sorry for diary posting so much on main but this is the last one today prommy
#it's in the tags anyway so#SO#i didn't go get my masters. or rlly try for a phd because i felt like i was bad at school right#(because i failed two classes in freshman year and i'd never ever done that before)#(and i failed those because. my meds made it very difficult for me to retain any information/make memories or whatever)#and it was just so WEIRD and i felt so dumb because never in my life had i been bad at school before like that#so that kind of killed my general confidence in academia#so even tho i got into a decent program i just decided to go work instead#(and yes a big part of it is that my current job is awesome and i didn't know if i'd get this kind of opportunity again)#and i kind of just realized#the last year and a half have LITERALLY JUST BEEN SCHOOL#OR WHAT A MASTERS PROGRAM WOULD BE LIKE#sort of. like an engineering masters.#except technically i have come up with new stuff too it's just operational and not research#but i spent the last year and a half learning something completely new that i knew nothing about at all.#and i've been teaching classes while i was learning and taking exams#and my exams went WELL#the last oral exam i had my evaluator told me it was the best one he'd seen#i went to talk to one of my senior instructors recently about the last big class i taught to become certified#to fucking important ass terrifyingly smart people#and he told me i was a model for all new people and i did super well#and then he told me not to tell anyone he said that because he didn't want people to think he was a softie#(he's a gigantic softie. i can't believe people are scared of him)#when he gets mad he expresses it and honestly he's valid for it sometimes people are dumb bitches and need to hear it. but apparently some#oh that's a tangent. anyways. if i can do this i can probably go back to academia right...#and jesus fuck girl it doesn't have to be mit. it can be a normal school#i can Lower my Standards because they aren't about to lower theirs. haha but what if.... anyways im gonna stick with the same major as my#bachelors cause i did actually enjoy it. and aerospace is boring in comparison. and i wanna figure out how to keep people alive both in#space AND under the ocean. at pressures we were never meant to survive at! Now THAT' would be fun.
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harrington-love · 1 year
Steve and Nancy's story is complex and beautiful...and not everyone will understand it.
I pity the people who cannot, or refuse, to see the beauty in Steve and Nancy’s story. A story about how trauma impacts your relationships and the way in which you cope with traumatic events. A story about how in the beginning, these two teenagers were not compatible but attempted to make their relationship work, only for the shame, guilt, and blame to take over and rupture the relationship. A story about how it is crucial to acknowledge and understand your partner's pain, and be their support, their rock, their shoulder to cry on.
It is a story about a teenage boy’s fall from popularity, and finding his true self as a friend, a protector, a lover. A story about a teenage girl working to make something of herself, to establish an identity that is purely hers. A story about a teenage boy who works to rectify his past mistakes, and learns to give himself grace for being a human. A story about a girl being true to herself, trusting her gut, and believing in her capabilities without bending to everyone else's expectations of who she should be. A story about a boy who's love for a girl was so strong that it helped him change into a person she could trust and depend on. A story of a girl who sees this boy in a new light, and thinks maybe, just maybe, he can offer her a future of partnership, adventure, and love.
It is a story about how these two teenagers have worked to grow and heal (and how they will continue to grow and heal), and are in a better place now where they can be what the other needs in time. A story about a second chance at love, now that they are both in a better place to love the other. They're not perfect. They never were. Healing and growth are not linear. They will always have their faults, their flaws, and like everyone else, they'll hit rough patches along the way. The difference between Steve and Nancy then and Steve and Nancy now is how they handle the hard times, together. How they face them, together.
And the audience can see how Steve has changed, from a boy who was apprehensive of Nancy's drive to get justice for Barb, to a man who trusted her investigative instincts, offered to join her on her exploration, and told her to be careful. From a teenager who utilized avoidance as a coping mechanism, whose "go with the flow" attitude was a mask to hide his pain, to a man who confidently told Nancy that she is what he's always wanted. There was no avoidance. No shame. No fear. There was simply a boy, who has changed, telling the girl he loves that she is it for him.
And the audience can see how Nancy has changed, too, from a girl who pushed a boy away because his presence was a painful reminder of what, rather who she lost, to a woman who is slowly, slowly, learning that this boy is good, and he is safe. She welcomes him back into her life with ease. From a girl who held this boy at gunpoint because she did not want him involved, to a woman who includes him, and trusts him when he volunteers himself in the face of danger, and defends him because he is someone worth defending.
To truly understand Steve and Nancy's story, you have to be willing to see their growth. You have to be willing to acknowledge change and believe characters can and do change. You have to accept that they did change. And therein lies the problem. Many, many people are purposely choosing to ignore their growth, because it does not fit their version of what they want or think should happen. Many people do not trust or believe that these characters know what they want, or know what's best for them. You have to be able to see and accept who they are now, as opposed to who they once were. How their views have changed. Their morals. Their personalities. Their wants, needs, hopes, and dreams. If you're still holding onto who Steve and Nancy were in the earlier seasons, then you are closing yourself off to any potential understanding of who they are now. If you are intentionally misconstruing what these characters say to fit your own narrative, then you are choosing to believe you know these characters better than they know themselves. If you are perfectly content with misunderstanding their relationship and refusing to acknowledge their growth, then you will miss out on not only a delicate and beautiful relationship, but also a lesson: Second chances happen. And sometimes, people do find their way back to each other.
I don't know what season five will bring. I don’t know if we’ll get a happy ending to their story.
But I do know one thing. I pity the people who willfully choose to ignore a beautiful story about two people finding their way back to each other. That is real life. That is love. It's not always simple or easy. Second chances happen every single day. And how beautiful it is for us to witness the rekindling of two ex-lovers. That is Steve and Nancy's story.
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tiktaalic · 4 months
I have decided I am going to go to grad school in 2.5 years. If anyone would like to make a decision as to what I will go to grad school for. That would be great
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rollercoasterwords · 5 months
hihi i was wondering what you’re studying in grad school? i’m debating going LOL
i’m currently in a master’s program 4 a gender studies degree! my experience has been. pretty good so far but if ur located in the u.s. my honest advice is don’t go 2 grad school unless u can get it fully funded…or unless ur rich enough 2 just eat the cost of paying 4 a program in which case u can probably do whatever u want lol
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seveneyesoup · 1 year
new who has emphasized the cybermen as a loss of personhood but they really really have not leaned into the horror of it like they could. there have even been stories of maintaining ones personhood through the conversion but what about the opposite? what about a generation of cybermen that do not hide what they used to be, whose faces are still visible, reflecting an individuality they no longer possess, but that is meaningful to the people they used to belong to? the “ghosts” of doomsday were imagined to be dead loved ones, but what if you saw their face? what if your grandfather was looking you in the face but did not recognize you. what if he offered a way to take away the pain of loss. what if the ordeal was over and the danger was done and the thing piloting his body survived it intact. what if he was right there but you could never, ever have him back. what then
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
posts with library workers discussing library business where they feel the need to make it very clear whether or not they have an MLS are so annoying. like that makes them the ultimate authority on basic ass library shit that even most regular patrons understand
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missingn000 · 1 year
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
it’s running concurrent to my headcanon that. well. the universe is so lacking in constants for the doctor, and if it’s after he’s experienced the loss of a companion, he’s not going to go have tea with someone else he once travelled with and had to leave behind.
it just makes sense to me, that he’d go seek out the master. especially if he’s barely restraining himself from making bad choices about breaking fixed points in time and causing paradoxes. and he’s right there, playing harold saxon for the world to see, and he’s right. there. the doctor can just go and see him whenever he wants.
#im talking around this being the result of amy and rory dying alsjdkfjks but yeah. yeah that would push him to this.#the master is. its complicated. but he’s someone the doctor can rely on to be. to be the master. which is to say: awful. and familiar.#and the master is someone he can hurt. someone who it feels safe to hurt because that’s what they do.#it makes sense to me that he’d go looking for him just to be the biggest nuisance he can be.#barely upright sitting on the master’s desk. he has to choose to be drunk and oh boy is he choosing.#insulting everything he can think of from the master’s world domination plans to his terrible generic office decor.#breaks down into a giggle fit about the master being blonde (which he keeps trying to explain and failing to and that just leaves the master#annoyed and confused.)#and the thing is is like. this is Extremely concerning behavior from the guy you’ve basically chosen to revolve your life around opposing#and fucking with. i dont think the master would comfort him. especially if he knew the doctor was this broken up about human companions.#but i also dont think he would kick the doctor out.#talk with him under the excuse of gettingn foreknowledhe to change his plans and secure his victory (which he doesn’t end up doing. come on.#and attribute his victory to the doctor’s own help? however inadvertent? humiliating.)#eleven is equal parts angry and morose and clearly trying to bounce away from feeling both of those too deeply by going back to telling the#master that his dye job was shit (again. not something that makes any sense yet. but give it a year and a public restroom and the master#will be cursing him under his breath.)#weird little guys. weird bonding for them. i think the doctor should pass out in the masters office and the master puts him back in his#tardis and programs it to fly him somewhere far far away in time and space.#saying good riddance to himself. he could have made it fly into the sun or something. (or tried. doubt the tardis would let him.)#but he didnt.#anyway give it amonth or teo and im sure twelve and thirteen also have traumatic expeirence that could lead to them commandeering the#master’s office again. a man just wants to take over the world and his office is filled with drunk sad doctors. and now they’re also sad#because of future hims. really. its a mess.
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treecakes · 3 months
fall registration opens in another couple weeks and i’m hoping desperately that the gis lab opens up an online section like they did for this semester…. because the in person lab is right when i want to take a rarely-offered anthro course….
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itspileofgoodthings · 4 months
a few of my students have said that they want to be an English teacher at least partially because of me which is very sweet and also lololol hilarious because I never wanted to be an English teacher even though I was made to do it
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fatherramiro · 1 year
genuinely found the perfect masters/phd program for myself that wouldn’t require me to have to move to a different country so im gonna need the US to settle the fuck down for a hot goddamn minute so i can consider applying
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 9 months
Final year of a section of my schooling, my brain has become obsessed with dragon age inquisition again
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midnightsgetawaycar · 10 months
The way uncertainty in life makes me want to cry and shut down.
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strayheat · 1 year
it's okay guys we just have to get through thursday and friday we're good
#and also hobie brown exists#hey rant warning#more like feverish mumbling#i had such a stressful and annoying day today#everybody say fuck robert from the marketing department👍👍#uahwghhhh im just tired#gotta wash my hair and i just ate some pizza its good#i have to be seriously thinking abt what im doing abt my masters#im so ducking stressed#do i do it on the side and work in the meantime <-would have to find a new job in the city i might move to. i have no portfolio nothing#do i go into it fully and not work <-i could be making money by im not. not that im in desperate need it would just be very nice to#be building a stash yknow#dude holy fuck what do i do#also if i were to move and change my job would i try to keep the current one until i find another or do i just drop it end of sept#like i planned#oh and also!!!! do i go and do a masters in programming which will probably give me a more universal chance of employment in IT#or do i go into gamedev whoch would be more up my alley i think but i also think would limit my chances in the general market outside gamed#if i did just programming i could take some gamedev courses on top#but god fucking knkws i wont unless thereatened with a knife thats just not gonna happen#and also i will be miserable the whole way through in programming bc i assume its just gonna be 2 more years of what i did for bachelors#while im hoping gamedev would be kinder to me but have no realistic way of knowing since we only had one class in game making for bachelors#i did like it though (as opposed to literally everything else past the first 2 lectures)#also im passionate abt games and gamedev (as in i love to look at it amd listen abt it. not that im deeply in love with doing gamedev and#This unsure still. like i like it from the outside. v much. havent had the chance to say for sure whether i love it from the actual doing p#rspective#also besides all that i need to buy an outfit for a wedding thats like 3 weeks away <-may be alot but not to me and not for buying clothes#and also also a persons hitting on me over dc and theyre getting me overwhelmed (i dont mind it mostly. i just think its pointless and they#e not getting the hint)#im so confused like how do u hit on a person literally the only thing u know abt is that theyre gay and youve exchanged like. 70 words tota#dude im in a fever dream
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bobzora · 1 year
the thing about gamedev that they dont want you to know is that you have to actually dev your game @.@ crazy ! ! !
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I talked to my professor yesterday and I have some thoughts but it's too exhausting to rant rn. But there will be. Ranting.
#nice guy#in general#but bro my friend my dude#i know it's MY fault i didn't get my shit together earlier. could have done that 2 years ago. my bad. BUT#in this particular situation HE is at least 50% to blame for this mess#because i asked him SIX months ago if he could supervise me and told him i had a lot of time pressure#and he insisted i take his stupid seminar#i told him essentially Every week i had time pressure and would like to finish my thesis asap#but i couldn't start working until i had the presentation and that was too late and then fell together with everything else#so now I'm here having EXISTENTIAL DREAD and YES I'M BLAMING YOU MY FRIEND! Like. at least 50%#agreed. it is my fault i didn't do it WAYYYY earlier#but it's not like i didn't tell him for the past 6 months what my deadline was#anyway#i talked about me getting unenrolled from my masters program and i mentioned that'd I'd have to drop out of university#if i couldn't do next semester and i think that made him take me seriously lol#because he went 'ok. i don't think this'll work out in February so let's see if i find a second examiner who'd be willing to do ot#in 6 weeks instead of 8 so you'd have until mid march'#so nice enough#but he said twice something along the lines 'you're putting us in a difficult situation'#BITCH *YOU* PUT *ME* IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION#I'm not putting you anywhere#i didn't even ask for him to do it faster#i really just explained the stakes here. it's not like i force him to correct my shit with 2 weeks less time#and both times he said it i had to literally hold myself back from saying something like 'yeah I mean it's not like i told you MONTHS ago#and i would have loved to do it last semester break but you forced me to take your seminar so idk what you want from me bro'#again. TOTALLY my fault for letting it get this far in the first place but absolutely at least half his fault for it to get this far#in that particular situation#again. it's nice enough he considered doing it in 6 weeks and asking his colleague to be the second examiner#(my boss. from the German department. i cry lmao)#(now i ended up ranting anyway. and hit tag limit. whoops.)
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