#Ninjago Season 7 - Hands of Time
iloveacronix · 17 days
Me when the children of the 2 MASTER blacksmiths I kidnapped with some random sword a decade ago start to gang up on me in my museum and then the red guy throws his sister 760 miles/h towards me after mocking my brother and I
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This is literally how it went💀
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tornoleander · 5 months
That man has walked in on them before
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does anyone else like,,, not remember ninjago season 7. like i swear i watch that season and immediately forget everything that happens in it. i cannot tell you a single thing that happens in that season. i could not explain the plot line if you held a gun to my head. i have seen it at least 3 times. why does this happen.
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get-acronixed-meme · 14 days
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 13
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xylomilo · 1 month
Time Twins in Dragons Rising (canon)
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I’ve been having so much brain rot about them teehee !! I feel like it would make sense for them to like… return after the merge. Here’s their ref sheet (might change it later idk) and doodles and light practices under the cut :33
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icy-watch · 6 months
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This shouldn't be as funny as it is.
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parachutingkitten · 3 months
This is your reminder that Edna canonically has a quilting circle, and you can hc whoever you want as part of it.
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ravenrambles6229 · 11 months
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Okay but why does this official Hands of Time concept art go this incredibly hard? What the actual hell? Why does this look like the single most kickass thing ever? Also in the original concept for the finale, they were going to low-key imply that Cole dies. Is that why he's not present here? I can only IMAGINE. This is just so cool. I want this.
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When your Sibling doesn't like your Love Interest - Ninjago: Jiang Smiths Siblings
Kai about Jay liking Nya
You know how Kai looked ready to kill Jay when he first met him, just for showing an interest in Nya.
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How Kai would mess with Jay in Season 1.
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But he accepted the relationship in Season 6/7 (just so long as he doesn't have to see a Jaya kiss).
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And even helped Jay practice his proposal in Season 10.
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Yeah ...
Kai is not the only Jiang Smith Sibling who doesn't like the idea of someone dating their sibling.
First the slightly backhanded complement:
"Skylor's right, look at her, she could have inherited her father Chen's evil empire and ruled the world but instead dedicated her life to spending her day bent over a hot stove to provide low cost quality noodles to the people of Ninjago city."
There was definitely a nicer way to say that, Nya, especially when Skylor's response to that statement was the following:
Skylor had brought out two bowls of noodles, the type that always cheered her up, so as to cheer up the siblings but in hearing Nya, she then says,
"Gee, when you put it like that. *Sigh* Let me get some of those"
And then takes Nya's untouched bowl to cheer herself up
But also:
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(And before you say, but maybe Nya just doesn't know because she and Kai didn't have their parents. First, a dedicated parent can get their kids properly using chopsticks by age five; but even if you say that they just don't know the rules on etiquette - your telling me that there wasn't at least one busybody old lady that would reprimand a small child for bad manners - not to mention Wu when the siblings start living with the Ninja)
Yeah, Nya's much more subtle but I don't think she's quite ready for the idea of her brother dating.
That or she just doesn't approve of Skylor being Kai significant other.
To me Nya, sometimes, kinda comes off as that girl who was raised by her single father. She's moving out of the house, ready to have her own life away from her dad only to find out that he's started dating - and she is not happy about it.
She also, sometimes, kinda comes off like she knows that Kai, for her, was more than a brother, that he was her father - but she doesn't want to acknowledge it / is not ready to acknowledge it, because that would mean talking about the bad parts of their life, while growing up.
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kronofobia · 7 months
Has anyone else noticed how pissed of Krux was in the episode day of the departed after Dareth broke a hole in the wall of the museum? Aaaand the fact that in season 7 Krux actually got his revenge when the vermilion warrior beat Dareth up in the borgstore? Anyone?
Like-- hell yeah! Common w Krux revenge🤌
While editing this, I managed to take a cute screenshot of Acronix.
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I just felt the need to share it with y'all. You're welcome.
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iloveacronix · 14 days
Boutta go sleep cuz my brain be lacking neurons rn but guys PLEASE hear me out
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Supportive brothers for life. Also taggin the historyshipping queen @kyokittymeow
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tornoleander · 5 months
they are like 1000s of years old and they looked like THAT 40 years ago *sigh
Whatever Dragoni heritage fine.
How much does she know?!? The oni stuff? She specifically looked at the face of the Fsm sons. Did they age like normal people after the HoT battle or something!?
I thought it impossible but… Dose Pixal understand the Ninjago timeline!?!
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legosnek · 5 months
Ninjago actually has the best use of time travel in all of fiction because they discovered time travel was possible in their universe twice and decided to never acknowledge it again
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get-acronixed-meme · 2 months
MEME HOUR: Hands of time pt. 7
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ninjakitten1699 · 1 year
Krux: Ancient Ninjago before technology corrupted her.
Acronix: Brother, does that mean you’re prehistoric?
Krux: *slowly turns to him*
Acronix: What?
Krux: … I am going to disown you and throw you out of the Iron Doom now.
Acronix: It was a genuine question!
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icy-watch · 6 months
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