teex · 5 months
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sweetvenus9 · 1 month
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TWICE Oishi SNACKTACULAR FAN BAG "Photocard" Front & Back
Image Cr: cardsforonce
Edition by me
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owwwww fuck i cut my junk this is why you cut your nails kids
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Sprite commission for @faerielandtrolls of my wife. My big tittie goth gf frfr
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wouldyoustayvn · 1 year
(I am so scared rn)
Okay I finished Virgils playlist or what I have for him right now and wanted to go ahead and get your opinion on it because my music taste is a little all over the place-
I also took inspiration from the playlist you made of him to so I added some of those in there to! You can tell me if there needs to be any added or removed btw!
(Im on mobile so I'm not sure if it will show on pc because thats happened to me before)
(I am shaking so much rn💀)
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Also BAHA NOT THE DADDY ISSUES- I wouldn’t say he has daddy issues, in fact, Virgil love his dad! He looks up to him! He just miss him greatly after he passed away 😔
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
The way Ro getting hit the with the steel chair and falling like that brings back memories…
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akirameta84 · 9 months
carpal tunnel sucks ass dont overwork yourself even if the activity is fun. take lots of breaks even if your hands arent sore. and if they are sore stop for the day immediately
dont be like me i have regrets :]
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penechekkk · 2 years
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blinday · 1 year
Facing the Horrors (lunch) rn. Wish me luck.
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cessatiio · 2 years
pinches his nipples
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sarah-hairclip · 2 years
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caracoloco · 2 years
you're sitting next to me
the leaves are on the ground
my heart is in your hands
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g-b-m-s · 2 years
Dear Cassandra Peterson;
I am so sorry.
To you, I am but one of those many anonymous faces you saw at New York Comic Con this year, but to me, I will ALWAYS remember that I RAN FROM YOU.
I thought after meeting David Boreanaz the Friday before and completely losing my fucking chill when he said the word "heart" as he signed a freaking heart (and then I went skipping away like a nearly 40 year old little girl)... maybe after that I'd have a little poise when I met you.
I severely overestimated my capacity for anything resembling composure.
Chistopher Lloyd melted by entire being under his FREAKING LEGENDARY status and nearly broke me by simply saying 'Excuse me for a second' (is death by Random Politeness possible? Probably. Don't tell the Canadians, they'll have too much power.) I don't think I made an ass of myself in front of him because he went away for two minutes and gave me the gift of being able to mentally collect my shit before being confronted with him again.
The same cannot be said for Tom Welling. He looked into my very soul with his stupid adorable face and hypnotic freaking blue eyes that made me blush. He, inevitably, thinks I'm a complete nutjob but oddly I can take that better than "Possibly Late for a Track Meet in Jersey."
And then You, You Freaking Goddess. That line was monsterous and the long wait did nothing to de-escalate my home-grown anxiety as I thought of every single speck of impact you have made of my stupid life. I now have a picture of you looking like The Fucking Icon You Are while my tall blonde Eastern European Characature looking ass is caught mid freak out with a blush and clench worthy of being photographed mid electroshock.
I am not a shy person. I'm loud, I'm brash, with tendancy to ramble and make everything a joke, I should probably look into cyborg enhancements to filter my language in front of the general public, but I'm not shy.
That was 10 year old me, she was shy. 10 year old me loved B-Movies and had a hidden goth streak and was increadibly shy. 10 year old me found Elvira and laughed maniacally at her little TV at freaking balls-early o'clock watching the worst freaking movies on the face of the planet.
The someone told me you used Elvira to gain confidence over your scars and somehow that... propelled me? I'm pretty tall and kinda large. Add a unibrow. And blonde. Basically gender swap Lurch from the Addams family and the mental picture is complete.
But You happened and I became me. ...Well. Wax helped, too, but it was probably mostly you. I got joke boobie tassles for my 18th birthday and was in charge of my university's Rocky Horror Picture Show for a very damn long time when by all means I probably should not.
Now I'm not blaming solely you for this completely marvelous human trainwreck I've become, but I so, SO wanted to thank the crap out of you for what you did when I was a kid, much less everything you've done since (I, too, suck at sexuality labels and you are revered by my household as The Elder Gay, All Hail.)
I was so excited to meet you, I didn't care that there was plexiglass between us (I mean, Covid remnants and Comic Con people...? Yeah, good call). I didn't care that the lady taking the photo was all GTFO about it (there were indeed a million people as crazy about you as I) but I can't help but be beyond horrified that I was unable to convey my complete adoration and unending thanks to you with my eyes before RUNNING AWAY.
Hopefully the Roadrunner-esque cartoon dust kicked up in my wake was able to convey all that.
I shall always have The Regret.
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sickviking-fr · 2 years
Having a job is like being in an abusive relationship.
I just spent 20 minutes lying my ass off about how I sprained my ankle and broke my hand so that no one forces me to use workman's comp and I end up going another 5 years being gaslit and denied care.
Literally was telling people "I fell" and just not elaborating.
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disbabeled · 12 days
Oh it's that time of month again where my eye decides to randomly gross lashes on the inside for NO GOOD REASON and hurt every time I blink so I'm forced to stand in front of the mirror (Ow) and try and pluck them out (Ow) and also hope I don't fuck up and impale my eyeball on the tweezers (Ow) and make my already shitty vision worse
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smellpelt · 1 month
I let one of the older calves suck on my fingers mistake that is like rough sandpaper
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