theminecraftbee · 2 years
prompt for u: any interactions between Certified Normal Emperors joey and joel
It’s one of the last places Joel looks, because honestly, who cares about that guy, right? Joey’s like, annoying. And very fun to blame for things. And honestly, Joel didn’t visit the Lost Empire that often, so like, why would he go check there?
Except there’s no one around anywhere, and frankly, Joel’s beginning to get concerned. So he figured, sure. He’ll check that Joey guy’s empire. He was proud of those builds in a way some of the other emperors weren’t. Surely Joey would be around. Surely someone was. Surely. Surely.
He’s in the bottom of Joey’s temple when he finds him.
Joel looks down. He kicks Joey with his foot.
“Hey. Get up. Lazy.”
He doesn’t get up.
“Aren’t you like, immortal or something? Honestly, the way half of the others go on, you’d think they all don’t know we respawn or something. Get up.”
He doesn’t get up. There are black and red cracks across his body, dark and terrible. Horrible choice for tattoos, or maybe just poor craftmanship, given how cracked he looks. Can humans be built with poor craftsmanship? Joel can’t remember. This is normally the sort of thing he’d ask Lizzie, or Jimmy, but they aren’t here, which is why he’s busy kicking the Lost Emperor while he’s down, trying to convince the man to get up and help find people.
It’s not working very well. Joel reaches down to turn the man’s face to him. Joel sees Joey’s face.
Joel puts Joey back down. Joel sits down. He tries very hard to not look at Joey’s face a second time.
“Well. That’s a problem. You seem to be dead,” Joel says to the corpse. “Hey, wait, isn’t that crown from back when you were pretending to be in love with some demon? Why’ve you got that on?”
No answer. Unfortunately, dead people don’t tend to answer questions anymore.
“You know, I don’t know how to do this,” he says, after a long moment. “Funerals aren’t really a Mezalean thing. I suppose I should bring you over to the Copper King. Pixlriffs. He knows all the death things.” Joel waves his hands around. “I mean, he’s also still around. Sausage shows up sometimes? But, like, you know, that’s it. We’ve got me, Pixlriffs, and two dead bodies, apparently. Who knows if there’s - oh, right, Scott’s dead, you don’t know...”
Still no response. It’s getting annoying.
“I can’t believe it looks like you fell on your head. What a lame way to go.”
No response.
“And now I have to deal with this. I really don’t know how funerals are meant to work. Like, do I tie you to a dinosaur? Your dinosaurs are cool. If I invented a funeral, I’d use the dinosaurs, except no, that seems like the sort of thing Pixlriffs would act all disappointed about. Not that I care about his opinion, or anything, given that he’s the only non-Mezalean I even talk to anymore.”
No response.
“You know, this sucks,” Joel complains. “Why am I still here? When Lizzie and Jimmy come back I’m going to yell at them so much. And - and aren’t you supposed to be immortal or something? You have all those totems! It’s your whole thing!”
There’s blood in his feathers that Joel hadn’t noticed before, where the creeping black and red cracks haven’t overrun them. The feathers are brightly colored in a way the artist in Joel appreciates. The rest of him just feels...
“I was hoping you’d at least, I don’t know, try to frame me for murder? It would have been funny,” Joel says, poking the dead body again before putting his head in his arms and feeling a silly need to breathe in and out deeply, as though that would make his terracotta lungs do anything more or less than they already do. “Or I was going to frame you. For horse murder, mostly. People don’t find regular murder as funny anymore. People don’t...”
He pauses for a while.
“...rest well, Emperor Joey. I’ll get PIxlriffs before I do something stupid and make one of your silly made-up gods angry at you or something.”
He stands up, but before he goes, he pulls a blanket out of his inventory. While this may be the second emperor they’ve found dead, it’s hardly the second corpse. And while Joel still is frankly baffled by funeral customs in general, he can at least give them something that someone made for them. Joel thinks it would be sad, if no one had made anything for him. Life’s all about making things. He and Lizzie had made their wedding bands together.
Ah. Maybe that’s why Joey has the crown on.
He takes a deep breath and leaves again to go yell at Pixlriffs, only stopping to quietly inform the first actual citizen of the Lost Empire that he finds alive of something that he’s pretty sure they all already knew long, long ago. He leaves before they can yell at him, too, or cry on him, which is worse. He has other places to be looking.
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ebelwrites · 6 years
Over protective nightmare ( im work I gm on a version of this too)
I’m so sorry for how late this is. I managed to sleep through the entirety of my aeroplane exhaustion just in time to be hit full force with the time zone difference. My sleeping pattern is all screwed up and I’m so exhausted. I finally got some decent sleep last night and got around to editing this one. I’ll try to edit the others when I’m well-rested but it’s very much a roulette wheel these days.
I’m also going to be writing and posting a story soon for Azure-Night-Owl’s birthday. I’m going to force myself to write this one soon because I did not know it was their birthday! Everyone who has already submitted a prompt, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten yours. They will be posted soon, I just need sleep.
Dream sighed as he climbed up the hill at a leisurely pace. The letter had asked him to meet at the top, though he was already planning excuses to cut the meeting short. He was not looking forward to this. It wasn’t the first time he had to turn down an unwanted advance and he doubted it would be the last. It would be flattering, if not for the fact that he knew perfectly well that none of them were actually interested in him, just in what being his datemate would mean for their status. He wondered how many times he’d have to state that he just wasn’t interested in anyone for people to finally understand; Probably far more than he would like to. He reached the top of the hill, spying the writer of the letter.
“Beatrix? I’m sorry, but I have-”
“Too many responsibilities to see anyone right now. I thought so.” She was shaking and fiddling with her hands. She wouldn’t look at him. “I-I gave it some more thought after I sent the letter to you and came to the same conclusion. I-I’m sorry for bothering you.” This was very strange; from what he knew of the girl, she was quite strong-willed. This was not normal behaviour, and she was very pale.
“Are you sick? You don’t seem well.” She almost jumped out of her skin, her eyes wide like a hunted animal.
“I-I- Maybe. I-I should go home. Rest.” There was definitely something up, Dream just couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Okay, you take care.” She practically flew down the hill after he spoke. He watched her leave with a suspicious glance, wondering what he was missing. He completely missed the flash of purple that was watching from nearby.
“Come on, just one date. It’ll be fun.”
“I’m really not interested, Ink.” Time had passed but some things never changed. Dream still got a number of unwanted advances, even with no tree left. Now it was his aura that attracted people, and it had attracted Ink. Ink was…Interesting as a friend, but Dream was definitely hesitant to take it up a level with him. Besides, he was pretty sure Ink wasn’t actually able to feel love.
“Just one, please. I’ll never ask again.” That got Dream’s attention. Being able to hold Ink to a promise-
“Even if you have to cancel at the last minute? You can never bug me for another one.”
“Even if!” Ink’s eyes brightened and shifted shapes as he spoke. Dream heaved a sigh.
“Fine, just one. But no asking again.”
“Deal! I’ll meet you here tomorrow!” And the AU guardian took off before Dream could get in another word. He heaved another sigh, wondering what he’d gotten himself into.
The next day, Dream received a phone call from Ink saying that the soulless guardian had gotten food poisoning the previous night and was too sick to make their date.
“Our agreement still holds, are you sure?” Dream could hear coughing from the other end of the line, but something about it seemed off.
“Y-Yeah, can’t even move. I-I know, no more asking.” Dream narrowed his eyes; what the heck?
“Is it bad? Do you need me to come over?”
“NO!” Dream startled, not expecting Ink to shout. Ink seemed as startled as Dream did when he spoke again. “Uh, it’s better if you don’t. I’ve got black…uh, ink. Yeah, ink all through the house. I caused a bit of a mess. You don’t want to see it.”
“Okay, then. Get better soon.” Ink abruptly hung up on him the second he finished speaking. Dream sighed. Well, at least Ink wouldn’t bother him for a date anymore.
“Hey, sweetheart. Give us a smile.”
Dream grit his teeth and held up the pamphlet he was reading to block line of sight between him and the catcaller. ‘Just ignore him and he’ll lose interest.’
The loud sound of glass shattering and metal crunching made Dream whip his head around on instinct. A large truck appeared to have careened off the road and into a shop of the sidewalk, just barely missing the catcaller from earlier. The man was on the ground, alive and apparently not badly hurt, but definitely scared out of his wits. His friends tended to him. Dream, however, was more interested in the rather familiar-looking black shadow that fled the vehicle and dove into a back alley, dripping cyan blue blood. Dream chased it.
The sound of aggressive hissing paused his pursuit; it appeared that the back alley led to a dead end. A small pool of the brightly coloured blood was starting to accumulate behind a stack of abandoned boxes. Dream sighed heavily and knelt to the ground.
“Come on out. I know you’re there and I know you’re hurt. May as well let me help.” Nightmare poked his head out just long enough to stick his tongue out at Dream before disappearing again. Alright; if that’s how Nightmare was going to be then Dream had no choice. He forced his way behind the boxes, ignoring the screeching and flailing of his stupid brother.
“No! Go away! Don’t you dare touch me!”
“Just let me fix it, you big baby!” He dodged the attacks of three sharpened tentacles and grabbed the fourth that Nightmare was quite clearly trying to hide behind him. There was a deep cut along the tip that caused Nightmare to screech when he grabbed it; or maybe Nightmare screeched because he had nothing better to do than to try and blow out Dream’s eardrums. Dream managed to corral the other three tentacles underneath him and sat on them, pinning them to the floor and leaving the tips flailing wildly but unable to harm him. Nightmare shot him a nasty look that seemed more like a pout as Dream finally began to heal the cut.
“Why do you keep chasing away everyone who hits on me?” Nightmare’s glare turned into a look of surprise and Dream couldn’t restrain from rolling his eyes. “I’m occasionally oblivious, not stupid. Once is an occurrence, twice is a coincidence, every single time for the entire five hundred and two years we’ve been alive is a pattern I’d almost call ‘yandere’. And it’s not like you were subtle about your involvement, either.”
“They’re not allowed to.” Nightmare wouldn’t look at him; the pout was back. “I should be your focus; not some insignificant worm who would only use you.” Dream paused, hands halfway through wrapping a bandage around the wound; the white fabric was already starting to be dyed black. Then he grinned.
“Aw. Is big bwother Nighty trying to protect his pwecious baby bro?” Nightmare’s horrified croak would fuel his happy dreams for years to come. He barely managed to tie off the bandage before Nightmare finally tipped him onto the ground. He landed hard on his back, wheezing with laughter.
“I do not! Just, I am the only one allowed to harm you! No one else!”
“Sure, sure,” Dream managed to squeak out amidst his laughter. “Whatever you say, brother.”
“I’m leaving!” Nightmare shoved past him, pushing him down again just as he’d managed to sit up. “I’m also disowning you!”
“No, you won’t. You love me!” The look on Nightmare’s face told him that maybe he’d pushed it a little too far. A quick portal let him escape the attacking tentacles, his laughter joined in chorus by Nightmare’s furious screeching. What a silly, overprotective big brother.
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You can choose between either UT Sans or Stretch and a reader havin a totally cute date at an arcade place :3 let the fluff commence! You're such a wonderful writer, I hope you're having a wonderful week so far!
(you are so sweet, thank you so much for your kind words and your well wishes! I hope your previous and current weeks have been/are going well too :) i apologize for the slight delay on this one- i had such troubles choosing between UT Sans and Stretch, ohhh stars it was a tough choice! i finally landed on Stretch, so i hope you enjoy this prompt response that i might have went just a liiiittle long on - tucked most of it beneath a read more because of that.
“… you’re kidding me.”
“the whole building?”
“and it’s only that much for a full pass for tonight?”
“Hell yes.”
Stretch’s face split into a genuine grin that you hadn’t seen in too long.
“what are we waiting for?”
You hooked your arm through his and lunged forward, finding him far easier to pull than you’d expected based on his usual hold on himself - but he went with you easily, his pace picking up and making you both laugh. You had been friends with Stretch - and his brother, and their absurd and wonderful circle of friends - for the better part of a year now, but this was one of the few times you were getting to actually bring him somewhere alone. No other friends to flank you, and with the ongoing flirting and the handful of dates and hand-holding and cheek kisses that had been building, you were definitively on date territory here too.
But honestly, with everything this skeleton had been through both in the past and lately, and with how much you cared for him, you were mostly excited to be the one to bring him to his first trip to an enormous arcade center.
The look on the attendant’s face when she handed you your passcards to the arcade was one you’d never forget, but far more priceless was the slack-jawed stare Stretch had on his face as he turned the corner and caught sight of the full arcade.
With your phone on silent, he didn’t have the chance to catch you before you sneakily took a picture of him. He turned to you right as you pocketed your phone again, though, and you felt something swell in your chest at the awed look he gave you.
He was unable to find the words, but you took mercy on him and intertwined your fingers, a soft blush on your face despite the mischievous grin and wink you shot him. “Think you can beat me in the Jurassic Park simulator?”
You were liking the way his orange blush dusted his cheekbones… and better yet, you were particularly liking that glint to his eyelights as he managed to recover and squeeze your hand back. “prepare to get tyrannosaurus wrecked.”
“Oh my god. No way, nope, nuh-uh. Banned. Banned for life-” 
He laughed as he followed your retreating form towards the gaudily-themed machine sporting it’s matching dinosaur-filled backdrop.
… But really, how the hell was he so good at this game.
You watched with narrowed eyes as he nimbly flicked through the scroll-style alphabet to put up his three-letter top score signature.
“… ‘GDO’?” you asked slowly. You still couldn’t quite process that he had beaten the last top score - and yourself, though technically you had ‘both’ won since you both escaped the park without dying.
He turned to you, leaning back in the unyielding plastic seat of the fake Jeep and laying his arm along the top of it behind you. He looked at you, one boney brow cocked and a shit-eating grin spread across his face. He twisted the hand that laid by your shoulder just slightly, poking your cheek with one finger.
“‘Get Dunked On,’ sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes but he had pulled a laugh from you anyways - damn him. You grinned back. “Alright then, oh master of the dinosaur arts - how about best out of the night? We’ll do an uneven number of games, whoever can win the most gets the prize,” you wagered.
He poked your cheek again, and huffed a laugh when you unsuccessfully swatted at his hand without breaking eye contact.
“alright, alright, i might be in for that - but what’s the prize?”
You thought for a moment, your finger pressing to your lips as you did so - it wasn’t often that you could get Stretch to take up a bet or challenge like this, it needed to be good.
As you racked your brain, you missed the way his eyelights softened, and the way his blush picked up just a little in intensity…
You snapped your fingers as the idea came to you, causing Stretch to startle slightly - but he returned to his look of interest at the glimmer in your eye.
“Whoever wins gets one free request of the other person. Nothing illegal or crazy out of bounds - no streaking through the building or anything-”
Stretch pressed a hand to his chest and gave you his best ‘who, me?’ look.
“Yeah, not buying it. Anyways, that’s the wager - one request, scot-free.”
The next moment, you felt Stretch’s hand clasp yours. He shook it once.
“you’re on.”
“Bring it.”
… Well, you’d certainly made statements that were more undeservedly confident before.
Not many, but still.
You had steered him quickly away from the mini-basketball game, shooting him a look that brooked no argument. Like hell you were going to let him get you on that one with gravity magic on his side. You hit up Classic Pacman instead - and nearly tied him for it. He got distracted in the first round, muttering something excited about fully functioning joysticks making a big difference. Still, he won out, sending you scowling grumpily for a moment before his hand brushed along your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine instead as he offered a racing game next, not appearing to notice your moment of distraction.
The racing game was his first stumble - the delayed and purposefully screwy reaction time of the steering wheel sent him cursing under his breath about shitty engineering, cut-off and followed by laughter when your own chuckling was interrupted by a sudden stream of curses for careening into a waterfall off a trick jump. You beat him even still, resulting in him dragging you to Guitar Hero - which he outplayed you soundly at, and you couldn’t even get mad because damn if it wasn’t your own fault for getting distracted by the smooth play of his fingers over that dumb plastic guitar.
Then went four games of chance in a row - all varied roulettes of light stacked against you, and you won three to his one. He got the perfect timing on the coin drop game after that, and had absurdly impeccable aim for the following virtual fishing game. Warmed up enough, you both breached the shooting game category next - finding yourselves only choosing generic hunting and zombie horror ones. And hell, if he wasn’t good - three to your two, even on the one you had managed to get in the leaderboard for, the little shit. He looked particularly pleased about that one, and you had a feeling that ‘GDO’ was going to haunt your free time and wallet for a long time to come.
A momentary truce was called when you came up to the strength test machine.
“i’m fine with the truce, really, and i wouldn’t cheat since it’s, well, a truce-”
“So you’d cheat if it wasn’t a truce?”
“well hey, i never said that-”
“Like hell, bonehead, you implied it!”
Your laughter had you bending at the waist, and you gave him a soft teasing punch towards the arm for his transgressions. He caught it easily, grinning despite your accurate accusations.
“totally unproven slander against my character aside, i genuinely don’t wanna break it,” he said, lifting a brow as his grin stayed wide. You laughed again, shaking your head, not finding the will to pull your hand out of his hold.
“Oh-hoh, that’s a lot of talk for a guy who’s all bone-”
He snorted, his grin spreading. “props for that one. but uh, really.” His other hand lifted and he scratched lightly at his skull and looked away.
You straightened, eyeing him dubiously. “Stretch, I know you’re strong as hell, but you really think you could max out this thing? They’re literally weighted against you, since it’s an automatic prize if you ring the bell.”
“side bet, then,” he said. Your head tilted slightly, but you nodded for him to continue. He still held your fist in his hand, and the ongoing contact was starting to make you blush a bit. “if i can max it out, i get a kiss as a reward.”
Your face flared with heat.
“Stretch, wh-” you cut yourself off, biting your lip. You cocked a hip and rested one hand on it, eyeing him with a grin only slightly tinged with embarrassment. “Y’know what? Fine. I’m in. But no magic. No gravity nonsense helping your swing or anything like that - and I know what your magic looks like. Show me what you’ve got, bone boy.”
He let go of your hand then. He stepped forward, towards the test of strength, and towards you - he leaned in, his height giving him quite the advantage over your stature, and you found yourself frozen in spot as his voice came in a whisper right by your ear.
“anytime you want, sweetheart,” he said. His hand brushed your shoulder as he stepped around you.
You took a few seconds to try and get your blush under control before you turned to watch him.
The hammer was already in his hands, the comically oversized item looking instead hilariously ‘normal’ in his hands. He looked to the attendant, who waved him on in a bored manner. Gripping the hammer in both hands, he took an easy, solid stance before glancing back at you. He winked when he caught what you knew was a heavy lingering blush on your face.
He lifted the hammer with ease then, positioning it high and ready for a moment that hung in the air-
The next second, it had hit the scale dead-center with only the sharp whoosh of hastily displaced air to hint that he had even swung it at all.
The lights shot upwards, and the bright peal of the test’s bell rang out as your mouth fell open.
It snapped shut half a minute later as Stretch’s finger met the line of your chin and lifted to remind you to close it. He was back in front of you, and with his other hand he was offering you an enormous stuffed dog.
“for my rapt audience,” he said simply, his gaze nearly twinkling with amusement.
You took the dog from him weakly, glancing between him and the bell. “You… You, how…” Wow, words. “No… no magic…?”
He laughed, and his hand lifted to your face, tucking away a little hair that had fallen out of place.
“no magic,” he promised, grinning. “and don’t worry about the kiss… i can accept a tab.”
You pulled him to air hockey next as he laughed at the flash of your expression in response to his words. Behind the fluff of the large stuffed animal that you were now clutching close, your cheeks burned brightly above a smile that you were unable to twist into anything better to react to him with.
The puck flashed along the table for the next half hour. You won three games, then him the next two as he seemed to memorize your patterns and turn them against you, then you once more for the following two with figuring out his own tactics and maybe just a little help from strategized distractions.
“Okay, okay, let’s call it quits on this one!” You finally said, lifting your hands as the last puck clunked home in his goal. You shook out your hand, laughing even as you winced at the stiffness you had built up in your joints. “I might just lose my whole arm if we keep this up,” you groused despite the cheerfulness in your tone. Your cheeks were still warm, a feeling that definitely wasn’t fading as the night wore on. You looked up to catch Papyrus looking at you, a gentle grin on his face as he leaned on his end of the table.
You returned his grin, blushing a little further once again. Your cheeks were close to hurting from how much you had been smiling at this point, but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to care.
Scooping up your new plushie friend, you went to lean next to Stretch.
“So, totally not conveniently, we’re tied up right now. Feel up to finishing this?” You asked, bumping him with your shoulder. “Your choice of game,” you offered with a waggle of your brow.
He stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket as he looked over the room, exaggerating contemplation.
“well… i don’t want it to be too easy to kick your butt-”
You rolled your eyes.
“and i’m a fair monster, i don’t want to choose something that you’ll call cheater on-”
You elbowed him lightly, smirking. “No need to pout because I won’t let you cheat at Skee-Ball.”
“-though some would say it’s unfair that i don’t get to use my natural skills,” he continued, his gaze shifting to you as he winked. You just rolled your eyes again, even as your blush grew with your smile. “so all that said… how about DDR?”
He nodded his head towards a corner of the room you hadn’t yet visited - and sure enough, there flashed a currently unoccupied metal twin stage with neon arrows and endlessly looping music.
Your eyes widened. “DDR? Seriously?”
He stood up fully then and took a step towards it before looking back at you. “what, don’t think you can beat a bag of bones at a dancing game?”
You stood up and stretched high before settling your hands on your hips and grinning up at him. “Nah, I just think you made a huge mistake,” you said.
Minutes in, you and Stretch had your feet blurring over the panels.
Three song choices - the first, you beat him soundly, as only 15 seconds in he realized just how serious you were about your claim. Aimless years of your youth spent playing home versions of the game using knockoff dance pads with your friends had paid off, and it didn’t even take a full song for you to get back into the swing of the pattern of arrows flying by. Better yet, this was an old arcade version, and you had played a lot of these songs already. The second song he caught up - especially thanks to you stumbling over your feet when you tried to twist and hit three quick double arrows in a row while your traitorous mind wondered how he could move so quickly and precisely even in a song with a beat that completely mismatched the arrows-
“i managed to find a copy of this to play and fixed up a dance pad from the dump,” he said suddenly. Your eyes lifted to his, and you caught him grinning at you, his expression decidedly mischievous.
“… Ohhh, you cheater-” you accused, starting to laugh as realization washed over you.
“says the one who was all too happy to take me up on it when the advantage was seemingly for you,” he shot back, his own laughter quickly following in a way that sounded oddly breathless. The song ended moments later, and he had won out by hardly a dozen points.
“Alright, alright, last song, and it’s my choice- so you’d better bring your A game,” you said, your breathing a little harder than you’d like as you quickly tapped through the menu and chose a song before he could catch much of it. The older game started into it’s slow loading menu, and you turned to Stretch - only to find him right next to you and on your pad.
“oh, and i’d like to claim my reward from earlier,” he said. He picked one of your hands up, holding it with a gentleness that contrasted the devilish spark to his gaze.
“Wait - what, now??” You asked, startling slightly as you felt the blood rush to your cheeks all over again, the flush of exertion now much more clearly concentrated. “I - I mean-”
“only if you want,” he said offhandedly, despite his ongoing focus on you. In the background, you recognized the game’s cheerful sound for being halfway through loading the round. “if you want, just aim right here, no worries,” he said, tapping his cheek with one finger.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want the excuse, you knew… and maybe it would even trip him up, you reasoned, pretending halfheartedly like that was really what you actually cared about.
“Alright, alright - but quick! C-come here, lean down a little-”
He leaned down, his smile brightening. You went on your tiptoes to lean towards his cheek, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you squeezed his hand -
… That wasn’t cheekbone.
Something just a little bit softer than his cheekbones met your lips, and- oh, oh hell, he was kissing you-!
You pressed back against him after only a moment, your lips tentatively moving against his, and you felt his hand squeeze yours back...
The next moment you heard the trill of the music starting up, and you both froze.
Suddenly your feet were fully back on solid platform and you were facing the screen, your eyes opening, your feet automatically jumping to hit the first arrows- your gaze shifted quickly to Stretch, and his feet were flying over the tiles as well. His face was lit up like an orange lamp and you caught the fading hint of orange magic from his left eye.
Your grin widened as your blush hit you harder and you focused on the screen again, willing your coordination to do anything but fail you now.
… Stretch beat you by six points.
You fell backwards, resting against the back bar heavily and staring at your screens in disbelief.
“I didn’t even think it was possible to win by so few points,” you said, your hands on your knees as you tried to not outright gasp for breath.
Stretch had one hand on his own bar, and he seemed to be a little winded himself. “call it an art,” he offered, seeming to come up short on anything better to offer in reply.
Your gazes caught then. Both of your blushes returned, once again, full force.
He grinned. “so… looks like i won,” he said slowly.
You shook your head, laughing hopelessly, willing yourself to not touch your lips as your body suddenly recalled the feel of his mouth against yours. “Yeah, you did, almost fair and square,” you replied.
“as almost fair and square as you ended up in second,” he replied, stepping off of the platform and offering you a hand. You took it after only a moment’s hesitation, scooping up your stuffed prize from earlier and letting him lead you back towards the entrance.
“… I’ll give you that,” you said, no amount of apology in your voice. He laughed openly at that, a sound so unguarded and warm that you found your hand clutching his a little tighter, knowing that you were feeling a budding mission to bring it out of him as often as you could.
“want to hit up Muffet’s? i dunno about you, but kicking your butt works up an appetite for me,” he teased.
“That’s just because I didn’t make it as easy as you thought it’d be,” you shot back as you made your way across the parking lot, lit gently by the occasional streetlight that slightly obscured the stars dotting the night sky overhead. He laughed again, and you grinned - before sighing, playing it up as put-upon as you could. “Still, though, to the victor goes the spoils, and all that. So what’ll it be, Stretch? What’s the request?”
You reached the car he had borrowed from his brother for the night - he had waved off your questions earlier when you asked why you weren’t teleporting tonight, simply saying that even he liked to drive on occasion. He stayed still for a moment, then turned to you. His free hand lifted to his neck, and his face tilted slightly away as he rubbed at the vertebrae there, his eyelights wandering towards the vague distance.
“well… i did think about it a bit…” he started slowly. You squeezed his hand lightly - you were definitely a little nervous, but your curiosity had mostly won out… alongside your anticipation, as the thrill of heat and butterfly nerves through you served reminder. He met your gaze, and you realized he was blushing again, despite him trying to wear his normal easy grin. “i don’t want to force you into anything you’re not into, so i’m not gonna - er, not again - i mean…” he sighed, his hand smacking lightly against his face as he grimaced at himself. He dropped it then, managing to meet your gaze once more. “… i’d like to ask for another date, and one i can surprise you with?”
The way his sentence trailed into a question, the way the orange magic ran over his cheekbones, the feel of his hand holding yours, the lingering scent of clove cigarettes and the sweetness of honey on his sweatshirt… your heart pounded in your chest, a heavy thrum that picked up in pace as you noticed these little details as your eyes widened, your breath catching slightly in your throat.
You squeezed the dog plush he had won for you while your own blush picked up. You were quiet for a few moments, ones that seemed to set him further tense as he gazed back down at you.
“… Request accepted - with one condition?”
His eyelights brightened with his blush, but he seemed to bite down on any further reaction, waiting for your further clarification, simply nodding perhaps a little too vigorously for the ease he was trying to portray.
You glanced away, biting your lip, then squeezed his hand again and met his gaze with an upwards twitch of your lips.
“… If I can kiss you again?”
A few moments passed, and you swore you could hear the music of the arcade even in the distance.
“fuck yes,” he whispered.
You couldn’t help the bright laugh that escaped you then. His relieved face lit up with a grin, and you pulled him down towards you with a firm drag at his hoodie as his arms circled you and pulled you close, giddiness washing through you as you kissed him with everything you had.
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