#Prairie Tarot
internationalicon · 1 year
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9” x 8”; 2023.
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Six of Pentacles. Art by Lisa Hunt, from the Animals Divine Tarot.
Prairie Dog
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battle-of-alberta · 2 years
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“If you are pushing too hard, you need to withdraw for the moment and be patient. If other people or circumstances are driving you crazy, remember the strength that comes with love and forbearance. These will see you through the hardest moments.“
- learntarot
This was a really tricky card because I was considering a different character for this one, but I had a lot of trouble finding a card for GP. Strength is kind of an interesting choice because it’s about inner strength, and being able to tame fear and anger with compassion. I don’t think that is something that I often ever associate with GP either as a city or as a character... she’s impulsive, temperamental and reactionary most of the time... except I do feel that it’s something that’s needed (and maybe exists if you squint).
There are overwhelmingly negative associations with the place for me (both a bit personally and in the media) so when I was designing her I was thinking of the sort of person you would need to be to navigate and even challenge that perception, I guess. She’s one of the younger cities in the country demographically, so I hope with age and maturity this kind of strength will be more apparent. I was thinking of that sort of typical “Strong and Free” Alberta mantra and mentality and I think putting more compassion behind it could help turn that stereotype on its head.
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deciduousprincess · 9 months
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prairie song tarot 2
i did all of these with a purple micron and spent the whole time praying it wouldnt give out on me.
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rosestars · 23 days
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When I bought this Emily Dickinson tarot deck years ago and encountered the 10 of Wands and its accompanying poem, I could not figure out what Dickinson meant by "when April woods are red." At the time, I was living on the West Coast where Aprils were green, magnolia pink, plum blossom white, cherry blossom fuchsia. I grew up on the prairies where April was mostly brown edged with grey, slowly fading into green. I thought that the red April woods were some kind of metaphor perhaps for a sunset or the energetic vibrance of the springtime, the red blood of new life. But then I moved out East, in more or less the same bioregion that Dickinson lived in in Amherst, Massachusetts. The realm of maple trees whose buds are, in fact, bright red! Out here, the April woods are red.
I don't think I ever could have googled "where are the woods red in April" and come across an accurate result—I think I had to experience these April woods for myself to finally understand what Dickinson was communicating in this poem.
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fakerobotrealblog · 2 months
Title: Exploring Cottagecore: Origins, Traits, Variants, and Cultural Impact
In recent years, a whimsical aesthetic trend has captured the hearts of many, particularly those seeking solace in nature and nostalgia for simpler times. This trend, known as Cottagecore, has grown from a niche online subculture into a widespread phenomenon, influencing fashion, lifestyle, and social media. In this blog post, we'll delve into the origins of Cottagecore, its defining traits, variants, its remarkable growth and popularity, and its cultural impact, while also drawing comparisons to other aesthetics.
### Origins of Cottagecore
Cottagecore emerged in the early 2010s, primarily on social media platforms like Tumblr and Pinterest. Its roots can be traced back to a desire for a pastoral lifestyle, romanticizing rural living, agricultural practices, and traditional crafts. Influences from literature, particularly pastoral poetry and novels like those by Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, played a significant role in shaping the aesthetic.
### Defining Traits
At its core, Cottagecore celebrates simplicity, sustainability, and a deep connection to nature. Its aesthetic is characterized by:
1. **Rustic Charm**: Cottagecore embraces the quaint and cozy atmosphere of rural cottages, often adorned with floral patterns, vintage furniture, and handmade decorations.
2. **Natural Elements**: Nature takes center stage in Cottagecore, with an emphasis on botanical motifs, earthy colors, and materials like wood, linen, and cotton.
3. **Homesteading and Craftsmanship**: Cottagecore enthusiasts value self-sufficiency and traditional skills such as gardening, baking, sewing, and pottery, harkening back to simpler times.
4. **Escapism and Romanticism**: Cottagecore offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, idealizing idyllic countryside landscapes and a slower pace of living.
### Variants of Cottagecore
While Cottagecore serves as a broad umbrella term, several subgenres and variants have emerged, each with its own unique twist on the aesthetic:
1. **Grandmacore**: Inspired by the cozy nostalgia of grandparents' homes, Grandmacore incorporates vintage elements, knick-knacks, and a sense of familial warmth.
2. **Fairycore**: Infused with a touch of magic and whimsy, Fairycore focuses on fantasy elements like fairies, woodland creatures, and ethereal lighting.
3. **Farmcore**: With a stronger emphasis on agriculture and rural life, Farmcore celebrates farmsteads, barns, and agricultural practices such as crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
4. **Cottage Witchcore**: Blending Cottagecore with elements of witchcraft and mysticism, Cottage Witchcore embraces herbalism, tarot, and rituals in harmony with nature.
### Growth and Popularity
Cottagecore's rise to prominence can be attributed to its escapist appeal, especially in the face of modern stresses and uncertainties. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have played a crucial role in popularizing the aesthetic, with influencers and content creators sharing dreamy imagery, DIY tutorials, and wholesome narratives that resonate with audiences worldwide. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns further fueled interest in Cottagecore, as people sought solace in domestic pursuits and outdoor escapes.
### Cultural Impact
Beyond its visual appeal, Cottagecore has had a profound cultural impact, influencing various aspects of contemporary lifestyle and consumption patterns:
1. **Fashion and Design**: Cottagecore has inspired fashion trends characterized by prairie dresses, ruffled blouses, and vintage-inspired accessories. Similarly, interior design trends have embraced a cozy, lived-in aesthetic with natural materials and handmade accents.
2. **Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency**: The emphasis on handmade crafts, gardening, and sustainable living practices aligns with growing concerns about environmental conservation and eco-conscious consumerism.
3. **Community and Connection**: Cottagecore fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals, whether through online forums, local meetups, or collaborative projects centered around shared interests in nature and creativity.
### Comparisons to Other Aesthetics
While Cottagecore shares some similarities with other aesthetics, such as Rustic, Vintage, and Bohemian, it distinguishes itself through its specific focus on pastoral themes, nostalgia, and romanticized rural life. Unlike Minimalism or Industrial aesthetics, Cottagecore prioritizes comfort, sentimentality, and a sense of belonging in nature.
In conclusion, Cottagecore has evolved from a niche online subculture into a widespread cultural phenomenon, offering an escape to a simpler, more idyllic way of life. Its enduring popularity reflects a yearning for connection, authenticity, and a deeper appreciation of the natural world in an increasingly digital age. Whether through fashion, design, or lifestyle choices, Cottagecore continues to captivate imaginations and inspire individuals to embrace the beauty of simplicity and the charm of rural living.
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castlegiselle · 9 months
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Full Name: Giselle Marianna Malcom Age: 30 Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada Birthdate: October 30 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Relationship Status: Single Sexuality: Pansexual Positive Traits (+): ambitious, compassionate, intuitive, sincere, magnanimous Negative Traits (-): withdrawn, aloof, perfectionistic, overprotective, cautious
BRIEF HEADCANONS: tw- child abandonment
giselle was born in las vegas, nevada to a single mother who wasn't ever truly prepared to be a mother in the first place. her father disappeared the moment he learned that her mother was pregnant, and giselle has never met him.
from a young age, giselle was interested in the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life. in some regards, she considers this to be a product of her upbringing- her mother, never truly taking an interest in her or her life, left her to her own devices more often than not. she stumbled upon spirituality during a time in her childhood she was simply looking to connect.
academics always came easy to giselle despite her lack of support at home. with very little effort or studying she maintained an A average, of course occasionally earning the stray B here and there.
as she grew, so did her interest in the metaphysical and the spiritual. giselle found solace and comfort in learning about the topics, and the various paths entwined within them. soon, she had mastered the arts of tarot, tea leaf reading, and palm reading alike.
following graduation from high school giselle attended a community college to earn her associate's in business, allowing her the knowledge to begin work on the shop she'd always dreamed of.
she moved to castle prairie a short time ago, leaving her old life behind to pursue her own dream and passion after years of saving up for just that.
the best friend
the skeptic
the fwb
the gym buddies
the secret crush
the will-they-won't-they
open to just about anything
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bremenbadger · 10 months
Smaugust 2023 Prompt List
This is the first time in years that I'm attempting a monthly art challenge, so I handpicked my prompts to go easy on myself. Anyone else who wants to use some or all of these is welcome to!
Rain Forest
Deciduous Forest
Sea Serpent
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
Your tarot deck is so pretty , which deck is it ?
hey! i’ve been rotating between my 4 new decks so i’m not sure which deck you’re referring to so here’s the names of all them so you can see them all for yourself :)
the guardian of the night tarot, transient light tarot, prairie majesty oracle, and the wisdom of avalon oracle
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drawingdownloreart · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day Lovelies! "The Lovers" from Tarot Equus #valentines #valentinesday #horses #appaloosa #prairie #sunset #tarotcard #lovers #loverstarot #tarotart #tarotequus #tarotcardart #tarotartist #artistsofinstagram #paganartistsofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #horsegirls https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqbI0YLm93/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haremask · 1 year
for the questions, all the ones that end in 3 :)
3. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
13. Do you have a magical name? yes and it's a secret (suddenly worrying that this is going to be my answer to a lot of t hese questions...whoops! anyway obviously i am not telling you my craft name.)
23. What is your preferred element? i suppose it depends what i'm trying to accomplish, but i don't really use an "element model" a lot in practice, except maybe in divination? in which case earth and water
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? i don't want to teach witchcraft to anyone ! if i had a child with the inclination though, i suppose i'd have to
43. What is your favorite witchy tool? the set of bones & orchid twigs i use for outdoor divination. honorable mention for drum, sistrum, uhh...mod podge?
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? i do, i love SMELLS!! my most used scents in practice are basic enough -- frankincense, sandalwood. i have more specialized ones for offering/feeding, depending on the nature of the spirits -- conifer resins are a favorite. i have a locally made prairie sage (artemisia ludoviciana) incense that knocks my socks off!
63. What is your tarot card of choice? i have a lot, but i guess the top personal significance card for me is the six of swords.
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? if i have specific business sure, but my practice is not particularly lunar-ruled so it's not something i observe.
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? purification rituals on both my person and my home, singing and moving. i only sometimes use an actual circle, but i always do "orientation"
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? you probably already know who you want. stop waiting for gods to "reach out" to you -- this is such a common expectation i see in younger practitioners and like, maybe that will happen, maybe a specific god wants you, or maybe not! sometimes you have to take initiative! if you want to learn a specific skill you don't just sit at home waiting for someone to cold call you and offer to teach you. get out there and start making friends with spirits and the patronage, if that's what you desire, will follow. sometimes you have to be the one to ask.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? seeing as i don't really share that information with people i don't know, the most common question i get is "can you do [x] for me" and the answer is ... maybe :) whats in it for me :)
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internationalicon · 1 year
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Found paper; 5” x 10”; 2022.
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battle-of-alberta · 2 years
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Battle of Alberta Major Arcana
They look so nifty all together :)
Maybe I’ll do one more, we’ll see. I rarely if ever finish projects like these so I’m just chuffed to have this many! :)
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deciduousprincess · 9 months
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prairie song tarot 1
these were a patreon reward a few years ago!
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~~~An in depth guide to the element Air~~~
~~A BOS Entry~~
Air is the spark of inspiration and the beginning of new ideas. It is the first step of progress in a journey. Air rules the intellectual and mental, as well as knowledge and learning. Air represents life in the soul's journey.
Air represents the intellectual aspect of ourselves, and therefore Air magic focuses on mental abilities like visualization, as well as expanding your knowledge by reading lots of books and researching things on your own. Air also has a strong association with divination and prophecy, and is represented by the suit of Swords in the tarot deck. Air works in harmony with the other elements: it moves earth, fuels fire, makes clouds (water), and it is our breath that is essential for life. Air is always moving, never still, and never in solid physical form. Air is versatile, quick, moving quickly from one idea to the next.
Air is considered a Masculine element.
~~Substance~~wind, mist, clouds, spirit, fog, aether, hurricane, tornado
~~Movement~~projection, outwards and upwards
~~Magickal tools~~wand, incense, feathers (for smudging or incense), bell, athame
~~Magickal properties~~communication, travel, whimsy, writing, activation, movement, business contracts/agreements, mental strength and memory purification
~~Colors~~white, silver, pale yellow
~~Time of day~~dawn
~~Zodiac~~Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
~~Planets~~Jupiter, Mercury
~~Plants & Herbs~~anise, birch, cedar, fennel, lemongrass, violet, primrose
~~Magickal creatures~~sylphs, Pegasus, dragons, fairies, phoenix
~~Animals~~bees, butterflies, dragonflies, all birds (especially: owl, eagle, hawk)
~~Deities~~Aradia, Mercury, Thoth, Urania, Boreas, Arianrhod
~~Crystals & stones~~moonstone, citrine, diamond, blue aventurine, topaz, and any that increase clarity, focus, intuition, or intellect
~~Places~~mountain-tops, prairies and plains, cloudy skies; places involved with intellectual pursuits such as libraries and schools; places involved in travel, like airports or train stations ~~Musical instruments~~flutes, wind chimes, all wind instruments
~~~Examples of Air Magick, Spells, and Rituals~~~
Air spells don't have to be complicated, unless you want them to be. Here are some easy ways to cast air spells and harness the energy of the Air element~~
~~burn incense as an offering to gods/guides/guardians, and to manifest your intentions
~~learn astrology, familiarise yourself with your horoscope and what's going on in the stars
~~meditation~~any form, any length of time, it's all Air magic!
~~write your air spell on a piece of paper, and let it blow away in the wind
~~write your wish in the air using a lit stick of incense, and watch the smoke drift away ~~smudge your home with burning herbs to rid it of negativity
~~blow a dandelion head and make a wish
~~learn to read tarot or oracle cards
~~visualization~~practice visualizing things to see them clearly in your mind; use this skill to enhance your spells
~~storm magick~~harnessing the energy of a storm to manifest your air spell
~~learn numerology
~~cloud scrying~~divination using the patterns in clouds to tell the future
~~cloud bursting~~moving air with the power of your mind whispering air spells into the wind working with air element fairies and spirits
~~~Air Meditation~~~
Feel the air that you breathe. Your breath goes in and out, deeply and fully. Breathe to the very bottom of your stomach, feeling your body expand as you breathe in and feel yourself relax with each breath out.
When you Begin to feel your body growing lighter and brighter with each breath, breathe in a glowing white light, and see yourself slowly becoming the glowing white light with each breath, little by little.
In your minds eye, see your body dissolving away like smoke in the wind. Leaving only your consciousness and spirit. Feel yourself drawn upwards on currents of Air. You float in the sky, surrounded by the brilliance of the Sun and clouds. With each breath you grow lighter and brighter, until you shine like the sun, filled with radiant golden and silver light.
You are made of Air, you are an idea, a passing thought, a dream of inspiration. You see the limitless possibilities of Air. Feel free to spend some time here exploring this element in this meditation. Go ahead and give yourself permission to spend as much time as possible. Building a connection with each element individually will better help strengthen your workings as well in the future when you decide to work with a certain element in particular.
When you are ready to end the meditation, you can begin to feel yourself growing heavier, as you breathe, slowly return to your physical form once again. Feel your body becoming solid as the earth. Feel the warmth of your fiery spirit. Feel the blood coursing through your veins. When your ready go ahead and open your eyes and feel free to move around once again. You are now balanced with the four elements.
Hope this in~depth guide to the element Air helps you along your path. Feel free to add or change this to better suit you. Yes this is more in~depth than other posts however this is intended to help inspire you to do more studying into the elements.
Thank you for reading,
Blessed be!
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rainbugle01 · 2 years
Alignment - Blood Orange Review for Dummies
See This Report on The Prairie Tarot
" I went upstairs a couple of days later and saw they 'd left their backpacks and sleeping bags behind. They never called or returned for them. I took a look at the one sleeping bag and saw blood stains on it." It must be explained, nevertheless, that, conveniently, Garza states he no longer remembers the firefighter's names or anything else other than they were Mansfield firefighters.
" That resembled 1902 or something. Then another time, we had a feline up here, my child's cat. The cat was agitated, kept arching its back and absolutely didn't like it up here so we eventually took it house." Stacie Rayburn, a Fortune-teller who recently set up shop in the building, also thinks the building is haunted." I am technically a white witch but I'm a Fortuneteller, too, so this building is best for me," Rayburn stated.
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78 Whispers In My Ear: Deck Review - Prairie Tarot
I was raised Christian. It connects into all of it simply in different methods and you need to have an open mind. It has to do with the responses the universe is attempting to offer you through the indications it reveals you." Although customers come in for live readings, Rayburn said she likewise does online readings and posts online material.
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Native American Tarot Cards by Laura Tuan - Holisticshop.co.uk
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The Goddess Tarot Deck
Rumored Buzz on Deck Review - Prairie Tarot - 78 Whispers In My Ear
" But the first day here I made a call and a third voice began the phone. The Spectrum girl was asking if another person was on the phone with me. I informed her, 'No, I'm here alone and on my mobile phone.'" Things got stranger." This structure is definitely haunted," Rayburn said.
Rayburn stated she started to feel ill quickly after and felt an existence, albeit apparently a friendly one, in the office with her." Due to the fact that I'm a Fortune-teller I am in tune with psychic capabilities and energies," Rayburn stated. " Answers Shown Here is thin concerning me and I can hear it and sometimes see it depending on what it is.
" I might nearly see its presence." At that point, Rayburn said the video on her cam went strong black and she decided enough sufficed." This was during broad daytime and Fred had actually just left his office about an hour before," Rayburn stated. "I got my stuff and called Fred as soon as I got downstairs and outdoors and informed him some crazy things was taking place.
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