#Quinn and Logan
dovrianaftlalini · 11 months
I can't believe anyone has done it yet. The callback I didn't know I needed until I got it
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quoganenthusiast · 11 months
I posted this a few years ago on my other platforms but I wanted to share it here as well because anyone that’s ever talked to me about Quogan knows that I fully and passionately believe that Logan was in love with Quinn from the first moment he met her. It’s something I will defend and debate forever lol so I decided to make this edit to show some of my favorite moments that I felt prove this theory correct
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beth-will-rise · 10 months
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From frenemies to best friends to soulmates.
Quinn & Logan didn't exactly start off on the right footing, yet it was this friction that allowed them to grow. Seemingly polar opposites, they appeared to have little to nothing in common, except their begrudging tolerance of one another.
However, it became strikingly apparent that they were very much two sides of the same coin... It just took a little time (& one particular bench!) for them to see that what they truly wanted & needed, was right there all along.
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gabulousxo · 10 months
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"Quinn has come up with so many wonderful inventions over the years. But I think that the most impressive yet, ..is the reinvention of this guy right here." - Chase Matthews >>>>> 💯👏🏻
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quinnslogan · 10 months
I don’t know how to explain it but that one scene where Quinn’s friend goes “Isn’t this supposed to be their first look?” and Stacey says “they’re weird like this” added like a decade to my lifespan, just the fact that their relationship dynamic is such an established thing because they’ve been together for over a decade im obsessed with it
Also this scene with Quinn grounding Logan to relax. Like everything about them is so absolutely natural to them and all their friends and that’s just something so ridiculously special to me😭❤️
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saveyoua-seat · 10 months
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Quinn & Logan
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jupiterxmoon · 10 months
I notice that Quinn after the chaos of the wedding she conserve the ring, I think she knew that things would work out in the end between her and Logan
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sublimelibra · 11 months
seeing your favorite childhood ship getting married is INSANE. i need a couple days to process this.
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myplace2fangirl · 10 months
Let’s just take a moment and love these 2.
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litterateur97 · 11 months
I watched Zoey 102.
Okay so I have quite a few thoughts. First of all, it's actually not as cringe as I thought it would be. There were several hilarious one liners and honestly most of the best acting and comedic moments go to the side characters. There were a lot of "omg lol so relatable" moments that were ehh, but they did nail quite a few things about being an awkward 30 year old. I have to say I actually really liked the actor who played Zoey's boss and the actor who played her fake boyfriend.
Now Quogan. They do get married!!! They do have a callback to their sweet first love confession!!! And they spend the majority of time on screen together holding each other or calling each other babe or just generally being really affectionate. Tbh, it still wasn't enough for me, I still wish Quinn and Logan got more screen time, especially to make their storyline clearer.
As most people predicted, Zoey was like 90% responsible for ruining the wedding, but Logan takes the other 9%, and there's an awkward moment with Stacey and Mark accusing Zoey's fake boyfriend of being a murderer that takes the last 1%. However, I think we'd view Logan as more responsible if there was more screen time actually focused on that, but the majority of the screen time is focused on Zoey ruining the wedding, half assing her job, and having romantic troubles with Chase. The storyline they tried to set was Logan being a groomzilla trying to make everything perfect to the point that he doesn't spend enough time talking to Quinn about everything, but that doesn't come across very well considering most of his screen time is him... with Quinn. I mean I get what they were trying to go for here, but the way everything goes in the film it is so much more obvious that Zoey is the main one ruining the wedding. If things were just a little more focused on Quogan, I think we would have been able to see more clearly Logan neglecting Quinn in favor of giving her the perfect wedding.
They make up rather quickly too. I also don't like that they had Zoey help with the fixing by reminding Logan to go and actually speak with Quinn. That to me was out of character. Logan and Quinn were always great at communicating with each other, I don't think he would have just showered her with presents and forgotten to try to actually speak with her as he does in the movie. At least the two aren't separated for long, but still that moment just bothered me a little, and it was like a two second scene that could have easily been cut.
Now here is the biggest thing that bothered me. Yes, Zoey and Chase finally end up together for reals, whatever, but they have their big kiss at! the! wedding!!! I mean there's two kisses before this between them, but the big "oh we're finally going to be together" kiss happens at the wedding right in the middle of Quinn and Logan's first dance! And the crowd fucking claps for them!!! Wtf??
Anyways. Oh and also they don't show the full wedding ceremony. They have Michael begin and then suddenly cut to someone telling Michael how beautiful the ceremony was. Lazy writing.
At least Quinn and Logan are adorable at their wedding. The kiss, the cutting cake together, and her teasing him. Very cute. I will never get enough of that kiss scene! It is actually so good, y'all. You can tell the actors still have great chemistry with each other!
Overall, the movie is perfectly fine. I wouldn't say it's great, but I wouldn't say it's bad either. There's stuff I wish they had done differently, but it's cute for what it is. I just really wish we got more Quogan screentime because they are my faves!
Final note: They mention every single character who couldn't be there except for Nicole. Yikes. That just kind of annoyed me, especially hearing that that actress wasn't treated very well during the original show.
*Bonus note: I like that they implied at the end that the fake boyfriend was indeed a murderer lmao! If there's any spinoff from this spinoff, I wonder if it will be about him!
**Bonus bonus note: There's a line where Mark comments on Logan being quick on the rebound and sloppy seconds, and Logan's just like "yeah man," and idk why it was so funny to me, but I just feel like the actors added that in themselves lol.
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musicmyxiii · 1 year
Am I constantly rewatching the Zoey102 trailer since 4AM just to see Quogan and repeatetely stop and replay their moments in the trailer?
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nicoleish · 10 months
More Quogan Headcanons
-Okay so this one is pretty much canon already, and I know other people have mentioned it, but Logan would 1000% be in the front row of the audience anytime Quinn has a presentation.
-Every time he uses his clear tech mate phone he would just smile and think “Quinn invented this 🥰”
-Logan sent Quinn’s 30 under 30 article to everybody they know.
-I imagine that Quinn has to travel for work a lot. If Logan couldn’t go with her, he’d be waiting in the airport with flowers and a sign every time she comes home.
-Logan running Quinn a bath after a long day because she’s tired and works too hard but then he misses her so he just sits on the floor beside the tub as they talk until she tells him to join her.
-Logan reassuring her that he loves her the way she is and that she doesn’t need to be tan, or wear more makeup, or wear dresses with belts if she doesn’t want to. He just completely ignores the bs that her mom and grandma throw at her.
-Logan’s favourite part of the day is when they’re getting ready for bed because Quinn takes out her contacts and puts her glasses on.
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quoganenthusiast · 11 months
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how am I supposed to just continue living my life after seeing these photos 😭😭
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honeyflower15 · 11 months
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I really hope and want this one scene to be Logan yelling at the group. Talking down to them like he used to back at PCA. Going full groomzilla, demanding absolute perfection and that he won’t settle for anything less.
But then he stops in front of Quinn and goes “is that okay, sweetie?” Like his temper & rage instantly disappears and he goes so sweet and simp mode when he talks to her
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Look at that goofy & joyful smile. You can’t tell me this man isn’t a total simp for his future wife. And I absolutely love that he is!
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gabulousxo · 11 months
Love the similarity between these two scenes. ❤️❤️
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quinnslogan · 11 months
After 15 years they can’t keep their hands off eachother you guys this is so cute😭💓
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Like you guys can relax nobody’s stealing your spouse. Also random but it’s insane that only five years into their marriage they’ll be celebrating their 20th anniversary omg they’re literally going to be one of those couples together for 70 years😭💗
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