#Old Noel State Bank Building
rabbitcruiser · 6 years
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Bucktown, Chicago (No. 3)
The Flat Iron Building is located in the Wicker Park district of West Town, Chicago. The building is located at the intersection of Milwaukee Avenue, North Avenue, and Damen Avenue. Since the 1980s, it has served as an artists colony, and features visual artists and musicians of all disciplines.
The building was the historic centerpiece of the annual Around the Coyote arts festival held in the neighborhood each summer. It is located across the street from the Northwest Tower.
Source: Wikipedia
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caffeineivore · 4 years
Commission #6, Belatedly
For @d3fiant, who prompted R/J from an old ficverse.
Holly isn’t in this business for the ill-gotten means, as it were, he’s sure of it.
Of course, it’s not her real name, but then again, none of the women that Jack has come across in the last two years since the beginning of his acquaintance and association with D use their real names. Men in their world still have an easier time of it-- most bystander witnesses would not remember the likes of Noel, for example, beyond hulking shoulders rippling with tattoos, or Konstantin beyond polished but nondescript businessman with watchful eyes and a three-piece suit. Holly, on the other hand, has a face which could grace the covers of glossy magazines and a voice to match the black satin of her hair. He’d been able to pick her out from across a crowded room the minute he’d met her. 
He wonders if D has an affinity for herbology of some sort -- certainly, the aliases of his female associates are various types of flora-- all innocuous but deadly. Holly. Jessamine. Daphne. Belladonna. He’s not paid to wonder about it, or about Holly’s origins and habits and what makes her tick and what makes her smile, but a man convalescing from a gunshot wound is a man with nothing but time and his mind for company. Holly, certainly, does not bother to visit more than the bare minimum. Sensible girl.
She brings him his meals, though, three times a day. He is almost certain that wherever she’d brought him is not one of the usual safe houses-- his room locks from the outside and he is both too weak and too smart to attempt to explore outside the confines of the four walls. There is a shelf full of books for his entertainment as he recovers-- ranging from leather-bound classics to trashy paperback sci-fi novels to a good year’s worth of subscriptions to various magazines both pithy and frivolous-- Time. National Geographic. Better Homes and Gardens. Vogue. Us Weekly. The furniture is elegant and tasteful, running towards graceful antiques rather than the sleek and modern, but for all that, there’s no coziness to the room. The hermetically sealed window-- storm-paned glass-- looks out to a well-manicured expanse of yard featuring velvety lawns and neat beds of stately, formal flowers-- two banks of rose bushes, red and white, line up with the precision of soldiers, bordered by neat green hedges. The yard is completely bordered by tall, upright poplars, shielding it from view of prying eyes. It’s certainly too nicely-appointed of a property for the likes of the average safe house, which in Jack’s experience has always been as deliberately nondescript as possible down to the dun-coloured siding and the mid-sized minivan generally kept parked in the driveway. 
A clock-- one of those graceful silver-and-glass affairs with Roman numerals marking the hours-- ticks away at the top of the bookshelf, and just as the hour of noon, a key turns in the lock, and Holly walks in with a tray. She is always punctual on these thrice-daily visits: breakfast at eight, lunch at noon, dinner at six. Jack gives her his customary grin, which she does not return, and takes her in.
She’s wearing a cream-coloured silk blouse and a quiet knee-length skirt in dove-gray, with matching stilettos which are completely silenced by the plush of the carpet. No adornment aside from the ruby studs in her ears. Add in a leather handbag and perhaps a long coat in a neutral shade, and she’d blend in with any socialite out for lunch or shopping. He’d bet any money, though, that there’s a gun strapped to her leg under the skirt. She doesn’t know him any better than he knows her. And considering the last time he’d seen her wielding a Beretta 92 at a pursuing car’s tires, he’s well aware that she’s more than proficient with firearms. 
“What’s for lunch, Jill?” His inquiry, as intended, earns him a thinly veiled glare. She doesn’t look like a ‘Jill’ either, but it’s fun to get a reaction out of her. She’s normally so controlled. She sets the tray down on the desk, in precisely the same spot as his breakfast tray from earlier had been. 
“Grilled salmon and a whole wheat roll, with a spinach salad with blue cheese and cranberries on the side. Don’t call me Jill.” It’s always healthy, well-prepared food, and he thinks that it is perhaps the type of fare that she would eat. There’s a bottle of grapefruit juice to go along with his meal-- no wine, no beer. He has a mid-level craving for a greasy, juicy burger with everything but the kitchen sink piled into it and an icy, foamy lager, but he’d have to be somewhere other than this most well-appointed of prisons before he’d be able to indulge. 
“You gonna join me for lunch for once, sweetheart? Just a quick meal between friends and associates. I won’t bite.”
“I have a lot of other commitments this afternoon, and you have a checkup.” 
“Ah, yes. With the good doctor from the docks. You know, I do think she’s the only one of us who actually has no ulterior motives or hidden agendas. The only ‘good’ one, as it were. She didn’t even ask questions when you and Noel brought me in, did she? What a kind soul. What’s her name again?”
“Angelica. You seem to have a real problem remembering people’s names.” Holly doesn’t spare him a glance as she lays out a place setting-- complete with a snowy linen napkin and heavy silverware, arranged formally, and pours his grapefruit juice into a glass half-full of crushed ice. She definitely grew up in a household accustomed to formal meals, whatever she’s doing these days amusing herself by running recon or engaging in gunfights rather like some elegant version of a gun moll. 
“I will try harder.” Jack tucks his tongue in his cheek and admires the way her legs look in that prim, narrow skirt. “So that’s a no on joining me for lunch, huh?”
“Noel will be over in an hour to take you to physical therapy. You need to fully recover from your wounds, and will be of very little use to D if that gunshot takes you out of the game.”
“It would be a damned shame, wouldn’t it?” Jack cuts into the tender pink flesh of the salmon with his knife and fork. “I suppose I’d have to live out the rest of my days in boring, civilian anonymity. Probably learn how to mow lawns and weed gardens. Your yard is very nice. Who takes care of it?”
“I have a gardener on staff, and contract a landscaping company that handles the heavy work.”
“So this is your home, then. I feel so honoured to be a guest.” 
Perhaps she was not trying to tell him so much. Jack grins even as she scowls. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I know not to brag about our time together. Is it so wrong that since I am stuck here until I heal I try to get to know you better? I knew everything about everyone on my platoon, down to MacMillan’s allergies to cats and Patterson’s wife’s obsession with reality TV to Rosenberg’s fondness for gas station hostess cupcakes. We spent a lot of time together, often in close quarters, always with the same people. And besides, isn’t the point of being part of a team knowing and trusting your team members?”
“If you think that spouting off some corporate bullshit team-building synergy nonsense is going to persuade me, you are vastly mistaken. I’m not here to be your friend or your confidante. Just eat your lunch and get yourself ready to your physical therapy.” Holly, clearly at the end of her patience, tidies up the remnants of his last meal and drops his empty coffee cup onto the tray with an irritated clatter. “I have to deal with you when we are working together so as to not end up on the wrong side of a bullet. Outside of that, we’re not here to be buddy-buddy.”
She takes the tray and walks out of the room without a backward glance, and Jack listens to the sound of the lock turning in the door. He could, if he really wanted to, pick it with the tines of his dessert fork. Or smash through the window and rappel down the side of the house and take his chances. But it would be a pity on all levels-- at such an egregious breach of conduct, D would kill him, if Holly didn’t do so, first. And he’s almost certain if the day came that his life was forfeit to the syndicate, he’d deserve it, and never see it coming. 
He finishes his meal-- it is expertly prepared and delicious, after all-- and goes over his mental notes about the beautiful, deadly enigma whose somewhat unwilling hospitality he is currently imposed upon. Holly looks to be perhaps in her late twenties, born into great wealth and privilege, and on their first meeting, had spoken flawless French like a native Parisian. But her English is definitely American, with traces of New England society in its haughtier moments. Her hands are elegant and manicured, but he’d seen her just as gracefully snap the neck of one of the goons who’d attempted to corner her in the deserted warehouse. She handles hand-to-hand with the cool, business-like attitude of someone viewing it as a necessary evil, competently and skillfully, but not with any particular relish. He can’t quite pinpoint where she’d been trained, but the style is distinctly Asian, with its graceful stances and lethal strikes and kicks. Every little tidbit of information he gleans brings with it more questions, more interest. 
“You’re a hell of a woman, Jill.” Jack grins at nothing in particular and makes his way to the en-suite bathroom to wash up after his meal. There, too, no expense is spared-- the towels are plush, the fixtures pristine, and the soap and shampoo smell pleasantly of cloves and sandalwood. He is given a razor to shave every morning, but it’s always gone out of the bathroom by breakfast-- taken out with his dinner tray and the hamper of clothing. She trusts him enough, perhaps, to keep him in her home rather than a safe-house, but not enough to leave completely to his own devices. Perhaps she wonders about his background and motives like he does about hers.
Noel knocks on the door before unlocking it, right on time. The big guy is a lot less mysterious than Holly is-- Jack already knows the gist of his background. Former Irish mob, a bare-knuckle brawler with the big arms and shoulders to prove it. He’d seen Noel hot-wire a car on one occasion in all of seventy-five seconds, and also seen those big bruiser’s hands, skillful and gentle as a maiden aunt’s, fiddling with wires and microphones to bug an opponent’s office after they’d broken in. Noel doesn’t try to hide the Boston in his accent, or indeed the Galway when he’s particularly riled up. He’s been in D’s employ for two years longer than Jack has, and simply refers to the kingpin as “Boss man”. Quite efficiently, Noel wheels him down the hall, then into an actual elevator. He’s brought outside into a van bearing the name and logo of a dry cleaner’s and efficiently strapped in. Noel takes a circuitous route through town-- not that Jack can see anything from the back-- but at least deigns to play music during the drive. It’s unapologetic, kick-ass hard rock heavy on the guitar and drums, precisely the type of music that does not invite or facilitate conversation.
By the time the van’s doors are opened again, Jack is far, far away from the polished, glossy neighbourhood of Holly’s residence. Garbage-laden alleys and derelict buildings dot these tenements with urban blight, and the industrial building they’re parked in front of is pock-marked with graffiti and rust stains on the concrete walls. To get in, Noel has to swipe a keycard, then punch in a code. They wheel down a straight hallway bright with fluorescent lighting and Noel unlocks the next set of doors with two different keys. The clinic that Dr. Angelica runs, though, despite its singular location, is clean as a whistle, equipped with state-of-the-art technology. She meets them at the door, a petite, pretty woman with sad blue eyes and a wistful smile, and turns her attention to Jack.
“You’re looking well. How are you feeling?”
“A lot better than when I’d gotten shot, that’s for sure.” The bullet had hit him in the leg through the door of their escape vehicle, and Holly had taken control of the wheel from the passenger side even as he’d slammed on the brakes, nearly causing a spin-out. In the tense seconds that followed, though, she’d managed to fire off three shots through the open passenger side window, taking out their pursuer’s two front tires and the windshield. That car had rammed into a wall head-on, and she’d managed to keep him awake and alert for long enough for backup to arrive. He’d woken up, briefly, in this same clinic, groggy on meds, with Angelica patiently stitching him up. She’d taken the time to explain that he’d caught a bullet in the leg and was very fortunate that it had not nicked his femoral artery, but it would be awhile before he could be up and running again. He’d taken it as a matter of course-- really, if one were to think of it, he’d been fired at with a lot deadlier weapons back in the day with his platoon in war zones. A 9 millimeter in the leg from a gang member’s Glock could have been a land mine, or a hail of bullets from an AK-47. Then she’d put him under again, and he’d woken up in that room in Holly’s house some days later, disoriented but safe enough. A week and a half later, Holly still lets herself get annoyed with him whenever he teases her, and a small part of him finds that gratifying.
“I don’t have to explain how lucky you are, of course. With your background, I’m sure that you know. But with the right therapy and exercise, I don’t see why you wouldn’t make almost a full recovery in good time.” Angelica tells him after running some tests. “You are quite healthy otherwise, and you neither lost a lot of blood or received any extensive bone and tissue damage. A clean through-and-through, as we say. It certainly could have been a lot worse.”
“I could be floating facedown in the river, yeah,” Jack says drily. “How long are we talking, Doc?”
“For someone of your size and health, you can be up with crutches as soon as two weeks from now. If you maintain a healthy regimen of light but steady exercise on that leg, you should gain full mobility in another month after that.”
“Do you really think Holly will put up with me for that long?” Jack asks drolly. He isn’t quite sure how well the good Dr. Angelica knows Holly, but certainly the doctor knows enough of the syndicate’s business to not only ask no questions when he’d been brought in, but set up a whole secret clinic in the slums that runs as well as a trauma center in a major hospital. He’d heard of the Doc in the docks since he’d started, but until now, had never had occasion to meet her. “You know Holly, right? Black hair, red lipstick, very hot, keeps a Beretta on her at all times? She can’t stand me.”
Angelica’s lips twist into a faint smile. “If you say so. I know her of old. We roomed together freshman year at Yale. She’ll find a way to tolerate your company for as long as needed, I’m sure.”
Yet another tidbit of information about his elusive, fiery partner-of-sorts falls into his lap. It’s almost more exciting than the prospect of crutches in the next two weeks. Jack lets Angelica poke and prod some more, answers questions by rote, and counts down the hours until he can see her again. 
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caffeinechesters · 6 years
Wincest Writing Challenge: Sept 2018 | @caffeinechesters vs. @ Sunflowerssammy Prompt:  “Bonfires” Pairing: Unrequited Wincest AO3 link: here  Word Count: 1595 Rating: PG   Tags/Triggers: unrequited love
It was hard for Sam to comprehend when he saw a bonfire meant for a celebration. Up until that point, a bonfire was just a way of disposing something. Dean tried making it fun by making it competition on who’s pile would burn the longest or the highest. Overall, bonfires never screamed celebration to Sam. It meant that they were soon leaving or something went awry and they needed to burn all evidence that they ever existed in that town.
They were stranded in St. James, Louisiana near Christmas. Their dad was out hunting ghosts haunting old sawmills, plantations, and the bayous. Dean wanted to go along, trying to convince him that he needed a hand, John told Dean to keep Sam safe and to stay put. Sam hated that their dad couldn’t see him as the teenager he was that could take care of himself for a couple of days, possibly weeks, but at the same time, he didn’t mind having Dean around for Christmas. Maybe he could convince Dean to let him practice his aim with the beer can wreath that somehow appeared on the front door of the trailer. Sam decided he will do it either way, but it’s better if he can Dean in on it, too. The only downside to having Dean around without their dad is that it’s harder for him to hide the fact that he loves his brother far more than he should. Sam has an inkling that their father knows, but as long as Sam doesn’t act upon it, he figures he leave them alone.
The first day after John leaves is the same military tight schedule that he has for them. Dean is always afraid that he’ll come back because forgot something and it’ll prove to him that Dean isn’t capable of filling of shoes. Sam wants to scoff because Sam can never see Dean becoming like their dad despite how much Dean idolizes him. The second day is the start of the vacation away from John as Sam puts in his mind. They can run wild and free as long as the law doesn’t follow them home. It suits them both fine. However, Sam feels jealous flare up inside of him when he sees Dean bring home girls from the bar and shoos him outside no matter where they are. He thinks Dean might feel the same when he mentions someone he’s interested in judging by how schooled his expression is. It might be wishful thinking his sixteen year old mind supplies, Dean is his universe and Sam is Dean’s.
Dean on third day after John left comes into the trailer looking exuberant for someone that a couple of hours ago was lamenting about the lack of girls here and how he’d have to go across to the town on the opposite bank of the Mississippi.
“Sammy guess what,” Dean starts, looking expectantly at Sam to ask him what.
Sam looks up from his book,letting out a sigh, “What Dean? You finally found a girl?”
“What? No, I haven’t found a girl, but I found out they have an awesome thing going on Christmas Eve,” Dean says looking very excited. Sam thinks there either has to be booze or girls involved to get Dean his happy.
“Does it involve whiskey and girls,” Sam questions, eyeing his brother.
“How little you think of me, Sammy. There’s this tradition here called Papa Noel where basically it’s Santa Claus with gators instead of reindeer but they light bonfires on the levees to guide him. People are already building their frames for their bonfires,” Dean tells Sam. “One of the ones I saw is looking like a crawfish on the way back here.” Sam can’t help but laugh at Dean. Something as simple as lighting a fire will bring him such glee like a couple of years ago when they lit up that abandoned field. Dean looks at him like he grew another head.
“Yeah Dean. It does sound awesome, but why are you telling me? Dad is probably gonna be back before Christmas Eve,” Sam states trying not to sound like downer.
“About that. Dad called me while I was picking up some more bread and peanut butter. He found a rugaru case a couple of parishes away, so it’ll probably be after Christmas when he comes back,” Dean tells Sam. Dean is bracing for whatever Sam may throw when it comes to their dad: elation, anger, or a combination of the two.
“You mean we’re going to spend Christmas here,” Sam questions.
“Yeah, we are, so do you wanna go see a bunch of people light bonfires on the levee with me tomorrow night,” Dean asks.
Sam hesitates a moment. A part of Sam wants to angry over their dad leaving them alone on Christmas again but seeing Dean excited over this is more important.Dean is looking at him, trying to gauge what Sam’s first reaction will be. Dean knows that John not being there for the major holidays is a sore spot for Sam (and when he was younger), but the thought of watching people light massive wooden structure might make it seem a little less abandonment and a bit more adventure.
“Yeah Dean we can go to the levee tomorrow night. Do you think we can stop at that local cafe and pick up some beignets and coffee before,” Sam asks while trying to hide his enthusiasm over this.
“Of course, Sammy,” Dean says before heading back to use the shower.
When Sam hears the shower turn on he can finally grin and be happy that their dad isn’t going to be around for Christmas. It means that they’ll be able to be normal for once. Maybe Sam will be able to admit to Dean the way he’s felt since they razed that field on the Fourth of July. There could be a Christmas miracle after.
The next day is filled with both of them just lounging about the trailer, with Dean complaining it’s hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it’s in the mid-sixties outside and it feels more like fall. Sam agrees to an extent and reminds Dean of the time they got snowed in a cabin near the Canadian border. He shutters at the thought of that cabin surrounded by nothing but snow without any entertainment except for old lore books and Sam.
Dean stays true to word even when Sam said he was joking about the beignets and coffee from the cafe when they go out at dusk. They eat the beignets at the cafe, savoring the flavor, and trying to smear their powdered sugar fingers on each other and laughing. They garner looks from some of the other patrons but soon they’re leaving for the levee to get a look at some of the designs that are soon going to be lit.
The structures that are soon going to be lit come into view before they can cross the street to the levee. Most of them are tall, teepee-shaped all lined up following the curve of the river. They wander around looking for more unique ones and it’s Sam that spots one that looks like a fleur-de-lis. Dean doesn’t seem impressed by the architecture of any of them which he bemoans to Sam about how they’ve build better structures out of less than ideal kindling wood and assorted materials. Sam hates to agree with Dean most of the time, partially because it’ll inflate Dean’s already to big ego, but he has a point. Most of them have the height but Sam figures if they were giving a lot of time in the form of days instead of the “we only have as long as until someone calls the cops on us” they could do just as well if not better. They do end up chatting with a couple of the builders to find out their method, especially the fleur-de-lis shaped one.
Dusk is giving into the night, stars hazy bright overhead. Someone who is official looking gives a signal downstream and the night lights up with the fire crawling up the structures. It’s a beautiful sight Sam thinks and looks over Dean whose eyes are glued to the bonfires. Dean looks over at him and smiles, mouthing the words awesome before looking up to the sky when he hears fireworks going off. Sam wants to stay in this moment forever. He inches closer to Dean, nudging his shoulder against him. Dean looks down at first before moving his eyes up to meet Sam’s.
“Thank you Dean for taking me out here tonight,” Sam tells Dean over the din of the celebration.
Dean smiles and says, “What else are brothers for Sammy? I couldn’t let you waste away in that trailer on Christmas Eve when this is happening.”
And Sam in that moment realizes he could never tell Dean. Dean views him as his kid brother. Sam just nods and watches Dean look back at the celebration. Sam needs to get away from Dean before Dean finds out that he’s a freak like every bully has ever told him. Sam was thinking about going college. That would give him space. Maybe if he’s away from Dean and the claustrophobic, nomadic lifestyle of hunting he’ll realize that it was just a product of too close of quarters and not enough friends. Sam hopes that’s all it is. Come tomorrow he’ll need to plan his course of action, but tonight, he’ll stay as close to Dean as he can.
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koganphrancis · 6 years
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And Now Shameless Slanders The Littlest Milkovich?  FUCK YOU
My recap of Season H8 Episode H8
They really had Vee refer to Yevgeny as a “little psychopath”, just to retcon every decent Milkovich that ever was.  Completely unnecessary and untrue, and WHERE THE FUCK IS IAN, WHY ISN’T HE IN THIS KID’S LIFE ANYMORE, HE STATED FLAT OUT HE LOVED YEVGENY.  Thank goodness there’s a gif of a Henckel flipping the bird to help me through this trying time.
I’ll try to temper my bitterness for the rest of this, but I make no guarantees.  
That horrific remark about an innocent child aside, this episode had little to get me riled up over-it was one of the most boring episodes they’ve ever done-every week they seem to outdo themselves on that front.  
This piece of shit-pardon me-episode was written by day-to-day showrunner Nancy Pimental and it was either her lame attempt at trying to win Macy that Emmy OR her purposely sabotaging him, because his storyline was the longest and most painfully unfunny this week.  
Also it was directed by Emmy Rossum and she gave herself a shit ton of close ups which I suppose is her prerogative and heaven knows the writer didn’t give her much story to shoot.  
This week opens with the dog Rusty staring at a still in bed Fiona and kicks off the aforementioned close ups.  I still want that dog to be explained-the law isn’t “dogs that have eaten human flesh must be destroyed-unless someone’s willing to take a chance on rescuing them”.  Why is there zero fucking research on this show?
Meanwhile, Franny’s screaming but Debs is too busy in the bathroom taking a half dozen pregnancy tests and acting like the world owes her something-that will be her theme throughout the episode, as it has been for the past few seasons. 
Nancy tries to capture some of that “all the Gallaghers in one place at one time” magic by having everyone crowd around the bathroom and giving Ian his first spoiled toddler line of the ep, “Guess I won’t shower today-gonna get filthy anyway cleaning that shitty building my sister found for homeless kids.”  Whatever that meaningful moment on Ian’s bed was last episode is being forgotten or ignored by this dumbass show.  Will it ever be revisited?  Who knows. 
Lip, who this season is like Mrs. Kravitz on Bewitched and seems to have this compelling need to insert himself into other people’s drama while ignoring his own, volunteers to take Debbie to Planned Parenthood where she again acts like a total bitch who needs a reality check, and where Lip just happens to be there to see Charlie (Snore’s ex) walk in with a very pregnant woman.  Such fortuitous timing!
There’s a gross scene of Carl peeing into a toilet between Kassidi’s legs as she sits on the back of the toilet-good god, Nancy, is that what you think the kids are into these days?  All I’m gonna say about Kassidi is that she’s exactly like Sammi only younger and even more charmless.  Whoever the fuck thought the show needed that vibe back needs to be fired.  And I get that Carl is supposed to be thinking with his self-inflicted deformed dick, but, really?  After seeing his father and Monica over the years, plus living with Sammi for a bit, he wouldn’t know enough to run from that type of chick?
Frank has this totally convoluted “only on Shameless” business venture going where he’s going to smuggle immigrants who feel unsafe in the USA over the Canadian border and bring back his car loaded with prescription drugs.  Sure, Frank.  Anyway, the only scene of note in the many long and boring scenes he got this week is when he’s listing talented Canadians-and when he DOESN’T say “Noel Fisher” we all hear it anyway and laugh at this lame show for letting all that talent go.  Assholes.  
Instead of recycling Mickey’s shirts this week, the show does something even more stupid: they use the VFW hall where Mickey got married as the new youth shelter AND they use the basement where Mickey and Ian banged before his wedding as the food bank Debbie goes to!  Okay, Cam, I gotta say, that’s a version of audacious-reminding us of those classic Mickey moments the show can’t come close to having using any of the characters they’ve kept on.  
Speaking of Mickey (not that the show ever does), Nancy tries to recreate some of that old Mickey magic with having Terror call Ian a “Negative Nellie” when he bitches some more about the new youth shelter.  Pinning nicknames on Ian is a Mickey thing only-why are they constantly reminding us of the gaping holes that losing Noel has left?
Anyway, here’s how Nancy tried to bring some shit talking South Side back into the show: Ian: This place is a dump. Terror (to Geneva): Don’t listen to Negative Nellie he’s still mad about the church. I: (sarcastic) Ye-ah, cuz you got pity fucked by my sister with this building. T: (imitates Ian) Ye-ah-and she was really good.
Side note-can you imagine Ian ever trying to joke with Mickey about him fucking his sister?  Sheesh.
I: I bet-she’s great at getting what she wants and screwing everybody else.
WTF?  Has Nancy ever seen the show?  Fiona always winds up screwing herself over.  I’m not a huge fan of Fiona’s big sister act, but even I can admit she sacrificed a lot for her younger siblings and never did things to screw them while advancing herself.  The thing Ian should be mad about is Fiona’s comments about Mickey-and even then she didn’t screw Mickey or Ian, she just said some stupid shit that Ian didn’t have to listen to.
Anyway, Geneva tells Ian and Terror about the gay conversion church, so now I know taking on organized religion wasn’t what Ian referred to as “larger concerns”.  One of the youths tried to commit suicide after being subjected to it, so Ian and Terror go visit him and the kid holds up his bandaged wrists and asks if they like his hot wristbands and even though it’s canon that Ian witnessed his mother moments after she slit her wrists and Terror spent his prom night in an emergency room because he slit his, neither of them bat an eye or react in any way to the kid’s injuries.  
Emmy throws in a way too long scene of Fiona dancing around in her underwear (after more way too long Frank scenes).  Again it amazes me how this show just recycles the same shit over and over-anyone remember Fiona’s happy dance in the church she went to check out for her and Sean to get married in?  
Ford catches her in the act and entices her to go out and look at Chicago architecture with him-I want the jobs that either of them have where they have all the free time in the world to lollygag.  And why is the show wasting all this time on all this crap in one episode?  Paint drying on those historic buildings would’ve been more interesting to watch than this hour of television.  
At the end of their tour, Ford shows her the inside of a house he’s working on (all by himself, apparently, I guess he doesn’t work with a crew) and asks her to lie down on an improbably placed mattress and she’s a tad hesitant at first, but when she does it, he points out art on the ceiling to her.  She’s impressed with its beauty and then starts making out with Ford in a total recreation of Ian with Faileb and thinking that guys who show any bit of interest in them as people must want to fuck them.  It was stupid with Faileb, it’s stupid with Ford.  
There’s a scene somewhere along the line with Kev and Vee that’s bordering on spousal abuse-I really wish they’d end this “Kev grows some balls” idea immediately. "Big neanderthal man” is not a thinking person’s idea of an ideal partner.  
Ugh, now for more of the Ian crap.  He goes home and asks if they have a Bible laying around.  He finds one, and the next day-THE VERY NEXT DAY-he and Terror go to the gay conversion church and Ian gets into a Bible quoting match with the pastor/minister/whatever he is.  I’m sure Cam was hard as a rock thinking he was coming off like Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, but the movie character I was thinking of was Rain Man-how else could he have memorized several Bible passages overnight unless he’s some sort of idiot savant?  
Terror is basically an Ian accessory in the scene-a backpack or a briefcase or a Trapper Keeper, holding Ian’s Bible for him until he needs it.  And the whole, “We’ll probably be banging again soon” right after Terror calls himself Ian’s ex was stupid-not funny or sexy, which I bet was what good old Nancy was going for. 
Cut to a scene of Snore getting a bit of a story thread that they probably originally kicked around for Mandy, and she has the triggering line that she’ll “run away to Mexico” if her father is released from prison.  Sure, Snore, whatever.  
Then there’s the scene where Kev is trying out his domineering dick act for the second time this ep on Svetlana, and Vee gets turned on and hands Yev over to Svetlana calling him that P word.  Fuck you, bitch.  I hope Svetlana is scheming to fuck Kev and Vee over big time-they have a scene where it looks like Svet’s doing that, but with this show, who knows if it’ll be alluded to again?
In the time it took Ian and Terror and the refugees from the gay conversion church to walk to the youth shelter, a video a person recorded at the church on her phone has been uploaded to You Tube and Geneva tells Ian it has a thousand hits already-cuz, yeah, Nance, that’s how the You Tube works.  Homeless kids working to clean up a dilapidated building have their iPhones turned on to get alerts whenever a video that has anything to do with gays gets posted to YT and they all drop everything and watch it.  
The only other thing I want to mention is the preview for next week-they show a quick clip of Ian and Terror pulling their shirts off that’s a ripoff of Mickey and Ian’s first time, a shot of Ian watching Terror asleep next to him in his bed where he’s awkwardly as fuck touching his face, and then a clip of Ian saying, “Kinda nice-us being a thing again.”  (WHAT HAPPENED TO GET OFF MY PORCH, DICK????  But I digress.)  Terror answers, “Jury’s still out.”  Well, if by jury he means FANS, we handed down our verdict a long time ago.  
I wonder if the show is trying to set up them finding their way to be a “true” couple (GAG), and then “tragedy” will strike and pull them apart when Ian gets arrested and they think  it’ll be poignant and painful for the fans, when actually we’ll be cheering and yelling, “Throw Ian in prison for 15 years, bitches!  Throw away the key and don’t have anyone visit!  Have Terror say it’s too painful for him to see him behind glass like that!!!!”  
But then again, this show is so inconsistent maybe that’s not where they’re headed at all.  Maybe they just think Ian needs the chase to stay interested, and for some misguided reason the writers think that’s what the fans want to see.  
We really, really don’t, though.  
And I can’t say it enough: Fuck this show for that line about little Yev.  It seemed like another very deliberate slap to the face of Mickey Milkovich fans everywhere.  
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cabildoquarterly · 4 years
New Prose: Annaliese Jakimides
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Images by Annaliese Jakimides
Gratitude Bank
I have been accused of being a Pollyanna. But please don’t dismiss me so lightly here. I see the devastation. My heart is crackling, splintering, over those not just dying or sick, but all the others who are suffering. It’s one thing to be pretty much locked at home in a place with space—multiple bedrooms and a sit-down kitchen. But five or six or seven kids, extended family even, closed up in a one- or two-bedroom apartment with a galley in which you need only pivot turn from sink to stove? The homeless. The jobless. The hungry. I am even anguishing for the drug addicts who cannot go without their fix (my brother was one for almost 50 years, so, trust me, I know). But even in the toughest of times, we can find joy, often in the most unlikely places, if we remain open to the possibility.
In my life, I have lived with only macaroni and butter and pepper, lost my home, worried about housing and work, lost a son to his own hand and many others to health and age, situations of their own making and not. I am, however, made to see—or at least look for—the light in everything. And so today when I went for an early-morning walk in the city I now call home, I headed up deserted Main Street where all our small (almost everything is small in Bangor, Maine) storefronts and restaurants are shuttered, except for the card table outside the bookstore for picking up orders and the few adjusted-to-a-version-of-takeout eateries. I crossed West Broadway, a holdover street of big houses from the sea-captain days, to see the new (and extraordinary) chain-saw sculpture carved from a damaged tree in front of Stephen and Tabitha King’s house. As I approached the corner, peaceful space turned into raucous street construction. Backhoes and diggers, foremen, laborers, and flaggers. The sound of pseudo-normalcy in almost spring—we had snowflakes last night. And then I heard “Hey” shouted over the machinery din and turned to see a smiling woman, wielding the stop/slow flag with one hand and waving her other cigarette-holding one at me.
The last time I had seen her, she was stoned-oblivious, tipping over, hanging outside Dunkin Donuts downtown, but not oblivious enough to not recognize me as someone she vaguely remembered, and so we passed a few words. This is not the first time a shout-out recognition has happened on the outside with someone I met when he or she was an inmate at the local jail and I would explore life with them through the lens of children’s books. I know, it sounds impossible and crazy, but ask any of them, it’s a door opening into a deep interior of our shared lives.
Here she is—Marie, I think, although I’m not good with names—waving and shouting, telling me she’s doing okay. Amongst all this heartache and disruption, she’s working, working for the state, a good job with benefits. “You look great. I’m so happy to see you,” I call back. She nods, smiles through a waft of smoke. I am so happy, so happy that I fairly skip the few remaining blocks to my apartment.
I am adding this exchange, the vision of Marie at work, to my gratitude memory bank of these times, to live beside, among others, my grands, who live in New Jersey with a Covid-19 death toll that has long ago surpassed its Vietnam numbers; my grands, who know someone who died from it; my grands, whose parents are still working; my grands, who, in the midst of it all, are experiencing being children, I would say, for the first time. No daycare. No school. No out-to-eat with the whole extended family. No gatherings for birthdays, holidays, babies, weddings. No sports practices. No wrestling meets or soccer games. No adults organizing the where/when/who/what of everything.
And so, they are now, this just-turned-eleven-year-old boy and his eight-year-old sister, best friends. They must be. There are no others readily available. Some squabbles, but not so much. They have figured out compromise and concessions in ways they couldn’t seem to comprehend before.
“Ama,” my granddaughter says when she calls, “want to see our art?” Some is explosive movement, geometrical shapes, blazing colors; others, Georgia O-Keeffe’y; and still others, penciled cartoon characters. It’s noontime; she explains they are done with the schooling that their amazing mother manages to navigate while setting up a website to sell goods online, potting plants, responding to customers and vendors.
“Done?” I’m incredulous “When did you start?”
“We start at 6:30 so we can have the rest of the day to play.” Play. I love that word. Their dad knew play—out in the fields, the woods, where you go dream up your worlds and interests somewhere inside or outside on the 40 acres of a northern Maine homestead. In their busy, managed lives, these children have not known “play,” the kind that takes a fair amount of unencumbered, idle time, lazily expanding imagination. And so, these days, they are tenting inside magical worlds; painting; dancing and choreographing; building games from discarded Zappo boxes and plastic kitchenware.
Today, my grandson tells me his album (well, maybe I said “album”; he probably had another word) is going to “drop” soon. Recently, he downloaded an app and has been playing around with lyrics, his and others’, making changes, finding connections. Every day, I watch the short video of him singing on my phone and am reminded that there is still much we can find to be grateful for. The phone. The din of machines on the corner. A hand waving. Sneakers on my feet. Voices of people—known and unknown. Breath.
Annaliese Jakimides’s poetry and prose have been broadcast on local and national public radio, and published in many journals, magazines and anthologies. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize, she has been a finalist for the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize and the Maine Literary Awards, in both poetry and nonfiction, among others. She has written about many of Maine’s creatives, including Lois Dodd, Noel Paul Stookey, Melissa Sweet, Ashley Bryan, Clara Neptune Keezer, Alex Katz, Cathie Pelletier, Daniel Minter, and Harold Garde. Her work is rooted in place—inner city and raw, open rural—and people. She now lives in downtown Bangor, Maine.
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“But helping someone out, even a stranger, matters too. It feels good to help people. It even feels good to help people we don’t like or don’t know well. In fact, the act of helping someone actually rewires how we FEEL about that person.” – Written By Angela Noel, Contributing Author for The Astonishing Tales Digital Magazine
Originally Published HERE  on January 18th, 2018 at You Are Awesome.
  I need help.
The Astonishing Angela Noel Lawson, Author, Writer and Founder of You Are Awesome and contributor for The Astonishing Tales Magazine
Few three-word sentences are so loaded with meaning.
On the one hand, I could be asking for something simple, like directions or the time of day.
On the other hand, maybe I need something more, like a kidney or a cashier’s check payable to a bank in Nigeria.
Either way, I’m guessing you react to that phrase. I know I do.
Many of us have a complicated relationship with needing and granting “help.”
This relationship, bound up in the shortcuts our brains use–our cognitive biases–can make all the difference in building meaningful, collaborative connections with others.
In this post, as I promised in the introduction to this series, we’ll explore how we build relationships, contribute in our communities, and get work done.
Believe it or not, this little brain elf is called: The Ben Franklin Effect.
The Ben Franklin Effect
As a society, we value self-reliance.
“I need help,” challenges that cultural norm. It’s an admission of weakness–or so we think. Wayne Baker, author of “5 Ways to get Better at Asking for Help,” suggests the reason many of us don’t ask for help is the fear of social obligation.
If we receive assistance, what will we owe the giver? We don’t ask for help because the idea of owing someone, or appearing  weak, freaks most of us out.
Ironically, when someone asks for help, we respond. Those Nigerian Princes have figured that out. Sure, a million-dollar payday may motivate the folks who fall for the phishing schemes.
But helping someone out, even a stranger, matters too. It feels good to help people. It even feels good to help people we don’t like or don’t know well. In fact, the act of helping someone actually rewires how we FEEL about that person.
This is the essence of The Ben Franklin effect.
Researchers in the modern age set about proving an effect noted by Ben Franklin in his autobiography. Franklin noted an “old maxim” he’d employed more than once in his capacity as statesman: “He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged.”
The experiments first conducted in the late 60s and 70s and repeated in later decades confirmed Franklin’s maxim. When we feel needed, or as if we’ve offered a service to others they’ve found value in, we actually like the person we helped more.
Liking a person more contributes to cognitive ease, a phenomenon Daniel Kahneman discusses throughout his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow.Cognitive ease, according to the research, results in feeling good. And when we feel good, we’re more likely to feel safe and confident.
In relationships, feeling safe and confident is the cornerstone of trust. An excellent example of this in the real world is the “Village Movement.”
The Village Movement
The Village Movement was defined by the New York State Office for the Aging as a membership organization covering a defined area or neighborhood.
A consumer-initiated and consumer-led organization, a Village supports seniors and those living with disabilities to “age in place.” It works beautifully.
In a nutshell, members of the virtual community earn and spend credits by doing small jobs, like stacking wood, winterizing homes, and performing small repairs for seniors or others in need.
In return, those volunteers spend the credits they earn among the community as well. Seniors contribute sewing expertise, gardening advice, storytelling, babysitting etc. Leslie Wall, the director of Community Connections in California said in an interview with NPR:
We expected seniors would want transportation and they would want visitors and someone to call them weekly. And what we found was the greatest need of our seniors was to be needed.
We have seniors who want things to do that are vital, that matter, that make a difference.
Seniors, one of our most vulnerable populations, benefit, but so does everyone else. By both needing, and being needed, we change the way we feel about each other.
It’s no longer a sense of obligation, pity, or a power-struggle, it’s a community among equals.
What’s Next
We all find ourselves in situations where we want or need someone else to like us. Examples abound from all facets of our lives: a new lover’s parents, co-workers, potential clients, hiring managers, literary agents . . . the list goes on and on.
In Ben Franklin’s case, he wanted to win over a rival legislator. Instead of sucking up to him, Franklin asked to borrow a rare book in the fellow’s library that he was genuinely curious about.
The guy could have said no, but he didn’t. This small act of kindness, and the subsequent connection it made between the two men, resulted in a lasting friendship.
Mutual, authentic, and meaningful relationship begin with positive vibes. Creating those good feelings can happen in a lot of ways.  One way is to offer our help.
But it might be even better to ask for help instead.
Obviously, when used by scammers and people hoping to exploit our brain’s positive bent towards connection and empathy for their own selfish ends, The Ben Franklin Effect and the cognitive ease it creates can be dangerous.
I’ve naively given money or time to people who didn’t want a long-lasting mutually beneficial relationship with me. Lesson learned. I think another old maxim, trust your gut, should always play a role in whether we ask for, receive, or offer help.
It’s a brain elf, remember. Just because it feels good doesn’t mean it always is.
However, knowing how our brains work can help ease social tension, build relationships, and create community. This knowledge can also help us avoid evil buggers.
Don’t be one, and don’t let one of them into your world. Perhaps that’s easier said than done. But I believe in us.
The bottom line is simply this: Good things come to those who ask.
Your turn: When have you wanted to make a good impression? Do you find it easy or hard to ask for help? Do you like to be asked for help if someone needs it?
I’m The Astonishing Angela Noel, Contributing Columnist for The Astonishing Tales Digital Magazine and I Am Astonishing, And I Approve This Message!
For more from Angela Noel, check out her website at Angelanoelauthor.com
You will find more of Angela’s work here at The Astonishing Tales Digital Magazine.
Angela can be found on Twitter by Clicking HERE; and also at Facebook by clicking HERE; Her work can also be found on Bloglovin by clicking HERE.
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Cognitive Bias Series: Making a Stranger Into a Friend "But helping someone out, even a stranger, matters too. It feels good to help people. It even feels good to help people we don’t like or don’t know well.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 years
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Architecture in Chicago (No. 10)
Bucktown is a neighborhood located in the east of the Logan Square community area in Chicago, directly north of Wicker Park, and northwest of the Loop. Bucktown gets its name from the large number of goats raised in the neighborhood during the 19th century when it was an integral part of the city's famed Polish Downtown. The original Polish term for the neighborhood was Kozie Prery (Goat Prairie). Its boundaries are Fullerton Ave. to the north, Western Avenue to the west, Bloomingdale or North Avenue to the south, and the Kennedy Expressway to the east. Bucktown's original boundaries were Fullerton Avenue, Damen Avenue (formerly Robey Street), Armitage Avenue and Western Avenue.
Bucktown is primarily residential, with a mix of older single family homes, new builds with edgy architecture, and converted industrial loft spaces. Horween Leather Company has been on North Elston Avenue in Bucktown since 1920.The neighborhood's origins are rooted in the Polish working class, which first began to settle in the area in the 1830s.A large influx of Germans began in 1848 and in 1854 led to the establishment of the town of Holstein, which was eventually annexed into Chicago in 1863. In the 1890s and 1900s, immigration from Poland, the annexation of Jefferson Township into Chicago and the completion of the Logan Square Branch of the Metropolitan Elevated Lines contributed to the rapid increase in Bucktown's population density. Three of the city's most opulent churches designed in the so-called 'Polish Cathedral style'- St. Hedwig's, the former Cathedral of All Saints and St. Mary of the Angels date from this era.
The early Polish settlers had originally designated many of Bucktown's streets with names significant to their people – Kosciusko, Sobieski, Pulaski and Leipzig (after the Battle of Leipzig). Chicago's City Council, prompted by a Bucktown-based German contingent with political clout, changed these Polish-sounding names in 1895 and 1913. In its place the new names for these thoroughfares bore a distinct Teutonic hue – Hamburg, Frankfort, Berlin and Holstein. Anti-German sentiment during World War I brought about another name-change that left today's very Anglo-Saxon sounding names: McLean, Shakespeare, Charleston, and Palmer.
Polish immigration into the area accelerated during and after World War II when as many as 150,000 Poles are estimated to have arrived in Polish Downtown between 1939 and 1959 as Displaced Persons. Like the Ukrainians in nearby Ukrainian Village, they clustered in established ethnic enclaves like this one that offered shops, restaurants, and banks where people spoke their language. Milwaukee Avenue was the anchor of the city's "Polish Corridor", a contiguous area of Polish settlement that extended from Polonia Triangle to Avondale's Polish Village. Additional population influxes into the area at this time included European Jews and Belarusians.
Latino migration to the area began in the 1960s with the arrival of Cuban, Puerto Rican, and later Mexican immigrants. Puerto Ricans in particular concentrated in the areas along Damen and Milwaukee Avenues through the 1980s after being displaced by the gentrification of Lincoln Park that started in the 1960s. The local Puerto Rican community lent heavy support for the Young Lords and other groups that participated in Harold Washington's victorious mayoral campaign. In the last quarter of the 20th century, a growing artists' community led directly to widespread gentrification, which brought in a large population of young professionals. In recent years, many trendy taverns and restaurants have opened in the neighborhood. There also have been a considerable number of "teardowns" of older housing stock, often followed by the construction of larger, upscale residential buildings.
Bucktown has a significant shopping district on Damen Avenue, extending north from North Avenue (in Wicker Park) to Webster Avenue. The neighborhood is readily accessible via the Blue Line and has multiple access points to the elevated Bloomingdale Trail, also known as the 606.
Source: Wikipedia
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al32richards · 7 years
Here’s Why the Army May Scuttle Plans to Build a 51-Story Tower in The Loop
A few days before Thanksgiving, the local office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a notice on its web site.  It’s not one of the usual places that one looks for architecture news, so it took a few weeks for the notice to surface.
(We’ve copied as much of the thing as we could below for your convenience.  Full PDF version here.)
Rendering of 110 North Wacker Drive (Courtesy of Howard Hughes Corporation)
What it says is that the army is looking into the proposal to build a 51-story office building at 110 North Wacker Drive.
You may know the building currently in that location as the former headquarters of mega mall magnate GGP.  Or if you’re old school, you may know it as the former headquarters of Morton Salt.
Either way, the army says it may block plans to demolish the old six-story building and put up the 1.35 million square-foot tower that Goettsch Partners designed for Howard Hughes Corporation and Riverside Investment and Development.
Here’s some bullet points to explain why the Corps is getting involved:
The Corps believes that demolishing the old GGP/Morton building could violate the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974.
This is because a few months ago, the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency decided that the building was eligible to be on the National Register of Historic Places.
Why does the State of Illinois think the building is historic?  In a nutshell, because it’s Mid-Century Modern.  And even though there aren’t a lot of real MCM buildings in the Chicagoland area, MCM is still awesome.
Why is the army involved at all?  Because the new building needs the army’s permission to dump rainwater into the Chicago River under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.  And no matter what Rahm, or the politicians down in Springfield want you to think, the U.S. Army is ultimately in charge of the Chicago River.  Just like a big reason the interstate highway system was created was to move tanks around the country in an emergency.
On the surface, it appears that if the developers had just kept their water to themselves, none of this would have happened.  But it’s one of those things that makes life so interesting, and keeps the lawyers busy.
What can you do about it?  Well, if you feel strongly one way or the other, then you’ve got to let the Corps know in the next seven days.  You can put your thoughts on paper and mail them to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
Or, you can e-mail to [email protected], which for most people will be the only chance in their lives to send an e-mail message to an “army.mil” address.
(Also, a big shout out to the people at the Corps of Engineers, who are obviously fans of this blog since they used a bunch of our pictures in their report. [The purple glass caused by using a camera with a Sony RGBE sensor was the tip-off.])
The General Growth Properties Building at 110 North Wacker
Section 106 Historic Property Review 110 N. Wacker Drive
APPLICANT Riverside Investment Development 100 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2150 Chicago, IL 60606 The Howard Hughes Corporation 13355 Noel Road, Suite 2200 Dallas, TX 75240
PROPOSED ACTION Applicants propose to demolish the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building, formerly known as the Morton Salt Building) as part of redevelopment of the site. The Chicago District has determined that the proposed demolition of the General Growth Building constitutes an adverse effect under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974. This notice is part of the Section 106 process to resolve the adverse effect. The Chicago District is soliciting comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation. A detailed description of this proposed project is provided on page 2 of this notice.
LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTION 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Section 9, Township 39 N, Range 14 E Latitude 41.88378, Longitude -87.63744). See attached location map. Interested parties are hereby notified that comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation are requested from the public. You are invited to provide your comments by December 14, 2017 on the proposed work, which will become part of the record and will be considered in the decision. This project is being reviewed under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 [see 36 CFR 800].
Electronic comments may be sent to the project manager at [email protected]
Written comments may be mailed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address, and email address, if available, of the individual commenting, and must be received by the close of the public notice period.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicants are proposing to redevelop the property at 110 N Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, currently occupied by the General Growth Building (formerly known as the Morton Salt Building). The proposed development requires the demolition of the current structure on the project site. The Chicago District received a permit application for the construction of a new stormwater outfall structure in the Chicago River to service the new building on the site. The proposed stormwater outfall will require review and potential authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Due to the need for a federal permit for the new development the Chicago District has been determined to be the lead federal agency for this project under the provisions of Section 106.
In August of 2017 the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) determined (see attached) that the General Growth Building was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture, making it an historic property under the definitions of Section 106. Subsequently the Chicago District determined that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5 (see attached). The IHPA concurred with this determination (see attached).
The Chicago District is, as the lead federal agency, required under Section 106 to explore options avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse effects to the historic property. Toward that end the District has issued this Public Notice to inform all interested parties of the nature of the historic property, the proposed activity, and proposed mitigation to minimize the adverse effect on the property through public comments on the proposed activity and mitigation and an invitation to participate in the Section 106 process for this site.
HISTORIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The General Growth Building (formerly the Morton Salt Building) at 110 N. Wacker Drive is a five-story, glass-and-steel office building with two penthouse floors. It is prominently located on Wacker Drive and occupies a full-block site between Randolph and Washington streets along the Chicago River (see location map). An example of Mid-Century Modern architecture, the building was erected as the corporate headquarters of the Morton Salt Company, one of the city’s oldest companies and the nation’s largest producer of salt at that time. The $4 million building was completed in 1958 and designed by the architecture firm Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. Current photographs of the building are attached to this notice.
The Morton Salt Building was erected with reinforced concrete slab construction and the exterior façade includes extensive use of stainless steel cladding at the slab edge spandrel conditions. Its two-story lobby featured stainless steel glazed storefronts, and more than 4,500 yards of fiberglass were used for the beige, orange, green, and yellow window drapes of the building. Plastic paneling, containing mosaic glass and copper wire designs, were used to line the main corridors. Salt industry operations were the theme for photomurals, displays of wood blocks and etchings, and a selection of contemporary paintings on display. The interiors of the building were designed by A. Dudley Kelly.
The building was designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, a Chicago-based firm with a nationwide clientele that it inherited as the successor to D.H. Burnham & Company. During the 1920s, the Graham firm moved away from its predecessor’s repertoire of Beaux Arts styled bank and commercial buildings to offer designs that included stripped classicism, vertical Gothic, and restrained Art Deco. Such stylistic adaptability was demonstrated in the Civic Opera Building, which is located across Washington Street from the 110 N. Wacker Building, and which exhibits a masterful blend of luxurious classical and Art Deco motifs,
The Morton Salt Company occupied this building for nearly a quarter-century, during which time it expanded into new regions and new products and changed its name several times. By 1990, most of Morton International’s $3 billion in annual revenues came from the sales of airbags and specialty chemicals. In that year, the company relocated to a new skyscraper nearby.
Its former headquarters building remained vacant until 1997, when it was purchased by General Growth Properties, which undertook a complete interior renovation. The building is currently owned by the Howard Hughes Corporation.
PROPOSED EFFECT ON HISTORIC PROPERTY The applicants propose to develop a new high-rise office building on the project site (renderings and site plan attached). The proposed development would require the demolition of the General Growth Building as a first step in construction of the proposed building. The applicant has stated that they can not avoid the demolition of the General Growth Building while meeting the site design requirements of the City of Chicago and the structural needs of the new construction. The proposed project design has been reviewed and approved by the City of Chicago and the applicants intend to begin construction as soon as January, 2018 and the major tenants for the new building have been identified.
The Chicago District Reviewed project alternatives and determined that all alternatives that meet the stated goal of constructing a high-rise office building require the demolition of the General Growth Building. Only under a no action alternative could the current structure be spared, but that alternative does not fulfill the applicant’s purpose of constructing a higher density commercial structure.
PROPOSED MITIGATION The applicants have proposed to mitigate for the adverse effect on the General Growth Building by conducting a survey of the structure and documenting it using the Historic Illinois Building Survey (HIBS) methodology under the auspices of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. When completed the HIBS report would be made available to the public and filed with the City of Chicago and the Illinois State Museum.
The Chicago District would like to gather comments on the proposed mitigation plan and any suggestions for alternative or supplemental mitigation. The District would like feedback from the public as to the adequacy of the proposed mitigation in kind and quantity and is looking for any potential mitigation measures that are proportionate to the proposed impact and can be implemented over a reasonable time frame and cost.
Section 106 provides for the implementation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for mitigation of adverse effects to historic properties. The Chicago District will curate a list of proposed mitigation options submitted as part of this public notice process to be included in a draft Memorandum of Agreement. This draft MOA will be presented to a meeting of signatory and consulting parties on December 15, 2017. This goal of this meeting will be to write a final MOA to be implemented by the applicant as mitigation for the adverse impacts to the General Growth Building.
The signatory parties to the Section 106 MOA are anticipated to be the Chicago District, IHPA and the applicants. Consulting parties to the MOA have not yet been determined. If you would like to be a consulting party to this MOA please let the District know who you are and why you should be included as a consulting party to this Section 106 MOA. Please submit your request by email to [email protected] The Draft MOA Meeting will be held in downtown Chicago on December 15, 2017
It should be noted that materials submitted as part of the permit application become part of the public record and are thus available to the general public under the procedures of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Individuals may submit a written request to obtain materials under FOIA or make an appointment to view the project file at the Chicago District Corps of Engineers Office of Counsel.
Interested parties wishing to comment on the proposed activity must do so in writing no later than December 14, 2017. It is presumed that all parties receiving this notice will wish to respond to this public notice; therefore, a lack of response will be interpreted as meaning that there is no objection to the project as described.
This public notice is not a paid advertisement and is for public information only. Issuance of this notice does not imply Corps of Engineers endorsement of the project as described.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846- 5538, or email at [email protected]. It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address of the individual commenting.
FOR THE DISTRICT COMMANDER: CHERNICH.KATHLE EN.G.1230365616 Digitally signed by CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123036 5616 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKI, ou=USA, cn=CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123 0365616 Date: 2017.11.21 15:12:31 -06’00’ Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch
  REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Technical Services Division Regulatory Branch LRC-2017-583
October 30, 2017
SUBJECT: Construction in Waters of the United States at 110 North Wacker Drive on the South Branch Chicago River between Randolph Street and Washington Street in the Chicago River Watershed of the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Sec. 9, Twp. 39N, Rng. 14E; 41.88378, -87.63744)
Rachel Leibowitz Illinois State Historic Preservation Office Illinois Department of Natural Resources One Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702
Dear Ms. Leibowitz: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District (District) has received an application from Riverside Investment Development (Applicant) for the construction of a stormwater outlet structure in the South Branch Chicago River as part of the construction of a new building at 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, as described above (see also the attached location map). This project has been assigned Chicago District project number LRC- 2017-583, all future correspondence with the District concerning this project must include this project number.
The District has determined that, for purposes of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act [see 36 CFR 800. 3(a) and 800.16(y)], the Federal “undertaking” which has the potential to cause effects on historic properties is limited to the issuance of a Department of the Army authorization for project activities within the permit area. Therefore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District will be the lead federal agency for the project.
Additionally, the District has determined that the relevant permit area for the proposed project will include the entire project site for issuance of a Department of the Army authorization. Similarly, as it pertains to Section 106, the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for direct effects, is the tract upon which the undertaking will occur, and the APE for indirect effects (visual) is 1,000′ North/South along the Chicago River and along North Wacker Drive.
The District is in receipt of a letter from your office dated August 24, 2017 informing the applicant that the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building) has been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture. Upon receipt of your letter, the District began a dialogue with the applicant and their agent (V3 Companies, Inc.) about the proposed project, particularly concerning the necessity to demolish the existing structure on the project site. The District is in acceptance of the applicant’s analysis stating that the only practicable alternative available to complete the proposed project requires the demolition of the existing structure on the project site.
Based on the factors outlined above, it is the District’s determination that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5. The District request the concurrence of the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office with this determination and invites your office to:
1. Identify any other consulting parties as per 36 CFR 800.3(f);
2. Comment as per 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3) on the District’s plan to involve the public by utilizing the District’s normal procedures for public involvement under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Department of the Army permitting process; and
3. Agree in the District’ decision that it is appropriate to address multiple steps in 36 CFR 800.3-800.6 as provided at 36 CFR 800.3(g).
Once a list of potential consulting parties (including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and potentially affected private citizens) has been identified, it is the District’s intention to initiate the public notice process that includes those parties, to solicit comments to be used in drafting a Memorandum of Agreement between consulting parties and to determine suitable mitigation. Notice will also be given to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation as required under 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1). It is our intent to pursue this process diligently to meet our obligations under Federal law and accommodate the applicants desired project time frame as best we can. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846-5538, or email at [email protected].
Sincerely, Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished
from Chicago Architecture https://www.chicagoarchitecture.org/2017/12/07/heres-why-the-army-may-scuttle-plans-to-build-a-51-story-tower-in-the-loop/
0 notes
carol38banks · 7 years
Here’s Why the Army May Scuttle Plans to Build a 51-Story Tower in The Loop
A few days before Thanksgiving, the local office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a notice on its web site.  It’s not one of the usual places that one looks for architecture news, so it took a few weeks for the notice to surface.
(We’ve copied as much of the thing as we could below for your convenience.  Full PDF version here.)
Rendering of 110 North Wacker Drive (Courtesy of Howard Hughes Corporation)
What it says is that the army is looking into the proposal to build a 51-story office building at 110 North Wacker Drive.
You may know the building currently in that location as the former headquarters of mega mall magnate GGP.  Or if you’re old school, you may know it as the former headquarters of Morton Salt.
Either way, the army says it may block plans to demolish the old six-story building and put up the 1.35 million square-foot tower that Goettsch Partners designed for Howard Hughes Corporation and Riverside Investment and Development.
Here’s some bullet points to explain why the Corps is getting involved:
The Corps believes that demolishing the old GGP/Morton building could violate the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974.
This is because a few months ago, the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency decided that the building was eligible to be on the National Register of Historic Places.
Why does the State of Illinois think the building is historic?  In a nutshell, because it’s Mid-Century Modern.  And even though there aren’t a lot of real MCM buildings in the Chicagoland area, MCM is still awesome.
Why is the army involved at all?  Because the new building needs the army’s permission to dump rainwater into the Chicago River under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.  And no matter what Rahm, or the politicians down in Springfield want you to think, the U.S. Army is ultimately in charge of the Chicago River.  Just like a big reason the interstate highway system was created was to move tanks around the country in an emergency.
On the surface, it appears that if the developers had just kept their water to themselves, none of this would have happened.  But it’s one of those things that makes life so interesting, and keeps the lawyers busy.
What can you do about it?  Well, if you feel strongly one way or the other, then you’ve got to let the Corps know in the next seven days.  You can put your thoughts on paper and mail them to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
Or, you can e-mail to [email protected], which for most people will be the only chance in their lives to send an e-mail message to an “army.mil” address.
(Also, a big shout out to the people at the Corps of Engineers, who are obviously fans of this blog since they used a bunch of our pictures in their report. [The purple glass caused by using a camera with a Sony RGBE sensor was the tip-off.])
The General Growth Properties Building at 110 North Wacker
Section 106 Historic Property Review 110 N. Wacker Drive
APPLICANT Riverside Investment Development 100 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2150 Chicago, IL 60606 The Howard Hughes Corporation 13355 Noel Road, Suite 2200 Dallas, TX 75240
PROPOSED ACTION Applicants propose to demolish the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building, formerly known as the Morton Salt Building) as part of redevelopment of the site. The Chicago District has determined that the proposed demolition of the General Growth Building constitutes an adverse effect under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974. This notice is part of the Section 106 process to resolve the adverse effect. The Chicago District is soliciting comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation. A detailed description of this proposed project is provided on page 2 of this notice.
LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTION 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Section 9, Township 39 N, Range 14 E Latitude 41.88378, Longitude -87.63744). See attached location map. Interested parties are hereby notified that comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation are requested from the public. You are invited to provide your comments by December 14, 2017 on the proposed work, which will become part of the record and will be considered in the decision. This project is being reviewed under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 [see 36 CFR 800].
Electronic comments may be sent to the project manager at [email protected]
Written comments may be mailed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address, and email address, if available, of the individual commenting, and must be received by the close of the public notice period.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicants are proposing to redevelop the property at 110 N Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, currently occupied by the General Growth Building (formerly known as the Morton Salt Building). The proposed development requires the demolition of the current structure on the project site. The Chicago District received a permit application for the construction of a new stormwater outfall structure in the Chicago River to service the new building on the site. The proposed stormwater outfall will require review and potential authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Due to the need for a federal permit for the new development the Chicago District has been determined to be the lead federal agency for this project under the provisions of Section 106.
In August of 2017 the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) determined (see attached) that the General Growth Building was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture, making it an historic property under the definitions of Section 106. Subsequently the Chicago District determined that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5 (see attached). The IHPA concurred with this determination (see attached).
The Chicago District is, as the lead federal agency, required under Section 106 to explore options avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse effects to the historic property. Toward that end the District has issued this Public Notice to inform all interested parties of the nature of the historic property, the proposed activity, and proposed mitigation to minimize the adverse effect on the property through public comments on the proposed activity and mitigation and an invitation to participate in the Section 106 process for this site.
HISTORIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The General Growth Building (formerly the Morton Salt Building) at 110 N. Wacker Drive is a five-story, glass-and-steel office building with two penthouse floors. It is prominently located on Wacker Drive and occupies a full-block site between Randolph and Washington streets along the Chicago River (see location map). An example of Mid-Century Modern architecture, the building was erected as the corporate headquarters of the Morton Salt Company, one of the city’s oldest companies and the nation’s largest producer of salt at that time. The $4 million building was completed in 1958 and designed by the architecture firm Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. Current photographs of the building are attached to this notice.
The Morton Salt Building was erected with reinforced concrete slab construction and the exterior façade includes extensive use of stainless steel cladding at the slab edge spandrel conditions. Its two-story lobby featured stainless steel glazed storefronts, and more than 4,500 yards of fiberglass were used for the beige, orange, green, and yellow window drapes of the building. Plastic paneling, containing mosaic glass and copper wire designs, were used to line the main corridors. Salt industry operations were the theme for photomurals, displays of wood blocks and etchings, and a selection of contemporary paintings on display. The interiors of the building were designed by A. Dudley Kelly.
The building was designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, a Chicago-based firm with a nationwide clientele that it inherited as the successor to D.H. Burnham & Company. During the 1920s, the Graham firm moved away from its predecessor’s repertoire of Beaux Arts styled bank and commercial buildings to offer designs that included stripped classicism, vertical Gothic, and restrained Art Deco. Such stylistic adaptability was demonstrated in the Civic Opera Building, which is located across Washington Street from the 110 N. Wacker Building, and which exhibits a masterful blend of luxurious classical and Art Deco motifs,
The Morton Salt Company occupied this building for nearly a quarter-century, during which time it expanded into new regions and new products and changed its name several times. By 1990, most of Morton International’s $3 billion in annual revenues came from the sales of airbags and specialty chemicals. In that year, the company relocated to a new skyscraper nearby.
Its former headquarters building remained vacant until 1997, when it was purchased by General Growth Properties, which undertook a complete interior renovation. The building is currently owned by the Howard Hughes Corporation.
PROPOSED EFFECT ON HISTORIC PROPERTY The applicants propose to develop a new high-rise office building on the project site (renderings and site plan attached). The proposed development would require the demolition of the General Growth Building as a first step in construction of the proposed building. The applicant has stated that they can not avoid the demolition of the General Growth Building while meeting the site design requirements of the City of Chicago and the structural needs of the new construction. The proposed project design has been reviewed and approved by the City of Chicago and the applicants intend to begin construction as soon as January, 2018 and the major tenants for the new building have been identified.
The Chicago District Reviewed project alternatives and determined that all alternatives that meet the stated goal of constructing a high-rise office building require the demolition of the General Growth Building. Only under a no action alternative could the current structure be spared, but that alternative does not fulfill the applicant’s purpose of constructing a higher density commercial structure.
PROPOSED MITIGATION The applicants have proposed to mitigate for the adverse effect on the General Growth Building by conducting a survey of the structure and documenting it using the Historic Illinois Building Survey (HIBS) methodology under the auspices of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. When completed the HIBS report would be made available to the public and filed with the City of Chicago and the Illinois State Museum.
The Chicago District would like to gather comments on the proposed mitigation plan and any suggestions for alternative or supplemental mitigation. The District would like feedback from the public as to the adequacy of the proposed mitigation in kind and quantity and is looking for any potential mitigation measures that are proportionate to the proposed impact and can be implemented over a reasonable time frame and cost.
Section 106 provides for the implementation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for mitigation of adverse effects to historic properties. The Chicago District will curate a list of proposed mitigation options submitted as part of this public notice process to be included in a draft Memorandum of Agreement. This draft MOA will be presented to a meeting of signatory and consulting parties on December 15, 2017. This goal of this meeting will be to write a final MOA to be implemented by the applicant as mitigation for the adverse impacts to the General Growth Building.
The signatory parties to the Section 106 MOA are anticipated to be the Chicago District, IHPA and the applicants. Consulting parties to the MOA have not yet been determined. If you would like to be a consulting party to this MOA please let the District know who you are and why you should be included as a consulting party to this Section 106 MOA. Please submit your request by email to [email protected] The Draft MOA Meeting will be held in downtown Chicago on December 15, 2017
It should be noted that materials submitted as part of the permit application become part of the public record and are thus available to the general public under the procedures of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Individuals may submit a written request to obtain materials under FOIA or make an appointment to view the project file at the Chicago District Corps of Engineers Office of Counsel.
Interested parties wishing to comment on the proposed activity must do so in writing no later than December 14, 2017. It is presumed that all parties receiving this notice will wish to respond to this public notice; therefore, a lack of response will be interpreted as meaning that there is no objection to the project as described.
This public notice is not a paid advertisement and is for public information only. Issuance of this notice does not imply Corps of Engineers endorsement of the project as described.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846- 5538, or email at [email protected]. It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address of the individual commenting.
FOR THE DISTRICT COMMANDER: CHERNICH.KATHLE EN.G.1230365616 Digitally signed by CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123036 5616 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKI, ou=USA, cn=CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123 0365616 Date: 2017.11.21 15:12:31 -06’00’ Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch
  REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Technical Services Division Regulatory Branch LRC-2017-583
October 30, 2017
SUBJECT: Construction in Waters of the United States at 110 North Wacker Drive on the South Branch Chicago River between Randolph Street and Washington Street in the Chicago River Watershed of the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Sec. 9, Twp. 39N, Rng. 14E; 41.88378, -87.63744)
Rachel Leibowitz Illinois State Historic Preservation Office Illinois Department of Natural Resources One Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702
Dear Ms. Leibowitz: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District (District) has received an application from Riverside Investment Development (Applicant) for the construction of a stormwater outlet structure in the South Branch Chicago River as part of the construction of a new building at 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, as described above (see also the attached location map). This project has been assigned Chicago District project number LRC- 2017-583, all future correspondence with the District concerning this project must include this project number.
The District has determined that, for purposes of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act [see 36 CFR 800. 3(a) and 800.16(y)], the Federal “undertaking” which has the potential to cause effects on historic properties is limited to the issuance of a Department of the Army authorization for project activities within the permit area. Therefore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District will be the lead federal agency for the project.
Additionally, the District has determined that the relevant permit area for the proposed project will include the entire project site for issuance of a Department of the Army authorization. Similarly, as it pertains to Section 106, the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for direct effects, is the tract upon which the undertaking will occur, and the APE for indirect effects (visual) is 1,000′ North/South along the Chicago River and along North Wacker Drive.
The District is in receipt of a letter from your office dated August 24, 2017 informing the applicant that the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building) has been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture. Upon receipt of your letter, the District began a dialogue with the applicant and their agent (V3 Companies, Inc.) about the proposed project, particularly concerning the necessity to demolish the existing structure on the project site. The District is in acceptance of the applicant’s analysis stating that the only practicable alternative available to complete the proposed project requires the demolition of the existing structure on the project site.
Based on the factors outlined above, it is the District’s determination that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5. The District request the concurrence of the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office with this determination and invites your office to:
1. Identify any other consulting parties as per 36 CFR 800.3(f);
2. Comment as per 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3) on the District’s plan to involve the public by utilizing the District’s normal procedures for public involvement under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Department of the Army permitting process; and
3. Agree in the District’ decision that it is appropriate to address multiple steps in 36 CFR 800.3-800.6 as provided at 36 CFR 800.3(g).
Once a list of potential consulting parties (including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and potentially affected private citizens) has been identified, it is the District’s intention to initiate the public notice process that includes those parties, to solicit comments to be used in drafting a Memorandum of Agreement between consulting parties and to determine suitable mitigation. Notice will also be given to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation as required under 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1). It is our intent to pursue this process diligently to meet our obligations under Federal law and accommodate the applicants desired project time frame as best we can. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846-5538, or email at [email protected].
Sincerely, Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished
from Chicago Architecture https://www.chicagoarchitecture.org/2017/12/07/heres-why-the-army-may-scuttle-plans-to-build-a-51-story-tower-in-the-loop/
0 notes
max34ron · 7 years
Here’s Why the Army May Scuttle Plans to Build a 51-Story Tower in The Loop
A few days before Thanksgiving, the local office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a notice on its web site.  It’s not one of the usual places that one looks for architecture news, so it took a few weeks for the notice to surface.
(We’ve copied as much of the thing as we could below for your convenience.  Full PDF version here.)
Rendering of 110 North Wacker Drive (Courtesy of Howard Hughes Corporation)
What it says is that the army is looking into the proposal to build a 51-story office building at 110 North Wacker Drive.
You may know the building currently in that location as the former headquarters of mega mall magnate GGP.  Or if you’re old school, you may know it as the former headquarters of Morton Salt.
Either way, the army says it may block plans to demolish the old six-story building and put up the 1.35 million square-foot tower that Goettsch Partners designed for Howard Hughes Corporation and Riverside Investment and Development.
Here’s some bullet points to explain why the Corps is getting involved:
The Corps believes that demolishing the old GGP/Morton building could violate the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974.
This is because a few months ago, the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency decided that the building was eligible to be on the National Register of Historic Places.
Why does the State of Illinois think the building is historic?  In a nutshell, because it’s Mid-Century Modern.  And even though there aren’t a lot of real MCM buildings in the Chicagoland area, MCM is still awesome.
Why is the army involved at all?  Because the new building needs the army’s permission to dump rainwater into the Chicago River under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.  And no matter what Rahm, or the politicians down in Springfield want you to think, the U.S. Army is ultimately in charge of the Chicago River.  Just like a big reason the interstate highway system was created was to move tanks around the country in an emergency.
On the surface, it appears that if the developers had just kept their water to themselves, none of this would have happened.  But it’s one of those things that makes life so interesting, and keeps the lawyers busy.
What can you do about it?  Well, if you feel strongly one way or the other, then you’ve got to let the Corps know in the next seven days.  You can put your thoughts on paper and mail them to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
Or, you can e-mail to [email protected], which for most people will be the only chance in their lives to send an e-mail message to an “army.mil” address.
(Also, a big shout out to the people at the Corps of Engineers, who are obviously fans of this blog since they used a bunch of our pictures in their report. [The purple glass caused by using a camera with a Sony RGBE sensor was the tip-off.])
The General Growth Properties Building at 110 North Wacker
Section 106 Historic Property Review 110 N. Wacker Drive
APPLICANT Riverside Investment Development 100 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2150 Chicago, IL 60606 The Howard Hughes Corporation 13355 Noel Road, Suite 2200 Dallas, TX 75240
PROPOSED ACTION Applicants propose to demolish the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building, formerly known as the Morton Salt Building) as part of redevelopment of the site. The Chicago District has determined that the proposed demolition of the General Growth Building constitutes an adverse effect under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974. This notice is part of the Section 106 process to resolve the adverse effect. The Chicago District is soliciting comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation. A detailed description of this proposed project is provided on page 2 of this notice.
LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTION 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Section 9, Township 39 N, Range 14 E Latitude 41.88378, Longitude -87.63744). See attached location map. Interested parties are hereby notified that comments on the proposed action and potential mitigation are requested from the public. You are invited to provide your comments by December 14, 2017 on the proposed work, which will become part of the record and will be considered in the decision. This project is being reviewed under Section 106 of the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 [see 36 CFR 800].
Electronic comments may be sent to the project manager at [email protected]
Written comments may be mailed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District, Regulatory Branch Attn: LRC-2017-00583, Michael Murphy 231 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60604-1437
It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address, and email address, if available, of the individual commenting, and must be received by the close of the public notice period.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicants are proposing to redevelop the property at 110 N Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, currently occupied by the General Growth Building (formerly known as the Morton Salt Building). The proposed development requires the demolition of the current structure on the project site. The Chicago District received a permit application for the construction of a new stormwater outfall structure in the Chicago River to service the new building on the site. The proposed stormwater outfall will require review and potential authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Due to the need for a federal permit for the new development the Chicago District has been determined to be the lead federal agency for this project under the provisions of Section 106.
In August of 2017 the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) determined (see attached) that the General Growth Building was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture, making it an historic property under the definitions of Section 106. Subsequently the Chicago District determined that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5 (see attached). The IHPA concurred with this determination (see attached).
The Chicago District is, as the lead federal agency, required under Section 106 to explore options avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse effects to the historic property. Toward that end the District has issued this Public Notice to inform all interested parties of the nature of the historic property, the proposed activity, and proposed mitigation to minimize the adverse effect on the property through public comments on the proposed activity and mitigation and an invitation to participate in the Section 106 process for this site.
HISTORIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The General Growth Building (formerly the Morton Salt Building) at 110 N. Wacker Drive is a five-story, glass-and-steel office building with two penthouse floors. It is prominently located on Wacker Drive and occupies a full-block site between Randolph and Washington streets along the Chicago River (see location map). An example of Mid-Century Modern architecture, the building was erected as the corporate headquarters of the Morton Salt Company, one of the city’s oldest companies and the nation’s largest producer of salt at that time. The $4 million building was completed in 1958 and designed by the architecture firm Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. Current photographs of the building are attached to this notice.
The Morton Salt Building was erected with reinforced concrete slab construction and the exterior façade includes extensive use of stainless steel cladding at the slab edge spandrel conditions. Its two-story lobby featured stainless steel glazed storefronts, and more than 4,500 yards of fiberglass were used for the beige, orange, green, and yellow window drapes of the building. Plastic paneling, containing mosaic glass and copper wire designs, were used to line the main corridors. Salt industry operations were the theme for photomurals, displays of wood blocks and etchings, and a selection of contemporary paintings on display. The interiors of the building were designed by A. Dudley Kelly.
The building was designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, a Chicago-based firm with a nationwide clientele that it inherited as the successor to D.H. Burnham & Company. During the 1920s, the Graham firm moved away from its predecessor’s repertoire of Beaux Arts styled bank and commercial buildings to offer designs that included stripped classicism, vertical Gothic, and restrained Art Deco. Such stylistic adaptability was demonstrated in the Civic Opera Building, which is located across Washington Street from the 110 N. Wacker Building, and which exhibits a masterful blend of luxurious classical and Art Deco motifs,
The Morton Salt Company occupied this building for nearly a quarter-century, during which time it expanded into new regions and new products and changed its name several times. By 1990, most of Morton International’s $3 billion in annual revenues came from the sales of airbags and specialty chemicals. In that year, the company relocated to a new skyscraper nearby.
Its former headquarters building remained vacant until 1997, when it was purchased by General Growth Properties, which undertook a complete interior renovation. The building is currently owned by the Howard Hughes Corporation.
PROPOSED EFFECT ON HISTORIC PROPERTY The applicants propose to develop a new high-rise office building on the project site (renderings and site plan attached). The proposed development would require the demolition of the General Growth Building as a first step in construction of the proposed building. The applicant has stated that they can not avoid the demolition of the General Growth Building while meeting the site design requirements of the City of Chicago and the structural needs of the new construction. The proposed project design has been reviewed and approved by the City of Chicago and the applicants intend to begin construction as soon as January, 2018 and the major tenants for the new building have been identified.
The Chicago District Reviewed project alternatives and determined that all alternatives that meet the stated goal of constructing a high-rise office building require the demolition of the General Growth Building. Only under a no action alternative could the current structure be spared, but that alternative does not fulfill the applicant’s purpose of constructing a higher density commercial structure.
PROPOSED MITIGATION The applicants have proposed to mitigate for the adverse effect on the General Growth Building by conducting a survey of the structure and documenting it using the Historic Illinois Building Survey (HIBS) methodology under the auspices of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. When completed the HIBS report would be made available to the public and filed with the City of Chicago and the Illinois State Museum.
The Chicago District would like to gather comments on the proposed mitigation plan and any suggestions for alternative or supplemental mitigation. The District would like feedback from the public as to the adequacy of the proposed mitigation in kind and quantity and is looking for any potential mitigation measures that are proportionate to the proposed impact and can be implemented over a reasonable time frame and cost.
Section 106 provides for the implementation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for mitigation of adverse effects to historic properties. The Chicago District will curate a list of proposed mitigation options submitted as part of this public notice process to be included in a draft Memorandum of Agreement. This draft MOA will be presented to a meeting of signatory and consulting parties on December 15, 2017. This goal of this meeting will be to write a final MOA to be implemented by the applicant as mitigation for the adverse impacts to the General Growth Building.
The signatory parties to the Section 106 MOA are anticipated to be the Chicago District, IHPA and the applicants. Consulting parties to the MOA have not yet been determined. If you would like to be a consulting party to this MOA please let the District know who you are and why you should be included as a consulting party to this Section 106 MOA. Please submit your request by email to [email protected] The Draft MOA Meeting will be held in downtown Chicago on December 15, 2017
It should be noted that materials submitted as part of the permit application become part of the public record and are thus available to the general public under the procedures of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Individuals may submit a written request to obtain materials under FOIA or make an appointment to view the project file at the Chicago District Corps of Engineers Office of Counsel.
Interested parties wishing to comment on the proposed activity must do so in writing no later than December 14, 2017. It is presumed that all parties receiving this notice will wish to respond to this public notice; therefore, a lack of response will be interpreted as meaning that there is no objection to the project as described.
This public notice is not a paid advertisement and is for public information only. Issuance of this notice does not imply Corps of Engineers endorsement of the project as described.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846- 5538, or email at [email protected]. It should be noted that ALL comments received by this office (via hard copy or electronic) will only be accepted with the full name and address of the individual commenting.
FOR THE DISTRICT COMMANDER: CHERNICH.KATHLE EN.G.1230365616 Digitally signed by CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123036 5616 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKI, ou=USA, cn=CHERNICH.KATHLEEN.G.123 0365616 Date: 2017.11.21 15:12:31 -06’00’ Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch
  REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Technical Services Division Regulatory Branch LRC-2017-583
October 30, 2017
SUBJECT: Construction in Waters of the United States at 110 North Wacker Drive on the South Branch Chicago River between Randolph Street and Washington Street in the Chicago River Watershed of the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (SE Quarter of Sec. 9, Twp. 39N, Rng. 14E; 41.88378, -87.63744)
Rachel Leibowitz Illinois State Historic Preservation Office Illinois Department of Natural Resources One Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702
Dear Ms. Leibowitz: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District (District) has received an application from Riverside Investment Development (Applicant) for the construction of a stormwater outlet structure in the South Branch Chicago River as part of the construction of a new building at 110 North Wacker Drive in the City of Chicago, as described above (see also the attached location map). This project has been assigned Chicago District project number LRC- 2017-583, all future correspondence with the District concerning this project must include this project number.
The District has determined that, for purposes of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act [see 36 CFR 800. 3(a) and 800.16(y)], the Federal “undertaking” which has the potential to cause effects on historic properties is limited to the issuance of a Department of the Army authorization for project activities within the permit area. Therefore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District will be the lead federal agency for the project.
Additionally, the District has determined that the relevant permit area for the proposed project will include the entire project site for issuance of a Department of the Army authorization. Similarly, as it pertains to Section 106, the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for direct effects, is the tract upon which the undertaking will occur, and the APE for indirect effects (visual) is 1,000′ North/South along the Chicago River and along North Wacker Drive.
The District is in receipt of a letter from your office dated August 24, 2017 informing the applicant that the existing structure on the project site (the General Growth Building) has been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C for architecture. Upon receipt of your letter, the District began a dialogue with the applicant and their agent (V3 Companies, Inc.) about the proposed project, particularly concerning the necessity to demolish the existing structure on the project site. The District is in acceptance of the applicant’s analysis stating that the only practicable alternative available to complete the proposed project requires the demolition of the existing structure on the project site.
Based on the factors outlined above, it is the District’s determination that the proposed project will have an adverse effect on a historic property as defined in 36 CFR 800.5. The District request the concurrence of the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office with this determination and invites your office to:
1. Identify any other consulting parties as per 36 CFR 800.3(f);
2. Comment as per 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3) on the District’s plan to involve the public by utilizing the District’s normal procedures for public involvement under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Department of the Army permitting process; and
3. Agree in the District’ decision that it is appropriate to address multiple steps in 36 CFR 800.3-800.6 as provided at 36 CFR 800.3(g).
Once a list of potential consulting parties (including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and potentially affected private citizens) has been identified, it is the District’s intention to initiate the public notice process that includes those parties, to solicit comments to be used in drafting a Memorandum of Agreement between consulting parties and to determine suitable mitigation. Notice will also be given to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation as required under 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1). It is our intent to pursue this process diligently to meet our obligations under Federal law and accommodate the applicants desired project time frame as best we can. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Murphy of my staff by telephone at (312) 846-5538, or email at [email protected].
Sincerely, Kathleen G. Chernich Chief, East Section Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished
from Chicago Architecture https://www.chicagoarchitecture.org/2017/12/07/heres-why-the-army-may-scuttle-plans-to-build-a-51-story-tower-in-the-loop/
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driedupnow-blog · 7 years
Espino vows to build, rehabilitate irrigation systems in Pangasinan
Published January 27, 2017, 10:01 PM
By Liezle Basa Iñigo
FARM MECHANIZATION – Pangasinan Governor Amado ‘Pogi’ Espino, III , with Vice Gov. Ferdinand Calimlim Jr., turns over a farm tractor unit to the Mapandan Women’s Unity for Progress and Farmers group at the Provincial Agriculturist Field Station in Sta. Barbara town last Tuesday. The mechanized farm implements are part of the ‘Farm Mechanization Service Facility’ in Region 1 under the Philippine Rural Development Program – Investment for Rural Enterprises for Agricultural, Livestock and Fisheries Productivity (PRDP–I-REAP), which is a World Bank-funded project with 20-percent counterpart, fund each from Department of Agriculture and the provincial government of Pangasinan. Twenty-three more groups are expected to receive the same this year. (Jojo Riñoza)
Lingayen, Pangasinan — Rebuilding and rehabilitation work on old and damaged irrigation systems in Pangasinan farmlands will be pushed through, Governor Amado I. Espino, III announced the other day.
Gov. Espino said  Thursday with certainty as he cited Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP or Provincial Board) Provincial Resolution No. 477-2017, which authorizes him to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the benefit of Pangasinan farmers.
The provincial resolution, passed last January 23, allows the governor to enter into a MOA with irrigation project beneficiaries for the implementation of the rehabilitation and construction of various irrigation systems all over Pangasinan.
Authored by Board Members Noel C. Bince and Liberato Z. Villegas, the resolution states that the MOA will serve as a “vehicle for collaboration efforts between the Provincial Government and Irrigators’ Association, Farmers Association and Fisherfolks project beneficiaries to promote and develop the sustainability of irrigation projects of the province.”
Now, the government may apply their resources and assets for productive development or welfare purposes of the farmers, Espino said.
These include the construction or rehabilitation of a Communal Irrigation System (CIS)/Pump Irrigation System (PIS)/Installation of Shallow Tube Well Irrigation Project (STWIP), Small Impounding Project (SWIP), and Small Farm Reservoir (SFR).
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rabbitcruiser · 7 years
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Buildings Ornamentations (No. 110)
N Damen Avenue, Chicago
Northwest Tower, Chicago (two pics)
1630 N Damen Avenue, Chicago (two pics)
Old Noel State Bank Building, Chicago
Flat Iron Arts Building, Chicago
1958 W North Avenue, Chicago (two pics)
Reid, Murdoch & Co. Building, Chicago
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