#Now come along Husker there are already quite a few new plans that are just itching to become reality
dealwithadeer · 4 months
Love the headcanon of NIfty, Alastor and Husk having been kind of a trio for years before Alastors absence. Because it would imply that they had taken part in previous 'projects' and 'missions' of the Radio Demon. Which gives Husk staying drunk for most of the beginning and being completely detached from everything and everyone kind of sad because maybe he already has gone through having taken actual interest in the people who were part of one of Alastors plans only to have to watch them die or perhaps even kill them later on. But this time, as Husk allows himself to think, things are different. The Princess of Hell is involved, Alastor is not as free as he once was and has in fact acted mostly disinterested in the HOtels overall mission. Nifty talking to Alastor about how she 'likes them' because they let her put on her show could in this context explain that there had been previous jobs where the people had not been as accepting of her eccentric behavior.
But this also implies that as soon as the Hotel served its purpose and Alastor gets free thanks to the favour Charlie promised him and some careful planning, that the three of them will leave.
That Husk (who is faced with a Boss that is quite happy and less on edge now that he is free) will have to leave.
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 4 years
@thefinaltaterthot You’ll love me.
TW/CW: temporary character death, toxic relationship
Alastor was a cruel and sadistic man. He knew that. He’s never been anything different. They’d call him a homicidal maniac and they wouldn’t be wrong. Hurting people was one of the things he did best. However, this pain never used to be of the emotional kind. He had no time for mind games. Emotional pain could take years to manifest and that was just too long to wait for. No, immediate, physical pain was better. He’d get to see the effects right away and it’d be over with.
Of course, perception in Hell changed quite a bit. For one, time was not limited. On the second, there was absolutely no need to hide. He could rip a man apart in the middle of the street and eat his flesh right then and there, and no one would bat an eye. He still preferred physical pain over mental anguish however. Old habits die hard, after all, and he’s never been a man of change.
 Charlie was intriguing to be sure. Her plan was absolutely ridiculous and would never work. Redemption? They were all in Hell for a reason. Chances were slim that one of these fools actually managed to change so much that Heaven would open up for them. How would it even happen? Would an Angel come down from Heaven and take them? It was absolutely ludicrous. He chuckled to himself. But, her plan had one upside to it: he’d get to see a lot of sinners fail. It was promising to be fun; and if it turned out not to be, well – he could always just leave.
Without a doubt, seeing Charlie lose her hope would be the most worthwhile. She’d lose bit after bit each time a demon failed to actually master redemption. He was looking forward to spending more time with her.
 “Hey, Al, wanna have a drink with me?” “No thank you Husker! I have a meeting with Charlie to attend!”
 He didn’t turn to look at his friend. What was the point of seeing the dejected expression yet again? It was always the same.
Husk was in love with him.
Now, he never came and said it outright, but Alastor was no fool. People had tried to be affectionate with him in the past and they have looked and acted quite the same. Husk would try to get closer and he would utterly reject him. When sitting on the couch, Husk would inch closer every few seconds and right before he was next to him, Alastor would stand up to go somewhere else. When he was sitting at the bar to sip his whiskey, Husk’s claws would move slowly towards his hand. He placed it on the countertop deliberately so Husk would stage yet another attempt. And again, right before he reached his goal, Alastor would withdraw his hand.
He didn’t know why he did this. Husk was his friend, his loyal companion. He gained nothing from this. It would be better if he just spoke to Husk about this, stopping this all together but – for some reason, he couldn’t. Every reaction to Husk’s attempts came automatically and before he even realised what he’d done.
He couldn’t reject his friend. If he did, it’d break Husk. No, that wasn’t right.
Husk had come into Hell already broken, poorly held together as it was. Rejection would utterly smash the cat. Alastor had no idea why Husk chose to fall in love with him of all people. He should’ve chosen the first bartender that allowed him to sit on his tab.
But Husk chose him. Devil only know why.
 “Hey, Al, happy hour in the pub just started, do you –“
“Great news! I hope you have fun there!”
 He was a cruel and sadistic man, but breaking Husk’s heart quite like this didn’t give him the satisfaction it should have.
Why didn’t Husk just give up? He was clearly not getting anywhere, so why not give up? But to be fair, he didn’t make it easy on him. Anytime he saw Angel Dust sitting at the bar to talk to Husk, he would intervene and join them. He’d have no business at the bar, no need for a drink, and he’d still interrupt them. He didn’t know why. He just knew that Husk would hyper-focus onto him and Angel Dust would be left behind. Alastor didn’t know why he couldn’t let Husk have this, he truly didn’t.
Husk was his cat; and as such, nobody else was allowed to interact with him.
 Husk was sweeping the bar while he and Charlie had a conversation in the same hall. She excitedly told him about her plans and how she envisioned everything to work and he decided to humour her. While he absolutely couldn’t wait for it all to fail, he encouraged her and even pitched in some ideas of his own. He already offered to broadcast across Hell, and Charlie agreed immediately. She had tasked Vaggie to write a message post-haste. To be honest, her enthusiasm was infectious. Much like her, he couldn’t await the first residents of this establishment. Of course, it was for quite the different reason, but it was excitement nonetheless.
“I’m quite fascinated by you, little princess.” He cocked his head and smiled widely at her. He noticed that Husk had stopped sweeping for a split second. Hm. Curious.
“Oh, ehm, thank you! I’m glad you like, well, me! You are quite different from what I expected, I must say.”
He simply nodded his head. Sure enough, the sinners described him as a force of nature and while they weren’t wrong, he wasn’t a brute. He quite valued civil talks.
“O-oh! Husk, wait, I need to talk to you!”
Husk had finished the sweeping, then. The cat stopped and looked over to them; and Alastor noted that he looked tired.
“Now, you won’t dismiss our princess, won’t you?”
Husk clenched his jaw, balled his fist and started walking again without a word. Now, this simply could not stand.
Husk stopped.
He always stopped. Charlie ran up to him to discuss whatever she will.
He was cruel and sadistic, treating Husk like this. But he couldn’t stop.
 Charlie was weeping. She was sitting on the sidewalk they’ve been walking on and crying her eyes out. Under her lay Husk, dead with a hole in his chest. Now, of course you couldn’t escape Hell by simply dying; only the weapon of an Angel would do the permanent trick.
But sinners could still suffer fatal wounds and a hole in the chest surely counted towards that. They had just been walking; him, Charlie and Husk. Husk had come along because Alastor had asked and also to carry any eventual bags they might acquire.
Gang Wars were quite frequent everywhere in Hell and there was no common decency to keep them in a confined space. But someone shooting at Charlie must have been a mistake. The only question was – why did Husk jump in? Recovering from such a wound was painful and took at least a week, depending on the fatality of the wound.
It also made Alastor angry. Husk wasn’t allowed to die. He wasn’t, but he did anyway and now someone had to pay. So, he ripped the offending sinner in half. Not enough carnage, but it would have to do. He stepped up to Charlie and Husk; and picked the latter up. Huh. If Husk were conscious right now, he’d quite enjoy that. Too bad he’d never know.
“Charlie”, he said to get her to focus. “Let us return to the Hotel and resume shopping tomorrow.”
He could see in her face that shopping was the last thing on her mind but he didn’t care. He simply teleported them back to the Hotel and dumped Husk onto his bed. It was eerie, seeing his friend ragdoll like this. Charlie was snivelling next to him.
“I’m going to go out for a bit.”
He didn’t wait for her approval, and Husk would not awaken for quite some time.
He didn’t understand. He just didn’t understand and he needed to clear his head.
Murder has always been his first choice.
 Husk woke after roughly two weeks.
“Welcome back, Husker! I see not even death could stop you, dear friend.”
It was rude, greeting him like that when he just came back to life, but it was another automated response.
Husk blinked lazily at him. He needed a moment to focus his gaze and then he tried to sit up. Alastor didn’t stop him even though he should.
“You’re here”, Husk just said after he painfully managed to sit up. Ah. There it was. The look on his face, the one he always had in Alastor’s presence.
“Mhm”, he simply replied. Husk’s breathing was ragged and he should really lie back down. Well. Husk was back awake, no point in staying any longer.
“Will you stay?”
“I suppose I should take my leave.”
Two things said at the same time and Alastor stopped for a second. He could feel the hope in Husk’s chest swell.
 And then he left.
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syntaxeme · 4 years
One Good Turn ch. 4
[Read on AO3] | [First Chapter] | [Next Chapter] Rating: T  Story summary: Angel’s clean streak is broken when Val forcibly calls him back to the studio. On principle (and not at all out of concern for Angel's wellbeing), Alastor takes it upon himself to free Angel from Valentino's control. But what started as a simple favor becomes something much more complicated, all because of an innocent thank-you kiss.
— — – 
Angel was right to think that Valentino wouldn’t be long in asking after him. The following day, Charlie welcomed Angel back with open arms and tears of joy. The mood throughout the entire hotel improved with his presence, in fact, from the staff to the guests to Angel himself. He seemed very pleased to be back, while the others—Alastor included—were delighted to have him. Yet in the midst of their happy reunion, there was an undercurrent of nervous anticipation, and only a few of them knew why.
After roughly five days of waiting, another large and intimidating demon, different from the last, came knocking. This time, however, Alastor was waiting in the lobby to greet him, having relieved Husker of his duties for the moment. “Good afternoon, my friend,” he called cheerfully from the bar. “Are you here to reserve a room for yourself? For a friend, perhaps? We’re happy to accommodate—”
“Can it, Radio,” the other demon growled.
“—whatever needs you might have,” he concluded. “Well, if that isn’t why you’re here, what can I do for you?”
“I’m lookin’ for Angel. Where is he?”
“Angel? Hmmm, Angel…” Alastor pursed his lips, leaning forward against the bar and drumming his fingers along it rhythmically. He materialized the hotel’s registry in front of him and flipped through the pages too quickly to read them. “You know, I’m not sure who you mean. That name doesn’t appear in our records. Could you give me a more detailed description? I hate to be unhelpful.”
“Look, I’m not in the mood for any of your fuckin’ games. Tell me where I can find Angel Dust. Boss knows he’s here. The longer you keep him from goin’ back, the more pissed Val’s gonna get.”
“I see. Well, we wouldn’t want that,” Alastor said, nodding, sweeping out from behind the bar to meet the visitor. “Maybe I should go and have a chat with Valentino to avoid any misunderstandings.”
“No deal. I’m here for Angel, and I ain’t leavin’ without him.”
“Are you sure? I really think”—there was a burst of static, Alastor’s voice distorting slightly as he gestured toward the door—“this is the best option for everyone. Yourself included. Now, I try not to make assumptions about the feelings of others, but I can promise you, if you refuse to take me to Valentino, you will regret it.”
“Uh.” The crony took a step back, his eyes widening as the room darkened further and further. He must have recognized just how serious Alastor was about this. “All right, all right, just come with me. If you wanna be the one to break the news, be my guest.”
“Why, it would be my utmost pleasure!” the Radio Demon agreed, congenial once again now that he was getting his way. He followed Valentino’s employee out to the limo, which was empty this time. They rode in utter silence, Alastor observing through the window and considering all the various ways Valentino might take the news he had to present. Plenty of possibilities, plenty of options. Of course, it would be simplest if he could talk his way through the disagreement without needing to resort to violence, but then…
Then he recalled the tears in Angel’s eyes those few nights ago, how terrified he was of being touched, how disgusted he sounded when talking about Vox and his men…and he wondered if perhaps a little violence wasn’t in order. Angel wasn’t likely to get revenge himself, but his suffering still deserved to be repaid to the ones who had caused it. Something to think about, at least.
The studio, when they reached it, wasn’t the sort of place Alastor would’ve spent his time willfully. Visual media. Flat facts, no imagination, what a bore. The demon who had driven him there tried to take him up the elevator, but he slapped the man’s hands away from the buttons and entered the car alone with a smile and a grateful bow.
When he reached the top floor and stepped out into Valentino’s lounge, the pimp was waiting sprawled on a velvet-upholstered couch. The look on his face said he’d already been informed in the change of plans regarding his guest. It wasn’t a pleased or welcoming expression by any means.
“Radio,” Valentino said simply. “I knew somethin’ was keepin’ Angel at that shithole of a hotel, but I didn’t figure it’d be somethin’ like you.”
“Well, I do try my best to do the unexpected. To be clear, though, I haven’t been ‘keeping’ anyone anywhere,” he replied, absently twirling his staff through his fingers as he wandered the room. The view from this height was quite impressive—as impressive as Pentagram City could be, that is. “Angel has expressed an interest in staying at the hotel, so I thought I might do you the favor of explaining why.”
“As if you understand anything about him,” Valentino sneered. “You met him, what, a couple months ago? You don’t fuckin’ know him.”
“Not as well as you do, I’m sure. But I also have no interest in leading him to feel or think any particular way. I’m told that’s an area where you and I differ.”
“Then why’re you comin’ here to speak for him? There a reason he couldn’t tell me all this himself?”
“There is! And I’m sure you’re well aware of it,” Alastor said, coming back to stand in front of the couch, hands folded at his back. “After all, you’ve been using it to manipulate him for years, haven’t you? Any time he began to argue with your orders, any time he fought you for his freedom, you subdued him with a show of force that you know he can’t resist. If he were to come here, you would do the same thing yet again. Am I wrong?”
“Must be real easy to stand there and run your mouth about shit you don’t understand.” Valentino’s long fingers tapped slowly along the arm of the couch. “But it sounds like you two’ve spent a while chattin’ about it. He tell you about all the times I got his junkie ass outta trouble? All the times he came crawlin’ back to me when he couldn’t make it on his own? Nah, I bet he painted this big sad picture for ya where I’m the bad guy and he’s never done a thing wrong in his life. That’s what I mean when I say ya don’t know him. You don’t even realize when you’re bein’ played.”
“He didn’t ask me to come here,” Alastor pointed out. “In fact, he asked me not to. His fear of you is so powerful it extends even to others he cares about outside of himself.”
In an instant, Valentino was on his feet, bearing down on Alastor menacingly but not enough to make him back down. “People he ‘cares about’?” he growled. “The fuck is that supposed to mean? You’ve been screwin’ him, haven’t you? You’re the reason he thinks he doesn’t need me anymore.”
Alastor tossed his head back and laughed aloud. “My good man, you are wrong on every possible count. Well, other than Angel realizing that he doesn’t need you. That, he has.” A feather or a tuft of fur from Valentino’s coat floated down to rest on his shoulder, and he brushed it off casually. “No, I’ve been doing nothing of the sort. But he’s made it clear to me that you are not what he wants for his future. So I’m here to make it clear that you will not be a part of his future.”
After a moment of exchanging silent glares, Valentino let out a laugh without ever smiling. “You really think you’re hot shit, don’t ya? You think you can waltz into my place of business and tell me what I can or can’t do with my own property?”
“I sincerely hope you’re not referring to Angel Dust as ‘property.’” Despite all the windows in the room and the fact that the sun was still up, shadows began to slowly gather in the corners and edge toward him. “I’ve come to think of him as a friend, you see, and I don’t much appreciate my friends being insulted.”
“A friend. I just bet,” Valentino scoffed.
“Why else would I have come here in his defense?”
“You tell me, Radio. Vox says you ain’t interested in sex. Not really. Nobody knows what the fuck you’re interested in. But you obviously have some kinda investment in Angel. So what is it about him you like so much?”
The sound of his rival’s name made Alastor’s smile edge into a sneer, and he made no effort at forcing it back into something congenial. “As much as I appreciate your efforts to understand me, I’m afraid I just don’t have the time or will to explain myself to someone like you. Kindly give me your word that you’ll allow Angel to live his own life free from your interference, and I’ll leave you to continue your distasteful business in peace.” He offered his hand, ready to seal the deal and be done with this conversation before being forced to examine his own motivations too closely—but Valentino refused to cooperate.
“And if I don’t?” He raised his head, jutting his chin out defiantly. “If I tell you none of your petty threats or parlor tricks are gonna work on me and I’m not lettin’ Angel go for all the hookers in Hell? Then what?”
Alastor took a slow, deep breath, his mouth twisting into a disappointed grimace as he rested the end of his staff on the ground and ran his free hand through his hair. “If you were to say that, I would be distraught. I did tell him I would try to resolve this peacefully. That being said…” He tapped his staff once, and the shadows that had been slowly creeping closer suddenly shot forward to shackle Valentino’s wrists, yanking down sharply and forcing him to his knees. Not bothering to pretend he wasn’t enjoying this, Alastor went on, “I also told him that if you forced the issue, I had no qualms about forcing your acquiesce. So here we are.”
“You fuckin’ piece of garbage.” Valentino thrashed, and his physical strength was surprising, almost shocking in that it nearly broke the shadows’ hold on him. Nearly. As he was dragged back down, he growled, “Say what you want, but I know you’re tryna keep him for yourself. You think you can take what belongs to me and get away with it? I was the one takin’ care of him. I was the only reason he made it as far as he did. Whatever I wanted as payback, I deserved. If he thinks he can—” Another shadow tendril snaked around his throat to cut off his voice as Alastor grew tired of his excuses.
“I appreciate your dedication to your principles,” he said, starting to stroll thoughtfully back and forth just a few feet from where Valentino was bound. “There’s something to be said for a man who really sticks to his guns, even if your particular guns are objectively repugnant. Now, do you have any sort of formal deal with Angel that details him as your ‘property’?”
“You got me curious now,” Valentino answered, ignoring the question. “You gotta know who I am. You know what kinda trouble fuckin’ with me is gonna get you into. But you’re doin’ it anyway, for his sake. With your reputation, it just doesn’t make sense. But Angie’s got his hooks in you deep, I can tell.”
“A contract? A verbal agreement?” Alastor suggested, not bothering to respond to the other demon’s musing. “Something regarding his career, maybe? What will it take to sever your hold on him once and for all?”
“It ain’t like this’s never happened before, y’know.” Valentino had stopped fighting his bonds altogether, simply sitting still on the ground and watching Alastor thoughtfully, his voice turned smooth and calm. “He does this to people. Sometimes it’s the guys he shoots with. Sometimes it’s fans or clients. They spend a little too much time with him and start gettin’ the idea there’s more to it than sex. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them: whatever Angel says, whatever little pity games he wants to play, he likes the work I have him doin’.”
“He gives a very different impression.”
“Sure he does. That’s part of the game. He likes havin’ some power to play with, seein’ how far he can get a man to go for his sake. Or maybe he just likes seein’ me kill his drooling puppy-love dickheads over and over to keep him to myself. Who knows what goes on in his head? But you’ve known him a little while. You’ve seen how he acts. You think I taught him to be like that?” Valentino let out a cold laugh. “Nah. He was a slut before he ever met me.”
Alastor’s smile was distinctly pained at this point, his face reddening with an emotion he couldn’t quite identify. “I don’t see what any of that has to do with this conversation.”
“The point is he doesn’t want out. He just wants control over somethin’. Doesn’t that bother you? Doesn’t it piss you off to think he’s usin’ you?” With a growing smirk, he went on, “Doesn’t it make ya wanna punish him? Bring him back here for me and I’ll let you.”
Horrified, the Radio Demon reeled back a step as static started to build in his ears. “Excuse me?”
“Hey, it doesn’t hafta be sexual; however you wanna do it’s up to you.” Valentino was practically salivating at the thought, grinning ear-to-ear. “I’ll even make it so he won’t fight back. Do whatever ya want with him, teach him not to fuck with an Overlord. Your thing is audio, right? Well that voice of his sounds even better when he’s screaming—”
Alastor’s fist closed abruptly, and the shadow around Valentino’s neck tightened, jerking downward to slam his face into the cold tile floor. All sound in the room had been drowned in squealing, buzzing static, betraying how utterly livid he was. That was what Angel had noted in relation to Vox. What’s the point if I don’t scream, right? The thought of being compared to that odious cretin in any aspect was enough to boil his blood, but it was especially insulting to suggest his cooperation might be so easily bought with the promise of carnal pleasure, as if he had no more significant motivation.
“I hate to interrupt while you’re clearly enjoying this subject so much”—he spoke over (or under) the static without trying to subdue it—“but I think we’ve gotten a little off-topic. I was asking you whether there are any official deals binding Angel to you. And you were going to tell me so that I could end them. Yes?” Placing his mic under Valentino’s chin to force his head up, he took slight satisfaction in seeing that the pimp’s kitschy heart-shaped sunglasses were now cracked. Better yet, there was no trace of a smile on his face.
“Motherfucker,” Valentino grumbled, sitting up as well as he could. As the tendril around his neck slowly coiled tighter and tighter and Alastor was debating whether it might be safest to simply kill him now and be done with it, he choked out, “No, all right? It’s nothin’…like that. It’s just understood.”
“Then I’ll need you to revise your understanding.” He knelt to be eye-level with his opposition and ordered, “Tell me you and yours won’t approach Angel Dust or coerce him into anything again. Promise me that, and the most you might lose is some revenue. Refuse, and I’ll make it my mission to prove exactly how much more you have to lose.” The white noise had pitched higher and higher to an ear-splitting level, but Alastor didn’t so much as blink as he waited for an answer.
After several moments of stubborn, cringing silence, Valentino finally broke down. “Fine!” he snarled. “I won’t come get him. I won’t make him leave your little freak show. But you need to know he is gonna come back to me, just like he always does, and when it happens, I’m not lettin’ him outta my sight again.”
The screeching static dissipated all at once as Alastor got to his feet again. “Considering how unlikely that condition is, I’ll accept it. I’m glad we could finally come to an agreement.” The shadows released their hold on Valentino and slipped away into the corners of the room again, all returning to its proper state before his arrival. He offered his hand to make the deal official, not at all concerned about Valentino attacking him; even if he tried, it had already been proven which of them was stronger.
Begrudgingly shaking his hand, just once, Valentino growled, “Now get the fuck outta my studio.”
“Oh, with pleasure! I wouldn’t spend a moment longer here than necessary,” Alastor agreed, already heading for the elevator and humming happily to himself. All things considered, those negotiations had gone quite well.
It took some time for him to get back to the hotel, as he was forced to walk this time. By the time he reached the lobby, the sun was already setting. Inside, Husker was leaning against the bar and watching an uncharacteristically anxious Angel pace back and forth in front of it, while Charlie waited with her arms crossed. When they caught sight of him, Charlie and Angel rushed over to meet him immediately.
“Al! Where the hell’ve you been?” Angel demanded, looking him over as if to be sure he wasn’t hiding some sort of injury.
“You left the front desk empty too,” Charlie added with a pout. “I mean, no one came in while you were gone, but what if they had?”
“I apologize for the sudden disappearance; there was some business I needed to attend across town. But now that it’s taken care of, I’m back and able to give the hotel my full attention,” he assured Charlie. “If you need anything at all, remember I’m just a call away. In the meantime: Angel. Could I have a word?” With this, he headed toward the stairwell, certain Angel would follow—which he did.
“Niffty said she saw Val’s car out front earlier,” he explained once they were alone and working their way toward the third floor, where Alastor’s room was located. “Is that where you were?”
“Well, I was only in the car for a short period,” the Radio Demon teased. “Most of my time away was spent in Valentino’s lounge. Nicely decorated, that place, if a bit gaudy for my taste.”
“So you talked to him? What’d you say? What’d he say?”
“Surely you don’t expect me to repeat it all word-for-word,” he chuckled. “Maybe I should’ve been recording it for you, if you’re so interested.”
“Alastor, seriously.” Angel didn’t try to touch him this time, instead moving to block his path on the stairs. “What happened?”
“We had a discussion. Like gentlemen,” Alastor said, folding his hands behind his back. “It took some persuading on my part, but he agreed not to pursue you any further. As long as you don’t go back to the studio of your own free will, you shouldn’t have to deal with him again.”
“Wait, so that’s just it? It was that simple?”
“Not quite, but those are the most important details.” Remembering the deal Valentino had tried to make with him, the offer of torturing or otherwise ‘punishing’ Angel still sent an uncomfortable chill down his spine—but he was well aware that hearing all that wouldn’t do Angel any good. “I figured you would want to know, so you can stop worrying every day that you’re going to be called back to him. It won’t happen.” I’ll make sure of that. As he moved to continue up the stairs, Angel spoke again.
“So what d’you want?”
“Want?” Alastor repeated, pausing to glance back at him.
“Yeah. I mean, if you’re for real about this, you just did me a pretty huge fuckin’ favor,” Angel pointed out. “Nobody down here does shit for anyone else without expectin’ somethin’ in return. I know you like your bets and deals and all. So tell me what ya want.”
That was all very fair logic. Alastor did very much enjoy making deals, often the sort that weren’t exactly as they seemed, and collecting favors from those he worked with. It was true he’d taken quite a risk in threatening Valentino, and it made sense that he should want to be repaid. Yet he hadn’t been thinking of it that way up to this point.
“What I did today wasn’t entirely selfless. While I am glad to know you’ll be free to make your own choices, I also wanted to keep you here with us. Er, to give you that option. If that’s what you want. Of course you’re free to leave if you prefer,” he added, not wanting to liken himself to Valentino in that way. “Point being: you don’t owe me anything, cher. I’m satisfied with knowing you won’t be abducted by some third party.”
Angel didn’t respond for a moment. When he did, it wasn’t in the way Alastor expected. Because Alastor was a step or two higher than him at the moment, their heights were roughly equal, which made it simple enough for Angel to lean forward and kiss him. For once, his buzzing static went completely silent, and his eyes widened further as gloved hands slid into his hair on either side of his head. It was a simple, lingering kiss, just light pressure and warmth—but before he drew away, Angel did lick his lips once, softly, briefly.
“Hmm.” As he stepped back, fingertips trailing down the Radio Demon’s cheek, Angel wore a playful, self-satisfied smirk. “Lemme know if ya change your mind about that.” And he left to head back down the stairs, most likely to take the elevator up to his room.
Alastor remained very still, hands clenched at his sides as he tried to understand exactly what had just happened and how he felt about it. While it was true he’d never had much interest in sex, this was something rather different and not altogether unpleasant. Maybe… Maybe he did want something from Angel. But he wouldn’t ask for it. He refused to prove Valentino right in his theory that Alastor had only freed Angel in order to claim him for himself—though that word, ‘claim,’ and all it implied did make him shiver with intrigue.
No. He would not be what Valentino was, what Vox was, what Angel expected of every man he encountered. He wouldn’t insist that he needed no repayment, then immediately prove himself a liar with the slightest temptation. That being said, if Angel were to offer again…Alastor might have some difficulty refusing.
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 55
Hey-o! I suppose I need to do a Fanfic Progress Update, since it’s Saturday! Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 35 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 26th of February. Chapter 36 is finished and will be posted on 18th of March. Chapter 37 has been started.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year (previous known as The Dad Deer)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Every year, for a single month, the Radio Demon gets… emotional. His antlers are in velvet and he’s pumped full of hormones that make him behave quite unlike himself: suddenly, everywhere he looks, instead of seeing fellow demons all he sees are helpless little fawns that nobody is taking a proper care of! Solution? Adopt them.
Husk, Niffty, Camille, Honey, and the rest of the older Fawns put up with their Mom/Dad’s nonsense every year, but this time there’s a new, rotten apple in their midst and they have to protect Alastor from this crook. Without Alastor knowing about it. As Husk likes to put it: “This is fucking bullshit. ...I mean fudgy nonsense.”
(Crack taken seriously. Gen)
Progress: The first chapter is finished! The second chapter hasn’t been started yet. I want to have at least three chapters written before posting anything.
This fic is co-authored by Maximillian!
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 5 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 13th of March. Chapter 6 will be posted on 17th of March, and chapter 7 hopefully on 20th of March. Hopefully, because chapter 7 hasn’t been written yet, oops. I do still have a whole week tho, so I’m very likely to get it done before the deadline, and it has been started as well. This story will have at least ten more chapters, but who even knows at this point. Prompts are no longer accepted, and I’ll need to make an announcement about that in the next chapter’s author’s notes, as I’ve actually received a few additional ones (that I still put in the list because I’m nice).
This fic is updated on Tuesdays and Fridays. I’ll post a sneak-peek for Tuesday’s chapter on these updates, and one for Friday’s chapter in a separate post on Wednesday.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Possibly worth staying for (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Experiment in Romance (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here is the promised sneak-peeks into Adventure gone Mini and Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest. (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Link grinned at Sidon, way more excited than the occasion probably deserved. He watched as a batch of Minish unloaded themselves from the mouse cart, and finally the person driving it signaled for the waiting people, Link and Sidon included, to come forward and board it. Why yes, after they had finished eating and gotten ready to continue their journey, a helpful Minish had stopped them and informed them that the mouse cart to the next city should arrive within the next ten or so minutes. Obviously they had chosen to wait for that instead, both because it saved them a five hour walk and turned it into a two hour ride, and because of course they wanted to try the mouse cart when the opportunity was there. Link had no way of knowing for sure, but he trusted that none of the Minish they had dined with were Vaatians; surely they would have caused trouble already if they were going to. So, sitting in the cart with them for about two hours didn't feel like an awful idea this time around, unlike the ride from the Capital to here would have been. Link and Sidon were guided to sit in the middle of the cart for balance reasons – Sidon was about three times the size of an average Minish, after all – and soon enough the cart was full and the journey begun. It was very similar to traveling on a horse cart, except for the fact that the ride was bumpier and faster, as the mice pulling the cart scurried along without the proper rhythm that horses were trained for. It was still a cool thing to experience and Zelda would no doubt want to try it.
It was quarter past midday when Alastor finally received the quiet notification from a shadow minion that Husker had emerged from his room and situated himself at the front desk. It was later than usual, but not unheard of, so he wasn't concerned when he dropped the conversation he had been having with one of the clients in favour of appearing by his sheik's side to wish him a good morning.
"Hello, Husker, my only sunshine!" Alastor said cheerfully and pulled his fluffy kitty into a side-hug. Husker hummed passively and leaned against him, which prompted Alastor to drop a kiss on his temple. "How are you this fine day?"
Alastor begun scratching behind Husker's ear while waiting for the answer.
Husker shrugged. "It's a day."
Alastor's scratching halted for a second and his smile dimmed in mild confusion. Husker sounded… off. Like he was just reading the words from a cue card without any emotion behind them. It was concerning, and needed to be fixed.
He widened the smile again and moved his scratching to the base of Husk's skull, hoping to get a better reaction from what he knew to be a sweeter spot. "Are hung over again? You sound a little unenthusiastic today. Have you eaten anything? Would you like a smoothie?"
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
Good Evening Ch5 (It’s a Deal Then?)
AO3 Link Summary: Charlie and Vaggie talk about Al’s proposition, more questions about this permanently smiling man arise, and Angelo get texts from an associate of Valentino. Words: 1,787 Sorry for any typos, been sneezing all day and don’t have the energy. ~~~ Charlie walked up the stairs and through where she a door still open to a random floor. She went around the corridors, hearing Vaggie speaking to the guest that stole some alcohol. The blonde girl was expecting to see her lover arguing with the thief, but when she rounded the corner and peeked into the room, she saw Vaggie simply explaining the rules of the hotel. The guest seemed ashamed and desperate for the vodka. 
The goth girl gave a small sigh as she looked around the room, trying to find something to pour it into. Vaggie grabbed a glass nearby, went into the bathroom, and poured a little bit of cold water from the faucet. She came back with the glass and told them, “Give me the bottle.”
The guest hugged the bottle close to their chest for a few seconds, glanced at the alcohol, back at Vaggie, and then sighed as they handed the bottle to her. The sex worker uncorked the bottle and poured a bit of the vodka into the cold water, watching it fill up. She handed the half-water and half-vodka to the guest, making the guest take the glass with a slightly grateful look. Vaggie gave them a small nod before leaving out the room, causing Charlie to quickly move away from the door. The goth girl walked out the room, closed the door, and then jumped at the sound of someone squealing.
Vaggie quickly turned the person in apprehension and raised the bottle to smack them with, just to immediately calm down at seeing Charlie. The mayor’s daughter was rocking on her heels with a large grin on her face and looked as if her eyes were sparkling. The silver-haired girl turned her head and asked, hiding a blush, “Wh-What? I’m not that hard-hearted.”
“I’m just…so happy to see you showing your soft side!!” Charlie exclaimed in such joy, prancing a bit in place. Seeing her apple dumpling so excited made Vaggie blush a bit more and tried to hide behind her hair a bit, while asking, “D-Did you c-come see me fo-or a reas-son?”
Charlie then swiftly went serious as she pressed her fingers together and explained, “Oh! Right, uh, well, Al suggested- well…more like asserted that he wants to help run the Happy Hotel with us, which you know, but he also is cooking for us. I don’t know why and I don’t know what to say. Vaggie, what if he holds what I did against me? What if-”
Vaggie tried to calm her by saying, “Listen to me, Charlie, we don’t know what he’ll do. So…I guess we will go along with whatever it is that he has planned, but just set some parameters. Keep him away from these people as much as possible, okay? We don’t know how dangerous he is.”
Charlie took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right. What’s the worst that could come from-” before she could finish, there was the sound of what seemed like very muffled yelling coming from downstairs. The two gave each other concerned stares before running off down the hall to get to the stairs.
Angelo looked at what was going on with the three in the room, watching Niffty yell up at Husk for breaking plates, while the old man glared vehemently at Alastor, who was just casually humming as he placed the large pot on the stove. The younger man shifted a bit in place and repeated, “So, do ya two know each other or…?”
Husk yelled at Angelo, “What made you realize that, smartass!? I’m always havin’ to clean up this shitbags mess! No matter what it is that I’m doin’ or where I am, I gotta come to help this fuckin’ clown!”
Angelo looked at Al to see his reaction and the man was just stirring around the pot gumbo, making it seem like he wasn’t paying attention. The porn star hummed, raising an eyebrow at Husk and smirking, “So, ya two are fuckin’ then?”
Alastor suddenly stopped stirring and shouted, “Ha! No.”
Husker agreed, “Fuck no. I’d rather stick my dick down a garbage disposal and turn it on than the inside that dumbass.”
“Oh, I hope that you use protection, Husker,” Al joked, giving a quiet chuckle and grinning widely. This just made Angelo even confused, since neither of the two specified how they met one another or what they did with one another. He was about to ask what it was, but Niffty ended up shoving a broom and dustpan into his arms. She huffed, “Less talking and more cleaning!”
The small girl shoved Angelo towards the broken ceramic and then went to make the rice. The fluffy haired man huffed as he began to sweep up the shattered plate. As he was doing this, Charlie and Vaggie came sprinting into the kitchen. Charlie took a few deep breaths and then asked anyone, “We…heard shouting…what’s…going on?”
Alastor shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, wrapping an arm around Husk and pulling him down to rub his cheek against his, “Nothing more, but a tearful reunion, doll!”
Husk grumbled as he pushed Al away and left out of the kitchen, going to possibly drink and pretend to give a shit about his job. Charlie decided to question that later as she looked back at the creole and announced, “By the way, Al, I’ve thought about your proposal.”
Alastor stopped stirring, placed a lid on the pot- making Niffty sigh at the heavenly, savory smell of the gumbo being taken away -and turned to the blonde-haired girl. He grinned and hummed, showing that he was waiting for her to continue. Charlie went on, “Alright, so, you’re sketchy as fuck and you wishing to run this hotel because of boredom is…odd. However, we don’t have a lot of staff members and you being on the radio could offer great promotion for the hotel. So, I am taking your offer, on the condition there’ll be no tricks or twists attached.”
Al held out his hand and smiled, “So, it’s a dea-”
Vaggie quickly added, “However, you cannot stay at this hotel. This is meant for those going through rehab and…despite some problems, you appear to be mentally sound.”
The creole’s smile seemed to lessen just slightly as he hummed, “Well, I already have brought my possessions with me. It seems rather rude to turn me away, don’t you think? After me helping you…”
Niffty chimed as she stirred the gumbo and paid attention to the boiling rice, “It does seem weird, since he’s making this meal for us.”
While that also made sense, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angelo knew exactly what “help” that the man was actually referring to. Angelo then suddenly jumped up from cleaning up the shards of plate and suggested, “Well, uh, I got someplace ya can hang out in, at least for right now.”
Charlie cleared her throat and also said, “I…can also, maybe, ask my parents if you can stay over, but that also may take some time…and convincing.”
Alastor’s smile became more sincere as he walked over to Angelo and Charlie, wrapping his arms around the two and hugging them. He jovially said, “My goodness! Such fantastic people you are! I cannot wait to get to know you both over time! Now,” he then grabbed Angelo and practically ordered, “come along, my friend. You need to show me to this new keen abode of yours.”
Angelo clarified as he got dragged off, “Well, it ain’t really mine and…uh…” he trailed off when he saw Niffty drain the rice and then taste the gumbo. It immediately made his stomach turn when Charlie and Vaggie go over to the pot. The thought of the eye just floating around in the thick stew. He shouted, mostly to the girls “Hey, uh, maybe we should stay! Don’t want your food ta-”
Niffty assured Angelo, which only made him more stressed, “Don’t worry, Angie! We’ll save you some after we serve the guests!”
Angelo wanted to say more, but he was yanked out the door by a way too excited Al, who called out to the three girls, “Make sure to properly season that gumbo, you lovely tomatoes!”
The last thing the two heard was Vaggie questioning as to why they were called tomatoes.
When Angelo were outside, Al looked him up and down and mumbled, “First, we need to change your outfit.”
Angelo, despite feeling nauseous, flirted, “Why? Afraid ya gonna fall for temptation~?” ~~~ Angelo sat in the seat, looking grumpy, since he was forced to change into a white dress shirt, dark dress pants, pink suspenders, and a pink and gold bowtie. He absolutely hated this outfit, mostly because he was sure how Al procured this outfit. Alastor just said that he won it in a fair game…whatever that meant.
However, Angelo was also busy texting someone he labeled as “man with crazy clown bitch”, who was asking where Valentino was and demanding answers from him. Angelo just texted back:
Angelo: Listen, Voxxie, I’m dealing with family business. Ya know how serious my dad is about family and ya don’t wanna fuck with that, right? Just give me like an hour. I’ll be there.
Crazy-bitch-having-man: Make it 20. You hardly have the power to call the shots here, sweetheart.
Angelo huffed as he slid down the car seat and rubbed at his temples, not knowing what to say or do. Alastor glanced at Angelo and asked him as he parked in front of a small house, “Are you alright, ethel?”
The mob-child shrugged his shoulders as he mumbled, “Yeah, it’s alright. I can handle this shit.”
The creole looked at him again and grinned, “I can be quite persuasive, cher. …Are you sure?”
Angelo flinched at Al’s voice slightly dropping a bit in pitch and making him slightly tremble, but it definitely wasn’t only in fear. The two then jumped when the car window got tapped on quite loudly. Al rolled down the window and saw black, long-haired man, who Angelo knew immediately. He grinned, “Hey, Pen.”
Pentious stared at Alastor and then smirked, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t smarmy nutter with the ladylike chap! It’s quite nice to see you again, Alastor. Still yakking in your fancy-shmancy radio tower and having a good ol wank at hearing your repulsive voice?”
Once again, Angelo was feeling uncomfortable at how many people Alastor knew and, apparently and possibly, fucked over. He was expecting the creole to say something sarcastic or be oddly kind like he was to Husk. Instead, Alastor just asked with a giant grin, “Do I know you?”
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