#Nishida told Minami to get something to put out
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
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Majima family offices every Halloween <3
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
A Particular Kyoudai’s New Years
Spoilers for Y4 and Y5
This one is extremely near and dear to my heart, it’s so so nice. I had to do a lot of cultural research for it because I didn’t know a whole lot about new years traditions in japan, so expect a lot of notes in this one too.
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This one was also a sugoroku event, here’s the chibi Saejima to go with it.
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I also really like the details on Majima’s new years outfit, look at the hannya snakes on the fan and on the liner fabric! 
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That was the only card I put real life money in to get, I spent so many diamonds on him. I had saved up around 7k and ground out another 7k from stories I hadn’t done yet and still had to put in 10 bucks before I got him, but I still have every single Majima card so it’s worth it.
Summary: At the end of 2012, Saejima has been served his papers to go back to jail, and will be going back in a week. Majima decides that they should celebrate this New Years in a big way then! Saejima would really rather just stay home, but Majima has a whole day planned out and it’s going to end with a bang.
It’s New Years Day, 2013. Saejima will be returning to jail in a week, and is currently with Majima in the family office. Saejima complains that Majima is already drinking, Majima retorts that New Years is a drinking holiday, so he’s gonna drink! Saejima doesn’t feel much like celebrating since Kiryu’s still in the hospital.
Saejima: You're too youthful, kyoudai. How are ya burnin' even brighter than ya were back then? Majima: You've always been an old man. ...Yeah, that settles it!  Saejima: What? Majima: I want my kyoudai to have a great new year! Let's start the celebrations!! Saejima: Wh- all the sudden? Ehhh, let's just have a quiet time together here. Majima: What, just gonna blow me off? Saejima: ...Okay. Where we going? Majima: I'm gonna get us a ride, don't worry! Go get yourself ready. Hey! Nishida! Nishida: On it sir! Saejima: ...? Majima: <changes clothes> Yeah! Now I'm feelin' the new year!
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Saejima: ...Are we really goin' out like this?
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Majima: Of course we are, idiot! Why the hell else would I get changed!
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Majima: Alright! Let's roll out in my favorite yukata~ Saejima: Good grief. Don't get too excited. I guess goin' on a little date can't be helped huh. Well, he'll probably get tired of it right away. (Tl note: date here is  付き合い which is more “associating” in the dictionary but used a LOT for romantic dates)
The two of them make their way to their first stop, a back alley where they’re going to play hanetsuki, which is similar to badminton. Saejima dunks on Majima’s fashion choices. Majima complains that there aren’t enough people around to see his fashion choices. 
They finally stop squabbling about fashion and get ready to play only to get interrupted by two goons who start talking shit. Majima asks if they should just beat them up, that could be fun? Saejima says nah, they’re not even worth the effort, besides we were here first so they have to step off. Majima throws his wallet into the air because he’s tired of carrying it, and the goons agree that whoever wins at hanetsuki gets to stay.
Unfortunately, Majima wants to hit EVERYTHING, and collides with Saejima in his attempt to steal a shot that Saejima could have gotten easily. Saejima declares that they each gotta stay on their own side and deal with only stuff on that side. Majima gets bored of playing since he has to actually wait, and zones out while a shot sails right past him.
Saejima is ready to throttle him.
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Saejima: Kyoudai! Stop bein' so moody! goon a: Hahaha! You keep calling each other kyoudai but you're not in sync at all (Tl note: this is also like, a match for each other, as in "they are a perfect match for each other") goon b: I guess they're """kyoudai""" huh? Haha. Both: WHO'S NOT IN SYNC, IDIOTS??
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They were down 9:0, but from here on play seriously, and come back to win 10:9. The goons jump them, because they want Majima’s wallet full of cash, and unsurprisingly get their asses kicked by the jimas.
Next up they head to Tojo HQ; turns out the Majima Family has rented the whole place out for New Years. Minami has prepared something...
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The next stage is kakizome! It’s like a new years resolution. Majima, Nishida, and Minami all get to writing their new years goals, and Saejima thinks he’s kind of old to be doing this, but whatever. Nishida’s goal is revealed first: he wants to build a house for his parents!
Majima: Ughhhh, boring Nishida: I'M SORRY BOSS! Saejima: ...Nishida, why are you in the Majima family...? Minami: Boss! I'm done with mine!! Majima: Let's see if you did good... Minami: Here it is! "REVENGE MATCH"
Minami says that he wants to get as good as Majima, who is clearly better than Saejima, so he needs to get a rematch with Saejima after losing to him 3 years ago. Majima is thrilled, Saejima agrees to the fight. Saejima wins but says Minami is getting stronger, and if he keeps at it maybe he can still fulfil it this year. Majima says he's done with all this new years writing and Saejima says he already wrote his, it's "The Top". It's also the exact thing that Majima wrote down.
Saejima: Back when I was in the Sasai family, I wanted to make a name for him. I felt like I wanted to see how far up the ladder I could climb. I keep that feelin' with me even now. Majima: Hehehe! I think we'll see who's the strongest soon. Kyoudai... even if I'm your opponent, don't give up on that feeling, alright? Saejima: Heh, that's my line
Onwards to stage 3! This time it’s hatsumōde, the first shrine visit of the year.
Saejima: We're doin' this in the wrong order. Majima: Whatever! I'm gonna go pray! Saejima, internally: Kyoudai... why are you makin' such a mysterious face? It's not like you to rely on a god Saejima: What'd you write on your ema? I already got my miracle Majima: Don't worry none about me. Next we're drawin' you a fortune! Saejima: ...? Saejima: So this is the fortune huh... oh! Major blessing! (Tl note: the luckiest possible draw) What's it say, what's it say... "You are going to have the best fight of your life"... Wow, this is one dangerous shrine! What the hell?
Saejima immediately gets jumped by a goon. Those fortunes work fast, huh? He wins easily and threw the goon into the ema wall and knocked them over, and when he was picking them back up he found Majimas which said "I wish that Sasai will recover"
"Thank you so much. Kyoudai."
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Next we’re doing fukubukuro, new years blind bags that have random items at a discount. The guy selling them sure looks reputable!
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They both buy one and head over to the park to open them, but Majima gets a call that the Majima Family office has been robbed! Everyone was at Tojo HQ, but they’re looking for who did it now. Even Majima’s safe was opened and the contents taken. Majima apologizes and has to run off to the office, leaving Saejima to open the bags himself. The first one has............... a snakeskin jacket? He knows Majima custom orders these! The shop keeper!
Saejima goes back and kicks his ass and recovers all the Majima Family items in time for Majima to come back. The item in the safe was a wedding ring, and Majima apparently hasn’t told Saejima anything about being married. Saejima wonders what else Majima has gone through while he was in jail.
Now we’re doing osechi, traditional new years food! Nishida made a dish, and here’s the general meanings of what all he put in them:
tai - good luck ebi - long life kazunoko - wanting a lot of kids in the coming year (Tl note: this one caught be off guard but it’s PROBABLY wanting to grow the families lol) roast beef - no special meaning date maki - more good luck
Two Majima family guys are out in front of HQ making mochi, but they got way too much. Minami ate so much of it that he collapsed, but Saejima refuses to let this rice flour go to waste, so he and Majima head out to theater square and just start making mochi there. Minami and Nishida are selling it to everyone, and it’s a huge hit. 
(This guy is saying it’s really delicious, but his face is looking like they just shot his dog)
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Some dude hassles them about the mochi, they kick the shit out of him, and get down to their final two. Majima says he knows exactly who he wants to give them to, and takes Saejima to Yasuko’s grave.
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Saejima thinks to himself that there's no question about it, when he's not around Majima is always taking care of this grave. He tries to give Majima the "thank you so much" line but Majima brushes it off as something he just felt like doing, nbd
Majima: Well, Majima Goro's present to you this year is this new year's tour. Did ya like it? Anythin' ya still wanna do? Saejima: Nothin'. This whole day has been a lot of fun. Majima: That so? Good, then it's time for the final stop. Let's go... kyoudai.
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Majima: It's been a long time since we've been here. Since that fight Saejima: Yeah. Why's this the final stop of our tour? Majima: Heh, why indeed? ..............I decided on that night that if it was the end, I wanted to go all the way, but I didn't get to. And now, you're going back to jail. Leaving things all pent up and half done just isn't in my nature. Saejima: Did you do this whole tour just for this? Majima: More or less. Well, there were some troubles on the way. Hanetsuki for a warm up. New Year's writing to make sure ya still had that fire in ya. Saejima: And that fortune saying I'd have the best fight of my life... I shoulda figured somethin' was up. Majima: Does it hurt to just get that now? And the grab bags... that went kinda sideways, but I intended it to be some stress relief.  And then deliscious food is good for ya mentally and physically. Saejima: I'm amazed at how into this you are. Do you remember what you said before? "You're gettin' soft, come back to the Tojo clan with your teeth sharpened. If ya get soft, it's over for you". <RECEIVE AND SLASH YOU CUTS IN> Well, let's check if my fangs are soft now. Majima: ...Hehehe. Yeah, that's the look I wanna see! That's Saejima Taiga... my kyoudai! Saejima: Let's go, Majima!!
They fight and both collapse to the ground and gush about how much fun this all was. The ending card then cuts in
A few days later.......... Saejima Taiga himself suspended his probation and turned himself in. He was sent to Abashiri prison. Majima continued supporting Daigo and the Tojo clan. In their pursuit of climbing all the way to the top of the Tojo clan.............. these two beasts will keep fighting.
Whew! Also, ouch!! 
I also translated most if not all of Saejima’s thoughts, here’s some of the highlights.
Batting Center I went with my kyoudai to the batting center. We used to bring Yasuko stuff like homerun prizes as gifts. ...I miss her. Wood Carving As part of my penal labor I learned wood carvin', so now it's a hobby of mine. One is being displayed by the entrance to HQ.
Kanrai I joined up cause of my patriarch. The Sasai Family was a respectable and good family, which I should feel good about, but I just feel sorry
Purgatory Coliseum Why would you fight a tiger? People really are fuckin' idiots nowadays. I'm going to make em stop. The tiger's miserable. Kyoudai Wearin' an eyepatch and makin' a ruckus... He really changed a lot while I was gone, but the same roots are still there. He really is Majima Goro. Hair style In the old days I would let my hair grow out until Yasuko complained, but going with the shaved look ain’t too bad. This is the only thing I can empathize with Shimano on.
Stray Cats These cats were abandoned. I've already gotten attached. Well, I guess the number of cats in the family office is gonna increase...
Clothes Even now I still wear the clothes I got from Kiryu. Heh. That guy has good taste. I’m still wearing hand-me-downs. Karaoke It’s not that I hate singing, but I don’t like doin’ it in front of people. I’ll play the tambourine though.
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draayder · 4 years
the sugoroku event in ryu ga gotoku online was EXTREMELY good Majima/Saejima content, here’s a rundown:
it’s new years 2012, Saejima is going back to jail to finish out his last 2 months following Y5, but he’s got a week or so out before that happens. Despite his protests that he just wants to stay in and have a quiet new years celebration with Majima (because Kiryu is still in the hospital and he doesn’t feel up to doing anything fun), Majima tells him he’s got a whole New Years tour planned and Saejima says “Well, it can’t be helped. Guess I’m going on a little date with my kyoudai.” 
Tour Stage 1: Get dressed in nice hakamas and go play Hanetsuki (traditional new years game, it’s like badmitton with no net and the loser gets their face drawn on with ink). They go to the empty lot area in the champion district cause it’s the only place big enough to play, but two goons show up and challenge them for the spot. Saejima and Majima keep colliding because Majima is overeager, then when they split into zones Majima gets bored and stops playing, leaving the score 0 to 9. The goons insult them for calling each other kyoudai when they clearly are not a good fit for each other, and they both instantly tilt into full gear and win 10:9.
Tour Stage 2: Kakizome! New Years writing with the theme of your goal for this year. Nishida says he wants to build a house for his parents. Minami says he wants a revenge match with Saejima, which Saejima obliges immediately. Saejima says he wants to get to the top. Majima wrote the exact same thing.
Tour Stage 3: Hatsumōde! The first shrine visit of the year. Saejima complains that they’re doing things out of order. They both do a prayer and write some emas and then Saejima gets his fortune drawn. Great blessing! His fortune says “You’ll have the best fight of your life”, which he just accepts as a thing a shrine might put on a fortune, because he’s a himbo. He fights a goon who comes at him, knocks over all the emas, and when he goes to put them back up he finds Majima’s which says “I want Sasai to return” which Saejima is really really moved by.
Tour Stage 4: Fukubukuro! Shops but out blind bags for a big discount to get rid of their stock from last year, so the boys go and buy one. The stall looks a little shady, but where’s the fun in buying from some big name store? Before opening the bag Majima gets a call, the Majima Family office has been robbed! They took a bunch of Majima and Nishida’s stuff, including something Majima kept in a safe in his office. Majima runs off and Saejima opens the fukubukuro to find... Majima’s snakeskin jacket??? He realizes that the robber is the one running the stall and beats the shit out of him, reclaiming all of the Majima property. The thing inside the safe was... a ring. Saejima realizes that Majima’s been through a lot while he was in jail. Tour Stage 5: Osechi! New years food prepared by Nishida (and presumably the rest of the fam). Btw they’ve taken over Tojo HQ to do all this stuff and everyone’s just like, cool with that. The meal served contains: tai - auspicious days  ebi - long life kazunoko - wanting a lot of kids in the coming year roast beef - no special meaning date maki - more auspicious days   Then there’s two Majima Family goons out front going ham on making mochi because there is just so fucking much rice flour. Nishida hits his food limit. Minami bravely tries to continue eating and collapses. Saejima doesn’t want to waste any of the flour, so these two absolute clowns go set up in the middle of theatre square and make mochi together with Minami and Nishida selling it. Some goon harasses them, they kick his ass, same old same old. They’re down to two mochi left and Majima says he knows who he wants to eat them, which surprises Saejima. They get in the car and visit... Yasuko’s grave. Majima talks about how he wishes she could be there to have this mochi they made, and Saejima realizes that Majima’s been taking care of the grave while he was in jail. He tries to express how much this means to him, but Majima brushes it off as nbd because that’s how Majima is. Majima then tells him that this tour is his new years gift for Saejima, and wants to know if he’s been having fun or if there’s anything he missed. Saejima says that it has been fun despite his misgivings, and there’s nothing more he needs. Tour Final Stage: Majima takes Saejima to the top of the Millennium Tower. Saejima asks if this whole tour was a set up to this fight and Majima says yeah pretty much. The hanetsuki was a warm up, the new years writing was to make sure Saejima still had that drive for the top burning in him, the shrine visit was to get him pumped for a fight, the fukubukuro went a little sideways but was supposed to be some stress relief, and then the good food would strengthen him physically and mentally. It’s all a set up to give Saejima the best fight he could have before he goes back to jail again, the one he didn’t get before he went back to jail in Y5. Saejima talks about what Majima said back then, about getting soft and needing to sharpen his fangs or else he’d never survive and, cue Receive and Slash You starting up, he wants Majima to see how strong he is.
They fight, both go down, Majima comments in a daze that Saejima’s fangs are really damn sharp and Saejima gushes about how fucking fun that was.
The scene ends and we’re told that a few days later Saejima turned himself in voluntarily and was sent to Abashiri prison for his last few months of his sentence.  Majima continued supporting Daigo and the Tojo clan. In their pursuit of climbing all the way to the top of the Tojo clan.............. the two beasts will keep fighting.
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Yamazaki Yuhane "20 Questions 20 Answers" Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20th anniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its BEYOOOOONDS Yamazaki Yuhane!!
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  Yamazaki Yuhane = Born November 5th, 2002. Hometown Aichi.
 Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name! Like a girl who flies on dreams, my father picked it out. I really like it! First they decided on “dream” and “feathers”, they thought about how it should be read. And finally it was “Yuhane”. But, its often mistaken. Over the school broadcast, I’ve been called “Yamazaki Yumeha-san” (laughs).
Q2: What senior are you aiming towards?
 Morning Musume ’19 Makino Maria-san. She’s always working hard, we’re both Hello! Project members but, she gives me energy. When I’m down I’ll watch Makino-san dancing, but I also love it normally.
 Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
 I want to become a boy. Since I like chocolate, I want valentines day chocolate (laughs). I want to be a popular who hears kya—kya—around him. Also, its like I could be shirtless (laughs). When its hot I think its nice how men can take off their shirts.
 Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
 Doraemon knowledge. I think I know quite about the secret tool, the characters height and weight, I know about those kinds of things. I remember it from watching the show!
 Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
 They dance vigorously and sing unwaveringly. Their cores are amazing. When I sing while dancing, I can’t help my voice wavering. I want to dance alone to one song while properly singing like my seniors. To do that, I do sit ups every day. It takes about 4 minutes with a song.
 Q6: Who would you want to be in a Hello! Project special unit with?
 I’d like to sing with those in the same Kenshuusei generation as me, Yokoyama Reina-chan (Morning Musume ’19), Kawamura Ayano-chan (Angerme), and Nishida Shiori-chan. Everyone is cute-like, but I’m a little… (laughs). I haven’t really been told I’m cute-like so, I hopes to do it like that.
 Q7: Tell us a BEYOOOOONDS song you like!
 “Megane no Otoko no Ko”. First off, doesn’t it begin like a play? Its longer than you think, and then the song starts. Also, at the end there are developments you don’t expect, I wonder how many times you can listen to it without getting tired. Doing it is fun.
 Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
 “Sekaiichi Onna no Ko”. It’s a C-ute song, I’ve always liked it. Everyone in my family likes it. I always listen to it to get the most energy. I sing it often at karaoke.
 Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
 Weren’t there many fur costumes before…? But now its sequin-y, and I think they often have a kind of cool coloration to them.
 Q10: Other than yourself, who would you recommend as an oshi?
 Juice=Juice’s Miyamoto Karin-san. Her singing voice is very charming, she is really cute! Its like just looking at her makes me smile. It feels like he has an idol-image anyone can admire. I’ll often show her to my friends, really. Videos of Miyamoto-san singing. I’m told things with the feeling of “Amazing! Is she an idol?”. They feel surprised like “She is good at singing like an artist not an idol!”.
 Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
 Singing. When I joined Hello! Project Kenshuusei, just from singing I’ve been told “You’re not strong or weak”. But, watching various people sing, I want you to see me grow into a strong singer.
 Q12: What is work you want to challenge?
 I’d like to try voice acting. Often, I’ll dub over videos that don’t have any voices (laughs). It’d be nice if I’d be able to do work like that, since I like fashion, I also want to do modeling work.
 Q13: What do you want us to see most from BEYOOOOONDS?
 A place full of individuality. The songs have an acting tone to them not seen elsewhere, each person has a role. This time the song “Atsui!”, has a different feel than “Megane no Otoko no Ko”. Every time there is a gap as we perform differently each time, it would be nice if you saw that. Since we have different roles than our normal selves in each song, Shimakura Rika-chan has a “heehee” feeling in “Megane no Otoko no Ko”, but really she’s a bit relaxed. I think it’d be nice if you could see those gaps in our songs.
 Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
 Since I wanted to work with singing since I was really small, I think I’ll be singing after 20 years. Perhaps the image of going solo? My ideal is to write and sing my own songs and lyrics. Like a Singer-Songwriter.
 Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
 Originally I have 2 eyelids, but when I wake up early I have 1 (laughs). This, is something where it’d be fine if I didn’t say it at all (laughs). Since its so swollen, I can’t show my morning face. Waking up, its often fine after about 5 minutes as it goes back to normal.
 Q16: What do you want to be able to do after the 20th anniversary?
 MC’s. I’m bad at talking. I can’t talk at all yet, so I want to put more into the foundation of it. I’m not able to interrupt people when they’re talking. Since I can’t speak without shaking, I want to be able to talk for myself. To dig into it. I make eye contact with Takase Kurumi-chan if I’m troubled for help.
 Q17: What would you do if you weren’t an idol?
 Since I’ve wanted to sing since I was little, I think I’d be singing in some way. Since I like musicals, maybe I’d be aiming towards becoming a musical actress in high school.
 Q18: What are you most into right now?
 Stretching. If I have the time I’ll do muscle training. Also, since I’ve heard raising your leg at an angle against a wall can reduce swelling, I’ll watching videos of that. Recently I’ve done hula hoop as I’ve heard it’ll pinch in your waist.
 Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us a recent episode!
 I often talk with Yokoyama Reina-chan and Kawamura Ayano-chan from the same Kenshuusei generation, but recently I’ve also been talking with Uemura Akari-san (Juice=Juice) and Nomura Minami-san (Kobushi Factory). Also, I went skating with Funaki Musubu-san (Angerme), Eguchi Saya-chan, and Okamura Minami-chan.
 Q20: What is an idol to you?
 Healing. When I think I don’t have any energy, I listen to idols singing. There are a lot of songs from my Hello! Project seniors!
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draayder · 6 years
I'm curious to see you answer all those OC asks for Kanemoto. Or as many as you can.
oh boy here we fucking go
What is your OC’s favorite color?Purple, but he generally likes anything in the cool range
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?He started collecting coins with his dad when he was a kid and while he’s not an avid collector he’ll still pick up a neat one if he finds it
What kind of things is your OC allergic to?he’s mildly allergic to dogs
What kind of clothing does your OC wear?he’s pretty much always dressed up, colored suits are about as flashy as it gets though
What is your OC’s first memory?He’s got flashes of a family breakfast when he was very young, though he can’t remember his mom’s face anymore. She left shortly after that
What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?He likes cranes a lot, and thinks frogs and toads are gross
What element would your OC be?Water/Dark
What is your OC’s theme song? fuck dude I suck at these
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?nope I don’t ever do those
What deadly sin would best represent your OC?man that’s tricky for Kanemoto.... probably greed since he easily had enough money to just stop being a yakuza and still pay for all his dad’s treatment when his last like 3 families fell apart but he just keeps joining back up. He’s got this hangup about being absolutely sure he could cover ANYTHING that comes up 
What are your OC’s hobbies?He likes to read, historical fiction is a favorite because he is a big nerd. He also has a few pet beetles and when he’s busy he sends his boys around to take care of them
How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?he’s pretty damn patient, he knows he ain’t great in a fight so he doesn’t jump into them often which Saejima appreciates as a leadership quality
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?Japanese Bisexual Cis Man
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?Surprisingly he likes pizza and has a fondness for mochi. He does not like ketchup which Akanishi takes great personal offense to
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?He’s already got a few beetles which he considers ideal because they take up very little room, make very little noise, and he can buy beetle jelly at donki 
What does your OC smell like? he wears nice colognes most the time and favors citrus scents
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?Kanemoto is yakuza babey. He got accepted to college and was on his way to becoming a lawyer but his dad’s medical issues forced him to drop out and the cost of everything pushed him into that line of work, so he kind of got stuck in a “being a yakuza is my job and my only option” mindset even after he had plenty of cash. He enjoys the business side of things and runs things fairly legit if you ignore the massive money laundering and tax evasion. He would rather die than work in fast food again
What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?He’s got this irrational fear that everything’s gonna fall apart financially. Outside of that he’s got the usual job fears of getting shot or knifed in his sleep, but he’s more scared of the pain than the dying part of it. His strength is that he’s got a rock solid grip on his composure
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?he’s a whatever song’s on the radio kind of guy. He was so busy with school and then work and then yakuza that he feels like he kind of missed the bus on a lot of songs guys his age are really into, and he struggles to concentrate if music is playing so his musical knowledge is pretty limited
If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?n/a
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?puts up with stuff for too long, a big “lying for their own good” kind of guy, a little judgmental. he does not like these freshly recruited chinpira who won’t learn their damn manners and think since they’re yakuza they shouldn’t try to play by business etiquette when dealing with civilians 
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?he was a stellar student and a total dweeb
What is a random fact about your OC? He and his ex-wife split amicably and she runs a lgbt bar now which he frequents
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?He thinks a lot about the meaning of it all and decided it’s about how you treat those you care about, so he’s gonna give it his all 
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?honestly he was 100% someone to bounce Akanishi off of that no one could accuse me of making OOC when I did
Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact) and why?He’s got a couple, his dad was obviously a huge influence on him and he was proud to give him as long of a life as he did, Saejima’s his first boss after his father passed away and let him leapfrog a lot of the normal drudgery he’d have to do starting from the bottom, and Akanishi has become very important whether he wants him to be or not. The least important to him was probably Dojima who was his first boss but also died within a year of him joining up
What kind of childhood did your character have?His mom left when he was about 4 or 5, he’s not really sure where she went or what happened and he’s content enough not knowing. His dad was a great father and did amazing as a single parent, they didn’t have a ton of money but it was enough
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?tends to pull at his tie/collar when particularly nervous but he’s got a pretty strong grip on himself
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?oh fuck that’s a hard one..... I think he’d go simple with like “Kanemoto Sho, loyal friend, devoted son”
Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?he’s been married and would definitely be open to it again but he hasn’t really pursued anyone, it doesn’t line up with his line of work and anyone in the yakuza tends not to be the marrying type. He’s too old for kids at this point and once again the line of work just doesn’t agree
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?the first time he properly got his shit wrecked as a young yakuza in a street fight, he had to lie to his dad and say he got mugged and sent to the hospital. It kind of set him up to think he never wanted to be in a position where he had to fight. His fave memory is a fishing trip he took with his dad during high school
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?now you’d think the answer would be “his dad back” but he’s a pretty big believer that when it’s someone’s time that’s just how it is and that he provided the best life he could for him. If he could just snap his fingers and make it happen it’d definitely be getting strong enough to be a real contender in the yakuza realm. If that wasn’t possible, he’d like his scar and hearing fixed
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? he avoids it when possible, but he has shot a few people in very high stakes negotiations. He’s a good shot but prefers not to carry a gun due to the police risk
What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?the Saejima family has drinking nights and occasional other excursions but they’re fairly laid back. However he gets dragged to most of the Majima family events by Akanishi and ends up playing baby sitter with Nishida when Minami is breathing fire and Akanishi is lighting sparklers off of it and oh fuck oh god Majima brought fireworks????
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?He’s not super imaginative but is a worrier. Can’t really blame him with how many times the family he’s in has crumbled around him
What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?he does not need more money but he still spends a lot of time getting more, tho now it’s more for the family than taking much of a cut for himself. He’s willing to work his ass off for that
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?So Kanemoto has a big complicated money laundering scheme that Saejima doesn’t fully understand but it gives the family a lot more clean money to use than anyone really expectsHe owns several real estate firms, and the employees are ‘encouraged’ to eat at the restaurants across the street that he also owns, and to spend time at the hostess clubs he owns. They’re given large bonuses to go out to these clubs via happy hours. They also are encouraged to spend time at the golf club that Kanemoto owns, and the hostesses are told to bring their dates to there as well. A cut of the profits of everything gets taken back in by the family as it’s now been successfully laundered and very very hard to trace 
What would your character do with a million dollars? what he’s currently doing with a million dollars, making it into more money
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?he’s got an embarrassingly bachelor fridge with some leftovers and beer, he is not a good cook and spends most of his time out dining with business people or working late and ordering in. He keeps his room clean, his nightstand has whatever book he’s currently reading and a pair of readers that he isn’t thrilled with needing to wear. His garbage has a surprising amount of condoms
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?Akanishi is dragging him to a bar for karaoke and he doesn’t bother dressing up more than usual, but then Saejima is there and he regrets it
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?it takes a lot to get him really angry but when it happens he is like incoherent rage and yelling (see here)
Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? he���s got some minor ones from a couple scuffles but the major one on his head is from a grenade that went off near him. He’s completely deaf in that ear and is annoyed that he’s lost his normal business man look and is more clearly a yakuza
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?this is more dumbass than offensive but he had very little experience with trans people before he got assigned kyoudai with Akanishi so he definitely said some stupid shit. He had a handle on MtF since he’d been around some trans women and other gnc individuals at his ex-wife’s Sachiko’s bar Oniyuri but didn’t put two and two together to figure out that FtM was also a thing, which lead to some major confusion when Akanishi said he was trans Akanishi, dropping his pants at the hot spring the first day they met: Oh yeah I’m trans that ain’t gonna be a problem, right?Kanemoto: so you’re... a woman?Akanishi: No!!!!Kanemoto: Oh sorry, so you’re a man...Akanishi: Yes!Kanemoto: ...who’s transitioning to female?Akanishi: NO!!!!! Literally the opposite get it together man!
How does your character react/ accept criticism?Depends on who it comes from, but he takes it pretty seriously. 
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?he likea the taste
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?yeah he’d try pinching it to see if he felt anything and then probably keep it around to scratch his own back (and hide it under as many locks as he can so Akanishi can’t get his hands on it)
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?he has no talent for art
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?as mentioned previously his mom left when he was young and his dad raised him as a single parent, his dad was hugely impactful on his life
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?he’s got a sweet tooth but never really got sugar rushes
If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? If he knew with certainty that he would die in 3 days he would spend every minute getting everything in as much order as he could to keep the Saejima family secure and just spending time with his closets friends. He’d rather leave a positive impact on them than try to avoid death, he’d consider doing so to be unforgivably selfishHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGH that was a lot
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