roses-ruby · 4 years
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Jungkook x Female Reader
Genre: Cop AU, An onslaught of Angst, Thriller, Mature
Warnings: Obsessive/Possessive behavior, Toxic relationships, Yandere, Stalking, Emotional and Physical abuse, MiSoGYny, Violence, Bad parents, Bad cops, Kidnapping
Word Count: 11,000
Summary: No matter where you run, the past will find you.
The dark clouds approached along the light blue fabric of the sky.
You watched them from your car window, dreading the downpour you’d have to drive home through tonight. With a sigh, you open the door and step out of your 2012 Hyundai Accent, planting your soles firmly onto the cemented parking lot. Your rustic car shakes with the loss of weight and the door creaks at the hinges once you slam it shut.
Somehow the old you had managed to entertain yourself with the thought that receiving a promotion would ultimately be able to afford you a better car, but no – you were stuck with the same failing engine, same worn out tires, same chipped paint aside the right headlight and occasional oil leaks.
Old you was a fool, you think, placing your hands in your coat pocket and walking towards the station in a swift, rigid pace. The air was chilly, and the strong breeze hit your face in unpleasant streaks. You kept your head down, arms clinging to the sides of your body to warm you up. There were barely any people outside the station, just a couple of men in blue quickly ensuring victims or witnesses. Years on the force had given you the eye to spot the differences between your average citizen and a perp with ease.
Perps always had an emptiness in their gaze. A vacant spot that erased their crime from their own mind. Defense mechanism they call it. You weren’t a stranger to that emotion yourself.
With no time to waste, you rush up the steps. As you pull the door of the station open, your ears are immediately filled with chatter, paper clatter and ringing phones. More importantly your body is filled with warmth. Like it was memorized in your head, you sift through the desks and file cabinets with ease, trudging past several rushing bodies on your way to a hallway down the right. Reaching the end of the corridor, you see the four men you were expecting through the clear glass window in front of their room. They were laughing at something one of them had said, a laughter that came to a full stop the moment you burst into the chief’s office.
All eyes were on you.
“There you are, detective! Right on time.” The chief, a charismatically aged character, calls out your last name as he leans back in his creaky leather chair.
“Not like she has anything better to do…” Hyun, the Sergeant’s younger partner, remarks underneath his breath.
“It’s my day off chief…this better be good.”
“Why? Did you have a date?” You catch Hyun’s sarcastic eyes before he bursts into a fit of laughter at your unamused face.
“Like you ever get laid.” Jimin scoffs at him with a raised eyebrow from the opposite side of the room.
“Motherfucker I got laid last night!” Hyun shouts like that was the funniest thing he’s said while Jimin holds back his growing smile.
“Yeah? Your asshole still hurt?” Sarge slams Hyun in the back as they all break out into mutual cackles. Hyun fights back by pushing his older partner into a cabinet while making derogatory remarks.
You try not to scowl at the suffocating testosterone in the air as you watch the boys play around.
“All right, all right, quiet down.”  The chief shouts, rubbing his forehead wrinkles with his fingers and looking back at you like he suddenly remembered you exist. “___- uh…we got a little situation for you.”
He reaches to the left of his desk and picks up a file before throwing it up ahead on the table. There was a sudden coating of thick silence around the room as your eyes roam from the detectives scrutinizing you, back to the thick manilla folder thrown out in front of you. You carefully walk up to where the file laid, picking it up and examining the name on the small name card clipped at the top left.
“Jeon Jungkook?”
You question in surprise. Your orbs fly from the chief’s empty face to the white name card.
“How much do you know about Jeon?” The chief asks slowly. You recognize that tone of voice. That tone you’ve witnessed multiple times in interrogation with a suspect. The aura in the room felt strange.
You drop the file to your side so you can look the chief right in the eyes.
“What do you mean? I know that he’s the most accomplished assassin-for-hire to this date. I know that he has his dirty hands everywhere across the East. I know that he’s responsible for Asia’s most influential triad trade. I know that he’s taken down too many of our own and I know he should be jammed into a cage for the rest of his life, chief.”
The chief exhaled, some tension leaving his facial features as he leans further back in his chair and shuts his eyes. You studied the man in pity. Was this how you were bound to end up in a few years? Bald, stressed, only black coffee in your system, suspicious of everyone and everything with a failing marriage and kids who won’t speak to you?
Half of that was actually how you lived like right now.
“I’m sorry, ___. You know how many rumors there are of officers under Jeon’s thumb. Patrollers, lieutenants, even agents…they are all chummy with that bastard. I can’t help but be careful.”
“What do you mean? What does this have to do with me, chief?” You furrowed your eyebrows, still not understanding what was happening or why you were called in on your day off for an ‘urgent’ matter.
“We caught him.” Sarge interjects, “Tip came in this morning about a deal in the abandoned mill off the northwest. He surrendered as soon as we showed up, no casualties.”
You couldn’t stop your mouth from dropping. Did you hear that correctly? Jeon Jungkook, who had been on the world’s most wanted list for 6 years now just happened to be caught in your city, at the abandoned mill in the middle of the day? It was hard to believe but Sarge didn’t seem like he was joking.
“T-that’s great…w- is he in custody right now? Here?”
“He is. But we have a problem though…” You look back at the chief who was staring right at you. “He won’t talk.”
“I mean we expected that, right? He did the same thing in Hong Kong. Wha- is...is he pleading the fifth or-”
“That’s the thing, he surrendered but didn’t make any attempts to cooperate, he’s just been sitting stationary on his ass for 3 hours. The deputy had to phone it in as soon as he got here, so Kane’s bound to show up at any minute. They’ll take him away to some fucking facility and we’ll just have to stick out our tongues and wag our tails while the big boys do the real work. Damn! We couldn’t find jack shit when raiding the fucking mill!” The chief rambled, still massaging his forehead like he had a headache. “And that deadly weapon expert? All he had on him was an old handkerchief.”
He snorted but there was no amusement in his voice. But suddenly his vigor died down and his eyes stared off into the distance.
“…There’s only one thing he said the entire time he’s been in that interrogation room.”
“…What did he say?” You ask carefully, noticing the way everyone present was glaring holes into you.
“He said he’ll only speak to you.” The chief leans towards you, placing his elbows on his desk with his eyes slightly squinting and an unspoken question on his lips.
Suddenly the room turns cold and you feel like you were outside in that freezing chill once again. Your mind runs a mile a minute and your skin breaks out into goosebumps. It all makes sense just then. The threatening atmosphere, the stare downs, the discerning. They all had one question staining their mind. Why would the world’s most powerful hitman and black arms dealer want to talk to some random low-grade rookie detective?  
Hell, you didn’t know yourself.
“Me? Why would he want to speak to me?”
“He said he knows you.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from scoffing. That was ridiculous. If you met someone like Jeon Jungkook before, you would remember it…wouldn’t you?
“Chief, I’m telling you, I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Then how could he know your full name?” Hyun interrupts
You glare at him from your position in the middle of the room. “How am I supposed to know dumbass?”
He smirks, his disgusting gaze sharpening. “Maybe he just knows how to sniff out the cunts.”
“Watch your fucking mouth Hyun.” Jimin steps between you both in a flash. He was facing away from you, but you could tell he was pissed by how he clenched his fists. Hyun scoffs, the corner of his lips picking up.
“I sniff two.”
It all happens in the blink of an eye. Jimin tries to leap at him but you barely manage to hold your partner back by the shoulder. Smart mouth also gets up from where he was leaning before Sarge rushes up to the younger. They both glare at each other like they were ready to kill while you grimace looking at each of their loaded holsters. The fact that these men were allowed to open carry was the most terrifying part.
“Enough!” The chief shouts, standing from his desk, “Hyun learn how to shut your yap hole for once, and Park, I need you to back off. There’s already a lot of tension in this room cause of Jeon…let’s handle that motherfucker first, officers.”
He warns Jimin to which you hold him tighter, whispering at him to let it go. Eventually the blonde simmers down – they both do, and you watch the way the chief exhales defeatedly.
“___, is there any reason at all- anything you can think of- and really think now, all the way back to before you transferred here- as to why Jeon Jungkook would want to speak to you? Why he would say he knows you?”
“None, chief.” You state calmly. There was nothing to think about, you didn’t know him.
The man stares at you for a moment before nodding. “Alright then, officer. I’ll need you in that interrogation room immediately. Maybe you can find an answer to this whole mess of a situation.”
“What the hell chief?” Hyun immediately complains, “I brought him in! I should be the one questioning him! You can’t just do that to me-” He growls, stepping up to the boss’ desk.
“Shut it!” Sergeant smacks the back of his big head while you breathe through your nose to keep calm.
Hyun always made his dislike for you obvious. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact reason he hated you because there were one too many. You were a stickler for rules and tradition, a woman (more specifically a woman who has made more arrests than him), and not the type to try and fit in. He hated how you didn’t fall in line and mostly kept to yourself – private and introverted. Whatever, you didn’t give a fuck about what he thought of you. Although you were used to Hyun’s moronic nature, it was still rarely this chaotic and tense in your station. Everyone seemed to be at one another’s neck. The most thrill you all had was capturing a local drug dealer a few years back.
But then again, Jeon Jungkook was far from your average criminal.
“You were in there for 2 and a half fucking hours with the captain himself, Hyun. What did you get out of it?” Chief groans
“I-I just need a little more time, just a li-”
“Time we don’t have!” The older man yells at the top of his lungs. “I know you’re the one who cuffed him and I’m real happy for that 20 second thrill you got but you can’t just get your panties in a twist when things don’t go your way. ___ here is just as capable of an officer as you. If she can get him to talk and we can gain some info on him and his little gang before those FBI pigs show up – just think of what that could mean for the team…”
Hyun scowled at the elder for a minute before contemplating on what was just said. Pursing his lips, he took a step back with a face that screamed defeat. “Yes, chief.” He mumbles.
“Good. Now ___,” The attention was once again placed on you. “We don’t have much time. Get out there and find out what that son of a bitch is thinking.”
“Yes, chief.”
“But listen, this man knows your name meaning it’s safe to say he knows your identity. He’s smart and he’s dangerous. Don’t get caught in any of his traps. We’ll be listening from the other side of the wall so if you feel like something’s off, signal us at any time, alright?”
His order had all the men in the room frowning for different reasons. Jimin had on his usual concerned face and even Sarge seemed worried. The thought of any stranger knowing your identity terrified you. But these were the last people on earth you would tell that to. You paid their disturbed expressions no mind as you nodded in determination, pulling your posture straight and holding your head up high.  
“Yes, chief.”
You clench the file towards your chest.
There was an unsettling feeling you felt standing outside the door of interrogation room 4. Same one you had felt the first time you became a detective and were ordered to interrogate some big burly guy who had slashed his ex-girlfriend’s tires. Even though you thought you had left your past behind, here it was, surrounding you in an uncomfortable heat. This wasn’t just some petty thief who robbed a local convenience store or some middle-aged man who tried to choke his wife to death.
No. This was much, much bigger than that.
Jeon Jungkook, also known as JJK was a notorious hitman with several successful operations carried out around the world. In Washington, Libya, Hong Kong, Brazil and even Rome. He made the most wanted list when he was only 19 and was infamous for getting the job done. None of the men in his list survived…ever. Not only was he a perfectionist in his handiwork but also knew how to deal with the preparation.
A master of weapons; he could operate a H&K P7 in his sleep and take down 10 operatives with a single combat knife. His knowledge of artillery made him a big deal amongst the triads so setting up a little side business as a black arms dealer was a walk in the park for him. He was strong, fast, smart and feared. Not even the finest could catch him and at times months would go on by without a sighting.
Yet suddenly…he was just behind this door.
And who did he desperately want to see?
By name.
Of all people.
Now you consider yourself a logical person. Someone guided by intellect before anything else. You did the math, worked on the equation, pondered on the systematics but nothing clicked. Nothing. There was absolutely no reason for someone like him to want to meet you but then again, the whole situation was the strangest fucking thing you’ve seen.
Surrendering at an abandoned mill in your jurisdiction would be the last place you’d think Jeon Jungkook would be captured. In your mind, his destiny was meant to end on a grander scale at the edge of the world. Some Hollywood theatrical-like bullshit where they would have him cornered on some rooftop with multiple choppers and snipers ready to take him down. This however – the threatening but anticlimactic atmosphere… it didn’t make any sense. Not for someone as careful and calculated as Jungkook.
For some reason, it just felt like he was waiting on something…something big to happen. A sensation of doom coursed throughout your body. Everything about today felt wrong. Like you and your colleagues were caught right in his talons.
By far, the most bizarre part about the situation was how he knew your name and you. You’ve always kept such a lowkey profile, it just didn’t make any sense.
“___?” The sound of your name startles you and you whip towards your side to see your partner dressed in his usual face of worry. “You alright?”
“…I’m good.” You choke out, trying to sound as lucid as possible.
It doesn’t seem to convince him however as he tilts his head and frowns at you.
“Listen, if you don’t want to talk to him, you don’t have to. Chief shouldn’t have pushed you into this bullshit – why do we even have to listen to what a criminal wants anyway? I-”
“Jimin, calm down. I’m fine.”
“Your mollycoddling doesn’t help as much as you think it does, Park.”
Your words seem to have surprised him, his stubborn expression morphing into denial.
“That’s…I didn’t mean…”
You shut your tired eyes, feeling bad about the way you spoke to your only friend at the station. This is exactly why everyone thought you were way too rigid and unapproachable. Jimin however was too much of a nice guy, always going out of his way to make friendly with you. It always made you wonder – why would a well-liked, popular and talented guy such as Jimin want to hang around you or even ask the chief to be your partner? Maybe it was pity he felt for you.
That feeling was not something you desired. It left a nauseous impression down your throat. All you wanted was to do your job the best you could, go home, take your pills and sleep your days away. You didn’t want anyone’s kindness or company, you just wanted it to be over. Park Jimin’s sincerity was a hindrance.
“I’m sorry it’s just…I’m real tired of getting treated like this. I get it, I’m a woman and somehow that means I’m a less than, a cause for concern or just a fucking HR liability. I fucking get it without every single one of you reminding me every damn day.”
“You know that’s not what I meant, ___.” Jimin stares at you apologetically
“Then please, Jimin. Let me do my job.” You hold his stare until he eventually sighs, giving you a nod and retreating.
Once he walks away, you let out a shaky exhale, reaching towards the door handle with trembling fingers. Get it together, you whisper to yourself. After all the tough talk, the truth was you weren’t ready. You were scared shitless. Maybe Hyun was right about you.
Maybe your father was.
Drowning out every negative thought, you turn the door handle and push the door open.
You were immediately greeted by the usual silent man on the interrogation chair. His dark orbs were soundlessly watching the wall ahead of him. When you step into the room, he turns his head to look at you. Once he notices you, he instantly breaks out into a smirk. Clenching your file harder, you physically stop yourself from shivering.
You had seen him before, in blurry internet sightings and news coverages. But never up close and personal…and never smiling. It was like you entered a whole different world; the room you were pretty familiar with felt like a surreal fantasy. He was drop dead gorgeous. Lethal, you could say. His face was round, and features were sharp. A prominent nose, pink lips, sharp jaw and intense, smoldering eyes. Midnight black hair shyly covered his temple as he sat upright and confident in his chair.
He was dressed rather casually – a dark blue denim jacket that molded around his muscles and black top that covered his long neck. Tight fitted black pants that were ripped at the knees, displaying his thick, strong thighs and the heaviest leather boots you’ve ever seen. His hands were cuffed to the table so everyone can see them at all times. All he did was sit still but somehow commanded your whole attention. You gulped involuntarily at the sight before you.
You’ve never seen a man more comfortable in his own skin.
When he notices you ogling, he raises a brow in amusement. It alarms you, your eyes shooting to the large mirror on the other side of the wall. They were probably watching you…waiting for you to mess up.
Not wanting to throw them anymore bones, you clear your throat. Walking in and sitting down opposite to Jungkook. You don’t give him the time of day, pretend not to notice his bottomless orbs following your every move as you flip the file open a couple pages. As you continue to ignore him, you swear you could hear him tsk under his breath.
“So… Jeon Jungkook. Aged 23. Professional hitman. Side arms dealer. Wanted by the CIA, FSB, NSA and the Navy seals. Says here you’ve pissed off a lot of people, Jungkook.”
This was routine. The lighthearted police tone you always used. Very rarely would officers come off strongly when interrogating perps unless they were fucking morons. It was better if everyone just cooperated like this was an elementary school’s playground and none of the children got violent. Perps had to feel comfortable enough to spill it all. Being approachable, calm and levelheaded was normal for an efficient detective.
It was normal.
But it didn’t feel normal. You found yourself cringing at your voice, at the way you spoke. Your words felt so out of place and awkward. For some reason, you were hyper aware of everything you were doing. Maybe it was because you were under Jungkook’s extremely scrutinizing gaze or maybe because you knew Hyun was probably sounding out some sarcastic remarks about your abilities behind that mirror. Whatever it was, you didn’t feel good. Yet you continued on like everything was fine.
“You’ve been quite the busy boy, haven’t you?” You continue on, flipping through the file and swallowing the uneasiness.
“Like you wouldn’t believe, doll.”
His pet name for you stops you in your tracks. In the middle of turning a page that hung in midair. Slowly, you look up at him from beneath your lashes and he has on that same damn smirk. Stress-free posture and concentrated gaze. Looks like he was comfortable.
“…Really? Mind telling me about it?”
He continues to stare at you for a moment before letting out a humorous sigh. Jungkook leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and rolling his tongue in his cheek.
“What would you like to know?”
“Whatever you have for me.” You reply back, leaning in and using in the same low tone he used. Mirroring the suspect, playing the game. No matter how shaken you were, you knew how to do your job.
Another smirk appears on his face before he props back on his chair.
“Mhmm, I don’t know how much I can tell you doll. We all have secrets you see, we all got someone to fool. Like you right now.”
As his words settle in, you become confused. And by the way he chuckles, you know he can see it.
“That face you have on, that cute look of determination. Flipping through those pages like you’re learning something new about me. Something that I myself might not know. Like you didn’t already memorize it front to back, way before you came in here...those eyes that are desperately trying to win us over…like you have so much to prove still.”
You were thrown off. The way he unflinchingly delivered his speech in the most persuasive way. There was a certain way you had expected this to go in your mind, a certain power your brain gave you over him but now you realize all your thoughts were dust. In reality, you couldn’t comprehend what the fuck he was going on about which gave him the upper hand.
Thus, you looked into his eyes for an answer. Genuine eyes that shone as clear as day. It made you realize that he had nothing to hide. There was nothing he was trying to erase.
It left you speechless.
Your face must have been very obvious because next thing you knew, he was answering the question that lingered your thoughts.
“Your uncertainty gives you away. I guess it’d be present in anyone who’s constantly been made to feel inferior. All your life, you’ve had to go above and beyond to be considered half as good as your colleagues with dicks. No matter how much pain and humiliation you’ve endured, everyone expects more from you. It would drive anyone mad.” He moves in further, practically whispering at this point. “It could make anyone commit sinful acts.”
“My mother used to tell me about them,” He relaxes back in his chair, “…before she left that is. She was big on religion so she’d tell me all about these people who did bad deeds- sinner, she would call them. She’d go on and on about how they look and how they act. How they don’t have a place in this world amongst the good, non-sinners. We’d know exactly how to identify them, wouldn’t we doll?”
In the bright center of interrogation room 4, your pools were glued on the stranger that knew too much but let on too little. Jungkook was the one in cuffs, but you were the one who was starting to feel trapped.
“You don’t know me. We’re not the same.” You said out loud.
He turns silent for a moment, before grinning. “I think we’re more alike than you are aware of, detective.”
“Don’t fall for any of his traps.”
“W-” You swallow, “We’re not here to talk about me…”
You tried sounding as rational and self-assured as before, but your voice was barely above a murmur. And after you spoke, he smiled. His smile was way too innocent compared to who you knew he was.
“So, you want to know about me?” He chuckled “What do you want to know?
This was your chance, you thought, surprised at how easily he seemed to be ready to change the subject matter. You began flipping through the folder nonchalantly again, trying to get back on track.
“How about you start at the mill. Who were you meeting with so early in the day, Jungkook?”
Suddenly, his eyes darken and the look on his face becomes sinister, but that smile never falls. You couldn’t help but shift in your seat at his unexpected gaze.
“If you really want to know about everything that led up to this morning…then we’d have to look back quite a bit. Maybe back years ago…to a kid whose mother was never around and whose father beat the living shit out of him twice a day.”
He throws his head back and breaks out into a laugh at your unimpressed face. You were all ears but the last thing you wanted to do was spend an uncomfortable hour or two in here. The man creeped you out, so if he could just hurry up and get on with it, maybe you could go finish your nap and forget about today.
“Okay, okay, hah,” He sits back up straight, trying to conceal his laughter, “We don’t have to go that far back, but yeah this kid had it hard. But he was never one of those cucks. As he grew older, he couldn’t just sit there and take it. No…it wasn’t like that for him…he had to fight back, and he did fight for what he could, no matter what it took. He-”
“Open this fucking door you little freak!”
The door’s pounding shook the whole room. His anxiety was through the roof as he watched the weak wood quiver each time the monster banged against it. It could break at any moment now and he was afraid. He always, always acted tough. Always fought back the best he could. But the truth was that he was just a skinny teenaged brat.
He didn’t want to fight. He wasn’t built for it.
“Fuck off!” The kid tried to sound as menacing as possible, but it came out a pathetic whimper and only seemed to anger the man on the other side of the locked door even further.
It was hilarious really; the kid couldn’t help but leak tears. He hadn’t eaten in days, it was his 4th beating of the week – he felt lightheaded and his body was on fire. All he wanted in that moment as he clenched his fists over his ears inside the dark bathroom was for the door to stay strong. For anyone to help him.
But as the lock broke and the wood let out a heinous whine and he was hit with sudden light and a large shadow, he realized circumstances do not work in your favor when you stand there and do nothing. And the moment he understood that, was the moment his life was about to drastically change. More accurately, the very next week.
When you entered his life.
“So- Jeon Jungkook, age 16, failing high school student…written up 4 times, visited juvie twice. Now, tell me why you beat up that kid, Jeon?” You stood up straight, writing away mindlessly in your small notebook.
The kid did nothing but stare at you through his bruised eye and busted lip, while he sat on the edge of your desk. It wasn’t his first time dealing with the cops and something inside him always knew it wouldn’t be his last. When you didn’t hear his answer, you huffed, looking up at him from the pages between your fingers.
“Well? I don’t have all night you know. I could just lock you in.”
He smirked. It was easy to tell you were new, he noticed as soon as you walked in and were told to book him by the guy who arrested him. Your uniform had been pressed with great care, not one hair was out of place and your badge was polished and perfectly positioned. It felt like you just came out of one of those corny films about the ‘good’ cops; fighting crime for justice and truth. The kid was even younger than he was at that moment when he realized just how full of bullshit that trope was.
One glance around the room, at the other pigs in uniform and he knew you had just gotten the job. That your spirits hadn’t been crushed unlike these soulless bodies wandering the station’s premises.
That was the best quality about the kid, he had always been observant. A lot more than his peers or even the adults in his life. He could tell a great deal about you at one glance. You seemed jittery and nervous, trying to write as neatly as possible. It felt like you were trying to get someone’s attention – a high ranking older officer, who you kept observing from the corner of your eye. As the kid watched that man chortle with his equally dull colleagues, he thought there was a resemblance in you both, but that there also wasn’t.
“Then why don’t you?” The kid replied a bit too sarcastically, wanting this to be over with as quickly as possible so maybe he could get some sleep for the first time in 3 days. It would do him a lot of good actually, being away from that house for a little while. Subtly, he was pleading.
“Look kid,” You grimaced, “I know that guy you beat up, he’s a racist little shit. He probably did something to you, I’m sure or you wouldn’t carry so many self-defense wounds along your hands. There might be some way I could help you; I want to help you. But only if you tell me what really happened, alright?”
It was silent just then. He was silent.
“I want to help you.”
He was expecting you to reprimand him for his smart mouth and then lock him up. That’s what anyone who took one glance at his file did. It was filled with crap about him, shit that they peered their nose over because they were so much better than him. The kid never trusted adults; they never did anything for him. He was the child that everyone discriminated against to remind themselves how lucky they were. At least my child’s not like that, is what they all thought. No one cared about his side of the story. No one but…you.
Your answer was something that caught him off guard for the first time in years.
“Why do you want to help me? I’m a criminal.”
“Oh yeah, you got a record,” You reply casually, flipping through your notes, “I glanced over it, it’s all for stealing food.”
Suddenly you became quiet. Taking a step back, you begin to study him up and down from where he sat.
“Is… is your dad not feeding you?”
Your gaze shifted further into concern and he held his breath. He’s never seen those eyes before on anyone – never for him. Shit, his own mother never looked at him like that. Like she felt something for him. Not even when the bitch ran off with the neighbor and left him with that monster – young, weak and helpless.
Having someone worry about him made him feel strange, his whole body broke out into a quiver and his eyes watered. That kid could see himself in the reflection of your eyes that had widened dramatically at the change in his demeanor. And he tried to stop himself but for some reason, he wanted you to worry about him.
“Uh- I..wai- don’t cry-'' Flustered, you scrambled around, trying to find a tissue. You were new at the job and you weren’t used to people breaking apart yet. Everyone around you seemed so busy, hustling around the station like they didn’t see a teenage boy in the start of a mental breakdown…that or they didn’t care. Finally, you grab the handkerchief your mom had stuffed inside your uniform pocket and carefully hold it out for him.
But you drop it in a flash when you witness him get struck across the face the very next instant.
You flinched at the loud, unforgiving voice that resounded throughout the station. Everyone instantly went noiseless and it felt like the station just halted for the first time in years. All you could hear were the lingering ringing of phones.
“How many times have I warned you not to make trouble? You’re a disgrace!” The man spit into the kid’s face. He was tall, maybe 6’2, and muscular compared to the teenager but stood unevenly, favoring his left foot and walked with a limp. His face bore a scar on the cheek that was partially covered with a jungle of facial hair. His eyes seemed insane with anger and he reeked of hard liquor. You had to remind yourself that you had a taser in your holster.
Slowly, you looked back at the kid whose fringe covered his eyes. He hadn’t moved an inch since the man slapped his face. A large red handprint on his already wounded skin. It pulled at your heartstrings.
“S-sir?” You cleared your throat to which the crazy man turned his sneer towards you. But you couldn’t let that faze you. “You can’t just hit a child like that, I need you to back away.”
That was the best you could do at sounding confident, but your strength wavered as soon as the man took a step towards you.
“You trying to tell me how to raise my son, girlie?”
The scent of alcohol clouded your senses. You opened and closed your mouth like a fish. Your body started trembling, but you still tried to stand your ground until-
Another loud voice interrupts you. This time though, you recognized that voice. Your dad steps between you and the snarling man and you almost cry out of relief. You gape at both of the men in awe, staring one another down. The tension wraps around your throat and you worry for the kid behind all of this. If a brawl breaks out, he’s likely to get injured…
For a second you tried peeking back at your desk over your dad’s shoulder, until you hear sudden robust laughter in front of you.
What the fuck?
“You son of a bitch, how’ve you been?” Your father daps his hand with the terrifying man and your face morphs into confusion.
The demeanor and the whole damn atmosphere between the men changed, just like that. All the suffocating animosity had vanished in an instant as if it never existed, which left you dumbstruck and standstill.
“I’ve been good you dick. You’re a lieutenant now, I see. No wonder I haven’t seen you around the parlor much.” The guy cackles loudly, making you cringe at his rotten teeth and bad breath.
“Ahh~ You know, the old ball and chain.” Your father so kindly refers to your mother, “Heh, actually I’m a sober man now! My oldest just became an officer like her father a month ago.” He moves to your side to pat you on the shoulder. You freeze under his touch and your wide pupils flicker between him and Jeon who took a newfound interest in you.
In any other instance, you would have been ecstatic to have your father compliment you. But right now, your brain had a hard time processing everything and you kept glancing at the stoic kid.
“This one yours?” The man smirks, eyeing you up and down in a disturbing way. You almost tasered him then and there. “She’s a bit noisy, isn’t she?”
Your dad laughs louder than before while you clench your fist.
“Relax, she’s just a kid – a whole rookie. She doesn’t know how all this works yet.”
You try not to grimace at his words. Here you were hoping he would have believed in you a bit more if you received a perfect score on the academy’s exam.
As his laughter dies down, your dad looks off to the side, just behind the giant man and raises his eyebrow. “And I take it this one’s yours?”
Jeon sighs, ruffling his hair with his calloused fingers. “Sadly. The kid’s a lost cause, ___. They can’t all be like your pretty little daughter. Every damn day hurting someone, busting balls, messing with the other kids…stealing. Just…you know after his mother left…”
He becomes mute suddenly. Staring at the ground in great concentration like he just got too emotional. Funny, you saw that look in another man last week. A man who lied about not murdering his wife. You tsk under your breath and look back at the kid, almost jumping out of your skin when you catch him staring right at you from where he sat. No more vulnerability in his young eyes. They were once again making the same hardened expression you saw when he first walked in here. Something felt very off.
Your attention flies back to the taller men when you feel your father shift towards the older Jeon.
“I understand.” He states sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. “Take him home…”
It took you a second to snap out of your mute state.
“But dad, he-”
“Let them go, ___. This man here,” He signals at the guy, “He used to be one of the greatest and most respected officers of his time. Spent his best years serving. It’s the least he deserves. It’s alright.”
“No that’s not- Dad!” You begin flipping through your notebook, trying to show your father your notes, “Look at the kid’s fingers and arms! His face! He looks malnourished and some of those wounds look old- and- and this man’s obviously drunk and agressi-”
“___!” Your father shouts in rage, effectively shutting you up. “This is a command from your direct superior! They’re leaving.”
At that moment he menacingly leans in, close enough to breathe in your ear.
“Don’t embarrass me further, child.” He whispers with pure venom.
And just like that, all the fight in you leaves. Your shoulders slump and head falls to the floor. There were tiny needles poking you everywhere and your face felt hot – ashamed. His words ring inside your head like a mantra and you want to just run away and hide.
All you did was disappoint him.
Your dad apologizes for you and the next thing you hear is the man grabbing the kid by the arm and you couldn’t help but physically wince at how much pain he would be in at the moment. He staggers out of earshot and you do nothing but look at the ground. How could you possibly face the kid now? After you told him you’d help him.
Because of that you don’t notice anything. You don’t notice the fact that your handkerchief was no longer on the floor. Nor do you notice the kid’s eyes which stayed on you the whole time he was being dragged out of the building.
You sat there, speechless.
Jungkook tilted his head, softening his gaze at your shaken form.
“He looked at you the whole time after that. Only you…but you never noticed.”
You on the other hand couldn’t hear shit he was saying. All you could think about was that vague, really fucking vague memory you had of the moment he described. Your mind was everywhere, on your father, on his father, on that event that you ended up failing to recall somehow, at your conversation with the chief earlier.
“All he had on him was an old handkerchief.”
How does someone process this? How did you forget this? There were countless of cases you’ve dealt with before, so many unusual moments that you just began throwing them out of your head for your very own sanity. That was the truth, but would anyone believe you? Jeon Jungkook was from your old hometown. Jeon Jungkook was someone you almost booked before. Jeon Jungkook was not someone who could’ve been forgotten. You, no longer in control of your facial expression, glance over at the mirror in horror. Would the chief actually think you lied?
In the back of your mind, you knew the real reason you chose to leave all the memories of your past behind – suppress them down and drown them out. But that information wasn’t something you could reveal to anyone. Ever. The one thing you were told to do was not fall into his trap, yet here you are. Your mind was a mess, which meant there was no way you could have the advantage in this situation, and you were no longer fit to interrogate him. Desperate and anxious, you place your palm on your forehead like you were in deep thought. In reality, that was the signal. You wanted to escape this place.
Jungkook glares at the side of your face, getting angrier the more you ignore him. Today was supposed to be different, his one free day where he could finally get you to notice him. And there you sat, still not looking his way. Didn’t you know you didn’t need to worry about anyone else when he was right here?
“Doll.” He practically sneers but then simmers down and smiles when you finally turn back to him – all wide eyed.
“I wanted to thank you.” He continues, “Because that day changed me forever…”
You said nothing. Wondering why the men on the other side were taking so long. He took your silence as a chance to finish his story.
“I took my beating…took all of it and said nothing. Broke my rib and wrangled my neck but I said nothing. He was drunk, so I waited for him to tire himself out…waited till he passed out on that fucking couch. Then I strangled him…with that very piece of cloth you gave me.”
This has got to be some fucking nightmare.
“And it felt really good.” His voice slightly waivered, “To watch him turn red and struggle, to watch that bastard’s life leave his eyes while in return he saw me become his demise.” He stops rambling suddenly as if recalling where he was, “Within a span of 8 minutes…I became a criminal for killing the monster who tortured me every single day. I was a sinner. I hit rock bottom. And once you’re there, it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to climb back up to the top.”
As you heard him rant on, your mind started to drift off. For some reason, once you slowly start to remember that tethered kid, you felt something you haven’t felt for a while. Sympathy? Sadness? Or were you just reminiscing about who you were back then. The bright young woman who had a lot to offer the world. You shake your head, looking down at the table. That girl was dead, you chose to forget her and went along with whatever life threw at you.
Your father was right to criticize your soft heart and if he were alive today you were sure he wouldn’t be able to identify you. No longer were you that naïve child who stubbornly believed that there was good in this world – in its people. It didn’t matter to you the reasons why someone committed a crime – criminals were just labeled orange jumpsuits. Jungkook had met a completely different person back then, not you.
Then why did your chest ache this much?
“J…Jungkook…I…didn’t remember…”
“I know,” He states ensuringly, making you look back up at him, “You left your past behind, after all.”
Suddenly, all the color left your face. Your heart started beating faster and you broke out into a cold sweat. You faintly thought you heard a bang behind the mirror, but you didn’t care. For the first time since you got here, your whole attention was solely on Jungkook.
It made him so happy.
“It hurt when you transferred, leaving a big hole in my already impoverished life. But I understood your reasons. How can someone stay after such an incident?”
He knows.
“H-H…How did you know…”
“Oh, I know everything about you, doll.” His sinister smirk reappeared as he relaxed back into his chair and you pursed your lips as you felt an oncoming panic attack.
He knows, he knows, he knows, he-
“I know your dad wanted a son. I know that it kills you inside to never get the respect you deserve no matter what you do and even the men who claim to respect you patronize you in subtly conditioned ways. I know what your favorite food is. I know how much you love whiskey. I know you’re wearing those red panties that I fucking love on you.” He takes a breath as you let out an involuntary gasp, “And I know it was an accident.”
The first tear fell down your cheek. Shock, anger, fear? None of it mattered anymore; it was useless to pretend. You knew he knew. It was over. He stared at you in pity, like seeing you cry made him hurt.
“How could he not want someone as beautiful as you, doll?” Jungkook whispers, as if he couldn’t believe it himself.
“I wanted…to be the best for him…I tried…” Your voice strains
“I know you did. I know. Which is why you had no choice…”
In an instant, it all comes crashing back.
You drove down the lane a bit too clumsily, as you took the long way home.
It was almost midnight and you were speeding past 80 on a two-way lane off a cliffside road, but you didn’t give a single fuck. Your smashed mind was preoccupied at the moment.
A whole year had gone by, but your dad still hadn’t given you an ounce of trust he had for the other officers. Your dad – the fucking police lieutenant. You told him – you warned him that the man was armed, but he still charged in blind, without back up. Almost got the rest of the family members killed by doing something so crazy and careless.
Then he blamed you for not following his lead when he came out.
The tears came out faster than you could wipe them. Growing up in that home was horror. Him being on the force somehow also made him a conservative, self-righteous douchebag. Berating you for the way you’d dress, the way you ate, the way you talked to the way you styled your hair. It made you sick.
You tried so desperately to win over your own father’s love and approval from such a young age and you had nothing to show for it. Deep down, you knew it was because he wanted a boy. A boy who could become a cop like him. And a part of you thought that maybe if you became a cop anyway – one as respected and admired as he was, then he would finally admit he was wrong. At the very least he could finally tell you how proud he was of you.
You went to such lengths to spend the year being the best damn officer your town had seen. 26 arrests, 1 successful drug raid, multiple successful testimonies and extensive gang knowledge. As a plus, you had become beloved in the community. That took the most effort – you had to look the prettiest even while overworking yourself with double shifts. Be traditional and confident but not an overbearing prude. And never let the ‘unnatural’ masculine traits your job gave you, overpower your ‘natural’ feminine ones. Sounds completely simple doesn’t it? Now everyone praised you right and left. It was record breaking; you were the shit.
Yet he still wouldn’t refer to you as detective.
It broke you apart. You were at the end of your wits. Out excelling every male peer in your force. But you had zero to show for it. Which means all your efforts were for nothing.
The pain in your chest got heavier by the minute which made you whimper. Tonight, you had drunk yourself silly but not enough to take away the ache. To help yourself along, you grabbed the half-empty bottle laying in the driver’s seat in a swift motion and popped it open. Your car entered the opposite lane without your knowledge.
You chugged down the last of the bitter liquor, smashing the bottle against the driver’s side window. The anger still remained as you wiped the remnants of alcohol away from your mouth. Your vision was hazy, and you felt so pathetic – dirty, disgusting, like you were rotting from the inside. All you ever wanted to do was earn your father’s acceptance, so much so that you lost sense of any individuality you had left in you.
For a second, everything was so still and quiet, that it felt like all would be okay. The night was dark but serene.
But that tranquility vanished the instant you witnessed two bright lights closing in on you.
It all happened too quickly. You immediately swerved to your right, a loud honking and the friction of tires blasting through your ears. Years of practice and one whole one of police chases makes your instincts faster than normal and you immediately apply the clutch as your foot floors the break and you grip the handle sturdy. Your car rotates haphazardly to the right, but you were able to come to a complete halt before your front engine crashed into a tree.
Yet it feels like you did just that as your body lunges forward and the sounds of a car smashing against shrubs pierces through your ears. You were thankful you had your seat-belt on so you didn’t go flying out the windshield, but all you could think about was the immense pressure against the front of your body. The whiplash left you in shock for a couple seconds.
“Fuck.” You breathe out in agony, bringing your arm up to your sprained shoulder.
As you gather yourself together, you finally remember your surroundings and your head whips to the opposite end of the road to where you finally spot the car you almost hit. In the disoriented dark, you really had to strain into the distance. The car hadn’t been as lucky as yours as it thrashed towards the cliff side of the road. Seemed like it was laid halfway out on the edge. A non-threatening, old compact SUV – most likely a family car. Possibly children present. You could hear them screaming.
You had to help them as quickly as you could. But the instant you tried stepping out, you saw the gleam of a bottle under the driver’s seat.
And just like that, your body fell limp. Because you were more sober now than you’ve ever been in any moment of your life, you barely remembered…you were drunk.
All of the pain in your body immediately changed into fear – your eyes became wide and your pores leaked sweat.
You were drinking.
If you get out to help them, they were bound to smell the alcohol. If they’re able to identify you…if the police are called-
Everything would end tonight. Your career would be over, your family’s name will be dragged through the mud publicly and your father-
Your father would never forgive you. He’d never speak to you again. You’d be disowned.
Don’t embarrass me further, child.
Don’t embarrass me further, c̴h̶i̵l̴d̶
“NO!” You shout, covering your ears with your palm to drown out his scalding voice.
Jungkook finally stopped talking, watching you cave into yourself on the chair in front of him. He would’ve done something if his hands weren’t tied down to the table. You looked so fragile and pained, it reminded him of himself in those days. This was the very look you had on after your father whispered something to you all those years ago. As he thought, he was always right about you.
You both were the same.
“Shut up!” You scream, clenching your eyes shut and trying to erase the image of the car from your mind. “Just shut the fuck up!”
“You had no choice, ___.” He continued, his voice softer than before, “You had to drive off.”
“No I…” You look back up at the man in front of you through hard blurry tears, trying not to choke on your words. “I didn’t mean it…I didn’t- I promise dad…I did- i-it was an accident…”
“___...I know. It was you father who broke your spirit. It was the world that crushed your soul. They drove you mad, doll. They made you a sinner.”
You say nothing as the tears continue to fall, getting lost inside his bottomless pools.
“You drove off and left the family there. But he didn’t.”
“That kid you never noticed…the kid who would’ve done anything for you.”
His response further tethers you into confusion. You furrow your eyebrows, not understanding what he was trying to say.
“That kid who only looked at you. He was right behind you that night.”
You feel a shiver crawl up your spine.
The kid was only slightly older and less miserable that night.
He was involved with every bad name in that town, aka his late father’s acquaintances. They provided him a new shelter, transportation and a means to earn food, as long as he did their bidding. Crime was a lot more organized than he would have ever thought. It was a hard life, but he was learning to survive. Committing small acts here and there for big games. No longer was he some petty thief who stole in desperation, he was a kid with so much blood on his hands that he couldn’t even stand looking at them
There were nights where he would have these dreams about ruling over an empire, of being feared and respected and every time he took a life, those dreams seemed closer to his bloody grasp. Although he hated taking orders, he became obedient to the never-ending pain. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to move up the ladder, but it would be a while till he could see a light.
Throughout this struggling livelihood, he did have one small, precious source of sun in his life. You.
Anytime he could, he would come watch you. Sometimes just small glimpses to get him through the day. Watching you on a stake out, prance around town, or just lounge about in your room. It was the most dangerous thing he did since you were a cop. Every time he went to you, he risked everything, but he was extra careful. There were times where he almost got caught, like the time he was masturbating in your bushes as you walked around with a towel on – don’t look so disgusted, he was just a dumb kid – but thankfully you never did find him. On the contrary, you helped him build all the stealth he’d need for his future.
In some ways, he thought of you as the better half of him. A person whose existence was nothing but a cause for regret, yet you didn’t let that corrupt you, unlike him. You were better than him – righteous and kind. Deep down inside, you were who he wanted to be.
Now that he was free of that monster’s grasp, he would imagine walking up to you as a free kid man. Wondering if you would remember him. He didn’t know what he would say, if there was anything at all he could have told you. It was a yearning he didn’t understand, he was just too young and unsettled.
The kid was content with watching you from far away because he knew he wasn’t worthy of you. It still didn’t stop him from being utterly in love with the thought of you alone.
That night he saw you leave the station. He observed you outside the bar’s window getting wasted. There was a strange feeling he had that night as you left a drunk mess, stumbling towards your 2012 Hyundai Accent and rushing out of the parking lot. The kid would soon learn to always trust his instincts.
He was driving right behind you, making sure he kept his distance. You were one hell of an officer, no doubt. Nevertheless, you were too out of it that night to tell anyone was tailing you. It all happened too quickly. The clumsy driving, the crash, and the aftermath. His heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw you skid, pressing his own break as hard as he could. But you were able to stop before you crashed into anything, much to his relief.
The kid was trying to think about what he could do. You weren’t too hurt, were you? Should he come out and help you? He didn’t even care about the other car, just observing you in the far distance. As he continued to think, he decided he would come out and see if there was any way he could help you.
And as soon as he clicked his door open, he watched you do something he never would have imagined.
He saw you drive off.
It took a minute to realize what just happened. And the kid had always been observant, so he knew exactly what you were thinking. For the first time that night, he looked over at the other car.
These people could destroy you. Everything you have worked so hard for. He knew exactly why you had to leave. But he couldn’t do something like that. The kid had to help you, just like you did for him at one point.
So, he did the only thing he knew how. He drove up to the edge where their car hanged halfway. There were people yelling from inside, he could hear children. The car began blaring their horn as soon as they saw him drive up.
He drove up really close, close enough that his bumper banged against theirs.
Your mind was a blank state.
“He pushed them off.” Jungkook finishes off calmly.
You let out the breath you were holding, your bottom lip quivering softly. “Is…is that why-”
“Yeah. That’s why when you came back a minute later…they were gone.”
They were gone. Everything was as clear as day. You remember driving off, rushing even harder than before as you cried your heart out. It was such a stupid and rash decision – so fucking stupid. Half a minute later, you stepped on the break once again. As your car came to a halt, all you could hear were your sobs and the immobile engine. Your body hurt, everything hurt so, so, so much.
Was it worth it? Is gaining your father’s love worth killing someone over? Slowly, you glanced at the rear view mirror. Looking at the girl with swollen eyes. She wasn’t someone you recognized. The promise to serve and protect rings in your ears. All you were in this moment, was a hypocrite. You didn’t deserve anyone’s praise if this was your reality, you didn’t deserve anyone’s pity.
It was really dark out, and you found the slightest comfort in the world’s shadow. You bit your bottom lip, trying to stop your tears. It didn’t work – it was useless. All worth nothing.
Which is why you screamed out on the top of your lungs, banged your fists against the wheel before turning your car back around.
No matter what happens…you had to save them.
And you tried to. Within a minute, you were back where you before. But once you got there, that one place you’d never forget – those shrubs, the cliff, that road – they were gone. You got out, looking around, hoping that the family survived. The cliff itself was too high and the night was too dark to see below. Pulling at the strands of your hair, screaming out ‘hello?’, you appeared mad.
Till this day you don’t know if it was your gut instinct or an entity bigger than you that gave you a sign, if not the newspaper a few days later, you just knew they were dead. You fell to your knees – a broken woman. Not having any idea of those dark eyes that cried along with you that damned night.
Not until now.
Jungkook was the one who killed them, but how much does that change, really? It was still you who drove off, still you who left them in his hands. You were so deep in thought that you didn’t hear the sound of the interrogation room’s door cranking open. The man opposite you kept his eyes unflinchingly on you, waiting for this all to come to an end.
The last thing you felt was something heavy against the back of your head before you fell unconscious.
“Shit- that was so hard you bastard, I told you to use the chloroform shit.” Jungkook shouts at the man holding the gun’s handle.
“I couldn’t fucking find it, I told you that at the house, kid. Besides, she’s a big girl, she’ll be fine.” The man puts the barrel back in his holster before ripping his badge off his belt and throwing it aside.
“Shut the fuck up and uncuff me, Jimin.”
The blonde sighs, grabbing his keys from his back pocket.
“Tells me to infiltrate a police department, forces me to befriend and stalk some random cop girl, makes me hang out with those pigs. Fucking prick.” Jimin murmurs under his breath as he paces over and unlocks the shackles on said prick.
Jungkook winces, grabbing his wrist and twisting it around to get some circulation going. Then he stretches his neck before standing up and dusting his pants. Fuck, this chair was uncomfortable. He points at some fresh blood staining the elder’s chin, prompting him to wipe it off.
“So, what’s the situation outside?”
“Me and Kane took care of all of them. We took our time with Hyun, like you wanted. Now Kane’s waiting in the van for us.”
“Good.” Jungkook nods, looks like everything went according to plan. He glances over at your limp form and walks up to where you sat insentient. With a huff, he got on his knees so he could see your face up close, like he’s always wanted to.  
“I can’t believe this day is here.”
Jimin looks between you both. “What are you gonna do with her?”
The younger cups your cheek. “You know I was ecstatic that night. I was…fuck, I never thought you could be with me. But that night, you proved that you were meant to be mine. And I waited so long for this moment. This moment where I could introduce myself to you as your equal. It’s why I was out on that mill this morning, detective. I wanted to meet you so much that it hurt.”
…That wasn’t an answer to his question but Jimin knew not to further bother his boss. There probably was a lot he had planned for you, but he wasn’t going to say it. No one ever really knew what this kid was thinking, anyway. He was a cryptic bastard.
Jungkook turns towards Jimin and extends his free hand out to him. Without being asked, Jimin reaches into his front pocket and pulls out the old handkerchief. His boss usually didn’t go this long without holding it. He places it into the younger’s hand without a word.
Turning back around, Jungkook places the cloth right underneath your shut eyes. He gently wipes away the tears leaking out.
“No one will ever hurt us again, doll.” Jungkook whispers before standing back up.
He places the handkerchief back in his own pocket and moves in to pick you up bridal style. Safely tucking you in his arms.
“Lead the way.” He orders Jimin who nods before opening the door of interrogation room 4.
This is absolute trash :))) I hope ya’ll enjoy tho. Lemme know what you thought, srsly because this fic stepped out of a certain comfort zone for me. I am absolutely open to part 2 if ya’ll want. if there is something you’re curious about, ask away.
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roses-ruby · 3 years
hiii are you still open for requests? if you could do a part 2 for sinner that would be really great. i liked the story so much and i want to know what happens neeeext T^T thank youuu
hi babe, i don't do requests here but there will be a part 2 to sinner. i actually just got back into writing and it's still a little difficult for me to be happy with anything i write but hopefully we can see a pt2 before the end of the year ❤
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roses-ruby · 4 years
yooooooooooo i recently found your blog and- I- You're so amazing and the way you write things om i cant get enough- anyways the second story of yours I read was Sinner and at the end you said something about asking for a part two- and... uh.... im here asking..... for a part two maybe..... if your up to it 👀🥺💕 keep up the amazing work 🌠
thank u luv that means a lot 🥺❤️❤️ and like yuh a part 2 will come out as soon as I’m done throwing this semester and the p*ndemic in the garbage
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roses-ruby · 4 years
just binge read a bunch of your content at 1 am and i NEED a sequel to sinner. your writing is actual god tier
🥺 now why make me cry like that anon? I promise to let you know as soon as I start working on Sinner’s sequel if y’all thought this was a plot twist?? Aha just wait
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roses-ruby · 4 years
I really enjoyed sinner!! What's the age difference between OC and jungkook?
Thank you for reading~ 
4 years! Jungkook was 15 when he met OC 🥺🤧
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roses-ruby · 4 years
I’ve read Sinner a while back now. I wasn’t going to say anything because of how shooketh I was. But now that I’ve fully processed, HOLY SHIT. It was so good, it was like a slow burn that left me disturbed and uncomfortable but like... goddamn was it good! I actually like did a physical body shake when I saw the ‘you’veembarrassedmeenough’ text, and when the text got increasingly erratic, I knew this would probably be one of my favourite fics you’ve done. What inspired you to write sinner?
oahgsdhjvad thank you, thank you! 😭😭 I was trying to make it like those movies where the character starts sweating and hearing static and the audience just goes oh shit and then I was like how do I do that? oh yeah erratic text~ I am so glad you liked my story doll 🥺💕 Sinner was inspired by many things that get stuck in the back of my head like most of my stories sksksk but a main thing is the movie El Cuerpo or The Body and another is the novel Sacred Games which is what the detective/criminal characters and their corrupt morals were *loosely* based on.
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roses-ruby · 4 years
Trash- TRASH?!?!! You dare to call Sinner trASH?!! I loved everything— from the back and forth between past and present to the subtle hints of guessing who committed the crime, to sad pouting about poor baby Koo being stuck with that monster— loved it, loved it, loved it!!! I will beg for a part 2, please, please, please!!!
🥺🥺 this mad my day so thank you so much my love. I’m so happy you noticed all the subtle hints, i love adding them all over my stories 😭 and oof it was so tough to write about the abuse. Part 2 is in the works, i’m glad you are looking forward to it 🤧💖
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roses-ruby · 4 years
Oyyyy ruby?? Peachhy?? I don’t know what you go by these days but OMG SINNER AHHHH. Of course you just walk back in here after months and wreck everyone’s lives like it’s nothing. Jk had me like 🥺 but also like 😳. And I loved the messed up oc. Also I have a friend who was a female police officer and you got that sexism shit exactly right. It is RAMPANT. And the ending bitch wtf!!! I’m so happy you’re doing a part 2. You own my heart 😭💕 - 🌸
sakjak it’s either Ruby or Peach seriously I would’ve went with MoonPeach if it was available 😭😭 and oop- I’m glad you liked the story love 🥺 I’m like the queen of fucked up OCs lmao. I’m sorry for your officer friend but yea I based it on reality. You know something I noticed? People are uncomfortable when blatant feminism is shoved into their face. They like it when it’s more subtle, or written in a more pleasing way. For example, they like characters like Jimin, who they can imagine themselves as. When a man like Jimin exists in the workplace, he becomes a safe-haven for insecure men. They try to make it seem like Jimin is the average man, not the other jerks in the office. The majority of men are like Jimin, the gentlemen.
But if characters like Jimin do get called out for their equally patronizing and sexist behavior, they’d have no one to run to. I used other examples I’ve seen in the media as well. I’ve had jobs before, I KNOW there is no man as sexist as your boss, but apparently Hollywood doesn’t 🥴 when a man is in a position of power, he automatically has ‘respectful to women’ as a character trait (unless he’s an obvious villain) and he says things like the chief, “She’s just as capable of an officer as you.” when the truth is, if you look closely you’ll notice he doesn’t even think about the OC and sometimes likes to pretend she doesn’t exist and yes for the sole reason that she’s a woman, shocking I know.
I prefer characters like Hyun or her Dad because they have something none of the men above have, integrity. They are honest with how they feel. Remember how the OC said Hyun hates how she doesn’t fall in line? In that part, I was talking about all those badass female centered movies (specifically Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock) in which a woman loses all her femininity because she’s working a ‘man’s job’ and now she’s one tough chick, guy’s gal who only drinks beer (no water), can wrestle in tight yoga pants and has never even worn lipstick cause she’s not like them other hoes 🤧 (but don’t worry men, she’s still hella fuckable)
And that’s what falling in line means ladies.
Okay rant over sksjk anyway, I’m excited to show ya’ll more character depth in Jungkook and OC! Thank you for reading bb 💋💋
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roses-ruby · 4 years
I LOVE SINNER SO MUCH!!! I literally almost throw my phone when I read jimin is working w jungkook love it!!! I would appreciates if you could do a part 2!
I’m glad you enjoyed it! someone had to help Jungkook get to the OC from the inside and who better than your very own right hand man 😌 although Jimin is naturally charming enough to make any girl fall head over heels, so Jungkook had to be careful 🥴 Thank you for reading bb  
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roses-ruby · 4 years
In Sinner, what did OC's father die of and what were his final words to her before his death? What is Sinner OC's relationship with her mother like? And for CHTMD, near the end of part 1, what does Jimin do for the rest of the day after CHTMD OC promptly leaves the apartment to go meet with Irene? Most importantly, if the OCs ever met, do u think they'd get along and become friends? SINNER WAS BRILLIANT🏅! I CAN'T TO SEE WHAT YOU BRING TO THE TABLE IN PART 2!💜💜
OC’s father died in the line of duty, the story his partner gave was about a crackhead who fired four fatal shots out of no where and a few days later that crackhead’s body was found in the river. He was already labeled as a cop killer so no one really looked into his death. OC had transferred a few months before so she came back for the 3 day funeral and left again, as quickly as she could. She had become reclusive after the incident and never really spoke to her father after.
OC’s relationship with her mother was strained because of the father. OC’s mom wanted OC to open up to her, but OC was too obsessed with her dad’s approval to pay any attention to her mom. The few times they did get to talk, it really helped the OC. It’s thanks to her mother she is still alive today.
CHTMD’s Jimin spent the whole night at her apartment just replaying memories in his head. Wondering where she went, if she’d come back, if she meant what she said (”I don’t love you”) It was fitting, after so many nights she spent alone in that apartment just waiting and thinking about him, crying until her anxiousness wore off, he should have done the same once.
OC’s from both these stories would have a strange relationship. CHTMD’s OC would really worry about Sinner’s OC as she just got out of an abusive relationship herself. Also she’s totally not here for any of Sinner OC’s doubts and insecurities, like girl please love yourself skskskks but murder??? How do you even explain that to someone who has never even parked illegally in their life. They would definitely bond over the fact that the men in their lives did them dirty though, which can lead to a very comforting friendship.
Thank you for reading and your questions!!! I won’t let you down 😭💜
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roses-ruby · 4 years
Hi hello, just wanted to say that you slayed my life with sinner! ✊🤪💖
thank you so much! 🥰 i hope your life isn’t too hurt lol
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roses-ruby · 4 years
You are unbelievably cute lmao. Thank you so much for reading, I’m glad I shocked ya hehe. actually already plotting part 2 so don’t worry bb 💖
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roses-ruby · 4 years
omg I absolutely loved sinner the jk yandere could you perhaps do a part two 🥺🥺
of course dear 🥺 ty so much for reading 💖
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roses-ruby · 4 years
hiiii I absolutely LOVED sinner anddefinitely wanna know what happens next. Is there any upcoming updates??
hello luv~ As of right now there is another project that I am putting all my effort in so Sinner will take a while. I actually meant for it to be a one shot, but when I was done writing I thought this just had too many unanswered questions to be left alone. Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading! I’m so glad you liked it 🤧💖
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roses-ruby · 4 years
Sinner was soooooo good , such a different story to what I'd usually read, but when I saw all your positive feedback I read it, and wow oh wow! I'm so glad you're doing a part 2!! Plus did you say something about a Tae hybrid fic? Damn , I'm so greedy!
thank you so much hun 🤧❤ i’m so glad you enjoyed it. the response has been so kind, i’m so very touched. also it might not be the hybrid one cause i’m kinda having trouble working on the hybrid traits, but it definitely will be a Tae smut that’s next. and you aren’t greedy at all, i love your enthusiasm! 💋
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roses-ruby · 4 years
Oh my god. I’m standing at the threshold of Sinner. Quaking in my littles boots since you done did LET ME READ A SNIPPET OF IT!!! I!!!! Know I’m going to have a hard time trying to keep a level head but WOW I’m.... just... your talent astounds truly.
djhfb Alexa talking about talent like come on you’re the reason I started tumblr, I’m so jittery rn. Like the other day my sister glanced over at my phone and she was like “who’s Alexa?” and no joke I said “Queen of hybrids” without looking up so who really has the astounding talent here??? the snippet i showed you was in the early works so it kinda seems like a different story now hAH. thank you for your constant love and support 🥺😭🤧❤
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