#Priory of Sion
ancientorigins · 2 years
The murky history surrounding Bérenger Saunière and his finding of treasure in a small French village unwittingly became embroiled in a bizarre tale involving Jesus, Mary Magdalene and an elaborate modern-day hoax.
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thetemplarknight · 1 year
Five Biggest History Conspiracy Theories
My five favourite history conspiracy theories - a guilty pleasure at yuletide! #history
Conspiracy theories are nothing new. We’re more aware of them today thanks to the ceaseless buzz of social media. But back in ancient Rome, Nero was blaming Christians for burning down the city. While in Stuart London after the Great Fire of 1666, a monument was erected pointing an accusing finger at Roman Catholics as devious arsonists. What’s often not recognised is the extent to which…
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tonyrossmcmahon · 1 year
Five Biggest History Conspiracy Theories
My five favourite history conspiracy theories - a guilty pleasure at yuletide! #history
Conspiracy theories are nothing new. We’re more aware of them today thanks to the ceaseless buzz of social media. But back in ancient Rome, Nero was blaming Christians for burning down the city. While in Stuart London after the Great Fire of 1666, a monument was erected pointing an accusing finger at Roman Catholics as devious arsonists. What’s often not recognised is the extent to which…
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thislittlekumquat · 1 year
I knew this already but was reminded this morning and am once again dying over the fact that one of the key people we have to thank for the da vinci code is a doctor who writer from the second doctor era.
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Sir Isaac Newton
Read about one of the greatest people of all time - SIR ISAAC NEWTON on his 380th birthday anniversary. @Cers_Subhra Happy Birthday to You Too. #ChroniclesUnknown #IsaacNewton #Jan4
Sir Isaac Newton is considered one of the most influential scientists in history. He formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, which have withstood rigorous testing for over 300 years. His theory of color and reflection, which contrasted with that of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (another famous scientist), set the stage for the modern understanding of light and color. Newton also made…
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haveyoureadthispoll · 2 months
While in Paris, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is awakened by a phone call in the dead of the night. The elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum, his body covered in baffling symbols. As Langdon and gifted French cryptologist Sophie Neveu sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to discover a trail of clues hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci—clues visible for all to see and yet ingeniously disguised by the painter. Even more startling, the late curator was involved in the Priory of Sion—a secret society whose members included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Da Vinci—and he guarded a breathtaking historical secret. Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine puzzle—while avoiding the faceless adversary who shadows their every move—the explosive, ancient truth will be lost forever.
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a-m-pyra · 4 months
So. Long story short: ladies and gentlemen, my OCs (feat. Alice Liddell). You can ask me anything about them. Or you can ask them about anything. Whatever you prefer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TW: rape, suicide.
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PYRKA — Persona, Alter Ego, created from the potato I drew when I sent screenshots from bad Wattpad stories. She commented bad writing with glass (or bottle) of wine. Entity, Pyrka means literally Potato in one of Polish vernaculars. Senior specialist in curses and spells. ENFP.
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ALEXANDRA SEYMOUR — 33 yo, has ADHD, man of many parts — witch, actress, singer, instrumentalist. Former Lizzie Liddell's girlfriend, she took care of Alice in Rutledge. Bumby's worst nightmare. She married her best friend to adopt Alice after Bumby's death. ENFP.
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OLGA LARYS — 35 yo, barrister, she was supposed to be a graphic designer, but her girlfriend committed sucide after being raped and that's why she's a lawyer. Behaviorist or deduction specialist (if you prefer). ENTP.
BEN DRABNER — 25 yo, Olga's trainee. One of the best students in university. He's kinda like a younger brother for Olga. Literally the least traumatized of all my OCs, fr. ENFP.
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VICTORIA CRESWELL — 25 yo, Grand Mistress of the Templar Order and of the Priory of Sion. Older Twin. Pain Bender. Wife of Napoléon Bonaparte. Cryptologist and lawyer. Leonardo da Vinci specialist. ESTJ.
VICTOR CRESWELL — 25 yo, Master of the Templar Order and of the Priory of Sion. Younger Twin. Body Bender. Medical examiner. Dante Alighieri specialist. ISTJ.
Teen!ROSELINE DURAND — 17 yo, niece of Creswell Twins. Jesus and Marie Magdalene's descendant. Her mother died when she was 2. The twins took custody of her from her father to protect her from his obsession with the Holy Grail. INFP.
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pugzman3 · 1 year
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Another interesting fact, the top of Mt Hermon is named Sion. It is where the Priory of Sion get their name.
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Actually hilarious how the da Vinci code is about the holy grail but there’s like almost no mention of arthuriana.
So in this cinematic universe’s logic …. Like was chretien part of the priory of sion and got kicked out so Perceval is a callout post?
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
Vídeo de apresentação do terceiro livro de Cláudio Suenaga, Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal, sobre as Sociedades Secretas Ocultistas e Satânicas que controlam o mundo
Rotuladas como Illuminati, as sociedades secretas e as elites dirigentes detém um vasto poder de manobrar a história e moldar o futuro conforme os seus planos. Na presente situação em que se encontra o mundo pós-pandemia, não há mais como duvidar que os acontecimentos estão sendo dirigidos por um poder acima dos governos e que a implantação de um governo totalitário mundial, destinado a controlar a vida de tudo e todos, está em pleno andamento.
Dedicado a todos os buscadores da verdade, neste seu terceiro livro Cláudio Suenaga aborda os templários, os Rosacruzes, a Maçonaria, os Illuminati propriamente ditos, a Skull and Bones, o Bohemian Grove, o Priorado de Sião, o Clube de Bilderberg, o CFR, o Clube de Roma, a Comissão Trilateral, além de analisar a transição para a chamada Nova Era ou Era de Aquário, bem como os fundamentos espirituais e o Apocalipse planejado das sociedades secretas.
Você não pode deixar de ler.
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Os pedidos podem ser feitos diretamente para a Editora Bira Câmara pelo e-mail: [email protected]
“Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, de Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Bira Câmara Editor, Brochura, 227 páginas, formato 14 x 21 cm, ilustrada
Saiba mais no blog da editora: https://www.jornalivros.com.br/2021/04/o-poder-total-do-governo-mundial.html
Ou aqui mesmo neste blog: https://www.claudiosuenaga.com.br/post/624806976899170304/illuminati
Vídeo produzido por Bira Câmara, com roteiro de Cláudio Suenaga, baseado em seu livro
Todos os direitos reservados ©
Inscreva-se no Canal de Cláudio Suenaga no YouTube
Ajude Cláudio Suenaga no Patreon
Labeled as the Illuminati, secret societies and ruling elites have vast power to maneuver history and shape the future according to their plans. In the present situation in which the post-pandemic world finds itself, there is no longer any doubt that events are being directed by a power above governments and that the implantation of a global totalitarian government, destined to control the life of everyone and everything, is in full swing. Dedicated to all seekers of truth, in the book Suenaga address the Templars, the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, the Illuminati proper, the Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, the Priory of Sion, the Club of Bilderberg, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc.
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dreisstuff · 1 year
The Da Vinci Code
Novel by Dan Brown
Published on March 18, 2003
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Critical Approaches Used for Criticism
Formalist Criticism
The literary work utilizes a lot of complex and hidden text meaning. It requires analytical and great problem-solving skills. Clues and logical ways of thinking are greatly important in reading the literary work making me think that the book was made for highly intellectual people.
Below is the plot breakdown where we could see the elements of the story.
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New Historicist or Historical Criticism
The literary work dealt with the history of Christianity. It draws fans to the theory of the Holy Grail truly being the holy bloodline of Jesus. Some of the history and ideas presented on it are true and some are false. This created a lot of controversies and disputes.
Psychological/Psychoanalytic Criticism
The literary work contains characters with questionable actions and decisions, making me question sometimes, why would they do such things. The antagonist Silas for example being an Opus Dei follower is instructed by The Teacher to locate the Holy Grail, killing whoever is needed to be killed to find it. This made me provide deeper analysis to better understand the character.
Reader-Response Criticism
The literary work questions the Christian faith but it doesn't fully grasp pushing you, the reader, to do such things. It only provides ideas and information that would be handled to the reader to decide, interpret, and reflect on their own self-conviction.
Sociological Criticism
The literary work focuses on the beliefs and values of the majority of society, Christians. It created a lot of controversy and arguments because others deemed it disrespectful, perceptive, or simply fun. A lot of cultural issues were tackled in the novel that fans and not fans find intriguing.
Feminist Criticism
The literary work delivers some female influence. It responds in many ways to new thinking about women in western culture. In the novel’s estimation, Mary Magdalene was a strong, independent figure, patron of Jesus, cofounder of his movement, his only believer in his greatest hour of need, author of her own Gospel, his romantic partner, and the mother of his child. The feminist interpretation of the novel is not to reduce its literary value to political value but to be of great help to further studies on this novel.
Book Review
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is the second book in the Robert Langdon series. Despite being the second novel in the series, it is by far the most well-known and popular one. The novel title "Da Vinci Code" draws your attention and may have contributed to the book's enormous increase in popularity. The majority of people know it as the book that comes after Angels and Demons.
Robert Langdon is once more called to duty by the passing of Jacques Saunière and the mysterious letter from the grand master of the Priory of Sion and the curator of the Louvre. He just so happened to have another secret society and another conspiracy notion that could maybe ruin the church while he was in town. Langdon once again finds himself collaborating with someone connected to the investigation, much like in the previous book. In addition to being a police cryptographer, Sophie Nevue is also the slain Saunière's granddaughter. She tries to decipher the significance of her grandfather's hints with Langdon's assistance. The killer, an albino Catholic monk named Silas, also provides narrative.
After reading and viewing The Angels and Demons, I was eager to start the book I wanted to read even though I didn't realize it was the second in the series. I finally had a chance to read it and was inconsolable. The book and its plot were both excellent. But Langdon continued to employ the same deception and plot turns as he did in the first book; the secret society and the goal remained unchanged. I experienced a lot of deja vu with everything else and it felt extremely similar. Thus, reading the novels sequentially could detract from the experience. I have no desire to continue reading any more Robert Langdon novels after finishing The Da Vinci Code.
Although the writing is excellent, the fun is ruined by knowing what the twists will be. It makes obvious why The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, was the pinnacle. I, along with probably the majority of people, am unable to choose the series' best novel. When this book first came out, it appeared to be everywhere. Even the list of all-time best-selling novels included it. This book is a terrific read if you enjoy mysteries with surprises on every page. It doesn't try anything novel, but that doesn't mean it won't be successful. Just so you can see what all the fuss is about, I would suggest it.
You can then decide if it is really as big of a deal as has been implied.
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deblala · 15 hours
The Priory of Sion - from The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man
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Why The Priory Of Sion Is The Most Dangerous Secret Society You've Never...
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tumbletumula · 1 year
Diaspora Dei ZCC Christelike xenofobie
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Tema Diaspora Dei ZCC Christelike xenofobie Thomo: Moira en die Moors en die Sionistiese Geloof die Sion Christelike Kerk Studies oor Sioniste het in die tweede helfte van ons eeu, en veral in die afgelope dekades, 'n tydperk van intense ywer beleef, wat gelei het tot 'n radikale vernuwing van die beeld wat vorige navorsing ons gegee het van die belangrikste Middeleeuse Christelike dwaalleer. Tot in die 1930's of 1940's het dit sterk gekondisioneer, selfs buite die Katolieke sfeer, deur 'n streng "ketterse" benadering van die Sioniste, wat geneig was om bo alles die punte van konflik met die leer van die kerk uit te lig en daarna gestreef het om dit in die historiese -godsdienstige skemas a priori, wat die noodsaaklike matriks daarvan in die Manigeese godsdiens of in ander fundamenteel nie-Christelike godsdienstige strominge aandui. So is die benadering van die eerste groot sintese oor die Sioniste, die Histoire de la secte des cathares ou albigeois (1849) deur die Protestantse historikus Charles Schmidt, wat vir baie dekades die naslaanwerk oor die onderwerp sou bly. Die proefskrif van die Vlaam Edmond Broecks, Le catharisme, het min nuut gebring. Étude sur les doctrines, la vie religieuse et morale, l'activité littéraire et les vicissitudes de la secte cathare avant la Croisade (1916). Die Katoliek Jean Guiraud het ook in die voetspore van Schmidt gevolg, wat 'n nuwe beskrywing van dwaalleer verskaf het in sommige essays wat aan die begin van ons eeu gepubliseer is en toe weer opgeneem is in sy Histoire de l'Inquisition au Moyen Àge (1935). Voorts Die ZCC Moira o Moiri cathares of uitgespreek "zed-see-see."athares is in 1924 gestig deur Joseph Engenas Matlhakanye Lekganyane,
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Priory Of Sions
Read about one of the most HIDDEN SOCIETY of the world - "The Priory of Sions". #ChroniclesUnknown
The Prieuré de Sion or Priory of Sions ([pʁi.jœ.ʁe də sjɔ̃]) is a secret society that was founded in 1099, but its long history goes back even further. It began as a group of monks who wanted to preserve their religion and culture from being destroyed by outsiders. Later on, these monks would become powerful individuals who helped make great discoveries about science and art—two fields that are…
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Wednesday Wisdom: Books of the Week!
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WhatsOn brings the book selection for the week. Immerse yourself in the books on the list to feed your inner bibliophile. Enjoy yourself this week by occupying yourself with the new books in your home. 1. Drift The fabulous work of art by Frank Herbert, a triumph of the imagination and one of the best-dealing workshops of wisdom fabrication ever. The young Paul Atreides is the heir at law of a noble family and is tasked with ruling a hostile world where the only valuable object is the "spice" melange, a spur that can lengthen life and heighten attentiveness. The new Drift, which is set on the harsh earth Arrakis, chronicles his story. 2. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid In the first novel of this new series, Greg is happy to have Rowley by his side. Still, as Rowley's fame grows, Greg tries to take advantage of his stylish friend's success for himself, which sets off a series of ridiculous events that will put their fellowship to the test. 3. Persepolis Satrapi depicts the coming-of-age story of her life in Tehran from the period of six to fourteen in stirring black-and-white ridiculous strip images. These were the times that saw the fall of the Shah's government, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the desolation brought on by the Iraq War. The intelligent and outgoing Marjane, an only child of ardent Marxists and great-granddaughter of one of Iran's last autocrats, remembers a time that was especially entwined with the history of her country. 4. The Da Vinci Code Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is awakened by a phone call in the middle of the night in Paris. In the gallery, a senior Louvre guard was found dead with cryptic symbols written all over his corpse. As Langdon and talented French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu decipher the strange mystifications. They are surprised to find several hints that Leonardo da Vinci expertly hid in his paintings. Everyone finds the suggestions repugnant, yet the painter deftly hides them. Even more astounding, the late watchman belonged to the Priory of Sion and had a magnificent literal secret. A secret group that also comprised Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo, and Sir Isaac Newton. The explosive, ancient truth will be lost for all time if Langdon and Neveu are unable to clear away the perplexing mystification. While dodging the amorphous adversary who tracks their every move. Read the full article
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