nutaiga · 11 months
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blaiddfailcam · 8 months
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Ranni and Miquella's crossed fates
I've briefly mentioned before my thoughts on Ranni and Miquella's intertwined fates and their potential cooperation, but I swear I keep finding more and more subtle hints and decided I should probably start jotting them down, if only for my own amusement.
Some of these are observations, others are my own theories based on said observations. Take them with a sizeable grain of salt.
Torrent and the spiritcalling bell
The Shadow of the Erdtree promo art appears to imply that Miquella was Torrent's former master. Ranni was entrusted the spiritcalling bell by this enigma.
Torrent was entrusted to Melina, who by deduction is potentially Miquella and Malenia's amnesiac sister. It wasn't just chance that brought the two together, but could have been part of Miquella's plan all along.
The spiritcalling bell shares a similar function to those used by Revenant Worshippers to summon forth wraiths. For whatever reason, Revenants appear numerously in areas associated with either Miquella or Ranni, and seldom elsewhere.
His name calls to mind rushing waters, falling in line with the theme of flowing water to counter stagnation and rot. Malenia was tutored by the Blind Swordsman, after all, whose flowing sword sealed the Outer God of Rot long ago.
Torrent's eyes are the same pure gold color as the Miquellan Albinaurics, differentiated by their uniform pigmentation from the golden irises of "grace-given" beings.
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Conescrated Snowfield's relevance to Ranni
It is the only location where Rimed Crystal Buds grow, an ingredient used expressly for crafting Frost Pots, a weapon devised specifically by Ranni's servants.
The white bowers are only found elsewhere in the regions of Siofra River, surrounding Nokron. Likewise, two Followers can be found in the Snowfield.
Astel reappears in Yelough Anix Tunnel.
Black Knife Assassins lend aid to Ordina to guard the Haligtree from unwanted guests.
Consecrated Snowfield's situation at the northernmost region of the map, west of the Mountaintops of the Giants, parallels the positions of the Dark Moon and the Full Moon in the northern sky, as seen from the Moonlight Altar.
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Carian influences in Elphael
Loretta, a knightess of Caria, elected the land of the Haligtree to be the most promising refuge for the Albinaurics of Liurnia, pledging fealty to Miquella while maintaining a protective spell over her former house. She was not marked a traitor to Caria, suggesting an alliance between the two houses.
The Miquellan Knight's Sword illustrates a clear borrowing of craftsmanship by the Haligtree, modeled after Carian weaponry, yet substituting holy amber for glintstone.
On the contrary, the Black Leather Shield, purchased from Pidia the Albinauric, appears to hint at the location of the Haligtree: "From the north, this shield depicts the polar star in rivets of gold." The Celtic motifs typical of Miquellan weapons and armor faintly trace the edges of the shield.
There's also the mystery of the Amber Starlight Shard. Pidia offers a map leading to a hidden statue of Miquella and Malenia where the shard is found; Seluvis requires the shard to try and gain control over Ranni. The shard itself is said to be the lost fate of a demigod...
Ranni and Miquella's lost Great Runes
Certain details suggest the Great Rune of the Unborn had actually been intended for Miquella, from its function as a device for rebirth, to the amber egg that cradles it, even down to how its shape matches Malenia's Great Rune, albeit smaller and pure gold.
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The children reborn of the amber egg all possess eyes of mixed gold and greenish-blue. Strangely, this mixed pigmentation only appears elsewhere in the eyes of Revenant Worshippers, again reinforcing that bizarre connection with at least one of the two Empyreans in question.
Ranni also lacks a Great Rune, yet a somewhat commonheld theory is that the moon bears a marking that can be seen within the Elden Ring, yet isn't connected to any of the other Great Runes. It depicts a vertical line intersected with upward arcs, like a sort of ripple.
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This sigil is also seen in the Ripple Blades carried by young Albinaurics, and even in the Haligtree Crest itself. Though the number of "ripples" and their curvatures vary, the general symbol remains consistent.
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Blind guesses as to what it all means
A sword memorial in Altus Plateau reads as follows:
"A sovereign alliance rots from within.
"Traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy."
At first, I thought this might have been referring to Mohg and Miquella, and that Mohg had sworn an alliance with the Haligtree in conspiracy to abduct the sleeping Empyrean. However, it's not entirely unlikely that it could refer to Ranni and Miquella's alliance, and perhaps their potential conspiracy that would culminate in the death of Godwyn and the shattering of the Elden Ring.
While Miquella had clearly worked to either ensure Godwyn would die a true death, or that he could restore his soul through the rite at Castle Sol, but either failed or was thwarted, just like when Mohg abducted him from the Haligtree. For all we know, maybe Ranni even deceived Miquella with a pact.
As for their missing Great Runes, and the Haligtree's plantation in a region more befitting a Lunar Princess, I almost get the sense that, having clarified her intent to rid herself of her Empyrean destiny, Ranni offered Miquella passage to the north, and possibly even the Great Rune she had inherited. This effectively allowed them to trade fates, but it remains to be seen what Miquella/Trina's plans truly were, if the DLC might offer any hints.
Or, perhaps their fates had been entangled from the beginning, starting with Radagon's sly subjugation of the Carian lineage, and his vow of silence enforced upon the Carian Preceptors to hide what the stars might portend. Either way, it seems clear that Ranni and Miquella harbored a mutual distaste for the stagnation of the Golden Order.
...I'm fully prepared for this theory to split apart at the seams when Shadow of the Erdtree drops (hopefully soonish??????). Still, it's fun to mull over in the meantime.
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primelight · 1 year
Concerning Seluvis (and Pidia)
Ok, I completely understand where the ‘Pidia is the puppet master’ theory came from (Vaati, alternate interpretations of lore etc.). However, all the evidence in favor of that is circumstantial, AND can be countered.
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1. We already know that puppets can be given (or loaned) to someone who isn’t the original creator. After all, the player can get a few.
2. The Raya Lucaria soldier puppets are being used to guard the rooftops of Caria Manor. Pidia is a servant of Caria Manor, and looks to be the only sane Albinauric sorcerer left. It makes sense for him to tasked to use the puppets to protect the Manor.
3. This also explains why he says ‘You!’ when you first come down the ladder; he saw you on the rooftops.
4. There’s no law that there can’t be two perverted dolly-botherers. And Pidia is absolutely a perverted dolly-botherer.
5. You can hear the soldier puppets kill him after you find Seluvis’ body. If we’re talking ‘real’ puppet master, that’s an interesting coincidence.
6. Yes, he has the map to the amber starlight shard. However, he runs a storeroom. It makes sense that there’d be old, forgotten things in there.
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7. From a meta perspective, you, the player, are just browsing the shelves when you buy stuff from Pidia.
8. Gideon has beef with Seluvis. It’s clearly mutual. Seluvis chose Nepheli, Gideon’s adopted daughter, as his target for the puppetizing potion. Why would Pidia, an Albinauric sorcerer with no apparent connection to the Roundtable Hold, order something like that?
9. Puppetry is specifically called out as a Night Sorcery/Nox thing. Carians in general are connected to the night, and the stars. Seluvis was one of Ranni’s father’s Preceptors, and a master sorceror. Seluvis’ bell bearing indicates a clear visual connection to Carian and/or Night sorcery....and that’s an entirely different post, stay tuned.
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11. We’ve seen a non-summoned remote-controlled puppet in action: Finger Maiden Therolina. She shows up at the Radahn festival, and is utterly silent. She bows and...that’s it. You can buy her from Seluvis, too, or get her as a free puppet. And you see her in his chambers, so, yeah, she’s a puppet. And Seluvis himself has an awful lot of personality for a remote-controlled doll, doesn’t he? So...I speculate that he isn’t.
12. The biggest one IMHO is that Ranni knows that Seluvis puts you up to giving her the amber starlight draught. Either she is...spectacularly stupid, or Seluvis is the puppetmaster. And she knows it.
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And, finally...Seluvis’ puppet body...This is a stretch, sure, but there are a few explanations:
13. We already know that sorcerers can body-surf. Sellen does it, using a body that Seluvis made. Jerren himself says, when he finds her ‘dead,’ that she’s doubtlessly got another body stashed somewhere. We help her upload her consciousness with that primal glintstone.
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14. The merchant note on ‘the Preceptor’s Secret’ claims that Sellen visits (of visited) him quite frequently. Circumstantial, but it is not out of the question that they were both in on her backup plan. Why wouldn’t he have a backup plan?
15. ...He was totally being a pervy dolly-botherer with her new, empty body though.
16. So one explanation is that he somehow ditched his body for another. Or shut it down for future use. But we’ll never get that proven one way or another.
17. Another explanation is that Ranni made him drink one of his potions. He gets puppetized after you give her the fingerslayer blade....so he’s outlived his usefulness to her. And since she absolutely did know what he was up to, maybe she thought it was time for some justice?
Anyway...This is also all circumstantial. We’ll likely never get a confirmation of any of this. I think you can run with either theory...Fanfic fuel either way!
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(Image credit to Fextralife for Sellen)
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sabisuki · 1 year
i just cannot agree with the “seluvis is pidia’s puppet” theory. it’s so. convoluted. and basically every piece of evidence for it could also be interpreted in a way that doesn’t support it.
no puppet is shown to be able to speak (or appear separately from their physical body as a spirit, like seluvis does in ranni’s tower)
imo, ranni force fed seluvis his own potion as revenge for having planned against her, the instant son he was no longer useful. it makes sense as an ironic punishment.
pidia, a carian servant, was probably being truthful about his duties being to maintain the cuckoo puppets (which belong to seluvis and are still in use to protect the manor and ward away threats to ranni)
to be fair this still doesn’t explain a couple of the strange quirks about pidia. why is he in possession of some of seluvis’s belongings when he dies, etc etc. maybe he stole them? he definitely isn’t above doing shady shit judging by how eager he is to sell off his top secret carian goodies .
as for why the puppets attack him, it makes enough sense to me that they simply went berserk when seluvis “died” (or, well. like. lost his free will.)
sorry it’s my bedtime/im extremely high energy/im getting annoyed by literally everyone going DID YOU KNOW SELUVIS WAS A PUPPET ALL ALONG??? like it’s a stated fact when it’s just one possible theory
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Elden Ring to dnd5e with Thops and Pidia, Carian Servant. Continuing along in my goal to add every Elden Ring NPC, Creature and Boss to dnd. If you're just seeing this and like the idea you can check out the over 100 or so creatures and fights I have already made over on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/KaitlynsBustlingWorkshop Its available for free every monday with new updates. And I have already completed pretty much every boss fight in the game.
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themikecollective · 2 years
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Pidia: Y-you! I, er, sorry, your worship... I-I apologise for any offence given. I am Pidia. Servant to the Carian royal family. I am charged with maintaining these g-ghastly dolls.
Ahh, your worship, allow me to be of use. Other than the puppets, there are some very fine things up here in this storeroom. Why not pick something out, before you go? But please, can you offer poor ill-starred Pidia... A little something by way of compensation?
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