#Pat Mahoney
dynamite124 · 9 months
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While Taliesin's official name day is Sun's Dawn, 14th. His VA's birthday is September 4th!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @nevermorepjm!!
No amount of words can describe how much of an amazing person you've been working with me with our project and breathing life into a character that has captured the hearts of so many players of this decade old game!
Be sure to leave Pat Mahoney some birthday wishes and if you're looking for some music to help immerse yourself into your Skyrim game, I highly recommend the Southener Diaries. Composed by Pat himself! I use this mod myself and I will recommend this to anyone looking for something fresh!
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seethesound · 6 months
LCD Soundsystem
March 27, 2016 Webster Hall New York City, NY
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yesnowhatno · 11 months
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kenpiercemedia · 8 months
LCD Soundsystem Announces The Tri Boro Tour for 2023
The Facebook Post: it’s that time of year. we’re playing in new york again, but it’s a little different this time. It’s the tri boro tour. last year we played 20 shows at brooklyn steel, which, while fun, nearly killed us all (as soon as we were done i immediately got sick for 2 weeks). we also kind of couldn’t remember the first, say, 14 shows because we were just grinding and holding on for…
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blogberthday · 11 months
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taliesin has finally been released from his cage and so was my replacer!!
get taliesin here:
and my replacer there:
all thanks to @dynamite124 and talie's voice actor Pat Mahoney!
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myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @fangsandroses
warnings: injuries, blood, self inflicted injuries, swearing
“what the hell happened to you?” Rachel asked as she sat on the table. I frowned at Nelson as he glanced at her then at me.
“I was playing hockey.” He said vaguely. He finished prepping the needles and glanced around the room. “Where’s Dave?” Joe and steckle shrugged. I walked over to him and grabbed his chin.
“Nelson. You weren’t playing hockey. What happened?” I asked him as Joe talked to Rachel about the potential whereabouts of Dave. He went to turn his head but I held his head in place. “Those aren’t hockey injuries Nel. Come on.” Nelson swallowed and we turned as Rachel laid back.
“I’m ready.” She said, voice wavering slightly. “Dave or no Dave.” I let my hand fall and we went into it. When she came back after five minutes, I helped her into the bathroom and gave her the space she needed. “I’m fine really.” She said before closing the door on me.
“why don’t you ask doctor death?” Dave said as everyone gathered around Nelson. He rolled his eyes and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm.
“what’s going on Nelson?” I asked. Looking between everyone, Nelson sighed.
“we’ve been getting visits from those we’ve wronged in the past. Mines name billy Mahoney. And he’s a rambunctious little shit.” Nelson scoffed.
“wait a minute. You’re telling me a ghost is doing this?” I asked, grabbing his head and turning it to look at his wounds. Dave stepped closer and looked at the wounds too. “Nelson…” he pulled away from me and crossed his arms.
“it’s no big deal.” He tried to brush it off. “Look I’m fine. Joes fine. Rachel will be fine. Your problems are your own Dave.” Nelson walked away and I followed him. When we got back to his apartment, I sat Nelson down and cleaned up his wounds.
“next time don’t do this yourself.” I said softly. “You might accidentally infect yourself.” Nelson nodded as I redid his stitches. “Want to tell me what’s really going on Nelson?”
“billy Mahoney is this kid I picked on. It’s the one regret I have.” He said, staring at his hands. “I shouldn’t have done it but I mean…” he waved a hand around. “We had money. Have money. Billy was poor. It…wasn’t right. Didn’t make it right. But it happened.” I finished up and set down the needle. Nelson looked up at me, eyes hollow.
“Nelson…”I sighed. I hugged him and he seemed to be clinging to me as I rested my head on top of his. “We’re going to put an end to this. Somehow.” Nelson shook his head and I tightened my grip on him. We went to bed soon after and I didn’t hear him get up. When I did wake up, I found the note he’d left. The phone rang and I answered it. “Hello?”
“something is wrong with Nelson. You need to come down here.” Dave said. “Joe and steckle are with him and we’re at Rachel’s apartment. You need to hurry. We can’t keep him here forever.”
“on my way.” I said, hanging up. I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. Within ten minutes I was at the apartment and waiting to get buzzed in. Flying up the stairs, Dave had already had the door open and I ran in. Nelson was sitting tied to the bed frame. “Why…” I turned to look at Dave.
“he took an ice pick to his ear. Was aiming for his face.” I spun around to look at Nelson in shock.
“billy mahoney.” Nelson mumbled. Dave put his hand on my arm and drew me into Rachel’s kitchen.
“he did it himself. There was no one there.” Dave whispered. “He’s going to kill himself if we don’t stop this soon.” I nodded and looked over at Nelson.
“but how?” I asked. “He genuinely believes that a ghost is doing this.” Dave nodded.
“atonement.” He said. “I went and atone for what I did. My visions ended. If Nelson can atone for whatever he did to billy Mahoney…”
“the visions and self mutilation will end.” I finished. “Ok. Let’s do it. I’ll take Nelson to see billy.” Nelson looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “We might need your car.” Dave handed me the keys and patted my hand. Heading over to nelson, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back out. “Alright Nelson. Where’s billy Mahoney?” Nelson rubbed his neck and winced.
“it’s uh…” Nelson sighed and looked anywhere but me. “It’s easier to show you.” We got into Dave’s car and Nelson gave me the directions.
“where are we headed Nelson?” I asked as the town got darker and darker. “What’s going on?”
“we’re going to see billy Mahoney.” Nelson muttered. “Stop here.” I pulled over and got out with Nelson.
“that’s…that’s a cemetery.” I said with a frown. Nelson nodded.
“yeah.” He whispered. “That’s where billy Mahoney is. I killed him.” I looked over at Nelson as we started walking through. “It was an accident. He fell. I was taken from my family at nine and put in a reform school.” Nelson leaned down in front of a headstone and sneered. “I thought I paid my dues.” Pulling Nelson back, I wrapped an arm around his.
“we’ll figure it out.” I promised. “Somehow. We’ll figure it out.”
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by the Eight i don’t think i have ever played a mod where the characters interact so closely with your player race! Having Taliesin recognize i’m playing as an Argonian and make little comments about my scales or how we could be relate to lizards is SO FUN!!
i cannot wait for more updates and more love and care poured into this sassy pan bean that we’ve all come to love, pat mahoney put his heart and soul into this guy and it shows
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therewasatale · 4 months
Welcome Gordon
On Ao3.
Summary: Gordon goes back the next day to the puppets, as he promised. But he's a little bit late.
The city was empty as he drove through the roads, there was barely any light in the windows. Only the streetlights were still shining. He even had a chance to glance up at the clear dark skies. The lights of the stars were barely visible in the big city, but the full moon's shone as brightly as ever.
He stifled a tired yawn – just needed to talk with the puppets about whatever they were planning, make sure that they were all right, and then he could go back home to and sleep for at least a day.
Finally, he turned down from the main road at the Neighborhood's building. Just like the first time the gate was wide open as if it was waiting for him, but for his surprise the square in the middle wasn't empty.
Scraps, Flooper, and Mahoney were lying next to each other at the top of the main building’s staircase. As he parked next to the place, their ears perked up and they glanced up at the same time.
While Gordon got out of his car the three puppet dogs ran up to him. They greeted him with honest happiness, as they yapped and snuggled close to his legs, for head pats.
"Hey, good evening you all. How did you three got out from the garden?" He scratched their heads, ruffling their fur, smiling as the dogs lent against his legs, stopping for a couple of seconds. They were waiting for his attention all day.
"We have to make sure to close the gates, before someone else gets out. All right, let's get inside." He whistled a short tune and started to walk towards the entrance. Who knew what was waiting for him inside?
After a couple of steps, he slowed down. He reached the middle of the parking lot and stopped at the tube where he spoke the last spoke with Ricky. It was only yesterday night, but it somehow really felt like it was more than just 24 hours ago. From where he right now stood, he could hear the quiet snore coming from inside.
"What on earth?" He took a careful step closer and finally saw the sock puppet.
Ricky – his body mostly inside the tube, only his head resting at the edge of it - snored like any other human would do in their deepest slumber. It was a bit disturbing but cute at the same time. It meant that even the sock puppet needed sleep, and there were times when he didn't talk.
"Ricky?" Gordon poked the head of the puppet.
There was a snort and half-asleep answer came from Rivky. "Just 5 minutes, Al."
"Ricky, wake up, it's me Gordon."
"Gordon?" The puppet blinked with his mismatched eyes, then tried to crawl outside with a bit too much swing. "Gordooooooooon-" he almost hit the ground, but luckily two hands caught him.
"Holy heck, Ricky! Slow down, hey, you okay?" Gordon carefully raised the puppet. "What are you doing here? Did you wait here for me for a whole night?"
"What? No! No no no no, I was waiting for you only for a couple of hours." Ricky shook his head and finally found his voice. He looked right into the human's eyes. "Took you long enough."
Gordon let out a short scoff. "Hey, I said I'll come back, but not when I'll arrive. You didn't give me much choice to think or plan ahead."
"Yes, yes, yes, but you have to understand, I - , we were so excited! Finally, the neighbourhood will be back and we can make movies and shows and turn the world --"
Gordon closed the puppet's mouth with his hand. "I just said slow down. The place needs some renovation, besides, I'm still alone, we need lawyers and a crew." He let go the puppet mouth's, just thinking about it gave him a headache. "And my boss can't learn about this or I'll be fired." He scratched one of the dog's head as they stepped closer to them.
"We need plans, I understand." Said Ricky, with a voice of someone who had no actual insight about what was being said, but was very enthusiastic to do it anyway. "But right now, what you need is food and sleep! So, let's get inside!" He sat down in the human's hand, his nose pointing towards the hotel's entrance, like a needle of a compass that was pointed towards the treasure.
Gordon let out a soft chuckle. He slowly started to walk up the stairs, with the sock puppet in his hand. "I can't argue with that, but I don't have much money right now, to order food or very much anything."
"Oh, don't worry about that, we have money. Al left his legacy to us, so the place will be ours forever."
"Gerzwald? The guy who started all of this, right? Well, I guess he probably had a lot of money from the shows. Was he the one who created you all?"
Ricky went silent for a second, then nodded. "He was family." Again, it was such a human voice and so was the gesture accompanying it.
"I see," he put his hand on the handle, " I bet he cared about all of you."
"He did, he really did." The sock puppet shook his head and opened his mouth, then stopped. He was about to yell to let the others know that they arrived, but immediately changed his mind. "Oh."
The hall of the motel was filled with decorations; balloons with a myriad of slightly faded colours, the desk and the chair's had old satin bows on them. The place smelled of pizza. Yet the most striking was the slantly placed paper banner. Pages were joined together to make a sentence - one letter per paper, clearly written by different puppets - then glued to a string that ran through between two railings on the next floor.
'Welcome Gordon'
The exclamation mark has given up on holding to the string and fallen on the floor. Based on its sagging, one of the O-s was aiming to follow it.
"Surprise?" Ricky's voice was a giddy whisper.
Under the make-shift poster a bunch of puppets slept together, gently snoring or mumbling in their dreams.
Gordon stopped, then as quietly as he was able to, closed the door behind him.
The three dogs hurried to the desks and each shamelessly stole one slice from the pizzas for themselves. They didn't care much about Ricky's disapproving look.
"So, this is why you were waiting outside?"
"Yeah. We wanted to make a surprise party, but well -"
"I was busy." Gordon nodded. "And late. Everyone is here?"
"Almost, some of the Normans and Lenards went to sleep upstairs, Pearl didn't fit, and neither did Ray. Arnold just wanted to play the piano with you again. But the others are here."
Gordon was able to count at least 12 Georges, who was hugging with their long’s arms either two or three other puppets. Lenards were sleeping on either one of the Norman's legs or next one of the Lillianas. In the middle Goblette sat, sleeping like the other puppets, her hand rested on one of the Junebugs' head, and even in her sleep she sometimes stroked the puppet.
"Let's go." Gordon walked past them, watching his steps and went upstairs.
"Where are we going?" Ricky glanced up, but didn't get an answer.
"How different are they?" The human asked - a question that bugged him ever since he had to fight his way through them.
"Well, you see, every one of them is a bit different, sometimes their nose's colour is off a little, or their clothes doesn't exactly match up. Every one of us were made by hand, but with care, and love, and Al wanted them to be individuals even when they played on the show. It's not easy to see at first, you wouldn't even notice at the camera, but when you're around them, you just know."
Gordon thought about it, but it made sense in an interesting and useful way. It was probably much easier to make different episodes at the same time. Each of the Normans or Junebugs and even the others learned the lines and different text and they were able to shoot much faster.
"Everybody has a place, every one of them, even -" for a second Ricky went silent, "even the ones down there."
The memories sent a chill down Gordon's spine, he wasn't able to sleep much after that encounter. That was actually one of the reasons why he was late to work and had to work overtime to finish today's job.
"We will figure out something for them, later. But first." He opened the first door, then the second, then the third. When he finished with rummaging through the rooms behind them his hands were filled with quilts and blankets.
"What are you doing, Gordy?" Ricky climbed up from his hand to his shoulder, letting the man balance all his haul. "Are we joining them?"
There was an unsure mumble as Gordon walked back down, watching his every step, while his hands were full. He could barely see out from behind the beddings.
The puppets still deep in their sleeps, slowly snored. Only Goblette was awake - waving at them silently.
"Hey, Goblette." Gordon nodded and put down the blankets into one of the chairs, "there, this is for you." He carefully stepped over one of the Handy puppets, who was mumbling something even in his sleep.
Goblette took the quilt from him and wrapped herself up, making sure some of the other puppet's would get under it too.
"Let's see."
Slowly walking around, he made sure every puppet got a blanket either for themselves, or if they were snuggled up with each other, one to share. The big snoring pile quieted down into a gentle, and more pleasantly mumbling one.
Even the three dogs joined up, snuggling next to the others lying down next to each other.
"I think that's everyone." Said Ricky with a warmth tone. It was a long time ago when the puppets were able to sleep this calmly.
"Yeah," Gordon sat down into one of the chairs, and huffed. "I guess that’s everyone." He suppressed a yawn and stretched his legs out. "I don't know what you wanted to do this night, Ricky, but Im gonna call it a day." He huffed again; his shoulder sank as the exhaustion weighed him down.
"You can join them too, have a quick nap." Ricky offered.
"And wake up for a puppet staring into my soul? Yeah, no thanks, not after yesterday. I should actually go home soon."
"Hm? But we have rooms here so you can have some rest."
"But this ain't my home." He glanced at the puppet, he probably would never admit it, but he started to like Ricky's positive smartassness. It was a good change from all the negativity and cold working environment he had been experiencing.
"Well, maybe, but tomorrow is a weekend, so you should have some rest either way."
"Either way, eh?" He yawned and leaned against the back of the chair. His head leaned against the cold wall, and his mind started to become foggy. "I suppose, just a -" there was another yawn and he didn’t finish the sentence.
Ricky watched as the human's breathing calmed down, as his body sank deeper into the chair. Every inhale and exhale were slower and more relaxed than the last.
Not from far them, Goblette watched them, and with a smile she nodded towards Ricky.
Maybe this wasn't the surprise party they have planned, but somehow it became the nicest one they could have made.
Ricky carefully climbed up the back of the chair, then down next to Gordon's arm and curled up into another chair next to his. He couldn't help but smile, after so many years he was curious and excited, again, and couldn't wait for the morning. A new day always brought new possibilities, but right now he wanted to see Gordon's reaction when the others wake up.
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dynamite124 · 1 year
Out of all the lines Pat recorded for Taliesin...this one will forever be my favorite.
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seethesound · 4 months
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annoyinglandmagazine · 3 months
A Song Only You Can Hear 8
Maedhros POV Interlude:
His fingernails indented little half crescents along his palm, as he set his jaw and tried to avoid meeting anyone’s eyes. When they prayed he bent his head as low as possible and focused on the hard wood bench, sharp ridges pressing against his back, trying to drone out the impassioned sermon.
When Amras begun wailing at the clanging bells he was quick to offer to take him from Mother, she smiled fondly and patted his hand as she settled his brother into his arms; she never liked leaving in the middle of a service though they had chosen a pew at the back of the church ever since the first time they had brought Maglor precisely to make it easier to do just that.
He slipped out the heavy doors with as little obtrusiveness as he could, the congregation paid him little mind as this was an occurrence most Sundays when one had seven children, and inhaled ragged breaths of clear, summer air not heavy with the incense that pressed down and suffocated him until he couldn’t imagine breathing normally.
He focused his energy on slinging Amras above his head until the wailing quieted to contented gurgling that even now didn’t fail to melt his heart as the baby clapped his chubby little hands together and yanked on his hair. He lingered in the shadow of the church for longer than necessary for his already completed purpose but how could he disappoint the perfect little miracle whose face lit up in beaming giggles at his older brother’s attempts to amuse him?
He allowed himself a few minutes, postponing his return as long as possible, to play with his brother and gaze out at the bright blue sky over the fields before them. When he returned just as they were ending the sacrament he found he did not mind missing it, though it was his first time doing so, if it meant he would not need to go any closer to the priest who would surely see something worthy of condemnation in him at closer inspection.
He was mediating an argument between Celegorm and Caranthir that was just beginning to veer into violence when his father turned back to them and intervened with a look that brokered no discussion, ‘Boys? Why don’t you help your mother with the babies?’
They sped on along the path, though not without Celegorm shooting him a smug look, clearly believing he had just gotten himself in trouble. Maedhros glanced at his hands where his nails were once again digging into them and he made the conscious decision to pull them apart as he knew his father detested those kinds of nervous habits more than most other things he could do.
He waited in cautious anticipation for his father to begin. He continued to stare on ahead as he spoke with scornful disdain but no obvious direction, ‘The sermon today was very unpleasant wasn’t it? I didn’t care for it at all, though you know I’m not a particularly avid believer myself on the best of days.’
The informal nature of the commentary failed to put Maedhros at ease, though it was not the first time his father had vented his grievances with organised religion in general at his eldest son seeing as his wife rarely appreciated it he did not feel capable of masking his inner turmoil while discussing the vitriolic mass of that particular Sunday.
He looked down at his shoes, carefully polished leather caked in the mud of the carriage tracks after the torrential rainfall over the week. Today he could hear the birds chirping in the trees lining the path, beams of sunlight cutting through the shade provided by their wide green leaves.
The livestock were all out grazing and he could see Celegorm being sidetracked by the horses leaning over the fences; Mother glanced at him warily, knowing from prior experience that she may have to wrangle him from hopping over and trespassing on someone’s property to better pet them.
Father continued, ‘ I can’t imagine we shall be returning there any time soon, not while Father Mahoney remains the priest. Formenos house is quite isolated and it’s really not much further from the next parish over.’ Maedhros started for a second; his father had disliked their priest for a long time but he’d never suggested doing something about it before; in this one matter he accepted his wife’s judgement because for her sake alone he could concede that his blasphemous leanings were not so personal a matter as her deep faith was.
Catholicism was not just religion to his mother but an act of defiance to the institution just as her husband’s aethism was; she was an Irish Catholic woman of no status who had married a wealthy English Protestant man from a respectable family and though they lived in his ancestral home their children had never set foot in a Church of England premises and they had a beautiful hand carved statue of Our Lady prominently displayed in the foyer.
This was important to her and Feanor was all too happy to cast off any hint of respectability still clinging to him. He did not elope with arguably the least suitable candidate possible just to have it rationalised that he was making her adapt to the way of life he was trying to scorn with his every action; if anything he would go to great lengths to make sure his children were part of her community. When they visited their Nerdanel’s family in Mayo they fit in so seamlessly with their cousins that only a milder accent distinguished them as the ones born in England.
To hear him planning to overrule her now could surely not be a coincidence. He all but confirmed as much when he continued with an unfamiliar note of wariness, ‘You needn’t go back at all Nelyafinwe. Not if you wouldn’t like to.’ He suddenly built up enough courage to look up and met his father’s piercing gaze to see without a doubt that he knew. He knew why his son couldn’t bear to sit through preachings on sin without feeling that he was the target, that if anyone in the room were to see into his soul they would view him only with disgust. He knew. Yet his face appeared no more stern than it did normally and he placed a hand, broad and calloused from forge work, on his shoulder, a comforting and certain weight.
‘Whatever you do Nelyafinwe, you will be the best at it. You can accomplish great things if you put your mind to it, as I know you will. Just be careful. There are dangers to being important for you that there may not be for others.’ He clapped him once more on the shoulder before withdrawing his hand and Maedhros longed for just one second to reach out for it but he didn’t and let his father continue to walk along in silence.
His eyes stung with confused, fearful tears and he blinked them back harshly to keep them concealed. If his father noticed he chose to ignore them. Amras was wailing again as Celegorm gripped him just slightly too roughly while lifting him onto the fence to stroke the nose of a velvety dappled mare; he tried to shush him with tickles before mother noticed. The birds kept chirping.
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kenpiercemedia · 2 years
LCD Soundsystem Announces “20” Date Brooklyn Steel Residency For 2022
Since I’m trying to list more of a variety on the events calendar of “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” I felt that discussing the recently announced residency for 2022 at the Brooklyn Steel venue would be a good idea. I did this last year but had to admit that its not the kind of music that I follow at all. I lean mostly to the heavy side of the fence and don’t have the proper exposure from…
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comicsart3 · 9 months
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Jann of the Jungle is without doubt my favourite of the postwar “jungle woman” titles of the 1940s and 1950s. For me, Jann is similar to Lorna the Jungle Queen, who has featured several times in this blog, in that she is less savage that Sheena, Rhula or Judy; more conventional than Tiger Girl or Cave Girl, but not a fully paid up member of the establishment like Nyoka. Inevitably a white woman, Jann started out as an American trapeze artist and animal trainer called Jane Hastings. Relocating to the the Congo, in search of a jungle heroine ancestor called “Jann”, Jane literally “goes native” adopting her grandmother’s name and takes to the jungle life, respecting and befriending the local African tribes as well as developing an uncanny rapport with the jungle wildlife. Like Lorna, Jann also becomes a proto-environmentalist, militantly defending the jungle way of life from assorted American and European poachers, diamond smugglers, renegades and occasional communist spies. Unlike Lorna however, Jann’s love interest is the rather hapless photographer and film maker, Pat Mahoney, who more often that not is the guy in distress who has to be rescued by his dominant girlfriend: quite unlike the sexist lunkhead Greg Knight poor Lorna is saddled with.
What I like about Jann is her strength, her feminism and her compassion. She always strikes me as an authentically female character, although written by a man. She never requires validation from, or rescue by, a male character and is a constant source of order in the jungle, whether that is through thwarting evil schemes by men who wish to exploit or distort nature, by utilising her peace-making skills to prevent inter-tribal conflict, or calming the animal kingdom when disturbed by human mischief or natural disasters. Jann, with her flowing black hair and sometimes terrifying primal stare, was often superbly illustrated too. The page featured here is from a story that is an example of many of the jungle woman’s traits mentioned above. I will probably post the whole story in the future and Jann will definitely make many more appearances in this blog.
Jann’s adventures appeared in all ten issues of Jungle Tales from 1954 to 1957, commencing with Jungle Tales #1 (September 1954) and were reprinted in her own title published by Atlas Comics. The stories were written and illustrated usually by Don Rico and Jay Scott Pike. The page featured here is from the story Killers of the Swamps! which appeared in Jann of the Jungle Vol 1, #17 (1957)
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dasmuggler · 6 months
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Here ya go:
A Western Reunion
Original air date 1979
Directed by Walter C. Miller
Written by Fred Putman
Set in a western saloon, Glenn Ford hosted a gathering of western television and film series stars including cast members from The Lone Ranger, The High Chaparral, The Virginian, Lawman and many others. This special event program brought ABC-TV its highest ratings of 1979. If you grew up on westerns like we did, (and despite the campy dialogue) it was fun to reminisce about those cherished childhood heroes with the stars who played them.
Front Row: Dewey Martin, Johnny Crawford, Chuck Connors, Glenn Ford, Alan Hale Jr., Henry Darrow, Larry Storch, Neville Brand.
2nd Row: Denver Pyle, Iron Eyes Cody, Harry Lauter, Jeanette Nolan, Linda Cristal, John Ireland, Mark Slade, Joe Bowman, Fred Putnam. 3rd Row: Pat Buttram, Milburn Stone, Dan Haggerty, Guy Madison, Rex Allen, John Bromfield, Keenan Wynn, Jackie Coogan, George Montgomery. 4th Row: X Brands, Bill Williams, Michael Ansara, Slim Pickens, Dick Jones, Don Diamond, Ken Curtis, John Russell, Peter Brown, James Drury. Back Row: Rod Cameron, Jock Mahoney, Jack Kelly, Tony Young, John McIntire, Ty Hardin, Darby Hinton, Lee Van Cleef, Will Hutchins, Terry Wilson, Clayton Moore, Doug McClure.
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borealbosmer · 8 months
Alright, before I try to get to know Tumblr somewhat better (and maybe screw up):
Neither am I used to writing in english (liebe Grüße aus Deutschland and thank goodness for the pretty blue lines beneath written sections I may want to correct) nor sharing my bits and pieces of mental movie theatre. Bear with me. Heh.
I originally came here solely to get more material to fangirl over Taliesin (the only custom follower for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim I truly care about so far, sorry >.<), and get a 'Happy Birthday!' to his genius VA and co-writer Pat Mahoney, but as one can read it didn't stay that way.
The input on dynamite124's page turns out to be good for me and my brain. Very nice people, very interesting questions and answers. Some are new to me, others familiar - and similarly some posts inspire a fantastic avalanche of new scenes about Tally and/or my Bosmer oc, while others fit quite nicely a few of those I already 'looked at' for a while.
I doubt that there'll be much interest in what I'll write here, but there you go. At least a small part of me wants to share, despite feeling way less eloquent than I would be in my first language. And yes, I'm stubborn and feel the urge to NOT use DeepL. ...Much. You've been warned! òo
To anyone who read till this point: Aww, thank you very much and feel hugged if you'd like to! :3 You're awesome.
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