ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
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Fuji: “After Mt. Quena we all went our separate ways. I kept in contact with most of them for some time after but as relationships tend to do we drifted apart as our lives went in different directions.”
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megamew-and-crew · 1 year
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Surely no one would mind, right?
Cameos by @paradoxiusblack and @mewtwoandme
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seasidemew · 1 year
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are these things on
last ones for now probably, I really need to do my homework lol
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Cloned Pokemon! What brings you four to this side of the world of blogging? :O
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Roxy: "And of course, Blaze is dozing off. He does that a lot... But grateful in the end we can do this stuff. Curious on what else will be asked of us~"
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thedevilsruby · 2 years
It is a story request.
Oh! Well then, let me see what my mind can do! Although, in the future I would appreciate some clarification, like maybe start with "I have a story request, would you please write it?" Or something along those lines. I have a hard time telling what's a story request or an actual question for me.
Ash smiled as his first Pikachu and his second one played. Ever since the second had felt bad about fighting Pikachu so harshly, he wanted to redeem himself by joining the pair on their adventures.
Ash had affectionately dubbed him 'Pikatwo'.
"How can you tell them apart?" Misty asked, curious.
"Well, Pikatwo tends to stick to the ground rather than be on my shoulder like Pikachu does, but he'll have his moments where he wants physical contact." Ash shrugged.
But nonetheless, Ash had grown to appreciate Pikatwo's presence, as did Pikachu. He felt more whole somehow, as if a piece of him was found.
"Hey, Pikachu, Pikatwo, time for lunch!" Ash called out as Brock finished cooking.
Both Pikachus perked up and ran over to their trainer. As if to prove what he said true, Pikachu had crawled up Ash and settled on his shoulder while Pikatwo stayed on the ground and hugged Ash's leg, making him laugh.
Sorry if this was short, anon, I just woke up awhile ago and I've only written once for Ash, never for Pikatwo. But I hope you enjoyed!
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silentmagi · 2 years
Pikachu and Pikatwo. Let's have a world tour
As Ashachu is busy trying to return to his human form, Pikashu and Pikatwo get some vacation time.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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scarletgemstone · 1 year
Pokémon Mewtwo and Pikachu two
Disclaimer I own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
(Pikachu two is running)
(Mewtwo sees him)
Mewtwo”let me see what you have”
(Pikatwo is carrying a knife)
Pikatwo “A knife!”
Mewtwo “no!”
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randomaskme · 2 years
Do you like the pikachu clone in Pokémon the first movie?
Uh, yea? The moment where Pikachu's trying to talk his clone down and Pikatwo keeps trying to fight and starts breaking down into tears when Pikachu just won't fight back gets me every. Single. Time.
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misanthropecopy · 1 year
It's so funny that @telekinetiq's Mewtwo hates ghosts, cause uhh.... -side eyes the Mimikyu that is a part of Psyche's family-
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xxtc-96xx · 10 months
Out of curiosity, would Mewtwo ever let Pigment meet any of the clones he created? Does he ever check up on them/their descendants?
If they ever meet again by chance like he did with pikatwo/raitwo, yeah he’d likely introduce them to her
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pokemon-ash-aus · 4 months
Okay, so Rotochu is still cloned in the Dead!Au version of Mewtwo Strikes back, right? Does Pikatwo then come out as a slightly different Rotom (since original Pikatwo has the spiky black section on his ears like Pichu.)?
They still keep the spikes look! Uhh- damn one sec
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Poor rotom drawing- but the spiked portions are a fair bit darker to compensate!
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cosmermaid · 1 year
Hi, Pokemon fandom. I’m here to talk about M01 Mewtwo and my thoughts on that story. Including Amber/Aitwo. First thing I want to point out about this poor kid right here.
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So in the radio drama and also the 4kids dub, she is a clone that’s still in the oven, just like Mewtwo and the Kanto starters. But in the Japanese version of the movie, she is an AI/hologram.
Which honestly has a few implications here that make Dr. Fuji just seem like a worse person over all.
Firstly, AIs don’t die unless there is a hardware problem on the device they’re stored on, or they’re programed to do so. Which means either Fuji deliberately programed in a “death” function in her code, or he was incompetent and didn’t keep backups.
Secondly, he did intend to eventually clone his daughter when he was further along in his research. But what we know from Mewtwo (and can infer from Pikatwo and Meowthtwo) is that clones do not have the memories of their DNA donors. They are completely separate individuals.
Which likely means that Dr. Fuji not only wanted to create a human clone, but wanted to program it’s brain with the memories and personality of his deceased daughter.
It is also possible that he may have been interested in Mewtwo’s psychic abilities for this as well but I don’t have anything concrete to back that up. The fact that Mewtwo was meant to be Giovanni’s Pokemon complicates that idea a little bit anyways.
Another thing I want to point out is that Mewtwo likely knows about Amber/Ai. He probably doesn’t personally remember her because of the drugs, but Mewtwo unearthed all of Dr. Fuji’s research. Enough of it to recreate the Kanto starter clones and improve on the cloning process to make sure they survive this time. He also has no motivation to continue her cloning project, though he likely had the skill to do so successfully. If he did so, the clone he’d end up with would have no memories of being Ai, and he’d end up with a preschooler (or even a baby) of a species that he would have hated at the time.
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megamew-and-crew · 1 year
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Time and Space have returned, the Void has stabilized to: Universe Void…
The souls have all been put to rest.
Cameos of @distortionmewtwo and @paradoxiusblack
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seasidemew · 2 years
What would be the foods that the gang would enjoy?
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Sorry these are messy. It was pretty much the only way to guarantee they'd be done in a reasonable amount of time rather than collecting dust for days or weeks. Click for better quality ... or don't, and we can pretend the lines aren't as sketchy as they actually are.
This made me nail down everyone's natures, so thank you!
Mew (She/They/It) is Adamant and thus prefers spicy foods. She mostly sticks to berries, but will also seek out erm, protein when needed. Cherri berries are her favorite.
Mewtwo (He/They) is Quiet and likes "dry" foods. This translates less to dry texture and more to dry like bland. He enjoys noodles, soups, and even curries, but can't deal with too much spice or seasoning.
Six (She/Her) is Timid (though she doesn't act it) and prefers sweets. When wild (basically before the blog starts) she also sought out berries mostly, along with nuts, Pecha being her favorite. After she's domesticated more comfortable in her new surroundings, she'll start gravitating toward fruit smoothies as a favorite. She also has a soft spot for squash, especially whatever the pokémon equivalent of pumpkin is.
Syn (They/He/It) is Serious and will eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Armed with organs of steel, will try literally anything at least once. He thinks, though, that food definitely tastes better when it belongs to someone else.
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((I will get to questions soon. In the time being, have this edit I did where Roxy tries to see what Charmy is up to. This is why Roxy can’t tolerate her at times. Poor cloned Pikachu pfft
Featuring in this little edit, Charmy the Pikachu from @pokeparkmisadventuresbeyond ))
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thedevilsruby · 2 years
Another request. Pikachu and Pikatwo love getting into double battles so they can show off all the team techniques they developed.
"Pikachu, Pikatwo, GO!" Ash yelled.
Both Pikachus growled and charged in front of their trainer. Team Rocket was NOT getting away this time!
"Oh Arbok, deal with these annoying brats!" Jesse commanded as her Arbok hissed.
"Knock 'em dead, Wheezing!" James said as Wheezing flew forward.
The Pikachus looked at each other and smirked, deciding this was the right time to show their new fighting technique. Both nodded in agreement before Pikatwo charged forward, yelling to get the attention of Arbok and Wheezing.
The trick seemed to have worked as both enemies tried to tackle towards Pikatwo, who easily dodged their attacks.
That's when it seemed to hit Meowth. "Wait, where's the other-?"
Just then, Pikachu landed in front of Ream Rocket, his cheeks glowing with electricity. He smirked evilly at them.
"WAIT NO, DON'T-" All three pleaded before getting shocked, Pikatwo also shocked Arbok and Wheezing. The shock sent the group flying in the air.
"TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" And with a twinkle in the air, they were gone.
Both Pikachus squealed in victory and high fived. The plan had worked!
"You did it!" Ash laughed, running forward and hugging both Pikachus. "Team Rocket will never mess with us now!"
I hope this was good! I couldn't really think of any other double attacks so I hope I did well!
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