#OC CT-2697 Sawbones
wizardofrozz · 14 days
Ghosts of Kamino
CT-2697 "Sawbones", Alpha-23 "Fang", mention of CT-9181 "Aiden", CT-6116 "Kix", CT-7007 "Jax", and CT-2525 "Quarter"
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: past violence, past medical procedures, angst, mention of war
A/N: I've been taken over by OC brainrot and needed to get this angst about Sawbones out of my system. There isn't any in depth detail about what happened to Saw on Kamino (that can be found here xx if you're interested) but this fic is a little on the heavy side.
Fang and Aiden are also two of my clone OCs while Jax and Quarter belong to @hetalianskywalker ❤️
Dividers were made by me 🖤
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White. It's all there is to see in every direction for miles. Sawbones spent so many years walking these halls, feeling so small in comparison. Little '97 following in formation with his brothers as they went about their day-to-day. Now, Sawbones walks through the halls of Kamino: empty, pristine, cold. If only that was how he felt inside but the long-necks made sure that wouldn't be the case.
Saw is scheduled for a training class to update his medical license but he has a few hours to kill; the last thing he wants to do on Kamino. Moving on autopilot, he doesn't even realize where he's going until he stops in front of a familiar door. The only reason he recognizes it is because of the deep gash in the door frame. Saw smiles to himself, remembering when one of the other batches that shared a space with them first got to practice with long weapons. The memory turns sour just as quickly when he remembers what followed. 
Saw lets the door slide open, pointedly not looking at the door frame as he steps inside. Most of the cadet classes are still in session, meaning the pods stretching toward the ceiling should be empty. He still remembers where their five pods are and comes to a stop in front of the tower they called home for so long. Tilting his head back he recites their numbers as his eyes follow the pods from floor to ceiling. 
The echo of soft, uncontrollable laughter fills his mind and Saw closes his eyes. Aiden's laugh used to drive the other cadets nuts but what he wouldn't give to hear his little brother laugh like that again. Or to hear Kix and Jax plotting to get into trouble. Quarter's unimpressed look when they did get in trouble. Maker, he misses his brothers. 
Letting his eyes drift open, Saw repositions his helmet on his hip and tries to fight off the inevitable. While this room holds good memories, bad memories aren't far behind. It's the paradox that is Sawbones. 
Aiden's laughter lingers here just like Saw's agonizing screams. His batch aren't the only ones scarred by his pain and a part of him is glad he hasn't come across the other batches they shared this space with. The other cadets who woke up to his hoarse sobs and his brothers' desperate attempts at soothing him. Saw didn't know what it was like when he was stuck in the medbay for days on end but he can imagine the rest of his batch weren't the most pleasant to be around. 
His throat feels tight, ash sitting on his tongue as his thoughts drift to the medical suite nearby. The room he spent long days and even longer nights wasting away in. So much of it is muddled in his head; oxygen masks, sickly gray skin covering long, cold fingers. And pain. Don't forget the pain. 
The back of Saw's neck stings and he quickly covers it, trying to rub away the feeling. It doesn't work, not really, and he almost expects to turn around to find a long-neck standing over him, empty syringe in their hand. 
There's no one there. Just the ghosts that haunt him even when he's lightyears away. They just seem more corporeal on Kamino, the home of Saw's worst nightmares.
The air feels too still without young voices echoing through the room and it starts to feel suffocating. The ringing in his ears sends a chill down his spine and he quickly turns to leave just as the door shoots open. 
Saw stumbles back a step. Relief floods his system seconds later when a familiar set of armor stands in the doorway, blue paint less pristine than the last time he saw it. The Alpha lifts his helmet off, shaking a few stray curls out of his face, and even years later, Fang looks the same as when Saw was a kid. 
There are a few more wrinkles around his eyes but at the end of the day, this is still his big brother. He's nearly as tall as Fang now but he still feels small even if he doesn't have to look up anymore. But there's the ghost of a smile on the Alpha's face, chasing some of the storm clouds away from Saw's mind. The same way Fang's presence did for so many years. 
"Thought I'd find ya here," Fang says, although he doesn't step into the room. His eyes drift around the space, looking up toward the ceiling before eventually lingering on Saw's face, and Fang's smile grows the slightest bit. 
"Been a long time since I've been in here," Saw notes, looking over his shoulder toward the tower of bunks. Not long enough if he's honest. 
"Surprised you wanted to see it again," Fang mumbles, crossing his arms, helmet dangling from one hand. 
"I didn't," Saw whispers, staring up at his old bunk. "I never wanted to come back here. Even in a body bag." 
"Why did you?" 
That made Saw pause, twisting back around to look at his older brother, the man who kept him as safe as he could and raised him along with the rest of his batch to be the men they are today. Why did he come back here?
The memory of Aiden and Jax's uncontrollable laughter comes back to him and the corner of Saw's mouth twitches. The smile isn't happy per se, more...forlorn. 
"Miss 'em. All of 'em. Can't even remember the last time I saw Kix without a blue hue." The words start spilling out and in the back of his mind, he curses Fang's uncanny ability to get him to spill his guts. "Guess I wanted to remember a time we were all together." 
"I know," Fang says, his voice soft just like when Saw was a kid, scared out of his mind. It's a comfort he's missed too. 
"Miss you too," Saw admits, dropping his eyes to the floor. 
A hand gently grabs the left side of his breastplate and Saw doesn't fight it when he's pulled through the threshold.
The hallways are bright, too bright, compared to the barracks, and Saw automatically squints. Fang throws an arm around his shoulders, a harder maneuver than the last time Fang did it years ago, and it brings a smile to Saw's face. 
"Come on, I know someone else who'd like to see your ugly ass." 
The insult shocks a laugh out of Saw and without thinking, he wraps his arm around Fang's waist, letting the older clone drag him down the hall. 
"You look just like me," Saw retorts, fighting off another laugh.
"My hair's better." 
Saw laughs again, his body bowing forward slightly but he catches the grin in Fang's face. 
The ghosts of his past still linger, waiting to drag Saw back to the brink of despair. That'll never change but that doesn't mean he's stranded alone. His brothers, younger and older, will always pull him back. They've done it his entire life and he knows they'll do it for the rest of their lives. 
And Saw loves them all a little more every time.
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@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit
@moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness
@trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @hetalianskywalker @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
@bankseys-rat @dukeoftheblackstar
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
OC Sunday: CT-2697 "Sawbones" (OC of @wizardofrozz)
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This was my Life Day gift to Roz, because Sawbones is a gift every single day 🖤
Ragu list below:
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @mandos-mind-trick @littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @clonemedickix @marierg @idontgetanysleep @moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine @multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam @banksys-rat @skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist @cw80831 @kimiheartblade @meredithroseg @flyiingsly @lightwise
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wizardofrozz · 5 months
CT-2697 Sawbones
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I figured it was time to post some of the art I've done of Sawbones 😈 enjoy
Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @mythical-illustrator @hetalianskywalker @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
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wizardofrozz · 9 months
Fire and Rain
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Commander Wolffe x GN!reader, OC Sawbones
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: war, death, mention of violence, grief, soft Wolffe
A/N: I had a bad day and all I want is to listen to the rain while Wolffe comforts me. So that's how this fic came to be lmao. I hope you enjoy 🖤
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Humanitarian missions were some of your favorites. You spent most of your time in the medbay, patching up troopers and avoiding the piercing eyes of the CMO. These missions allowed you to get off the Venator, to see something other than cold durasteel walls or Coruscant’s light-polluted skyline. Although, it wasn’t all joy and happiness. 
The small village was still smoking, crumbled buildings littering the streets. What was once a quaint town had been reduced to ash and rubble. Family homes and community trademarks were unrecognizable and the occupants could only stand by and stare longingly. 
The 104th had been tasked with delivering supplies, offering medical assistance, and searching for hazardous materials from the crash. The Separatist ship had broken apart in the atmosphere but it was close enough for it to start raining down debris on the unsuspecting villagers shortly after. You glanced around as the Wolfpack made their way into the heart of the town, your eyes lingering on the tents scattered around. A small child stood at the edge of the road, wide-eyed wonder written all over his face as troopers wandered past. His young face was streaked with soot but nothing could dampen the amazement shining in his bright eyes.
“Hey.” You jumped, turning toward the voice only to stare back at your own reflection in his visor. You couldn’t fight the urge to glance back at the child one last time before giving Wolffe your undivided attention. 
“Yes, Commander,” you replied, hoping the smile you offered didn’t look as forced as it felt. Even if you couldn’t see them, you could feel Wolffe’s eyes studying your face and you did your best not to buckle under the weight. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Wolffe replied and if you weren’t walking so close, you would’ve missed his soft sigh. Wolffe subtly turned his head, glancing around at the troopers walking in loose formation around him. The ghost of a smile crossed your face when you felt the muted brush of his fingers against your arm. 
“I’m alright,” you murmured, lightly bumping into him.
“For now,” he replied, almost quiet enough for you to miss. And he was right. Each step deeper into the smoldering remains of the village made your heart sink a little more. You took a long, deep breath, grimacing at the burnt taste that seemed to linger on your tongue. The second brush against your arm had you peering over at Wolffe, staring into his dark visor again as you blindly found his hand. He squeezed your fingers, a gentle reminder that you weren’t alone and you cherished the contact. 
It was going to be a long day.
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It felt like you were going to fall over with the slightest gust of wind. Most of your day consisted of patching up the wounded in between passing out supplies. Everyone from children to the elderly had passed through your tent and each new person felt like another gut punch, draining more of your resolve. 
You glanced over your shoulder, noting that Sawbones was moving a bit slower too, and you braced your hands on the table in front of you. Staying in the med tent had let you keep your blinders on, saving yourself the heartache of watching of few of your boys carrying the lifeless bodies out of the rubble but you weren’t sure if it was actually better. Instead of seeing who you couldn’t save, you had to look into the eyes of the people they left behind. A small part of you found joy in helping them but nothing could take away the veil of grief that seemed the blanket them all. 
A harsh whistle cut through the air, making you jump hard enough to knock a box of bacta patches to the floor. You twisted around to find Sawbones watching you, his eyes narrowed slightly. 
“Yes, Bones,” you huffed, resting your hip against the table and crossing your arms. 
“What’s wrong with you?” You were too drained to contain your eye rolls, although, Sawbones’ blunt nature was nothing new to you. 
“Long day, same as you,” you replied, arching a brow. 
“That’s not all,” he countered, squinting at you. “Sp-” 
The sudden roar of voices from outside cut off the rest of his sentence and you both straightened. You shared a confused look with him before you broke into a jog with Sawbones on your heels. You sputtered the second you stumbled outside, blinking rapidly as you looked upward. The sky was hazing, a thick fog hanging over the village as rain pelted the ground, extinguishing the last of the fires littering the area. It took a few seconds for you to realize that the noise you had heard was the villagers celebrating. 
People of all ages were standing outside, smiling and cheering, rain soaking them to the bone but that didn’t seem to matter. Something as simple as a storm that, to you, would’ve felt like another kick to the face brought such joy to a village that nearly burned to the ground. You looked to your left, meeting Sawbones’ eyes before he looked out over the celebrating villagers. You could’ve sworn there was a faint smile on his face.
“Go rest. There’s nothing else we can do for them,” Sawbones murmured without looking at you. 
You thought about staying there but the rain was picking up, steadily soaking your clothing. Walking through the pockets of people filling the streets brought a wistful smile to your face, a smile that only grew as you watched the wolfpack join in. You found a supply tent on the edge of the settlement and ducked inside, shaking off any excess water clinging to your clothing.
The fabric of your shirt stuck to your skin, sending a chill across your skin. You wrapped your arms around yourself, glancing around at the crates of supplies, brightening a bit when you caught a glimpse of a GAR-issued blanket. The fabric was rough, meant for warmth over comfort but it was better than nothing. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders as you wandered to the front of the tent again, holding the edges of the blanket under your chin so you could roll one of the flaps up. 
Lightning spiderwebbed across the sky, followed quickly by a loud clap of thunder that seemed to vibrate through your bones. There were easily a dozen things you could be doing but something about watching the unmatchable power of Mother Nature had you captivated. 
You were so absorbed in watching the rain that you didn’t hear the faint rustle from over your shoulder. A choked-off gasp fell from your lips and you tensed against the arms that wrapped around you. Your sluggish brain spiraled for a moment until you recognized the familiar vambraces and you sagged against him. 
“Hiding from all the fun, sweetheart,” Wolffe rumbled, kissing the crown of your head. 
“Says the man wearing a body glove that keeps him dry,” you teased, leaning back against Wolffe. 
“Mostly dry,” he corrected, his voice muffled as he hid his face against your neck. 
“Oh sorry, mostly dry.” The stress of your day still weighed heavily on you but the familiar press of Wolffe’s armor against your back brought you more comfort than you realized. A small smile lifted the corner of your mouth when he started to gently sway and you reached up to card through his damp hair. 
“How are you, darling?” And if that wasn’t a loaded question. You sighed, resting your temple against his head, letting yourself get lost in the rhythmic side-to-side movement for a moment. 
“I don’t know,” you finally confessed. Wolffe grunted quietly, urging you to continue. “I wish I could’ve done more.”
“You couldn’t have,” he argued gently, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I know,” you whispered, letting your hand slip out of his hair and down his face. Your fingers brushed the end of his scar and you leaned away, twisting around enough to see his face. 
“Hey, cyare,” he murmured with a half-smile. 
“Hey,” you breathed, resting your forehead against his with a sigh and letting your eyes fall shut.
“I know you wish you could save everyone,” Wolffe mumbled, pausing to kiss your nose, “but you can’t. However, you did a whole lot of good for the people that are still here.”
“You think so?” You squeezed your eyes shut as you turned to face him, loosely hugging his waist. 
“I know so,” Wolffe said with so much conviction that you had a hard time not believing him. You hugged him a little tighter when he shifted and pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead. “That bleeding heart of yours is one of the many reasons I love you.” 
“So you do have a list.” Wolffe’s quiet snort brought a smile to your face. The light tap on the underside of your chin had your eyes fluttering open, staring up at his mismatched eyes. There was a fond little smile on his lips as his eyes flickered around your face. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Before you could answer with another lighthearted remark, Wolffe leaned down, finding your lips with ease. It was a tender kiss yet it held an intensity that you’d come to expect from Wolffe. You broke the kiss when your lungs burned, desperate for oxygen, and you rested your forehead against his again. 
“I love you,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I love you too.” Wolffe pecked your lips, starting to sway gently again, the pitter-patter of rain on the canvas tent acting as a melody.
The stress and heartache weren’t gone, far from it, but in that moment, wrapped in the arms of the man you loved, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The promise of a future that made all the pain worth it.
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Taglist: @a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar (I thought you might like this 🫣)
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wizardofrozz · 8 months
hi, Rozz!!! from the kiss prompts, can I please request:
"i'm sorry, i had to." with Sawbones (simping uncontrollably for him tbh)
can’t wait to see how the mean one handles a first kiss 😅
Love It When You Hate Me
OC Sawbones x reader, Original Clone Troopers
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: mention of injury, Sawbones being an asshole. I think that's it lol
A/N: Thank you for the ask Sev 🖤 I get so unbelievably happy when anyone simps of Sawbones lmao I got a little carried away with this but I don't even care, it was worth it 😂
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Before the war, you hadn’t traveled much, staying busy in the emergency wing of Coruscant General. Then Geonosis happened, millions of troopers materializing out of thin air to fight a war most people hadn’t even been expecting. That was how you ended up working for the GAR, traveling around the galaxy to lend your medical knowledge to the troops that needed it most. You had visited several medical centers and worked alongside combat medics across numerous battalions.  
The Ord Cestus Medical Center was your most recent assignment, offering an extra set of hands after a large influx of troopers came in. You smiled at the clone stretched out on the bed before you as you checked his vitals. You didn’t even know his name but it didn’t seem to matter to him. 
“Am I gonna make it, doc?” he asked, a smirk lifting the side of his mouth. The trooper’s arm was secured to his chest, his right shoulder still healing after being violently ripped from the socket. 
“Mm, I don’t know,” you teased, smiling when he laughed. It was a welcomed sound in a place so steeped in pain, meaning you noticed when it cut off abruptly. You checked for any sign that he was in pain but his expression gave nothing away; you followed his eyes across the room and held in a sigh. 
As a civilian, you hadn’t been sent into combat areas, making relief missions your most common assignment. Most of the time you spent with a battalion was fleeting but there was one that was an exception: the 104th battalion, the Wolfpack. General Plo Koon’s men still fought infantry battles but they also spent the most time rescuing other troops or offering aid to civilians. If it was by accident or due to a request from the general, you were called in, along with a few other civilians, to offer their medics a few extra hands. 
Now, seeing one of those medics, most notably the chief medical officer, wasn’t what you were expecting.
Sawbones looked just as stormy as ever despite the crutches he was hobbling around on. You had heard the stories, the things he’d done in the name of the Republic but your inner idealist wrote them off as exaggerations. Although, when he trooper beside you shifted uncomfortably, glancing at you, it made you wonder. You followed Sawbones’ journey across the room, letting your eyes linger when he stopped at another Wolfpack member’s bed. You huffed under your breath and turned back to the trooper you were treating, gently patting his arm. 
“Get some rest,” you ordered with a smile. The trooper flashed you a tense smile before shuffling down, stretching out on his bed. The next patient on your list was a few beds down, closer to where Sawbones was still lingering and you slowed your pace. You had your fair share of run-ins with the Wolfpack’s mean CMO and while his attitude made you want to steer clear of him, there was something about him that had your mind wandering back to him.
Sawbones was harsh on a good day but you had also witnessed a side to him that you’d almost consider...soft. He threw nasty comments around, scaring off anyone who dared get too close but he cared for his injured men with a gentle hand. You had a feeling his threats weren’t empty, but he wanted to help more than hurt, even if he had a funny way of showing it. 
Sawbones turned his head slightly as you neared your next patient. His beard was neatly trimmed and you could only remember seeing it long and unruly out on the field. Now that you thought about it, that was the first time you had seen him in anything but his armor; the starchy, gray scrubs made him look softer, less abrasive. You offered the trooper, Dodger, a smile as you approached his bed. It was hard to miss the anxiety lining his expression and you hoped the simple gesture helped a little bit. Dodger’s jaw flexed but he squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath in preparation. 
“How are you feeling, Dodger?” you asked, perching on the corner of his bed near his feet.
“Been better,” he mumbled, pointedly not looking at the hip-to-ankle cast he wore. You could feel eyes on your back and ignored the curious glances as you reached for his hand. Recovery was going to take some time but there was nothing unrepairable. 
“Enough babying them.” You jumped at the voice from over your shoulder, twisting around to find Sawbones leaning on his crutches, his face twisted in a scowl. “They’re soldiers, not children.” There was a tense silence as you just gaped at him, taken aback by the bitter edge to his voice. Endless, dark eyes bore into yours and it took you a second to shake off the shock.
“Excuse me?” Sawbones arched a brow before shifting his attention to Dodger over your shoulder.
“You live to fight another day. Congratulations,” Sawbones said, his tone flat and uninterested. Dodger blinked a few times before letting out a long, slow breath, and slumping down in his bed. 
“Uh, thank you, sir,” he murmured, nodding at the medic. Sawbones grunted before making a slow turn, heading back across the room and all you could do was stare after him. When you looked back at Dodger, there was a half-smile on his face that only grew when he caught the flabbergasted expression on your face. 
Then the anger started to build, swelling like an impending storm and you stood so fast you staggered. Dodger tried to get your attention but you were already stalking toward the door Sawbones disappeared through. Finding him was easy, seeing that he could only move so fast and you picked up your pace. You could only imagine the look on your face but it must’ve been ominous enough for any passing staff to step out of your way. 
You caught a glimpse of Sawbones disappearing into one of the smaller labs scattered around the medical center and hurried after him. There was one other clone sitting at one of the benches when you stepped inside, the pair turning to look at you. 
“Leave,” you ordered, stepping away from the door. The clone hesitated, glancing at Sawbones and it only made your anger spike. “Out.” Sawbones leaned against the workbench, taking some of the weight off his broken leg, his head turning to follow the other clone as he stomped out of the room.
“What?” he asked, arching a brow. 
“How dare you," you hissed, storming across the room, carelessly invading his personal space. “I am not one of your subordinates that you can talk down to. You had no right to step in like that.”
“And?” The unbothered air around him made you seethe; any crush you thought you might’ve had on him got shoved to the back of your mind. You ground your teeth together, taking another step closer.
“I don’t care what your problem is. I don’t care why you act like an asshole as if it’s your job but you will not treat me like some incompetent moof-milker.” You jabbed a finger into his chest, relishing in the quiet grunt he let out. “I’ve worked my ass off all my life and if you’re so emotionally constipated that my kindness bothers you, then I’d suggest sucking it the fuck up.” 
Sawbones blinked at you, his eyes flickering down to where your finger was still pressed into his chest; when his eyes lifted again they seemed shadowed and it sent an involuntary shiver down your spine. Suddenly, you felt your confidence withering as his expression darkened, his head tilting down, bringing your faces closer together. Just as you were about to take a step back, Sawbones surged forward, slanting his mouth against yours as he cradled the back of your head.
Your eyes widened comically but it didn’t deter him and before you knew it you were melting against him. His mustache tickled your skin and you found that you liked it, closing your fist, tugging him closer by his scrub top. Sawbones rumbled deep in his chest, parting your lips to slip his tongue into your mouth and you whined involuntarily.
It was just a kiss and yet it felt more erotic than any other kiss you’d shared with another person. The movement of his tongue was a mockery of what you desperately wished his hips were doing and it made you shiver. Sawbones broke the kiss so suddenly your head spun and you swayed closer, following his lips before you could catch yourself. 
“Sorry,” Sawbones panted, his hand sliding down to your neck, “I had to. I like it when you get mean.” 
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” you whispered, still trying to catch your breath. “You only speak one language: asshole.” It felt like a monumental accomplishment when Sawbones laughed; it was a sharp, harsh sound but it brought a smile to your face nonetheless.
“I speak another language too,” he murmured, bumping your noses together. 
“Yeah? What’s that?” You barely finished the sentence before he pulled you into another dizzying kiss. Yeah, you would happily speak this language too.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @commander-sunshine @dukeoftheblackstar
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wizardofrozz · 9 months
Dancing with Wolves
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Commander Wolffe x Fem!reader x OC Sawbones
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: NSFW, +18, this is just straight filth, no clonecest, spitroast, oral (m receiving), slight anal, threesome, creampie, dirty talk. Let me know if I missed any warnings!
A/N: I'm not even sorry about this lmao. You can also find more about Sawbones here ( xx xx xx xx) if you're interested 🖤
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Intense didn’t feel like a strong enough word to describe the situation you had found yourself in. You were on all fours in the middle of your bed, completely bare but definitely not alone. If you glanced over your shoulder, you knew you’d find Sawbones’ eyes practically devouring you and if you looked up, you’d meet the mismatched gaze of the commander kneeling in front of you.
“Ready?” Wolffe murmured, brushing a thumb over your bottom lip. 
“You have no idea,” you huffed lightheartedly. Saw’s snort was almost drowned out when Wolffe laughed and you shifted back toward the medic behind you. If you wiggled your hips a bit in the process, well that was your business. 
You caught Wolffe’s faint nod, the only warning you got before an arm slid under your hips, yanking you backward until Saw’s cock was pressed between your cheeks. A soft gasp involuntarily left your lips, earning a husky chuckle from over your shoulder. 
“Maybe I should’ve taken your ass instead,” Saw mused, his lips brushing your ear. The combination of his suggestion paired with the low rumble of his voice that you hadn’t heard much of made you shiver. “Maybe next time.”
You nodded almost frantically, rocking back against him, desperate for...something. The way his hips jerked slightly told you he wasn’t holding it together quite as well as he was trying to make it seem. Saw immediately straightened after his lapse, one large hand gripping your hips as he lined himself up. You opened your mouth to beg, to plead with him to just fuck you already, when he started to press forward, leaving your mouth hanging open. 
For someone so harsh and frankly impatient, he was surprisingly slow as he sank into you; if it was for your benefit or his, you weren’t sure. Saw groaned through clenched teeth when his hips met your ass and it felt like you might combust. Even him just sitting perfectly still inside you had you seeing stars, a soft whimper falling from your lips. It took all your strength to keep your upper body off the bed, and after a few seconds, you finally looked up at the man looming over you.
Wolffe’s eyes were lidded, his hand lazily stroking his flushed cock and the sight alone made your mouth water. His eyes flickered over your head briefly before he shuffled closer, a smug little grin pulling at the corner of his lips when you immediately opened your mouth. You kept your eyes on his face, breathing through your nose when Wolffe slowly slid into your mouth. There was a wet sound from behind you that didn’t quite make sense seeing that Saw hadn't moved. 
Your surprised moan was muffled by Wolffe’s cock when a wet finger pressed down on your asshole. The sensation left you reeling as Saw carefully slid his finger in down to the first knuckle. Both men groaned when you whined, inevitably clenching around Saw. He barely gave you a second to comprehend the situation before he was moving again and he didn’t stop until you had taken his entire finger, the rest of his hand coming to rest on your ass. 
“Fuck,” Saw grunted, his cock throbbing inside you. “I - I need to move.” 
“Hey,” Wolffe said through labored breaths as he lightly tapped your cheek. “Hit my leg if it’s too much, okay?” It took a few seconds for your melted brain to make sense of his command but you eventually tapped his leg to show you understood. “Good girl.” 
You had thought this would be a great idea when you met up with the boys at 79s, and while it definitely was, you were absolutely not prepared. Saw moved first, fucking you at a steady pace that was nothing to call home about...until Wolffe started to move too. Once Wolffe found a rhythm, his hands moving to hold the sides of your head as he fucked your mouth, Saw changed his approach. 
You let out a muffled cry when Saw’s thrusts turned harsh but what really had your head spinning was that he timed it so he and Wolffe were out of sync, making it so you were never empty. Every hard snap of his hips hit that spot inside you with mind-shattering precision and paired with Wolffe’s velvety skin on your tongue, you felt too close to the edge already.
You cried out again when Saw started to move the finger in your ass in time with his thrusts. It felt like sensory overload and you forced your eyes open, although the sight before you didn’t help much. Wolffe had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open as his broad chest heaved, a thin sheen of sweat making his skin glisten. It made you wish you could see Saw too. 
“Stars, you feel so good,” Wolffe panted, prompting another moan to get muffled by his cock. 
“Mm, you like to hear how good you are, dontcha sweetheart,” Saw noted with a smug lilt to his voice. You were acting on autopilot at this point, your body simply reacting to stimulation. Which is why you suddenly came with a garbled cry, clenching hard enough to make Saw’s thrusts falter. “Fuck, you really like that.” 
“I guess we should keep reminding her then, huh?” Wolffe laughed a little breathlessly, tilting his head down to look at your teary eyes. He lightly brushed a thumb against your temple, his hips slowly slightly as Saw fucked you through waves of pleasure. “I’m gonna fill this pretty mouth of yours while Saw fills your pretty pussy and you’re gonna take it like the good girl you are, aren’t you?" 
Realistically, there was no way for you to answer while he actively fucked your mouth but the jerky, desperate nod you managed seemed to be enough of an answer. Wolffe smirked before his hips started to move a tiny fit faster, chasing his release, prompting Saw to do the same. One of Wolffe’s hands moved from your head, slipping down to lightly cup your throat, another groan falling from his lips as he felt himself moving. 
Your head was fuzzy, the constant subtle waves of pleasure still lingering from your first orgasm making you feel airy. Everything sharpened suddenly when Saw reached down with his free hand to draw messy circles around your clit, and seemingly out of nowhere, you were teetering on the edge again, the familiar feeling building as both Saw and Wolffe started to lose their rhythm. With one final hard thrust Saw came deep inside you with a moan just as your nose brushed against the patch of hair at the base of Wolffe’s cock as he came down your throat with a muffled groan. 
However, Saw didn’t stop circling your clit as he rode out his orgasm, hips twitching against your ass. It was so sudden you were sure that your vision whited out for a moment, your broken scream trapped in your throat as you soaked Saw and the sheets. You were dazed, only vaguely aware of Saw carefully removing his finger from your ass as his soft cock slid out of your pussy and your blurry eyes flickered up Wolffe when he pulled away. The cloth against your face made your lashes flutter but you couldn’t find the willpower to care that you probably looked like an absolute mess. 
You whimpered when Wolffe gently grabbed you under the arms, lifting and maneuvering you until you were leaning back against something warm and solid. You could only watch as Wolffe climbed off the bed, staggering a bit as he made his way to the fresher connected to your bedroom. Warm, slightly tacky arms wrapped around your waist and the pieces clicked into place; you leaned into Saw, a dopey grin on your face when a laugh rumbled against your back. 
“You did great, sweetheart,” Saw murmured as he kissed your hair, and if it were any other situation you might’ve been floored at how affectionate he was being. But in that moment you appreciated it, melting into his arms. You managed a small smile when Wolffe returned wearing a pair of boxers and holding a washcloth you recognized as one of the ones from your linen closet. 
“You were so good, pretty girl,” Wolffe praised as he cleaned you up. He leaned in to press a quick kiss to your lips before continuing to run the warm cloth over your skin. As you drifted off, you found yourself hoping this wasn’t the only time you found yourself in this situation.
You were really hoping to get the chance to cum around Wolffe’s cock and have more than just Saw’s finger in your ass. 
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Taglist: @a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @dukeoftheblackstar
83 notes · View notes
wizardofrozz · 10 months
OC Introduction
CT-2697 “Sawbones” 
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Okay, I’ve been wanting to post about Sawbones for a while now and just hadn’t had the confidence 🫣 but @commander-sunshine​ oc Sundays made me want to share more about him lol.
Sawbones is the CMO of the Wolfpack, which he joined almost immediately after the Malevolence attack. I wrote out a pretty good introduction to Saw here but I will happily talk about him any time lol please send me questions I love this man lmao. I also wanted to add a few pieces of art I did including the full view of his helmet 🫢
Sawbones’ helmet:
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Sawbones’ tattoo:
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Sawbones and Keda: 
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Tags: @mylifeisactuallyamess
69 notes · View notes
wizardofrozz · 7 months
I can't help it, I'm curious 👀
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Nali Bosac
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Kora Shinax
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CT-2697 Sawbones
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CT-9181 Aiden
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wizardofrozz · 7 months
Bestie! 🥰 I come bearing a first kiss prompt request! If it’s not too much trouble!
"sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!"
With Sawbones? Because this feels so on brand lol.
For Tonight
OC Sawbones x gn!reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: mention of war, alcohol, suggestive themes
A/N: Thank you so much for the prompt, my wonderful friend ❤️ I had a lot of fun writing younger Sawbones and exploring what he was like close to the beginning of the war. Also, thank you @a-single-tulip and @hetalianskywalker for beta reading 🖤
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Coruscant seemed to never sleep. Hundreds of species from across the galaxy mingling in one place, regardless of the galaxy-wide war that had just started. But you couldn’t judge, you were out and about, spending another girls’ night drinking and blowing off steam. Your group had already lost a few members by the time you reached 79s. 
You weren’t against one-night stands, hell you’d had your handful, but finding someone worth your time was exhausting sometimes. You settled at the bar with one of your friends, ordering something non-alcoholic, and giving yourself a break. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that your friend had already caught someone’s attention. Not that you minded, you were silently rooting for them. 
The clink of glass on the bar had you glancing up at the bartender, flashing them a smile as you handed over a few extra credits. They offered you a small, exhausted smile in return before hurrying off to the next customer. You absently swirled your drink, watching the bright colors swirl together as the music picked up around you. 
The dance floor filled in more and you glanced around; less than a year into the war, you were already starting to recognize battalion colors. Red, blue, green, but as you scanned the busy bar, another color caught your eye. Gray was new.
Two clones sat at a table near the bar and you couldn’t help but stare out of curiosity. The gray paint looked newish, barely scuffed, leading you to think they just got back from their first deployment with that color. You didn’t recognize their haircuts or any of the scars you could see; it would be hard not to recognize a long face scar. But there was something about them that screamed higher rank. Suddenly, the man with the face scar stood, arching a brow at his companion, his lips moving slightly before he walked off. Your eyes drifted to the clone sitting by himself. 
He was slouched in his chair, legs spread as he mindlessly swirled his drink, staring off into space with a hard look on his face. Your eyes followed the movement of his hand when he lifted it to scratch his cheek. It was clear the beard was still growing in but you found you didn’t mind it; it seemed to...fit him in a way. Your stomach clenched when his head turned, eyes immediately locking onto you. You froze, your face warming as he tilted his head slightly, his expression never changing. Then he just watched you. It felt impossible to look away but a part of you didn’t want to, not really. 
He jerked his head to the side and it took you a second to realize he was motioning to the now-empty chair across from him. Were you really going to do this? Apparently, the answer was yes when you stood. You could feel his eyes on you the entire way but you didn’t look up to meet them until you carefully settled into the chair opposite him.
“Uh, hi,” you said, trying not to squirm when he just blinked at you. 
“You were staring,” he replied, his voice a bit lower than you expected. Your brows pinched together and you rested your arms on the table top. 
“And so were you,” you countered, arching a brow. It was such a small change in his expression, the ghost of a smile, and you couldn’t help but feel a little triumphant. He shifted down a bit more in his chair, dark eyes trailing over what he could see of your body until his eyes landed on your face again.
“I was,” he stated simply, sipping his drink without breaking eye contact.
“Why?” If the question caught him off guard, it didn’t show on his face. Instead of answering right away, he sipped his drink, rolling his top lip into his mouth before setting the cup down again. 
“Aren’t even gonna ask my name first?” The realization made you flinch, shifting in your seat; you offered your name as an offering first, watching a faint smirk tug at the corner of his lips.
“Ni - Sawbones, but you can call me Bones.” You caught the slip, squinting at him briefly but didn’t ask.
“Well, Bones, I asked you a question,” you teased, moving to take another sip of your drink. You almost wished you had picked something alcoholic because the longer he just stared at you, the more self-conscious you grew. Sawbones’ jaw worked, the grinding of his teeth lost to the chaos of the bar but you could see the small movement in his cheek. 
“Pretty,” he finally admitted, although his eyes never left your face. 
“What?” Your lashes fluttered, still a little unsure if you heard him right. His eyes shifted away for the first time but it was brief, the weight of his stare back almost immediately. 
“You. You’re...pretty,” he forced out. The sour look on his face almost made you laugh; it looked like it pained him to say it. 
“Don’t hurt yourself,” you chuckled, hoping to lighten the mood a little. Sawbones immediately rolled his eyes but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. 
Over the next hour or so, you inched your chair closer to him as the crowd got wilder. Sawbones didn’t say much unprompted, answering your questions, but he seemed more content to listen. He told you about his squad, the Wolfpack, and you found out he was a medic but he didn’t elaborate much, leaving out his rank specifically. Surprisingly, he didn’t seem in much of a rush either, although, you almost didn’t notice when his hand dropped under the table, resting it on your knee when you were close enough. 
The only reason you did notice his hand was because it tightened briefly before it disappeared when another body knocked into your chair. He sat up a little straighter, twisting in his chair, and his hand shot out, yanking another clone back toward him. You couldn’t hear what he said but you did notice the way the other clone’s throat bobbed. Sawbones released him, shoving him back a little hard than necessary. Your brows pinched together when he turned back to you. 
“What was that for?” you yelled over the music. Sawbones’ expression pinched and he leaned closer, turning his head slightly. “I said-” 
The thrum of the crowd suddenly picked up when a new song started, cutting off the rest of your sentence. Sawbones’ nostrils flared, his top lip twitching in irritation and then he was standing, grabbing your wrist in the process. You couldn’t even ask what he was doing before you were being pulled through the crowd. You hurried to keep up, nearly knocking into his back a few times until he tugged you into one of the quieter hallways leading to the back of the bar.
“Okay,” he huffed, still not releasing your wrist. The combination of how ridiculous it was that he dragged you all the way here just to hear what you had to say and the sudden nervous swirling in your stomach, forced a laugh past your lips. Sawbones’ brows knitted together but he didn’t say anything.
“I - I was just asking why you stopped that trooper,” you chuckled, meeting his eyes. 
“He ran into your chair.” It took your brain a second to process, a smile slowly spreading across your face. The gesture only seemed to confuse him more, the crease between his brows deepening. You took a step closer, quickly realizing he still holding onto your wrist. As soon as you brought attention to it, he let go, clearing his throat. Sawbones shifted his weight when you rested a hand on his chest, eyes darting down to look at it before finding your face again. 
“Thank you, that was sweet of you to stand up for me,” you murmured, inching a bit closer. His only response was a stiff nod, calculating eyes watching as you inched closer. It gave you a surge of confidence when one of his hands came to rest lightly on your hip. Sawbones was unbearably tense but the second your lips touched his, he exhaled through his nose, his stance losing some of its rigidity. It wasn’t glaringly obvious but there was a hint of hesitations in the way his lips moved against yours. His eyes stayed shut for a moment when you pulled away, his chest expanding with a long deep breath. 
Sawbones blinked slowly, eyes half-lidded when they met yours and although he didn’t quite smile, there was a pleased look on his face. When he spoke again, his voice was softer and he didn’t break eye contact.
“Sorry,” he huffed, lightly rubbing your side, “that, uh, was my first kiss.” It was endearing to get a glimpse behind his grumpy, stoic mask; it brought a small smile to your face as you brushed your thumb over the edge of his beard.
“I could tell,” was out of your mouth before you could stop it. The silence was suffocating and Sawbones’ brows pinched together but you couldn’t quite tell if it was anger or embarrassment. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” Sawbones arched a brow, not looking very amused, although, he didn’t necessarily look angry either. You were starting to wonder if he just wasn’t very expressive. 
His hand continued to mindlessly trace the curve of your waist and he didn’t pull away from your touch; it felt like a good sign. But he also didn’t say anything or really do anything other than blink. 
“I really was joking,” you murmured, letting your hand slide down to the side of his neck. 
“I know,” he replied, his jaw clenching slightly. You blinked at him and almost laughed; it made you wonder if maybe he was just nervous. 
“How about I make it up to you?” you offered, you corner of your mouth lifting. He hummed with interest, tilting his head slightly as his eyes shifted around your face before he nodded. You gently pushed him toward the wall until his back knocked into and pecked his lips one last time before lowering yourself to your knees. 
Sawbones’ eyes widened, his hand hanging in the air where you were just standing as he blinked down at you. “What’re you doin’?”
“Just wait and see,” you chuckled, winking at him. One eyebrow jumped and he swayed with a silent laugh, a small smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. 
Sawbones’ head thumped against the wall when his codpiece hit the floor.
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Ragu list:
@wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
41 notes · View notes
wizardofrozz · 15 days
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Last but hopefully not least: my OC Sergeant Sawbones 🥰
Perks courtesy of the wonderful @dickarchivist
Brother Down, when another clan Guardian falls, you deal x2 damage with all weapons until the Guardians return to battle. All Bite, No Bark [Void Class Exclusive], after using your super, you gain 30 seconds of invisibility and remain invisible even while attacking (up to 5 attacks). Back Stabber, killing combatants from behind gives extra Glimmer (up to 50% more glimmer).
Captain Rex
Commander Fox
Commander Cody
Commander Wolffe
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit
@moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness
@sev-on-kamino @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @hetalianskywalker @dukeoftheblackstar
17 notes · View notes
wizardofrozz · 8 months
Tell Me
CT-2697 "Sawbones", CT-2525 "Quarter", CT-6116 "Kix", CT-9181 "Aiden", CT-7007 "Jax", Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and mention of Commander Fox
Word Count: ~4.6k
Warnings: war, swearing, traumatic injury, angst, verbal argument
Summary: Sawbones makes it back to Triple Zero only to have his batchmates drop a bombshell in his lap.
A/N: Okay I finally decided to post this and give a bit more information about Sawbones and his relationships with his batchmates. Aiden, the Coruscant Guard's medic, belongs to me and Quarter, the medic for the 21st Nova Corps, and Jax, the medic for the 41st Elite Corps, belong to @hetalianskywalker ❤️
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Saw stepped off the hovering gunship, grunting when his boots hit the ground. Coruscant glistened in the morning sun and Saw wrinkled his nose, even the filters in his helmet couldn’t lessen the smog hanging over the capital world. Another set of boots hit the ground beside him and he turned his head enough to catch a glimpse of Wolffe standing at his side. 
“You headin’ to the barracks?” Wolffe asked, staring out at the bustling city. 
“I guess,” Saw huffed, crossing his arms, “should probably go pay my pain in the ass little brother a visit.” Wolffe laughed under his breath, shifting his weight to bump their shoulders together, making the corner of Saw’s mouth lift in the ghost of a smile that was hidden behind his helmet. 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Wolffe sighed, his speech sounding slightly slurred with exhaustion.
“Thought Fox was older.”
“He is,” Wolffe replied, leaning more of his weight into Saw’s side, “but the 501st just landed for shore leave too.” Saw perked up at the mention of Kix’s battalion; it had been far too long since he’d seen his little brother. “If you wait a few more minutes I’ll walk with you.”
“Fine,” Saw mumbled, although he already planned on waiting. Wolffe snorted, the sound muffled by his helmet and Saw was close enough to hear the inhale that meant he was going to say something else before his comlink started to chirp. Wolffe blindly hit the button on his vambrace and Saw could hear his muffled greeting but the rest of the conversation was lost to the confines of the commander’s helmet. 
The buzz of the surrounding hangar filled the silence, allowing Saw’s mind to wander as he waited for Wolffe to finish the call. Then Wolffe suddenly stiffened, ending the call a few seconds later yet they continued to stand in silence. 
“We need to get to the barracks,” Wolffe managed through clenched teeth. 
“Why?” Instead of answering, Wolffe grabbed his arm, yanking him out into the warm sunlight and Saw had to fight the urge to pull away. “I want an answer.”
“And you’ll get one,” Wolffe snapped, finally releasing his arm. Saw ground his teeth together but kept pace with his commander, closing the distance between the hangar and the barracks in record time. They nearly ran over a group of Rex’s shinies, the five troopers stopping in their tracks to salute the higher-ranking officers but Wolffe never broke stride, barely acknowledging the troopers. The main barracks were humming with life, 501st, 104th, and Corries mingles in the halls as they went but Saw was too focused on their destination. While he never worked on Coruscant, he had spent enough time navigating the building to find Aiden that he recognized the pathway. 
Saw picked up the pace, shoving past groups of troopers with Wolffe on his heels. The medbay’s door slid open, cutting off the conversation taking place a few feet inside. Kix, Aiden, and Rex all turned at the same time but Aiden looked away first, shifting his weight anxiously as Saw stalked closer.
“Someone start talking. Now.” His voice came out harsh, cold almost, and Saw hated himself a little more when Aiden flinched. Kix leveled him with a narrow-eyed look before turning to their youngest brother, resting a hand on Aiden’s bright red shoulder bell. 
“Go finish your shift, okay?” Kix urged, offering Aiden a small smile. Aiden squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before nodding; he glanced in Saw’s direction but he wouldn’t let their eyes meet before he hurried off. Kix shifted his attention back to Saw, jerking his head toward Aiden’s office. Saw ground his teeth together but followed quietly, glancing at the medbay door when it slid open again, catching a glimpse of Rex, Wolffe, and now Fox greeting each other. When the door to Aiden’s office finally shut, Saw pulled his helmet off, sucking in a clean lungful of air. 
“Kix,” he hissed, tossing his helmet onto the nearby desk, “what the fuck is going on?” Saw turned to face his younger brother, squinting when Kix refused to meet his eyes, which only made his irritaition grow. 
“It - It’s Quarter,” Kix whispered, looking down at the floor. The anger dissipated so suddenly that it left Saw a little dizzy, his face falling until he was just staring at Kix with a wide-eyed expression. Kix didn’t meet his eyes when he spoke again. “It’s bad, Saw. He - there was an explosion.” 
“He’s dead,” Saw stated, squeezing his eyes shut. There was a deep, hollow ache building in his chest as he pictured his brother’s face. 
“He’s alive but it was close,” Kix explained, making Saw’s eyes pop open. “He’s alive but  - but he lost both legs.” 
“What? How - how did you find out?” 
“Quarter, he uh, called me,” Kix mumbled, looking up through his lashes. Saw’s nostrils flared but he managed to keep his voice steady.
“And he expected you to relay the message,” Saw growled, clenching his hands at his side. Kix flinched, looking away and Saw felt like he was missing something. 
“No, he called Aiden right after.” Saw blinked at his brother for a few seconds until the realization dawned on him. There was a good chance Jax, who was in the middle of a campaign, had received a call as well and based on Kix’s reaction, this wasn’t a brand-new development. Meaning, Saw was the last to find out, and it wasn’t even from Quarter himself. “Saw -”
“Don’t,” he barked, pointing a finger at Kix, “don’t you defend him. He didn’t even have the fucking decency to call me!” 
“Do you blame him!” Kix shouted, stepping into Saw’s personal space. The close proximity was nothing new but the venom in his brother’s voice made Saw jerk back in surprise. “When’s the last time you even spoke to him?” 
“The last time the five of us had a com call,” Saw replied immediately, his expression twisting into its usual scowl. 
“When’s the last time you spoke to him alone, jackass,” Kix corrected, stabbing a finger into his armored chest. Saw opened his mouth to answer only for it to hang open because…when was the last time he just talked to Quarter. Saw met his brother’s gaze, blinking rapidly a few times; after a few seconds, Kix’s face softened and he let out a long breath. “Not saying he was right but you two haven’t been on the best of terms for a long time, Saw.” 
Kix was right but still. Something like this was important. How could Quarter not tell him? It felt like all of the air was ripped from his lungs, forcing him to take a few shaky steps back and drop into Aiden’s chair. He rested his elbows on his knees to cradle his head, massaging his temples in a futile attempt to ward off the headache he could feel building behind his eyes. 
“That still doesn’t explain why he didn’t call me,” Saw forced out between his teeth, scrubbing at his face. “I don’t give a fuck if we’re on good terms or not, that’s something you fucking tell your brother.” The thump of boots covered up the soft sigh Kix let out and Saw’s stomach dropped when he heard tapping on the keypad beside the door, assuming Kix was leaving him with his own anger. His head snapped up when he heard the lock engage followed by the soft clink of plastoid knocking against durasteel. 
“Go on,” Kix urged, crossing his arms. 
“What?” Kix rolled his eyes as he pushed off the door, making his way across the room. Saw sat up slightly, giving Kix room to climb onto the edge of Aiden’s desk, watching his brother shift around, shoving a few styluses out from under his ass before turning his attention back to Saw.
“You get it all out now. Scream, cuss, rage until you’re blue in the face,” Kix started, his expression hardening the longer he spoke. “But it starts and ends here, we clear? You are not going to go into his hospital room and start a fight. So take it out on me, right now, and then you fucking leave it here. Got it?” Saw couldn’t help the little smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth; maybe he was rubbing off on Kix after all these years.
“Yes, sir,” Saw sassed and no matter how hard he tried, Kix had to fight the smile threatening to spread across his face. The lighthearted atmosphere didn’t last long though as Saw’s thought drifted back to Quarter and his anger came back with a vengeance.
“Talk to me,” Kix whispered, lightly tapping the toe of his boot against Saw’s shin. 
“I don’t understand him,” Saw grumbled, roughly rubbing a fist into his eye. 
“To be fair, you never really have,” Kix noted, his legs swinging slowly. 
“I can’t fucking believe him. The fucking nerve of him to leave it up to you to tell me,” Saw said, his voice low and cold. “Didn’t even have the balls to tell me himself.” 
“I know you’re pissed -”
“Fuck you,” Saw cut in, sitting up straighter. “Pissed off doesn’t even cover it. I’m fucking furious.” Kix tilted his head in that calculating way he always did and Saw felt like he was being flayed alive, a skill Kix had mastered early in their childhood.
“No,” Kix hummed, shaking his head. “You’re terrified.” Saw jerked back, arching a dark brown, attempting to act like Kix was a mile off when in reality he was hitting a little too close to home. “We were all scared, Saw, but this is different.”
“Oh yeah,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“You almost lost him without ever getting the chance to fix whatever broke between you two.” It would’ve been less painful if Kix would’ve just punched him in the face. He’d never admit it out loud and it was almost too raw to even admit to himself but if he didn’t look at it too closely, he could acknowledge that Kix wasn’t wrong. “So no, you’re not furious. You’re scared and hurt.”
“Why what?” Kix asked.
“Why didn’t he call me?” Saw hated how small he sounded, the ache in his chest bleeding into his voice. He looked up at Kix, his expression more open than it had been in a long time and he saw the wide-eyed shock on his brother’s face. “Does he truly think so little of me?” 
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Coruscant could be very boring when confined to a hospital bed. Quarter had tried to busy himself with reading or watching holofilms but nothing seemed to hold his attention for long. The Paladin was just barely visible in the atmosphere but even without being able to see the Venator from his room, Aiden had already warned him that the 104th were planetside. On the bright side, the anxiety sitting in his stomach like a rock allowed him to ignore the phantom pain wreaking havoc on his lower body. 
Quarter mindlessly scrolled through his datapad, eventually finding a few medical journals that caught his attention. He spent the next few hours skimming medical jargon until there was a soft knock at his door, a nurse with a bright smile and a tray of food waiting to be invited in. He eyed the food, poking curiously at the variety of options; staying at Coruscant General had its upsides, one being no ration bars and he made a point of at least trying the things the nurses brought him. 
He was about halfway through his meal, mindlessly feeding himself while he continued reading about a prototype upgrade for neural links to prosthetics when he heard the familiar thump of boots coming down the hall. He glanced out the window, noting that Coruscant’s sun had started to dip below the horizon, throwing breathtaking golds, pinks, and oranges across the room. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth as the boots grew closer; Kix and Aiden had promised to stop by after he got some rest. The familiar sense of home lingered as the boots stopped just outside his door and Quarter turned his head. 
His jaw dropped, eyes widening when the door slid open revealing gray and white armor, the chilling wolf skull helmet scanning the room before dropping to his seat form. This was the absolute last person he expected to see and once the reality that Saw was standing in his doorway set in, Quarter stiffened. He did not have a good feeling about what his brother had to say. 
“Saw?” he whispered. Quarter didn’t miss the way Saw’s shoulders lifted slightly. An easily recognizable blue vambrace shoved Saw forward, allowing the door to glide shut behind him. 
“Who else would it be?” Saw grumbled, awkwardly shifting his weight before finally reaching up to tug his helmet off. He looked everywhere but at Quarter and it made his heart ache. The fear and guilt battling in his chest made him want to fidget but he tried to keep still, not wanting to draw Saw’s attention. It felt like trying to hide from a predator, staying hidden long enough until the threat passed. 
However, Saw looked oddly calm, his head turned toward the window. The setting sun threw golden light over his brother’s features, highlighting the weariness in his mostly blank expression. They continued on in silence and Quarter could feel the anxiety vibrating through his bones. Couldn’t Saw just yell at him and get it over with? The chilly atmosphere was worse than his brother ripping him to shreds. 
“You know, I hate Coruscant,” Saw eventually mumbled, one of his hands absently tracing the lines of the armor covering his stomach. Quarter could only blink in confusion, the emotional whiplash making his head hurt. 
“Why?” Quarter asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Saw’s eyes flickered to him for the first time, raking over Quarter before looking back out the window. He was starting to wonder why his brother was trying to make small talk before concluding he never wanted to see Quarter again. 
“Smells like shit,” Saw grunted, his eyes narrowing slightly like he was straining to see something. “Too much life on one planet.”
“I - yeah I guess so,” Quarter replied, still feeling very lost. What the hell was Saw getting at? Was he trying to make Quarter squirm? “Saw, look I -”
“Why?” Saw cut him off, his eyes never leaving the darkening horizon. 
“Why what?” Although, the question was pointless; Quarter knew exactly what Saw was talking about. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” The inflection in Saw’s voice made Quarter stop short, squinting at his brother. Saw had a fairly low speaking voice, his words rumbling through the air like the thunder that plagued Kamino but there was something different about it now. An odd tone that Quarter couldn’t remember ever hearing from his slightly younger brother. 
“I’m - I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Quarter sighed, dropping his gaze. He tried not to focus on the way the sheet fell flatter sooner than it should. His fingers started twisting the sheet around his waist and he had to force himself to still them. “Everything happened so fast and…and I thought I’d be bothering you. You - you barely seem to tolerate me nowadays.” He lost some of his steam until his voice was barely a whisper in the silent room. It took all of his courage to look through his lashes and he almost wished he hadn’t when he found Saw staring at him, his face surprisingly slack. 
“Are you fucking dense?” Quarter bristled, his brows pinching together; he had tried to prepare for Saw’s ire but that was just nasty. Sawbones could be cruel, he’d heard the stories, but it was never aimed at their batch.
“No,” Quarter snapped, turning his head. He did his best to steel himself, waiting for what came next but the soft, defeated sigh wasn’t what he was expecting. 
“Did…” Saw paused, quietly clearing his throat, “did you really think I’d be happy to hear secondhand from Kix?” Quarter swallowed, his throat clicking as he looked down at his hands where they rested in his lap. A stray lock of hair fell into his face and he watched it sway for a moment before taking a deep breath.
“I…I wasn’t sure you’d care.” There was a pregnant pause that made his anxiety spike and he flinched when he heard Saw move but he couldn’t face his brother. A warm, familiar hand gripped his jaw, forcing him to look up at Saw’s bent form. There was a haunted look in his brother’s eyes and he could only imagine what was running through Saw’s head as they locked eyes. 
“Get outta your head and listen to me,” Saw hissed and Quarter watched his jaw flex. “You fucking scared me, do you get that? I thought you were dead and I found out from Kix. Do you understand what a kick to the face that was?” Quarter must’ve been a sight, his lips parted, eyes comically wide as he blinked at Saw’s tense expression. If Saw hadn’t had a firm grip on his face, his jaw probably would’ve dropped. 
“I - I didn’t think…” Quarter trailed off because what did he think at the time? Now, faced with the hurt he’d unintentionally inflicted on his brother, Quarter acknowledged that it was a shitty thing to do. “I - we haven’t talked in…months, Saw, I just thought…" He hated the way Saw’s eyes squeezed shut, the way his face turned away as he released Quarter’s jaw and took a step back. Saw just stared at the floor for a beat, his jaw working, chewing on his next sentence.
“You should know I give a damn about what happens to you. Period,” Saw stated but it sounded more like he was talking to himself than Quarter. “It’s my fault that you don’t.”
“It…I should take some of the blame too,” Quarter whispered. There hadn’t been some big, explosive reason behind their strained relationship. Things had just gotten harder: Quarter started to doubt himself and his place in their batch more and Saw was changing, growing bitter and angry. Then they had been shipped off, spread across the galaxy and they never found that rhythm that they had as kids. 
Saw and Quarter became strangers with a past. 
Saw huffed, bringing Quarter back to reality, and reached up to massage above his left eyebrow. Despite the tension in the air, Quarter smiled a little at the gesture, it was something Saw had done since they were kids when he got stressed. 
“Never broke that habit it seems,” Quarter noted, nodding at Saw’s raised hand when he turned at the sound of Quarter’s voice. 
“Heh, guess not.” Saw let his hand drop back to his side, glancing at Quarter out of the side of his eye. “You remember it?”
“Course,” Quarter scoffed lightheartedly, “that’s how I knew Jax was about 2 seconds away from getting punched.” Saw let out a quiet huff of laughter, the corner of his mouth twitching in his bastardized version of a smirk. And Quarter was hit with just how much he missed Saw. Yes, they spoke here and there but one of their batchmates was always around too. “I’m sorry, vod.”
“Yeah…me too,” Saw mumbled, scratching at his cheek. Quarter surprised himself with the laugh that burst from his lips but the way Saw’s smirk grew told him that his brother was hoping for that reaction.
“I see you’re still allergic to apologizing,” Quarter chuckled.
“You got the gist,” Saw grumbled but his expression was a little softer.
“One day I'll get the word sorry out of you,” Quarter teased tentatively. He was rewarded with a dark little smile from his brother that made him almost giddy.
“Maybe they’ll write on my headstone,” Saw said, his voice wavering like he was fighting laughter.
“Only if they add a disclaimer,” Quarter countered. Saw’s laugh had gotten deeper and a bit softer over the years but it still had the same lilt to it that made it so uniquely Sawbones. Their laughter tapered off and the room fell quiet again but it didn’t feel as heavy as before. “Come on, sit. Kix and Aiden will be stopping by soon.”
“Great,” Saw grumbled but he still moved around the end of Quarter’s bed, dropping into the chair at his bedside with a grunt. He kicked his feet up on the edge, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms, looking just as relaxed as he would in his own bunk. Quarter noted the way his eyes paused on the empty section of the bed for a split second.
“Comfortable?” Quarter huffed with a fond eye roll. 
“Mm thanks for asking,” Saw sighed, shuffling down in the chair a little more. “When do you get the new legs?” Quarter did his best not to wince but the question wasn’t really a surprise. Saw had always been about as subtle as a detonator going off. 
“Another day or two,” Quarter answered, searching for the remote to the little holoprojector on the opposite wall. 
“Maybe I’ll get to see you upright before I head out again," Saw mused, shifting his attention to the holo playing in the background. 
“I guess we’ll find out," Quarter sighed. He looked down at the remote in his hand before letting out a long sigh and holding it out toward Saw; his brother snatched the remote with a pleased sound in the back of his throat. “Asshole.”
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It felt odd to walk again. His body was going through the motions but there wasn’t the sensation of his feet on the ground. Quarter tried to ignore Aiden hovering at his side, even if he did appreciate his little brother’s concern. They had been working on his movement for almost three rotations and while he was still a little unsteady, Quarter could at least move around on his own. He glanced up when the medbay door opened, smiling when Kix stepped inside.
“You better not get any height advantage from those,” Kix teased, pulling his helmet off to smile at his brothers. 
“Right,” Aiden exclaimed, throwing his arms out. “He can’t be the oldest and the tallest.” Quarter rolled his eyes but a bright smile spread across his face. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Quarter huffed, half-heartedly swatting at Aiden before turning his attention to Kix again. “You heading out again?”
“Soon,” Kix answered, running a hand over the top of his shaved head. “Thought you might want to come to see Saw off.”
“I don’t know if you should walk that far,” Aiden cut in before Quarter could answer. 
“Let’s find out,” he countered, throwing an arm around his youngest brother’s shoulders to keep himself steady. Quarter didn’t need to look at Aiden to know he was rolling his eyes, especially when Kix chuckled under his breath before following them into the hallway. 
With Aiden’s help, the trip to the hangar wasn’t difficult, although it was a bit slower. He was a little taken aback by the rainbow of colors scattered around the hangar. Blue and gray armored men, with a bit of red sprinkled in, moved about, loading supplies into gunships that were heading back to their respective Venators while green and yellow-clad troopers just started to unload.
“Looks like the 327th and the 41st are back too,” Kix noted, his eyes darting around the groups of green they could see. Aiden let out a quick breath before he spoke again. 
“3, 2, -”
“He found us,” Aiden chuckled, steadying Quarter when he dropped his arm. Jax broke into a light jog, weaving around crates and troopers. He was maybe ten feet from them when an arm wrapped around his neck, forcing him to scramble to keep his feet under him. Quarter tried to hide his smirk when he realized that the arm was connected to familiar gray armor. Saw proceeded to half-drag Jax along with a hilariously deadpan expression. 
“Let go, Saw,” Jax growled, wildly flailing in the general direction of Saw’s head. When he finally released him, Jax stumbled, whipping his head around to glare at Saw even if it was hidden behind his helmet. 
“Scary,” Saw stated flatly, arching a dark brow. “But your threats to put me on my ass will have to wait. I’m loadin’ up.” Jax finally took his helmet off and the five of them just stood there for a moment, soaking up the presence of their entire batch being together in person, even if it was only for a few minutes. Jax was the first to break the silence, letting out a soft huff before throwing his arms around Saw’s shoulders. 
“Stay safe,” Jax mumbled.
“Get off me,” Saw grumbled even as he tentatively wrapped his arms around Jax’s torso. Kix stepped up next, smiling at his older brother, and Quarter couldn’t help but join in when Saw’s expression softened the tiniest bit. He did always have a soft spot for Kix.
“Talk to you soon,” Kix murmured, tilting his head forward. Saw’s jaw flexed, the muscle jumping under his skin as he leaned forward to gently bump his forehead against Kix’s. Aiden was next, standing ramrod straight in front of Saw, looking like he was going to salute him, and Quarter shook his head. 
“Cut it out, shithead,” Saw chided, roughly dragging Aiden into a hug. Quarter could hear the faint wheeze of all the air leaving Saw’s lungs and could see the little smirk on Aiden’s lips before they separated. 
And that just left Quarter. 
“Be careful,” he warned gently with a half-smile. Saw just stared at him for a moment before taking a cautious step closer. Things were starting to look up between them and they were going to put forth an effort to talk more regularly but things were still a little awkward. There was a beat of silence between them before Saw moved to cup the back of his neck, squeezing gently. Quarter relaxed under his brother’s hand and watched the way Saw’s eyes flickered around his face before resting their foreheads together.
“I’m proud of you.” It was so simple, something that would’ve been nice to hear from anyone but it held so much more weight coming from Sawbones. The brother he always seemed to be out of sync with. Quarter may be the oldest but he’d always looked up to Saw. 
Wolffe’s gruff voice cut through the hangar, yelling for Saw. Quarter lingered for a second longer even if his legs were starting to feel fatigued. Saw pulled away first, squeezing the back of his neck one last time before taking a step back. He grabbed his helmet from a nearby crate, offering the ghost of a smile at his batch of brothers.
“Behave, boys,” Saw called, offering a two-finger salute before slipping his helmet on.
“Move your ass, Bones,” Wolffe yelled from a gunship hovering nearby. 
“I’ll walk even slower now!” Saw shouted in reply, striding across the hangar. Aiden, Jax, Kix, and Quarter watched him go, laughing to themselves as they listened to the commander and his medic exchange jabs. Quarter smiled softly, his eyes following Saw’s retreating form until the gunship doors closed.
Quarter continued to watch as the gunship exited the hangar and eventually became a dot amongst others in the skylanes over Coruscant. The war and his current predicament slipped to the back of his mind for a few minutes.
Quarter had his brother back and that was all that mattered. They’d figure out whatever came next.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dukeoftheblackstar @mythical-illustrator @commander-sunshine
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wizardofrozz · 7 months
Worth the Credits
OC Sawbones x reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: +18 NSFW, sex toys, anal, voyeurism, let me know if I miss anything (I suck at tagging)
A/N: I was supposed to be finishing a first kiss prompt for Fox and this happened instead 💀 back to working on the Fox fic now that I got this idea out of my head lmao
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It was torture. Torture that you had asked for, you reminded yourself. Sawbones hadn’t even done anything yet. He meandered around the room, grabbing things as he went while you say cross-legged on the floor. You still weren’t quite sure what to expect when he said he wanted to show you something. 
Saw paused in front of you, tilting his head as he blinked slowly. A smirk made his mouth twitch when your eyes dropped down, eyeing the bulge in his boxers. You arched a brow when he moved to your nightstand only for any moisture in your mouth to evaporate when he pulled the dildo out. He - he wasn’t supposed to know about that. 
“I -” he held up a hand, cutting off your sentence without even looking at you. A few things knocked against the inside of the drawer while he searched for...something. You jumped when he pushed the drawer shut with his knee and turned to face you. “Saw?”
He blatantly ignored the soft whisper of his name, bending down to drop the toy and lube, you came to realize, on the floor a few feet away from you. Your brows pulled together when he lowered himself to his knees, sitting back on his heels. Saw looked utterly content while you felt like you might vibrate out of your skin. 
“What are you doing?” you finally asked, pointedly not looking at the toy sitting nearby. However, you couldn’t avoid it for long when he reached over, bringing the toy into your line of sight while he inspected it. 
“You use this when I’m gone,” he replied lowly, pausing for a moment before looking through his lashes. “Figured I’d see what I’m missin’.”
It was comical the way your mouth dropped open. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d used something a toy on himself but it was usually only a plug or a vibrator. Your lashes fluttered when he sat up on his knees. 
“What about me?”
“Watch.” The order made your stomach somersault but the idea intrigued you, so you got comfortable, leaning against the dresser behind you. The corner of Saw’s mouth curled upward, his eyes never leaving your face as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers. 
Your tongue poked out to wet your lips, immediately noting he was already half hard. The muscles of his abdomen shifted as he moved and you couldn’t help yourself, shamelessly admiring the toned planes of his stomach. It wasn’t until his head dropped forward with a huff that you noticed his arm was behind his back. 
Saw’s jaw flexed then his lips parted in a silent sigh, his eyes squeezing shut. The plug rolled slowly when he set it down; he’d clearly planned this. The realization that he’d been walking around like that for who knows how long forced a soft gasp past your lips. His eyes flickered up at the sound, his still parted lips turning up with a smirk, showing a flash of teeth and you clench involuntarily. 
Stars, you wanted to touch him but the idea of just sitting back to watch him get himself worked up did have its appeal.
His movements were slow and precise, his hand gliding over the toy as he spread lube down the length. Saw’s eyes never left your face, watching every little shift in your expression and occasionally glancing down at your lap where your hands rested. You wondered what he’d do if you did touch yourself. 
Saw spread his knees a bit more, his nostrils flaring with a deep breath as he found your eyes again. Your lips parted as he sat back slightly, watching as he tried to stop any sound from leaving his mouth. You bit your lip to hide your smirk when his lips parted in a harsh exhale, lashes fluttering as he paused, his throat bobbing.
“Go on,” you whispered, licking your lips. He let out a quiet, almost hoarse laugh, sitting up a little straighter as he cupped his balls, squeezing lightly as he sank down further. Saw gradually tilted his head back, his face pointed up toward the ceiling when he finally took the entire dildo. 
“Oh, fuck,” he breathed, moving his hand to squeeze the base of his cock. His chest heaved, his free hand resting on his thigh as he adjusted. “Startin’ to see why you like this thing so much.”
The low, gravelly sound of his voice sent a chill down your spine and you squirmed, trying to keep the movement subtle. You should’ve known better. Saw’s eyes settled on your face, his eyes impossibly dark as his lip twitched. 
“It - it does its job,” you forced out, darting your eyes away. “But, it’s not as good as you.” Saw snorted, drawing your attention again as he took a long, deep breath. 
“Damn right,” he sighed as he lifted himself off the toy. Your eyes trailed over his legs, watching the muscles flex and you ground your teeth together to stifle the urge to sink your teeth into his thigh. You glanced up at his face, shivering when his lidded eyes landed on you. He held your gaze as he dropped his hips again, holding his arm still so he stroked the length of his cock as the toy filled him again. 
Saw’s eyes rolled back, a groan rumbling in his chest and your lips parted in a silent, answering moan. He took it slow, increasing his pace gradually until every cant of his hips punched a grunt past his lips. His skin glistened faintly, stomach clenching every time the dildo pressed against the spot that made his jaw flex and you were mesmerized. 
“Fuck,” Saw groaned through clenched teeth, his hand pausing to squeeze the base of the cock again. “C’mere.” 
It took you a second to register what he said but you scrambled to your knees once it did. A smug grin lifted the corner of his mouth, his eyes dropping down to watch you crawl closer. You froze when his free hand gripped your chin, tilting your head back; you let him guide you to your knees, whining when he pulled you into a bruising kiss. 
The scrape of his beard made the heat under your skin almost unbearable; it blew your mind that he could have you wound so tight without even touching you. Saw’s hand moved to the back of your neck, holding you there as he picked up his pace again, moaning softly against your lips. Your hands came to rest on his stomach, feeling the muscles clench and shift as his breathing picked up again. 
“Saw,” you whispered, trailing your fingers lower. 
“I’m close,” he rushed out, his voice ticking up on the last word. You tilted your head down, watching his hips jerk against his hand and you pressed your nails into his skin. Every muscle locked up as he dropped down onto the dildo fully, his hand continuing to stroke his cock. Saw searched for your mouth in a desperate effort to muffle his moans. 
Sawbones growled against your lips as he spilled over his hand, squeezing the back of your neck without realizing. You kept your lips pressed against his, kissing him in between his labored breaths, lightly dragging your nails over his stomach. It was unhurried, a slow press of lips until Saw started to come back to himself, growing more demanding. You moaned, opening your mouth when he pulled you closer. You broke the kiss first, resting your forehead against his cheek with an amused huff, looking down at his softening cock. 
“Whatcha think?” 
“Worth the credits,” Saw chuckled, absently kissing the side of your face. “But one last thing.”
“What’s that?” you mumbled, flattening your hands against his ribs. You gasped when his grip on the back of your neck tightened, your eyes widening when he pulled you away. Saw’s eyes were still jarringly dark and you fought not to squirm. He leaned in again, his tongue poking out, stopping just out of reach with a smug grin. 
“Clean me up, sweetheart.”
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
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wizardofrozz · 10 months
CT-2697 Sawbones SFW Alphabet
I have a NSFW alphabet as well that I will probably post in the near future 😏
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A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sawbones’ love language is acts of service. He isn’t good at talking about his feelings or explaining what he wants but he can show his affection to the people he cares about by helping them, protecting them, or just being there for support (even if he looks grumpy at the time).  
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Wolffe and Kix are his best friends and he has a different relationship with both of them. He’s very protective of them but provides different things depending on the person. He’s a brother and a confidant for Wolffe and Kix. Saw isn't much of a talker but he does listen, more than most people realize. He's always been a people watcher, ever since he was a kid, so even though he may seem uninterested or pissy, he's heard everything his brothers have said. Having grown up with Saw, it doesn't surprise Kix but the first time Saw mentions something Wolffe said when he thought Saw wasn't listening, Wolffe realized that his medic did care about what he had to say.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Saw isn’t much of a cuddler until a certain cuddle bug Keda worms her way into his heart. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
At the beginning of the war, Saw never wanted to settle down and have a family. He was content fighting and dying with his brothers. After Keda though? He wants a home. A place she can grow and be happy. He wants to learn how to cook and take care of her the way she deserves. He wants to be the father she deserves since he’s all that she has. 
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
In-person, getting straight to the point. He doesn’t see the point in dragging it out. 
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
During the war, Saw had no intentions of ever settling down with anyone, sticking mostly to one-night stands and brushing off anyone that wanted more from him. However, if he finds someone he can connect with and feel comfortable around, he would be open to commitment...but in his own way. Saw isn't against the idea of getting married but he's not going to press the issue. However, Saw would need to see that his partner is committed to him and later on, Keda, before he even considers the idea of marriage.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally gentle? Ha. Sawbones is not emotionally gentle in the slightest. He can be if he wants to, but he chooses not to be. It’s easier that way. Now, physically? Saw has a habit of showing his ability to be gentle through touch but it's not often and not with just anyone. 
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He isn't a hugger but if he does hug someone (it's mainly his brothers so he puts up with it for them), it’s usually a little too harsh and they have to initiate it.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’s not that he doesn’t feel love but he doesn’t like to broadcast it. He would go without saying it and just show his love but he knows not everyone is like that. Saw wouldn't be the one to say it first and he usually wouldn't just say it out of nowhere...but he'd bring his partner their favorite food or a small gift instead. The only exception to this is after he’s captured by the Empire and finally makes it back to Keda, he doesn’t stop reminding her that he loves her. 
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If he’s genuinely jealous…run. Far and fast. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kissing Saw can be slow and lazy, gentle and sweet, or rough and sloppy. He’s a man of many faces in that sense. Saw likes to kiss his partner on the temple or kiss their hair/head but he prefers to be kissed on the cheek. 
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Before Keda, he was not a fan of children. He preferred to keep his distance unless absolutely necessary but his tiny little togruta daughter made him a little soft on kids. 
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sawbones fucking hates mornings. If anyone bothers him before he has caf, he’ll be committing murder for breakfast. The only time Wolffe ever saw him up early without a scowl is when he caught Keda in his bunk, lightly squeezing his cheeks and playing with his beard. 
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are probably his favorite and he has a tendency to watch the stars. After taking in Keda, they start to spend their evenings sitting under the stars if possible, naming constellations that he memorized earlier that day. He'll also stay up reading most nights but he'll sit in bed with his partner if they don't mind the light.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s not very open in general. It takes a long time to get specific details out of him about his past, mainly because he doesn’t want to relive the pain. Although, if you push his buttons the wrong way, he will go into heavy detail about the worst parts of himself. He will tell you every awful thing that he's done in an attempt to make you turn tail and run but if you listen closely, while he's giving in-depth details about himself, it's very detached. Saw can talk about the horrors he's experienced but he will almost never tell you how those things made him feel.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Patience is not one of his virtues. He has very minimal patience for stupid people or someone wasting his time. And you will, without a doubt, know that his patience is wearing thin. When it comes to getting angry, Saw is pretty quick to anger but it's mostly cold and short-lived; he's gotten very good at restraining himself. Very few people have seen the true caustic rage he's capable of and it's better that way.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Saw comes off as cold and uncaring but he probably has the best memory in the entire Wolfpack. He remembers little details about each of his brothers, things they didn’t even realize they gave away. 
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Some of his favorite moments in a relationship are the quiet, tender moment. It may seem off for someone like Saw, seeing that he's usually constantly simmering below the surface but that's exactly why those are his favorite memories. Early mornings when he wakes before his partner and can just admire their peaceful state sticks with him more than anything else. 
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sawbones is dangerously protective. Whether it be his closest brothers, General Koon, or eventually Keda, no one is safe if they're threatened. He will burn the galaxy down with his rage. 
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
At first, he doesn’t put much effort in, mainly because he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. Saw knows he's unpleasant on a good day and downright awful on bad ones. If he actually finds someone he'd consider committing to, he wouldn't expect the same in return but as his partner shows him that no matter what, they want him, then he’ll go out of his way more. 
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has no filter and makes no effort to change that. He can be outright nasty to people and he genuinely doesn't care. 
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t care about his appearance. If he does find a partner, he won’t say he wouldn't enjoy the attention or that he wouldn't be a little smug about it but overall he doesn’t give it much thought. 
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No. Sawbones isn’t looking for someone to complete him and he doesn’t want someone to be that reliant on him. He's a clone, and (in his head) a damaged one; he's meant to be expendable and doesn't want to be that important to someone. He'll only let them down in the end.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He eventually comes to realize he really likes his hair being played with, solely because of Keda’s fascination with hair. 
Also, Saw doesn't drink. He stopped at the beginning of the war and some of the Wolfpack have theories as to why but no one actually knows why.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Talking too loud, chewing with your mouth open, the color white, music with obnoxious bass, sour candy, mornings, overly bubbly personalities, the heat… 
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Saw sleeps on his back with his mouth open but always ends up on his stomach in the morning.
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Tags: @dukeoftheblackstar @commander-sunshine
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wizardofrozz · 6 months
if it's okay, could we get more sawbones please? nsfw or not anything is fine 🫶
Blue Milk Pancakes
CT-2697 Sawbones and Keda Vaa
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: mention of parent death, otherwise just fluff
A/N: Thank you for the ask anon ❤️❤️ I know you specifically mentioned NSFW but I really wanted to share some moments with Keda and Sawbones. Please feel free to send another ask and I can definitely share some NSFW stuff 😏. (The Tundra is the name of the ship Sawbones and Wolffe...aquire after order 66).
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The Tundra is silent as Sawbones shuffles into the galley of the ship. He's pretty sure Wolffe is still sawing logs in his bunk and begrudgingly adds enough ground caf for his pain in the ass commander. Saw glares down at the gurgling machine, loosely wrapping his arms around his stomach. The old, rickety caf machine groans and hisses; Saw wants to smash it.
The soft pitter patter of feet makes him turn, watching Keda wander past, heading for the small table nearby. He moves to grab a mug for himself and a cup for her, glancing over as she climbs onto the bench seat.
"Juice?" he calls over his shoulder.
"Yes please." Saw is already reaching for the cooling chamber, anticipating her answer. "What's the date today?"
Saw doesn't pay much attention when he answers, pouring her juice as the caf machine sputters to a stop. It isn't until he finishes pouring his caf, grabbing both cups, and turns to find her looking down at the table. He gently sets her cup down, sliding into the spot beside her. Keda doesn't move for her juice, staring down at her tiny hands where they're twisted her sleep shirt.
"What's going on?" Saw asks casually, sipping his wretched caf. It's barely better than sludge but he can't function without the caffeine. Keda only offers a small shrug, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. Saw lets out a soft sigh, setting his cup on the table.
"Wanna sit with me or no?" Keda glances up at him again, clearly thinking about it before crawling across the seat to curl up in his lap. It's still too early for him to smile, but Saw's expression softens slightly as he wraps his arms around her small body and rests his cheek against her montrals.
"What's going on, kid?" Keda huffs against his neck in response but he doesn't push her.
"...it's my mummy's birthday today." And if that isn't the gut punch of a lifetime. Saw squeezes his eyes shut and pulls her a little closer. He isn't really sure what he's supposed to say because sorry doesn't feel like enough. He's still reeling when he hears Keda's faint sniffle and blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.
"What was her favorite food?" Keda's silent for a moment before she sits back, looking up at Saw's tense expression.
"Blue-milk pancakes," Keda mumbles, looking away. Well, he can manage that.
"Wanna make some?" Keda's eyes widen, a small smile lifting the corner of her lips.
"Really?" she almost squeals, trying to contain the urge to bounce excitedly. Saw sighs, trying to sound exasperated but the softness in his expression gives him away.
"Sure. We - it can be something we do each year," he murmurs, trying for a half smile. Keda's entire face lights up and she lunges at Saw, wrapping her arms around his neck, punching a surprised laugh out of him.
Saw just holds her, softly rubbing her back. They stay like that for some time, Keda smiling against his shoulder like he's just made her week. Which to be fair, he probably has.
"What's up, kid?"
"You're a really good dad." The admission shocks him a little, making his throat feel tight for a moment.
"Thanks, kid." Keda hums, resting her forehead against his neck. They fall into a comfortable silence again that stretches on until Saw's inclined to break it.
"You're a pretty great kid."
"Thanks, buir."
Saw keeps her close, not even caring that his sad excuse for a cup of caf is getting cold. It isn't until Keda's stomach rumbles that he snorts, breaking the silence.
"Let's make breakfast," Saw proposes.
Although, it doesn't go quite as they had planned. They use the rest of the blue milk, a pancake ends up stuck to the ceiling, and they're both covered in batter by the time they have enough food to count as breakfast.
Saw looks over at Keda as she bounces in her seat, happily chewing the barely passable pancake and smiles, soft and genuine.
Well, looks like they'll just have to try again next year.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist @hetalianskywalker @commander-sunshine
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wizardofrozz · 10 months
CT-2697 Sawbones
It’s backstory time! Saw’s time on Kamino was not fun but it does shape who he ends up becoming and I thought it was finally time to put together a cohesive summary. So here we go...
warnings(!): trauma, slight medical horror, violence
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Sawbones was part of a batch of cadets that were assigned to be trained as medics together. From oldest to youngest based on CT numbers: CT-2525 “Quarter” (who belongs to @hetalianskywalker​ ), CT-2697 “Sawbones”, CT-6116 “Kix”, CT-7007 “Jax” (who Hannah and I made together lol), and CT-9181 “Aiden” (who is another one of my OCs).
When Sawbones was a cadet, around the physical age of 12, he started to suffer from debilitating migraines that were so bad that Kix would end up crammed into a pod with Saw as he sobbed, begging for the pain to stop until he finally passed out. His batch tried to keep it a secret from the Kaminoans but the pain eventually got so bad that Saw would almost pass out in the middle of training. Once it was obvious something was wrong, Saw became the subject of a long list of experiments. Eventually, Saw found out that his cerebrospinal fluid pressure was too high, which was what was causing the migraines. 
Sawbones wasn’t always the angry, harsh medic he eventually became. Saw was a very soft-spoken, curious little kid that laughed more freely than most of his batch mates. Even before his batch found out they were going to be trained as medics, he loved to learn and specifically loved science. When he started to struggle with migraines is when his batch started to notice a difference in his personality, which wasn’t a surprise. High CSF pressure can cause changes in personality.
Saw spent a lot of time being tested on as his symptoms got worse. The migraines continued to hinder his ability to train to the point that there was a good chance he wouldn’t leave Kamino. Saw had repeated spinal taps along the length of his spine and various instruments used to measure the pressure in his skull. He went through numerous brain scans, eye exams, and breathing treatments as he continued to deteriorate. It wasn’t until he had a seizure for the first time that the Kaminoans finally operated on him, removing a piece of his skull near his ear. When the surgery didn’t help, they eventually removed some of the excess fluid and created a treatment to stop the overproduction of fluid. Once he was older, Saw realized that all the things he had been put through were unnecessary, the Kaminoans could’ve fixed him and they didn’t. He was nothing more than an experiment to them. 
During these treatments, he still participated in training when possible, sticking close to his batch but he didn’t miss the looks he got. The cadets whispered about him, wondering what was wrong with him? Saw’s personality was changing and that’s where his anger really started to grow. He became cold, his curious expressions shifting to something more calloused, and he started to lash out. Most notably, when another cadet thought it would be funny to tease him and poked the back of Saw’s neck, the spot where he recently had a spinal tap. Saw didn’t even remember moving until he came back to himself, straddling the cadet with his hands around the other trooper’s throat. Kix pried him off the other cadet but that was only the beginning of some of the worrisome things Kix and the rest of their batch started to notice. 
Saw caught up in the training department once his CSF pressure was back to normal and his trainers noticed that despite being a bit behind the rest of his generation, he was an exceptional medic, having memorized the anatomy for more than a dozen species. Sawbones was also an above-average marksman, scoring within the top percentile repeatedly. Saw’s trainers eventually petitioned for him to be assigned to a battalion when the time came and the request was approved. 
It took until after joining the wolfpack that he went from CT-2697 to Sawbones. A name he earned for an extremely gruesome procedure he performed in the field as well as his tendency to perform the tasks/objectives that others may have shied away from. Sawbones may have been a medic but he also did some terrible things in the name of the Republic. 
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A/N: I plan on doing another post about Sawbones and Keda’s relationship and how they meet. I also have a SFW and NSFW alphabet done for Saw if anyone’s interested 👀
Tags: @dukeoftheblackstar​ 
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wizardofrozz · 8 months
May I humbly get a Sawbones x Chuchi ship?
Love you BB!! 🥰🥰
I did not see this coming but wow I'm here for it 👀
Sawbones & Riyo Chuchi
While Riyo can be firm and headstrong, she's also gentle and kind. She would extend that kindness to Sawbones, especially seeing the blank, almost bored look on his face. His immediate reaction would be to get irritated by it, seeing it as nothing more than pity, which is the last thing he wants from anyone. It would take a handful of interactions between these two before Sawbones would start to realize that Riyo's kindness was genuine.
Sawbones is very hesitant about getting close to her and is a little confused about why she has any interest in him at all. He doesn't open up about his past, even when she asks, but she's able to pick up on bits and pieces from just spending time around Sawbones' commander.
Sawbones is pissed when she brings it up later and he snaps at her, only for Riyo to come back at him with just as much ferocity. He's immediately taken aback, not expecting her to stand her ground and Sawbones has a newfound respect for Riyo.
That's when he starts to warm up to her yes this man is a little weak for a woman that puts him in his place lmao.
Once Sawbones starts to feel a bit more comfortable around her, he allows himself to recognize that she's a beautiful woman who, for some reason, has taken an interest in him. His expression noticeably softens when she's talking to him, his attention lingers on her, and he lets himself wonder. After they get together though, there's no halfway, especially with Sawbones.
If they work together often, Sawbones suddenly becomes a goddamn menace. Standing a little too close, leaning down to talk in her ear, basically, any and everything to make her cheeks darken. Then once they're alone, he fucks Riyo within an inch of her life, sending her on her way with flushed cheeks, messy hair, and a clearly fucked out look on her face.
There isn't much that truly strokes Sawbones' ego but fucking a senator? It's really hard not to be a smug bastard about it.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 (love you too ❤️) @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @trixie2023 @sev-on-kamino
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