starzpsychics · 3 months
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Psychic Power Crystal - Carnelian
Also known as the ‘bloodstone’ other common names for Carnelian are: Cairnelian, Cornelian, Carnelian Agate, and Sardonyx.
Carnelian comes from the Latin word “carneus” meaning “flesh” or “yellowish red”, which means bold energy and stimulation of the spirit.
Crystal powerhouse Carnelian (also spelled cornelian) is formed when magma the earth makes its way to the surface, and cools, this forms igneous rock. It is a member of the chalcedony family.
It is a brownish-red mineral which contains silica and impurities of iron oxide, it is commonly used as a semi-precious gemstone. It is a translucent to opaque variety of quartz that is usually red, orange, brown, pink and shades of red.
The Romans used powerful crystals like carnelian to create a seal ring on letters and important documents, because hot wax would not stick to it. Carnelian could be pressed into hot wax and blobbed onto the letters and documents.
It is said be to a stabilizing stone, Egyptian and Sumerian craftsmen to make jewellery. Warriors in ancient times would wear carnelian around their necks for courage and power to help them defeat their enemies.
The ancient Egyptians believed it caught and reflected the heat of the sun into the wearer and so called it the "Sunset Stone"
Read More: Psychic Power Crystal - Carnelian (starzpsychics.com)
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starzpsychics · 3 months
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Psychic Power Crystal Lapis Lazuli
Crystal powerhouse Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone of royalty and nobility; and is considered a stone of truth.
Color: Blue and Indigo
Associated with:Third Eye Chakra
Birth Stone:Sagittarius
Uses: Boosts intuition, enhances wisdom, truth, learning
Mosh Scale:5 to 5.5 hardness.
Chemical composition: An aggregate
This divine crystal powerhouse gemstone can help you to activate your own intuition, clear any blockages from your throat or third eye chakras, aids with psychic abilities, and helps you to connect with spiritual guidance and visionary awareness.
Psychic power crystal gemstone Lapis Lazuli is most often referred to as Lapis - the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian ‘lazhward’meaning ‘blue’ and is semitranslucent to opaque, with a waxy to vitreous luster. The color meaning of lapis lazuli is also used in various languages including Spanish and Portuguese Azul.
It is a metamorphic rock that is formed from the fusion of lazurite (sometimes referred to as Hauyne), calcite and pyrite minerals. The gold flecks in lapis lazuli are created by pyrite, which is incredibly attractive and will not lower the price of the gemstone unlike white streaks caused by calcite. Sometimes, Lapis can also contain any of the following: diopside, amphibole, feldspar, and mica.
Read More: Psychic Power Crystal Lapis Lazuli (starzpsychics.com)
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starzpsychics · 3 months
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Psychic Power Crystals for Meditation
Powerful crystals have been used in meditation for thousands of years and with so many to choose from it can be confusing! In this blog post we hope to give you some insight into psychic power crystals that can be used effectively for meditation.
Choosing the right crystal powerhouse is important, hold the crystal in your hand, let your gut feeling tell you if this is the right psychic power crystal, trust this. Try and choose a crystal powerhouse with lines or markings, giving you something to focus on, this can help you get lost within those lines/markings.
For many people Quartz crystals are probably to go to for meditation purposes - Clear quartz, Rose quartz, Smoky quartz and Amethyst are just a few of the many varieties of quartz.
Quartz are great healing crystals that vibrate at a high frequency which makes them powerful crystals, that can help facilitate spiritual connections and enlightenment. Clear quartz vibrates at a very high frequency and is good to help calm and clear the mind of clutter.
All powerful crystals have their own vibration, and it is this vibration that merges into your aura. The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds you. When the aura and vibration of the crystal merge this enhances and brightens your energy/auric field.
Read More: Psychic Power Crystals For Meditation (starzpsychics.com)
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starzpsychics · 3 months
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The Psychic Power Crystal - Moonstone
If you are feeling lost or are having trouble finding the light at the end of the tunnel, let the psychic power crystal Moonstone guide you!
Color: Translucent white, cream, grey, pale blue, peach, or pink with an iridescent shimmer.
Crystal powerhouse Moonstone is excellent for developing your psychic ability and is said to be the ‘Psychic Gemstone’. It enhances intuitiveness and is a useful tool for Tarot card readers, in fact it can be used for any psychic reading or form of divination. Psychic power crystal Moonstone is a powerful trigger for divination and prophecy and can help you find answers within your dreams.
Crystal powerhouse Moonstone is a feldspar mineral gemstone made from orthoclase and albite which creates a pearly opalescent look.
It has a unique shimmer, and comes in different sizes, colors, shapes, and grades of clarity.
The Moonstone has a symbolic connection to the Moon and Lunar cycle which harnesses the energies of good fortune, love, fertility, and fresh starts.
Although this crystal powerhouse can be found in many countries around the world, Sri Lanka is possibly the best-known source. However, in more recent times Madagascar has become a leading source for Moonstone. The psychic power crystal Moonstone from Madagascar is quite colorful, with hues ranging from a pale blue and green to warm yellows and oranges.
Read More: The Psychic Power Crystal - Moonstone (starzpsychics.com)
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starzpsychics · 3 months
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Psychic Power Crystal - Amethyst
Psychic power crystal Amethyst is the birthstone for Pisces from February 19 through to March 20.
The natural birthstone for Amethyst is winter solstice (November 21 - December 20).
People give and receive crystal powerhouse Amethyst to mark their 6th or 17thwedding anniversary.
Color: light lavender and lilac with pink undertones all the way up to deep plums, violets, and raspberries with hints of red and blue and even some rich brown versions.
Crystal powerhouse Amethyst is the official gemstone for the province of Ontario.
Amethyst links with the planet of Uranus and the mythical god of the sky and heavens.
Powerful crystals such as Amethyst have been used in rudimentary jewelry since the Neolithic period approximately 4,000 BC. Amethyst is referenced in the Bible (Exodus 28:19; 39:12) as being one of the 12 stones adorning the breastplate (ḥoshen) of the high priests of Yahweh. It is also mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the twelve stones that represent the twelve tribes of Israel. It was also one of the twelve gemstones adorning the breastplate of the high priest Aaron brother of Moses (Exodus 39).
Read More: Psychic Power Crystal - Amethyst (starzpsychics.com)
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starzpsychics · 3 months
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Psychic Power Crystal - Angelite
Angelite is also known as Blue Anhydrite!
Psychic power crystal Angelite is also known as the peaceful crystal because it exemplifies the soothing vibrations of your Guardian Angels, reminding you that angels are around you.
Crystal powerhouse Angelite is a fundamentally unstable stone which has a beautiful, milky blue color which makes it a rare crystal. Anhydrite is an anhydrous calcium sulfate mineral that can be found in places like the Persian Gulf, and on the coast of Chile.
When exposed to water anhydrite changes into gypsum, although it can be converted back by heating it to 200 degrees Celsius. Anhydrite is formed when gypsum stones that have been in contact with water, evaporates, leaving behind anhydrite crystals.
It is said that wearing a healing crystal such as Angelite will help alleviate overwhelming emotions and have a calming effect on you that can be felt throughout the body. It can help provide healing for loss, grief and upset.
Powerful crystals like Angelite are excellent stones to use for developing your spiritual and religious strength and creating connections to higher powers.
It is a crystal powerhouse when it comes to communing with the higher realms, so if this interests you working with the psychic power crystal Angelite will be beneficial to you.
Read More: Psychic Power Crystal - Angelite (starzpsychics.com)
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