#Pedestrian crossing
ilikeit-art · 1 year
One of the most famous pedestrian crossings in the world - Shibuya in Tokyo. During peak hours, up to 2,500 people can cross it in 2.5 minutes.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 months
😁 Humour belge 🤣
🚶🚦🤸 👋 Bel après-midi
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conservethis · 4 months
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as seen on my commute this morning
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medeaft · 1 year
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My own little piece of the night (Originally: A saját kis darab éjszakám) 2023 Watercolour on paper
So this is intended to be me.
Not literally as I am, of course. For example, I don't literally have solid black eyes. And while I do wear a long black cloak, none of them have glass beads sewn onto them on the outside (though I could do that), and none of them are a portal to the night sky on the inside (and I can't do that). But that is how it feels; I wear them not merely as clothes, for protection from the elements or for style (although they are excellent for both), but because it feels like I am wrapped in my own piece of the night, and it makes me feel safe, powerful and myself in a way I can't quite describe. Especially when I am in a city; I have a hard time with that, and wearing a cloak makes me feel much better about it.
I usually also tie my cravat in a more complicated way than that. But I already had very little space - the whole figure is only as tall as my handspan -, and I couldn't paint too many folds, or I wouldn't have had room to depict the texture of the silver fabric.
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randomwords247 · 10 months
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Today on things I have realised have been american-ised in Hilda that I didn't notice before: The walk signal.
Idk if I would've fully realised before going to the states on holiday but america does these bad boys way differently
Firstly, I've never heard anyone call them a walk signal. Pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing, or just "Green man".
Secondly: The signal's are different
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Usually its a guy standing or even a bike coloured red, and when you can go? It's a green man walking - Hence, green man. Idk how common the bike is off the top of my head but its not always there
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This is typically what they look like. The pole with the button you press has the green man, and sometimes there's also a traffic light (upper photo) with the green/red man.
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Sometimes they look like this, but typically it looks like the photos above
It's not important or anything, but I think it's interesting how many little things are different, like them calling jumpers "sweaters" or the side Johanna drives being swapped. Small changes from the original british comic that add up to be a little odd to see at first, but are pretty darn nifty to notice and talk about. I don't know if I would've fully clocked it as american/canadian before I went there and experienced the different signals in person
I just think its Neat
(also these photos are taken from google images. Before anyone thinks they can dox me. Its very dark outside I couldn't take a photo of these if I tried)
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utuutsu · 1 month
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pol-ski · 1 year
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kojiarakiartworks · 3 months
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© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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blur-from-the-north · 5 months
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January 7, 2024. Oulu, Finland. Nikon D780, AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f/4G ED VR.
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Crossroads (7th Avenue) - Midtown Manhattan, New York CIty by Andreas Komodromos
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libraryofva · 1 year
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Recent Acquisition - Postcard Collection
Looking down Main Street, Suffolk, Virginia.
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aneverydaything · 2 months
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Day 2113, 5 April 2024
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bonguri · 2 months
20240316 Endoji 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: この立像は徳川光圀というより水戸黄門だよなあ。 @Endoji area, Nishi ward, Nagoya city, Aichi pref. (愛知県名古屋市西区 円頓寺商店街)
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Coming Out Day
For time out of mind members of the LGBTQ community have had to hide in fear for their livelihood and their lives. A constant fear of being rejected by friends and loved ones, as well as the community of which they are a part, has led to many of them remaining in the proverbial closet.
This means living a half-life at best, and hiding who you are from those who should be nearest and dearest to you. Coming Out Day challenges this ancient standard, and encourages LGBTQ people everywhere to stand proud and claim who they are, and thus reclaim their lives and sense of pride.
Learn about Coming Out Day
Coming Out Day is not just a day that has been designed to help people feel comfortable about coming out about their sexuality. It is also a day that is designed to applaud people for their bravery, as well as help create awareness of the struggles and difficulties those in the LGBTQ community experience.
Even if you are heterosexual, you can use this day as an opportunity to let people in the LGBTQ community know that you support them and that you are proud of them. It is a day of unity and respect.
History of Coming Out Day
It all started at… well… let’s be honest it all started pretty much at the dawn of time. Throughout the world people and cultures everywhere have had LGBTQ people in their midst, and in many of them they were openly accepted and embraced as natural, or even sacred people in their cultures. In the last couple hundred years the majority of the world’s leading cultures began to villainize them, growing worse with every passing year.
But in the last few decades all that has begun to change, courageous members of the LGBTQ community fought and worked to help gain their rightful place in the world, accepted as just another person rather than some kind of monster or dangerous pervert. Really, the battle they fight is for something much simpler, the ability to have a safe and normal life enjoying the same liberty as their more socially accepted neighbors.
Coming Out Day was created by Rob Eichberg and Jean O’Leary as a result of the 500,000 person March on Washington DC for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The experience was enough to vitalize them and lead them to establish this holiday, which encourages all LGBTQ people and their allies to stand proud of who they are and to fight for a more equal tomorrow.
Every year there is a different theme, and so we definitely recommend taking a look at the theme for the current year when it is released. Some of the different themes that there have been include Talk About It, It’s a Family Affair, and Coming Out Still Matters. There are also a lot of events that go on throughout the world. You should be able to find out about the events that are taking place in your local area should you wish to join in with any of them.
How to celebrate Coming Out Day
Throughout the world, there are celebrations being held of LGBTQ people everywhere coming out of the closet and loudly and proudly proclaiming who they are and standing side by side with their allies for a more equal and accepting tomorrow. You can get involved by joining them or by volunteering with local groups and organizations working to raise awareness and support the challenges faced by LGBTQ people in a world still struggling to accept them.
If you have been worried about coming out to your parents or loved ones for quite some time, Coming Out Day could give you the push you need to do so. It gives you a good lead into the conversation. You can explain a bit about the day, and use this to help you tell people about your sexuality. You can also use Coming Out Day to provide support to someone who needs it. If you know that someone is going to be using this day to have a difficult chat about their sexuality with someone, then make sure you offer them words of support and that you are there to support them.
A lot of people in the LGBTQ community who have already come out use this day to share their stories with people. If you feel comfortable, you can take to social media and share the story of how you came out about your sexuality. This can help people to feel like they are not alone and it can give people the support they need on a day like this. It can help to hear about the experiences other people have gone through when you are facing the same sort of situation yourself.
You can also use this date to raise awareness about the struggles that people in the LGBTQ community face. Whether it is bullying and discrimination or difficulties in the workplace or problems with their inner confidence, there are many things that LGBTQ members go through. A lot of people are not aware of these issues, and so you can use Coming Out Day to try and change this. There are going to be a lot of infographics, videos, and other pieces of inspiring and insightful content available, so make the most of this and share it with your followers.
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cinoclex · 1 year
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Lunar Tiger! Mishmash of FOMO from lunar art trends,an unfinished piece from 4 years and non-fanart
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gobofactory · 1 month
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Want to See Crosswalks Turn into Art? Check Out Glass Gobo's Amazing Transformation!
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