themirokai · 10 months
🔥🚨FIC REC!!! 🚨🔥
And it's... NOMI/PALOMA!
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@volchitsa-of-winterfell has written an incredibly steamy story about my very favorite rarepair!
Go go go! Read read read! Give kudos and comments! It's SO GOOD!
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themuller13 · 2 years
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This is the first chapter for my entry for Fandom Trumps Hate 2022. Thank you so much for bidding on me @themirokai.
Nomi watches Paloma fight and falls helplessly in love. Together, they will fight for a better world.
“Nomi. Martisha Nomi,” Nomi whispered. “Tish, to you.”
Nomi held her breath, surprised by herself. She barely knew the woman in front of her. She had seen her in action just an hour ago. They were standing close, only the bars between them. Talking silently, to avoid being heard by the guard.
“Cabrera,” she answered, cautiously, “Paloma Cabrera.”
There it was, that wide-eyed look of wonder, almost childlike. But here, right now, Nomi could also see a wariness, Paloma considering her and their situation.
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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No Time To Die (2021)
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ibrithir-was-here · 10 months
Commission done for the marvelous @themirokai of their pairing of Paloma and Nomi from No Time to Die
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This was soooo fun to do thank you for the commission!
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crewman-penelope · 2 years
James with his Colleagues
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elsewheregremlin · 2 years
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Sorry Mallory & Tanner, but you two had to take one for the team.
Edit: okay apparently this is my queering the character day fill now.
Edit: I counted this as eight memes stacked together?
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foxsoulcourt · 1 year
To Tell The Good From Bad, Villains From Heroes (55180 words) by moon_of_mercury Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James Bond/Q, M | Gareth Mallory/Eve Moneypenny Characters: James Bond, Q (James Bond), Eve Moneypenny, M | Gareth Mallory, Bill Tanner, Nomi (James Bond), Felix Leiter, Madeleine Swann Additional Tags: Mission Fic Summary:
Almost 5 years have passed since SPECTRE left MI6 vulnerable. Bond and Q have both made their own choices in the aftermath. Now, the time to pay the price is at hand.
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Bookmarker's Notes:
Six months ago I gobbled down this whole work, part of the 2020/2021 RBB. It's a testament to the power of it that I had not yet marked it as read written a bookmark for it. Circling back today to do both.
This is a f a b u l o u s, complex, well-constructed work sparked by @themuller13​‘s art ​. I LOVE it both the evocative art + the story so much. Love seeing Q walk away from MI6 + learning why; love how damn complicated it is for Q + Bond to turn towards each other; the MI6 family is so.well.done, and L O V E the many OCs which round out the cast of characters.
What's f*%!ing W i L d is something I had to keep reminding myself over + over + over again: this a NTTD fix-it completed over six months before we knew eXaCtLy w h y we needed a fix-it fic! Yeah. Wow.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. And if you do, please love up the author @themerc for all the reasons. Because, yeah, wow. 💜
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filmgoop · 1 year
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women of no time to die icons ❄️💰🌟
like if you save
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alsolowkeynostalgic · 2 years
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10-min Bond sketches on post-it notes! Clockwise from top left: Sheriff JW Pepper, Paloma, Raoul Silva, Stamper, Nomi, Camille Montes, Tracy di Vicenzo and Jaws.
Best boy Stamper for @emiliasilverova ❤️
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aniron48 · 1 year
Pick your favourite and gush about them: Nomi, Paloma, Moneypenny ❤️‍🔥
Stina!!! Thank you for coming to my tipsy ask box. Friends, I assume you already follow Stina, but if you do not, you should! Because 1) she is very nice! 2) she has great tattoos! 3) she is a lovely writer and you should read her holiday angst that she just posted, it will make you cry but it is worth it. It’s named after the Sarah McLachlan song (the sad Christmas one!). “Pero Ani,” me dices. “Si todas las canciones de Sara MchLanxhnb son tristes?” Pues órale, es el “Wintersong!” 💜
Thank you for this question, Stina, with your permission I would like to gush about Nomi and Paloma together because! Not only are they both extremely wonderful, but I feel like they both represent, in NTTD what the future looks like: young women, in particular young women of color, who have to navigate how to be incredible at their jobs in a way that is non-threatening to the (still mostly male, mostly white, mostly straight) field they inhabit. And they do that in such different ways.
Paloma (who you yourself have given the best description of ever, “Lethal Bambi” 😂) does it by being an almost Colombo-esque (hijuela it took me three tries to get that past autocorrect) figure: she is so good at her job, even after only two weeks’ training, but she pretends to bumble her way through it at first. It’s a kind of cute, oops! Saved your life again! Took out the guy on the left! Goodness me! Kind of farce that Bond sees through, by the end, but not right away.
In contrast you have Nomi, who doesn’t care if men, especially Bond, feel threatens, but who compensates by knowing she has to do things by the book, and she has to be the best at them—she has to be good enough that the things she has earned can’t be taken away, and she isn’t afraid to resort to intimidation to get ensure they stay this way.
It’s a heartbreaking reality that still confronts so many people, across so many professional fields, and I think the subtle ways this film communicates that and explores it are deserving of more conversation.
Also I will say because I am tipsy that they are both gorgeous and could both get it, amen.
Sorry it took me so long to write this Stina! El autocorrect is killing me with tipsy typing. But I have managed. The hank you for the ask, querida!
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castillon02 · 2 years
Haiku on an Aloe Leaf
Jaws at the Farmer’s Market:
Steel teeth crunch through greens
Freshly grown and freshly picked;
Jaws loves spring produce. 
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Eco-Action in Rio
Sunset on the bay
Nomi dives off the jetboat---
Saved by a mangrove.
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Paloma at Kyoto’s Bon Festival (celebrated with fires to guide ancestor spirits to visit relatives and go back to the land of the dead):
Fires on the mountains
She’s training in festivals
Oops---a new spirit!
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For scavenger hunt #35, “write a Bond-themed haiku on a leaf”!
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themirokai · 2 years
Hi there! For the OTP questions ask, maybe either 1, 11, or 76 for Palomi? Whichever tickles your fancy! Thanks! 😁
Oh ho! It’s been a while since I talked about my favorite wlw ship, so thank you for the opportunity, friend!
If you’re new here, Palomi is the ship name for Paloma and Nomi from the most recent James Bond film, No Time To Die. I mean look at them:
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No seriously look:
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They don’t meet in canon but I think we can agree that that’s a travesty and they need sexy spy adventures together, yes? Yes.
Ok, so there are currently 2 stories in the ship tag. A Time To Live by me and Brick Red by @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising . Hopefully there will be more soon, since I won 2 Fandom Trumps Hate auctions.
So with that background for the uninitiated, the actual answers!
1. Who’s the primary protector of the two?
I think the easy answer to this is Nomi BUT I also think that if something happens to Nomi or someone else she cares about Paloma would go absolutely fucking feral. Like true chaos rage. And then when everyone is safe she would like blink herself out of her fugue state.
11. Who’s the most eager to have kids?
Hmm I think they both know that the life of a spy is absolutely not conducive to having kids and I think they both love their work, so neither is particularly eager. However, I think Paloma adores and dotes on babies and toddlers whenever she encounters them and Nomi thrives on impressing/scaring the shit out of older kids and teenagers.
76. Who'd take the gingerbread house decorating contest just a little too seriously?
Hands down Nomi. Paloma would be eating the gum drops and having a great time while Nomi would have drawn out to-scale plans with the help of an architecture text book.
Questions are from this OTP ask game! Send me anything for Mystrade, Dreamling, Rinch, or if you want to know more about Palomi!
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themuller13 · 1 year
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Women, chapter 3 is up:
Nomi's heart pounded in her chest as the plane came to a halt at the Quetta International Airport in Pakistan. She looked at the other passengers, who had unbuckled and were standing in the aisle, impatiently waiting for the doors to be unlocked and opened. All the women had changed clothes in the last hour of flight, once the landing time had been announced. Women in smart dresses and business clothes had walked into the small airplane toilets, returning wearing black purdahs or blue burqas.
Read more on AO3
This is my entry for @fandomtrumpshate 2022 for @themirokai
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pedroam-bang · 10 months
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No Time To Die (2021)
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remnants · 2 years
they really killed james bond that's soooooooo crazy i didn't think they had it in them
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dantaliones · 1 year
im literally always so mad about how cute nomi was and how much i like her and how much the movie absolutely treated her like garbage like. for gods sakes. why would you even introduce such a fun character and then 1) not let her do anything cool and 2) put her down constantly and 3) put her in the fucking doghouse at the end like bitch. i dont care if you wanna kill bond but killing bond because the Much More Qualified And Able agent got put on babysitting duty is RIDICULOUS.
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