#Nancy has small gremlin energy
idyllghost · 2 years
I’m a ‘Nancy and Eddie would be feral gremlin besties’ truther first and person second
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berrymoos · 2 years
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🎸 — regressor eddie munson headcanons!
"just give me a sec!" * struggles with html to code the color i want, gives up, & conks out * ,, srry there aren't a lot 💔
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no set age range, he's just a little guy! he doesn't rlly care for putting an age to his regression anyway; it's his time to just mess around & be silly! however, out of him, robin, & jonathan, i would say he has middle tot energy..?
little guy loooves horror media! nightmare on elm street, halloween, gremlins ... relatively anything horror related he's making grabby hands at, buuut he needs to watch something a lot less extreme if he wants to sleep well at night o(╥﹏╥)
he only has three pacifiers in his possession (two of which steve purchased, one of which eddie impulsively stole bought himself), & all of them have been chewed on ... every single one of them, some more abused than the other. he has some little teethers lying around too to stop that, but he prefers his pacis (& his hair ಠ_ರೃ gross)
one time he chewed on his figures for his dnd set and broke one. he cried the entire time steve fixed it & never did it again. he plays with his dice now, rolling them over and over and over again for almost no reason; he uses them to make decisions sometimes
"if i get a six, i caaaan ... get some more ice cream!" - "eddie, youve already had–" - "I GOT A SIX!!! i get more ice creeeam!!" - "eds–"
his favorite game is hide-n-seek, bc he thinks jumping out of his hiding spot to scare the seeker when they get close is the funniest thing in the history of ever. he cannot handle what he dishes out tho – robin copied him once when he was the seeker & his scream startled jonny into tears. nooot a good way to wake up from a nap
bc he chews on his hair so much – and also bc it's simply curly hair & it's so easy to mess it up – he needs to have it washed somewhat frequently. nancy usually helps him with that bc she has curlier hair herself & knows how to care for it, & man. he loves it. she knows how to comb his hair without yanking and massages his scalp during the entire washing process & it feels so gooood!!
he shakes out his hair like a dog when it's wet, no matter the reason. nancy's gotten drenched after every hairwash; at first it was minor annoyance – she even got slapped directly in the face by his hair once – but now, when she gets done, she goes "are you gonna shake out? go ahead and shake out!" & she covers herself with the towel while he shakes aaaaall out (*´︶`*)ฅ♡
for the most part, he takes off his rings when he's beginning to get small – he's not as uncoordinated as robin, but he's definitely not as steady on his feet as big him and one wrong fall could leave him with a ring imprint on his face – but he keeps one on each hand, just bc he can >:3 robin gave him these fake rings to wear as replacements & sometimes he forgets to take them off after he's unregressed 💀
potty mouth. lots of "fuck!"s when he's scared & "shit..."s when something goes wrong. it's not the biggest problem in the world bc eh, it's just a few words & his friends also aren't saints when it comes to said words (but robin & jonny likes to tease him by going ">:0 eddiiie, don't SAY that! ... what the hell, eds..." & ":0 eddie, das a no-no word!", but they also rlly don't care hshejwjd) but the day he got jonny – the least talkative regressor out of them all, mind you – to say the word fuck on accident in front of nancy? (((;゜Д゜))) "ed–" - "IT WAS ROBBIE!" - "NUH-UH!" - "YUH-HUH!" - "NUH-UH!!" genuinely nance wasn't even upset 😭
eddie & robin get into the "nuh-uh, yuh-huh!" arguments & steve and nancy have had to help them come to a conclusion all the time – it wouldn't be a playdate if they didn't
playing with his hair gets him to sleep so so easily. he's being stubborn about sleep? is he saying he's not sleepy even tho everyone can tell he toootally is bc he's yawning & his blinks are getting longer? tie his hair up repeatedly for a good little while & you'll start hearin snores
he sleeps like a log too, so if he conks out in a tangled position on the top of the couch, someone is going to have to carry him to bed bc jostling him isn't gonna work. he falls asleep on steve all the time & he just lets him even tho he drools pools on his shirt
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love-fireflysong · 4 years
Day 15: Believe
Fandom: Tales of Phantasia Character(s): Claus F. Lester, Mirald Rune Words: 1380 Rating: General (spoilers of Tales of Phantasia though I guess?) Author’s Notes: Here’s another ToP fic from me to you, this time Claus centric! Not a character I ever expected to cover in depth like this honestly. Him and Mirald both. The things this month is bringing out in me...
“You know, a part of me still can’t believe that I actually managed to do all of this.”
From where Claus sat at the large table in the center of the room, he heard Mirald’s voice come amused from around the corner where she was putting away some books onto one of the many, many bookshelves that littered the house. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, Claus. Are you talking about defeating Dhaos? Changing fate so magic is still a thing in the future? Travelling 100 years into the future to fight Dhaos again? Continuing yet another 50 years into the future? Riding flying machines? Defeating Dhaos for the third time? Actually managing to kill him this time? You did a lot of stuff in the month you were out of the house you know.”
Claus gave a short burst of surprised laughter. “I mean, technically I was gone for closer to three months...”
“Oh of course. I must have forgotten, what with all the time-travelling that you were off doing! My mistake.” Her bite was dry, but even without seeing her face, Claus could hear the smile in her voice. Mirald came from around the corner, and yup, there it was. the small smile that was just the upturned corner of her mouth. “I was being serious though, you are going to have to be more specific. Which of these frankly unbelievable events is the most unbelievable to you?”
Claus shrugged, a little cowed but most mostly cocky. “Well, I mean all of them if we’re being honest here, but they weren’t what I was talking about. I was talking about these.” He made a gesture to the little jewelry box he had had custom ordered when he had returned a few weeks back now. The box itself was pretty plain on the outside, just simple cedar unadorned with any designs or engravings. The inside on the other hand, was another story.
Inside the box was strips of royal blue velvet, sewn tightly together to create creases for the twelve rings inside to stand up and show off their assortment of gems. Each ring sparkled in the light of the candle nearby, and it seemed a trick of the same light, but one could swear that something seemed to swirl inside each of the jewels, but with a blink they were solid colors again. Looking for all the world. like normal, though ridiculously expensive, rings.
Claus felt Mirald come up behind him and place a hand on his shoulder as she looked over his head onto the table. “Oh! So it finally came in, did it? I must admit, the Laiott Trading Company does good work, even if it took them a while to find this for you. I still can’t believe that you managed to convince them to locate this in the first place.”
“They took it as a special request. Elwin and Nancy did owe me a favor after all.”
“Of course. Because I forgot that among all of the other hero-ing you were off doing, you were also playing matchmaker on the side.” Mirald tweaked Claus’s ear lightly and he chucked. “These are all of the rings though?”
He nodded proudly. “Yup, and each of them has a pact with a different spirit.”
“I still can’t believe that you managed to prove your theory true. That humans using magic is possible through the use of spirits.”
“Exactly! All those years of research, the pain I endured as those fools laughed at me, at us! And for what? I was right!” Claus narrowed his eyes and laughed darkly. “Let’s see those idiots laugh now when I summon Maxwell in front of them and watch him proceed to throw dark balls of molecular energy at them!” He stopped laughing when Mirald tweaked his ear again, much harder this time.
“Don’t be ridiculous. As if I would let you destroy a place of learning.”
Claus looked over his shoulder at her, a smile on his face showing off his teeth. “But you’re not saying that they don’t deserve it I noticed.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t misconstrue my words like that.” She paused for a moment before sharing his smile. “Though it would be funny to watch them cower and grovel, I admit.”
“Aha! I knew it!”
“Oh, shut up. Now, show me which one’s Maxwell’s again?”
Claus eagerly pointed to a a ring placed on on the far left of the second row. A dark turquoise was centered in the silver ring, with small semi-circles of open space just below the left and right sides of the jewel letting the brilliant blue of the velvet come through. “This one. We found it near the end of the Moria Mines. I had to have a pact with Sylph, Undine, Efreet, and Gnome—” he pointed at each of the rings (opal, aquamarine, garnet, and ruby in that order) on the top row “—before we could even meet him.”
“What does he look like again?”
“An old man with big bushy white eyebrows and mustache. He wears a big black hat and robes and carries a staff.” As though sensing that she was looking at his own brown hat hung over by the door, he scoffed. “Not like that though. It was more triangular in shape, I guess? Kind of reminds me of the hats that the people in Suzu’s village wore now that I think about it...”
“Yes, because I clearly know what those hats looked like.” Before he could respond, Mirald pointed at a sapphire ring on the bottom row. “I’ve always liked the color of that one. Which one’s that?”
To her surprise, Claus made a face not unlike that of pained grimace. “Oh, that’s, uh, Gremlin Lair.”
“Gremlin Lair? Who or what is a ‘Gremlin Lair’?”
“It’s hard to explain? I mean, uh—” he quickly backtracked at the flat, unimpressed look on her face. “—it’s a summon.”
“Oh, wow. I never would have guessed. Try again.”
Claus sighed. “It’s what it says on the tin. When I summon from this ring, a bunch of gremlins come out and attack whatever I’m fighting by biting them.”
“...and you had to fight them to get it to agree to making a pact with you?”
“No, not... exactly. I promised them that I would feed them whenever I called them.”
Mirald sighed painfully as she rubbed at a spot between her eyebrows. “And what, exactly, did you promise to feed them?”
“...my mana?”
“Claus!” She was pleased to note that he at least sunk a little in his seat in shame. “Why on earth would you promise them that?!”
With a groan, Claus put his head in his hands. “I thought it would be useful? I don’t know, Mirald! It just looked so hungry and at that point we were so close to storming Dhaos’ Castle that I was desperate for anything that might help us!” 
Anticipating the no doubt scathing scolding he was about to receive, Claus frantically grabbed at a ring on the same row, but the other end as the sapphire one, and shoved it into her face. “Here!”
He watched Mirald’s face go pink all of a sudden, and didn’t understand why until he looked at the ring in his fingers, and proceeded to turn the same shade.
The voice that came out of her was not one he had ever heard before, small, high-pitched, and squeaky. “Please tell me there’s a reason you’re shoving a diamond ring into my face.”
“Yeah! I-I-I mean, of course there is, yeah. It’s the ring that has a pact with Origin.”
Though her face was still pink, Mirald had at least recovered her wits enough to gawk at the ring in shock. “You mean Origin. The Origin. Spirit of All Things and King of Spirits, Origin. That Origin?”
“The very one!”
“Oh, I have got to hear how in the world you of all people managed to convince Origin to agree to a pact.”
The smile on Claus’s face was almost scary in it’s eagerness. “Okay. So, in order to forge the sword that would break the barrier surrounding Dhaos’ Castle, we needed to find two swords of fire and ice, and a pact ring...”
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