čast, Oggie!"
The wolf turned towards the man as he called, and began sprinting towards him.
The girl ran as fast as she could, but the beast was quicker, crushing the wolf under its colossal hand. The dragon began to fly back to the girl, but the flames covering the beast expanded and swallowed him, as they continued to grow towards the two.
They seemed stuck in place all of a sudden. The fire was mere inches away. She looked back at the man, and that was the first time he ever saw true fear in her eye. That kicked his whole body back into overdrive.
He hurried to pull her into the portal with him as she reached out her hand. He grabbed her, but the fire consumed her then. As it did him.
He woke up with such a violent jerk that he fell off his bed and hit his head on the bedside table.
Still agitated, scrambling to get his glasses, he put them on and checked his phone. 5 AM. He was in his room. No train, no fire, no dragon, no wolf, no beast, no girl. He sank to the floor, resting his back against his bed. He heard his dog whimpering behind the door, so he got up and let him in, getting back to where he sat. As he petted the Cane Corso, he kept replaying the insane dream he had just had over in his mind. The weirdest part was how he recalled every single detail about it, something he had only managed with two other dreams so far.
Out of everything featured in it, he was most intrigued by the girl. Every other aspect of his outlandish fantasy could be chalked up to his fertile imagination, except for her.
Her looks, from the raven black hair that covered one of her eyes to the goth make-up, even down to her more… "alluring" features, brought to his mind the image of his ideal girl he had described countless times to his friends. And this was not the first dream of his she had featured in either. He knew for a fact he had never once laid eyes on her, either in real life or online. He just knew. He also knew one could not dream with people they had never seen before, as the brain could not invent faces. So how?
Even if he had seen her before, it would have only been in passing. Certainly not enough to commit such a vivid image of her to memory. And that still would not explain why she was present alongside all the other stuff his mind had conjured up: the beast, the sword, the wolf…
Snapping out of his reverie, he noticed he was no longer petting his dog, who was watching him intently, as if aware of what was going on in his mind. A ridiculous thought, of course. Despite their short yet close bond, neither he nor his dog had achieved telepathy. Though he could not help but stare back at the mastiff, almost recognizing something familiar in his features… Man, he was playing way too many role-playing games lately…
The dog turned towards the window, suddenly alert, as if waiting for something to arrive from afar. He followed his line of sight, looking at the woods on top of the hills, barely visible on the edge of town against the still-dark sky. When he looked back, his dog had left the room.
Although it was still very early in the morning, he figured he was not going to be able to get any more shut-eye after the whole "freakish dream" ordeal. So he got up and went to the bathroom to shower. There was no hot shower in this house according to the landlord, so he had gotten used to taking cold showers even during winter and autumn, as it then was.
He let the frigid water wash his back as he stared at the polished concrete floor. His reflection stared back at him, and for the briefest instant, he swore he saw a different image projected onto the surface. A man blue-eyed, brunette, bearded and buff. Unlike him in every way. When he bent down to take a closer look, however, he saw himself once again, so he chalked that one up to his sleep deprivation.
Done showering and drying himself off, he stood in front of the mirror, scrutinizing his appearance like he did every morning. The unkempt hair and goatee, as red as a rose, were a constant reminder of his status as an outcast. As well as his eyes, which the doctors diagnosed early on as having aniridia, a condition which, as the name suggests, meant he had no iris, just a really large pupil. The only person close to him who never saw him as a freak for these things was the landlord, who was the nicest old lady he knew.
He brushed his hand across his face, feeling the roughness of the skin, marred by the scars left behind by those loathsome pimples, who even at his 22 years of age continued to plague his already hideous complexion. Not only his face, they infested his neck and traveled down his chest, covered his arms and legs and filled his back; his entire scrawny frame acne-ridden. The only places spared this fate were… yeah, those.
Focusing back on his face, he leaned closer to his image on the reflective surface and noticed the dark circles that looked very prominent a few days ago had faded a bit, despite the fact he got even less sleep this time around. This kind of oddity with the way his body worked was nothing new to him. Most days he would feel like shit, barely getting a proper rest and being extremely irritable, but then he would wake up a bit refreshed for some reason two weeks or so later. He had zero clue as to how he was still alive at this point with his many poor habits.
Well, not entirely true. He did know that the landlord was the biggest reason he remained somewhat healthy. After every few days of him subsisting only on whatever cheap takeout he could afford with his semi-decent wages, he would come home to find without fail several meals prepared for the next two to three days, as well as the fridge restocked with some traditional medicinal mixtures. The note left on the counter always read the same singular word: Eat. It did not read like an order, more like an invitation. Someone genuinely concerned for his well-being. That was a rare sight…
The little cynic in him would at times say she only did this to secure her stable tenant, as a means to keep the money coming in every month, but he told that little shit to shut the fuck up. This new life of his was already infinitely more bearable than the hell he spent the first 21 years of his life in. He would not allow himself to dwell any further in self-misery, so he would hold on to the more positive thinking, even if it was only wishful. Better dead than back with them, either way…
Realizing he already spent way too much time standing naked in the bathroom, even if there was no one around, he opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed the only item inside, his toothbrush. After brushing them, like always, he examined his teeth, who were weirdly serrated and sharp, even beyond the canines. No dentist ever bothered to understand what exactly his condition was, and though they told his parents that it was nothing serious and they had already done a thorough check on it, he knew they were the type of people who were just happy to take their money and get the “freak” dealt with before they got their fingers bit off.
He gathered his pajamas and went back to his room, putting them back on his bedside drawer, before getting a fresh set of clothes and heading to the kitchen. It was a Sunday, and though he did not have to attend any classes, he still had work to do for the company in about four hours from then. So he figured he would make himself some semblance of breakfast and use that time to study for the exams coming up next week.
He walked into the kitchen, just big enough to fit him and the mastiff in it, and opened the fridge, getting some cheese and ham, along with the bread he kept on top of it, to make himself a sandwich. Not necessarily the greatest meal to start a day, but it would do. He still could not cook to save his life, but since the cookware was not technically his, he was not going to try to learn it and risk damaging something. So he just threw everything together along with some butter and black pepper and went to the living room to get his notes and textbooks.
He found his dog staring out the window, watching the woods still, like something or someone was about to come out from them. He jumped away all of a sudden, and a second later there was the sound of something hard hitting the side of the house.
He left the half-eaten sandwich inside and opened the window, looking around. Turning to the right, he nearly hit his head on the rail from the shock of seeing the ax stuck to the exterior wall. Where did that come from?!
He rushed back to his room to grab his phone and immediately dialed the emergency number, alerting the police of a potential crazed killer in the area. He was so flustered as he spoke to the lady on the other side of the call that he didn't see whatever his dog was barking at out there.
Out of the woods emerged a figure dressed in black, barefoot on the grassy hill. The sound of two black keys jangled with each of her steps. She grinned.
"Found you."
A glossary of terms used in this:
Prō Juppiter - Literally, "By Jove". An expletive in Latin used as an equivalent to the English "By God" or "Jesus". Indicates excitement, surprise, astonishment or shock.
Ita Mercurius nōs amet - Literally, "May Mercury love us". An idiomatic way of invoking mercy upon you from a god (Mercury in this case). Equivalent to the English "God help us".
Postīcum - Latin for "Backdoor" or "Outhouse".
Svaka čast - Literally, "Every honor". An expression in Croatian equivalent to the English "Well done" or "Good job".
Tatae - An interjection expressing bewilderment. Roughly equivalent to English's "What the...".
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titansandothersrp · 4 years
Beauty in the Strange
(This is a compiled roleplay between my Beast Boy muse and the Raven muse of @azarathian . This is a very old roleplay we wrote under different usernames, but I labeled our writing with our current usernames.)
azarathian (Raven): “I vote tacos!” bellowed the tall man strolling merrily beside her. “Ehhh, not really in the mood for—” The exuberant red-head cut right through their leader as her own ideas swarmed. “Ooooh, I would be most favourable towards the Bee of Apples!” “But guys, that new burger joint has an offer on that ends today!” the masked boy exclaimed. Raven stared off ahead of her, nonchalant to the bustle of her team’s suggestions. Wherever they ate would be fine with her, as long as they didn’t spend the next hour trying to choose somewhere (which she feared they would, knowing them).
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Despite the squabble, it was honestly nice to just be outdoors. When Starfire had suggested they all treat themselves to a meal out for dinner, Raven entirely approved. The days leading up to the outing had been spent tirelessly working through chores in the tower, combat practice, crime-fighting, more chores. To say the least, it had been a hectic and less than enjoyable week so far. Now the weekend was here, their leader had finally opted to give them a break. So, dinner out with her friends it was. In truth, she wouldn’t have even minded if the evening led to somewhere else after dinner; a movie, bowling… anything but karaoke. titansandothers (Beast Boy): “A meat free bean burrito sounds good. I vote tacos.” Beast Boy said, getting a high five from Cyborg. “But I don’t feel like-” The leader started, only to be cut off by the green teen. “Too bad! Majority rules!” “But Raven has not voted.” Starfire commented. “Please, do you not wish to visit the Bee of Apples?” “C’mon, Raven. You know you want tacos~” Cyborg added, grinning as Beast Boy nudged her. azarathian (Raven): Exasperated from the endless gabble, she sighed. “As long as we pick somewhere, I really don’t care.” “That counts as a taco vote!” Cyborg chimed, flinging one arm triumphantly around the girl’s shoulders whilst the other sported a giant thumbs up to the sky. “But-” Robin rose a finger in protest, but was once again overruled by his boisterous companion. “Ah ah ah, did ya not hear the guy?!” he tutted, prodding the boy’s forehead as he fizzled in anger. “MAJORITY RULES!” With their point made, both Cyborg and Beast Boy paraded ahead of the three, intent for the Mexican goodness that awaited down the block. A bitter Robin huffed with crossed arms as he begrudgingly followed on, Starfire floating patiently beside him. “Oh, the Bees shall have to wait…” she pouted in defeat. “Nightmare,” Raven muttered to herself before following in the others’ path. titansandothers (Beast Boy):
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“Yes! Bean burritos, here I come!” The others ultimately caught up to the two excited teens and they made their way to the restaurant. Starfire sat next to Robin, as to be expected, and Beast Boy sat between Raven and Cyborg. “I hope they have Dr. Pepper! I hate it when places only have Mr. Pibb. Why can’t Coke and Pepsi be served in the same building?” The green teen talked to no one in particular. azarathian (Raven):
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“Life’s mysteries,” she remarked, reaching across the table to pick up a menu. As the titans browsed over their choices, a particularly chatty group of girls entered the premises behind their table. Being an individual as intolerant of noise as she was, she couldn’t help but glance behind her as they gaudily strode past. Her brow twitched a tad at the commotion; they were talking amongst themselves as if they wished for the whole street to hear what they had to say. Because of this, Raven wasn’t the only one in the diner to send a glare the girls’ way, but she was the one to let it linger when they didn’t take the hint. “He did not say that!” one squealed aloud. “He did, I’m telling you!” another shrieked, voice like a seagull. “He did NOT!” “I think he did,” Raven mumbled out of ear-shot to the rest of her own table. titansandothers (Beast Boy): “Ckkkppphhhthhh!” Beast Boy tried to stifle laughter, as did the rest of the team. The chatty clique sat at their table, continuing to squawk about nonsense. One caught a glimpse of Raven and nudged her friends. “Hey, look at that creepy girl.” The other girls tittered. “Where does she buy her clothes; Dracula’s castle?” The group laughed obnoxiously. “Careful! She might suck your blood!” “I don’t know about blood, but she sure does suck!” In the past, Beast Boy might have laughed at their jokes, but not today. He darted over to their table, scowling fiercely.
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“You do not talk about my friend like that!” He was furious. He knew that it hurt Raven to be called creepy, even if she didn’t show it. And they just had to pile on the insults. “You don’t know her!” azarathian (Raven): The instant a ‘creepy girl’ was mentioned, her shoulders stiffened. Nonetheless, despite the taunt, composure had become an easy thing for Raven to preserve in such situations; she’d been an outsider her whole life, the jeers of a few immature school girls weren’t about to get to her any time soon. Citizens were citizens. They weren’t villains. And yet she secretly relished in the knowledge she could send them flying off the nearest coast if they were. Propping her elbow up on the table, then her cheek on her palm, she merely scrunched her lips and waited for the mocking to subside. Surely they’d come up with some more pointless blather any second. To get angry over it was too much of a risk, not to mention futile. Some people were just born to be jerks. Her head tilted to her left when she heard the movement of the chair, and at once her eyes grew large and head rose when the boy beside her stood and walked away.
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“Beast Boy? What are y–” In seconds he was over to the posse’s table, and it was all Raven - all the other titans - could do but to watch him with mouths agape. “Who asked you?” the girls proceeded to taunt, clearly remorseless. “Are all your friends goth freaks or is she special?” titansandothers (Beast Boy): “When you talk so loud that people in Gotham can hear you, I can only assume you did!” One girl scoffed. “We’re not loud; your ears are just too big!” He ignored them. Usually, he would retort that chicks dig the ears, but he had more important things to address. “She’s not a freak, but she is special. And that’s more than I can say for you.” “Pssh. Yeah, you two are special all right.”
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“I’m sorry. I guess my big ears didn’t quite catch that. Care to repeat it?” He morphed into the beast, silently daring them to say another word.
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azarathian (Raven): By now the entire diner seemed to have their eyes hooked on the unfolding scene, a certain indigo pair holding the most shock in its stare. Behind her, the three teens ogled along with the crowd, mouths ajar. As the shapeshifter morphed, suddenly leering over the girls with his threatening fangs, shrill squeals erupted from below and in a frantic rush the group was fleeing the site. Before Raven could blink, the slamming of hands flat upon the table behind her shattered the air. Her head flung back to see a furious Robin, shoulders high and mask pointed down to the bridge of his nose. His eyes were like needles, piercing the green figure from across the room. “We’ll be going now,” Robin said lowly to a fearful waiter stood beside him, glare not breaking from his teammate. Raven merely watched on, entirely unsure of what to do, and only moving to stand when the rest of the group did. Robin led their exit from the building as the many sets of eyes followed the four teens. Raven turned back to Beast Boy before passing through the door, offering an unsettled look to her friend that urged him to follow suit. Once outside, the interrogation began. “What the HELL, man?” came Cyborg’s voice. “So much for that burrito!” “Beast Boy.” Their leader’s voice was a lot less forgiving, stern and blunt as he walked towards the boy. “What was that?” titansandothers (Beast Boy): Beast Boy hadn’t really thought about the fact he would scare the whole restaurant. He just wanted those girls to stop insulting his friend. Mission accomplished, sort of. Hearing the slam on the table behind him, the beast turned around… and immediately reverted to human form. His ears drooped as he looked at their leader, feeling both afraid and guilty. He sulked out of the restaurant to be berated by his teammates. So much for a nice day out. Raven was insulted, he’d scared a restaurant full of people, and now his teammates were mad at him. He avoided eye contact with anyone, opting to hang his head instead. “I just wanted them to leave Raven alone…”
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azarathian (Raven):
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She looked to him, both perplexed and grateful. It was unlike anything he’d done before, and especially in a setting as public as the restaurant they’d been in. Truth be told, it was incredibly seldom such a situation would arise in the heroine’s day-to-day life, yet somehow she doubted he would’ve reacted in such a way to the same scene a few months ago. This was Beast Boy, and though his friends meant the world to him, it was a great rarity for his temper to show - and especially towards a bunch of moronic members of the public. What had he been thinking? “Raven can take care of herself,” Robin asserted. It was clear he was trying to take hold of the situation without creating too much of an atmosphere. This was meant to be their night-off, after all, yet as their leader he undeniably felt the need to set his peer’s unsuitable behavior straight. “I know those girls were out of order, Beast Boy, but you can’t go turning on people like that. You’re a titan. It’s not how we handle things.” As the masked boy delivered his lecture, Raven watched the expression in the younger’s face. For the moment, she let Robin speak, for he was right - they couldn’t just enter a place and proceed to threaten the guests with their powers. Not even for a few callow insults thrown her way. titansandothers (Beast Boy): Though the changeling knew Raven could take care of herself, he also knew that she wouldn’t. He knew the others wouldn’t either. That’s why he did it. If he could have resolved the situation through words alone, he would have. Unfortunately, he was not the most intelligent or well spoken person in the world. He couldn’t just sit there and do nothing, so, intimidation it was. He didn’t respond to the scolding, opting to react only by nodding his head solemnly. Despite the scolding, he couldn’t say he fully regretted it. In the end, the girls left her alone and Raven knew that he wouldn’t stand for anyone insulting her. With the way Raven wouldn’t let him insult himself, even after she had been insulting him for years, he wasn’t going to let anyone insult her either. azarathian (Raven): With the menial response, Robin deemed his point made. It didn’t please the leader to see his teammate shot down for trying to do the right thing, and so with one last steely frown, he turned to proceed down the street. “Guess Applebee’s it is,” he grunted in his step. Starfire would’ve rejoiced, had she not been glancing worriedly at her friend. After a moment, though, she followed Robin, meeting his pace and floating beside him. The metal man was the first to attempt to salvage the situation, disturbing the tension with a forced smile and a joke. “Probably best not to mix BB and beans anyway,” he snickered to himself, giving a nudge to his friend as his way of saying ‘forget about it B, Rob’s just being Rob’. Once the three were ahead, Raven made a point to walk slower behind, Beast Boy at her side. “You didn’t have to do that.” titansandothers (Beast Boy): “Better than car exhaust,” he managed to joke back, giving a slight smile. The smile faded once the others were ahead of him. Upon hearing Raven’s words, Beast Boy turned to face her. “Yes, I did. I know you hide your emotions. I know you can be hurt. I know you won’t tell anyone you’re hurt. So, I took care of it.” He spoke quietly, not wanting to alert the others. “You’re not creepy. You’re different. You’re special. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He knew he was guilty of the same thing in the past and he regretted it. “Even me.” azarathian (Raven): His words sank into her. As of the past month, she’d been seeing several subtle changes in Beast Boy, each becoming more notable than the last. And it wasn’t that she disapproved; if anything, it was oddly refreshing to see the boy’s disparate and intricate qualities showing through that ever-present grin, one by one. It was as if his comedic veneer he so stubbornly adorned was slowly giving way to a more involved, more illegible soul within. But the thought plagued her: what was the cause of these unique and obscure displays of emotion, seemingly emerging from nowhere? Anguish, panic, guidance, patience, embarrassment, defence, anger; they’d all seemed to make an appearance before the girl at some point or another in the weeks passed. And in many ways, she felt privileged to witness such rare displays from the usually unflappable changeling. And now, he’d succumbed to anger, for her sake. To defend her feelings. She couldn’t bring herself to judge him at this time, but only look on at him and eventually let the smile tugging at her lips flourish. “… Thanks,” she returned, a strange but welcomed lightness in her stomach. titansandothers (Beast Boy): Despite how he was feeling moments earlier, he was elated now. He’d made Raven smile and he knew he made her feel better. It was a welcomed change of pace to believing himself nothing but an annoyance to the girl. He gave her his usual toothy grin. “No problem. If this happens again, I’ll try not to get us kicked out of anything.” He gave a nervous chuckle. “Yo!” Cyborg called back to the two when he realized they were behind. “Could you two stop chewing the scenery so we can start chewing some food?” azarathian (Raven): There it was; that same, signature laugh that could only come from the boy she knew as Beast Boy. Through her nose, she exhaled a certain tension she hadn’t known had been there, smile lingering even as their hungry friend called out from ahead to move them along. Her eyes darted to the man, catching the quick movement of Beast Boy running along past her to catch up with their friends. For a moment, she found herself fixed where she stood. Her subconscious told her to question it all; why he’d chosen now to stick up for her, why she’d been the one to see him exposed in his grief, why he’d sought her out in his distress, why she was saying no less and less. Why things were feeling… different. But she didn’t. For her thoughts were adrift, unable to fully focus on anything besides the familiar figure jogging ahead of her. It wasn’t until second later, when her senses returned that she realised the simper still etched upon her face. With a start, she shook her daze to the wind and was once more tailing along with the rest of the group. titansandothers (Beast Boy): The five ultimately made their way to the restaurant and had a pleasant and (mostly) uneventful dinner. (Cucumber slices are not monocles, Beast Boy.) Afterwards, the five discussed what to do next. “A movie?” Cyborg suggested. “Dude, we just ate! I don’t have room for soda and popcorn!” Beast Boy argued. “Oh, you are such a lightweight!” “Hey, not everyone can have an iron stomach!” “Friends!” Starfire interjected. “There is a showing of fireworks at the park tonight in celebration of the new hall of town. Perhaps we can partake?” “Mm. I dunno. I know Raven’s game.” Beast Boy gestured with his thumb. “Loud noises and bright colors are her two favorite things, after all.” azarathian (Raven): Through the meal, Raven kept quite quiet. Thankfully, the others had enough liveliness to lift the ambience and keep conversation thriving as she fiddled with her food. Her thoughts weren’t present, but instead meandering in random succession amidst the restaurant’s bustle. Even so, she was aware of all exchanges her friends made around her, and would look up now and then to affirm her attention to the group. She couldn’t quite place the cause for her sudden reflections, but wasn’t all too bothered by them either. Eventually, their plates were empty and bill was paid. Once outside and standing again, Raven became more alert to the current chatter. “Kind of you to notice,” she bounced back at the jokester, inflection satirical as ever. It didn’t take much discussion for the team to agree upon Starfire’s suggestion. Raven had noticed when pacing the streets earlier that the event was advertised on a few posters and billboards. Seemed like quite a big deal, so she imagined it was worth going. By the time the titans reached the park, twilight was dying the sky a lavish shade of teal. It was deep and rich in its hue, foretelling a clear, obsidian night was upon them. Clearly, news of the event had spread as masses of Jump City’s citizens cluttered the grassy verge. Raven inwardly winced at the number of people, hoping the group would be able to find a quieter spot before darkness fell and the show began. Instinctively, her hands rose to lift her hood around her face. “Over there!” Starfire pointed, having sought out a more sparse area for them to settle. Raven followed her finger and spotted the turf, breathing a sigh of relief.
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titansandothers (Beast Boy): The changeling simply responded with a cheeky grin. Upon reaching the park, he turned to Raven. “And crowds; your third favorite thing.” Fortunately, they seemed to find a slightly less crowded area. Starfire looked at the sky. “Though the show has not started, the sky is already beautiful.” “Just like you.” Robin added and wrapped an arm around her, eliciting a giggle from the Tamaranean. Beast Boy rolled his eyes and Cyborg commented. “I guess those mozzarella sticks weren’t enough cheesiness for one day.” azarathian (Raven): Raven completely respected the couple’s occasional displays of romance, but even she had to admit, it was both a culmination of awkward and amusing when the masked wonder spouted such cliches to his girlfriend in front of them. The three third-wheels exchanged their own glances, a snort begging to escape the hooded girl. “Come on.” She was the first to offer a mature approach, though still secretly entertained by the sight. “Let’s give them some space.” Motioning to the two boys, she put some distance between herself and the love-birds, finding a spot not too far that they’d lose each other into the show but still far enough to grant Robin and Starfire their own privacy. A few other groups of people were scattered between. “She’s got him wrapped ‘round her finger, huh?” Raven smirked at her friends, hand on hip. titansandothers (Beast Boy): The two boys followed after her. “Like a yo-yo.” Beast Boy agreed, nodding. “Took ‘em long enough.” Cyborg added. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pair so obvious take so long to get together.” The changeling looked to the sky. “Gotta say though, he picked a good time to be romantic. Just look at that sky… Bet you can’t get that in Gotham!” Cyborg looked up and whistled. “Sure can’t!” azarathian (Raven): As Raven joined the two in admiring the view, a sudden scent crept into the surrounding space, followed by a loud, strident shout. “HOT DOGS! GET YOUR HOT DOGS, HERE!” She didn’t even have to look to sense the wide eyes plastered on the metal man beside her. Any second, she was certain he’d be running over to the man behind the stall, a wad of cash in hand to fill his supposedly empty belly. “Well, all right!” She’d assumed right. “Anyone who’s not a vegan,” he squinted his eyes at the younger boy, “want one?!” “We just ate,” Raven remarked. “Suit yourself, more for me!” Cyborg beamed down at the two before taking off in haste towards the hot dog queue, elated as a child at Christmas. She watched him disappear off into the crowd, knowing he’d be back in a few minutes with stacks of snacks piled in each hand. And suddenly, she was all too aware of the last remaining presence to her right. “…” Her gaze wandered around, as if seeking something but for what, she didn’t know. titansandothers (Beast Boy): Beast Boy scrunched his nose at the scent and cringed at the voice. Hot dogs; ick. He stuck his tongue out in disgust as Cyborg made for the stand. Once they were alone, the green teen looked at the empath, forgetting his distaste for meat. Their conversation kind of got cut off earlier. Maybe he could take the few minutes they had alone, well, as alone as you can get in a crowd, to continue it. “So… I never got to ask. Are you okay? Y’know, after what happened at the taco place?” azarathian (Raven): “Hm?” She’d almost not heard his voice peek out from above the throng, but looked to him once she did. The mention of what had ensued earlier sent a tremble through her ribs, and only then she realised she’d spent all the time since mulling it over in the sanctum of her own mind. Surprisingly though, it had not been the words of the girls that occupied her, but the words of her defender. It had only been at the distraction of Robin and Starfire that the thoughts abandoned her, and now all at once she was brooding again. “Oh. Yeah, it was nothing,” she surmised, attempting to brush off the incident as if she hadn’t been dwelling on it for the past hour. titansandothers (Beast Boy):
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“Are you sure?” He looked concerned. thinking she looked a little uncomfortable. “If you’re upset, you can tell me. I’ll keep quiet.” It was a bit ironic that he would say that, given he was half shouting so she could hear him. There’s also the fact that he’d had issues keeping her privacy in the past. Even so, he was telling the truth. “You have no problem letting me know when you’re angry.” He half joked. “So, don’t have a problem letting me know when you’re hurt.”
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azarathian (Raven): He wasn’t naive. Obviously the boy had picked up on her repose since the event; though Raven was a woman of few words anyway, it was evident she’d been more talkative beforehand. Still, how was she meant to tell him that her behaviour was evoked not by her taunters back at the restaurant but by his own response to them? The passing comments of some ignorant girls was to be expected; Beast Boy’s defiance was certainly not. Raven ultimately opted to appease her inquisitor, even if it meant lying. She wasn’t willing to divulge the truth of her quietude, for even she didn’t quite understand the meaning behind it. “Well, it wasn’t the best start to the evening.” At least that part was truthful. “I’m fine, though. Some people aren’t worth dwelling on.” titansandothers (Beast Boy): He gave her a nod. “Well, if you won’t dwell on it, I won’t either.” He continued to smile. “I was only mad because I thought they upset you. I didn’t really care about the ears comment. Chicks dig the ears, after all.”
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He thought for a moment. “Then again. They didn’t dig the ears.” He shrugged. “Eh. I like them. They make me me.” He smiled and gave them a wiggle.
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azarathian (Raven): She gave a half-smile teamed with a brow-raise at his gibbering, slightly bemused by his confidence in the anomalies that were his ears. It was almost endearing. With his smile, her gaze wandered from him to the grass beneath her feet. Though her voice carried a certain rumination, it was undetectable; neither poignant nor pleasant. Merely stating what she considered a fact. “Can’t get hung up on people just pointing out the obvious, anyway, I guess.” titansandothers (Beast Boy): “You’re not cree-” He slapped a hand to his face, realizing lying won’t help. She is creepy, but that doesn’t make her bad. How could he show her that?
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He looked down in thought, spotting something in the grass. Was that-? Perfect! He knelt down and ushered the little spider onto his gloved hand. Keeping the little critter cupped in his hands, he approached Raven. “Okay. Maybe you are creepy. But who says that’s a bad thing?” He opened his hands to reveal the little spider, fuzzy with colored fangs. “Spiders are no doubt creepy, but they’re awesome! This is a jumping spider. They can jump distances several times their body size. And even though they’re creepy, I think they’re kind of cute. Look at the colors!”
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“If spiders can be creepy and awesome, so can you!” He smiled at her. azarathian (Raven): Her gaze descended to the spider cupped in his hands; something most would look upon and scream, fleeing in fear. She’d always found the concept rather foolish. The creature before her, though unsightly to some, was ultimately harmless. Even those with the potential to harm had little to no intention of doing so, unless threatened. And yet people still deemed them something to be avoided; gruesome, awful… creepy. Beast Boy made a very good point. She watched as the spider scuttled across his glove, so small in the curve of his palm. And with a slight hesitance, she raised her own hand, cupping it in the same manner his was as it hovered below, awaiting the insect to crawl or jump - whichever it chose. “Hm. Didn’t know you were a philosopher,” she said blithely, eyes flitting up at his before landing back on the spider. titansandothers (Beast Boy): “I’m as surprised as you are.” He chuckled. It wasn’t often he felt smart, but he had his moments. It felt nice. He watched as Raven offered her hand to the spider. The spider opted against jumping down and instead continued crawling on his hand. “Aw, c’mon, little guy~ Raven won’t hurt ya~” He lowered his hand to be touching Raven’s, making a little slope for the spider to crawl down. This time, the little spider left his hand and walked on Raven’s. “There ya go~” He pulled his hand back. azarathian (Raven): When the tips of Beast Boy’s fingers lowered onto hers, she made a point to keep her own still and welcoming to the potential guest, careful not to frighten it away. Ironic, really. The thing so many saw as threatening was merely existing, and yet could easily become the one to be threatened by doing so much as wandering into the wrong path. Something so vulnerable and small. Why did people fear it? Because of its appearance? She suddenly felt rather fond of the creature, especially so as it gently darted along to her own open palm, offering her its trust.
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Her smile was reflective as she looked down at the aphid scampering across her skin, her hand tilting slightly to accommodate its quick and aimless movements. Perhaps creepy wasn’t always bad after all… She silently let it wander, exploring the back of her hand now as it bustled across the mount of her gem. “He’s not shy, is he?” she mused aloud, tilting her hand again as it moved back to the dip of her palm.  She flinched when the creature suddenly decided to jump into the air, and in a blink was gone, leaving her hand empty. Her eyes lingered on her vacant palm for a second before bringing her arm back to her side. titansandothers (Beast Boy): “Aw…” His ears drooped a bit as the critter hopped away. “Oh well. Was fun while it lasted. At least we won’t be distracted from the show now.” He looked up at the sky, which now had a purple tint, signaling the arrival of nighttime. Shifting his gaze to the side, the changeling realized the magus still had her hood up. Why she felt the need to wear a hood when it was already getting dark out was beyond him.
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“Are you going to leave your hood up the whole time? You should take it down for a better view. C’mon. It’s pretty out~” azarathian (Raven): “Yeah.” Her eyes wandered past the crowds to see Cyborg almost at the front of the hot-dog queue. Night was falling upon the city quickly, an inky tint melting over the remaining wash of light just across the horizon. She turned to the boy addressing her, considering his words. She’d only raised her hood in the first place to shield her ears from the noise and calm her senses. But as they’d settled into a quieter spot, the crowd now an indistinct muffle, she felt it fair to unveil her face from the shadows. And so her hands held onto the sides, letting the fabric fall to her shoulders as she breathed a “fine” to the boy. A cool breeze caressed her exposed cheeks whilst her gaze ascended to the sky, now almost entirely swallowed by darkness. titansandothers (Beast Boy): He smiled when she lowered her hood, glad she was letting her guard down a bit. It wasn’t long after that the sky had darkened enough for the show to start. As the first firework screeched into the air, Beast Boy looked up in anticipation.
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With a boom, there was an eruption of color and light. “Coooool~” He uttered in awe. Glancing to the side to see how Raven was enjoying the show, he found his gaze stuck to her.
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It hit him all at once that he had yet to realize something about Raven. All the years he’d known her, he’d never noticed. But now, as the fireworks illuminated her, highlighting her features in colorful lights and causing her eyes to shine, he realized… Raven was… really pretty. azarathian (Raven): Raven winced at the first blare as it rocketed up, but quickly adjusted to the roaring sound. The crowd cooed in awe, all eyes clung to the sky as it boomed and fizzled with striking iridescence. The blackness was ablaze in colour and sound as shimmering flames pierced the dark and danced in the air. The magus, too, was captivated; it wasn’t often she got to see fireworks, and sometimes it was easy to forget the beauty of something when deprived of it for too long. This night was proving to be a stunning reminder. Her lips parted as she drank in the sight, cloak sweeping around her frame in the gentle wind. For what felt like ages but could’ve been mere minutes, she stood gazing to the sky, wordlessly, until with a blink she caught eyes upon her to her side. Naturally, her senses cast her own sight away from the fireworks to acknowledge the presence upon her. “What?” she asked, face glowing beneath the lights. titansandothers (Beast Boy):
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He hadn’t noticed he was gawking or that he was starting to smile… Until she spoke to him. “Gah!” His eyes widened as he realized he’d been staring and she’d noticed.
Was he just ogling her? He was ogling her! What the heck, dude! You don’t ogle your teammates! Get it together! Your teammate is pretty; big deal!
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“Um… what what?” Playing dumb was something he could do pretty convincingly, he thought. Despite the efforts he had been making to make Raven feel better today, he doubted telling her she was pretty would go over well. Plus, how dumb would he look saying it took him four years to realize she was attractive? azarathian (Raven): A little confused, she eyed the boy as he seemed to start from a daze. As the sky continued to boom above them, her brow rose a tad to better seize his attentions.
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“You were just–” “Aw maaan, did I miss the start?!” A dejected Cyborg abruptly hindered her speech with a rowdy whine as he returned to the scene, several hot-dogs piled in his hands. Nonetheless, with another eager bite, he was munching away and let his despondency slide, almost instantly grinning again and regarding the display. “Now that is a sight worth seein’.” titansandothers (Beast Boy): He let out a sigh of relief when their metal friend returned. He’d never been so happy to see Cyborg. “Yeah, dude! If you weren’t so busy stuffing your face, you wouldn’t have missed it!” Beast Boy was quick to take the opportunity to change the subject. Cyborg merely scoffed as the three resumed watching the fireworks. Even with the rocky start, today turned out pretty well. {FIN}
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squiddybeifong · 5 years
Meeting the Sirens
Harley could honestly admit to never paying attention to how amazing plants were at camouflage. It made sense to a certain extent with the natural world, but when one mixed Raven’s darkness with Pam’s powers, it gave the impression that Hell could be nothing more than a jungle on fire.
Sapphire eyes watched as cacti scuttled closer and vines slithered along the walls, hidden by the usual shadows. Their leaves curled in on themselves before they aimed towards Raven and the shadows darted away, forcing the plants to scramble into better hiding as Pam tried to keep the upper hand.
Harley ran a tongue over her teeth and forced out a laugh, sliding in between her kinda-girlfriend and her kinda-niece and tossing an arm around them both. “Come on, you two!” She pulled them close until their cheeks touched, spinning to beam at Talia and Kitty, “We can all get along, can’t we?”
Three glares and one look of pure apathy greeted her suggestion. “It’s bad enough you brought her--” Selina started, not taking her glare off of the assassin.
Ivy continued her sentence, all but sneering at the teen, “But why the fuck would we ever trust a hero?” The botanist’s glare deepened, the vines shifting in preparation again.
Emerald eyes widened half an inch as Raven forced to vines to stay in place, the darkness freezing the walls around them. The two superpowered women stared at each other for a long moment, uncaring to how Harley sheepishly squeezed their shoulders.  
After an impossibly long minute, the clown started to squirm and the Titan shrugged, “Your grudges are fair enough.”
She lifted her hand and made sure that Poison Ivy saw the magic fall away from her palm. Raven silently lowered herself until she stood on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her jaw once before offering an olive branch, “But from what Harley’s told me we both despise Zatanna.”
The redhead raised a brow, a humorless laugh escaping, “That’s it?”
“I’m also an empath.” Pam straightened her back at that information. Raven glanced at Catwoman out of the corner of her eye, addressing the green-skinned woman in front of her, “And I’d imagine that while I’m not as fond of her as you seem to be, we all don’t mind Harley dragging us away with her shenanigans.”
A pale hand raised from underneath her cloak, “That’s at least two things we have in common.”
Talia finally spoke up, “Three if you count having powers.”
Selina snorted at her interjection and Harley turned to them, her eyes brightening up as she tried to get her two friend groups to get along. Pam and Raven didn’t seem that close to killing each other, so she focused on getting Kitty and Talia from trying to glare each other out of existence, “And I bet you two have stuff in common too!”
Almost immediately after the words left her Harley sucked her teeth, wincing as she remembered the last time they had met. Raven shifted at the emotions in the room, letting out a silent hum as her shadows drifted closer to her.
Amethyst eyes flicked to Ivy as she let out a huff, “Not this again.”
The teen didn’t ask, but her question was loud in the air. Talia kept Selina in her line of sight as she shifted to explain, “We’ve had the same lover.”
Raven arched a brow, her mild amusement obvious even despite her hood shadowing half her face. She tilted her chin towards Ivy, “Batman seems to just attract criminals, doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” Talia hummed, displeasure rolling off her in waves. “He surrounds himself with more and more incompetence after every switch.”
Harley emphatically nodded her head at the statement behind her words. She patted the assassin’s arm, “Oh, so Batman ditched you? That’s rough, buddy.”
Selina narrowed her eyes despite the haughty smirk on her face, her hands curling into fists as she shot out to the goth, “He ditched her for me.”
“Wait, so you were the rebound? That’s rough too, Kitty.” Harley seemed to catch herself, her head snapping back to Talia. “I, uh, I mean…”
The blonde glanced at Raven, looking for some emphatic help. When nothing came she rushed out, “That sucks, my gals who can hopefully be pals?”
Raven crossed her arms over her chest, “This is an awful conversation.” Violet eyes turned to the botanist and she inched closer, “I’m sensing at least four deaths that have taken place here in the past two months. Care to show me around?”
Her request was met with a curious stare. After a contemplative moment the vines seemed to relax around them, a tangle of flowered stems curling to make a sort of hallway near their feet. A lazy grin curled black-lipsticked lips.
“Sure,” Ivy waved at the mystic to follow and away they went. Green shoulders shrugged, “If Robin--no, he’s a different bird now, right?”
“Yeah. If he asks, they were all eco-terrorists that went missing.”
Raven snorted, her face curious as Pam added, a lilt to her voice, “There’s also a bunch of mushroom patches over their graves. They’re just full of poison; you’ll love them.”
The demoness perked up at that, “Any death caps?” Pine eyes flicked to her and Raven amended, “You’re Poison Ivy. I’d expect you to have at least a few of this planet’s best.”
“I’ve got better than that. Look up there,” Raven followed her pointed finger, her eyes lighting up as she spotted a white patch clumped along the rusty rivets. Pam watched as she floated up a few inches until they were practically the same height. A rare smile curled the stoic’s face, “I didn’t know Gotham was humid enough to support destroying angels…”
“You don’t know a lot about Gotham just yet.” The redhead nudged her elbow, starting to walk again. She bit her lip and decided to give this hero one allowance; if Harley loved her and she seemed morally gray enough to mingle with Batman’s enemies, then Raven was not yet trustworthy but slightly okay in her book. “And you can call me Pam, by the way.”
Raven tilted her head, giving the siren a thin but genuine smile, “Pam, then. Shall we go?” She motioned to where the vines were laid out for them to follow, “Those spirits aren’t going to be put to rest otherwise.”
Her words got an ‘Aha!’ and a snap as recognition filled the redhead’s aura, “Is that why all of our stuff has been moving around when we aren’t here? I told Harley no one alive was stupid enough to keep breaking into our place…”
Harley watched them go out the doors with a pout, turning back to see Talia had a hand on her sword’s hilt and Cat was tense, poised for a fight with her claws unretracted, if curled into fists.  
Quickly skipping in between them, the blonde tried to stall.
Her hands clasped in front of her chest as she wiggled her shoulders, thinking of something, anything, to prevent the fighting before it really began. Not that she couldn’t take care of any brawls, of course, but her friends were supposed to be getting along, dammit!
When nothing came to mind, she thought of how she’d distract the Joker whenever he got in his funks. And while neither of the two villainesses in front of her seemed opposed to potentially joining her in bed (though that was more up Pam’s alley, honestly), the answer came to her: both Kitty and Tally Marks were awful when it came to withstanding annoyances.
Her eyes bright, the blonde spoke a single word.
“Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--,” Harley held it for a few seconds, paused to take a breath, and continued on as long as she could, “--oooooooooooooooooo…”
A clawed finger jerked out to press against her lips, “Shut up.”
Talia tensed at the move and Harley twisted away to speak up again, “Right, right. Cool, cool, cool, this is so cool that we’re all meeting again like this.” Harley rubbed at the back of her neck as her eyes darted around the room, considering asking the cactus where Ivy and Birdie went off to.
But she was the bridge and she had to stall the inevitable fight (again). The clown clicked her tongue and spoke freely and impulsively, “So, you two both fucked Batsy then?”
Neither women moved but two green glares landed on her. Deciding that she had to out-tension them both, Harley flipped one of her pigtails over her shoulder, “Hey, at least y’all got something in common, amirite?”
She rocked on her heels, “I mean, jeez. Wanting to cuddle with raspy-voiced bats. I know that feeling.”
That got Talia’s attention. Her eyes didn’t stray from Catwoman, but her temple tilted towards her friend, “Are you in love with my Beloved as well?”
“Ugh. Gods, no,” Harley’s face scrunched up at the mere thought. Shaking her head, she puffed her chest and buffed her checkerboard nails on her shirt, “I’m more-a Fidget kinda gal, myself.”
When neither reacted the blonde looked between them, her eyes comically widening, almost in slow motion. Blinking rapidly, Harley let her astonishment fill her voice, “Please say you guys remember Fidget? He’s one of Disney’s best characters in one of their best movies. Of all time.”
Selina couldn’t hold back her snort and Harley waved her thinly-veiled mockery aside, answering the look of confusion on Talia’s face, “He was the bat in ‘the Great Mouse Detective.’ Great film, by the way.”
Blue eyes smugly bored into Cat’s face, “Waaaaay better than ‘the Aristocats,’ despite the lies Kitty may believe.”
Smiling, she strolled back to face her favorite evil heiress, “Now I wouldn’t so much as ever think of fucking him --y’know Kitty’s the furry of the group-- but I can see getting to know the baby. Maybe even plan a heist or three after Rati--”
Selina drawled out, “Don’t spoil her.”
Talia watched the way Harley’s face lit up, “So you have seen it!”
“Yes. You make us watch it all the time.”
“Well I didn’t realize you were so busy thinking of a different bat the whole time. I just figured you purring about milk was a feline thing. Sorry for assuming, Kit-Kat.”
Annoyed, an irritated sigh forced its way out of Talia. She rolled her jaw, her fingers drumming against the metal of her sword’s guard, “You two tire me in the worst of ways.”
A high-pitched laugh escaped Harley as she dove into a hug, her palms hastily wrapping around Talia’s waist to prevent the assassin’s sword from being unsheathed. Giggling against the taller woman’s shoulder Harley sighed into the air, “Ray Ray was right this is just awful. We can find a different connection besides Batman, right?”
Talia and Selina didn’t stop their glare-off but the blonde paid them no mind, her words coming a beat faster than usual, “Like how we all break the law! Or how you both really appreciate having me in your lives? Oh! What about how both your names end with ‘A,’ that’s gotta be worth something!”
Her nose scrunched as she kept thinking, the idea coming to her effortlessly after a few seconds of silence, “Oh! I got it!” She held out her hands, making a square out of her fingers and closing one eye as if painting a picture in the air. Harley’s grin was loud in her declaration, “Strawberry milkshakes.”
Selina let out a huff through her nose, “Neutral ground won’t keep us from wanting to kill each other, Harls.”
“You never know. That’s what happened with Tal and Rae and me. Oh!” Blonde brows jumped an inch above sapphire eyes as a place came to mind, “How about we go to that burger diner that the Bats sometimes goes to.”
Talia tilted her head to the side, knowing the girl’s connection to the city’s protectors. “I doubt Raven will agree to that.”
“She’ll agree. But it’ll be reluctant.” Harley pitched forward and aimed a finger gun to both, her smile widening to a grin, “Just like your truce.”
Two aggravated sighs came from her words and Catwoman’s lips tightened in annoyance, “Not likely.”
Talia glowered when the blonde clasped her hands above her collar, Harley’s growing pout accompanying her dilating eyes, “No. We’re not as susceptible as the other two to your looks.”
A lazy laugh slipped out of the blonde, “Something else y’all have in common?”
The assassin’s glower deepened at her words. And while she’d never admit to the troublesome way Harley’s eyes grew and her lower lip quivered, Talia had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her resolve. Without putting too much attention on her rival, she knew Catwoman was doing the same.
Olive eyes rolled in annoyance and Talia sheathed her sword, grumbling out, “I won’t attack her tonight.”
Selina shrugged one shoulder and retracted her claws. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced between the two, “These meetings only last the night, correct?”
“Yep!” Harley popped the ‘P,’ practically bouncing on her feet at the way the tension in the room was lessening. The clown looked like a kid in a candy store and both Bat-lovers rolled their eyes.
“Then I guess we can get along for a few hours.” The Cat glanced at Talia out of the corner of her eye, a tiny smirk quirking her lips, “For Harley’s sake.”
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splinteredwinter · 6 years
Splintered Winter Live Blogs TV*: DC Universe’s Titans, Season 1 Episode 1
* This is a randomness. I often compare things to burritos. Once I ate a doodlebug. This will be neither consistent nor thorough.
It's already nicely dark. Good going DC! The light is so not there you can barely see the screen, and Raven’s face looks like a marshmallow. You can already tell something terrible is going to happen.
Wonder Woman was a one-off. Frank Miller created the Dark Knight, it was a hit, and we were all doomed.
Tights! Everyone’s in tights! Who doesn’t love tights combined with dark foreboding music? Certainly not me! Especially when those tights are falling to the ground in a bone-crunching crash!
Raven screams a lot and her mother wears a really bad wig.
Nightwing gets some funky fight music.
It's like you're in a video game boss fight. He’s listening to vinyl in his industrial loft apartment. He's a secret hipster.
It goes nicely with Raven's baby goth look.
Raven's look doesn't work for her age or circumstance or anything. It's more runway then runaway.
Ooh, upbeat disco music! It's Starfire!
And some blood!
Ooh, she's pretty. And she deserves this disco song.
She successfully hid in scrub woods with bright pink (red?) hair! That's a superpower!
Kory Anders is her name. Is it a joke? She likes herbs and spices.
Oh my burrito, she speaks German, Russian, and just glassed a random dude she found in her closet. My bisexual heart is a-thumping.
Man, Raven has a tough life. Sucks to be her. Dick Grayson feels guilty for acting like Batman With the Anger Management Issues, so he’ll rescue her.
And Starfire with the disco again! Every song is her theme song, so long as it has a banging beat and flashing lights!
Starfire faces off the scary Russia mafia types. She might not know who she is right now, but she’s definitely fabulous! She’s wearing sequins!
My long lost lust for the 70s has revived, apparently.
I’ve added ‘Grayson,’ ‘Starfire,’ and ‘Nightwing’ to my browser dictionary because obviously I’ll be using them a lot in future.
OOPS. Russian mafia dude was her lover and she betrayed him for Raven. WHO KNEW. Starfire didn’t. He loves her. She doesn’t love him. He’s hurt, verra verra hurt. Deep in his soul. He wishes to patch his soul with a bullet in Starfire’s heart.
I admit to not being familiar with Starfire as a character before. Apparently her superpower is to be a combination grenade/flamethrower. In a fabulous disco glowing fashion. It’s 9am and after I’m finished with this I’m going to be hunting for Starfire fanart. I shall ask of the Tumblr and I shall receive.
Back to Raven. Dark room, candles, bondage, knives, dire man with cryptic words. Poor Raven. She is fecund and damned.  Her life is really NOT going well.
Nightwing and his tight butt have arrived! Huzzah!
Raven just went full-on Exorcist on dire man. Oh dude. Nasty.
Nightwing and his butt weren’t needed.
Now he’s being hugged by a traumatized 13-year old girl and it’s the toughest things he’s ever faced. EMOTIONS. TEARS. AUGH.
Beast Boy is green.
The end.
(I failed to deliver on the burritos. That is because very few people in this show are soft and round.)
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professional-anti · 6 years
Chapter Eight: Weapon of Choice
Heyyyyy!! Sorry, life has been cray, and it’s never gonna change, unfortunately. But guys, dw, I am dedicated. Also, weirdly, doing this has made me appreciate books even more? It’s so much fun to talk abt books, and I learn so much, even if it’s a book I hate. Okay, getting started (pray for me):
We last left off with Clary jumping thru the surprise door, like one does. Jace lands on top of her, yay, OTP moment, gag me. There’s a nice little detail where “Clary coughed hair (not her own) out of her mouth” which kind of captures the chaos and would be cute if it were an actual good ship. I hate when that happens. Jace criticizes Clary, FINALLY for a valid reason.
It turns out they’re at Luke’s house. Oh, classic, he lives in Williamsburg, the gentrified hipster paradise. Where else would a man who wears flannel live? Even more classic, he lives behind a bookstore. Clare is obviously one of those heavy-handed authors who has exactly two professions for her Intellectual Men™: bookseller and evil Giles.
I’m going to shake Clary. She doesn’t know why they’re here, despite having thought “I want to go where my mom would have gone” right before jumping. Like, bitch??? Do you have a brain? I’m cryingfff
Clary decides she wants to leave, even though there’s cleary something super sketch abt Luke. He’s so obviously protecting her, so he must know something, right? Well, Clary rubs her two brain cells together and decides, nope, nothing to see here! Time to go home!
Jace, being reasonable for once, is like, yo, maybe we should stay. They run into Simon, so you know there’s gonna be Dramaz. Jace and Simon apparently devolve into primordial wild dogs driven by the intense urge to fight for the girl dog so they can screw and produce puppies that are as annoying as they are. Here is what everyone is doing:
Clary is fixing Simon’s hair bc she’s a Woman Simon is pushing Clary’s hand away bc he’s Annoyed Jace is using his stele to file his nail bc he’s Not Paying Attention
There’s some horrible forced tension between Simon and Clary, where he’s all, “Clary, you ran away from me, I thought I and my dick upset you,” and Clary’s all, “Never, Simon, I love you,” and Simon cums. Not actually, instead he slut shames Clary:
“Yeah, well, you clearly also couldn’t be bothered to call me and tell me you were shacking up with some dyed-blond wanna-be goth you probably met at Pandemomonium”
On the one hand, draaaaag him, Simon!! Jace IS a peroxide blond who listens Evanescence (I almost wrote MCR before googling it and learning that if I wrote that, about a million punks would stream into my inbox in tears).
Simon’s eyes are “dark with suspicion”. which is just annoying. Yes, I would be so fucking annoyed if my friend ran out on me and then disappeared and then reappeared with a blond guy. But I’d also do some more questioning of the situation. Is she okay? Why is she with such a rude guy? Is he hurting her? Was she kidnapped? Is she being held against her will? Is this a drug thing? Does she need my help? Why did Luke cover for her? Is something deeper going on? Instead Simon is all possessive Nice Guy.
Apparently Simon spied on Luke packing a duffel bag of weapons. So he couldn’t give Clary any benefit of the doubt? It sounds like her family is caught in a bad situation! Maybe she had to hide for her life! Simon, use your brain!!
kajlkfaklsdjfalksdflk Clary tells Simon everything, and Simon asks if they kill all these different magical creatures, and Jace says ONLY WHEN THEY’VE BEEN NAUGHTY a;dlfjals;kdjfl;asdjfl;aksdjf hahahahahahahah This image that Clare is going for is just sooooo overdrawn. This dialogue, omfg.
Simon loses his mind and excitedly compares everything that’s been going on to D&D. Let’s totally forget abt the fact that Clary’s mom is missing, or that Luke just filled a duffel bags with murder sticks, shall we?
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Jace and Simon have a bizarre conversation, and then they walk. In. The. Back. Door. Bc Luke doesn’t lock his back door. Bc that’s totally not something that someone who fills a duffel bag with weapons would do. At least the door to the bookstore is locked, though Jace opens it pretty easily with his stele. Why didn’t Luke have Jocelyn fix up some wards or something?
Simon asks Clary how she stands Jace, and she’s like “he saved me life” and he’s like “huh?” even though she told him everything that happened. Why is Simon so dumb. I guess all his blood is in his dick? Wouldn’t surprise me.
They find manacles in the wall, so either Luke and Jocelyn have (even more) hidden depths, or Luke practices
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Luke’s apartment is filled with books. Of course. Look, I love books. I have about 500 in my room at this moment. I buy them constantly, I get from the libarary, I read and read and read. I think most of us on booklr do. But when every single Good Character in your book has books, it’s boring. And no one has unique book taste. What if all of Luke’s books were nature books? Jack London? Travel guides? That would paint a picture. Instead he has a bunch of fantasy and other fiction. That’s boring. I learn nothing, bc every goddamn person in this goddamn book reads fantasy. It’s so fucking generic. I totally approve of “good” characters admiring and liking reading bc that’s how you get ideas, and that’s how Lemony Snicket rolls, but there are more books than fantasy and mystery (the other main type that Lucas has) in the world. Justice Strauss has an inexhaustive library. Uncle Monty has all those books about snakes. Lucky Smells just has that one history of Lucky Smells. Already, you know so much abt each person (and place) by what books they have. We learn nothing about Luke.
Clary finds the overnight bag she leaves at Luke’s and changes clothes. I mention this only bc she puts on “a blue tank top with a design of Chinese characters across the front” bc of COURSE she is That Bitch. I hope it translates to something like “Radishes” or “Bridge”.
Luke’s bedroom has a shelf of “Indian statues and Russian icons” which, idk, makes me a little uncomfortable. These sound like things that are holy to someone. But I think the worst part is that Clary says, “Luke collects stuff. Art objects. You know … Pretty things.” I just googled it, and Hindu statues, like the one Luke has of Kali, are seen as actual avatars of gods. Clary is diminishing someone’s god to a “pretty thing”. It’s not a nick-nack or a trinket. (If you know more abt this, like if I’m wildly off-base, feel free to send me an ask!)
Jace finds the Metaphor known as a smashed picture of Luke, Jocie, and Clary, which Clary threw at the Ravener in her apartment, so realize that Luke went back through the apartment. Jace says that Luke must have gone through the Portal-potty last, so it brought them here. I’m still team Clary Asked to Go Where Her Mother Would Have Gone and Therefore the Portal did What it Was Supposed to Do and Brought Her Where She Wanted.
Luke and some warlocks show up, so Clary and co. hide behind the super convenient silk screen. Jace uses his sonic stele to make the screen transparent and we get this gem:
Jace shook his head at them both, mouthing words: They can’t see us through it, but we can see them.
Bc mouthing works that well. You don’t mouth compound sentences!! You mouth something simple like they can’t see us. Simon and Clary already know they can see Luke and the warlocks bc they’re looking at them right now! And this spell or whatever that Jace did takes the tension in the scene waaaaaay down. If they can’t see Luke, then everything becomes more tense. Are the voices getting closer to the screen? Is somebody about to reveal them? Instead, all the tension is drained in a dumb quick-fix.
Bc Clare thinks we’re stupid, she adds “It was frightening even though [Clary] knew [Luke] couldn’t see her, that the window Jace had made was like the glass in a police station interrogation room: strictly one-way.”
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Jace realizes that the warlocks are actually Shadowhunters dressed as warlocks. Idk how he can tell, but whatever. He conveys this by whispering, so I don’t know what the mouthing nonsense was earlier.
The Shadowhunters are named Blackwell (redhead) and Pangborn (gray mustache). What sorts of names. It’s like Clare used a fantasy-name-generator. Who are we kidding, that’s totally what she did. Pangborn picks up the Kali statue and this conversation happens:
“Ah,” said Pangborn, taking the statue from his companion. “She who was created to battle a demon who could not be killed by any god or man. ‘Oh, Kali, my mother full of bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva, in they delirious joy thou dancest, clapping thy hands together. Thou art the Mover of all that moves, and we are but thy helpless toys.’” “Very nice,” said Luke. “I didn’t know you were a student of the Indian myths.” “All the stories are true,” said Pangborn, and Clary felt a small shiver go up her spine. “Or have you forgotten even that?” “I forget nothing,” said Luke.
So the Shadowhunter mythology is that all religions are true? Inch resting. I vaguely remember this. Idk how I feel about this. The Shadowhunters are still gonna be super Christian no matter what lip-service Clare pays to other religions. She has angels! And demons! She’s trying to be inclusive, but it’s never really gonna work, bc she’s doing it in name only. But at the same time, I wouldn’t want her to mess with any religion but Christianity or, sigh, Judaism. Christianity bc it’s the dominant religion and can’t be marginalized (different denominations can be, but not Christianity as a whole) and Judaism bc she’s Jewish. There’s not very much Jewish in these books, though. Yeah, there are angels in Judaism, but it’s not really the Jewish Vibe. A book influenced by Judaism would have a lot of magic based on specific wording, and arguments, and Hebrew and Hebrew-derived languages. This book uses Latin and is into angels. It’s Christian-influenced, which is fine, I guess, but the lip-service to other religions doesn’t ring true. But also, saying “Christianity is the one religion!” is super upsetting and she shouldn’t do that. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, I’m literally thinking on the page. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Please hit up my ask box or talk about this in the notes! This discussion really interests me, and I want to get diverse opinions.
Luke asks if Valentine sent them (he did) and if their clothes “are official Accord robes” “from the Uprising?” (they are). Wow. The Uprising. What a descriptive name! We don’t call things “the Uprising” in real life. It’s more like, “The French Revolution.” “The Cultural Revolution.” “The Revolutionary War.” “The Civil War.” Am I being unfair?” I guess someone right after one of the French Revolutions might just say “the Revolution.” But something about The Uprising is so boring. And aren’t there more than one Uprising? There should be. The Warlock Uprising. The Vampire Uprising. It doesn’t have to be all internal. Any organized group would rise against the Clave. The Clave is legit the worst.
It turns out Luke’s real name is Lucian AND. I. AM. DYING. Luke is Lucius Malfoy, confirmed!! Let’s do a list of what we know so far:
Clary: Ginny Jace: Draco Jocelyn: I’m getting Bellatrix vibes? Bc of the whole in-love-with Voldemort thing? Valentine: I don’t know?? I can’t think of who he could be??? We’ll have to leave this blank for now I guess :/ Hodge: Giles. Not a HP character, but this is a crossover event with Buffy. Isabelle: Pansy Parkinson Alec: I actually don’t know here. He’s the GBF. Simon: Does Harry make sense? They’re both boring nice guys (don’t @ me!)
This game is getting boring, let’s move on. Luke apparently used to fight with B and P, so we know he’s a Shadowhunter (or, if you’ve read this book before, you know he used to be one). Then he tells them he doesn’t know where the Mortal Cup is (they think Jocelyn hid it).
CLARY IS SO FUCKING DUMB OMFG. P and B talk about how Jocelyn hasn’t regained consciousness and Valentine wants to see her again (using her name) and Clary goes:
Jocelyn? Can they be talking about my mother?
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CC must think her readers are really dumb and can’t figure anything out on their own:
“I’ve never felt any way about [Jocelyn], particularly,” said Luke. “Two Shadowhunters, exiled from their own kind, you can see why we might have banded together. But I’m not going to try to interfere with Valentine’s plans for her, if that’s what he’s worried about.”
He might as well have said, “Jocelyn and I were both exiled. EXILED. We were exiled. We were exiled as fuck. Do you get it? Reading context clues is hard, so I’m saying WE WERE EXILED.” The quasi-warlocks should have responded like, “Yeah? We know you both were exiled? We were there?”
Blackwell refers to Jocelyn as “that bitch” bc institutionalized mysoginy is the absolute best! I love when vicious sexism is included for no reason! Bc also these guys aren’t any worse than Luke! Bc may I remind you that Luke was basically a supremacist! Just like them!
For some reason, these idiots believe Lucius when he tells them that he’s not close with Jocie. Then please explain why you both live in Brooklyn.
P and B threaten to make Luke stay in the city, and Luke threatens them, and somehow they let this happen? In other news, Clary is still dumb as rocks. She’s super hurt that Luke said that he doesn’t care about Jocie bc she has about 0 critical thinking skills. We’re talking none. She could have someone whispering the answers in her ear and still bomb the SAT.
Jace thinks that P and B think Luke “knows more than he’s telling” so why would they let him go???? Then Jace reveals that P and B murdered his dad, and this chapter is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone bring me a Bloody Mary. It’s how I feel inside.
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sasslightertm-a · 7 years
Belladonna & Aconite (1993) — Inkubus Sukkubus
A series of lyric starters taken from indie pagan/goth rock band Inkubus Sukkubus’s album released in 1993.  Contains some dark themes, sexually suggestive lyrics, themes around Paganism and Witchcraft, and one song is anti-medieval Christianity.  May be edited as necessary.
“Underneath the neolithic sky where the beasts are so proud to die, across the sea of a million dreams where nothing is as it once seemed, I hear the Pan Pipes playing in what the wind is saying.”
“Here comes the fallen angel.”
“Here comes the long-dead god back from the years in exile.”
“Here comes the wild Pagan heart.”
“And the May Queen sings her song for her consort who is gone.”
“Children mourn the loss of Pan whom Death banished from this land.”
“It has been two thousand years.”
“The earth is soaked with blood and tears.”
“The once-great Lord of the Hunt lies slain. His bride's a-burning in the flame.”
“Mother Earth lies raped and poisoned.”
“The final day draws ever closer to a time of ice and fire.”
“She shall be a funeral pyre.”
Midnight Queen
“In the forest, in the night underneath the full moonlight she's always there: Nature's child in the woodland air.”
“Fade into the dream.”
“And when your heart is filled with fear, close your eyes for she is here.”
“She's always there.”
“The stars shine in her raven hair. Fade into the dream.”
“And on a night like this you'll find her burning kiss.”
“Her hair all wrapped around you. Your dreams are here to drown you.”
“And in the winter and autumn time, sing your song, drink your wine for she is here.”
“The Midnight Queen is dressed in green. Fade into the dream.”
“Does the cold air chill your spine?”
“And to the truth you are blind.”
“For she is here: The naked spirit of the forest glade. Fade into the dream.” 
“Oh, mysterious ladies, hear unto my prayer and grant me live and to love as you do.”
“May your magical souls overwhelm the night air to cast off its shroud and reveal your dark truths.”
“Diana, sweet maiden, so pale and so pure, we welcome your fresh silver light. Tho' deceit may be hid in your innocent lure, the love of the huntress is right. Your light is shining on your children in the night.”
“No-one could hope to know the secrets that you hold.”
“Moon Mother so full is your milk-white breast. So safe are your warm open arms. Tis now that your lover, the Sun, fully rests in the radiant pool of your calm.”
“The wisest of all is the Crone on the wane. The others are under your power. Tho' there's death behind both of your ebony gates, the gift of new life is your flower.” 
Belladonna & Aconite
“Belladonna and aconite, give to me the gift of flight. Take me up, airborne in the night.”
“In a dream, across the sky a hundred-million miles high, take me ever onwards in the night.”
“Dark sisters join my night flight.” 
“See how far you can climb.”
“Holt's with us on this bright night.”
“Ride with him 'cross the sky.”
“As a screaming horde we cut the scape.”
“The Devil's Apple exacerbates to the sabbath on a demon steed I ride.”
“Across the astral plane we race. The universe my fingers trace, and I am lost forever in my mind.” 
Soul Inside
“Waking in the still of night, darkness all around. Cold walls whisper to my soul of pleasures never found.”
“I scream your name to shrouded ears.”
“You hear what charms you most.”
“And though I know what gifts you hold I cannot love a ghost.”
“I felt your spirit in me. It thrilled me so.”
“If I ever can touch your skin, my love will surely grow.”
“Wrapped within your lucent arms, there safety with my love. Asylum for a bleeding heart though limbs not flesh nor blood.”
“Oh, let me just be close to you. Of what else do I care? And if it means another world, then that will be my prayer.” 
Song of the Siren
“Draw near, closer now into my painted wings.”
“What man can resist when the Siren sings?”
“Let not your ears be deadened by the ocean's roar. Just hear my sweet lament and I'll ask no more.”
“Give up your will to me!”
“You've travelled far, my love, and the sea's been cruel.”
“Come rest with me awhile.”
“Why act like a fool?” 
“For I will guide your ship to my welcome shore.”
“So give your soul to me when you hear the call.”
“Upon this crimson rock your body lying still, and from your broken veins I will drink my fill.”
“Your love has given me meaning to my song.”
“Within my empty heart is where your blood belongs.” 
“In the hush of the gloaming as the young sleep without a care, dark lovers greet the cool night sky and drink of the liquid air.”
“The time has come for the eternal young to leave the still of the earth and rush through the night in their nocturnal flight.”
“Wild beneath the midnight sun, those who have tasted it satiates.”
“It's an experience you won't want to miss.”
“So cast out your fears, they're ever near.”
“So much can change with a single kiss.”
“They come on wings of black kid leather.”
“Anaemia adds haste to the flight.”
“The sky is alive with anticipation.”
“Another soul will join them tonight.”
“With one fatal kiss of exquisite bliss your body is left pale in the wake, but the vampyre catalepsy is brief and pretty soon you'll join the feast of blood.”
“Lying 'neath the trees your arms enfold me.”
“There's some sweet magic in the way you hold me.”
“I feel the power in your midnight eyes.”
“Let me drink deep from your witch’s potion.”
“Like the trees we will sway in motion.”
“Watch our souls tumbling from the sky.”
“Wrap me up within your cloak of myst'ry.”
“All nature holds is breath whene'er you kiss me.”
“Hear my secrets uttered in my sighs.”
“You know I'll always love you as the Moon shines far above you.”
“You know I'll always love you.”
“May her light shine on our love.”
“Fall with me into deepest ocean and let our bodies drown in pure emotion.”
“I feel that I'm immortal by your side.
“We'll live this life and then we'll live another.”
“For all of time I hope you'll be my lover.”
“We'll be as one long after we've died.”
“I feel you drawing near and I will show no fear.”
“No pleasure be denied me. A hunger grows inside me.”
“I need your fiery kisses.”
“Thrill me with your icy touch.”
“What mortal lover would ever hope to give a woman this much?
“Dream lover, dream lover. Deceiver, Reliever.”
“Dream lover, dark brother, I'll open my soul just to give you my whole.”
“Man's greed has known no boundaries.”
“His cruelty has no end.”
“I feel desire as you do, so why need it so offend you?”
“Speak not your words of anger; carnal acts by the Devil's will.”
“I don't hear your accusations.”
“Someone slipped me a happiness pill! “
All the Devil’s Men
“All the Devil's Men. In Christ's name they do their evil.”
“All the Devil's Men. Still mad and medieval with their swords and with their guns and poisoned words upon their tongues.”
“All the Devil's Men hear the children scream, for they shall teach them Christian values—put monsters in their dreams and subject them to pain and torment.”
“With their straps and with their canes they shall teach them fear and shame.”
“All the Devil's Men...”
“If they can't burn you at the stake then your children they will take.”
“Will the malice of their lies. They are here to defile, to destroy all our lives.”
“What they do, they do for Christ and we are all the victims: every man, woman and child.”
“All the Devil's Men, their twin gods are Christ and Satan.”
“All the Devil's Men... Hide your babes for they shall take them.”
“With the law upon their side they bring death and genocide.”
“All the Devil's Men... By the sword and by the lash they will break you, they will take you.”
“In the shadow of their cross lie the victims of their tortures.”
“In the churches and the schools they still take us for their fools.”
“All the Devil's Men clutching to their dying empire.”
“All the Devil's Men clutching at their blood-stained bibles.”
“Their final days have come at last and they shall fade into the past.”
I am the One
“I am the One from the dark side of your dreams.”
“I am the One, the one who hears your screams.”
“I am the One, I am the One.”
“I am a vampyre a-calling for your love.”
:I am the fire that burns within your blood.”
“No bars or chains can keep me from your bed.”
“Nothing on earth can get me from your head.”
“I'm the angel of your desire burning in the night.”
“I'm the pyre, I'm the fire come to set you alight
“I'm the One.”
“Forget the past, live only for tonight.”
“How many loves have shared such pure delight?”
“Rest now, my love, let troubles slip away.”
“I shall return on the darkening of the day.”
Old Hornie
“A breath of wind has stirred me from hypnotic lands.”
“The cup falls from my hands.”
“I feel your spirit come a-rushing through the trees; your call upon the breeze.”
“Let us sing to Herne tonight.”
“Come join his dance of life.”
“Let us sing to Herne tonight and join his dance of life.”
“Proud horned one come now with swiftness and with mirth. Be with us on this earth. We praise the phallus that has brought the gift of life. Join with me in this rite.” 
“How I've loved you and will always love you.”
“You were the one to light the stars in my night.”
“Why can't one of such beauty live forever?”
“Hear my soul scream its plight.”
“You were the gift of joy.”
“You were my light.”
“You gave so much to life, my angel of the night.”
“Oh hear me call you. I'll always call for you.”
“Though you are no longer here may my voice be carried to your spectral ears.”
“I need to know you are near.” 
“From the west comes old Death a-riding on the storm with hungry eyes for funeral fires to burn till the morrow's dawn.”
“For tis the night, here comes the dead unbound from the Underworld and the children dress as the babes of Hell.”
“All the boys and all the girls and the fires shall burn. And the wheel of life shall turn, and the dead come back home on Samhain.”
“In the night sky on the lunar light they fly, and the dead come back home on Samhain.”
“At the Sabbat high on the funeral hill wait the witches at the feast for the first winter's day, the first winter's sun a-rising in the east for Death has come for the summertime and to take the leaves of spring.”
“Hecate, Nemesis, Dark Mother take us in.”
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