ichiigotsukii · 5 months
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strawberryxspice · 2 years
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holly-greens-blog · 7 years
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     Hello! It’s Aaron, back at it again with another blog! This time it’s for Fandomless OC by the name of Holly, who has the power to control nature and talk to animals! She’s a skittish cute who honestly doesn’t know how to make friends outside of animal buddies she’s got inside her forest, but she’s certainly looking to try. Now, if you might be interested, could you Reblog and or Like this Post? I’d love it for this to spread around, and I look forward to writing with you!
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strawberrydaiko · 7 years
outofberries: i’m gonna be on here later to get ichigo going again.
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wulfiestired · 8 years
Just drapes all over your inbox. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Not if I drape all over yours first > : O
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tiny-winged-fae · 9 years
Escape, Pistol
Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it?
((Generally he likes either snuggling up to someone or making arrows, though the latter sometimes frustrates him if he’s too stressed out to focus properly. Snuggles almost always help him relax and calm down though- he likes feeling someone else’s warmth nearby or listening to them breathe.))
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence?
((Aishil isn’t a very violent person...on purpose, at least. If he’s scared enough he’s certainly not above flailing and/or punching and/or kicking in panic, but he doesn’t like hurting people. His aim with a bow and arrows is incredible though, and he takes great care to keep his handmade bow in good condition.))
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theunluckyelf · 10 years
Seeing as you lived in Mirkwood, did you know Legolas, Tauriel, or Thranduil? Or did you have very little interaction?
"Well, of course I knew of the king, though I only even saw him in person on one occasion, and we never spoke. The same goes for the price, though in truth I may have met him and not known him as I ad many classes with other noble children in my youth, and I have heard he had some classes that I did, though I do not know the truth of this. I met Captain Tauriel but once, on a spider hunting trip. She fights fiercely, but I can say no more of her."
//for anyone who cares to know, mun does not really care for Tauriel as she is portrayed in the films for a lot of reasons, so I will pretty much pretend she doesn't exist unless a good RPer of her comes along. And I don't like pre-establishing relationships with cannon characters and my OCs that I RP in case I find someone who plays that character and they don't like the pre-established stuff. If I do find someone then I may speak with them about a pre-established relationship, since for example Legolas and Gwyn are actually about the same age, give or take a few decades, so it's highly possible that they would have met and interacted.
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miss--undersee · 10 years
heyyy everyone! i had no access to icons/gifs/anything for a while. if there's a thread of ours that i haven't responded to by the end of the day, it probably means that my activity feed lost it. just give me a gentle poke, and i'll get to it as soon as i can. : ) 
also, please like this for a starter if you want one!
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ichiigotsukii · 10 months
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Sorry for the radio silence, in true Niko fashion, I had a procedure done that was supposed to be simple but then had a bunch of complications and had be in the hospital for a few days. I'm settled at home and on the mend but things will still be a bit slow moving as I heal up and get myself able to move again. Thank you as always for the patience as I get my life together. I have nurse @bottleofbabes taking care of me though so I'm in good hands! Love you guys! 💚✨
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strawberryxspice · 2 years
NSFW Sideblog for StrawberryxDreams 
There will possible be explicit content so follow at your own risk. Let’s get spicy!
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I'm gonna pick up trying to finish the next chapter of Ami's story. Gah. I haven't worked on this fanfiction in forever.
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tiny-winged-fae · 9 years
(Headcanon) ↹
↹ for a best friend headcanon
((Aish has a funny thing about 'best friends' in that 'friend' usually means 'I adopted you and you're mine now'. Most of his roster of best friends also kind of overlaps with his roster of adoptive brothers and sisters and the occasional parental-ish figure.))
"Eheh. I'm a people person?"
((That's one way to describe yourself.))
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theunluckyelf · 10 years
Anyone who wants to do a werewolf AU with Gwynnie(whether she's the wolf or your character is I'm good either way~!) like this post and I'll message you about it! 
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miss--undersee · 10 years
so...due to unfortunate technical difficulties I don't really have access to my icons/gif icons/anything. i'll get to replies (hopefully) tomorrow! 
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ichiigotsukii · 1 year
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StrawberryxDreams and @bottleofbabes attend a wedding at a manor in the woods! 💚💙
(It's not munday but the wedding was on munday so I'm counting it)
The place looked so magical! ✨
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ichiigotsukii · 5 months
*puts on my elderly glasses as Lobo shows me how to edit reblogs*
I have the right xkit but it doesn't look like everyone elses?????
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