#Pyramids Planet Hotel
peterpecksen · 1 year
Cairo and the Pyramids
Cairo and the Pyramids
Egypt is certainly a country of many faces. The Red Sea was beautiful, Sharm el Sheikh was glitzy and an all inclusive haven, and Cairo was a massive dirty city. However, the one thing they all had in common was people. We were very impressed though at the commitment to preserving the historical, archaeologic, and tourist gold mine that is ancient Egypt despite the obvious need for space. It was…
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flieslikeamoron · 11 months
I’m going to post the next part of Sleight of Hand this weekend or yeet myself into the ocean. But listen, I keep thinking about how well a steddie AU of Schitt’s Creek could work. 
Okay, so super rich Steve’s parents get caught doing tax evasion or a pyramid scheme or whatever and lose all their money. Which means he’s forced to relocate to Hawkins, Indiana and become a doper person against his will. 
Robin is the sarcastic front desk girl at the hotel who’s extremely mean to him, but turns out to be his actual soulmate. Eddie is the small time weed dealer he gets stuck doing community service with. Every day he’s wearing McQueen to clean up road kill in the heat and he misses his- Well, not his friends so much because turns out they’re kind of assholes who won’t return his calls now that he’s poor, but he misses the jet and he misses the penthouse and the yacht and the clothes and the parties- He misses the fucking money. It’s the worst, everything is a nightmare, except- 
Eddie’s really hot. And Steve doesn’t mind the chance to ogle his tattoos. To watch his muscles flex when he’s working. He doesn’t mind the way Eddie teases, how he takes it when Steve dishes it back with a grin on his face to show there are no hard feelings. And they have nothing in common, feels like they’re from different planets most of the time, but there’s something- They’re definitely flirting, but Eddie flirts with everybody. And Steve thinks he’s with Chrissy, the cute waitress at the cafe. And this whole situation is temporary. Steve’s not staying. Steve’s getting the fuck out of here as soon as he figures out how. It’s just a distraction. Just a bright spot in the hell that’s become his life. But it is... There is something. 
Anyway, lots of cute community service flirting and UST. Plus the reveal that Eddie’s been doing community service long after he finished his sentence. And also, please imagine if you will, Steve has lots of anecdotes about being slutty across the globe and escaping from a Thai drug lord’s car trunk by bribing him with sex and getting into Kiss Kiss without a lock of human hair ETCCCC.
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tarotnoob · 2 years
PAC: Are you feeling lucky?
Where does your luck lie? What's a blocking your luck? How do you access your luck?
Choose a Las Vegas hotel casino and scroll for your message.
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Pile 1: Excalibur
Pile 2: Luxor
Pile 3: Bellagio
Pile 1
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Where does your luck lie (top row): This is definitely the pile for the creators - whether it's art, music, writing. I think you're a great pile to take any idea that pops into your head and use your skills to bring it into the real world. I definitely feel like IF you put work and attention and planning into something you feel inspired by or inspire others - you will receive luck and abundance. Specifically, a lot of you could make these talents into a career where you get PAID for your creation. It doesn't explicitly have to be "creative", so long as it's something you do that inspires from within as if something is pushing you in that direction. You'd also make great teachers or researchers.
What's blocking your luck (middle): Literally standing in between an offer and your luck (jupiter) is pluto - which can be birth/rebirth/transformation/fears. I would say there's something in your life that needs to "die" and this can be a fear of going after a dream, it can be having to let go of a job or person. Mostly I'm leaning toward some type of fear or hesitation and that's the only thing standing in your way - sometimes to get to the "abundance" we have to take some pretty big risks, so that whole "pluto/transformation" can be be very scary. It may also be letting go of old ways of doing things that aren't cutting it like only doing jobs that have nothing to do with what you want to do, being lazy, being flaky, etc... I also think it's a bit about perception. We have the smallest "planet" and the largest, so it's as if you're thinking at the size of pluto when you could be thinking BIG like Jupiter. It might also be a case of knowing the right people, as well, or just not being sure of how to bring your plan into reality. It's likely there are voices in your head telling you things like "you can't do it" or even someone else discouraging you, but you just gotta go with what inspires you.
How to unblock/access your luck (third row): Definitely a lot of planning and organizing will be required for this. It's not going to fall into your lap. I do think doing the proper networking will also help as in making sure that if you do create something or want to sell, going through the proper channels of listing your service or building a website. I think also a big part will be staying true to yourself and your dream. Literally - just that and then taking lead with bringing into life, taking action on making it happen. Your gift seems to be very intellectual in nature and should be shared. So, if you stay true to that vision without worrying about what others think, you should be good.
Pile 2
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Where does your luck lie (top row): Can we take a moment to appreciate how WEIRD it is that you picked Luxor and your first two cards are an Egyptian person and a black crystal that looks like the pyramid? So, this is a bit deeper than the first pile because your luck seems to lie in something a bit abstract and it seems to be about an ability to bring light where there is shadow or turn shadow into light. I feel like it's part of your personality - and I am thinking of Leo before we even get to the next row. It makes me think of actors who use tough memories or emotions to create a really amazing scene in a movie, but it's very general. It's not specifically everyone has to be an actor, but you have a way of... taking bad things and (alchemically) transforming them into things that shine in the light. You may also be able to enter a dark or negative situation and bring truth or light to it. So, relying on these skills and talents that are probably more related to your personality than a tangible skill - would bring you luck. This could fall under anything from lawyer, researcher, spiritualist, psychologist, social worker. Alchemical is definitely the right word because it's almost like you could touch the darkest of stones and then purify it. But it's fascinating these two cards are basically darkness and light - things that are hidden and then things that are exposed, things that are karmic and universal truths and I keep seeing that stone as coal and idk, you can transform it into a non-blood diamond.
What's blocking your luck: The leo energy has entered the chat. We know Leo as being brave or something that (is in the light), loyalty, attention-seeking, dramatic... that card has a pharaoh on it, too. aah. There's stuff here for sure about being courageous, being determined, planning ahead for the future, and following your heart. I think the issue is here is that sometimes you might flip-flop when it comes to your motivation. Sometimes you might push really hard toward something when you feel like it and other times you're like - fuck this shit, I give up! It could also be an issue of perfectionism. As if you have a perfect vision of what something should be like - so maybe it gets frustrating when things don't work out how you want. So, the advice here would be to try harder to let go of an exact outcome. I know manifestation is about imagining things in detail, but if it's frustrating you when things don't work out how YOU saw them, then that's too much control over what will happen. There may also be things that have to "die" away here, as well. Like just logistically there are unexpected obstacles that might get in your way from time to time that are out of your control - so here's what you can do: chill.
How can you access/unblock your luck (bottom row): A couple of ways to read this page of pentacles plus Temperance. Elemental-y we have fire and earth, so there can be passion and desire, but it has to be grounded in something real and tangible. This could be (learning) something more about the area you're interested in if it's a career or hobby or education of some kind. Sag (Temperance - with Sag ruled by Jupiter, btw, planet of luck so they say) - for one, I think some "lucky" moments will come in the way of solid offers. I also see this - spiritual advice here - that it might do you well to offer up gratitude to your guides/angels/universe. because it looks like the page is delivering something or offering something to the angel. Or, it could be again that you're trying to offer this very concrete vision up to the universe of what you want and you're waiting on this "angel" to deliver it to you - like hey here's my one measly coin, can you uhhh make stuff happen? I also think that there's a level of impatience - which I picked up earlier about getting frustrated. Temperance always makes me think of a looonger process because of the road behind, where it would take foreeeeever to get to the sun. So, I'm kind of hearing be more "slow and steady", have some patience, balance may also be a thing here especially if we had the justice card earlier. I also feel like some of you may be a bit psychic? In terms of prophetic dreams or moments in your mind where you can see things there before they happen. Some of you may be a lot more intertwined or close to your guides than the average person.
So, I guess I should say that if you sometimes go: are they here?? are they listening to me? I think so. I think they're doing their best to grant you what you want, it's just going to take some time and I think getting frustrated and being a perfectionist are... sort of blocking some of that luck. Some of you may have pretty short tempers. Maybe that's where that leo energy is coming from. I feel a real impatience, like WHY CAN'T I JUST BE FAMOUS NOW? WHY CAN'T I JUST BE RICH NOW? Basically Veruca Salt (the girl, not the band).
Oh and also like I was starting to say a block may simply be a need for more knowledge of the situation - as in you may have luck in some area (career-wise) but it will involve some level of learning first. Maybe to turn shadow into light (however that manifests for you), there is some learning required like... learning tarot, or studying something, reading up about it... it may even involve traveling and being able to study people or cultures or just have that experience before everything clicks for you. Maybe that travel would also even you out and make you more patient. I'm also realizing the temperance card has a pyramid right on the angel's chest. And that burst of light looks like that Luxor light that shoots out of the top of the pyramid? Crazy. What's also fun is it's like okay we have Jupiter here on this third line and then someone has this coin, lol. So, you might have to.... spend a little to have more luck - this could be passing something on so that it returns to you as a fortune or luck of some kind... it does read like you have to put something out there and then you receive back what you give... or there's just awareness of what you're putting out - whether good or bad, so maybe defo being mindful of your attitude sometimes. You may be the one getting in your own way.
Pile 3
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Where does your luck lie (top row): Not surprised pile 3 has a more spiritual vibe. I get the sense your luck is more about... your personality, your internal world, your spiritual beliefs/abilities/powers. I think your luck lies where - when you use your natural gifts to the best and purest ability. Specifically when you are enforcing your boundaries, staying true to yourself, taking care of yourself, feeling good and honoring yourself. When you are actively applying spiritual principles to yourself and to your life and are doing so in a genuine way. A lot of your luck will be in those gifts and how you draw people and opportunities to your self based on how you act and the energy you put out. Some luck will come from people you know and met and they WANT to help you so they offer you opportunities. SOME opportunities will come from people you don't even know. Like, say you do stuff online and it's a skill or just something of interest to this one person and they tip you or they say "oh hey we need a person who can do that for this function or event"... but what it comes down to is that you seem to be manifesting things because you deserve them. I don't necessarily see some conscious process - this feels more unconscious when you're aligned and in balance and trying to live your best life. There's a lot of spiritual wisdom here, letting go of control, being flexible mentally and spiritually. It reminds me of someone who does yoga and eats well and keeps a clean house and is relatively organized and they live a nice happy clean life. You might not BE that person but I'm just saying it's a very simple/pure/straight forward energy that would speak more to your core/soul. I also see luck is anywhere where drama isn't. You do best in a very peaceful environment with nice, comfortable boundaries. But definitely if you have spiritual gifts, things will come to you in various ways.
What's blocking your luck (middle): How to interpret this oddly difficult line of cards... there's a bit of... timing, karmic destiny, and crap happening that's out of your control. So, what is blocking your luck? Well it'll definitely be things you have no control over. When things are not meant to be for you - they are just not going to happen, no matter how hard you push or try. The universe is only going to give you what it wants you to have, so ... not that I see you are, but like with pile 2, trying to push something to happen as you want and when you want isn't... going to take and maybe might even backfire on you. There will be some things you have zero luck in no matter how spiritually awesome you are. Like, you may always suck at gambling. You might always have bad relationships if you're not meant to be with that person... there may even be a lot of physical hardships for you or chronic health issues of some kind. You may also always struggle at the beginnings of new phases in your life, so it'll take even more energy from you in particular to get things to keep going. Like, definitely don't quit just because something gets hard (hehe, hard). You might also be the group with funky oppositions or obstacles in your chart that for no reason at all make life more difficult at times than it has to be. There might be blocks or issues around emotions, the home, mother figures - maybe even having kids. There may be issues of confidence/self love lessons that have to be learned through/following negative experiences. So it's not to say ... there are blocks to your luck, I just think... you are going to have bouts of bad luck >.>
How to unblock/access your luck: Certainly there is success in your future with this six of wands. I think becoming a leader in some way. The nine of wands can look like a disgruntled card (it's interesting I brought up health and body and the man has a bandage around his head), so this can be all kinds of stuff like physical illnesses or mental health issues that have to be "overcome" in order to step into your power.
So page of cups and six of wands together, though. We'll take this page as more a self love message, so I think this is simply becoming empowered - granted I think it's the usual spiritual empowerment that comes after bad (karmic) luck - relationships or situations, but... it's building character in one sense (granted, it doesn't undermine the suckiness you may go through), BUT it seems to elevate you to a very strong and powerful level, like in terms of emotions, in terms of intuition, spiritual... like a spiritual powerhouse. You can learn to lead people after learning these lessons. You can be someone who's compassionate and that people look to, who acts as an example for others. So, I would say being strong and being loyal to your feelings, to your self. Sometimes people just radiate badass energy because they're so confident in who they are - so you WILL get to this place eventually and in a sense, you will prooobably make your own luck.
As a weird note... colors.... or fabrics may help boost your luck or just in particular around clothes/style/makeup - these things may boost your luck if you have a lucky color. Or, somehow your style is tied to your self expression and for a tiny few of you - something about the way you dress or style yourself or carry yourself will bring you additional luck/power. Both the page and this six of wands are very posh and fashionably dressed, seemingly like young royalty - but mostly it feels to me like someone who's conquered their emotions, someone a bit soft-hearted, creative, intuitive... there's the potential for you to be a person who delivers powerful messages to a lot of people, so you really could be a popular tarot reader or artist or writer, someone who spreads powerful messages (of love) or understanding in some form... but the worst of your luck is just... obstacles and challenges meant to... teach you how much it sucks to feel bad and then you go and help others... I wouldn't be surprised if you were a bit drawn to pile 2 because there was a lot of leo energy and with pile 1, there were obvious hints that was for the creatives/artists mostly. So, if you were drawn to either or both, might take a peek.
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beyondcuckoo · 8 months
Obelisks and the Theory of Wireless Energy Reception has been published on Elaine Webster - http://elainewebster.com/obelisks-and-the-theory-of-wireless-energy-reception/
New Post has been published on http://elainewebster.com/obelisks-and-the-theory-of-wireless-energy-reception/
Obelisks and the Theory of Wireless Energy Reception
Obelisks and the Theory of Wireless Energy Reception (shared with Mu the Motherland)
Who doesn’t love an obelisk? In the USA, the Washington Monument stands over 555 feet tall—a fusion of ancient inspiration and modern engineering. Similarly, the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, with its massive pyramid and accompanying obelisk, pays homage to ancient Egyptian architecture, albeit in a commercial and entertainment context. The word “obelisk” comes from the Greek “obeliskos,” which means “small spit” or “pointed pillar.” This is a testament to the Greeks’ fascination with these structures when they encountered them during their historical interactions with Egypt.
Beyond physical structures, the obelisk has found its way into modern culture as a symbol. In literature, film, and art, obelisks often represent power, endurance, and the mysteries of ancient civilizations. They serve as a bridge between the ancient and the modern, reminding us of the timeless nature of human achievement.
Obelisks were iconic symbols of the ancient Egyptians—primarily granite they were often inscribed with hieroglyphics that celebrated the reigns of the pharaohs or paid homage to the gods. The top of the obelisk was commonly covered in electrum (a mix of gold and silver) which would shine brilliantly under the sun. There’s a broader theory that prehistorical civilizations, particularly the Atlanteans, had access to advanced technology that has since been lost to time. The construction of the pyramids, the precision of their astronomical observations, and the building of massive structures like obelisks, all fuel this speculation.
One theory is that obelisks were used as receivers for wireless energy in ways that were lost with the Atlanteans. The Edgar Cayce readings say that the renowned inventor, Nikola Tesla, was the reincarnation of an Atlantean engineer who was in charge of the ancient energy grid. Nikola Tesla had a vision of providing the world with wireless energy. He believed that energy could be transmitted through the air, without the need for wires. Tesla’s experiments, particularly those at his Wardenclyffe Tower, aimed to demonstrate this possibility. Some proponents draw parallels between Tesla’s towers and ancient obelisks, suggesting that ancient civilizations might have had knowledge of wireless energy transmission.
In 1900 Tesla obtained two patents pertaining to wireless energy. In 1943 the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged Tesla’s full patent rights for the invention of the radio denying Marconi’s claim to fame. Tesla further demonstrated that by the use of alternating current (AC) electricity could be sent long distances. For better or for worse, he got involved with the major industrialists of the time including George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison. Corporate profits were dependent on owning a wired power grid and charging customers for electricity. Tesla felt that stringing wires over the planet had many limitations and he continued to insist that wireless transmission was better.
The Wardenclyffe Tower was an experimental wireless transmission station, built on Long Island in 1902 that could transmit voice, written, and even facsimile images across the Atlantic to England. His idea, however, to compete with Marconi’s telegraph system met with disapproval of funds from business magnates such as J.P. Morgan, who couldn’t see how to earn high profits from the endeavor. Tesla never could find new funds and the tower was sold for scrap and the property foreclosed upon.
The physical structure of the Wardenclyffe Tower was an obelisk with a copper based hemispherical structure on the top. Inside the supporting building were various electromechanical devices, electrical generators, electrical transformers, glass blowing equipment, X-ray devices, Tesla Coils, a remote-controlled boat, cases with bulbs and tubes, wires, cables, a library, and an office. Underground tunnels housed many experiments that added to the mystery of the man and place. Tesla continued to pursue financing from many of the mega-wealthy of the time to no avail. Tesla continued to argue (until his death and the confiscation of his research by the FBI in 1943) that clean, cheap, limitless electrical energy could be transmitted without the wires, we are so used to seeing, strung across almost every section of the planet. Today, we take similar technology and the Wi-Fi tower systems for granted. However, these satellite systems do not use the beautiful and mystical obelisks as transmitters; leaving us to wonder if our attraction to them is simply that they make us feel peaceful, powerful, and enlightened.
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worldtouradvicetravel · 9 months
Egypt Travel Packages will let you learn about the oldest and longest story of human progress on the planet, CHRISTMAS IN EGYPT & NILE CRUISE provide leisurely time exploring luxury Egypt tours and history with the family. Along with the most exciting desert Safari adventurous tours in Egypt include trekking and many choices.
Egypt Christmas Tour Packages, Explore many attractions in Cairo, visit Giza Pyramids (Cheops, Chaperon and Mycerinus) which is one of the most famous landmark in Egypt and take memorial photo behind the Sphinx, camel ride or watch sound & light show at the Pyramids over the night it will take you on a journey of years back and discover the majesty of ancient Egypt. While visiting Egypt, don’t forget to visit Egyptian Museum in Cairo is one of the oldest archaeological museum, it includes the largest collection of Pharaonic antiquities and monument in the world.
Don’t miss having dinner on local restaurant or beside the River Nile view, Experience walking in Khan El Khalili Bazaar in the historic center of Cairo, it is colorful open-air bazaar and filled with unique and exotic items from spices and antiquities to jewelry, also you can buy souvenirs and take a memorial photos. Passing nearby Citadel of Salah El-Dein one of the most iconic monuments in Islamic Cairo and explore Church of Ben Ezra Synagogue, it is considered the oldest church in Cairo. Take tours to Memphis which is city and capital of ancient Egypt and an important centre during much of Egyptian history and Sakkara Pyramids.
More than just a pampering sailing journey, our Egypt Nile cruise vacation in Christmas is a journey of discovery and enlightenment, feel the gorgeousness of the River Nile, sway with its gentle waves and relish highly enchanting Egyptian Christmas vacation on Nile cruise, Sonesta luxury Nile Cruise enjoy Christmas in Egypt fluctuating on the River
Day1 Christams in Egypt - Egypt Nile Cruise Tours -Arrival Cairo Visitors will be warmly greeted at their arrival to Cairo airport by our tour delegate ! Now You smell the history and start travelling back in time, Our delegate will issue your entry visa,  and escort you through customs & immigration, then you will be escorted from the airport to your hotel by private air conditioned deluxe van Overnight in Cairo No meals
Day 2 Giza Pyramids and Saqqara Pyramid tours Enjoy your delicious breakfast, Meet your Egyptologist tour guide, transfer by private motor-coach to Giza plateau, Your private guide will be on hand to guide you through the marvels of ancient Egypt, visit Giza pyramids, Gain a deep insight into this ancient civilization, Optional tour to ride a camel to arrive the various high spots in the desert where you can enjoy a dazzling panoramic view of the 3 pyramids, proceed to the valley temple and the stunning huge Sphinx, lunch meal, visiting papyrus gallery before proceeding to scout  the eerie necropolis of Saqqara where you will see various elements from the ancient complex, the step pyramid, the Heb Sed building, the false tomb of Zoser, and the mastaba of Kagemni, entry inside Teti  pyramid is included, transfer to the train station to travel to Aswan ( Sleeping train including dinner and breakfast ), Note You can change it by flight Overnight in train Meals- breakfast-lunch
Day 3: Aswan - Nile Cruise Holiday in Egypt WorldTourAdvice representative will wait for you at Aswan train station , He will hold a sign in his hand with your names, then direct transfer by private modern van to Radamis I Nile Cruise boat, check in, enjoy your tasty lunch meal on board. In the afternoon, your private English speaking tour guide will take you in a tour to scout Aswan sightseeing, tour to the famous High Dam; proceed tour to explore the ancient Aswan granite quarries where you will see the  unfinished Obelisk belonging to Hatshepsut queen, the only female pharaoh who ruled Egypt, proceed tour, taking a boat to arrive to the island where you will visit the survived temple of Philae  dedicated to the goddess ISIS. Enjoy your Dinner and overnight on board in Aswan.
Day 4: Aswan - Luxor Nile Cruise - Edfu and Kom Ombo temples Have your Tasty assortment breakfast in your Nile Cruise ship, Radamis II cruise ship  will  start sailing from Aswan to Kom Ombo, private guided tour to scout the only  unusual double temple dedicated to 2 gods, the crocodile god Sobek and the god Haroeris.back to the cruise ship, tasty Lunch on board. Enjoy a panoramic, breathtaking view scenery of the River Nile while sailing from Kom Ombo to Edfu, upon your arrival to Edfu, transfer to the famous temple of Edfu,  your tour guide will take you in a tour to discover the most preserved  temple  in Egypt, It is dedicated to the God Horus, transfer from the cruise ship to the temple and back to the ship will be by horse carriage. on your way back from Edfu temple to your Nile Cruise you can Visit the colorful local bazaars where you can buy traditional Egyptian clothes for the Gallabbiyia party in the Nile  cruise.In this party tourists will wear traditional clothes such as the Galabyia or pharaohs masks and crowns ( you can buy or rent Pharaohs masks and crowns from the cruise ship bazaar) , the Nile cruises will proceed sailing to Luxor Dinner and overnight
Day 5: Luxor And Aswan Nile Cruise - Luxor West bank tours Relish yummy tasty breakfast, it is time to focus on the West Bank of Luxor: explore the great valley of the Kings and valley of Queens where generations of Pharaohs and Nobles were buried in crypts cut into the cliffs and guarded by the god of tombs and guardian of the necropolis Anopis, proceed the excursions to  scout Hatshepsut temple, She was the only woman female who ruled Egypt, then tour to see the ruins of the Mortuary temple of Amon Hotep III guarded by the two huge Colossi known as Memnon colossi. Return to the cruise ship, enjoy lunch meal. Enjoy the afternoon in Luxor East Bank: Start the tour by visiting Luxor temple which is dedicated to godess Mut and Karnak complex of temples ,walking tour among the pillars of Karnak temple dedicated to the god Amun Ra and along the avenue of the Sphinxes at Karnak and Luxor temples, Visiting Karnak temples is an experience which you will treasure for the rest of your life.  Dinner and overnight in Luxor.
Day 6: End of the cruise tours, fly to Cairo Early Tasty breakfast followed by Checking out, meet WorldTouradvice representative, transfer to Luxor airport  to fly to Cairo where You will be met by your tour guide, Guided tour to Ibn Tolun mosque and Gayer Anderson museum, Old Cairo and the hanging church, then tour to discover more about Ancient Egypt in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, transfer to hotel Overnight in Cairo
Day 7 Departue Thanx for booking your Christmas holidays with us, Now say good bye to Cairo, meet our tour representative and transfer to airport for final departure
Note that We can change  this package to be 7 or 4 nights Nile cruise instead of 3 nights, We can add extra nights for Red sea or desert tours, To tailor made your Christmas in Egypt send us your arrival and departure details, all what you want to see to cut and sew a personalized itinerary suit your needs
- Meeting and assist service upon arrival and departure in Cairo airport, Aswan station - All tours transfers by modern motor coach with A/C - All Cairo and Nile cruise tours are private guided tours - All our tour guides are expert in Egyptolgist - All entrance fees as itinerary - Train station ticket Cairo Awan and flight ticket Luxor Cairo - Accommodation 3 nights full board in 5 stars cruise - Accommodation 4 nights in Cairo B.B
Anything not mentioned Tipping kitty Optional tours
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graycarpenter03 · 1 year
5 Essential Elements For ausflug pyramiden von hurghada
ten Stunden würde das in etwa dauern, wenn gentleman von Hurghada mit dem Bus nach Kairo und Hurghada fahren würde. Man hat aber auch noch andere Möglichkeiten wie person viel bequemer zu den Pyramiden anreisen kann. The cookie is ready with the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is particularly utilized to store whether user has consented to the usage of cookies. It does not keep any particular facts. ägypten pyramiden tour von hurghada employs cookies to boost your knowledge When you navigate by the website. Out of those, the cookies that happen to be classified as important are stored on the browser as They are really essential for the Doing work of simple functionalities of the web site. Das male da unterwegs verloren geht, weil person in der Wüste liegen bleiben könnte ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, person macht die Anreise im Konvoi, was auch in Zukunft so sein wird. Analytical cookies are used to understand how site visitors connect with the web site. ausflug pyramiden von hurghada enable deliver information on metrics the quantity of site visitors, bounce amount, site visitors source, and so forth. Love a tour to Cairo from Safaga for one Evening/two times to discover Cairo highlights. You can visit the Giza pyramids and also the phase pyramid, then overnights on the five-star hotel. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are increasingly being analyzed and also have not been classified right into a classification as nonetheless. Action back again in time using a whole-day tour of Luxor’s historical tombs and treasures from Hurghada. Love sights on the Egyptian desert as you vacation by air-conditioned car, and explore the enduring web sites on either side from the Nile River. If you intend your day tour in Egypt in the course of winter from November until March, a Jacket and worm clothing are a must, rest of the calendar year relaxed cotton summer outfits are OK. Along with, you'll take a look at the Egyptian Museum in the city of Cairo. You are able to decide to make a boat picnic about the Nile river by the top on the excursion software. The vacation price features flight tickets, entrance tickets and transfers. Love busfahrt hurghada kairo to Hurghada Cairo , pay a visit to the last preserved on the wonders of the entire world, the planet-famed fantastic pyramids Along with the Sphinx , experience the Egyptian museum with its treasures which might be over 5000 decades previous and Permit the state and its people get to know you thru 1 Walk while in the oldest industry in Egypt, Khan El Khalili . Gentleman mag sich kaum vorstellen, dass diese Pyramide einst ewta 75 m hoch war und eine Basislänge von 105m aufwies. Dependant on our booking knowledge and data with the supplier within the earlier thirty days, this expertise is likely to offer out as a result of Viator. A Nile River cruise is A vital part of any southern Egypt vacation. This overnight sail from Aswan to Luxor is the proper method to unwind for an evening and soak up oneself in Egyptian culture.
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jdpink · 1 year
It turns out that the strongest source of illumination on Earth is not some helpful harborside lighthouse but the “sky beam” atop the Luxor Hotel, in Las Vegas. Creating forty-two billion candlepower of light every night, meant merely as a come-on to tourists and gamblers, it unintentionally excites and undoes flocks of birds, genetically programmed by evolution to fly toward bright light—and, in 2019, attracted clouds of grasshoppers, who flew toward the pseudo-Egyptian pyramid with all the horror of a pseudo-Egyptian plague. “Every evening Nevada’s meteorologists could see on their radar screens the swarms approach Las Vegas,” Eklöf says. Whoever would have imagined that reconstructing an Egyptian tomb and sending a piercing pillar of light from it to the heavens would reawaken an ancient curse—that is, aside from every screenwriter with a spec script? The, er, black comedy of this effect is not lost on Eklöf, but he sees it as something less than entertaining. In recent decades, he tells us, the biomass of all flying insect species has, by some measures, collapsed by close to seventy-five per cent.
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Know Why to Choose Egypt If You're Planning a Vacation Abroad
In the event that you are searching for an alternate sort of holiday insight, Egypt is the spot to be. It is one of the few countries on the planet that can provide you with some of the most novel and exciting travel experiences. It is located between the Gaza Strip and Libya. Regardless of being known for its blistering environment, the nation consistently gets the biggest number of vacationers. From historic landmarks to the most modern convenience stores, this country has everything you need to make your vacation a sumptuous and memorable experience. Loaded with a lot of verifiable landmarks and a portion of the most elite places of interest for experience, this nation can be an optimal destination for your modest holidays.
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This nation is eminent for its old development and a couple of its most well-known landmarks, such as the perplexing Giza pyramid and the incomparable Sphinx. It is widely regarded as a significant political and social country of the Middle East. No trip to Egypt is complete without seeing these two notable Egyptian landmarks. Also, Abu Simbel, renowned for its stone sanctuaries, is another site worth visiting in Egypt. Standing tall as a memorial to extraordinary pharaohs Ramses II and Sovereign Nefertari, these stone sanctuaries are considered among the most staggering designs on the planet.
The Nile Valley, for example, is one of the best and most distinct valleys in the world. Framed continuously by the biggest waterway on the planet, this Nile Valley is the biggest desert garden on the planet. The most ideal way to partake in your holidays in Egypt with Nile is to take a voyage. Taking a cruise gives you more than enough opportunities to travel through Egypt's ancient land and perplexing coastline, as well as see the breathtaking scenery while relaxing. These trips depart from Luxor or Aswan and travel through a portion of the conspicuous spots like the Valley of the Rulers, the Necropolis, and various old sanctuaries.
Known as "the place where there are the pharaohs," Egypt is extremely famous among archeologists and individuals having a strong fascination with history. Cairo is only one of a handful of exceptional spots in Egypt that offers visitors the chance to look at a portion of its old, frightening collectibles and verifiable fortunes. It is the capital city of Egypt and notable for its eminent "Cairo Historical Center." The old locale of Cairo can be extraordinary area of interest assuming that you are keen on going through district inserted with Christianity and Judaism. In Cairo, you can likewise visit the Egyptian historical center which is famous for the fortunes of extraordinary Tutankhamen and numerous years old mummies.
Simply close to Cairo is Red Ocean. Spending your holiday in Egypt can be more energizing after visiting this red ocean coast. It is one of the most well known places of interest and has lavish hotels that give you potential chances to invest energy in open air movement like scuba jumping where you can take delight of fantastic submerged life highlighting more than 1,000 unique types of fish. In the event that scuba diving isn't your area of interest, you might have a go at swimming in Na'ama Narrows' coral gardens or go on an outing in a glass-bottom boat. Aside from this, in the event that golf is your game, Egypt offers you probably the most staggering fairways, like Hurghada, El Gouna, and Fountains. Situated close to the astonishing sea shores, these fairways offer entrancing perspectives alongside the great game. With and the sky is the limit from there to do, your holiday in Egypt can clearly be one of the most outstanding holiday encounters of your life.
For More Info:-
Egypt Holiday Travel Packages
Egypt Budget Tour Packages Medium
Egypt Guided Tours Company Online
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slot7788 · 2 years
Tormented Casino On The Earth
On the off chance that you're searching for where the apparitions of the past actually wait, then, at that point, look no farther than these spooky club. These five lodgings and club are notable for their spooky history, so it's nothing unexpected that they make our rundown as some of most terrifying spots on the planet. And remember to read Forza77 Situs Slot Terlengkap.
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Tormented Club On the planet:
The Luxor Inn And Gambling club, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA The Luxor Inn and Gambling club is a 30-story, pyramid-molded lodging and gambling club situated on the southern finish of the Las Vegas Strip in Heaven, Nevada. It is the fourth tallest structure in Las Vegas and the thirteenth tallest structure in Nevada. The Luxor's outside was planned by draftsman William L. Pereira and Partners who likewise planned New York City's Reality Exchange Center pinnacles. The whole design is covered with north of 3 million pounds (1 million kg) of gold leaf metal.
Gambling club Niagara, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Club Niagara is an old-fashioned club that has been around since the 1920s. It's at present claimed by Caesars Diversion and has gained notoriety for being spooky by a phantom named "The Woman dressed in Red." The story goes this way: A lady was killed in an auto crash beyond the club, and her soul has been witnessed on a few events. As indicated by reports, she shows up around evening time prior to returning home with her better half or life partner (contingent upon who you inquire). Assuming you're sufficiently fortunate to notice her while feasting at one of their cafés (or barely out strolling around), kindly don't move toward her!
The Riviera Gambling club, Las Vegas, USA The Riviera Inn and Club was a club situated on the Las Vegas Strip in Heaven, Nevada, which worked from 1955 to 2010. It was named after the French Riviera. Riviera Inn and Gambling club is one of three club by and large known as "The Strip" that are situated inside Las Vegas city limits. The others are Mandalay Sound (Wayne Newton's)and Monte Carlo (Michael Jackson's).
The D Lodging and Gambling club, Las Vegas, USA The D Inn and Club is a club situated in Midtown Las Vegas. It was implicit the year 2000, with 3,000 rooms and suites. It likewise has a show setting called the Pearl Show Theater. The D Lodging and Gambling club has been named perhaps of the best inn in Las Vegas by numerous distributions like Conde Nast Explorer and Travel + Recreation Magazine.
Paris Las Vegas , Las Vegas, USA Paris Las Vegas is an inn, club, and resort situated on the Las Vegas Strip in Heaven, Nevada. It is possessed and worked by Caesars Amusement Inc., which got it from MGM Terrific Inn Organization for $1.8 billion on December 17, 2009. The hotel has 1,200 rooms that are isolated into three separate structures: The Paris Pinnacle; The Discussion Shops at Caesars Royal residence; and The Quadrangle Court at Caesar's Castle. It likewise incorporates an eatery called Market Bistro with perspectives on the Bellagio Wellspring show. Last : This Is Most terrifying Spots On the planet By Forza This is the most frightening spot on the planet. It's additionally one of the most amazing spots to visit to be terrified and experience something paranormal. This club is situated in Indonesia, which makes it ideal for anybody who loves betting or simply maintains that should do some exploration on apparitions! The club was worked back in 2008 however it was only after 2013 when they opened up their entryways formally as a spot where individuals could proceed to partake in their time messing around like poker or spaces machines while messing around with one another as well! On the off chance that you're searching for a credible tormented place, look no further on the grounds that this one has everything including in excess of 200 rooms loaded up with live entertainers who will ensure everybody stays protected from any apparitions prowling around outside hanging tight for another person inside so they could think of a thought regarding what ought to occur straightaway (like ensuring there aren't any open windows).
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Egypt New Year Short Break Cairo and Bahariya Oasis
Egypt New Year Short Break Cairo and Bahariya Oasis
Egypt New Year Packages,Are you want to achieve your dream to visit the oldest country and civilization in the whole planet ? okay i'll help you to do that you know that Egypt a great country by the history , culture and the civilization. Egypt sightseeing tours  Egypt has all abilities to make her one of best destinations for all visitors from all the world. the weather temperature the weather suitable for all European because Egypt has special weather in winter. the Egyptian people is kind persons will greeting you all the times. Egypt day trips spent you tours by new year Egypt packages  and spin around all the country from Cairo to upper Egypt, the red sea, the Mediterranean, and the great desert of Egypt
Egypt New Year Tours, Enjoy the White Desert Tour and the Bahariya Oasis Tour; it's a breathtaking adventure you won't soon forget.
Have the finest of vacations. One of the more attractive desert circuit oasis is Bahariya Oasis, which is also the most accessible at only 365 kilometers from Cairo.
Day 1: Egypt New Year Short Break Meet our tour Representative in Cairo airport, transfer to your hotel, at night dinner cruise on the Nile & overnight in hotel. Day 2:Egypt New Year Short Break Early breakfast, then drive to Egypt western desert to visit El Bahariya oasis , enjoy your lunch , tour by jeep to visit the White & black desert in Egypt, overnight in the camp in the desert , folcloric show & dinner. Day 3: Egypt New Year Short Break Enjoy a traditional breakfast in desert, then drive to the magical spring, swimming there, then drive to Cairo& overnight in Cairo. Day 4: Egypt New Year Short Break Breakfast, meet your tour guide who will take you in a tour to visit Egyptian pyramids in Giza, then to the Egyptian museum, enjoy your lunch, then back to hotel, at night enjoy Sound and light show in pyramids area. Day 5: Egypt New Year Short Break Early morning breakfast, meet your tour guide, visit Islamic Cairo, Ibn Tolun mosque . then tour in modern Cairo, shopping tour in city stars mall before transfer you to Cairo airport for final departure.
Price includes
Egypt New Year Short Break includes: 3 nights in 5 stars hotel in Cairo 1 night camping in desertAll meals as per itinerary All transfers by modern airconditioned van Jeep tour to the White & Black Desert English Tour guide during tours All the entrance fees to all mentioned sites
Price excludes
Egypt New Year Short Break excludes: - International flights - Private expenses - Tipping - Optional tours such as the Solar boat museum, going inside the pyramids,or visiting mummies room
For more info
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peoplecallmelucifer · 3 years
“Are you sure you want keep going” a man said with a stern face “Try me“ replied the alien with a smile The room was quiet as the stern look on the man’s face relaxed into a smile “Straight flush“ “wh-HOW!“ the alien howled “I was sure you’re bluffing“ “Oh I was“ “You... you sneaky ass. you wanted me to go all in!“ “Used your perceptivity against you, didn’t I. Good thing we didn’t play with real money“ “Haha, I must concede, you are good with your words, and body language. Much better than most humans“ “Well, I gotta be. You can’t have  diplomat lose their head on an alien planet“ “You are not gonna let me forget the cat incident will you Lawrence“ Rana sighed “Never“ Lawrence smiled mischievously as he got up It has been five years since first contact and due to her Xenoculturologyst expertise and involvement in the first contact Rana was offered the status of Galactic assembly Ambassador on Earth. I has been Stressful and exciting five years but as her final act as Ambassador she was tasked with presenting a human envoy to the General assembly. 
This was not an easy task since one of Ranas first mission is to establish how a species that should be on the level of hunter-gatherers, or  early farmers at best has managed to reach the stage of early spaceflight at the time of first contact and managed to start colonies across their star system within her 5 year tenure. Rana did not have an explanation but she did have Lawrence. Her consultant, friend and a cause for around countless practical jokes in her embassy, some of which almost costed him his job.
“Want anything to drink R“ “Just a glass of water“ “Mind if i ask you a question?“ “Not at all my friend“ “Why did you want me to come with you? “Lawrence asked ” I mean I don’t rally have a stellar record. I’m just a childish archaeology“ Rana nodded “Yes, you are insufferable at times. But there is a dash of brilliance in your stupidity“ “I don’t know if that was an insult or a compliment“ Lawrence laughed “Both“ Rana replied “And Don’t interrupt me. What you don’t know is that the assembly thought your species wouldn’t  invent the wheel, let alone spaceflight for at least a couple more Centuries, if not a few millennia. I was supposed to find what made you develop so quickly“
“And what did you find?” “From what I see it’s dumb luck and stupid ingenuity“ Lawrence paused “...Yeah that does sound like Humanity. But still why does that involve me going to the assembly“ “Because you are the example of both... And because I’m fairly sure you are the least dangerous “mad scientists” I know“ “Oh you’re flattering me“ Lawrence laughed
The trip to the Assembly HQ lasted about a week, and this was just day 3. In the following day more members of the crew joined the poker games, Rana and Lawrence were bombarded with questions about the earth and Lawrence acquired a small collection of alien music “because it sounds interesting“. At the day of the arrival to the Sentinel system, the seat of the Galactyc assembly Lawrence offered a single comment on the  planet “So this is space Switzerland... Looks more like Argentina“ Rana laughed “What did you expect? Inverted pyramids?“ Rana appreciated this dash of humor, it distracted her from the address she’ll have to give in a few hours “Nervous?“ Lawrence asked “You remember the cat incident?“ Rana asked “Yes?“ “It feel worse than that“ “Pfff.. Seriously you thinking I have a Tiger, a 200 Kilo murdermachine in my house is not as bad as talking to your boss.“ After hearing Lawrences comment and his laugh Rana herself started laughing “So much about being a calm and collected diplomat“ Rana said with a giggle.
The two awaited to be summoned to the Hall of assembly, their cheerful demeanour and Lawrence himself attracting many gazes until an alien three times their size, deep voice but a pleasant demeanour  invited them to enter. “Ho ly hell“ Lawrence whispered overwhelmed with the amount of seats and different looking aliens in the hall “Esteemed collogues...” AN alien at the main podium said ”... the next issue of the day. The matter of our five year observatory mission to planet Terra. As you know our ambassador has just returned and has brought one of the planet inhabitants to speak for their planet. Ambassador, if you’d please“
“I thank you esteemed delegates“ Rana said “AS you know my role on the planet was to observe and determine how this planet defied the established patterns of development...And I’m sad to say I don’t have a firm answer“ Murmurs swept the room but Rana was not bothered “As a Xenoculturologyst this planet is a treasure trove, They don’t have a unified culture, and I’m not talking about regional distinctions, I’m talking cultures that one would not expect from one single species, and they have dozens of those. Honestly It’s a marvel they haven’t eradicated themselves.
They are a species of so many contradictions I can not explain it. Gentle yet brutal, thoughtful yet irrational, peaceful yet warlike... but I think my friend here will explain it much better“ Rana gestured for Lawrence to take the podium
“Hi“ Lawrence said still a little startled “I... I am still a bit overwhelmed for being here, but anyway, Rana told me you were wondering how we managed to get so far so fast... and me and Rana both agree the best answer we can offer is Dumb luck and our stupid ingenuity“ 
This comment prompted a few chuckles and murmurs “Yes I know it sounds silly but hear me out“ Lawrence said “Let’s take microwave oven as an example. It was discovered microwaves can be used for cooking after  a technician noticed his candy bar melted in his pocket next to a radar. it’s not the only time random chance helped our scientific endeavour. Perhaps the most notable example is Sir Isaac Newton figuring out Gravity after being inspired by an apple falling of the tree. What if that day he decided he was to lazy to take a stroll? what if he just looked the other way when the apple fell. Who know where we’d be.
And as to stupid ingenuity... well let me tell you a personal story. I am an archaeology, so my job includes digging out ruins of old civilisations, and one day on a dig my tools broke... so instead of borrowing from someone who wasn’t currently working I took a pickaxe and a small hammer ... and had to delicately brake off sediment by precise work with a VERY heavy pickaxe.. it was stupid, it was reckless, it could have damaged possible artefacts, but in the end it worked... so yeah, multiply that kind of thinking with the entire human population and you are bound to something actually useful. Now i know that this still might not explain exactly how we got so far but it’s the best we’ve got.“
murmuring started and the chairmen stepped in to silence the crowd “ Dear collogues, I know this debate leaves more questions than it answers  but for now we must continue. Ambassador, esteemed guest I thank you for your presentation.“ Rana and Lawrence left the room and Lawrence sighed with relief. “aaaaaaaaah that was nerve wrecking“ he said “Agreed“ Rana replied “What now?“ “Dinner?“ “Dinner“ The two laughed and returned to the hotel.
In the aftermath of the address the conclusion on Terra was:
1. Insignificant data to understand human pace of development 2. Humans appeared to Influence the Ambassador when it comes to Speech patterns and mannerism. Some considered it unprofessional, although she argued she broke no protocol (possible result of human influence) 3. Further study on Humans needed. Ambassador Rana will be removed from the position but kept as a consulter. New ambassador Shall be appointed
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meltykarasu · 2 years
Final Fantasy VII Advent Calendar — Dec. 13
Preliminary investigation into the previously inaccessible ziggurat south of the Junon area reveals that it is inaccessible but in a different way now, and asking the blacksmith near Gongaga reveals you need a Keystone, currently held by Dio from the Gold Saucer.
Back we go to the Gold Saucer!
Dio is in the Battle Square and in exchange for the Keystone he asks Cloud to participate in the Duel. This is pretty fun, and you get the Keystone no matter what, plus bonuses for people who get halfway through or all the way!
I did not get either!
So rounds one and two I punched through, and then the third round I faced an enemy who put Cloud to sleep and then attacked with percent-based attacks, leaving me at 1 HP and then I foolishly used the limit break before healing, sending me to the next round, and that enemy attacked pretty instantly.
So then we went for the Temple of—oh wait the ropeway back off the Saucer was out of order. Cait Sith said, hey, why don't we stay at the Ghost Hotel while we wait?
The whole party assembled in the lobby. Cait Sith asked Cloud for a summary of the prior events in the plot. Cloud said, hey, we're going after Sephiroth, who is searching for the Promised Land. Sephiroth is also looking for the Black Materia, which is in the Temple of the Ancients. There's also discussion of the men in the black cloaks, whom Hojo experimented on, but nobody has any idea of what it has to do with Sephiroth. Red XIII worries about his own tattoo and if he will go insane like the other experiments. Tifa encourages him.
Everyone heads to bed.
Later that night, Tifa shows up to Cloud's room. Yay, Tifa! (Less yay that I did not get the Yuffie date I was aiming for. But I still like Tifa anyway.) Tifa and Cloud sneak out on a date. Well, actually, Tifa drags Cloud on a date, but whatever.
They go to the Event Square, where a play is taking place. Cloud and Tifa are selected to play the leads! Thanks to the magic of improvisation, the cast will go along with whatever Cloud says. The plot is about a princess captured by a dragon and a hero who quests to save her, but Cloud's choices as the hero can make the story go buckwild.
Tifa invites Cloud onto the Gondola next.
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Tifa verbally tiptoes around the fact that she loves Cloud.
When they return to the Gold Saucer's central area, Cait Sith is there, and he has the Keystone. Cloud chases him to the Chocobo Square, where Tseng of the Turks is waiting.
Cait Sith tosses him the Keystone.
Big reveal! Cait Sith is a robot being controlled by Shinra. The operator is back in Midgar. Cait Sith says that he wouldn't feel right if things kept going as they were with Shinra, so he wants to continue the journey. Cloud says no dice, spy.
So Cait Sith says "Okay, but I've also got Marlene as a hostage."
Anyway, Aerith decides she's definitely going to the Temple of the Ancients. I chose Tifa as our third of the bunch again, because, well, Tifa.
Insert your own travel montage here.
When Aerith arrives at the Temple, she immediately is hit with the floating consciousness/knowledge of the Ancients lingering around the temple. They are refraining from joining the Lifestream out of sheer will to protect the Temple. At the top of the Ziggurat is one of the Black Cloaks, babbling about the Black Materia.
Tseng of the Turks is in the entrance. He's been wounded, and he tells the party that Sephiroth isn't after the Promised Land. Aerith is sad that he (apparently) dies, as despite his antagonism, he is one of the few people who have known her so long.
The Keystone, gotten from Tseng, unlocks the area within the pyramid: an MC Escher-esque maze. After that, Cloud does Watch For Rolling Rocks in 0.5 A-Presses, and Aerith takes a look at a magic pool with the consciousness of the Ancients inside. It shows her and the party the confrontation between Tseng and Sephiroth in the temple's mural room. Sephiroth intends to become one with the Planet. After saying this, he stabs Tseng.
The party continues. There's a big room shaped like a clock and you have to navigate using the hour and minute hands while the second hand tries to sweep you off. There's lots of treasures to grab, including the game's first Ribbon, the accessory that protects against all status effects.
Anyway, Cloud and co. made their way to the mural room. Cloud immediately started shouting for Sephiroth. And then Sephiroth showed up! He exposits.
Sephiroth's plan is thus: the Planet gathers spirit energy — the Lifestream — to heal its wounds. Depending on the size of said wound, it gathers more. Sephiroth will create a life-threatening injury to the Planet and then take a bath in the primoridal soul soup. Therefore and thusly, Sephiroth will become god.
"How do you intend to injure the Planet?" Aerith asks.
"Giant magic Meteor," Sephiroth responds.
Sephiroth vanishes and Cloud starts flipping out and laughing to himself about the Black Materia and summoning Meteor. He abruptly remembers himself. Aerith exposits further on Meteor, the ultimate destructive magic.
A Red Dragon draws near!
Unfortunately for it, I had two Limits saved up and Tifa has had the Fire Ring on for hours now, rendering most of its attacks useless against her!
And then it dropped Bahamut's summon materia! Thanks, dragon, for being an easy boss fight. Unfortunately, the party was locked in with a strange puzzle box type object.
The Ancients told Aerith that the whole temple *is* the Black Materia. The puzzle box makes the temple smaller until it becomes normal Materia size. But whoever is inside gets crushed. Tifa says "Let's leave it" but Cloud retorts that they need to get it out, because Sephiroth has lots of different flunkies (i.e. the Black Cloaks.)
We've got a caller on line one! Cait Sith rings in. Since he's got a robot body, it makes no difference to him if it gets crushed.
The party attempted a bold escape from the Temple but were attacked by the Demon Wall! I died here because I forgot that Big Guard is a spell I can use.
My second try I hit it with everything I had while also keeping my HP high and my guard up. Eventually, Tifa suplexed the entire fucking wall. I did not get a picture. I am sorry.
And Aerith got her second level 1 limit!
Cait Sith appeared, ready for his valiant sacrifice. Aerith asked for her and Cloud's fortune. Cait Sith said they were perfect for each other!
Cait Sith vanishes into the depths of the Temple. The whole thing became the Black Materia. Cloud and Aerith jumped in and Cloud grabbed it. It's unusable unless you're somewhere with a lot of the Planet's energy, like the Promised Land.
Aerith and Cloud realize that if Sephiroth isn't an Ancient, then he can't find it, but Sephiroth shows up and says "You thought wrong my good bitch. I traveled the Lifestream and slurped up all the Ancients' knowledge and wisdom."
Cloud flips out again and gives the Black Materia to Sephiroth.
Then the second Cait Sith shows up!
Cloud passes out.
He has a dream. Aerith is in a forest. He apologizes. She says she can handle Sephiroth. Only a survivor of the Cetra/Ancients can do what she plans to do at the City of the Ancients, and she'll be back when she's done. She runs off, and Cloud is unable to follow. Sephiroth appears in the dream, too.
Cloud wakes up in Gongaga. Everyone else is out looking for Aerith.
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When Barret and Tifa hear that Aerith has departed for the City of the Ancients, they're ready to go, but Cloud is worried that he might not be able to keep control of himself. Despite this, he resolved to pursue Aerith.
I Tiny Bronco'd my way to Bone Village, an excavation site on the Northern Continent on the way to the Forgotten City. You need a Lunar Harp to get through the Sleeping Forest, and so Cloud hires the crew to excavate one.
Cloud made his way into Zango Valley. There was a Water Ring! Despite the seemingly useless nature of this accessory, I sure as heck equipped it on Tifa to replace the ever-handy Fire Ring! You'll have to tune in next time to find out why.
Today's Predictions & Strategy for Tomorrow
I'm catching up to my schedule. This was scheduled for the 11th, and it's the 13th. I'll make the rest of the difference up later.
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thelifeoftravelling · 3 years
Visiting Egypt is incomplete without exploring the wonders of the museum of Cairo, the mummies kept in it and the original place of the mummies; The Valley Of Kings And Queens.The Valley Of Kings and Queens is actually the place of peace for the dead Pharaohs and their queens. At one time it was mentioned as the ‘the place of truth’.Valley of Kings And Queens, the name itself advocates the eternal resting place of the Pharaohs and their queens I.e their burial ground which is obviously no ordinary place for an Egyptian Pharaoh and his queen.The methods of embalming, or treating the dead body, that the ancient Egyptians used is called mummification. The rare sight of a mummy of the dead Pharaohs in their actual form can be spotted in the Cairo museum so closely, that it gives shivers to the spine.While the pyramids are the first thing that comes to mind when people think of Egypt; for me, exploring Luxor was essential. And I had to visit Luxor for one and only reason - The Valley Of Kings And Queens. The Valley Of Kings And Queens was quite a distance from my hotel from the centre of Luxor; hiring a car I set off for my destination and was primed up to set my foot in the tomb of The Boy King Tutankhamun and the world famous beauty Queen Nefertiti.
Tutankhamun was a boy king of MISR. Pharaoh Akhenaten’s son, whose mother was a minor queen. Tutankhamun had a very weak health and slender body; maybe because of his birth from a minor queen. Because of his weak health he couldn’t even reign more than 6 years. Egyptians fondly called Tutankhamun ‘TUTS’.
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A lot of people get spooked on hearing or visiting cemeteries. But, I on the other hand find this particular cemetery rustic and adventurous. On my way to the Valley my eyes became heavy and I dozed off - imagining the enormous mausoleums that never failed to capture my attention. In my dream, I would stand before them, gazing up at them at what seemed like small castles before me, and wonder what kind of kings and queens might be so important that they would have their own small houses - not just gravestones - to memorise their lives. And then I popped my eyes open. I found myself in a barren land, it seemed my car heading towards nowhere. Am I running towards the land outside the planet?; no tree, no plant, not a streak of grass anywhere around. Everything is so dusty and rough - not a human nor an animal. I raised my eyes - Oh MY GOD!! Such huge and high mountain ranges on both the sides, so strong, rough absolutely rugged; I felt I’m running into a land of nowhere.All of a sudden, a place caught my sight up on the mountain range, a tiny stone house at the top of the mountain range. This is the historic place, the residence of the archeologist Howard Carter; the excavator of the tomb of Boy King Tutankhamun.I couldn’t imagine that Howard Carter could live in this spine-chilling isolated place months after months to carry on his work of excavation relentlessly, days after days with great hope to find out the richness of the tomb of Tutankhamun. As I was coming closer to the valleys I felt those mountain ranges - just engulf my car at the end of the road. My speedy car stopped with a gust of wind on my windscreen and the screeching sound of the brakes of the car. The whole of Valley Of Kings has been divided into 2 parts: East and West consisting of tombs of the Pharaohs.So far, 62 tombs have been excavated. As I entered the Valley Of Kings the car slowly came and stopped at the gate where the Egyptian Pharaohs had been in eternal sleep for decades after decades. The Egyptian proverb says,”to speak the name of the dead is to make him alive again”.Practically most of the mummies of the Pharaohs are kept in Cairo museum or some other museum in the world after being excavated.
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The area of the Valley Of Kings is so large that one has to get ready for walking for miles and miles and even climbing up the mountains. One needs to follow a map to know the route to one’s choice of tomb of favourite Pharaohs. For me it was obvious - the tomb of Tutankhamun and Nefertiti.Finally, I stepped out in the land of The Valley Of Kings And Queens.It was a formidable sight.Although the Valley Of Kings And Queens might evoke images of mausoleum like structures dotting the horizon from a distance the formation of the mountain ranges seemed hair-raising and blood-curdling. 
I waS ready to explore the steep sloppy tunnels to get to the innermost part of the mountains leading towards my desired tomb of TUTS.The slope was so slanting; so much impossible to walk down  though not so narrow that it seemed the things belonged to the dead pharaoh were rolled to the tomb. The walls on both the sides, the ceiling even the iron gate of the tunnel were decorated with unimaginable unique paintings, mostly of pink and blue colour.
Many had doubts whether the tomb of Tutankhamun really lied under these mountains of Valley of Kings or not. But, Howard Carter had firm belief that Tutankhamun’s wealth and resources remained intact in the Valley Of Kings. After months of excavation he discovered the tomb of TUTS under the tomb of Pharaoh Rameses VI. There were mainly 3 rooms in the tomb. These 3 chambers of the tomb were filled with royal furniture, statues, weapons, boxes and jars of foodstuffs and immense wealth and jewellery. After knowing so much it is obvious that I was so eager to go down to the tunnel of the tomb of Tutankhamun to see all these with my own eyes. 
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To my dismay I found no wealth, no treasure was kept in that burial ground except a stony coffin (sarcophagus) wrapped with absolute gold sheet a live size consisted of the actual mummy of TUTS. But, my expectation was totally fulfilled as I visited the Cairo Museum the whole of wealth of Tutenkhamin which I will narrate a little later.Like any other pharaoh the wealth of Totenkhamen’s tomb are not kept for the tourist to see over here.They are all preserved in the Cairo museum. 
As I left the Valley behind, I was completely in awe of how the archeologist Howard Carter who lived in this eerie atmosphere of the out of the world place, among this giant mountain ranges going through the lean ghostly tunnels leading to the core of the mountain in pursuit of the impossible to make it possible of finding out the tomb of Tutankhamun with deep trust and dedication.
Now my destination was Valley Of Queens where the mummies of the Queens of the Pharaohs are kept. The most popular and famous tomb of the Valley of Queens is Queen Nefertiti’s. But, unfortunately, the entrance to the tunnel leading towards her tomb is prohibited.
Valley of Queens is consisted of 75 tombs whose only 4-5 can be found in proper condition. Though the distance between the Valley of Kings and The Valley of Queens is minimal, but the location proves that the kings and the queens cannot be lied side by side after their death.
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Nefertiti was the fifth wife of the Pharaoh Ramesses II. The tomb of Nefertiti is a symbol of Ramesses deep love for his beautiful wife. It is heard that the ceiling of the tomb was covered with gold stars but even before the archeologist discovered this place the dacoits found this place and left nothing to be kept in the museum or seen by the tourist.Pharaoh Akhenaten’s queen was also Nefertiti whom the Egyptians consider beauty with brains. She was not only beautiful with a long slender neck but she was intelligent too.There is no doubt that MISR was at one time the kingdom of gold.On seeing the amount of wealth in Cairo museum; gold, silver, valuable stones and jewellery found with the mummies later on anyone like me can come to the conclusion that Egypt was a country of gold.Thus, MISR was in reality continued to be covered in gold for thousands of thousands of years. There cannot be any doubt about it. 
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Episode 30 Season 4: The Dead Joey Shuffle
Lets ignore everything happening on planet Earth right now and talk about old ass anime, shall we? Yes, my sky turned a horrible end of the world yellow/orange color for an entire day because of a LOT of fire in my state. But thankfully, the winds have changed, the sky is blue...and I can write about Yugioh again.
Last we left off, Tristan, Tea, and Yami stumbled across two fresh corpses. Now, when Joey died a season or two ago (I honestly can’t remember when), we had my favorite storyboarder at the helm just sweeping emotion all over the field and the intense weeping for Joey Wheeler lasted for like 30 minutes. Yugi freaked out in the puzzle headspace for like half an episode and nearly gave up playing cards again, Yami punched a wall and then put a duel disk on Joey’s arm like a funerary send off to the afterlife, Tea started losing her mind and begged Yugi to drop out of the tourney so Yugi wouldn’t die, and Pharaoh was like “yo Tea, Yugi can’t talk right now can we do this later????” And then Tristan, out of nowhere, just started shaking Joey and screaming at him to wake up (and I think he punched him in the face and it got censored? Yo that episode is wild.) Joey got plugged to some Kaiba Corp med bay that had like 2 dozen weird sensors attached to his chest and feet to keep him alive. Serenity was like hyperventilating in the back, just a LOT of stuff was happening all at once.
But this time, with an ordinary animation team, these three kids are so distracted by the other corpse, that they only cry just a little bit before being like “woah what?”
And like this is their second time. Maybe they’ve gotten used to Joey being dead? Maybe they got it all out of their system and are now a lot more accustomed to the fact that they all must die. Several times.
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Confronted with this Agatha Christie brand debacle, Tristan makes an incredible reach that is also completely correct. Like this is such an amazing incredible reach.
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Hire Tristan as your detective, hot damn. There are like 7.8 billion Orichalcos-possessed people on this planet right now trying to kill Joey Wheeler and Tristan actually called the right one.
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Yami never tells us who he blames, but it’s OK, because the show immediately cuts over to Dartz’ silicon valley fortress to tell us without telling us. So while this animation team isn’t as insanely extra as our previous animation teams, they still know how to edit their cuts to work alongside their dialogue just fine.
(read more under the cut)
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Lets take a little while to just take this in. Someone took a while to make it, so rather than look at it for half a second before it passes--please lets count the number of floating streets in this scene.
So before when I talked about the history of San Francisco, I mentioned the old Embarcadero, which was a double decker street wrapped around the peninsula. (we still see parts of this double decker set up on parts of the highway to this day.) But what if--they actually have no idea that the Embarcadero was a thing before it fell down in an earthquake?
What if they just...wanted San Francisco to be vaguely cyberpunk in this universe and that floating freeway was supposed to be futuristic and not just an 80′s throwback?
Because there’s 3 streets stacked on top of eachother right here and yo there is no where in the city built like this. This is a Gotham situation where the poors live on the lower levels and the rich just kind of hang out on the top. We have too many Earthquakes in reality to ever support this setup but Yugioh...wow. They went for it.
Also, our art deco architecture isn’t quite in this style as Dartz’ mansion. Mind you, this isn’t full deco, and the structure has more of an ancient world vibe. But...while San Fransisco does have a lot of deco, it’s just different (sorry you’re not really here for the architecture but youknow, I’m an artist so I do think a lot about why concept artists may have gone where they went)
So I’m not going to dare say this is a mistake on the Yugioh team by any means, since Deco is Deco and who knows when Dartz built that building. But like I’ve seen the SF skyline many times in this show and it’s got some funky shapes in it that are just sooo off to me. They keep drawing a more Futurist New York. Truth is, we don’t have that many skyscrapers in SF.
Most of the pictures you see of scaling buildings are of this one area around the financial district--everything else is...pretty short. So in those photos they very carefully crop out all the really squat as hell buildings on either side of it, to give the impression that our city is super tall, much like a dating app.
And, as far as Art Deco Gotham-esque skyscrapers go, we got ones like this guy:
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Where at a glance it’s like...that’s barely deco (and barely that impressive. This is 1/3 the height of the Empire State building.) Compared to a lot of cities in America, our skyscrapers aren’t as...clearly deco from far away? We don’t have the huge ass humps and long ass gilded lines of the Empire State building or the Chrysler building. You only really get those details when you zoom in.
Our other skyscrapers are kinda understated or modern in comparison. And the reason why we just don’t have many deco skyscrapers is because...our ground ain’t good for building skyscrapers at all, so it took us kind of a while to build up.
Like we got this tower that we built recently (the first skyscraper they built in SF in a good while) and they decided to name it the “The Millennium Tower” which...I know...good job, team, clearly you wanted to get cursed. Well the tower started leaning about 3 or 4 years ago, like well over a foot from it’s original spot, it’s just tilting and sinking away, and people are freaking out because it’s surrounded by other tall buildings so they’re like “damn it we’re gonna dominoes.” The people in charge were like “well...we don’t know why it’s leaning...but I’m sure it’s fine” and it’s like “the ground. It was the ground...you dumbasses” not to mention that it’s clearly cursed by at least one angry Egyptian Ghost but...what do you do?
I would absolutely watch the Yugioh spinoff season about the Millennium Tower and the SF tycoons that got possessed by a ghost and have to play card games to keep their tower from squishing all of San Francisco. Yo you should hire me, Yugioh, I got IDEAS.
Man...Yugioh predicting the future, how did they call the ill fate of The Millennium Tower????
But anyway, most skyscrapers in SF are kind of boring because they have to be sturdy as hell. But, they have some neat modern shapes (like the Transamerica Pyramid--in the shape of A PYRAMID that hasn’t shown it’s face once this entire Egyptian influenced anime)
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I mean, come on Yugioh, it’s right there.
Also the hell is this weird UFO on this picture I lifted off of google?
Like I think it’s 4 jets? 
I may have lifted this from an alien website, so forgive me, q-anon for lifting your image, I’m trying to talk about architecture in my Yugioh blog.
In fact the only building I (and google) can think of that is both really tall and deco-ey is this one:
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And it’s a Marriot hotel built in the late 80′s. And honestly, it looks way more 1980′s Las Vegas than it does Deco. (It honestly looks like photobashing but made real, this is a weird building.)
And I could be wrong and overlooking a very important structure, but most of the city’s really cool art deco buildings are in the form of theaters, libraries, churches, schools, and houses--which are only a few stories tall. They’re gorgeous buildings with cool and different silhouettes, it’s just not very big.
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Like I believe this is an old high school?
also a lot of our “art deco” has no idea if it’s victorian, deco, or art noveau so they’ll just hit all of it to see what sticks. It’s a lot more eclectic than other places where Deco is typically more...straight-lined. I kinda hate defining art styles as masculine or feminine but honestly it’s the quickest way to really hit home the difference between a Bruce Timm art deco that you’d see in a comic book, (which is very New York inspired) and what we have in San Fransisco which is really decorative and decadent.
The Yugioh SF just has no curvy nonsense and that really sticks out to me.
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Ornate swirls get shoved Everywhere. Willy nilly. Just everywhere randomly. And it sits next to other structures that are modern and simplistic. It’s very San Francisco to have this old world next to new world.
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And it makes sense. SF is the other side of the continent from New York, and about as far West as you can go from the movement going on in Europe. So...we made our own take and tl;dr the art deco in our city doesn’t look like Gotham at all.
And, while it’s not as grand or dark or iconic, it’s a good thing. It’s what helps make San Fransisco look really unique compared to other American cities--the fact that we're...short and eclectic. Our district with the skyscrapers is where it’s kinda boring, actually--the good stuff is when you get away from that. Where every little building has a spunky wild personality.
But in a show like this you gotta make it seem more grand and less homely so--they scaled up the buildings a lot more than we really have and homogenized all the stylings into one (and they axed every Victorian swirl because they don’t want to draw that). They really just turned SF into comic book New York--especially since I’ve only seen like...one steep hill since we got here.
It’s fine, and it makes complete sense why they did it, (I’m more confused as to why most of California is a Nevada desert so I can easily forgive a San Francisco without the right Deco) it’s just a very different energy.
and honestly...it’s an energy influenced by the tone of the show. Everything has a very dark blue-gray palate, and it’s because it’s literally the end of the world, Joey has died, everyone is sad...maybe it would be out of place to have a building that looks like it sparks joy? The harsh and cold lines do add to the gravity of the situation.
Maybe I would have done the same thing? In the end, the legibility of your story matters more than the accuracy of your story--especially when it comes to TV. Which is somewhat a controversial statement, and there’s exceptions when it comes to cultural stuff. But while the culture of San Fransisco was erased (a culture that they did draw in the beginning of the season! they did show alcatraz, a trolly, and the golden gate!), it is at a point in the show where...all of humanity is being erased anyway. Could also be symbolic? Maybe?
+++++++++++++END OF THE ART DECO RANT+++++++++++++
So anyway, stepping away from lovely buildings and into this gross ass abandoned park, Yami decides he’s gotta get himself to this gaudy ass Batman building ASAP.
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He can ride a horse but he absolutely will not ride a motorcycle. Or touch Joey Wheeler’s dead body.
Which is wild because apparently there’s a Yugioh spinoff where all they do is ride motorcycles??? But from what I heard, Yami is not in it. Which is the most wild thing.
So uh...you know how much I love art details, lets take a long look at this one.
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AH no.
Nope nope nope nope.
I hate this logo. It looks like an emperor penguin’s eyebrow thingies. Like a face with just four huge eyebrows.
Not sure why we randomly have a new logo. It’s nearly the end of the season, we’ve already shown the Orichalcos logo so many times. Was this episode made earlier in development than the rest? Is that why there were like - I dunno, put this random logo here... Maybe we’ll figure out the rest of the logo later?
I don’t know. This weird logo feels so out of place.
And then because I’m thinking about buildings...maybe it’s influenced by our Shell building?
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Maybe? Or not? Just saying you got a round thing with radial lines hovering over a trellis...the possibility is there that they were inspired but had to edit it down for animation? Eh, I’m reaching desperately for anything that looks like San Francisco at this point.
Anyways, the front door of this building is an elevator (????) and in a somewhat confusing set of cuts, out of this elevator comes the murderer herself.
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And she’s dead.
SO HAPPY I didn’t have to watch that card game but like...c’mon. There’s no way Mai would lose to Raphael.
Maybe that’s why they couldn’t show it? Because she’s the only person on this show who uses a themed deck with cards that actually sync with eachother? (outside of Pegasus’ toon deck and Grandpa’s voltron deck ((sorry it’s name isn’t voltron, I’ve forgotten the name of the robot that you build out of other cards. Exodus? Exodysseus?
It’s Exodia isn't it? Wtv. 2020′s been a real long one, all y’all.)) )
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(don’t ask where the smoke came from, we don’t know. Maybe Yami felt like making it to be more aesthetic. It is a fun visual tic to the show.)
So Yami goes into this elevator instead of anticipating that this is obviously a trap. Like most would just decide to take the stairs instead, but Yami loves falling for a good obvious trap every once and a while (or, in the case of this season--each and every single time a trap is placed in front of him) and so this takes him directly to the fightclub roof of yore.
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Ah. We started this season on fightclub roof, in like...2010 or whenever I started this season. Feels like forever ago. How long has the year of 2020 been? 20 years of my life? 40 years of my life? Was I in fact never born before 2020 started? I honestly don’t remember anymore who I was before this year happened. Probably because I inhaled just a hell ton of wildfire smoke and now my brain is a bunch of jelly beans rattling around in a jar.
Anyway, Raphael just hands Yami (by hands I mean throws aggressively) Joey’s dragon card.
A little unsure why he’d do this since...this is the weapon to destroy Dartz. Why are you giving it back to the Pharaoh? But apparently, Raphael did that to prove that he is the murderer of Mai, who murdered Joey and...youknow...the stuff that we know but would be pretty difficult for the people in this show to follow.
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Mai’s voice actor seeing “Mumbo-Jumbo” and being like “Well if I’m doing this, I’m going to commit.“
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I refuse that a duel with Dartz, in fact, ever happens in this season.
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Kind of surprised whenever I see there’s still people left. SF is basically abandoned in comparison.
Thing is...that’s just SF on a holiday weekend.
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And then, because Tristan’s in the middle of the street, the rest of the party has to try and run him over.
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It is really funny to me that Seto went out of his way to ditch these people so MANY times, but keeps ending up around them again and again, and each time in a wildly different vehicle, each and every time it’s when these guys need a lift...he’s very quickly turning into the group’s soccer mom. Should’ve gotten a minivan.
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And then this happens?
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I’ll just leave this here:
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I’m sure that fanfic writers everywhere rejoiced when Seto reached out a hand to catch Joey’s face from hitting the pavement. In all this was a bizarre animation and now that I’ve figured out my blender settings for the new update, I can finally cap little segments again.
Just don’t you dare flag me, tumblr. Hopefully segments less than 10 seconds long are fine.
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Like there was this part where they had to just drag around Joey’s corpse over this rail, and it was Mokuba and Tristan just prying him up there like he were a potato sack and like...
...Joey’s gonna wake up with so many rail-shaped bruises! They do not treat him gently!
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Then back on fightclub roof, Raphael made me do a bit of a double take when he accidentally implied the existence of another bean within that Pharaoh bean.
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And no, Bakura did not show up at this point.
I would LOVE IT if Pharaoh biffed it a second time and Bakura suddenly took the reigns and was like “Oi loves! that was bloody easy!” but I...have a feeling that this team didn’t actually watch the episodes where Bakura is just vibing in that puzzle piece.
If this never comes back to bite Pharaoh in the ass...
It might never come back guys...I don’t know. How do these writers have this much self control to ignore Bakura for like a full season. How do you do it? I can’t hold a plot twist in for even like 5 seconds. How....how do you do it?
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Anyways, now that Seto has Tea who has a map, they walk up to the entrance (I honestly forgot if they drove or walked because knowing this show, Seto would absolutely ignore the car. Either way, the Ferrari isn’t necessary anymore. Written right out of the script. Cars are hard to draw. Get rid of it)
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You know, Mokuba’s seen an awful lot of corpses for a kid! Like 20ish corpses if you count the 2 times the Big 5 biffed it. Really should have left him with Rebecca! Youknow, the other kid the same age as him!
But it’s fine, we gotta train Mokuba to suppress that trauma deep, deep down like a proper Kaiba.
Youknow when I started this series I was like “I don’t get why everyone talks about the Kaibas so much, these two seem kinda like whatever” but now I’m on like S4 and like...I’m SO concerned about the Kaibas. With Yugi...whatever...he’s gonna be fine, but the Kaibas? Oh boy. Either one of them could go completely evil and I’d buy it.
And probably root for them.
And I know they won’t go full tilt, I’m pretty sure--but like...they COULD. I can’t say that about the rest of the cast.
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Everyone’s made it!
Even joey’s weird coma/dead body for some reason!
Lol also I love this random sci-fi tech water tower next to Tea. What is that?
My drought senses are screaming, is that a huge ass water tower the size of a 4 story building next to Tea? Chances are, it’s got a jet in it or something because this is Yugioh, but...man. At least it doesn’t look like one of those rusty New York rooftop water towers. This show just completely not getting what SF looks like.
Whatever, he can resurrect the leviathan, maybe Dartz can make water?
Youknow, all you have to do to make California worship you forever is make rain. Screw this lizard nonsense. The man can power water. What’s he doing with this stupid snake?
But youknow, Yugioh just never really figures out how to harness the weather. They CAN and they do it all the time. But, do they use it for their benefit? Like freakin never.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I went on a looong rant about SF but maybe I’m just sick of my own house? Been a lot of fire and quarantine over here. It’s been messing with my head a fair amount so thanks for bearing with me and my weird ass update schedule (remember when I used to be productive? Was that just a dream I once had?)
But if you just got here, here’s a link to read these recaps in order, from the beginning way back in S1.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best of Me -Chapter 47
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @alievans007​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @ocfairygodmother​
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He takes the three oldest out to breakfast before school. It’s an attempt to kill two birds with one stone; spend time with them before heading to The Kimberley for four days, and to try and repair some hurt feelings. There’s still some lingering animosity  being in those little bodies; moments when they remind of him the time he’d ‘taken mommy away and kept her away forever’ and how it felt like he was ‘gone for centuries’. It’s been almost seven months since he both took the McMann job and -regrettably- gotten his wife mixed up in it. He hadn’t   realized at the time just how damaging that entire experience would be for the kids. Having both their parents away, and then sending them away with Ovi; staying in hotels and eating crappy food and travelling through four states before winding up at a stranger’s place in Oklahoma.
It had been done to protect them; keep them away from home and hopefully keep McMann’s people from finding them. But he’s never actually told them THAT. The nightmares caused by the knowledge of him going after bad guys had been bad enough. Telling them that the bad guys had been after them would have meant years...if not decades...of intensive -and costly- therapy. Ovi had tried his best to keep things calm and relaxed; attempting to convince the kids that they were on an adventure and trying to fill their days with new sights and new experiences. He’d grown up a lot in those two weeks. Suddenly responsible for four lives on top of his own; innocent little being totally dependent on him to keep them safe. But he’d come through; he’d done exactly what he’d been told to and had come back with everyone happy (relatively), healthy, and unscathed.
But despite Tyler's best intentions and efforts, it had negatively affected them. Especially HIS prolonged absence.  Things weren’t magically better the moment they were reunited in the driveway at their old place in Colorado. Even with all the hugs and kisses and the tears of relief and happiness, the kids had been angry. Furious that he’d had the nerve to not only take their mother away from them, but that he’d stayed away for an uncharacteristically long time. For two weeks they all refused to sleep in their own rooms; five bodies all shoved into the queen sized bed in the master. They’d alternate nights when it came to bad dreams; no evening passing without one waking up kicking and screaming and sometimes wetting the bed or throwing up. Night terrors that consisted of the ‘bad guys’ coming to the house and either kidnapping them or doing horrible things to their mom and dad in front of them.
Once they moved to Australia things began to calm down. In the kids’ minds they were on the ‘other side of the world’, which put them far enough away from the guys that it may as well have been in another universe. And once the initial hostility of being uprooted from the old house and their old lives wore off, they had begun to thrive. Happier in their new home and in their new country.
He herds them into a smaller family restaurant in the downtown core; the fingers of one hand hooked in the back of both boys’ t-shirts, a hand on the back of Millie’s head.  Always keeping them within a couple inches of him and his eyes constantly surveilling everything around them. Aware of every car that passes by or door that slams too loudly. Every pedestrian that walks past them on the sidewalk or lingers in store entrances or on front porches; defenses up when any time he feels as if someone is paying too much attention to them or comes a little too close. All of his senses running on high and his instincts sharp; his brain constantly processing everything and anything that happens around them. Functioning as both old Tyler and new Tyler; the two managing to coexist, at least temporarily. He’s confident in his skills and his abilities; he knows he’s able to keep them safe and that if a threat does arise, old Tyler will be one that reacts to it.
There’s an empty booth at the very back of the restaurant; enabling him to be able to sit facing the door. And the moment they arrive at it the bickering begins; who gets to sit next to the window, who gets to to order first when the waitress arrives, demands that no one orders the exact same thing because ‘that’s copying and copying is annoying’.
It’s surreal how drastically the direction of your life can change. Almost seven years ago he was standing in that squalid apartment in Dhaka surrounded by street thugs; mentally deciding in which order he was going to take them out in order to rescue Ovi. Now he’s breaking up fights over who gets to sit next to him and which napkin and cutlery belongs to who. You don’t know patience...true, unwavering patience...until you have kids. It doesn’t matter how much you pride yourself in how calm and collected you are while on the job; surrounded by tension and danger. Because nothing...and no one...tests your nerves and your sanity quite like a dramatic and ‘extra’ almost six year old and two five year olds who find it impossible to sit still.
After a brief game of ‘guess the number I’m thinking of between one and ten’, everyone is finally settled. The waitress coming to take their drink order and leaving them with menus and crayons for the kids to use to colour on the paper tablecloth. A victorious Tanner sitting between him and the window, and TJ and Millie across from them; as far away from each other as possible on the small bench. They’ve been at odds since leaving the house, bitter with one another after they’d fought over who would be the last one to kiss mommy goodbye.
Tyler watches his daughter from across the table; amused -and slightly disheartened- by how much older she suddenly appears courtesy of the sullen, if not overly dramatic, expression. Her elbows resting on the table top and her chin planted in her upturned palms; eyes narrowed as she alternates between looking at the menu and glaring at her little brother as he has the nerve to entertain himself by creating a pyramid out of coffee creamers. ‘Little brother’ doesn’t adequately describe the kid; he’s only eleven months younger but has three inches and fifteen pounds on Millie. He’s tall and solid; all torso and long limbs.
He wants to tell his daughter to stop being so much like her mother, but nothing could be further from the truth. That expression, that steely glare, that attitude...it’s all him.  And he sees the look of disgust she fixes on him when he removes his baseball hat and runs a hand through his hair. The top is starting to come in; he’ll take the clippers to the back and sides while he’s away.
“What?” He asks, and places the hat and his sunglasses on the bench beside him. “What’s that look for?”
“You’re not really growing that stupid hair cut back again, are you?”
He smirks. “What if I am? What if your mom likes my hair that way? Tanner has the same hair cut. Doesn’t look stupid on him.”
“And it’s not stupid anyway,” TJ pipes up. “It’s a bitchin’ haircut. I wish I had it.”
Tyler reaches across the table to lay the tip of his index finger against the tip of Millie’s nose, pressing lightly. “Why so grumpy?”
“I’m not grumpy,” she mumbles, and pushes his hand away.
“You look grumpy.”
“That’s just her face,” Tanner says, not even looking up from the game he plays on his dad’s phone.
“Bruh,” TJ grins. “That was savage. But so good. And so true.”
“When did you become the mean brother?” Tyler asks, playfully digging his elbow into his son’s side.
“She called me a bitch baby last night,” he explains. “Because I didn’t want to go into the woods without Ovi with us. We’re not supposed to go in there without an adult. Without your mommy or Ovi. But she wouldn’t listen.”
“You went in there by yourself?” he addresses his daughter.
“I stopped her,” Tanner says. “That’s why she called me a bitch baby.”
“Even though he tackled her,” TJ chimes in. “In the middle of the road! It was awesome. He��s not very big, but he’s strong as hell. Like mommy. Small but strong. Mommy can pick up both of us. At the same time!”
“I’m not THAT small,” Tanner frowns. “I’m almost as big as you, Teej.”
“On what planet? I got tons on you. Like daddy does on mommy. Daddy’s like a giant and mommy’s just tiny. But she scares me more than daddy does. She yells louder. A LOT louder.”
“I’m not scared of mommy,” Tanner says. “She’s nice to me because I listen to what she says. You just ignore her and then she gets mad and we all pay for it. If you’d just listen the first time…”
“Daddy doesn’t even listen the first time.” TJ points out.
“And then he wonders why she yells at him,” Tanner retorts. “‘Cause he annoys her.”
“I’m sitting right here,” Tyler reminds him. “When do I annoy your mom’?”
“All the damn time,” TJ sighs. “And then she gets bitchy. Like Millie. But Millie is way bitchier.”
“I’m not bitchy,” Millie scowls. “You’re just a dick.”
“Okay...enough…” Tyler pleads, noticing both the amused and appalled looks nearby diners are giving them. “Can not act like a normal family for once? What did I say before we came in here? What did I say not to do?”
“No fighting,” Tanner says.
“No bad words,” his brother adds.
“And no annoying each other. Or me. And you’re doing both. So stop. Or I’ll leave you all here and make you walk to school.”
“Mommy would be so pissed,” TJ declares. “She’d be mad at you forever.”
“She’s always mad at me about something. And you…” he looks at Millie. “...you know not to go into the woods alone. You want a dingo to eat you?”
“I wish one would,” TJ says, and then holds his hands up in surrender when his father glares at him. “She said she saw some lady go in there and told her to stop because that’s part of our house but the lady didn’t listen.”
“What lady?”
Both boys shrug.
“I didn’t see sh…” TJ bites his tongue when Tyler stares at him pointedly. “...I didn’t see anything. Ovi went and checked but there was no one there. He couldn’t find anyone. He said it was probably just someone trying to get to the beach without going on our property.”
Tyler turns his attention to Millie. “What lady?”
“There was no lady,” TJ insists. “No one else saw a lady.”
“I’m talking to your sister, you mind? What lady?”
“I don’t know,” Millie shrugs. “But there WAS a lady. I saw her. Just like I saw that guy in the Jeep in front of Salena’s house.”
“That’s not even her name,” TJ says. “She was lying to us. The whole time. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
Tyler frowns at him. “Excuse me?”
“A crappy thing to do. Sorry! It just came out. Maybe if you watched YOUR mouth around little ears….”
“How’d you like to walk to school?” he asks, then gives a polite smile and a nod of thanks to the waitress that refills his coffee and brings chocolate milk for the kids.
“You wouldn’t do it. Mommy would make you sleep on the couch forever.”
“I saw her daddy,” Millie insists, tone -and eyes- serious. “Remember how I saw that guy in the Jeep? Just like you did?”
He nods.
“Well I saw her too. Ovi asked me to get the mail so I did and that’s when I saw her and I tried to yell at her and stop her but she just ignored me. That’s why I tried to follow her and then Tanner stuck his nose in it.”
“Because we’re not allowed in the woods by ourselves,” Tanner informs her. “Daddy said when we moved there that we weren’t allowed because there’s bad things in there and we could end up hurt. Or dead. Do you want to end up dead? Because that’s how you end up dead.”
“That’s not how daddy almost ended up dead,” she points out.
“‘Cause the bad guys tried to kill daddy but didn’t,” TJ says. “Because Uncle Koen says daddy’s too stubborn to die. How do you know the lady wasn’t a bad person, Millie? She could have been a bad person and what would you have done? Nothing. She would have killed you.”
“Okay…” Tyler sighs heavily and runs a palm over his face. “...let’s NOT talk about bad guys and people dying. Or not dying. Just stop. What did the lady look like?”
“I still say there was no lady,” TJ grumbles.
“She kinda looks like Auntie Nik,” Millie says. “The same color of skin. Maybe a bit darker. But she had the same color hair and it was really long. She had it in a ponytail but it was still as long as mine.”
“You remember what she was wearing?”
“Of course I do. I notice things. She had on jeans and a black t-shirt and a green jacket like the one you have. And red shoes. Like purple ones that you bought mommy for Christmas.”
“Yeah. Those ones! She had a pair of those on. She was kind of young. Maybe mommy’s age. Or a little younger.”
“Mommy’s old,” TJ declares. “She’s not young.”
“Don’t you EVER let her hear you say that,” Tyler warns. “And she’s not old. I’m older than she is.”
“Uncle Koen says you’re as old as Jesus Christ,” Tanner says. “The person. Not the swear word.”
Tyler smirks. “He did, did he?”
Tanner nods. “And mommy’s not old Teej.”
“She had all of us. She has to be.”
“Doesn’t mean she’s old because she had all of us. Just means her and daddy like to make babies. Doesn’t mean she’s old. Daddy’s old.”
“Excuse you,” Tyler nudges him with his elbow. “I’m only five years older than your mom is.”
“Your forty,” Millie points out. “That's super old. You have gray hair.”
“Because of you guys.”
“We don’t give your gray hair,” his daughter huffs.
“Mommy gave it to him,” TJ says. “‘Cause she’s a pain in daddy’s ass. That’s what he says all the time. That she’s a pain in his ass and drives him crazy. Right, daddy?”
“Don’t throw me under the bus.”
“You’re the one who said it! That mommy’s a pain in your ass. Uncle Koen said you’re lucky to have her. That she puts up with you. That tons of guys would want her and if you don’t, someone will take her off your hands and take her away.”
“He said that?”
“I don’t want some guy taking mommy away,” Tanner pouts. “I don’t want her leaving. She wouldn’t leave us, would she, daddy?”
“She would never...ever...leave you guys.”
“Then you better make sure no one steals her away,” Tanner says. “‘Cause I like the mom AND dad I have. I don’t want another mom or dad. That would suck, having another dad. He’d probably be some loser that doesn’t do cool stuff with us like you do.”
“He probably wouldn’t let me surf,” Millie adds, and sips her milk. “Or take us camping and fishing. And he’d probably be mean to us. And to mommy. You can’t let someone take her, daddy. I don’t want another dad. I want you.”
“No one is going to steal your mom away,” he assures them.
“The guy at the grocery store likes her.” TJ says. “The one that drives the Mustang and has the man bun. The one that called her a MILF. Whatever that means.”
Tyler frowns “Someone called her that?”
“The guy at the grocery store.” TJ sighs. “Mommy told him to F off. ‘Cause he got too handsy.”
“He what?”
“He touched her butt,” Millie says. “He said it was an accident, but I think he meant it. Mommy told him to F off and that she’d tell her husband and that you’d go there and break him in half. Could you really do that? Break him in half? ‘Cause I want to see it if you do it.”
“Of course he can break someone in half!” Tanner exclaims. “He killed somebody with a rake!”
TJ frowns. “That’s our last name.”
“It’s also a garden tool, dumb ass,” Millie huffs. “And it wasn’t one person, Tanner. It was two.”
“How do you guys even know that?” Tyler asks. “Because I know mommy wouldn’t tell you.”
“Ovi was telling Uncle Koen and Nathan,” Millie replies. “We just overheard it. Is it true? Did you kill two people with a rake?”
“I would have liked to have seen that,” TJ says. “Are you going to kill the douche at the grocery store? For touching mommy’s butt?”
“Maybe I should.”
“Daddy could totally kill that loser,” Millie enthuses. “I think you should do it. Break him in half. Can we watch?”
“No one is breaking anyone in half. Or killing anyone. What is wrong with you?”
“But you could, right?” she inquires. “Break him in half?”
“Of course he could!” TJ exclaims. “Look at the size of him! 0ne of his hands is bigger than your whole head. And you have a big ass head.”
“And look how big his arms are!” Tanner adds, and attempts to wrap both hands around one of his father’s biceps. “Look! They’re huge! I can’t even put my hands around one! He could totally break that guy in half!”
“I wish you would,” TJ says. “No one touches mommy like that. Only you’re allowed. We can touch her too, but that’s different because she’s our mom. She gave birth to us. Me and you at the same time, Tanner. However THAT worked.”
“Everyone knows how babies come out,” Tanner informs his brother. “The doctor opens the mommy’s tummy and pulls the baby out, right daddy?”
“Sometimes, I guess. That’s not how you guys got out, but…”
“How come TJ got to go first?” Tanner asks. “How come I didn’t get to go first?”
“I have no idea. It just worked out that way.”
“And how come I was by myself?” Millie inquires. “Why didn't I have a partner?”
“Because your brothers are twins. You’re not. You were alone.”
“You couldn’t have given me a twin? Like asked God or whoever or whatever?”
“That’s not how it works.”
“I’m so confused,” she sighs. “I don’t even know HOW I got in mommy’s tummy, never mind how I got out. And I couldn’t even have company in there? That’s some bullshit.”
The waitress chuckles as she arrives with their food. “You’ve got your hands full here, dad.”
“You think? And this is them behaving.”
“It could be worse,” TJ says. “There’s two more of us at home. A baby brother and a baby sister. Like, a baby, baby. Like tiny. Really tiny.”
“She sounds like a kitten when she cries,” Tanner adds. “‘Cause she’s so small. And she looks like mommy. We look like daddy. Not Addie though.”
“How do babies get out of a mommy’s tummy?” Millie inquires. “Daddy won’t tell us.”
The older woman laughs, then pats Tyler on the shoulder. “I think I need to bring you an entire POT of coffee.”
“How come we don’t get to come?” Millie asks, as they walk hand in hand down the path at the back of the school, the boys already running off to play soccer with friends. “How come we have to stay here but you and mommy get to go away?”
“Because sometimes, moms and dads need to be alone.”
“Don’t you want to go and play with your friends?” Tyler nods in the direction of a group of girls gathered on the playground, calling to Millie and waving her over.
“No. I’d rather stay with you. I can see my friends whenever. And when you leaver, I won’t get to see you for a while.”
“I’m not going to be gone that long,” he reminds her, and tightens the elastic holding her braided ponytail together.
“Long enough. Remember when you said you wouldn’t go away again? When we were at our old house and we had to go away with Ovi and then you were home when we got back? Remember?”
“I remember.’
“You said you wouldn’t go away again. And now you’re going away. And you went away two weeks ago! To visit Uncle Koen.”
“I was gone for one night.”
“Still,” she sighs as she lets go of his hand, then crosses her arms over her chest and she looks up at him. “We still miss you. Even if it’s just one night. You said at our old place that you wouldn’t go away again.”
“This is different.”
Because that was for work. This is because your mom and I need some time alone together. Adults sometimes need that. And mommy and I? We desperately need that.”
“Look, when you’re married and have kids, you’ll understand. But right now, you’re only five…”
She glares up at him.
“..almost six, and you don’t need to know how or why or any of that. Just mommy and I need to be alone and that’s all that you need to know. And we’re going to go and be alone and we’ll be back on Tuesday.”
“Why so long?”
“It’s four days. That’s not long.”
“But you said…”
“I know what I said. And I told you, this is different. Back then was about work, and this is about spending time with your mom. Adult time. No kids allowed.”
“You’re not going to bring me back a baby brother are you?”
He chuckles. “That’s not how it works, kiddo.”
“Are you and mommy going to MAKE me a baby brother? ‘Cause I’d rather a puppy. Or another sister. Please not a brother.”
“We can’t make you a brother OR a sister. We can’t make any more babies.”
“How come? If you made five of us already, how come you can’t make more?”
“Because we can’t.”
“You’re only allowed five? Is that a rule? You can’t have more than that? What if Addie had had a twin? That would have been six! And what if Austin was still here? Does that mean Addie wouldn’t be allowed to be here? Because she’d be number six.”
Tyler frowns. “You ask a lot of questions.”
“I’m curious about the world. Mommy says I’m a free spirit. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds cool.”
“I think your mom’s right.”
“So if Austin was alive, I’d have an older brother right?”
Tyler nods.
“Better than younger brothers. Older better are better. Would he like me?”
He runs a hand over her hair. “I think so. He’d be a lot older than you, though. He’d be sixteen.”
“Do I look like him?”
“Kind of. I guess. I dunno.”
“I bet I’d like him. I had a dream about him the other night.”
Tyler arches a brow. “You did?”
Millie nods. “We were surfing together. I didn’t even know who he was at first because I’ve never seen a picture of him. I only know what you told me about him. But said who he saw and that he was my older brother and that he was there watching me. I was kind of scared at first. When he said that. But then he smiled and he ruffled my hair like you do, and everything was okay. I knew he wasn’t there to scare me or hurt me.”
He merely nods, fighting back the tears that threaten and swallowing around the lump of emotion that sits in his throat. It isn’t so much grief anymore; he’s moved on with his life and became a dad again and can’t imagine NOT having Millie or her siblings in his life. It’s more her view of what happened. It’s innocent and it’s pure and she has no idea that if Austin were still here, she probably wouldn't exist.
“Mommy gets sad when I ask about him,” Millie continues. “Even though he wasn’t hers. I think she’s sad for you. She said that he was still here, I probably wouldn’t be. Or any of us kids. That you and her probably never would have met. Is that true?”
“It’s a possibility. I like to think I still would have met her and fell in love with her and married her. And had all you guys.”
“Do you ever wish that he was still here and we weren’t?”
“You know what…” Tyler scoops her up with one arm and settles her on his hip, then presses a kiss to her forehead. “I would never...EVER...wish that in a million years. Because I love your mommy and I love you and your brothers and sister. I can’t imagine NOT having any of you.”
“Do you miss him though?”
“Sometimes. I used to miss him all the time. And then you came along and I got to be a dad again and it made a lot easier to deal with.  And if weren’t here? I’d be pretty sad. I’d miss you a lot.”
“How much?”
“A hell of a lot.”
“I’d miss you too. I always miss you. I wish you weren’t going away. AND taking mommy with you. Won’t you and mommy miss us?”
“Of course we will.”
“Won’t you be bored without us?”
“I think your mom and I will find things to keep us busy.”
“Like what?”
“Like things you don’t need to know about.”
“How come there’s so many things I don’t need to know about yet?”
“Because you’re just a kid. And mommy and I are adults who do adult things. And you don’t need to know what those are.”
“Please no babies,” she begs.
“I already told you…”
“I don’t get why you can’t have more.”
She giggles and pulls his baseball cap off, then puts it back on backwards. “Daddy…”
“I’m not telling you where babies come from or how they’re made. But nice try though.”
“I’m nothing if not persistent.”
He laughs. “I think there’s more of your mom in you than people realize. This lady that you saw…”
“I DID see her. She was real. I swear.”
“I believe yo. And when you get home from school. I want you to tell the neighbor about it. About what you saw and what she looked like, okay?”
“Don’t make me talk to her,” Millie pleads. “I don’t like her.”
“I know you don’t. But I still want you to tell her. Please? For me?”
“Fine,” she sighs. “I’ll do it for you. But only for you, daddy.”
“Thank you,” he presses a kiss to her cheek. “Bell’s going to ring soon. You better go.”
“No. Not yet,” she wraps her arms tightly around his neck, clinging desperately to him when he attempts to put her down. “I don’t want you to go yet.”
“I’m only going to be gone for four days,” Tyler promises. “And no bad guys. Just me and mommy.”
“I promise.”
“And you’ll come back Tuesday for sure?”
“For sure.”
“I’ll miss you, daddy,” she pulls back and kisses him as she holds his face in her hands. “I’ll miss you so much.”
“It’s only four days,” he reminds her.
“I don’t care if it’s one day. I’ll still miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” He lays a hand on the back of her head and places his lips against her brow.
“You’ll bring mommy back, yeah?”
“No. I’m going to leave her there with her new husband.”
Millie frowns. “That’s not nice. You’d miss mommy if she was gone.”
“I would,” he agrees. “I’d miss her more than you could ever possibly understand. Now go. Go and see your friends.”   He sets her on the ground, then shrugs her backpack off his shoulder and hands it to her. “See you Tuesday.”
“For sure Tuesday?”
“One hundred percent for sure.”
“Okay,” she says, and then wraps her arms tightly around his legs before scampering off towards the playground.
“Hey Amelia!” he calls to her, and she stops and turns to look at him. “Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle!”
A wide, brilliant smile spreads from ear to ear, and he can see those blue eyes sparkle from her stands. “I won’t!” she promises, and then hurries off to join her friends.
“You’re worried aren’t you.”
Briefly looking away from the road, he glances over at her as she sits in the passenger seat, watching him intently. Their flight leaves in half an hour; hiring the same old SASR buddy that he’d recruited when he’d gone to see Koen. It’s safer that way if someone is keeping tabs on them; no paper trail, no names on flight manifestos, no record of them ever boarding a flight and heading to The Kimberley. Once in Broome he’d rent a vehicle under a fake name and pay by cash. Anything that has to be done to keep someone...anyone...off their trail.
They’d be wide open targets there; the land vast and barren and unforgiving. And while he’d have the upper hand both knowing the landscape and having the confidence to use it to his advantage, it’s still not a fight he wants to engage in.  Guys like Mahajan don’t just send one person, they send an army of them. If he was alone, he wouldn’t think twice about engaging. But when there’s someone else relying on you to keep them safe, it’s a whole other ball game. It raises the stakes; makes everything much more dangerous and dire.  
“You’ve been really quiet,” Esme says, as she retrieves a pair of aviator style sunglasses from her purse and slips them onto her face.
True to her word, she’d managed to track down a yellow tank top and a pair of tattered and torn jeans shorts; almost identical to the outfit she’d been wearing when he’d first laid eyes on her. She’s changed since then. They both have. The piercings long gone and her hair six inches shorter. She’s curvier now; hips wider, breasts fuller, ass and legs thicker. She’s carried five babies inside of that little baby, after all. HIS babies. And she’s more beautiful now that she had been back then. And he’d never thought that would be possible.
“Are you okay?” she asks. “You’ve been like this since you got back from your time with the kids.”
“I’m fine. Just haven’t had much to say.”
She’s used to it. Even after nearly seven years he’s very much the strong and silent type at times. But there’s usually something behind it now; no longer quiet because he’s busy building up walls to protect himself.
“This isn’t your normal quiet,” she remarks. “How you get when you’re not feeling chatty. This is your ‘thinking too much’ kind of quiet. I know you, Tyler. Your different moods. I know your different forms of quiet. It’s all in your face; on your face. I’ve only spent nearly seven years trying to sort them all out.”
He smirks. “Anyone ever tell you that YOU think too much?”
“You’ve only been telling me that nearly every day since we met.  I know something’s wrong.”
“There’s A LOT wrong,” he reminds her. “A hell of a lot.”
“I’m not talking about all of that and you know it. Did something happen this morning? When you were with the kids? Did you see something? Hear something?”
“I’m just quiet. Nothing happened. I took them for breakfast, dropped them off at school, that’s it.”
Fuck. He knows full well that he should tell her about what Millie had seen. It will only come back to bite him in the ass somehow. The truth always gets out. Always. Whether it’s a week from now, a month from now, even years from now. He doesn’t even know WHY he does it. Why his initial reaction is to always keep things from her. Whether it’s that overwhelming and sometimes all consuming need to protect her from anything and everything or the fear of putting too much worry and stress on her plate. Or maybe it’s just an old habit he can’t shake; years of bottling shit up and letting it eat away at him.
But instead of just fessing up, he brings up the first thing that comes to mind.
“Did you know our kids know I killed someone with a garden rake?”
Esme laughs. “What?”
“They brought it up at breakfast. About me killing two people with a garden rake.”
“Well I know I didn’t tell them.  I try NOT to talk about what you did for a living. Or what you DO for a living. I’m so confused. Do we talk about it in past or present tense?”
The way she cocks her head to the side, the way her eyes are slightly narrowed...that’s all Tanner. He’s seen that expression so many times on their boy. Usually reserved for when someone has said something so incredibly stupid that he can’t wrap his head around it. Millie’s insanely smart, but he’s even more so. He’s brilliant and he’s crafty and he’s sneaky in that ‘under the radar, no one will ever expect it’ way. There’s a lot of his mother in that kid. A hell of a lot.
“It’s what I do,” he reasons. “It’s what I’ve gone back to you. It’s what I am.”
“It’s not who you are,” she gently argues. “It’s part of who you are. There’s a difference. Is that what’s bugging you? That they’re starting to realize just what you do? They were going to find out sooner or later, Tyler. And all they think you do is go and get good people away from bad people. That’s the extent of it right now. And they know sometimes you have to hurt the bad people. Sometimes you even have to kill them,” she shrugs. “It is what it is.”
“They’re kids.”
“They’re smart kids. Insanely smart. All three of them. TJ has the dumb ass act down pat, but he’s a smart little bugger. When you actually sit down and talk to him, he’s like talking to an adult. He has shit in his head that blows MY mind. He’s like you; he keeps it all under the surface and uses it when he has to.”
“Is that some roundabout way of calling me a dumb ass?” he teases.
“You are far from dumb. But people underestimate you, too. They always have. They see the muscles and the tattoos and the scars and they immediately think bad ass. That you’re all brawn and no brains. Yet you’re both. And THAT’S what makes you dangerous.”
He grins. “I’m totally the guy your parents told you to stay away from when you’re growing up, aren’t I.”
“You so are,” she laughs. “You’re my father’s worst nightmare. He would have warmed up to you once he got to know you. He would have at least given you a chance; not like everyone else. But I would have brought you home and he would have seen the hair and the ink and all the scars and he would have shit his pants.”
“Is it wrong that that makes me as happy as it does? Knowing I would have successfully corrupted his little girl?”
“You did a good job of it. Corrupting me. I was a good girl until I met you.”
“Like fuck you were.”
“I was! I was sweet and innocent and…”
“Sweet and innocent girls DO NOT bang a guy they just met. I’m sorry. They just don’t. I love you, but there was nothing sweet and innocent about you when we met. You had your tongue pierced.”
“Lots of girls have tongue pierced. It’s cool. It’s edgy.”
“That’s not why you got your tongue pierced and you know it.”
“Maybe I was holding out hope on finding a guy that would let me use it to its full advantage. And then you showed up and boy, did you let me use it to my advantage.”
“I miss that thing. I think you should get it done again. Just because.”
“Yeah, I know what your ‘just because’ is.  Maybe for your birthday. We’ll see.”
“That would be the best birthday present EVER. The gift that keeps on giving.”
“I’m already the mother everyone avoids at the school. Why not add something else to the list of things that make me stick out like a sore thumb. Why is everyone so uptight there? It’s a public school, for fuck sake. They act like it’s some posh private school. And they’re scared of you.”
“I hear the teacher made a play for you. At the bar.”
He frowns.
“What? You didn’t think I’d found out? Koen told me. That she tried to get on your dick. She’s lucky I don’t go there and beat her ass. I mean, it’s flattering that everyone thinks my husband is a hottie and totally fuckable, but don’t actually try.”
“Like the guy at the grocery store? The one with Mustang and the man bun? Seriously, Esme? A guy with a man bun? Talk about downgrading.”
She laughs. “Chad.”
“Chad? He even has a douche name.”
“He is a douche. But he’s only twenty-two, so…”
“You’re a fucking cougar. Atta girl.”
“I can’t believe the kids told you about that.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about it.”
“What’s there to tell? He grabbed my ass, I told him to fuck off, and then I told him I was going to tell my husband and you were going to show up and rip him in half. And he’s seen you and he thinks you’re totally capable of doing it.”
“I WILL rip him in half.”
“You’re not going to take a garden tool to him?” she teases.  “Maybe a shovel to the head? Chop off his dick with a pair of hedge trimmers?”
“You know what…”
“What? What are you going to do Tyler? Nothing. Because you love when I tease you. When I ride your ass about things.”
He smirks. “I like when you ride me, all right.”
“That is NOT what I was talking about and you know it. I’m surprised you’re taking it so well. Finding out about Chad.”
“Chad and his Mustang and his man bun? Fuck. I’m going in there next week just to freak him out.”
“He’ll shit his pants. He’ll see you and piss himself.”
“I thought you’d be pissed. Which is why I didn’t tell you in the first place. But this? I like this. I like this side of you. The one that just laughs it off and doesn’t lose his shit.”
“You handled it. I’m impressed. You’re little but you’re not to be fucked with.  Tanner is definitely your son.”
“He’s a tough little bugger. He’s not afraid of anyone. He’s a lot cagier than anyone thinks. He flies under the radar and surprises everyone. Maybe he’s the one that’s going to follow in your footsteps.”
Tyler frowns. “Why the hell would you want that?”
“You really think one of them won’t? My money was on Declan, but I don’t know, Tanner might shock everyone.”
“I don’t want any one of them being like me. Not that way.”
“It’s not the most horrible thing in the world, you know. If one of them does turn out like you. And I’m not just talking about looks and personality.”
“I know what you’re talking about. And I can’t believe you’d even say that, let alone be okay with it.”
“It’s not like you’re a serial killer. There’s worse things in this world you could be doing, you know.”
“I kill people. For money.”
“That’s not ALL you do, Tyler. It’s part of what you do. And one of them wants into it, we can’t stop them. It’ll happen whether we want it to or not. And if you think your kids are going to suddenly hate you or think less of you because of the job…”
“They might.”
“That will never happen. You’re their dad. What you do for a living has no bearing on how you raise them; what kind of father you are. You’re not the same person at home that you are on the job. All that matters to them is who you are when you’re with them. They don’t give a shit about anything else.”
He wants to believe that. He NEEDS to believe that. That when they're older, all they’ll remember are the good things; the times they spend together and that he was never afraid to show them affection or tell them that he loved him. How he’d tuck them in at night and read them bedtime stories and sometimes even fall asleep alongside them; tall, heavy frame way too large for their small beds, yet never complaining about the neck pain or the stiff back he’d wake up with.  He hopes they remember that he TRIED. To be a good man.  A good father. That they’re able to look back and say that they watched him treat their mother well; loving her with every fibre of his being.
But the reality of who he is...the things he’s done...it won’t be easy for them to accept. Not when they’re old enough to fully understand things.
And he thinks of Nik and her last ditch attempt to talk him out of settling down. She’d first tried when he’d found out that he was going to be a father again; making the mistake of confiding in her about just how scared he actually was. Not that he was having a baby, but that he’d only fuck things up again. She’d encouraged him to just cut all ties; convince Esme -only three months pregnant at the time- to go back to the States and live her life as a single mother. Telling him that he didn’t need the extra stress and worry while he was trying to recover; a baby would only be a burden he couldn’t afford and shouldn’t take on.
He’d refused to listen; he wasn’t abandoning her or their kid. He was going ‘all in’; they’d move in with one another and get to know each other and have the baby and raise it together. It wasn’t the conventional way of doing things. But they hadn’t started out conventional so why start being that way now? They’d make it work; they’d fall in love if that was in the cards and they’d have a good life and maybe even have more kids. It was the first time in his life -since Austin died- that he felt hopeful; he had a reason to live and not put a gun in his mouth or keep going on suicide missions in hopes of catching a bullet.
The last time she’d tried to ‘get through to him’ was the night before he got married. Asking him to meet her for a few ‘pre congratulatory drinks’ and then both propositioning him and trying to get him to change his mind. Attempting to convince him that this life -a husband, a father- wasn’t meant for someone like him. Someone who had the guilt and the regret and his kind of past. That being a family man AND a merc just wasn’t possible. Did he really want his children finding out years down the road just WHO he was? Did he really think they’d be able to accept that? Did he really think they’d love him knowing the truth?
“Tyler?” Her voice is soft. Concerned. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” he gives a reassuring smile. “Just thinking about stuff.”
“Bad stuff or…?”
“No. Just stuff that doesn’t matter anymore and I need to let go.”
“About nothing important. Just an old conversation with someone. About where my life was and where it was heading. Just some shit they said that pisses me off now when I think about it. They weren’t saying it for me. They were saying it for them.”
“We’re talking about Nik aren’t we.”
He nods.
“She won’t stop calling. She won’t stop sending emails. I can’t avoid her forever. YOU can’t avoid her forever. I think she wants to make amends. And normally I’d say ‘fuck her’ and that she made her bed and know she has to lie in it, but I actually feel kind of sorry for her.”
“That’s a first. You feeling sorry for her.”
“First you abandon her. Now Kyle.”
“Okay first off, I didn’t abandon her. There was nothing to abandon. I used to fuck her. That’s it.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been so good at it,” Esme teases.  “She wouldn’t still be holding on as tight as she is.”
“Or maybe she can just leave me the fuck alone.”
“I don’t think this about wanting to jump on your dick. I think she’s finally gotten the picture that that’s NOT going to happen.  I think she’s legitimately hurt. That you went and started your own business without at least telling her. Or giving her the opportunity to partner with you.”
“I don’t want anything to do with her. Tell her that the next time she calls.”
“I have an idea!” She clamps a hand down on his knee. “Why don’t YOU tell her? Nik is your mess, not mine. I’ve spent almost seven years dealing with her shit. I’m done. It’s your turn.”
Tyler sighs.
“Just call her and see what she wants. What’s the worst that could happen? She wants to work with you? Or just wants to reem you out for stealing her people? Just hear her out and hang up on her if you have to.”
“I’ll call her. When we get back.”
“And please call Yaz. He says he wants to talk to you. That he has an offer for you.”
“What kind of offer?”
“He wouldn’t tell me. Just that he had an offer and you needed to hear it. So call him too. So I don’t have to keep putting up with these people. Because I’m on my last thread of sanity and if I lose that last threat…”
“I’ll be the one paying for it.”
“Exactly! See? You get it. Only took you nearly seven years to figure out how things work. Happy wife, happy life, right? You’re catching on.”
“You and your fucking mouth…”
“You love me. And my mouth.”
“I’m not denying EITHER of those things.”
“I’m not talking about what I do with my mouth. I’m talking about what comes out of it.”
He smirks. “Sure you are…”
“Your mind is permanently in the gutter. Middle age suits you.”
“Fuck you and your middle age crap. I’ve still got at least fifteen years to go before I’m middle age.”
“Tyler, no one lives to be a hundred and ten.”
“You just watch me.”
“You know what? You’d be the one who would. You’d be the one that after getting shot,  stabbed, hit with a shovel, hit by a car, everything else that’s been done to you and you’ve been through, that WOULD live that long. Somehow that makes sense. The one that should have died a long time ago ends up living that long.”
“I’m too stubborn to die.”
“I’ve never heard anything MORE true. I like hearing this kind of talk from you. Instead of the doom and the gloom. Instead of hearing you talk about not coming home and being stuck in Mumbai and…”
“Hey…” he reaches out and takes her hand in his, settling them on his thigh. “...let’s NOT talk about Mumbai, okay? For four days, let’s not talk about that. Or the job. Let’s just...I don’t know...talk about normal stuff. The weather and what we want to eat and things we want to do. I don’t care how boring it is or how stupid is seems. I just want us to be...I don’t know...normal.”
“Have we met? Neither of us are normal.”
“Okay, so our version of normal. I don’t want to talk about Mumbai or Mahajan or the job or…”
“If you didn’t want to talk about it or think about it, you wouldn’t have brought THAT,” she lifts the bottom of his t-shirt and nods down at the holster and gun on his right hip.
“Might have to kill a dingo. Wasn’t that in the wedding vows too? That I wouldn’t let a dingo get you?”
“That’s what hunting rifles are for. Not Glocks.”
“Just better to be safe than sorry. We don’t know who is out there. If anyone IS out there.”
“Do you think there is? Someone out there? Watching us?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“You’d tell me, right? If you felt that way?”
He nods.
“You know what’s funny? You’re the one that is talking about us ‘talking’ when we’re there. I’m the one that’s looking forward to the sex.”
He chuckles. “Well I’m looking forward to THAT too. Weird hearing you mention it first though.”
She laughs. “I can’t help it. There’s something wrong with my hormones. That’s all I’ve been thinking about lately.”
“And you call me ‘extra’.”
“I want to have all the sex,” she enthuses. “With you. All of it. Like dirty, raunchy, adult sex. The kind we can’t have at home because we always have to worry about kids interrupting us. I mean hard core sex. Like in Dhaka. Where I can make all the noise I want and no one can hear it.”
“Everyone in the hotel in Dhaka heard. They all knew my name and I never told anyone of them my name. So…”
“Remember the time the people next to us complained to the manager? The second night? I think they were just jealous. They wished they were getting dicked down that good.”
“I do miss that kind of thing,” he admits. “It’s a turn on. Hearing you.”
“You’re such a bad influence. I really WAS a good girl before I met you. I don’t know what got into me.”
“I know exactly what got into you.”
“Well if you weren’t so good at these things…”
“Isn’t that part of why you married me?” he chides. “Because I am good at those things?”
“One of the reasons. There’s a lot of them. Reasons. I really married you because of your hair, so technically I should have filed for divorce the second you made me shave it off.”
“I’m growing it back. Relax.”
“And you’re getting scruffy again,” she grins, and rubs her hand against his cheek. “You’re all sorts of sexy. No wonder I put out so much. And it’s going to be good for us. Getting away. And not just because of sex. Just to be alone together. Be able to relax and just...I don’t know...be together.  We haven’t had that in a long time.”
He nods in agreement. “I don’t know if we’ve ever really had that. And no. Dhaka does NOT count.”
“That’s because you were getting paid to have sex with me.”
“In a weird way, yeah.”
“I really was whoring myself out to you.”
He frowns. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s just something someone said. It’s not important. What’s important is us and the next four days. And me NOT getting eaten by a dingo.”
He laughs at that. “I’ll protect you from all the dingoes, baby.”
“I know,” she smiles, and then rests her head against his shoulder. “You'll protect me from ANYTHING.”
He nods in agreement. It’s true. He WOULD protect her from anything. Anyone.
No matter what it costs.
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carelessgraces · 3 years
@valiantsword said:   🎉   ( new year’s eve kisses | not accepting )
"All your years on this planet and you never spent New Year’s in a disgusting bar in Boston?”
     “Don’t spend much time in America if I can help it — I’m only here for you.”
     “Are you actually going to inflict the racist cops singing off-key to the Dropkick Murphys on me? Tell me it was a joke, Birdy, I’m begging you.”
     He has an arm wound around her shoulders and they’re sharing a cigarette; all the nuns would be horrified if they saw her now, tattoo-covered and smoking in front of a church. “I’ll spare you,” she promises magnanimously, and she hands off the cigarette to him with a flourish and a little bow. “We’ll just have to be sure we hit all the other stops in the teenage years tour. The things I do for love.” 
     And she grins, presses a kiss to his cheek, steps out of his grasp only to hold a hand out for him. “The school’s right over here. I was there for two years.”
     “You were a model student, I’m sure.”
     “Oh, the best there ever was. Got a 1560 on my SATs; got voted homecoming queen twice; I even joined student government my senior year. I was vice president. Some of the nuns thought I was the real power in the duo — somehow all my favorite motions passed.” She points to the fields behind the school, barely visible in the dark and the steadily falling snow. “I was careful to never end up top of the human pyramid, though.”
     “Fear of falling?” 
     “Fear of outshining everyone around me,” she shoots back, grinning, and Arthur laughs. When she shakes her outstretched hand at him again, he lets out a theatrical groan and pushes himself away from the wall he’d been leaning against and takes it, lacing his fingers securely into hers. 
     She looks up at him with a grin so wide it almost hurts. ( She doesn’t like to do this, usually; the past is the past is the past, rarely worth reliving, certainly not worth sharing. But the past several months have been a whirlwind — telling truths, sharing secrets, and Arthur has spent centuries preserving stories, and she thinks that, if this spell ends up fading, if their link ends up broken, if he outlives her like he outlives everyone else, she wants him to remember all the little details. She wants someone to have known her entirely. ) 
     “I’m glad you’re here.” 
     Her aunt had loved him, had taken one look at him and the way he looked at Astoria like she was Christmas morning and had simply smiled. Marry that one, she’d muttered to her niece when they had a moment alone, Astoria Pruitt has a nice ring to it. Funny, she thinks; they’ve already planned on a potential forever together, but she hadn’t considered how a name change might sound. ( It does have a ring to it, for what it’s worth. ) 
     Astoria releases his hand to wrap an arm around his waist again, and he responds in kind immediately, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m glad to be here,” he answers, and she feels a warm glow building in her chest. 
     “Over there is where I committed my first nonviolent crime.” Not one of the numerous little infractions her godparents persuaded her into; he’s heard those stories, too, and she’s sure he makes the connection. She drops her voice to a theatrical whisper. “I swiped some of the priest’s brandy.”
     “I didn’t think they used that for communion,” he says with a little snort of laughter.
     “Nope — from the stash in his desk. Stole the bottle after a cheer practice — I had to break into his office to get it, for the record — and I drank it under the bleachers with Malcolm Forrester. He was working up the nerve to ask me out, and the brandy did the trick, except that he got sick, and I had a secret boyfriend. I thought we were just commiserating together after a rough midterm.”
     “The secret boyfriend became the fiance a few years later, right?”
     “You ever talk to him?”
     “We ran into each other in London last month and grabbed a cup of coffee. He spent about forty minutes showing me pictures of his kids — two girls, a third on the way, the house is a mess of toys and his wife is mild-mannered while pregnant. I’ve known him a long time and I’ve never seen him happier.” She laughs, suddenly a little self-conscious, and bumps Arthur’s hip lightly with her own. “He said the same about me, when I mentioned you.”
     “Yeah? My boyfriend’s a mercenary gets good reviews?”
     “I said you had an interest in antiquities,” Astoria laughs, “and that we met through work. He didn’t ask many follow-up questions; do you know how easy it is to direct a conversation with someone with young kids? All I had to ask was so does she really know how to count to ten in French already? and he was a goner. But he said it was nice to see me look so... happy. Genuinely happy with where I was. My aunt said the same thing before we left.”
     “And how do you answer these accusations?” he asks, and his tone is teasing but his expression is just a little serious. 
     “That I’ve never actually been this happy before,” she answers, shrugging one shoulder. “And that I didn’t think I was actually capable of loving somebody this much, and that I’m really glad I was proven wrong.” She pauses, considering, then — “And that I hope I’m half as good for you as you’ve been for me.”
     The nuns would be horrified to see her: tattooed, with a cigarette between the fingers of one hand, the other sliding across his back to settle at his side before she kisses him, all in front of a church. Then again, maybe not; there’s something holy in the way he touches her, the careful balance of tenderness and strength, like she’s something holy, too. 
     He reaches up to tangle his fingers lightly in her hair, and when he pulls back it’s to press a kiss to her temple, her cheek, her jaw, her throat. “How many more stops on the tour?” he asks, stubble scratching lightly against her neck, and Astoria shivers delightedly. 
     “Just the hotel,” she promises with a breathless laugh. 
     It’s a conversation to have soon, she thinks — I don’t want to imagine a life without you. I want to spend every second I can with you. Is it silly, to make that official, when we might literally have forever? — but for now she kisses him through midnight and the arrival of the new year and just for now, that’s all they need.
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