#Nate Kulina
the-invisible-queer · 5 months
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Nick Jonas as Nate Kulina
Kingdom (2014-2017)
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mccarthawrites · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Nate
Relationship: Nate Kulina & Jay Kulina, Nate Kulina & Lisa Prince
Rating: General audiences.
Warning: Use of "faggot" once
Summary: Nate celebrates his birthday with Jay, Lisa, and his younger brother, Shayne.
Author's Note: This is an AU where Lisa doesn't lose the baby and Nate doesn't die. Shayne is the Kulina/Prince baby - named after Shane Gray and Shayne Topp. Luke is a completely original character and is Nate's love interest in this AU I have created. Depending on the reception of this, I might post more from this AU.
Words: 1,626
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March 15. Nate’s birthday. Jay and Shayne crept into his room. Jay tossed him on th bed, startling Nate awake.
“Wha-” Nate rolled over to see his little brother. “What are you doing in here?” He asked.
“Happy birthday!” Shayne threw his hands up in the air.
“You couldn’t wait til I was awake?” Nate asked, slightly annoyed.
“He wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday,” Jay explained.
“Thanks, bud.” Nate rustled Shayne’s hair, before playfully pushing his head, making him fall backward on the bed.
“Hey!” Shayne giggled. Nate rolled over, hoping to fall back asleep. “Mama’s making breakfast!”
“Yeah, so get your ass up.” Jay pulled the pillow under Nate’s head, making him groan.
“Can’t a guy sleep in on his birthday?” Nate asked, looking at Jay.
“No.” Shayne giggled.
“It’s almost eleven. We did let you sleep in. Come on.” Jay grabbed Shayne and pulled the cover off of Nate. “Happy birthday. If you’re not in the kitchen in ten, I’ll be the one jumping on top of you,” Jay warned, carrying Shayne under his arm into the kitchen where Lisa was making breakfast.
“I told you guys not to bother him.”
“You’d let him miss breakfast on his birthday?” Jay asked. “How cruel.”
“Yeah, how cruel,” Shayne repeated. Jay high-fived his baby brother.
“I need to stop letting you two spend so much time together. He’s becoming your mini-me.” Lisa teased. The decision to move to the East Coast was an easy one when Lisa got the job offer. There wasn’t much left for her in Venice after Alvey refused to meet her demands for being in Shayne’s life. Then when Jay and Nate had decided to come along for the cross-country move and help her with Shayne as they had since he was born, she found it impossible to turn them down. Shayne loved following his brothers around and they adored him. While their family dynamic was far from conventional, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You hear that, Shay? Your mom doesn’t want us to hang out anymore.”
“Why?” Shayne asked.
“It’s too early for this,” Lisa replied. Nate walked into the kitchen. “Happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Lisa.” He smiled.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop those two from waking you up. Trust me, I tried.” She told him.
“It’s okay.” Nate sat at the kitchen table, going through and responding to the birthday messages. Opening Alvey’s, he scoffed, turning his phone to show Jay.
Alvey: happy birthday
“Can’t believe he remembered this year.” Jay laughed dryly.
“What?” Lisa asked.
“Alvey actually wished him a happy birthday this year,” Jay reported.
“He’s making an effort,” Nate replied, deleting the message. Nate still acknowledged that Alvey was his father who did his best when Christina walked out. But Nate’s relationship with his dad ended the night he came out and Alvey called him a faggot. No apology was ever given.
“So what are you doing? Did you make any plans with friends? Or Luke?” Lisa asked.
“I don’t have any plans. I was going to just sleep in and work on the pieces for the show next week,” Nate explained. He quit fighting and took up painting. Christina’s art skills turned out to rub off on him. Having been invited to show his work at various galleries and art shows. Selling his art didn’t pay as much as fighting did, but he enjoyed it more. He didn’t feel like he had anything to prove anymore. “And then dinner with you guys like we planned.”
“Did you invite Luke to dinner?” Lisa asked.
“No. Why would I? It’s a family dinner.”
“You’re allowed to invite your boyfriend to your birthday dinner.” She told him.
“Luke’s not my boyfriend.”
“I beg to differ,” Jay looked at Nate.
“And how would you know?” Nate asked. “We’re just- talking. It’s nothing serious. If it’s not serious he doesn’t need to come to a family dinner even if it’s my birthday. What about you? Did you invite Zach?” Lisa narrowed her eyes at him. “Exactly.”
“I don’t know about you, Shay, but I actually like Zach and Luke. Maybe we should invite them to dinner.” Jay teased. Shayne nodded in response.
“No!” Nate and Lisa both said at the same time. Shayne giggled.
“We seem to have hit a nerve.” Jay looked at Shayne who smiled.
“Luke always has Legos.” Shayne pointed out.
“Can you pick up the cake before dinner?” Lisa asked, Jay. “I’ll be in Connecticut for a few hours.”
“For what?” Nate asked. “It’s the weekend.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Lisa told him. “Jay?”
“I know you think I’m irresponsible, but I do have my shit together seventy percent of the time, right, Shay?” Jay winked at his brother.
“Jay has his shit together,” Shayne assured his mom. Nate chuckled.
“You can’t say that. Remember? That’s a grown-up word.” Lisa looked at Shayne.
“Sorry!” He covered his mouth with his hand.
“Don’t worry. I will pick up the cake. You want to come with me to get the cake?” Jay asked Shayne who nodded.
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Nate sat on the tarp in his studio. When they moved into the house, they converted the garage into his studio with some rogue workout equipment. His phone rang. It was Christina. Wiping his hands on his pants, he answered.
“Happy birthday to you.” She began singing off-key, making him smile. “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Nathaniel. Happy birthday to you.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“How are you?” She asked.
“I’m alright.” He replied. His relationship with her wasn’t the best, but it had gotten better in the last few years. “How are you?’
“I’m good. It’s good to hear your voice. I miss you. Are you planning on making a trip to visit? Maybe in the summer.” She suggested.
“Jay and I talked about it, but- there’s so much going on here.”
“Jay sent me some photos of your work last week. I’d love to see you in person.”
“You could always come to New York.” He told her. “I’ve got another art show next week.”
“That’s exciting! Maybe I will have to take a trip to go see you. How’s Lisa and the baby?”
“They’re good. Shay’s not a baby anymore. He’s getting huge. Sometimes he’ll come into the studio and paint with me,” Nate explained, looking up at the painting Shayne made that they had hung up.
“Aw. That’s adorable. He wants to be just like his big brother.”
“Yeah. He’s great.”
“I’m glad everyone is doing well. I miss you and your brother. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, but I’m sure you’ve got a packed day with celebrations and you’ve got things to do. So I’ll let you get back to it. I love you.”
“Love you too. Thanks for the call, mom. Bye.” Nate hung up and stood up. Checking the time, he figured he’d better clean up before dinner.
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After dinner, Jay brought the cake to the table. It was decorated with Van Gogh’s Starry Night in frosting.
“Wow.” Nate couldn’t hide the smile on his face. “You went all out.”
“Wanted the best for our little Van Gogh,” Jay explained.
“I am nowhere close to Van Gogh, but I appreciate it. Thank you.”
“It was Shayne’s idea because of that Lego set you guys put together,” Lisa explained, putting candles on the cake.
“Oh, really?” Nate looked at Shane who nodded. “Thanks, bud.” Just as Jay was about to light the candles, the doorbell rang.
“Who’s that?” Lisa asked.
“Who knows?” Nate asked, opening the Ring camera on his phone. It was Luke. “Uh- I’ll be right back.” Getting up from the table, he walked outside to meet Luke who held something behind his back. “Hey.”
“Hi. Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. What are you doing here?” Nate asked.
“I didn’t come to crash dinner. Don’t worry. I just wanted to give you your gift.” Luke told him, pulling a box of a Lego set from behind his back. “Figured since you and Shayne had a good time with Starry Night, I’d get you your next project. It’s The Great Wave by Hokusai.”
“Thanks. He’s going to love this. We’re both going to have a good time doing it.” Nate smiled, looking at the box. “They actually got me a cake with Starry Night on it because of the last set you got us. You know we’re about to cut the cake. Do you want to come inside?” Nate asked.
“No. It’s okay.” Luke understood Nate’s hesitation to bring him around his family.
“Come on. You came all this way. They got a cake for like twenty people, but it’s just the four of us.”
“Are you sure?” Luke asked.
“Yeah.” Nate welcomed him into the house. “We have a guest.” He announced, leading him to the dining table.
“Hey, Luke. What are you going here?” Lisa asked, giving Nate a look.
“Wanted to drop off Nate’s gift, but he said I could join you for cake if that’s alright with everyone.” Luke sat down cautiously next to Nate.
“Yeah! We have more than enough,” Jay replied.
“Look, what I got.” Nate showed Shayne the box.
“More Legos?”
“More Legos.” Nate laughed.
“Alright. Ii hope everyone has been practicing and has warmed up their voices.” Jay lit the candles.
“I thought you weren’t going to sing.” Nate looked at his brother.
“We don’t turn our backs on tradition, Nathaniel. You’re just going to have to suck it up.” Jay told him. They began singing excruciatingly, but Nate appreciated it. Not that he’d let them know that. After everything had happened, he was finally happy. The happiest he’d ever been. Surrounded by the people he loved most.
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talia-rumlow · 11 months
Friendly Fire (Alvey Kulina X Reader) Chapter Three - Here We Go Again!
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Pairing: Alvey Kulina X Reader
Wordcount: 3054
Warnings: Strong language, heavy smut, fighting (MMA), mentions of family feud, drinking, blood
Summary: Nate fights, Reader and Alvey goes down old roads.
It's a sunny day in Fresno, when it's time to weigh in. You, Alvey and Nate stand there and wait, when the opponent walks by. You look at him. He looks way bigger than Nate. You nudge Alvey.
- Seriously, Alvey? This guy?! He's probably 8 or 9 pounds over. This is not happening!
You say, and start to move towards the stage. Alvey stops you.
- Wait! Let's wait and see!
Alvey says, through gritted teeth, as Nate steps on the scale.
- Exactly at 154.3!
You hear someone say. Alvey pats your back.
- Good, you did good!
He says, you turn around to face him.
- I don't like this, Alvey.
You say, nervous, as Nate comes over to you. You pat him on the back, before you turn your attention to the other guy, as he steps on the scale.
- Weighing exactly 163.1!
You look at Alvey, narrowing your eyes.
- That's too much! Alvey, that's too much!
You say, as you start to approach the Promoter.
- He's fucking….
That's all you get to say, before Alvey steps in front of you.
- That's 9 pounds over! 9 fucking pounds!
Alvey yells to the Promoter.
- So he's a little over. No big deal!
The promoter answers. Alvey is about to jump him. Both you and Nate stop him.
- Hey, Alvey. Not good for business!
You say, as you try to take his arm, he shakes you off. But leave with you. You try to calm him down, but he keeps shaking you off.
When you reach your room, you sit down on your bed. Alvey and Nate do the same.
- You need to eat!
Alvey tells Nate. You look at them both.
- None of you are upset about this?
You ask, looking from Nate to Alvey, and then back at Nate again. Nate shrugs.
- I can take him..
He says. You look at Alvey.
- You're just going to fucking sit there? SAY SOMETHING, ALVEY!
You yell. Scared that Nate will get himself hurt. Alvey gets up, you do the same.
- Don't start a fight right now! Go get some air!
Alvey tells you. You don't answer. You just keep looking at him, angry.
- Go get some air, YN!
You sigh, then you turn around and leave Alvey and Nate alone to talk.
You slammed the door shut. Probably not a good idea, but it's not easy to contain the feeling of enormous fear that you feel right now. And, after being in the fighting business for most of your life, this is usually how you deal with your emotions.
- Hey, YN!
You hear Alvey yell behind you. You don't answer, and you don't turn around.
- YN, wait!
Alvey continues to follow you down the hall. You still don't answer.
Alvey yells, as he grabs your arm, and pushes you against the wall. You look at him.
- There!
He says, letting go of you.
- Now, will you just listen to me?
He continues, taking a step away from you. You look at him.
- Listen to what, Alvey? How this is Nate's decision? How he's a grown man, capable of making decisions on his own?
You say. Waiting for an answer. Alveys jaw tenses.
- Something like that…
You continue to look at him
- Do you know why he fights, Alvey? Why Nate fights?
You ask.
- That's all he knows!
Alvey answers. His casual approach to this makes you furious.
- To get your attention, Alvey! To get your love, your approval! That's why Nate fights!
You say, still furious, but it feels good to finally let it out.
- I love Nate. He knows that. And I spend time with him!
Alvey says back, a bit more thought through now.
- Where, Alvey? At the gym? You spend time with Nate at the gym!
You say. Looking at him. Alvey opens his mouth,and then he closes it again.
- Do you even know him? Do you even know Nate?
You continue.
- He's my son. Of course I know him!
Alvey snaps back at you.
- Yeah? Tell me five things about Nate, that isn't about fighting!
You say, as you look him dead in the eye. Alvey looks at you for a bit, then he looks down.
- OK. Tell me three things!
You say. Alvey lifts his face, looks at you. Opening his mouth, before closing it again.
You open your mouth to say something.
- OK! I get it! I fucking get it, allright!
Alvey says, cutting you off. You nod your head a bit.
- Now go spend some time with him. He needs that!
You say, before you turn away from him again.
BAM! You put your hands in front of your mouth, everything happens in slow motion. You can see that Alvey yells something to you, but you can't tell what. All you can hear is the BAM, when Nate hit the floor in the cage.
- YN!
Alveys voice finally reaches your ears, and you enter the cage with him, kneel down next to Nate. Pry open one of his eyes, and shine your little flashlight in it. You look at Alvey, he's saying something, but the yelling from the spectators, and your own screaming inside your head, makes it so that you can't hear what he's saying. This is what you feared the most. That Nate would get knocked out.
You can see the lights from the ambulance, but you still can't hear anything, and things around you are still in slow motion. Alvey keeps talking to you, but you only see his lips moving, you don't hear one single word.
Alvey points to the ambulance, saying something, you still can't figure out what, but you climb into the ambulanse, and sit down where the paramedic tells you to.
You try to slow your breathing down. To clear your head. You still can't make out what anyone's saying.
- How old is he?
The paramedic asks you. Finally you can hear again.
- Err.. Nathaniel (Nate) Kulina. 22 years!
You manage to say.
- Are you family?
Another question.
- No, no.. I'm his medic! His MMA medic!
How do you explain this? He wasn't at all fit to fight. You should've stopped this. Will they take away your license now?
- Weight?
You look at Nate. Weight? Why are they asking how much you weigh?
- How much does he weigh?
The paramedic asks again. Oh, they ment how much he weighs.
- 154.3!
You answer. Your eyes locked on Nate.
- Will he be OK?
You ask, your voice shaking.
You stand in front of the door to your room for a while, before you knock.
- It's your room, why the fuck are you knocking?
You hear Alvey say from inside. Sounds like he's been drinking. You could need a drink as well. You hope he has some left.
You slowly open the door, then you just stand there, looking at him.
- Where is Nate?
He asks, chugging his drink. You take a step inside the room.
- They wanted to keep him in the hospital overnight, for observasjon. He has a concussion and a black eye. But he'll be fine.
You say, look down. Alvey pours himself another drink.
- Want one?
He asks, gesturing to another glass on the table.
- Yeah…
You say, walking over to him, and sit down. Alvey pours a drink to you as well. You take a small sip.
- Thanks, Alvey. I needed that.
You say, emptying your drink in one chug. Alvey does the same. Pouring you both another one.
- Listen Alvey… I'm sorry about before.. I didn't mean to.. I know you love Nate!
You look at him, then you take another sip of your drink, waiting for him to answer.
- Nah.. You're right! You're fucking right, YN. I'm not the best father.
He says, chugging his drink. You look at him. You can't help but to feel bad for him. You reach out to put your hand on his knee, but he gets up. Grabbing the now empty bottle on the table.
- This one is fucking empty. Join me downstairs!
He says, offering you a hand. You look at it.
- Alvey, can we just stay here? Check the minibar?
You ask. With the way you're feeling right now, and with how much he's been drinking. A crowded bar isn't the best place for him to be.
- He's downstairs, isn't he?
Alvey says, as he starts to walk towards the door. You quickly get in front of him. Trying to stop him.
- Al..Alv… Alvey, please.
You plead, putting your hands on his chest to stop him. He looks at you. But he doesn't answer.
- Don't!
You say. He doesn't move, but you can see that he's not going to do as you tell him.
- He's downstairs?
He asks again. His eyes on yours, demanding answers.
- Yes, but Alvey. Leave it alone!
You say. He walks past you, opens the door.
- The fuck, YN!
He says, as he walks with firm steps down the hall. You quickly follow.
- Alvey!
You try. No answer.
- Alvey, stop!
Still nothing.
You yell, as you see him enter the elevator.
- Alvey, you hold those doors!
You yell, and to your surprise he does. You enter the elevator, look at him as the doors close.
- Please, Alvey. Don't do anything stupid.
The doors open again, and Alvey starts his fast firm walk into the bar, and then straight over to the Promoter. Punch him in the face without even giving him a warning. You grab Alvey's arm to stop him. He yanks it back, and hits the Promoter again. Now your adrenaline takes over. You grab Alvey's jacket, yanking him back.
- Alvey! That's enough!
You yell, before you point a finger at the Promoter.
- Get the fuck out, if you know what's best for you!
The Promoter immediately runs out of the bar, not looking back. Alvey sits down, looks at you, breathing heavily. You point your finger at him.
- Don't go and pull any of that shit now! Fucking shit!
You yell, before you sit down opposite him. He looks at you for a while.
- Are you done fucking yelling?
He asks. You nod. You don't want to open your mouth. You just want to calm the fuck down.
- What more do you want to do?
He asks. You let your head fall down on the table.
- Now….
You say, sitting back up.
- I want to get shit faced drunk And then…
You point towards the toilets in the back with your thumb.
- You're going to fuck me back there…
You continue to look at him, to see how he reacts to your statement. Alvey raises his eyebrows, nods his head a little.
- Sounds like a plan!
He says, as he waves to the bartender, ordering a new bottle for you.
- Yeah…
You answer. Looking at him.
You pour the last drops from the now empty bottle into your glass, shaking the bottle a bit to make sure it's actually empty. You place the bottle back on the table, and chug the last drops in your glass. Then you look at Alvey.
- Alvey?
You say. You're both drunk as fuck. And you want. No, you need to go to bed. Alvey looks up at you.
- I…. I'm gonna go and use the… err.. bathroom…
You say, before you get up, and stumble towards the bathrooms.
The bar is empty, just you and Alvey, and it's dark. The dim lights inside the bathroom aren't exactly helping. It's not that you actually needed to use the bathroom. But you and Alvey had a deal. And you could really use a good fuck right now.
You're not even halfway into the ladies room, when Alvey grabs your hair, and pushes you face first against the wall. Breathing heavily into the side of your neck, before whispering in your ear.
- Something like this?
He hisses, before he yanks your head back against his shoulder.
- Hard enough for you?
He asks again. You laugh.
- Fucking pussy!
You say. Letting out another laugh. Alvey yanks you around, pins your arms over your head, and takes a firm hold around your throat with the other hand, before he kisses you, aggressively.
- Are you fucking laughing at me now?
He almost spits the words in your face. You smile at him.
- As long as you're gonna treat me like I was made out of FUCKING glass! Yes!
You say, still smiling at him. He lets go of your arms, and slams his fist into the wall next to your face. You turn your head, to look at his fist, before you turn it back to look at him. He looks back at you.
- There it is! "King Kulina". You think I'm scared of you?
You say, condescending.
- You should be!
Alvey says, kissing you, forcing your mouth open with his tongue. You're still half laughing.
- Is this all you've got?
You ask, looking at him.
You continue, delivering his nickname to him in the most condescending way you manage.
He takes a firmer hold around your throat. This will make it hard to speak. But not impossible.
- You have no idea, no fucking clue, what the King can do!
Alvey says, moving all the way up in your face.
You laugh again.
- Oh, but I do.. This is where the fun part starts.
You say, laughing a bit again. Just to piss him off some more. Before you get to think, Alvey lifts you up, your little skirt around your waist, and he pushes your underwear aside. Then he enters you, in one thrust, before he starts to pound you into the wall.
- Ahhhhh.. Fuck!
You moan. It's been a long time since you and Alvey last did this. And you remember how much you used to like it. The aggression he shows every time, how you're both merciless. Taking out all your aggression on each other. Amazing.
Alvey bites your neck, hard. You whimper and moan at the same time, before you move your hands up to his hair, grabbing it, yanking his head back, and look at him. You're both smiling, as Alvey continues to mercilessly bury himself inside you up against the wall.
- Again!
You moan to him, before you let go of his hair. Alvey leans into your neck again. Breathing, grunting and moaning into it, before he's placing yet another hard bite. Again you let out a half whimper, half moan, and grab his hair again, yanking his face away from your neck. His eyes locked on yours.
- Is that all you've got?
You ask again. Alvey grabs your throat again. You lean your head back against the wall. Laughing again.
- You've gone soft!
You state, slowly moving your eyes, to look at his reaction.
You almost fall into the room. Wrestling around for a bit, before Alvey pins you in what you call a "death grip". He's not holding your neck all that hard, if you just relax. Thinking about a way out.
- Tap!
Alvey whispers in your ear. OK! So you're fighting him now. You'll fucking show him. None of you finished downstairs, and you're still a bit mad about that.
- Tap! Fucking Tap!
Alvey whispers again.
- Not a fucking chance in hell!
You say, then you focus all your strength to your lower back, before you do a rollover backwards, and he has to let go of his grip. You land on your knees on top of his face, and before you can get back up, he pins your legs down in a strong grip. Breathing heavily into your pussy. You try to move, but his grip is too firm.
- Now fucking tap!
Alvey hisses into your underwear. You laugh again, before you lean forward and start to unbuckle his pants. Alvey stops for a second, before he lets his tongue glide over your underwear. You answer his move by yanking down both his pants and his boxers, before you let your tongue glide over his already rock hard cock. It's throbbing.
Alvey pushes your underwear aside, and lets his tongue glide over you, and at the same time he teases your entrance with his finger. You grab him, and close your lips around him.
- Ahhhh..
He moans into your wet flesh.
- So fucking wet!
He murmurs, as you take down his whole length. Letting your tongue massage him, as you keep taking him down again and again. You can feel him closing in on climax. Then you let your lips leave his cock, with a little pop, before you lean down, biting his inner thigh.
Alvey reacts instantly, yanking both of you around, then pinning your arms over your head.
- Tell me you didn't just fucking bite me!
Alvey says, leaning down, biting your lower lip. You laugh at him again.
- You liked it, fucking pussy!
You spit back at him. Alvey lets out a growl, before he yanks you up, placing you stomach down on the bed. Then he enters you again, without any kind of warning. Grabbing the back of your neck, pinning you down, as he mercilessly fucks you so hard you're surprised the whole bed isn't breaking apart.
- Aaaahhhh. Fuck, Alvey!
You scream, clenching your walls around him, every time he thrusts into you.
- Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
Alvey hisses back to you. Continuously plunging into you. His grip around the back of your neck tightens, his fingers digging into your neck. It hurts, but then again, that's how you like it.
- Ahhhh… Fuck, YN! Where do you want it?
Alvey grunts, as he ups his pace even more.
- Inside! Inside, Alvey! Fuck! Ahhhhhh! Right there!
You scream through the painful intensity that rushes over you, when your orgasm hits. Your legs shaking, your body completely taken over by the sweet pain of Alveys fingers digging into your neck, and the way his cock is massaging your walls, when he makes his last hard deep thrusts, before you feel his warm fluids unloading inside you.
He wastes no time, yanking you around, grabbing your throat, pinning your arms down with his legs.
- Now who's the fucking pussy?
He asks, as he tightens his grip around your throat. Again you smile at him, letting out another little laugh.
- You!
You spit back at him.
@nekoannie-chan @bat-mar @late-to-the-party-81 @here4thefanfics @rip1009 @there-goes-thefighter @differenttyphoonwerewolf @saiyanprincessswanie @ladysif8 @erowriter
Check out the Friendly Fire Masterlist HERE!
Check out My Frank Grillo Masterlist HERE!
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gyugyugaga · 9 months
to me kingdom just didn’t kill of the token gay of the show they killed off the hope of the show. jay was always the heart of family. the one who would go above and beyond for anyone in his family and the one who felt love so hard it legit almost killed him and put him over the edge so many times. but nate to me was hope of the family. the one who would be better and do better, be good. he was the light of that family and it’s so sad. so sad that alvey reacted as he always did, by not listening even after asking his boys multiple times to talk to him more, to open up, wanting to know more about nate and having him open up to him. asking them if anything is wrong. nate did as he asked and alvey still didn’t listen. he only really listened when it was too late, when nate was already walking away from him. when he realized he fucked up. you can’t blame nate for finally having the courage in the moment to say what he wanted to. yeah the timing wasn’t right for everyone, but it was right for him. it’s just so gut wrenching what happened. nate was the one getting his shit together, being good and doing better. he didn’t deserve what happened to him.
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bstag · 5 months
I'm obsessed with this genre of fictional boys. They only laugh when they hear a sex joke and any other feelings the express are a mix of melancholy rage and gaynst <3
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crazytxgradstudent · 2 years
can we have a discussion about the Kingdom tv show?
💯 yes.
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theesirenteller · 9 months
Nate Kulina has my heart, i swear
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He's sp fucking sweet like omfg
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Thanks for the tag @adventuresofprettyboyandthekid 🖤
Also, rude for making me choose one of my blorbos from each show
1. Evan Buck Buckley | 911
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2. Derek Hale | Teen Wolf
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3. Dean Winchester | Supernatural
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4. Stefan Salvatore | The Vampire Diaries
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5. James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes | MCU
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6. Nate Kulina | Kingdom
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7. Amelia Shepherd | Private Practice & Greys Anatomy
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8. Neal Caffrey | White Collar
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9. Klaus Hargreeves | The Umbrella Academy
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10. The sense8 cluster (they count as one shut up) | Sense8
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Tagging if they wanna do this and haven’t done it already 😅: @bitchfacediaz @loveyourownsmiilee @elvensorceress @buddiemidnights @eddiediazisascorpio @jobairdxx @jacksadventuresinwriting @spotsandsocks @the-likesofus @bekkachaos @ekstasisandangst @queerbitchdiaz @rogerzsteven
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theirlives-a · 1 year
contemplating  adding  power  muses      (    tommy  egan    &    brayden  weston    )      and  kingdom  muses      (    jay  kulina,    laura  melvin    &    nate  kulina.    )
0 notes
whump-they-it-is · 2 years
A whump trope I quite enjoy for some reason (checking pupil dilation)
I like that dazed,half asleep look they always have. I find it very cute 😍
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In order
Being Charlie (2015)
The expanse 4x7
Prison break 1x17
Avatar (2009)
The Vampire Diaries 6x15
Criminal Minds 15x10
Kingdom 2x7
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
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I love Nate and Jay's relationship so much
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talia-rumlow · 1 month
Fight For Me (Alvey Kulina/Original Female Character) Chapter One
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TRIGGERS: Mentions of drug abuse, strong language, some mentions of sex.
Venice Beach, California. Where the land meets the ocean and there's mile after mile of open beaches, life-guard towers, side walk coffee shops, luxury boutiques, unconvetional street artists and colorful wallpaintings. Venice Boardwalk was a haven for tourists, and therefore almost always packed with people.
For those who live here full time, this was a regular day to day lifestyle. And something they got used to over time. Learning when to not visit certain places, due to the crowds that gathered there. Learning how to deal with the crazy tourists, and the not so crazy ones. Life for the locals in Venice was a regular day to day life, no different from your life or my life. For them, Venice was the most beautiful place on God's green earth, and a lifestyle in itself.
For Alyssa Stavos, Venice Beach was a new beginning. Or well, more like a walk of shame, back to a life she left behind several years ago. A life she left without looking back, and without giving notice. She just left, dissapeared overnight. And back then, she thought that was the best descition she ever made. But that was back then, way back then.
Life hadn't exactly been like Alyssa had planned, and wether she wanted to or not, she was back in Venice. Back to the fighting scene, back to stitchin' fighters up, back to deal with addiction, anger, remorse, head injuries and weighins. Back in a world of masculinity, strong language, anger issues, family drama and most importaintly, back in Navy St. And back where Alvey was. He didn't know yet of course, but it was just a matter of time until that bliss also would fly out the window.
Alyssa sort of grew up in the MMA life. Her father Alexander Stavos used to be a famous MMA fighter, when he was still alive. And it was through him that Alyssa got intorduced to the world of fighting. It was the world of fighting that pushed her to study medicine, so she could be a part of the team around her dad when he was fighting. Due to her dad's merrits, she quickly made a name for herself in the business, which in turn led her to Alvey Kulina and his world. He was King Kulina back then. A world renown fighter, with several medals and trophies attached to his name. Back when they first met, Alvey was like a God to her. A renown fighter who wanted her on his team. And Alvey was a good fighter, he probably still was. But his carreer took a big hit, and that brought with it a whole avalance of messed up things, that all happened at once. Alyssa thought she pulled out before her name was too tainted with Alvey's mistakes. But as it turned out, the name King Kulina wasn't what it used to be. And getting a job, a real job, after being a part of the Kulina scene when it crumbled wasn't as easy as it sounded.
Alyssa discards her empty paper cup in a trashcan, before walking over to Muscle Beach. She needed a morning work out before she entered the Lion's den. Of course the job came with free workouts at Navy St. But she wasn't going there now. Not before Alvey gets to know she's back.
As she gets ready for her morning workout, she can't help but notice some guys looking at her from the other side of the street, talking to each other. By the look on their faces it's either unpure or unfriendly thoughts they have about her. Maybe both. It's not like she's not used to this. In her line of work, this kind of thing was sort of in the job description. But in some weird way, these particular guys felt threatening. She could probably kick their asses from here to the end of the universe. But even if she could fight, it wasn't like she wanted to, at least not all the time. And definetly not now. Maybe Navy St. is a better place to work out after all.
Alvey leans back in the yellow couch in his office. Another fuckin' fork in the god damn road. Jay was still in denial about having a drug problem, and wasn't fit to fight at all. Maybe in some ways Jay was in physical shape to fight. But mentally he was lost in whatever drug cloud he was in these days. Nate was mentally 100% ready for a fight, but he had taken a beating a while back, and none of the 20 or so doctors they had spoken to wanted to clear him for the cage yet. And Ryan, well as much as he could fight, and he'd probably do fairly good too. There was something inside Alvey that held back. His relationship with Ryan wasn't exactly paved with honesty and good intentions, but the two men did their best to make it work. For the business they said. But still, Alvey really didn't want Ryan the Destroyer steal his thunder. He'd be much more comfortable if another Kulina, such as Jay or Nate could carry the torch after him. But given the current situation, that seemed impossible. He was so desperate that he had called Lisa, his ex, a couple of weeks ago and asked if she knew any medics that would maybe look away from Nate's condition, and let him fight regardless.
To call Lisa, after everything that had happen between them, was hard to do. But Alvey felt he was out of options. It was now 14 days ago, and he still hadn't heard a word. Maybe he should just let Ryan fight. Swallow his ego, and let Ryan have the spotlight on him. Wheeler The Destroyer? King Kulina? He definetly liked the sound of King better.
Fuck, he needs to get out of here. He thinks for himself, dragging his hand over his face before he gets up. Just sitting here, waiting for that phone call from Lisa is not a good use of his time. Stupid, fucking Lisa. Although he couldn't entirely blame everything on her, she sure played a big part in what happened. Fuck!
As he steps out from his office and into the gym he's met by the familiar smell of sweat, energy drinks and wet towels.
"Dad!" Someone yells. The voice is almost drowned by the sound of ropes hitting the floor, people sparring in the cage and other familiar sounds of people working out.
Alvey doesn't react to the voice. Making a mental note that they shound get better air conditioning in here, he contiues through the gym.
"Dad!" The voice yells again. Alvey picks up his pace. He's not in the mood for any questions right now. Not about doctors or fighting or Lisa or anything else. "Alvey!" The voice presists.
"WHAT?" Alvey hisses out as he stops and turns around.
Nate, his youngest son is on his way over to him. Alvey folds his arms over his chest. Perfect. He loves both his boys, both Nate and Jay. After their mom took off left them alone, he had raised them as best he could. Constantly being reminded that they needed a female role model in their lives. It was just that King Kulina wasn't good at holding on to anything other than boxing gloves and diets.
"Did Lisa call back? Did we get a medic?" Nate asks, there's a hope in his voice. And Alvey hates to let him down. These days he felt that's all he did. Let people down.
"No, Nate. No doctor. I'm still waiting for a phone call. If she's ever going to call back," he sighs in return. Then he turns and leaves. "Shooting range," he hollers over his shoulder to Shelby in the reception before he walks out the door.
"Does he know anything?" Jay asks his younger brother as he tosses a water bottle his way. Watching as his brother catches the bottle, and takes a sip.
"Nope, not a damn thing," he replies. Then they just stand there together, looking at the enterance to the gym. Like the salvation is about to come through there any second.
Alyssa looks up at the big sign outside the gym. Navy St. Mixed Martial Arts, Venice, Ca. A mix of nervousness and exitement fills her body, and without realizing it, she clench her fists. Lowering her gaze to the enterance. Navy St. Enterance can be seen above the door. What is she even doing here? Maybe she shouldn't have agreed to this at all.
When Lisa had called her, about 14 days ago, she was shocked. Given the troubled relationship she had with Lisa, it was the last person she ever expected to get a phone call from. Although half of it were Alvey's fault, Lisa wasn't as innocent as she tended to portray herself to be. The whole thing was kinda ironic in a way. Her relationship with Alvey ended the same way it had started, with infidelity. If she could call it that at all. Neither she or Alvey had said that they were exclusive, and she already knew how he was, and what he tended to do. Alvey was never the best at keeping girls. Probably why he and Lisa also broke up, but Alyssa never asked Lisa why. Wasn't her business anyway. But she said yes to help out as a medic. Mostly for Nate, she had said. And that was true in a way. At least it wasn't a total lie. But she would never admit to Lisa that she missed Alvey. Missed how he made her feel free and strong. Because Alvey did take her under his wings, protected her, kept her safe, helped her. But when Alvey crumbled, everything else also crumbled around him, including her. And then, Alvey found solace in Lisa. And Alyssa... Well, she left. She left everything behind six years ago, without a word. Including 19 year old Nate and 21 year old Jay. Leaving Alvey was hard enough, but leaving Jay and Nate; that was almost unbearable. They already been left once, and then she left as well. Probably not the best choice she made, but she did talk to them already, and they seemed to be okay about her coming back. Alvey however; that would be a different story.
Walking into the gym's reception area, she's immidiatly greeted by Shelby.
"Ally, you look amazing girl," Shelby states, followed by a warm hug.
"You too, Shelby, you too." She replies, hugging the blonde back. "He's not here is he?" She continues. She knows she have to face him sooner or later, but she kinda hopes it'll be later.
"Who, Alvey?" The blonde replies as they break the hug. "He's at the shooting range. But Nate and Jay are here," she continues.
"Shooting range, huh?" Alyssa almost laughs. "Shocker," she continues in an almost condecending tone. Alvey and his guns. Typical, whenever Alvey had trouble he either went in the cage or to the shooting range. She silently thanks the universe that he chose the shooting today. She hasn't seen or heard from Alvey for six years, and she basically don't know him anymore. But if there's one thing she knows; it's that Alvey won't be as welcoming as Shelby.
"You think I should go see him, don't you?" Alyssa tries to not sound nervous, annoyed or anything like that. But, she's unsure if she actually managed to.
Shelby tilts her head, and sends Her an apologetic look. "He'll be pissed either way Ally, but it might be smart to give him an extra day to be pissed, before he shows up for work tomorrow," she informs with a shrug.
"Yeah..." Alyssa breathes out, biting her lower lip. "I get that things haven't exactly been running smooth lately," she continues, drumming her fingertips on the reception desk.
"Just show your face to him, Ally," Shelby begs with both the words and her face. "It'll make it easier," she continues with another shrug.
"For me or for you?" Ally replies, accompanied by a smile to show Shelby that the comment wasn't meant as bad as it sounded.
Shelby points to the roof, and makes a circle in the air. "For this place," she informs.
Alyssa lets out an exasperating sigh, then she tosses her hands up. "You are annoyingly right, you know that?" She tells Shelby, before she tosses her bag over her shoulder, and moves towards the exit.
"Always," she gets in response, followed by a "good luck," as she exits the reception.
Alyssa takes a good long look at herself in the mirror. Her thick dark locks framing her face. The mascara and eyeliner she just applied makes the intricate pattern of green in between the brown in her eyes pop. She's usually not the biggest make up user. But in some weird way, she wanted to look good when she saw him. And when he sees her. Not that she should care at all. Her relationship with Alvey ended six years ago, and not exactly in a friendly way.
She takes a deep breath, close her eyes. Remembering how it was to be with Alvey. How his breath felt on her skin. How his lips and tongue felt, when he opened his mouth, before closing it around her most sensitive spots. How he entered her, filled her up, fucked her. How he growled in her ear as he came. There was no doubt that what she and Alvey had was hot and heavy, and not at all a secret. Everybody around them knew. And back then; that made Alyssa feel powerful. To get to be with the infamous King Kulina, that was every girls dream back then, and she got to live it. But it came with a price, a price and a hard fall. She feels shivers down her spine just by thinking about it. "Fuck you, Alvey," she says to her reflection before she leaves the bathroom, and walks out to the shooting range.
A round of automatic rounds reaches Alyssa's ears, followed by a happy "aaaahhh", and laughter. She crosses her arms over her chest as she moves closer. God damnit, what should she say to him? Should she say anything at all? Maybe just showing her face will do the trick. He did call Lisa for help. Or did he? Lisa could have lied to her. She could have. Or she could've lied to him. God knows she did that already.
Alyssa looks down her attire. Skinny jeans, ankle boots and a black t-shirt. Her style hasn't changed much over the years. When she takes another look at Alvey's back, she can confirm that neither has his. Army pants and a dark sweatshirt. Definetly Alvey, maybe a bit older, but his pants still fits his behind perfectly, and his shoulders are still as broad as she remembers them. You're not having sex with Alvey again, she thinks to herself. You're not, she repeats. Shaking her head as to shake the thoughts out. Do not have sex with him, Alyssa. You know what's going to happen. You don't want that again. "You really don't," she whispers.
"Is is weird that I want to fuck this gun?" Alvey's voice. Still as firm, determined and rough as she remembers it. It does something to her, something that makes her repeat in her head that she's not going to have sex with him again. But, if she's completely honest with herself, she's not sure if it's to convince herself that she shouldn't do it, or if she actually won't do it.
"Nah, it won't fit," she can hear her voice saying it, but her mind isn't totally there. Perfect Alyssa. She thinks. That was the absolute best way to get his attention, make fun of his dick. Like that will help at all. "Up your ass maybe, but I kinda have a feeling that's not what you meant," she continues, while her brain screams 'stop talking, Alyssa. For God's sake, just stop!'
Alvey turns around, slowly. Then he stops and just looks at her. Oh for fuck's sake. He thinks for himself. Fuckin' Alyssa Stavos. Just as stunning as she alwas was. What the fuck is she doing here. "The fuck are you doing here?" He hisses.
She shrugs in return, raising her eyebrows. "Just saying hi," she replies.
Alvey huffs. "You came all the way out here, just to say fuckin' hi?" He spits out. Did he like her still? Alyssa was undoubtably the only woman he ever met who could deal with him, who dared to fight him, discuss with him, be mad at him. Did Lisa call her? No, Lisa wouldn't have called Alyssa, after everything that had happened between them, she would not have called her. Do not start, Alvey. You don't have feelings. At least not for her.
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Alvey!" Alyssa spits out, before she turns and leaves. He'll figure everything out tomorrow anyway. And he deserves that punch in the face. Fuck him, fuck this. She should've never agreed to this, ever. But it was too late to turn back now. Way too late.
Alyssa looks at herself in the mirror as she applies her mascara. Her red toothbrush held in place between her teeth. Today is the day. Her first day back in Navy St. She had already signed the contract, so Alvey couldn't fire her. He would try, but it couldn't be done. She felt safe in that department. Previous sexual relations wasn't the best reason for fiering people. Alvey knew that too, but he'd be mad. She tried to tell herself that she wouldn't care about that. But deep down, she really did wish he would be okay with her coming back. Not because of the sex or anything, even if it was the best she'd ever had. No, she wanted them to be friends for once. And handle arguments with something other than dirty fucking. It had been six years, she'd grown. Maybe Alvey had too. One could only hope.
Alvey puts his thoothbrush back and spits in the sink, then he looks at his teeth in the mirror. What the fuck was Alyssa doing in Venice? She wouldn't come and just say hi if it wasn't something special. At least he didn't think so. Given what had happened between them, he didn't even understand why she came to say hi. Sure, he wasn't the easiest person to be around back then, and he did tecnically cheat on her with Lisa. If you could call it cheating. What he once had with Alyssa wasn't a real relationship. They didn't even live together, not like he did with Lisa. For the past six years he thought Alyssa hated him. So why was she here now? Lisa couldn't possibly have called her for help. Alyssa and Lisa hated each other. Even before he had started things with Lisa, the two of them hadn't had the best relationship. Lisa would never had called Alyssa. And if she had, it would be more to get back at him than to help him. Fuck!
"Morning, Shelby," Alyssa greets the blonde as she enters the gym. "I'll wait for Alvey in his office," she adds as she keeps walking towards the office with fast firm footsteps.
"You'll need-," Shelby hollers, but stops mid sentence when Alyssa lifts up a keychain. "I see Lisa fixed it all," Shelby states for herself, as she goes back to folding up t-shirts.
Alyssa takes a deep breath as she locks the door behind her. She's not completely sure why she locked the door behind her. Maybe it felt safer, or maybe it was to piss Alvey off. Either way, that was the choice she took. She's here now, no matter what he thinks. But she still has no fucking clue what to say to him.
Four steps from the door over to Alvey's desk. She takes another deep breath as she pulls some papers out from her bag, and places them on the desk. Then she walks over to the couch, and sinks down in it. "You're welcome, Lisa," she mutters for herself, as she once again contemplates why she decided to say yes to this. For Nate and Jay? For Alvey? For Lisa? For herself?
"Fuck," Alvey mutters as he unlocks the door to his office. He slept like shit, this morning was shit, Jay is probably shitfaced somewhere, everything is shit. He can't wait to close his office door behind him and get some peace, at least until Wheeler shows up. He still has a few pounds to go, and Alvey had a diet and an exercise-plan set up for him.
"Hi," he hears, as he locks the door behind him. The voice is familiar, too familiar. Fuck. Can't she just leave him the fuck alone? The shooting range was one thing, that place was open to the public. But this was his gym, his office. How the hell did she even get in?
"What the motherfucking fuck are you doing here, Alyssa?" He spits the words out. Fucking Alyssa. She should know better than to show up here.
"I work here," she casually replies. Shrugging at his firm steely stare. She does work here, and she wasn't going to let Alvey mess that up. Well, he couldn't mess it up, but he didn't know that yet. And she knew it would all blow up once he sat down and actually read over the papers she left on his desk. The arrangement Lisa had set up for her was rock solid. No force within Navy St. could kick her out. Both Jay and Nate knew already, and they were both onboard with it. They even helped find the loophole they jumped through for the contract to be valid.
"The hell you are," He huffs. "This is my gym, and I decide who works here or not," he continues, still looking at her with that steely stare.
Alyssa shrugs at him, he can say what he needs to say right now. In a couple of minutes he'll know he lost anyway. "Well, Alvey," she raises her eyebrows. "I'm going to work, you can do whatever the fuck you want about that," she continues as she opens the door and continues out into the gym.
"What the fuck do you mean 'going to work'?" Alvey follows her, and slams the door to his office shut. "Didn't you hear what I said? You. Don't. Work. Here," he continues.
Alyssa takes a deep breath, forcing herself not to tell him everything. She turns around and takes another deep breath, before she walks over to him. "Listen, jerkoff. I-," she's cut off by the snap of a chain, a startled half scream followed by a loud bang.
Both Alvey and Alyssa whirles around, along with every single other person in the gym. Alvey places his hands on his hips, looks up at the chain which used to hold the 110 pounds punching bag, now snapped in the middle, and the bag on the floor.
"Fuck, Wheeler. You trying to wreck my gym?" Alvey sounds a bit angry. But Alyssa knows that he's more annoyed. She follows him, as he walks over to the bag on the floor.
"Looks like a worn chain," she states, holding up the chain for Alvey to see.
"Still here I see," he replies. This'll just be one of those days. Fuck this.
"Like I told you. I work here," she calmly brush off his statement. The she looks up at the guy who was punching the bag off the chains.
She recognize him right away. Semi blonde hair, strong facial features, a strong yet lean body, and 'DESTROYER' tattooed across his chest. Ryan Wheeler. He hadn't changed much over the past six years. "Ryan?" Her voice carried a bit of surprise.
"Hi, Ally," Ryan smiles. "I'd shake your hand, but I think I should keep my hand here," he continues, gesturing with his eye to his hand, firmly placed above his left eye. "The chain hit me," he adds.
"Allright, come over here. I'll look at it," she replies. "Just look up, and I'll guide you over to the wall there," she continues, taking Ryans hand, and helping him over to the bench.
Alvey grabs her wrist. "What are you doing?" He asks, still annoyed.
She yanks her arm back. "My job!" She replies, continuing to walk towards the bench.
"You don't have a fucking job," Alvey continues. But she's not giving him any reaction.
After she sits Ryan down, she takes off her jacket tossing it to the side. "Let me see," she instructs.
Ryan removes his hand. Trying not to look at Alvey, who's still hovering over them. Ryan can't see if he's jealous or angry because Alyssa is back. But given the history the two have, it could be both. "Is it bad? Can I still fight?" Ryan asks. Fighting is all he is, and if he has to bench this next fight, it'll be even harder to get Alvey to set him up for one of the big fights.
"It's nothing, Ryan. Nothing. Doesn't even need stiches. It'll bruise though," she informs him, as she picks up what she needs from her medical bag. "But given what you do, I guess you're used to that," she continues, as she starts to clean the cut over his eye.
Ryan looks down, trying not to look at her clevage. That's almost an impossible task. Alyssa was always a beautiful woman. Both inside and outside. Why Alvey did what he did, Ryan'll never understand. But, then again. Alvey was a complexed guy. And his mistakes could make it easier for Ryan to make a move. If he dared to.
Alvey's still hovering over Ryan and Alyssa. That Ryan checks out her clevage is no surprise, but that she is so fucking stupid that she still doesn't understand that he can't have her working for him again, that's a surprise. "Take a long hard look, Wheeler. She won't be here tomorrow," he informs them both.
He gets no reaction from Alyssa, and Ryan sits absolutely still, so Alyssa can do her job. "What are you going to do, Alvey? Fire me?" She suddenly asks, not looking at him at all.
Her casual response to all of this make Alvey's blood boil. Who the fuck does she think she is? "I don't have to fucking fire you. I didn't hire you. You can't just walk in here and expect to have a job," he want's to yell at her. She has no fucking business coming here and fuck up his life, his consentration. Fuck.
"You should read over the papers I left on your desk. You can't fire me," she shrugs back. She takes a quick glance up at Nate who's standing on the other side of her. He already knows, and in some weird way, she wants his approval once more. Alvey hates the fact that she's back, and she can live with that. But if Nate or Jay or both of them doesn't approve, it'll make her staying so much harder. She signed that contract, so she can't back out either. Hopefully Alvey will come around.
"What papers?" His voice over her head again. It pisses her off. If she wasn't closing up Ryan's wound, she's pretty sure she would have put her fist into the wall right about now.
"The papers, Alvey! On your desk. Take a fucking look, and stop being a baby," her voice might be a bit harder than she intended it to be. But this man seriously pisses her off, in every possible way.
As Alvey slams the door to his office shut, Ryan finally looks up at Alyssa. "What does it say in the papers?" He asks, curious, but he knows he'll probably find out any second.
Alyssa sends him a half smile. "You'll see in a bit," she replies, patting him on the knee. "How many pounds you got left?" She continues, trying to get attention away from Alvey, in his office, reading over the papers. It's about to explode any second now. She knows that.
"Fo-," Ryan starts, but a bang in the wall from Alvey's office cuts him off.
"Fucking bitch!" Alvey yells.
Alyssa smiles again. Here we go, she thinks. "I'm just gonna go back there. No need to take this fight out in the open," she gestures with her hand to the back of the gym, where the showers, the sauna, the kitchen and Alvey's private exercise area is.
Ryan points in the direction Alyssa went when Alvey comes out of his office. No words are exchanged, but Ryan knows that it'll be loud in just a few seconds. He knows he still has four pounds to go, but right now, he wished he had popcorn. As Alvey's angry footsteps echoes around the gym, Ryan gets up and slowly follows him in a safe distance. He can't help it. But he wants to know what this is about. What Lisa and Alyssa did, that made Alvey totally lose it like this.
"Alyssa!" Alvey's voice echoes through the oversized gym. "Alyssa, don't fuckin' hide from me. We need to talk," he continues as he rips open the door to the changing rooms, before slamming it behind him.
Alyssa leans her back against the wall. "Hey, Alvey," she smiles "What's up?" She continues placing her left foot up against the wall.
"What the fuck is this?" Alvey yells, lifting the papers up in front of her face. "Is this some kind of revenge? You and Lisa teaming up together to avenge me," Alvey's eyes are locked on hers, almost a threatening look.
Alyssa raises her eyebrows as Alvey places an arm on each side of her head. "And what exactly did you think you did, that would lead us to want revenge?" She asks, tilting her head a bit. She was never scared of Alvey. Every single time they fought like this the ended up having sex. Now that would not happen this time.
"Don't play games with me. Lisa gave you her share of the gym," Alveys jaw ticks, and Alyssa halfway expect him to punch a hole in the wall next to her head.
"She didn't give it to me, I bought it," she replies, still calm and collected. She knows that this move won't defuse the situation at all, but it'll help her to have some form of control.
"So you just bought 25% of my gym? For what? Out of the kindness of your heart?" He almost spits the last words out.
"Well, that's not entirely accurate," Alyssa replies. She was sorta thinking about keeping this last part a secret for a bit longer. But Alvey pisses her off more than she thought he would. So fuck it. "I didn't buy 25%," she continues. Then she stops, waiting for Alvey to reply.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Alvey is now all the way up in her face. But she's determined to stay cool. No need to start a fist fight.
"I bought closer to 50%," she informs him, watching as his face morphes from angry to confused. "I bought 25% from Lisa, and 24% from you," she continues. The confusion on Alveys face is priceless, and she can't help butsto find that amusing.
"How the fuck did you do that?" Alvey replies. It's like he's trying to be angry, but Alyssa knows him. And there's a bit of something else in his voice.
"Pro Grip Equipment," she delivers the name with a hint of exitement. "Ergonomic designed exercise equipment for injured fighters," she continues, not taking her eyes away from Alvey. "You took them up on their offer to supply Navy St. with top of the line equipment," Alyssa reaches into her pocket. "To set Navy St. on the map, as an including and safe space for everyone," she delivers Alveys own words back at him, as she hands him her calling card for the business.
"You?" Alvey asks, as he takes the card from her. "You and Lisa," he continues. "Vengeful," he adds.
Alyssa can feel the anger bubbling inside her. "Believe it or not Alvey. But I'm not here for you," she moves closer to his face as she's talking. "And about the whole revenge ting. If I wanted to do that. I'd just go and sleep with Ryan," she continues. She knows that might have been a stupid thing to say, given the situation.
Finally Alvey moves away from her. Instead he points his index finger at her. "This isn't over," he hisses before he walks away.
"You're right. I think this'll be an eventful partnership," she hollers after him. But she's not sure where it'll go from here. It could be good, it could work out okay or it could be a total disaster. Just don't sleep with him, she once again tells herself.
@nekoannie-chan @ladysif8 @the-ero-writer @saiyanprincessswanie @late-to-the-party-81 @here4thefanfics
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ashilesun · 4 years
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NICK JONAS as Nate Kulina in Kingdom 1.01
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nickjonasgifs · 4 years
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KINGDOM (2014-2017): 02x20 - “No Sharp Objects”
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awstenknight · 4 years
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Kingdom Rewatch ↳ glass eye (1x02)
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