frenchcurious · 2 years
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PMZ-A-750 1938  / USSR. - source Motorworld by V.Sheyanov.
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77ngiez · 1 year
What's a binder?
a chest binder! it’s what u use to flatten ur chest.
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alexxx-malev · 4 months
Vladivostok 73 by Alexxx Malev Via Flickr: Russia. Vladivostok. The historian-mechanic museum Automotoantiquity («Automotostarina»). PMZ-A-750 Владивосток. Историко-технический музей автомотостарины. ПМЗ-А-750
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personalized-plates · 2 years
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
This guy
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He does NOT look like Ace OR Xander
Who the fuck is this emo wannabe vigilante?
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jaydangan · 1 year
You asked for asks and now i'll ask you why does this bird look photoshopped when it's not
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It... looks photoshoped..... unrealistic even.... vut at the same time... realistic...? and is not photoshoped..... damnnn- this bird looks like he knows my deepest secrets.... im scared
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saw-bathroom · 16 days
Guys there are communities?! I want to be in one !!!
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wigglesafterdark · 9 months
how are all of enhypen’s children songs actuslly bangers. hey tayo is unironically going to appear in my spotify wrapped playlist this year, i’m currently jamming out to billy poco and one and only SLAPS
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mynameiskanade · 2 months
I know you're friends with her, but please block pmz, she is a pro shipper (shipping her oc with sam despite him being gay). She also inserted faust into her period fetish on Archive of Our Own. Please trust me on this one, but she is also faking being trans and gay and just wants to invade the community. I am sorry you were friends, but she's not a good person and you need to know that.
1. respect preferred names and pronouns u fuck, chrys has stated ‘pmz’ as a trigger. i get that you hate him but what the fuck
2. chrys is a trans man, he has stated so and is uncomfortable with she/her pronons. even if chrys was fakeclaiming, use he/him pronouns, and atleast respect pronouns. im bigender (demigirl demiboy) and i use he/they/star. stop claiming shit without giving evidence, hes literally not doing anything to ‘invade’ the community. i cant just trust you annonie?
3. crimson is a trans man AND gay. the fuck you mean proshipper? are you just transphobic
4. its not ‘period fetish’, it’s called writing a fic about a trans man’s struggles. period emphatizes the gender dysphoria of faust in that fic. (<- chrys told me in dms). also sam (and crimson i remember?) comforted him about his period at the end. thats not so period fetish bro.
5. get the fuck off my page, im sorry you’re a whiny bitch about most of these unless you have evidence of fakeclaim, but you’re still a whiny bitch even if theres evidence of fakeclaim and you need to know that!!
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77ngiez · 1 year
Omg it's They/Themma Magorobi from the hit danganronpa fangame super wokeronpa another 2
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no fucking way
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kittycowboy · 1 month
do u think my ps could get PMZ and kill him
Hard to say.. I mean he Does have an intelligence level of 93 so
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They have closeted r@icism th0? i kn0w full well linuj c0mfirmed terurei was can0n and that he never s@id teruya liked black ppl yet their 0c is black????? its o0bvis that they have psyc0tic brekdowns cuz there pissy ppl like my lord and savi0r levidr@ws dont waste thelr time drawing pmz with teruya and @rnt big0ts s0 they r dr@wing n0n pr0blem@tic ships like terurai
No idea what you are saying. PM, don't look at this post.
to try and translate;
"They have closeted racism, tho? I know full well LINUJ confirmed Terurei was canon and that he never said Teruya liked black people, yet their OC is black? It's obvious that they have psychotic breakdowns cuz they're pissy people, like my lord and savior @/leviadraws don't waste their time drawing pmz with teruya and aren't bigots so they are drawing non problematic ships like Terurei."
Alright, where to start.
"closeted racism". Where is your fucking proof of this?
"Terurei is canon" LINUJ has only said that Teruya has a crush on Rei, not that they're married, etc, etc.
"He never said Teruya liked black people" WHAT?? sounds like you're the racist here, pal. It's pretty fucking normal to like anyone of any skin tone, unless you're a racist piece of shit who only sees people as their skin tone and nothing else.
Also, i follow levia. I'm pretty sure I'm moots with one of Levia's accounts. I have never seen PMZ ask Levia to draw them and Teruya. I asked PMZ if they have asked Levia to draw them and Teruya, to which they said "No, not really.".
Levia herself has said that she has received a request from PMZ, but only of Teruya himself.
And, PMZ isn't a bigot. I've talked with them one on one, and upon seeing someone draw midori saying she's transphobic or whatever, got upset and started headcanoning her as a lesbian.
Honestly, listening to you sounds like you're racist and lgbtq+phobic, and trying to push that onto others.
Get out of here.
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faustycakes · 7 months
Something really important
I've been wanting to make this since I changed my name and I need it to be said
Anything I said before I changed my name to Chrysalis(PMZ Power) is officially disowned unless I say otherwise
To put it shortly, I was a major asshole back then(Especially mid 2021-early 2022 aka pretty much the worst time of my life IRL) and harassed lots of people just because they shipped something I didn't like instead of blocking them like a normal person would
Back in 2020 I entered the PvZ fandom and got a lot of harassment for shipping, one person actually pointed out how me being 12 was way too young for the net and I should leave, I didn't listen and it pretty much fucked me up since it made me believe it was okay to do that shit to others also it was fucking reddit
Like any sane person, whenever I did this shit in the Keroro fandom in 2021 I was told that it's not ok at all and it got me butthurt as hell, and when I didn't get what I wanted I moved to Danganronpa
I was hyperfixated on the Monokubs in 2022 it's how I met one of my closest friends through it, one day I made a server and one of the main rules were no Proshippers, a proshipper came onto the server despite it being a rule from the beginning, I was pissed off, and essentially started a harassment campaign on a subreddit(Thankfully no one joined) without knowing and was banned for doing so
If you were that person I'm so sorry, so fucking sorry, you didn't deserve that, even if I think what you did was gross it was 100% not needed for me to make a harassment campaign
It wasn't until mid 2022 that I got more than two online friends that I actually learned how to socialize and have morals at the same time without one overlapping the other
That's the explanation, whether you continue supporting me or not isn't my problem, but don't try to cancel me over stupid shit I did 1-2 years ago because I know someday somebody will try to use it as a trump card
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tvy0m1 · 9 months
block pmz she is a transgender
hi, block me cause I'm trans (WHO TF IS PMZ???)
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
Charles and Dolli canon
Oooooo yesyes
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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1938 PMZ-A-750  USSR 
Production of PMZ A-750 motorcycles began in Podolsk. The task was not an easy one, because the local enterprise lacked the main thing - press equipment, necessary for frame manufacturing. Despite all the difficulties the first motorcycle was ready in February 1934. It was not completely finished, but was assembled from the parts made directly at the PMZ factory without related enterprises supply. Production was headed by the creator of the first Izhevsk motorcycles - Petr Mozharov.
Though PMZ A-750 is sometimes described as "a Harley-Davidson engine in a BMW frame", in fact, one can find features typical for Indian motorcycles in its design.
PMZ A-750 was made for use in the army, NKVD units and for USSR citizens. They were willingly purchased by townspeople and villagers. The design of the motorcycle was strong enough, but, unfortunately, very capricious and unfinished. Numerous complaints about the construction led to the fact that in 1939 the motorcycle was finally removed from production.
Totally 4 636 copies of PMZ A-750 were made.
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