#Peter just THREW a shit ton of chocolate at Remus’ lap
gilded-love · 2 months
Happy Birthday Moony
I fell like this would be better sent at midnight but I went to bed at 1 (I’m proud of myself. That’s early) and woke up at 7 so….
Remus did not like birthdays. He never liked them. He always found them to be people gushing over nothing. Oh great he’s alive? Well he wishes he wasn’t.
And the opinion never changed, but it got an exception.
“Come on put it on.” Said a James Potter who looked suspiciously close to squealing.
“Oh Moony do it.” Said a Peter who was laughing.
“Hey I call him Moony!” Said a voice behind a pillar.
He sighed and closed his eyes, letting James put the tie around his face. Making everything black with the exclusion of the light coming in from the tiny gap at the bottom of the blindfold.
He waited for a good 5 minutes before a song started to play. He recognized the instrumental almost immediately. But the voice? He couldn’t place.
I'm an alligator
I'm a mama-papa comin' for you
I'm the space invader
I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut
You're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm bustin' up my brains for the words~
He mouthed along silently before he heard a small pause in the music- must’ve been live then he guessed- and hushed whispers with a loud sigh Remus could always know as Sirius.
Stomping came over and the tie fell against his chest to see Sirius. Dressed in his jumper. With a muggle guitar around his shoulder. Hair tied up, wand holding it in place. He looked amazing- Remus thought then buried the thought deep down as Sirius smiled and went back to playing.
Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a Moonage Daydream~
Remus was…. Surprised. He knew Sirius, James, Peter. They go all out for birthdays. This wasn’t all out yet it was just if not more as special to him. He took a glance around the room, they were alone, and turned back to Sirius. He was sure his smile was too big for his face.
“Happy Birthday, my moonage daydream.” He beamed and Remus almost died right there. In the arms of one Sirius Black who had spent time learning a muggle song and preforming it.
He hadn’t had good birthdays before. No matter how hard his parents tried it never turned out well. Started amazing and ended with him crying. But this? Well he wanted to mark the date and time. His first good birthday. He almost wished his mom was here but it was perfect without her as well.
“Gosh Pads,” he chuckled as Sirius wiped away a small tear,”you’re a sap.”
Sirius’ smile started to fade into a more curious expression before he looked at Remus as if he was saying his last words,”I’m going to kiss you now. May I kiss you? Please let me kiss you.”
And Remus pulled Sirius in, and it was their first kiss and it was as romantic as walking in the sunlight to him. He felt loved. He had has a family that didn’t just try but actually did. And he felt oh so loved.
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