gazeta24br · 2 years
A multinacional farmacêutica Pfizer apresentou à Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), ontem (30), um pedido de autorização temporária de uso emergencial para uma nova versão a vacina bivalente contra a covid-19. Segundo a empresa, a nova vacina contém uma mistura de cepas do vírus SarsCov-2 e promete maior proteção frente à Ômicron, variante de preocupação no país, responsável pelo maior número de óbitos, especialmente no primeiro semestre de 2021, no pior momento da pandemia até agora. De acordo com a Anvisa, a Pfizer já havia apresentado pedido semelhante, em agosto, para uma versão bivalente que contém a subvariante omciron BA.1. Este pedido encontra-se em análise pela Anvisa. Agora, a empresa solicita a avaliação da versão que contém a subvariante BA.4/BA.5, em adição à cepa original da vacina Comirnaty, com indicação para aplicação como dose de reforço na população acima de 12 anos de idade. A vacina monovalente Comirnaty foi registrada pela Anvisa em fevereiro de 2021 e está autorizada para uso a partir de 6 meses de idade. Após o pedido na Anvisa, a agência tem 30 dias para concluir a avaliação, mas este prazo é interrompido sempre que for necessária a solicitação à empresa de complementação de informações ou esclarecimentos sobre os dados de qualidade, de eficácia e de segurança apresentados.  Ag. Brasil *Todos os artigos publicados são de responsabilidade exclusiva de seus autores e não expressam a linha editorial do portal e de seus editores.
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langkahsehatjogja · 2 years
CALL!!! 0812 1552 7934 TIPS AGAR MATA TETAP SEHAT DI MASA PANDEMI - cs.lekasehat.com 
Pandemi COVID-19 masih belum berakhir. Adanya  varian Omicron menyebabkan kegiatan tatap muka yang sempat  direncanakan  harus dibatalkan. Kondisi ini  membuat kita untuk berhadapan dengan  platform online lagi untuk melaksanakan  kegiatan seperti belajar, diskusi, meeting, dan lain-lain.
Lalu, bagaimana dengan  kondisi kesehatan mata kita yang akan selalu terkena  radiasi sinar layar komputer maupun handphone? Sementara, menatap layar terlalu lama dan sering akan  menyebabkan mata cepat lelah, kering, iritasi, bahkan menyebabkan kelainan pada mata.
Menurut American Optometric Association, para  pengguna  komputer disarankan menggunakan  kacamata anti-radiasi yang dibuat khusus untuk melihat layar komputer. Hal ini dikarenakan cahaya dari layar mengandung radiasi yang dapat mengganggu indra penglihatan.
Simak yuk, Tips untuk tetap menjaga kesehatan mata meskipun  kita dituntut untuk melakukan kegiatan yang  berhadapan dengan layar gadget.
Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Mata 
·Mengatur Jarak  Penggunaan Antara Mata Dengan Layar Gadget danmemakai  Gadget dengan Rasio Layar yang Lebar
Mata lelah dapat diakibatkan  karena durasi kerja jarak dekat yang cukup lama. Ketika melihat dengan jarak dekat, mata akan mengalami penyesuaian untuk menerima bayangan yang jelas dari objek yang dilihat. Maka otot pada mata akan menjadi  kontraksi sehingga menyebabkan kelelahan pada mata. Maka dari itu postur tubuh  berpengaruh pada jarak ideal  penggunaan  gadget,  biasanya yang paling umum adalah dengan jarak satu lengan atau sekitar 30-40 cm, sehingga tercapai jarak pandang yang aman untuk mata.
Penggunaan gadget layar kecil seperti handphone tidak disarankan  saat sekolah atau kerja dengan metode daring, karena dapat membuat otot mata lebih berkontraksi. Lalu setelah itu, jarak  penggunaan handphone terhadap mata juga relatif dekat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan komputer atau laptop.
 ·Aturan “Dua Puluh“
Aturan dua puluh adalah aturan yang jitu untuk mencegah kelelahan pada mata. Arti dari aturan dua puluh yaitu: Selama dua puluh menit melihat layar Kemudian dilanjut istirahat selama dua puluh detik dengan melihat sejauh dua puluh kaki. Saat melakukan istirahat, otot mata akan berelaksasi.
·Mensetting Frekuensi Kedipan Mata
Mata kering terjadi karena produksi air mata yang berkurang dan terjadi peningkatan penguapan air mata. Pada kebanyakan orang yang tidak memiliki penyakit sistemik, mata kering disebabkan oleh penguapan air mata yang meningkat. Hal itu dikarenakan frekuensi kedipan hanya 4-6 kali permenit bahkan sampai 2 kali permenit saat melihat layar, biasanya kedipan mata terjadi 14-16 kali permenit. Hal tersebut memicu mata akan kering dan cepat mengalami iritasi
·Atur Penerangan Gadget
Penggunaan kontras yang tinggi pada gadget dapat mempercepat mata untuk lelah, sehingga disarankan untuk mensetting dengan tingkat kontras yang minimal. Saat ini sudah tersedia mode “eye comfort” yang dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan saat melihat gadget.
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solavalla · 2 years
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unpluggedtv · 2 years
India’s daily #COVID19 tally crossed the 1 lakh mark on Friday with 1,17,100 new cases in the last 24 hours.
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Hochul tells New Yorkers that second boosters are offered at state’s mass vaccination sites.
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By BY VIVIAN GIANG Government officials move to get ahead of an uptick in cases fueled by the highly transmissible Omciron subvariant. Published: April 2, 2022 at 06:39PM from NYT World https://ift.tt/7rKHpIj via IFTTT
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binladenblr · 2 years
Bác sĩ Trương Hữu Khanh: 'Trẻ nhiễm Omicron thường triệu chứng nhẹ, khỏi nhanh' - VnExpress Sức khỏe - VnExpress
Bác sĩ Trương Hữu Khanh: ‘Trẻ nhiễm Omicron thường triệu chứng nhẹ, khỏi nhanh’ – VnExpress Sức khỏe – VnExpress
Triệu chứng ở trẻ mắc Omicron khác với Delta như thế nào thưa bác sĩ? Các con tôi 5 tháng trước đã nhiễm một lần rồi, liệu có thể bị lại lần hai không? (Toàn, 40 tuổi, TP HCM) Thứ nhất là cho tới hiện nay, Omciron có triệu chứng khác với Delta, nhưng có những triệu chứng đó chưa chắc là Delta. Những khu vực có Omicron nhiều như TP HCM hiện nay thì trẻ có thể mắc. Triệu chứng đặc thù khi mắc ở con…
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Seiring berjalanya waktu varian COVID19 semakin berkembang, seperti varian Omciron ini. Apa sih Omicron itu ? Yuk mari kita simak informasi berikut ini.
#Covid19 #Omicron #pmiselalubantu #pmilomboktimur
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opedguy · 2 years
Trudeau Cracks Down on Truckers
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Feb. 19, 2022.--Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 50, finally cracked down on trucker protests that swamped the street in Ottawa housing parliament and government offices.  For the last month, truckers from all over Canada launched anti-vaccine protests disrupting government business, trying get their point across to Trudeau’s government.  While Trudeau remained tolerant for a few weeks, he lost his patience, ordering the largest police mobiliztion in Canadian history.  Canadian truckers won the praise of anti-vaxxers in the United States, where certain right wing groups oppose government vaccine mandates and other steps used to slow the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus.  Protests against Trudeau’s strict Covid-19 measures came a little late as Covid-19 cases and hospitalization dwindle, prompting health authorities to reduce pressure for vaccines and other restricted measures.    Trudeau’s crack down leaves many Canadian leftists questioning his policy, despite supporting vaccine mandates and other measures to deal with the third year of the Covid-19 global pandemic.  “They are trying to push us away,” said Jeremy Glass of Shelburne, Ontario.  “The main camp is seized now.  We’re not longer in possession of it,” Glass said, referring to how Canadian police pushed protesters out of the area in front of parliament.  Police complained about protesters “aggressive and assaultive” behavior, forcing the otherwise pacifist Trudeau to crack down.  Canadian authorities seized some $3.2 million in Canadian dollars [$2.5 million U.S.] of protesters bank accounts, showing the government was serious to end protests.  Trudeau’s government complained that the protests were funded by right wing groups in the U .S.  Protest organizers said they ordered trucks to move away from the Ottawa government buildings.    Ottawa police gave protesters plenty of advance notice about the crackdown, telling them to vacate the area.  “We told you to leave.  We gave you time to leave.  We were slow and methodical, yet you were assaultive and aggressive with officers and the horses.  Based on you behavior, we are responding by including helmets and batons for our safety,” read a Tweet from the Ottawa police.  Ottawa police confirmed 47 arrests Saturday, showing that some protesters refuse to comply.  Over two-dozen trucks had been towed, including one blocking one of Ottawa’s major streets.  Trudeau showed great restraint over the last three weeks but finally said enough is enough.  Unlike most crackdowns in the U.S., Canadian police handled the protesters with the utmost care, despite making mass arrests for those uncooperative.  Called the Freedom Convy, truckers were considered heroes to anti-vaxxers.    When Ottawa residents complained of intimidation by truckers, Trudeau decided to restore Canada’s civil society.  Anti-vaxxers were not in the mainstream of Canadian society that has some 90% of citizens vaccinated.  Freedom Convoy drew praise from right wing group in the U.S., protesting Biden’s vaccine mandates that were actually tossed out by federal courts.  Ottawa’s Freedom Convoy comes at a time when vaccines mandates and other restrictive measures are dwindling following a drop off in Omciron variant cases and hospitalizations.  Government vaccine mandates don’t sit well with many citizens in the U.S. and Canada because it violates the June 22, 2010 Patients Bill of Rights in the United States, where patients have a right to refuse any medical treatment of their choice.  Freedom Convoy got out of hand blocking the Canadian parliament and other government offices.    Trudeau got fed up with truckers blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan, preventing auto parts supplies from getting to Detroit’s auto manufacturing.  Dozens of protesters blocking the Ambassador Bridge were cleared out last week.  Another border blockade in Manitoba, across form North Dakota ended Wednesday without serious incident, ending the Freedom Convoy disruptions.  Trudeau got fed up with U.S. cash pouring into the protests, disrupting and embarrassing the Canadian government.  Trudeau often finds himself the brunt of U.S. conservatives, using him as a target of everything that’s wrong with Canadian socialism.  When Trudeau acted decisively to end the Freedom Convoy, he faired much better than U.S. law enforcement that couldn’t stop violent protests, looting, riots and anarchy in summer 2020 in American cities.    Trudeau didn’t engage in Fascist behavior ordering a stop toe the Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa.  He showed everyone that Canada will not tolerate lawlessness and disruptions to the Ottawa government.  As Covid-19 diminishes across state lines and international borders, the Freedom Convoy lost much of its steam.  Debates about the rights of government to impose vaccines on unwilling participants is a legitimate debate in the U.S. and around the world.  If the U.S. stuck to former President Barack Obama’s Patient Bill of Rights, there would be no debate, because citizens have a right to refuse treatment, including public health measures.  Trudeau showed that government has a right to draw the line when it comes to peaceful protests getting unruly and blocking important civic functions.  Blocking interstate or international commerce on key bridges crossed a dangerous line. About the Author John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.        
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kamuweb · 2 years
Dünya Ekonomik Forumu’nun yıllık toplantısı 22-26 Mayıs’ta
Dünya Ekonomik Forumu’nun yıllık toplantısı 22-26 Mayıs’ta İsviçre’nin Davos kentinde 17-21 Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında yapılması planlanan Dünya Ekonomik Forumu (WEF), dünyada hızla yayılmaya devam eden Covid-19’un Omciron mutasyonu nedeniyle geçtiğimiz sene aralık ayında ileri bir tarihe ertelenmişti. WEF tarafından yapılan yazılı açıklamada, “Dünya Ekonomik Forumu, yıllık toplantının 22 Mayıs Pazar-26 Mayıs Perşembe tarihl... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/ekonomi/dunya-ekonomik-forumunun-yillik-toplantisi-22-26-mayista.html memur alımı kamu personel alımı
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daaft-prick-69 · 2 years
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On a day when US just hit a record avg of daily new cases, around 267,000. UK and France reported 130,000 and 180,000 cases respectively due to Omciron.
India has reported 6000 cases today. So loser Bloomberg thought now's a good time for us to talk about whom to blame for Delta.
@KapsJosh on Twitter
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izmirdoktorlari · 2 years
Diyarbakır'da Omicron varyantı görüldü
Diyarbakır’da Omicron varyantı görüldü
DİYARBAKIR (İHA) – – Diyarbakır‘da Omicron varyantı görüldü İç Hastalıkları ve Tıbbi Onkoloji Uzmanı Hekim Halis Yerlikaya: ” Aşılıysanız Omicron’a karşı koruyuculuğunuz daha yüksek” ” Omicron’a üzgü bir PCR testi yapmıyoruz” ” MRN dediğimiz yeni teknolojilerle üretilen aşıların tesirli olduğu çok net ortaya koyuluyor. Hatırlatma dozlarını da kesinlikle yapmamız gerekiyor” DİYARBAKIR – Omciron…
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sigortahaber · 2 years
İsviçre’nin Davos kentinde Ocak 2022 tarihlerinde yapılması planlanan Dünya Ekonomik Forumu (WEF), Covid-19’un Omciron mutasyonu nedeniyle ileri bir tarihe ertelendi....
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opedguy · 2 years
Pfizer’s Paxolid Works on Omicron
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Jan. 18, 2022.--Pfizer announced today that it’s new anti-viral oral drug Paxlovid has been effective in clinical trials in preventing the replication of the Omicron variant, a positive sign for anyone trying to reduce the variant’s adverse effects.  “Taken together, these in vitro studies suggest that Paxlovid has the potential to maintain plasma concentrations many-fold times higher than the amount required to prevent Omicron from replicating in cells,” Pfizer said today in a press release.  Getting Paxlovid to market should take time rolling out the new anti-viral drug that works like Remdesivir or Veklury, a drug that came with some serious side effects. Pfizer’s active anti-viral agent nirmatelvir worked effectively to prevent the Omicron variant from replicating, “a potent inhibitor of its target,” Pfizer reported.  Pfizer also reported that Paxlovid worked effectively with the original SARS CoV-2 and Delta variants.    
         Omciron variant now accounts for over 97% of new SARS CoV-2 cases in the United States, presenting problems with mRNA and adenovirus vaccines, both types provide inadequate protection against Omcron infection.  Full vaccine protection, including boosters, provide the best protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death, but the exact benefits vary based on patients’ age, immunity, pre-existing conditions and other factors affecting whether Covid-19 infections morph into more serious disease.  A new study at New York City-based Carl Ichan’s Mt. Sinai School of Medicine found that Paxlovid or nirmatrevelir was needed to stop Omicron viral replication. “These data suggest that our oral Covid-19 therapy can be an important and effective tool in our continued battle against this devastating virus and current variants of concern, including the highly transmissible Omicron,” said Pfizer’s Dr. Mikael Dolsten.  
                     Dolsten, Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, thinks there’s much scientific promise in Paxlovid to help stop Omicron replication to prevent emergence of symptoms and severe disease.  “We will continue to monitor the treatment’s activity in the real-world settings and believe that these in vitro findings will continue to be validated,” Dolsten said.  U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave Paxlovid Emergency Use Authorization for anyone 12 or older at risk of severe disease.  Preliminary reports of Omicron causing less severe disease have not panned out, with hospital and ICU beds filling up around the country.  Pfizer’s Paxlovid hopes to cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89%, when given to Covid patients within a few days of exposure.  Determining exposure has been difficult from the lack of antigen or PCR testing available to average citizens exposed to the Omicron variant.    
         U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] say that 63% of the total U.S. population [of all ages] or 209 million have are fully vaccinated. About 75.1% of the U.S. population has received at least one dose, not considered enough to stop Omicron infection now accounting for 97% of the U.S. population.  About 20.1% of the U.S. population or 63 million is not vaccinated at all, leaving them vulnerable to severe disease, hospitalization and death, something President Joe Biden calls the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  But new CDC data shows that breakthrough infections are occurring at higher rates than the original novel coronavirus and Delta variants.  So when it comes to fully vaccinated and boosted patients breakthrough infection are occurring at higher rates with the Omicron variant.  About 1,158,537 doses of mRNA and adenovirus vaccines have been administered each day.  About 666,000 booster does are administered daily, accounting for the most shots.     
        Johns Hopkins Medical Center estimated about 296,000 are receiving their first vaccines each day.  About 786,000 new Omicron Covid cases occur a day, about 2.4 times as high.  Apart from vaccine efforts, the CDC now recommends a N95 or KN95 masks to give better protection from transmitting disease.  Biden has promised getting N95 or KN95 masks to every American citizen, currently using a variety of face-coverings, including surgical masks, even bandannas.  Social distancing guidelines especially in sporting and recreational venues have also added to the current surge in Omicron cases.  Whether Omicron has begun, in some places, to peak or decline is anyone’s guess.   Because of the highly infectious nature of the Omicron variant, hospitalizations continue to present problems for county health officials around the state, unable to manage existing Covid cases.   
          Omiron has thrown U.S. health officials for a loop, defying protection given by mRNA and adenonvirus vaccines, leaving untold numbers of breakthrough infections.  CDC officials can’t determine with certainty whether fully vaccinated-and-boosted citizens have eight times less chance of infection and 21 times less chance of severe disease, hospitalization and death.  Omicron has not shown less severe symptoms, only that prior infections and vaccines have not stopped new infections.  CDC officials don’t know whether the end of the Omicron surge represents the beginning-of-the-end to the  pandemic.  Whether a new variant emerges is not altogether certain as well.  What’s known now is that Pfizer’s oral anti-viral Paxlovid offers hope to stop Omicron from developing into severe disease, if the drug can start with one to two days of transmission, something not easy to do.
 About the Author 
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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