thewonderingsorceress · 2 months
// so week before last we in hospital, horror story of a time. And went to a specialist she thinks i slipped a few discs, don't knownuntil I get an mri, insurance is rerusing mri.
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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So a blonde girl takes her goldfish to the vet... ...and she says to the veterinarian, "Hey, I think my goldfish has epilepsy; it has these awful seizures!" The veterinarian takes one look at the fish and replies, "Well, it looks alright to me." The blonde replies angrily, "Well Jesus, let me get it out of the bowl first!"
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makochosena · 4 years
hello hello everybody! i have come back from the dead! i’m terribly sorry for disappearing on everyone. it’s kinda a long story as to why i was gone (depression, job change, didn’t have my computer, etc. in a nutshell). but i’m back now! and here’s the important stuff:
i’ve missed you guys so so so much and i’m DYING to get back to writing rikki again! but i am in desperate need for a fresh start. so i’m going to be archiving this blog and making a brand new one!!! there’s still some work that needs to be done on it so it won’t be ready right away but hopefully very soon! stay tuned for more info! <3
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wxterchild · 3 years
outofwater ;; To the weird Anon whose been in my inbox for nearly an hour now basically trying to convince me that I’m not wanted here and to go away, just a few things: 
Whether or not some folks choose to interact with me doesn’t matter, it’s entirely up to them. Also, I’ve barely had this blog a week, I haven’t interacted with many people yet anyway?
The above is irrelevant regardless. I’m part of the fandom and I’m allowed to be here. 
The typos you keep bringing up aren’t typos; I’m British, you complete and utter wet sock. English spelling varies depending on the country. Although the fact that you seem to care so vehemently about such a nit-picky non-issue is very telling.
If, after this, you go clowning around in anyone else’s inbox and I hear about it, that Anon mask is going to be about as useful to you as a chocolate teapot. 
You have a nice evening, dear ♥ //
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ofsapiens · 4 years
holy shit there’s a lot of you so-
starter call?
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So much happened in the months that I have been gone that I couldn't control and I'm slowly coming back. Sorry for such the long hiatus. Hope to be more active here soon.
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sanlanhoshi-asks · 6 years
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Someone pick up this man
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employee00765 · 4 years
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prcdigc · 4 years
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jxrmungand · 4 years
     {outofwater} So just for the sake of not getting overwhelmed by my thread tracker, I parred it down to mostly newer things for the time being. All others are still in my archived list to bring back later if we want to <3 But for the time being, I think I’m going to be focusing on Jori and @heldrottning​, with some smol things with long-time friends on my main (tricksandtreason). It’s also pre-con season with much cosplay things and tiktok stuff, so I just don’t want to overwhelm myself and the not want to write again for months on end (though there were some life things that largely contributed to that as well). I also have a couple starters / ask replies in my drafts to play with as the motivation hits. =D  You can find the trackers for the kiddos here and on their pages:                                Jormungandr & Hel 
And just a gentle boop for the lovelies with tracked things still kept active. Please let me know if you don’t want to continue something, as I’ve also kept a few that I somehow don’t owe on xD Ilu and, of course, no rush if you do want to continue them sometime <3   @kingoftheravens​ / @apogexn​ || @ircnwccd​ / @hvcdrungr​ || @gulldrengur​ || @sinnhelmingr​
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jinkeisuke · 5 years
It’s been far too long and I really need to clean up the place, but I’m trying to effectively be back?
I’ve gone back to school so that puts some spanners in the works before I even begin, on top of still being a full-time worker, so who knows.
I’m going to essentially start this blog from scratch, clearing the relationships, verses, etc. I’ll keep my old posts, but they are stricken from my rp canon for the character.
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thewonderingsorceress · 5 months
//what gd extension allows me to edit the gd posts?
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seiryuugray · 5 years
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[ had to edit my rules, I only realized now that I had @orianna-ozpin‘s rules blog. ]
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makochosena · 5 years
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hey guys !  so i’m doing a lil bit of a follower cleanup because my dash is quite the giant mess. my mutual checker has been acting up ,  and for the past month , i’ve been noticing that a lot of my asks ,  starters ,  overall attempts to interact have been going ignored .  which is no one’s fault because everyone has lives outside of tumblr and can’t get to everything ,  but it’s been happening often enough that i want to make this post . 
so would y’all mind if you LIKE THIS POST if you are genuinely interested in interacting with me ?  this isn’t a starter call or any of the sort ,  it’s just to help me clean my dash .  i follow people because i want to interact with them ,  and i hope you guys feel the same !!  so this would help me out greatly and give me greater peace of mind !! 
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wxterchild · 3 years
Just a few pointers to make sure we’re all on the same page :)
Warning: this blog will contain major spoilers for Pixar’s Luca.
- Everybody is welcome! OC’s, crossovers, whatever. Hmu lovelies!<3
- Multiple threads with the same person are welcome!
- Pretty much game for any genre. Reply lengths from one-liners to paragraphs.
- I’ll sometimes use icons for asks but threads will usually be iconless. I do not expect you to mimic this. Whether you like to make your replies look super pretty or, like me, you prefer to be a plain Jane, I really don’t mind. Formatting is a personal choice. Do what makes you happy<3
- Not interested in any kind of online drama. I’m here to have a good time out of love for both writing and the source material. Anyone trying to grill me about my opinions/ interpretations of the characters/story, or what I will and won’t do with my muse, will be straight up ignored and persistence will meet with a hard block.
- I am multiship friendly.
- I am, however, very picky with shipping. I will ship Muse x Chemistry and will usually only do so with people I feel comfortable with. 
- Please don’t assume ships or try to force ships on me. If you want to ship just shoot me a message and we’ll talk!
- Mun is 24+ and a very sex-positive person. I have no qualms whatsoever with people exploring their characters within the smut genre.
- HOWEVER, that being said, there will be absolutely NO sexual content taking place on this blog. My main verses for Alberto are between the ages of 12 and 14. He is a little boy and I do not currently have an adult verse for him. Usually I can be flexible with rules upon discussion but this one is steadfast. Anyone trying to disobey this rule will be blocked immediately.
- This is a SFW blog. If any particularly triggering themes do occur, they will be tagged and placed on a Keep Reading link.
- I try to tag all triggers but if there’s something I’ve missed, let me know and I’ll tag it for you!
- I love talking to partners ooc and I am about as intimidating as a butterfly stuck to a marshmallow.
- I do, however, prefer to keep conversations on here to writing, characters, hc’s, etc. My inbox being flooded with personal stuff can make me pretty uncomfortable. Pease don’t mistake this for apathy; y’all are beautiful and valid and deserve all the love happiness in the world. I’m just not equipped to play therapist atm and I kinda view this little corner as my escape pod.
- But don’t let the above scare you. If you want to crash into my inbox and scream about plots, threads, characters and all that jazz then hot damn, I will love you forever~!
And final but most important rule: just have a good time! I’m completely harmless and it’s important to me that all my partners feel comfortable. So if you have any questions or concerns, just shoot me a message.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my rules. Now, with that out of the way, let’s enjoy~!
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ofsapiens · 4 years
Abe: exists
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Me: ...
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