#People who live in liberal areas dni
always-a-mad-comet · 2 years
God homophobia is still so present here.
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lixis-sin-cauldron · 3 years
Entertainment [Tomura Shigaraki]
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Rating: Explicit 18+ content MINORS DNI.
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki X fem!reader
Word Count: 5.7k
Kinks and Warnings: Abuse of authority, dubious consent, body horror, graphic descriptions of flesh and bone, orgasm denial, ‘pet’ names, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unsafe sex, degradation, praise, blow job, biting, gagging, breeding, quirk play, mention of blood.
BEFORE LOOKING AT SUMMARY: This fic takes place after the MVA arc, aka just after season 5 so minor spoilers. (this note will be removed when the anime catches up)
Summary: Re-Destro wants to make sure Shigaraki is as happy as possible so assigns you to provide the Great Commander some entertainment. After your disgrace at Deika City, you’re expected to do so in any way possible.
Can also be read on Ao3 here: Entertainment
As always, big thank you to my lovely beta reader @lilleeboi
By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are actively consenting to see adult, and possibly disturbing, content; and in doing so, saying that you are of an age to see it, and that you’re emotionally capable of handling it. The tags and warnings are there to ensure you are fully aware of what content you will encounter before reading, if you proceed knowing something will upset you - you did that to yourself and that is not my responsibility. [further info on this concept here] [and here] [and here]
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"What the hell do you want?" Shigaraki's voice was filled with irritation at your arrival in his suite, eyeing you and your supervisor with a wary look. You wondered why he had called you in if he didn't want the disturbance.
"Apologies for bothering you, Commander. If you like, we can wait outside until you and your Lieutenant are finished?" your supervisor offered happily, sucking up as much as possible to the new leader.
Your eyes briefly shifted to the smartly dressed masked man that sat across from the white-haired man.
"That didn't answer the question I asked."
"No, I suppose it didn't…" your supervisor coughed into his fist awkwardly, "I'm here to introduce this young lady to you," he answered, gently pushing you forward while stating your name. "She's here to entertain you."
"Entertain me?"
"Yes, sir. I could go down the list of things she can do, but she is proficient in many areas to summarize. Now, I've taken up enough of your time! I'll be on my way and allow you two to discuss how she may serve you." Your supervisor slipped out the door quickly, clearly not wanting to overstay, but not before placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze. It was far from a squeeze of comfort, but a reminder. Do a good job, prove your loyalty.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward toward your new assignment; the man who now led the group you were part of, now re-named Paranormal Liberation Front.  You began to bow as you opened your mouth to greet him, "A pleasure to—"
"Get out."
The words caught you off balance and almost caused you to stutter the remainder of the greeting. Brushing the skirt of your sleeveless dress as a way to steady your nerves, you parroted your supervisor’s words, "I'm happy to step out until you two are finished."
Shigaraki sighed—you noticed his good hand twitch—and you swallowed, mentally pushing down your anxiety.
"Get out and don't come back. I don't have time for your entertainment. Whatever that is supposed to be."
Before you could explain, Mr. Compress stood, walked over to Shigaraki, and leaned down to whisper into his ear. The commander listened to his companion for a moment then let out a cackle before turning to you with a wide grin.
"So, you're a whore!"
The declaration was like a slap to your face. You hated when people talked to you like that, yet you could not retort, not if you wanted to live. Instead, you gave your sweetest smile, "That word does describe some of the ways I could be used to entertain you—if you would like that service. However, I'm proud to say I'm skilled at various things. Arts, literature, music. I could even provide an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on if you need such an outlet. I'm always happy to serve."
"I think I'll take my leave," Mr. Compress stated, heading towards you. "Good luck," he whispered as he strode past you and out the door.
It took all your self-control not to beg him to stay. You did not want to be alone with Shigaraki, no matter how much you believed he would lead the world to liberation, you did not feel comfortable around a man who had killed so many. Yet you had no choice, your new role was to be whatever he wanted you to be, running or failing that was not an option.
He gave another sigh, scratching at his neck. "You made me laugh, so you've done your job. Now leave, before I stop finding you entertaining." He shifted in his seat, the brace on his left leg clicking as it adjusted to the movement. The majority of his wounds had healed since the Deika city battle, but his leg was taking its time.
Swallowing down your fear once more, you strode forward with determination, ignoring the dismissal again. You couldn't leave it here, not if you wanted to prove you were still loyal to the PNF, doubts of your integrity still whispered behind your back after your 'betrayal' at the battle.
"I'm sorry, but I can't follow that command yet, sir. Please allow me to prove that I can be of use to you. Even if it is just as a servant to run around doing tasks for you."
Shigaraki seemed to consider you from his seat, crimson eyes studying you through a squint. You were sure he was going to snap, or something worse, but instead he smiled. His iconic hand mask was absent, so you could see his face in full, and your emotions wouldn’t settle on whether you found the man attractive or terrifying.
"I get it," he said, chills going down your spine at his tone, "you were told to make me happy. I'm sure you'll be in trouble if you don't, but—" reaching out with his right hand, he gripped your left arm tightly "—you're irritating me, so this should be enough proof for why you left me alone."
You could barely suppress the shriek of anguish that rocked through you as you felt your arm break down, flesh and bone crumbling to ash under his grip. Stumbling back, you fell to the floor against the chair Compress had sat in. Whimpers came from you as the ash crawled up your arm before fading away just below your shoulder, leaving barely a stump. You held the wound tightly, eyes shut tight as tears edged out the corners.
"You'll want to move quickly to get that treated if you don't want to bleed out." Shigaraki snickered, brushing the remnants of your arm from his hand.
A whine was all you gave in reply, but you stayed still where you had fallen. Your breathing steadied as you nursed your wound.
Sobs faded as you calmed yourself, being replaced with a sharp intake of breath, soft pops, and slick, wet noises. You stared at the wound as lines of red muscle stretched out of it, winding around the white of bone that grew within the twisting mass. Flesh stretched along the new limb as it grew, covering pulsing tissue. You flexed the fingers as they formed, staring at the wet red tips as your skin covered them.
Taking a few staggered breaths, you used the chair as a brace to stand back up. You winced as you felt the newly grown muscles tense with the activity. Once fully standing you brushed the remainder of the ash from your dress and stood as calmly as you could in front of the man. "Shall I clean that up for you, or do you wish to do more first?"
He stared at you, processing the sight he had just witnessed before he started chuckling, "A healing quirk, I guess they wanted to make sure I couldn't break my new toy so easily, huh?"
For the first time since your arrival, he stood from his chair. He limped, brace clicking as it moved with him until he was close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating off him,  "How much can you heal?"
"M-most anything, long as I have time to focus on it."
"So, if I took off your head, would you survive? What if I took out your heart?"
"I… I can replace my h-heart, I don't know about my head…" The line of questioning was normal for you, but his increased interest in you made you uneasy. You knew going into this assignment it may lead to him pushing your quirk to its max, maybe even dying, but you had hoped he would have an interest in more normal things. Less dangerous or painful.
"Shall we test that?" he purred, reaching up and cupping your chin.
You flinched in reaction, expecting the pain of your flesh disintegrating once again. However, it did not come. You realized he was only partially holding your face, pinkie hovering over your skin.
"You really thought I'd do it, huh?" he laughed. "Oh? Did that piss you off?"
His supposed joke was not only cruel but embarrassing, enough so that you had blundered and scowled at him.
"First time I've had someone look at me like that since I got here, all of you just tend to suck up. You must really hate me to let that look slip through."
You gave no reply, only looked away from his gaze and wished he would choose another way to entertain himself with you.
"Well?" he snapped, squeezing your face and making you look at him again.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I hate you."
His grip slipped away, and you shifted your jaw around in response to the relief of pressure.
"Because you think I'm not worthy of running your little cult?"
You almost snapped at him, berating him for calling it a cult. You hated when people called it that. You withheld though, instead answering the question, "No, Re-Destro says you will be the one to lead us and I am far from being one to question such his judgment."
"So, you hate me because you're supposed to be my toy?"
"...You killed…" you mumbled.
"What was that?"
"You killed my friends!" you snapped.
"I've killed a lot of people. If your friends were among them, it's because they got in my way. Bet they were part of the sad attempt to take me down right?" He shifted his weight off his bad leg before stepping back to sit down, his chin resting on knuckles as he smiled at you.
You hated how much he seemed to enjoy tormenting you.
At least you were entertaining him.
"Yes. They were part of the… sacrifice that led us to you…"
"Is that what they’re calling it? If you were so close to these friends, why weren't you part of that sacrifice, fighting out there with them?"
Lips pursed at the question, shame coursing through you. "I… I ran."
"Hmm…" his eyes ran over you, considering you, "come here."
The command surprised you, but you did as he asked and stepped forward until the two of you were close enough for him to touch you.
He did just that, reaching forward and grabbing your arm with another partial hold and tugged you to land on your knees, drawing a sharp hiss from you at the jolt of pain that came with the impact. Before you could question his action, he gave another order.
"Blow me."
He laughed at the reaction, "I thought being a whore was part of your skillset?"
"I—I thought you didn't—why now?"
"Because seeing you suck my cock when you despise me is funny as fuck. You're here to entertain me right? Well," he grabbed the back of your head and shoved your face into his crotch, "get started."
You reeled back from the location, his grip allowing you some movement, but it didn't give you relief from his smell as it overwhelmed your nostrils. It wasn't horrendous, just the strong musk of a male. Sweat mixed with, to your surprise, the scent of a woody cologne and medicinal smell that must have come from his injuries. It made you dizzy trying to handle the sudden aroma along with the devilish command.
This had always been a strong possibility that you would have to pleasure him, given the assignment, but the man had been going one direction to another with his attitude towards you. It was giving you whiplash trying to figure out where he was going.
"I'm waiting," he growled, tightening his grip as a warning.
You began doing as told, unfastening the clasp of his pants and sliding down the zipper. While not eager for the task, you were less eager to test if your head could grow back.
It took only a moment to withdraw him, given he was going commando beneath. He was even generous enough to move his hips as you adjusted the clothing to better accommodate the act. Soon enough, cock and balls were free, and his scent was even more overwhelming than before, drawing a sigh from you as you tried to breathe.
Perhaps he found the sigh humorous because he gave a light chuckle, which drew your gaze up to meet his. You fought a tremble at the sight of him staring down at you, a cocky smirk on his cracked lips. There was also the slight feeling of excitement, knowing that he wanted you to please him. Despite all your shortcomings, you were still a loyal member of the front and this man was your leader. You were being given the privilege of pleasuring him.
That reminder was almost enough to settle all your nerves after his games until he spoke again.
"What's wrong? Don't know what to do or just hesitant to suck the cock of the guy who killed your friends?" His smirk widened in response to your glare.
Taking him in your palm, you began stroking him. You could feel his cock throb as you did, reacting to the touch readily. Pausing as you noticed the dryness on the skin against skin, you smirked as you removed your grip and spat on your palm quickly before returning to the hold.
"Sorry, forgot my lube," you quipped, enjoying your small act of disrespect.
"Was going to be covered in your spit sooner or later," he replied as you stroked, head leaning back to rest against the chair. Fighting back the urge to further test how far you could act out, you continued. The feel of him became harder in your grip, his pulse against your skin as he twitched. You leaned in and started lightly pepper kisses along his growing length while fondling his balls.
The slightest moan, a quiet hum in sound, came from him as you worked.
"Getting impatient," he growled a few moments later, his grip tensing once again on your head.
Despite this claim, this was a breathy aspect to his voice, causing a spark of excitement to shoot through you as you heard it. He was enjoying your touch and that was causing its own knot of need to build with you. You weren't happy to feel it, but it was difficult not to find him being turned on hot as hell.
Sliding your tongue up his shaft, you reached the spongy head and enveloped it with your lips. Even at half-mast, you knew you were going to have a difficult time with him as he became further erect; the man was not just well-endowed with power.
"About time." He hissed with satisfaction as you took him in your mouth. "Don't try anything idiotic, now. While I'd love to get an answer to if your head will come back, I'd hate to be blue balled if the answer was no." His threat was followed by a slightly stuttered laugh, his hips arching to push more of his girth into you.
He was just trying to get another rise out of you, so you chose to ignore the taunt. Relaxing your throat, you responded to his movement and took him in almost eagerly, tongue wrapping around the shaft and sucking at him. What you didn't take, you kept a hand around, massaging the tightening muscle to its base while bracing yourself against his thigh with your free hand.
Head bobbing, you sucked at the cock slowly, while taking as much as you could down your throat. He was eager for you to take more, pressing his partial grip against the back of your head while his hips rocked. Since he was not allowing you to withdraw for air, you fought against the insistence somewhat, not eager to gag on him and keep the ability to breathe through your nose...
"Guess my little whore does know what she’s doing," Shigaraki groaned.
The sudden praise caught you off guard, a moan of delight at the words slipping from you in response.
"Hm? Did you enjoy that? Being told how well you suck my cock?" His pressure loosened for a moment, and you took advantage to pull back and take a sharp intake of air, a loud pop emitting as the seal around him broke. "Oh, what's wrong? I thought you were having fun being my toy."
You panted, glaring up at his grinning face. You responded to his tease by gently nipping at the tip of his cock, barely grazing your teeth across the soft flesh.
He gave a stuttered groan at the action, a soft chuckle following, "Bitch," his eyes wild as he spoke. His fierce grip returned and shoved your head down, forcing the thick cock down your throat. Your lips pressed against the soft white public hair at his base as your passage stretched to accommodate him.
Gagging, both your palms braced against his lap. Fingers dug into the cloth of his pants as you attempted to withdraw. His hold remained firm, allowing only a bit of retreat. The moment you receded a certain length he pressed down and arched his hips once more, thrusting his massive girth forward to the hilt.
"Th-there we go," he stuttered between ragged breaths as he fucked into your mouth, "such a sweet mouth-pussy you've got. I'll have to thank Yotsubashi for sending you to me. It w-was him, right? The one who thought I needed entertainment?"
You whimpered, mind dizzy as he used you.
"Ah, I guess you can't really answer can you?" He cackled, breaking into a deep groan as he forced you to his base again. He held you there, his free hand trailing to your bulging throat; fingers grazing along it. "Need some air? I could give you a new hole for that," a loose grip began encircling you, the feel of his prosthetic fingers cold against your hot flesh, "give me a new hole to fuck, too," he added, giving another breathy laugh.
Spots danced at the edge of your vision. The lack of oxygen was starting to affect you. Abruptly, he yanked your head back, fully unsheathing himself from you. You took the freedom quickly, gulping down the air as you gasped to breathe; it burned to feel as your lungs reacted to the denied resource.
Shigaraki seized your chin and forced you to look up at him. Your sight was shaky, eyes unfocused from the abuse. You could feel the drool coating your face, saliva dripping from your lips.
"Fuck, you look good like this. Being a fucktoy really suits you."
"Th-thank you.."
"Hmmm? Oh, shit. You actually enjoyed that, didn't you? Being facefucked like that? Bet your panties are soaked, aren't they?"
Between your brain trying to regain its function and the unbearable knot that had grown inside you, there was no way you could deny that he was right. You loved to serve, and not only had you made him feel good, the sporadic praise as he used you had been driving you wild.
"Does my slut want more?"
More what? Abuse? For him to use your mouth like a fleshlight again? To praise you for making him feel good?
"I thought so. Stand up."
The command confused you, not registering why he would want that. He stood as well, leaning himself again with the chair to make sure the brace moved properly. He looked down on you as you remained on the floor, then reached down and took hold of your arm and pulled you up with surprising strength.
You were sure he was going to snap at you for not following the command. Instead, he dragged you to a nearby dresser and shoved you against it. Swiping away the objects on top with a brush of his arm, he returned his focus to you.
"Turn around," he growled, "or you still too fucked to follow that one, too?"
Reacting quickly, you turned so you leaned over the dresser, now registering the large mirror he had positioned you in front of. Your appearance startled you; your face was flushed, drool and tear-stains dried at the corners of your mouth and eyes, your eyes were glazed and lips puffy, even a little torn. You were a complete mess.
"Nice view, right?" Shigaraki whispered in your ear, startling you. Even with the mirror, you had been too focused on yourself to see him move behind you.
Before you could think of a reply, he pulled your skirt up and exposed your ass while pressing you further against the dresser, his hand against your shoulder. Using you to brace himself against the bad leg. His fingers trailed along your skin and fabric of your underwear, goosebumps forming where he touched.
"Tight little ass you've got." He smacked a cheek, and you gasped not just from the impact but from the momentary feel of your flesh breaking down where he touched, full contact with his hand given. The wound faded as new flesh formed, where he ran his fingers along again until he reached the edge of your panties, now frayed from the impact. His fingertips traced along the edge, gliding downwards between your legs, his foot pushing against yours to force you to spread yourself more as he itched closer to your sex.
"You're drenched," he stated, feeling the wet cloth and slithering past it, pushing into you and parting your lips.
A sigh escaped you as he touched the sensitive area, a mix of terror and excitement swirling inside as your mind raced at what he could do to you with that hand down there. The fabric became taut as he took hold of it and pulled, you felt ash against your flesh as it dissolved in his hand. You flinched.
"No moving unless I say so, I'll be very pissed if you make me fall," His hand on your shoulder pressed harder, reminding you that you were his brace to balance with. "Got it?"
"Yes." your voice trembled.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes… sir?" you offered, unsure if that was what he wanted. Another smack of your ass pulled a new cry from you.
"Good girl," he purred with a chuckle.
You realized the smack had been a reward. Your body shivered as you registered this, wondering what a punishment would be like. His fingers drifted back between your legs and began to explore your folds. Trailing along your entrance, he reached its top and found the swollen bead.
He massaged the point, applying pressure as he did so. The act drew a moan from you, relief at the touch after being worked up from everything. You were so confused but dared not to question it. His attention changed, fingers sliding back down and with no warning, he slipped two fingers deep into you.
A gasp ripped from you as he did so, his fingers pumped roughly inside you stretching and exploring. You whimpered in pleasure as you felt him graze against your sweet spot. He picked up on the sign immediately and returned to the spot, focusing his attention on it.
"F-fuck—!" Your legs shook, trying to remain steady as he fingered you.
"Does my whore feel good?"
"Look at you," he chuckled, "enjoying being played with. Happy you ran away now?"
The words hurt, the reminder of your shame. "I—" your sentence cut off before it began, as his pace quickened inside you, ripping more moans from you in its place.
"Didn't catch that, did you want me to stop?"
"N-no, please. Sir."
The hand on your shoulder eased off, repositioning itself under your arm, and pulled at the front of your dress, the cloth torn easily with the help of his quirk and exposed your breasts. He began kneading at the nearest one, your nipple hardening in his fingers at the sudden cold air.
The knot became tighter as he did so, you were so close to it snapping apart. Just a little more.
"Say you're glad you ran. Admit it."
He made a sound of dissatisfaction and you learned quickly what he considered a punishment.
There was no holding back the scream his touch caused this time, as he took full hold on the breast he had been playing with. Tears glazed your vision as you felt the tender area shred away. You could see the mound dissolve in the mirror. He released the full touch after a few moments, and the crumbling stopped with it, leaving a broken, fleshy lump in its place.
"Damn, that made you tighten up," he hissed, his fingers still at work inside you.
The mix of sensations was baffling, your mind trying to process the mix of pain and pleasure. The knot twisted inside you, trying to understand how it should be. You could only whimper as you watched your breast heal and reform itself in the mirror, not sure how else to react.
"Now, tell me the truth," he started again, unrelenting in his fingerfucking, "would you rather be dead with all your precious 'friends' or," he removed his fingers from you, much to your disdain, "would you rather be here, where I'll shove my cock into that eager cunt of yours?"
"P-please, I just—"
"Answer the question." He grabbed your hip, and you whined at the feeling his touch provided you as his quirk activated once again; however, if that feeling was pain or pleasure, as your knot reacted to it, you were starting to be unsure. Your body ached for relief of any kind.
"Here," you finally responded.
"What was that?"
"I'd rather be here!" you yelled, then immediately cried out as Shigaraki shoved his cock inside of you.
"Good answer." He gave you no time to adjust to him, pulling out and thrusting back in just as forcefully as he could. Your walls ached as they stretched to fit him, your body rocking as you held yourself steady against the dresser, keeping yourself propped up to ensure he had the support as he had ordered.
Ragged gasps and moans mixed with curses of ecstasy as his assault continued, "S-sir,.. fuck—ah!" you cried out as he felt him pressed deep into you, hitting against your cervix. Again, the confusing mix of pleasure and pain flooded you at the feel.
"Such a tight cunt. Feels like my cock is being strangled. Yet…" Another smack of your ass, pulling more screams as his hand rested against the flesh. "There we go, yes," he growled as he shoved into the tightening hole between your legs. "Such a delightful little plaything, making your owner feel so fucking good—fuckyes—that's right, you like being told what a good whore you are. Don't you?" he inquired, feeling your body react to the words of praise.
"My toy close to cumming?"
You moaned in agreement, your head nodding eagerly given just how close you were. It felt as if you were going to break with how tight the winding knot had become. Just a bit more.
He withdrew as suddenly as he had entered, causing a long whine to come from you at the abrupt denial, "Why?" you begged, chest heaving in his grip. The question was rewarded with a sharp pain as that grip tightened, pressing against the center of your chest so you were pulled back to press against his own chest.
"Don't forget, I get to choose how I play with you," Shigaraki growled into your ear. As he spoke, he removed his palm, relieving you of the assault of his quirk. His fingers trailed along the area as it healed, causing you to twitch from the pain of the open wound being agitated. His breath was hot against your skin, a low chuckle emitting from him as you reacted to the touch.
Keeping a partial hold on your chest to keep you rigid against him, he used his free hand to take hold of your thigh. "Lift," he ordered, pulled at the limb.
You obeyed, moving the leg with him as he raised it. He rested it against the dresser. With the mirror, you could see how spread you were for him. His grip released, and you quickly worked to remain balanced against the dresser and his hold. You watched his hand press against the flesh of your raised leg, seeing your body break apart at the touch yet again. He glided his grip down the curve of your leg, spreading the damage.
You were grateful for the control he had over his quirk, knowing how he could let the quirk spread until it engulfed your body. Instead, he was choosing to start and stop it with the touch. As grateful for his kindness as you were, it didn't stop the tears and whimpers the injury caused as it spread against you.
He finally relented, removing his palm and hovering it over the broken flesh.
"Never got to play with a healing quirk before," he purred, "so much fun."
"H-happy to—ah—" his teeth sank into your neck, interrupting your words. Your eyes locked with his in the mirror, and you could see just how much he really was enjoying himself.
He ended the bite and smiled at you.
"Keep watching," he commanded, as his hand left your leg to reach behind you.
It took only a moment to see where it had gone as you looked in the mirror for it. It appeared between your raised leg, gripping his hard cock. He pressed the head against your sore pussy and pushed back inside.
You moaned as your walls stretched to welcome him back, your body trembling with delight as you both saw and felt him move inside you. You could see each upward thrust he made into you, burying himself to the base within you repeatedly, his cock slick with your juices. Yet again you started to feel that burning need as you watched yourself be used, that knot tight within you that had been denied after being so close to relief.
"Enjoying the show?" he whispered, his breath uneven; evidence of his own pleasure in the words.
"Yes, you feel s-so good," you moaned, hoping the praise would keep him from denying your climax again.
If the words had any effect on him, he showed no sign on his face, but his thrusts intensified. "Is that right? The slut enjoys being filled with cock. So. Fucking. Surprising." He punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips. His fingers dug into your hip as he moved, the slow spread of his quirk digging into your flesh.
You cried out at the incredible mix of pain and pleasure, pushing so close to your edge, then he slowed his pace. Switching from fast, rapid thrusts to slow, deep ones. You did all you could not to whine at yet another denial.
He grinned at the sight of you in the mirror, clearly enjoying edging you.
"You know," he began, voice quivering with his own pleasure, "I could make this even better for myself." The hand bracing your chest drifted downwards to rest over your stomach and pressed against partially with his hand, the pressure making the feel of him inside you increase as he did so. "I could reach through you and give myself a hand job while fucking you," he whispered, placing full contact with the area.
You jolted at the double contact, hip and stomach, back arching as he dug into you. The knot snapped inside you, your mind going blank with the most intense orgasm you'd ever felt, and let out a muted cry.
"D-damn it, trying to rip my dick off?" he snapped, giving a subdued laugh. Moving from the wounded areas, he grabbed both your arms and yanked them from the dresser, forcing you against the objects and knocking the wind from you. Your shoulder ached with its own pain as he took full hold of it, pushing down against you to keep himself stable. "I don't fucking recall saying you could cum!"
"I'm-I'm s-s-sorry," you cried as you felt him pump into you, every thrust sending shocks through you as he forced himself through your sensitive tunnel.
"You're not, but you will be before you leave—ugh, fuck," his threat broke off as his hips slammed against you once more, holding deep inside you. A warmth filled you, and after a few moments of him resting against you, he withdrew, releasing his hold from you, sidestepping, and leaning himself against the dresser as well.
Slipping from the furniture, you slid to the floor and sat there; your body shook as you tried to regain composure. Taking slow breaths, you focused on your wounds and made sure they finished healing before taking an unsteady glance upwards to the man standing above you.
He, too, was catching his breath, eyes shut as he rested. But he took quick note of your gaze and opened them to meet it. As you tried to organize your feelings and thoughts as he looked at you, one particular worry bubbled up.
"You… came inside me."
His brow raised the statement as his cracked lips spread to a wide grin. "I don't recall you providing a condom."
You flushed, reaching into the pocket of your tattered dress and withdrew the packets, "I—"
"You thought I was serious?” he stated as he eyed the condoms in your hand, “Ha, no. In fact…" he motioned for you to come to him. Shakely, you did as told and stood up next to him. He grabbed your chin between his thumb and pointer, pulling you close to his face to where your lips almost met his, "Beg for it."
"Beg…?" your voice was shaky at the closeness.
"Beg for me to breed you." The order startled you, causing you to stutter nonsense. Yet, as you considered everything you had just felt, everything he had just made you feel…
“Please… sir, please, breed me like the whore I am....”
“Good girl,” Shigaraki praised, pulling you against his lips for a kiss. You leaned into it eagerly, surprised by the intimate act. He broke the contact, smirking, “you are going to be fun to play with.”
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gallagherstudios · 3 years
a little bit about this blog
some context:
i’m anna, i’m in my 30s, she/they, and i live in the usa.
this is a body positive space that values fat liberation and creating a safer, kinder, softer, and more appreciative world for fat people, fictional or non-fictional. fat is not a dirty word around these parts.
that said, this blog will delve into areas of feedism and wg kink, mostly sfw but sometimes toeing the line. adult warnings will be provided in context to fics and any potential trigger warnings.
i do not view these two concepts as mutually exclusive of one another.
i also, in general, just post a lot of gallavich stuff here so i don’t dump it all in my main blog. a lot of it is not feedism related, it’s just them being cute.
the rules:
DNI if you are under 18, a radfem/TERF/etc, or if you’re just here to be antagonistic. 
if this isn’t your type of thing, mosey along. this is designed to be a safe space for myself.
please do not send personal asks asking where i specifically live, what i do for a living, if i’d like to enter into a feeder/feedee relationship, or the like. i will block the hell out of you.
please do not follow unless you have an interest in this sort of thing. it just helps my own peace of mind and keeps me zen when i’m reblogging and posting stuff. if you’re just getting into feedism kink, welcome!
bots will be blocked.
please feel free to:
send me asks, headcanons, or prompts!! i will do my best to fulfill or at least recommend blogs who will ❤️ 
stay anonymous if that feels safer for you!
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