conservethis · 5 months
Been examining and identifying some ambiguously labeled 16mm films for potential digitization. This one turned out to be an episode of the early NBC show “Home” featuring Arlene Francis and Hugh Downs.
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Another film reel had a strange residue on it and this sticker on the leader that fell off as soon as I poked it.
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allrad-wohnmobil · 2 years
Bliss MAN: Korrosionsschutz für das neue Allrad Wohnmobil / Corrosion protection for the new 4x4 camper
Bliss MAN: Korrosionsschutz für das neue Allrad Wohnmobil / Corrosion protection for the new 4×4 camper
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bmaatuga · 5 years
Like a bad penny
...Perma-Film pops up again while processing a film collection.
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Regular readers will recall that we are not fans of film coatings. They were designed to make projection prints--which, in lending libraries, could be projected hundreds of times--easier to thread into the projector and less likely to retain major scratches from poorly maintained projectors. But, decades on, the chemistry can’t be good for the films. Even their cans get a slippery coating when films are treated.  Would YOU trust something that impregnates the emulsion of a film? The emulsion holds the image.
Looking online and, thanks to the Internet Archive, here’s a self-promotion brochure about how Perma-Film is applied, with what appear to be sincere letters of thanks from grateful users. (Grateful users who didn’t have to save the prints for decades to come.)  Page one below, and full brochure at this link: https://archive.org/details/TNM_Perma_Film_Protection_-_Permafilm_Inc_1966_20170906_0184
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It was Film Service Lab of Boston which applied the coating to the film on my bench.
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