3amclothesmonster · 2 months
Finally set up my discord after neglecting it for years...
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tyukekyuri · 5 months
NF 京都大学11月祭 la fete novembre(2023.11)
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飲み放題はセルフです。この写真の右にビールサーバーがあり、自分で注ぎます。ビールはプレミアムモルツだそうですが、飲み飽きしました。0次会、0.5次会で飲み過ぎたせいでしょうか。 食事は量が少なめ。味は悪くないです。
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hafu-design · 5 months
京都新聞2023/11/19の朝刊に「ぬ」とありました。面白いと思いました。今年の京大の学祭テーマらしい。学園祭(11月祭:NF)のテーマ募集時の応募文趣意は「えぬえふでいちばんおもしろいもじって『ぬ』だとわたしはおもうんですよ。そうはおもいませんか、みなさん��(2023/11/19京都新聞)が添えられていたそうです。私はNFは知らないのですが、「ぬ」は意味が特定しやすい「む」や「へ」より、また意味が特定しにくい「る」や「れ」よりも「ぬ」に惹かれます。 しり取りで「ぬ」がきたら、「塗り絵・盗人・ぬめり・布・塗り壁―これはダメかな・塗り下―印刷用語・縫い取り―こんな言葉あったかな?・縫い目・縫い代・塗り代・抜け掛け?・抜け毛・ぬすめ×・ぬい村×・ぬかご×・盗っ人・主・糠・ぬえ?・抜?・抜く×・ぬくい・温もり・ぬく下(ぬくい靴下)×・奴婢・沼・沼地・濡れせんべい・濡れティッシュ・濡れ布巾・濡…
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Hii! How are you?
I was hoping you could do a one shot or hcs for a platonic/sibling PJO thing with Percy. I was thinking this kid shows up at camp-half-blood (their age being like 11-13) and being like a carbon copy of Percy and everyone notices except for him. They become pretty close and during a capture the flag game the Reader gets claimed by Poseidon, and Percy is just in shock like: 😲 holy moly
I think it would be really cute and I love big bro Percy
The reader is gender neutral
This is completely /nf and feel free to delete it if you don't want to! Thank you so much! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself!
-Axel <3
Ahhh this is actually such a cute IDEA-
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Percy With a Child Of Poseidon Reader...
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When you showed up to camp, no one really thought much of it.
The Titan war was over, demi-gods were showing up left and right, getting claimed along the way.
The thing that was weird was your lack of the latter.
Weeks after you arrived you were still unclaimed, with no change in sight.
It frustrated Percy because the gods had literally JUST promised not to leave any kids unclaimed.
As a result, he decided to spend time with you, just because he noticed you were feeling slightly put out at your lack of a godly parent.
Percy seemed to be the only one who hadn't noticed that the two of you next to each other was like looking back and forth between a mirror of features.
Everyone else did though.
Annabeth really did try to just- nudge him in the direction that MAYBE POSSIBLY-
But no, Percy was as oblivious as a blind cat after you moved the furniture.
Honestly he liked hanging out with you.
It made him feel good to know he was keeping you occupied instead of thinking about not being claimed.
He felt like an older brother ironically enough.
He had you sit with him during meals, and during activities he was with the Hermes cabin most of the time to help you.
Your very first capture the flag was exciting for him,
Him helping you put on your armor before plopping am oversized helmet on your head was like a mother watching their watching their child ride a bike for the first time.
He was so proud!
Sure you tripped over yourself and fell on your face, but that's okay! Everyone stumbles sometimes!
You're doing great!
Honestly, it was his fault for not helping you tie your shoes.
It was safe to say, the two of you had sufficiently bonded.
Which must have been the reason Poseidon decided to claim you now of all times.
He must really like capture the flag if that's how he claimed both his kids.
Percy was floored, and incredibly confused.
Everyone else was more or less like, "yeah saw that one coming." and you were trying to look up at the floating trident over your head through your helmet.
Percy feeling a whirlwind of emotions.
Confusion, excitment, slight frustration- but mostly excitement.
He was confused as to how as a child of Poseidon you'd managed to stay alive this long.
Unless your mortal parent had also kept a Gabe around to hide your demigod smell.
The thought made him wince.
He was practically vibrating when he showed you around Cabin 3.
You'd seen it before, sure, but now it was your cabin as much as his.
He wouldn't be sleeping alone anymore and he was exstatic about it.
And he can't wait to introduce you to Tyson too.
And his mom, oh she's gonna love you.
Especially if your mortal parent isn't in the picture either by choice or tradgedy.
Percy was gonna be the best big brother ever, it was his job to protect you now, so he would.
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Ta-da! This is legit, the first thing I have posted in FOREVER holy shit, it felt SO good to write this out, like-
Anyway, all done! Here you go, I wanted to keep going but I figured it was long enough lol
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yunusaziz · 6 months
Softly reminder nih guys ya...
Khususnya bagi siapapun yang udah berusia 25+ mending mulai pertimbangkan serius buat alokasikan penghasilan buat investasi kesehatan. Apapun bentuknya, mau yang preventif ataupun interventif atas rekomendasi ahlinya tentunya.
Apalagi kalau tubuh udah mulai ngerasa dikit-dikit capek, ngantuk di jam-jam padat aktivitas, mudah lapar, dsb lebih lagi kalau udah gampang sakit. Semakin kesini nyadar nggak sih, kalau makanan semakin beragam, dan kebanyakan kalau nggak yang berminyak ya bergula wkwk.
Mulai cek gaya hidup kamu, mulai dari apa yang kamu makan seharian atau bagaimana kamu spend waktu sehari buat apa saja, ada nggak dalam sehari/sepekan waktu yang kamu alokasikan buat olahraga baik itu kardio (lari, sepedaan, dsb) atau weightlifting (khusus buat ini, kita bahas next).
Dalam kasus gula nih ya, coba hitung berapa banyak gula yang masuk seharian, kebutuhan harian yang direkomendasikan KemKes 50 gram/hari, sedang misal tiap habis makan, minum-minuman manis, asumsi 3 sdm udah setara 45-50 gram sendiri. Belum kandungan karbohidrat pada nasinya, dan tepung-tepungan lainnya. 😂
Asli gaya hidup sehat itu semenyenangkan itu. Saya Alhamdulillah udah di tahap picky buat milih minuman. Tiap habis makan, mending air es/mineral, atau kalau nggak ya serba tawar. Misal beli AMDK, selalu cek NF/Ingrd. kalau dibawah 11 g auto blacklist~ dsb. Intinya mulai dari hal kecil, trust me little things always matter!
Ini beneran guys, intinya mulai pertimbangkan buat alokasikan at least 5-10% pengeluaran bulanan buat investasi kesehatan. Tubuh yang terlihat atau terasa sehat belum tentu sehat lohh. Biar nggak jadi boom waktu, kalau udah sakit saldo tabungan bisa boom! 😭
Kalau uang yang udah ditabung nggak kepakai, boleh dipakai?
Jawabannya, enggak! Anggaplah itu "dana darurat", jadi biarkan tetap mengendap atau spend hanya untuk hal-hal berkaitan soal kesehatan. Soalnya kan kalau pakai rumus dana darurat, 3x pengeluaran bulanan orang masih jarang aware, at least itu, alokasikan 5-10% pengeluaran bulanan buat investasi kesehatan.
Sehat-sehat ya guyss semua, kalian punya impian masing-masing yang masih harus diperjuangkan! ✨
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callmedylan · 6 months
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Fnaf Movie But Ness, Vanessa, Cory, Max, and Mike are all just in one big friend group and call themselves the “Fazgang”
‼️Important info‼️: okay so I’ve been thinking about this idea for an AU and stuff where Cory, ness, max, Vanessa, and Mike are all in a silly little friend group and they call themselves the “Fazgang” and they just hang out and stuff. So have some fact, headcanons, and info dump about this hc/AU cause I love it. I ship Vanessa x Max and SecurityWaiter so be prepared for those to be sprinkled in. (I ask that you credit me if you draw or use this AU pls :))) /nf )
Also petition to make Vanessa x max a ship and Call it “LockJaw” (for obvious reasons)
I imagine they all met someway through Mike. Mike introduced Vanessa to Max since him and max have been friends for a while, then Mike meets Ness because him and Abby become regulars at Sparkys and he eventually invites him to hang out with him, Vanessa, and max and the 4 just don’t stop hanging out. Then they one night decide to take a taxi to the place they are going to and Cory is their driver, and nobody really knows how but by the end of the ride they’ve all exchanged numbers with Cory and the 5 make plans to start hanging out.
ness is the tallest out of them all being 5”11 and whenever they are walking with each other down the street his head just sorta peaks over everyone.
the gang will usually hang out and play video games, and If Ness convinces them, they’ll read over random creepypasta stories and urban legends on online forums.
the group has a group chat where they all text each other during work or when they are bored.
Cory tends to rant about the weirdos he has to drive around with ness while ness rants about the rude customers he has to deal with.
Max enjoys writing and wants to be a romance author. She works at a library so she can read the romance books on her breaks.
ness gives the gang a discount whenever they stop in to sparkys and calls it a “personal friend discount” (he technically isn’t allowed to give them a discount but his boss will never know)
The group loves Halloween and they usually dress up and walk around their town to crash any party’s, parades, or to just take Abby trick or treating.
ness convinced the gang to create an online ARG with him with “found footage” recordings and everything but he eventually forgot about it and a large community started to surround it thinking it was real and he ended up having to apologize for it like 10 years later.
ness has a online conspiracy theory forum where he discusses his theory’s, the gang follows it and boosts his posts for him.
the gang likes to go to scary houses during Halloween and they each react very differently. Ness tends to grab at people (usually Mike) to steady himself when scared, Cory is prone to screaming loudly but also charging at the actors (they’ve almost gotten kicked out before because of this), max has a very slow reaction time and tends to just freeze up or swear under her breath when an actor jump-scares her, Vanessa doesn’t react at all (literally, she just doesn’t get scared by that type of stuff), and Mike just acts how any normal person would (or he tries to run off).
ness is gay, Vanessa and Mike are both bi, max is a lesbian, and Cory is straight.
since none of them are close to their families (except for Cory) the group hangs out together during holidays like Christmas. Cory usually visits his family for Christmas and holidays but on years where he can’t visit he’ll spend time with them.
cory made them all each a driving Mixtape for their birthdays.
they each have very differing music tastes. Ness preferring musical music, max prefers old love songs, Cory prefers 90’s hip hop, Vanessa likes alternative rock, and Mike enjoys any type of 90-2000s grunge rock and emo music. (Mike definitely listens to the smiths, the cure, and Alex G)
The gang ate over at Vanessa’s one night and the 5 tried to make dinner but failed and made a mess of her kitchen (they ordered takeout and spent the rest of the night listening to music and cleaning up Vanessa’s kitchen.)
Mike sometimes leaves Abby to be babysat by the gang while he’s off working and he once came back to them all dressed up with glitter makeup having a tea party with Abby (she forced them to do this)
In this AU Max does not die but Vanessa and Mike never tell Cory, Ness, or max all of the extra details. They know the robots are haunted to some capacity but not about Vanessa’s involvement or any specific details.
(This is not canon to the au, just a “what if” scenario) if max were to still die in this AU, Vanessa and Mike would not tell Cory and Ness what happened, out of concern for the twos genuine well being and because of how absurd it seems.
all of them visited Freddys some time in their childhood
Max and Vanessa have a fear of mascot outfits
Ness wanted to do a “paranormal investigation” at Freddy’s for theorizing and emailed the owner several times for about 2 months leading up to the events of the movie (he also begged Mike to sneak him in during his working nights but Mike said no cause he didn’t want to get fired).
cory called them the “Fazgang” once as a joke and it kinda just stuck, now that’s what they and everyone who knows about their group refers to them as.
when Cory and the group went for a drive in his taxi they went on a back road and ended up breaking down in the middle of a dirt road in the woods. (They just finished a movie marathon where they watched the texas chainsaw massacre and Wrong Turn 1, so now half of them refuse to leave the car.)
Abby slept through the entire situation.
Lots of trauma, it’s like a group therapy session 24/7.
all of them get along with Abby, she actually gets excited whenever they hang out (since Mike takes her with him due to not wanting to leave her home alone by herself).
They all share a single braincell.
Ness and max are both 25, Mike is 26, Cory is the youngest at 24, and Vanessa is the oldest being 26 as well but older by a month.
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staydandy · 13 days
The First Responders Season 2 (2023) - 소방서 옆 경찰서 그리고 국과수 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : The season continues to follow the joint operations of the police force, fire department, and paramedics. The three stations jointly respond to fierce scenes between crime, disasters and emergencies, showcasing their bravery and teamwork in the face of danger. (MDL) AKA : The Police Station Next to the Fire Station and National Forensic Service | The First Responders 2
Whumpee : Jin Ho Gae [detective] played by Kim Rae Won • Bong Do Jin [firefighter] played by Son Ho Jun • Kang Do Ha [NFS] played by Oh Eui Shik • Gong Myung Pil [detective, Ho Gae’s partner] played by Kang Gi Doong
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Crime, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Autopsy scenes are vivid. Be wary if you're squeamish. • Uh, yeah, I had a few rather emotional responses to some eps, you'll see a few of my thoughts in blue • TW : Animal Cruelty, Child Abuse
Related List : The First Responders Season 1 (2022) - Full List
Episodes on List : 11 Total Episodes : 12
*Spoilers below*
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left to right : Ho Gae, Do Jin, Do Ha, Myung Pil
01 : Jin Ho Gae falls several feet, connected to Bong Do Jin by a security rope, who's supporting him, hanging, suspended, unconscious … Ho Gae & Do Jin ditch their helmets & oxygen tanks, Ho Gae coughing from smoke … hand burned, treated
02 : (near end) Do Jin falls through a collapsed floor to the floor below, knocked out briefly
03 : (This episode hurts so much 😭 - literally in tears here 😭) Dead … [flashback] Hurt from the fall, trapped, surrounded by fire
04 : (near end) tw: animal cruelty
05 : (A new face appears; Kang Do Ha .. i don't trust u yet (ᓀ_ᓀ)) Kang Do Ha trips over himself & pushed off balance (comedic)
06 : (near end) tw:child abuse
07 : Blown back by an explosion, hits his head, knocked out briefly … (near end) Ho Gae swallows a handcuff key, retching
08 : … continued from previous ep. ... Do Ha has nosebleed, also leaking cerebrospinal fluid (protective brain fluid) from concussion … head pain, blurry vision, collapses … Ho Gae punched
10 : (near end) Gong Myung Pil blown back & severely burned from explosion.. painful treatment
11 : … continued from previous ep. ... Ambulance transport, hyperventilating from pain … [flashback] Ho Gae stabbed with a needle, drugged, passes out … [present] kidnapped, unconscious & transported in a coffin-like box … wakes, bleeding from a stitched incision behind his ear.. dizzy, blurry vision, collapses.. [flashback] surgery of microchip imbedded.. [present] electric shock from imbedded chip, pain, collapses … Myung Pil hospitalized … Ho Gae shocked with electricity from chip, falls off moped … chip removed on the field with no pain meds … forced to vomit (not shown) … dead (?? FUKIN EXCUSE ME?! WTF?? HOW DO U KILL OFF HO GAE?!?!) … Myung Pil wakes in hospital, collapses off bed … collapses in grief
12 : (@ 36:30 NOT DEAD, thank fuckin god! - that's right! fuk him up Ho Gae!) Ho Gae in fight; stabbed in leg, wounds stepped on, crate broken over his head.. Myung Pil & Do Ha blown back by explosion & collapsing wall … treated by paramedics … Ho Gae, Myung Pil, & Do Ha hospitalized (aw, they get to share a room 😆) … [flashback] walking with a crutch … [present] walking with a crutch
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dolotte · 1 month
⋆✦entrando honeymoon✦⋆
໒꒰⑅´ ˘ `⑅꒱ა
Olá edamigos, esse post é para ajudar nos meninas e meninos que estamos desmotivados e pensando em desistir de emagrecer
a honeymoon era é o momento em que estamos mais focados e afundados no nosso TA, momento em que damos orgulho pra ana
• se conheça •
veja quanto seu corpo gasta de forma basal
meu em media gasta 1,200 caloria
divido esse número (600kcal), esse seria meu intake maximo(em um dia livre)
• ainda no topico de se conhecer, analise como ocorre seus descontroles/compulsões
ele acontece após NF's longos? momentos de ansiedade/estresse? festas em familia?
tente agir de forma logica(mesmo que seja difícil) e entenda por que esta descontando seus sentimentos em comida e substitua habitos
ao invés de comer você pode dançar, desenhar, escrever, ler, ver filmes, qualquer hobby que te traga paz
• seja inteligente •
como você quer emagrecer se não conhece o minimo do corpo humano. o principal para um bom emagrecimento é um déficit calorico eficiente então aqui vão algumas informações para te ajudar a perder peso
7000 calorias gastas são equivalentes a menos 1kg
se você conseguir alcançar a meta de queimar 11 mil calorias por semana(caminhadas, exercícios, dança, tudo conta) você tem um intake de 4000 calorias semanais(500 calorias por dia)
• não entre em dietas absurdas •
seu seu corpo e psicológico não estão preparados para parar de comer 1200 calorias por dia pra consumir 200, isso só vai te causar compulsões
diminua porções ou use do volume eating(quando a comida parece mais do que realmente é), esse volume é comum em saladas que mesmo em grandes porções dificilmente vão chegar a grandes calorias
va adpetando seu paladar a comer limpo em 90% do tempo
atualmente eu conto calorias de frutas, legumes e vegetais, mas eu não me aterrozido por que sei que é humanamente impossível engordar com esses alimentos
aos poucos você consegue manter uma alta restrição de forma leve
• monte cardápios e pratos •
por incrível que isso possa parecer cozinhar me ajuda muito, eu passo mais tempo cozinhando do que comendo de verdade e estar sempre próxima a comida faz com que eu não anseie por ela
me motivo a comer poucas porções bonitinhas e trabalhadas em macros e micros nutrientes com baixas calorias
(cuidado, se você não tem capacidade de ficar na cozinha sem devorar tudo que ve não é tao recomendado)
• conheça a comida •
quais comidas são benéficas para você?
proteínas são assustadoras pra mim pelo alto nivel de calorias, mas consumo para evitar flacidez respeitando meus limites de calorias
saiba que o carboidratos das plantas e frutas é totalmente diferente do carboidrato de pães, massas e coisas industriais
escolha corretamente sua fonte de energia
e saiba porções, caso você não tenha uma balança faça a pesagem com xicaras e colheres
algumas comidas por mais saudáveis que sejam são extremamente calóricas
como a aveia (queridinha de muitos em mingau )
que em 100g tem 389 calorias
• tenha uma thinspo •
olhe seu corpo(por mais horrível que isso possa parecer), repare na sua distribuição de peitos, quadril, cintura e procure uma thinspo que siga algo parecido
olhe ela todos os dias como uma meta pessoal, ser tão magra quanto ela
se possível observe sua rotina, habitos, tudo
isso cria disciplina, idealize aquela moça(o) como ana e me diz: você quer decepciona-la?
• exercícios •
esse aqui é algo que eu confesso que me desanima muito
não sou fã de exercícios, nunca fui
mas pelo menos o minimo é necessário, uma caminhada, yoga, meditação, pilates
qualquer coisa, não fique parada sempre
você pode ate emagrecer parada, mas vai ser skinnyfat e flacida
• tenha objetivos •
isso pode vir de diversas formas, um peso específico (seja sua mf ou não, eu tenho o sonho de chegar aos 45 mesmo minha mf sendo 33kg)
um intake baixo
medidas menores
uma roupa que não te serve atualmente
pense nesses objetivos toda vez que for tomar uma atitude burra de comer
• consuma conteúdo ana/mia •
isso pode parecer doentio, mas se você espera se afundar em seu TA é necessário conhecer mais sobre, tipoa de transtornos e tudo mais
siga blogs, contas, tudo que esta relacionado com ana
isso faz com que seus objetivos fiquem aparentes visivelmente, te motiva de forma inconsciente
por enquanto é isso gente, o foco é algo que vamos construindo aos poucos quando deixamos nossos objetivos claros
ficar sem comer e só não vai te fazer emagrecer de forma consciente, leve seu corpo ao inicio
beijinhos da lotte
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strangleetomz · 3 months
for the tk prompts thingy lee!husk w 11 and ler!angel (/nf!)
11. “Can I tickle you?”
eueudhfhsjfhd this is my first time writing for any hazbin hotel characters pls be nice🙏🙏
this can be viewed as either platonic or romantic !!
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“Hey, whiskers~!” Angel says as he approaches Husk, using that same tone and smirk that Husk swears he hates so much. Husk gives the spider a look of disinterest and annoyance as he continues cleaning a, currently, empty alcohol bottle.
Angel does not care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me whiskers?” Husk sighed.
“Get over it, pal, cause I ain’t gonna stop.” Angel grinned smugly at the groan he was given as a response. “But I’m not here to flirt with you today.”
Husk almost cheered aloud, his curiosity stopped him.
“Okay then.. Why are you over here?” Husk set down the bottle he’d been cleaning. “You’re not just gonna get drunk and bitch about your job to me, are you?”
It’d been a little while since Husk and Angel actually became close. They learned a lot about each other in this time.
And theres one that Angel doesn’t like to leave Husk alone about.
“Can I tickle you?” Way to be straightforward, Angel.
The spider had a small yet mischievous smile on his face.
“I swear to fuck,” Husk mumbled to himself. “Why?”
“It is very adorable when I tickle you. Y’know, your laugh, the way your wings flap, and the way that tail.. thing.. wags which tells me that you like it.. I could go on as to why. Now will ya answer my question?” Angel leans forward with his elbow rested on the table, and his chin placed on his palm.
Husk blinked, heat rising to his face. His tail flicked, and he nodded.
“Fuck yeah! Come here!” Angel practically jumped over the counter and tackled Husk down. The spider wrapped him in a tight bear hug with his top set of arms, and used his second set to scribble all over Husk’s stomach, immediately eliciting loud laughter.
“See what I mean? You’re just too cute when you’re being tickled, I don’t think I can handle it.” Angel grinned at the sight of Husk being a mess of laughter. He’d never get tired of it.
“Shuhut uHUP!” Husk couldn’t muster up much of anything to say. He squirmed in Angel’s grip, though his attempts at escape were fruitless as the tickles had weakened him. It didn’t help much that the hug that confined him has trapped his arms, causing incapability to defend himself.
“Aww, are you embarrased, whiskers~? Can the kitty not handle some little tickles~?” Angel teased, a shit-eating grin on his face as he extended his third pair of arms and started squeezing Husk’s hips.
“AhaHANGEL! Dohon’t- FUHUCK!” Husk kicked his legs out a little, but Angel quickly put that stunt to an end by trapping Husk’s legs with his own.
“You tryin’ to hurt me there, whiskers?” Angel raised an eyebrow.
“Noho! Fuhuck off!” Husk tried to protest, and began to squirm a little more intensely than before.
“Hm. For that, I oughta—“
“Well, this is certainly an interesting sight!”
The sudden comment startled both demons on the floor. Angel stopped what he was doing and whipped his head around as he let go of the demon below him; both him and Husk recognized that radio-filter voice anywhere.
Him and that stupid fucking grin.
“How much of that did you see!?” Husk panicked, scrambling to sit up.
“Just about all of it, Husker. I was alerted by the sound of your yelling and wanted to investigate the source of it. And it appears it is just innocent fun!” His tone was quite cheerful, though it almost always seemed like that. “It is quite entertaining to watch, though I’ll spare your last bit of shame and leave the room so you may continue your fun.”
“..Thanks?” Angel watched, confused, as Alastor walked away with his hands behind his back.
“You’re welcome, my dear!” The radio demon called out as he left the room.
“Well, where were we?” Angel turned back to Husk with a smirk.
Husk’s laughter soon echoed through the room once again.
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faseborboleta · 9 months
1. É muito fácil ler um milhão de dicas em blogs, o difícil é começar a agir. Se você não fizer esforço para começar, nunca vai sair de onde está! Dê o primeiro passo!!
2. Entenda como funciona uma NF antes de querer começar, pergunte à pessoas que estão acostumadas  a seguir e pegue dicas e sites!
3. Compre uma peça de roupa alguns números menores ou alguma que você goste e queira entrar. Ela será como uma primeira meta, para você ter noção do quanto falta.
4. “Já que amanhã começo o NF, vou comer o que quiser hoje” SEM ESSA!! Se já é difícil manter a NF com o peso normal, imagina com 10kg a mais?!
5. No começo, tipo primeiros dias mesmo, você vai pensar em desistir porque vai bater um medo (quando for a primeira NF), nesse momento use a IMAGINAÇÃO… Quando olhar pra comida imagine ela entrando pela sua garganta e caindo no seu estomago, se desfazendo pelo ácido diurético e toda aquela gordura se armazenando nas paredes e aí se imagine por fora, uns 15kg mais gorda e com a barriga dando pulinhos…
6. Para o corpo não ficar esgotado, coma algo uma hora ou 30 min antes de começar o NF..
O NF não vai durar anos, lembre-se disso…Estabeleça uma meta e CUMPRA!
7. Durante o NF, não beber.
8. lembre que se você beliscar aquela bala, quem garante que você não vai beliscar um x-tudo depois?
9. Sempre escove os dentes quando ir ao banheiro, assim você não terá vontade de comer por causa do gosto da pasta e da falta de saliva. E se comer, o gosto não vai ser muito agradável…
10. Beba dois copos de água a cada duas horas, tem alguns aplicativos de dieta que contam calorias e já contam os copos de água, alem de avisar a hora de tomar água! São bem úteis !! A água é um inibidor de apetite natural, hidratante natural, alem de que se estiver fria, queima calorias e se estiver quente, da sensação de “satisfeito” como se tivesse comido uma refeição, de água.
11. Nunca esteja com dinheiro a mais quando sair, e se estiver gaste-o com água ou pacotes de chá verde no mercado mais próximo assim que perceber, pois chá verde é laxante natural e ajuda na NF.
12. Evite se sentar e se for preciso, sente-se reta. A boa postura queima 10 calorias a mais que a curvada.
13. Tenha uma Thinspiration, uma foto de uma garota magra para se inspirar, uma que tenha o corpo que você quer ter, e mantenha a foto dela sempre por perto, pode ser qualquer um desde que te inspire e faça você pensar duas vezes antes de ter compulsões.
14. Se possível, tenha uma balança em casa, se pese todos os dias pela manhã e no fim do 7° dia você anota no bloco de notas a primeira pesagem semanal e anote suas medidas também… Depois, só volte a pegar o bloco quando terminar o NF.
15. Aprenda a gostar do vazio no estômago, pense que essa dor significa que está dando resultados. Assim vai se sentir enjoado quando comer.
16. Tenha sempre um Trident no bolso, são sem açúcar e mantém a boca ocupada e distraída. (Não engula)
17. Se estiver com muita fome, tente dormir com algum calmante, você vai acordar sem fome. Se não adiantar, saia de casa, leve com você seu fone de ouvido e celular ou mp3 e vá correr sozinho ou com algum amigo, distraia a cabeça, só não passe perto de comida!!
18. Desistir e ter recaídas é coisa de gente fraca.
19. Durante a NF evite passeios pela cozinha, assim como também deve evitar ver ou sentir cheiro de doces e industrializados.
20. Evite ir aos mercados, mercearias, etc. Até nas farmácias, porque vendem algumas guloseimas que seu cérebro vai pedir. Peça à algum amigo se precisar de algo.
21. Tenha uma pulseira vermelha para Ana e azul para Mia, porque quando sentir vontade de desistir vai olhar para a pulseirinha e se sentir culpado.
22. Se tiver alguém especial como namorado, pessoa que gosta, um amigo ou algo assim (tirando familiares) pense que dará orgulho à eles para se manter forte durante a NF.
23. Ouça músicas que te encorajam.
24. Doces e balas com açúcar abrem o apetite para outras coisas. NUNCA NEM PENSE EM TOCÁ-LOS!!!
25. A cada dia de NF esforçado, você perde 1kg aproximadamente (aproximadamente porque SEMPRE é um pouco MAIS). Os exercícios alimentam o metabolismo e você perde mais ainda! Porém, isso também depende da intensidade dos exercícios, 10 polichinelos não adiantam.
26. Não saia de casa sem uma amiga SUPER FIEL: a garrafa de chá/água/etc. Pode te ajudar muito nos momentos que a fome bater, pois um gole do líquido já é o bastante para seguir em frente.
27. Faça um cronograma dos dias de NF, ajuda muito para algumas pessoas (no meu caso não ajuda muito mas já vi pessoas dizerem q foi o q fez elas não desistirem.)
28. Para inibir a fome tome água com duas colheres de sopa de vinagre e algumas gotas de limão.
29. Se estiver com o estômago roncando, tome chá Mate com algumas gotas de adoçante! Ele causa sensação de satisfação alimentar. Se não funcionar, um gole de leite de soja ou desnatado deve ajudar.
30. Laxantes são ótimos para desinchar, mas tome apenas em finais de semana ou feriados.
31. Não fique sem fazer nada, assista um filme, leia um livro (aqui tem indicações de filmes sobre ana e mia para te manter focada e aqui indicações de livros), ou faça caminhada, qualquer coisa que distraia seus pensamentos.
32. Dança é uma ótima opção para queimar calorias e se distrair, faça uma coreografia ou, pode treinar Kpop, que é bem eficaz, aprenda algum dos mvs, pois em uma dança normal se perde em média 300 calorias em 30 minutos, kpop são vários estilos e sua queima de calorias é 15% mais efetiva.
33. 10 minutos de exercícios estimulam seu metabolismo por mais de uma hora.
35. Diga “eu posso” o tempo todo, essa frase te leva à qualquer lugar.
36. Evite pensamentos negativos. Pense sempre positivo e quando o pensamento negativo vier, exercícios!
37. Quando estabelecer suas metas, faça planos realistas para não se frustrar ou desanimar.
38. Tenha autocontrole. Pense bem antes de fazer as coisas, assim não terá do que se arrepender depois.
39. Esqueça o elevador, escadas são um ÓTIMO método para perder calorias!
40. Tente anotar tudo o que comer/beber.
41. Não pense que está de NF ou o sacrifício que é, isso torna tudo mais difícil.
42. Se pensar em desistir, lembre-se por que começou, isso ajudara no autocontrole, se puder, anote esses motivos.
43. Quanto mais fome você sente, mais perto da meta você está, aprecie isso!
44. Quando seus dias de NF acabarem, Jamais vá direto para doces, chocolates ou frituras, entre outros… Seu organismo estará carente de proteínas, então quando comer essas coisas ele irá primeiramente absorver toda a gordura para repor as antigas. Opte por uma maçã, coma bem devagar, pedaço por pedaço, cada dia você aumenta um pouco sua alimentação, mais ou menos em 2 semanas ou 3 (dependendo da alimentação da pessoa) você chega à alimentação normal.
45. Durante a fase de reconstrução alimentar pós NF e durante NF opte por muitos chás multifuncionais.
46. O chá de maracujá é um bom relaxante muscular natural, é indicado porque provavelmente haverão dores musculares e/ou insônia durante e depois do NF, além dele também ser um redutor de apetite natural (faça o chá usando a casca e as folhas do maracujá)
47. O chá de hibisco é um ótimo diurético e digestivo, além de ser um leve laxante (use a flor do hibisco para fazer o chá)
48. Chá verde: possui cafeína e catequinas, que aceleram o metabolismo e por esse motivo faz o corpo gastar mais energia, traz regularidade ao processo de digestão, leve laxante natural e combate a retenção de líquidos no organismo.
49. Chá de hortelã ajuda a reduzir barriga e queimar calorias!! (E é o mais gostoso na minha opinião)
50. Chá de erva doce é um super laxante natural (que funciona até de mais) e reduz o inchaço.
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opelman · 2 months
Night Fighter by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: Gloster Meteor WD686 stands outside a Hardened Aircraft Shelter during a Timeline Events photo shoot at RAF Wattisham. Aircraft: ex-Royal Air Force Gloster Meteor NF.11 WD686. Location: RAF Wattisham, Suffolk.
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plixiedust · 2 months
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(Spoilers for the fanfic fallen stars by plushii-gutz on here!!!!!! PLEASE READ /NF ITS SO GOOD) I’ve been transferring a ton of old art from my old iPad to my newer one so here’s some older fallen stars fanart I made last year.. I still need to catch up I was in TEARS bro. Masterpiece of a fanfic/au would recommend
If these look kinda familiar one of my buddies posted these to their account for me when I didn’t have tumblr last year :3 (fun fact my 11 year old cousin made fanart for this au around this time too..I got him to read it somehow and he was invested)
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codecicle · 6 months
dashboard simulator
mutual 1: anyone wanna play wordle ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️
mutual 6: bolas
| mutual 1: that's not enough letters. ⬜️⬜️⬜️🟨⬜️[]
|| mutual 6: faggot
||| mutual 1: i don't wanna play this game anymore.
|||| mutual 1: 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
mutual 2: i have GOT to get him pregnant man. [attached image of gerard way cheerleader outfit] (1.5k notes)
mutual 3: covid has made me lose ALL sense of taste at this point dawg 😭😭🙏🙏 i ate ice cream, popcorn, and pussy today and the only difference was the texture
mutual 4: i have GOT to kill my boss
mutual 7: i am a 12 year old child but i love you and im so sorry thats happening. wanna talk about the sillays to feel better? /nf /gen
| mutual 4: yeah
mutual 5: collage application season!! wish me luck [attached gif of a rabid wolf ripping a corpse to shreads]
mutual 5: [image of a bird]
mutual 9: hey guys here's a small doodle I did [fish 🐟]
mutual 10: anyone on the dash smoke weak? i mean weak. i mean weak. i mean weak. i mean weak. (#this is nothing sorry)
mutual 2's sideblog: guys nvm we are so fucking barrack rn.
mutual 5: [image of a bird]
my own post being reblogged by mutual 11: god I desire him carnally. can he please be real so he can fuck me already (#ash you're so real for this one. #that amongus video had me blushing honestly)
mutual 12 reblogging that same post: god I desire him carnally. can he please be real so he can fuck me already (#genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you?? #ash what #wait aren't you asexual and have a boyfriend)
mutual 5: [image of a bird]
mutual 5: [image of a bird]
mutual 4 reblogging mutual 9's doodle: [fish 🐟]
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mousesquared · 5 months
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IT'S BACK!!! It's Blorbosquared but this time it's 2!! (Electric Boogaloo!)
Info / Rules:
The event is from December 10th - 20th!
The tag to be used is "#blorbosquared 2"!
Please tag me in your posts!!!
Feel free to tweak the prompts to fit your ideas!
I will be reblogging all terms made in the event unless they are NSFW, trans-id terms, or terms that are inherently harmful.
If you specifically don't want me to reblog your post for any reason, don't tag me.
Terms can be posted late by any amount of time but please do not post them early!
If you want your followers to guess your blorbo I would recommend mentioning that at the end of every post so that they know about it! /nf
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Day 1 (Dec 10th): A term that gives your blorbo "vibes"
Day 2 (Dec 11th): A gender that your blorbo would identify w/
Day 3 (Dec 12th): A term that is the exact opposite of your blorbo's "vibes"
Day 4 (Dec 13th): A kin term that fits your blorbo's personality
Day 5 (Dec 14th): A gender within your fav gender system that fits your blorbo's "vibes"
Day 6 (Dec 15th): A term related to your blorbo's nemesis
Day 7 (Dec 16th): A term that your blorbo would coin themself
Day 8 (Dec 17th): A term related to a song that fits your blorbo's "vibes"
Day 9 (Dec 18th): A term related to your blorbo's source
Day 10 (Dec 19th): A term that is like a love letter (or hate letter) to your blorbo
Day 11 (Dec 20th): Guessing day! This is the day that if you would like, your followers could guess who your blorbo is! Make sure to keep your blorbo a secret if you want them to! Also I would recommend mentioning at the end of your posts that you want them to guess your blorbo so they don't forget!
I'm super excited for this!!! Remember to use the tag #blorbosquared 2 and to tag me in your posts!!!
Tagging (Lemme know if you want to be taken off): @gender-darling @xyz-mogai @jeistgender @epikulupu @revenant-coining @begendered-queer @mogai-sunflowers @neopronouns
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casperz-xs0ulz · 9 days
dante 8:11 graphics? possibly? maybe? :3c /nf
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☆ Dante (8:11) rentry graphics ☆ Requested by anon
F2U with credit + reblog
these took a little long but came out cool af!!! hope ya like em!
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clownrecess · 1 year
I was wondering, why don't you speak? Is it a conscious decision for your own comfort or is it that you physically can't? /g /nf
(tw for extremely brief trauma mention)
When I was a small child, I didn't have any speech delays. I developed oral speech at the same time as my peers and was able to adequately communicate using oral speech.
When I was 8, my ability to use oral speech was still existent, and for the most part easy, however when I became distressed oral speech was notably more tiring for me, and would result in me becoming more frustrated and upset. I don't believe this was noticeable to anybody else, but it is something I remember experiencing.
When I was 9 (which was a particularly traumatic time for me), I began loosing speech for short periods of time (like 30 minutes to two hours), and had made a bad quality communication board that I would use around my friends, and had an AAC app on my phone that I would use at home sometimes (albeit it was not taken seriously, and was seen primarily as something I was doing for fun). During these times I physically could not use oral speech, my brain felt like it was preventing me from accessing my oral speech.
At around 10 my difficulty using oral speech increased, and I would have no access to oral speech for time periods of around one day to a week.
When I was 11 I had my first long period of no oral speech, which was four months. During this time I originally began using a free AAC app on a really old android tablet that barely worked. Later on my school provided me with an I-Pad that had both LAMP Words For Life and Proloquo2go on it. I used both, but mostly LAMP because my speech therapist at the time thought it would be better for my personal motor skills.
After that four months I was able to use impaired oral speech at home, but not at school, this lasted for one or two months. During this time I got an android tablet with TalkTabletPRO on it.
After this I used oral speech full time with only very short two hours long nonspeaking periods during times I was really upset (for example when my fish died), for around a year (which was extremely exhausting, because I was forcing myself, which ended up making my mental health horrible and I was terribly burnt out). I was forcing myself to use oral speech at the time because me using AAC was accepted, but treated as less than, and I was scared people would be angry with me.
When I was 12 my oral speech was slowly beginning to decline again.
Later on (maybe mid 13?) I lost all oral speech for two days, and then eventually having oral speech that was really impaired. During this time I also only had acsess to oral speech at home, and not at school. Eventually resulting in a longer fully nonspeaking period.
This continued for a very long time, and my oral speech fluctuated a lot, ranging from short nonspeaking periods to longer ones.
Where I am at currently, I have acsess to zero oral speech (outside of occasionally mumbling hard to understand words when alone as a stim, or to my gecko. These words would not be able to be understood by other people.).
I currently use the same tablet that had TalkTabletPRO on it, except I now use Avaz instead of TalkTabletPRO. Avaz works much better for me, and allows me to use the voice I want to use.
It feels like there is a wall or block in my brain that stops me from acsessing the area of my brain that oral speech is located. I can try to use oral speech, but often times it just physically will not come out at all, or it will come out but is fully incoherent and I cant even understand it. Usually it just wont come out at all, though. It is not a purposeful thing I do for comfort, I physically can not speak.
I use a few different terms to describe my speech, but I usually say I am nonspeaking, primarily nonspeaking, or situationally nonspeaking. I do not feel that the term semispeaking is fitting for me, because I am not a speaking person who loses speech when under stress. I loose oral speech under stress, yes, but also loose it for no reason, and when I loose oral speech it is not usually for short periods. I loose speech for long periods of time and when I do use oral speech it is often impaired (usually just stuttering, but sometimes it is fully incoherent or doesnt match up with what I want to say.). I am also nonspeaking most of the time, which also makes me feel that semispeaking isnt the term for me. I feel most comfortable with being called nonspeaking or primarily nonspeaking, but situationally nonspeaking is also okay. I use AAC almost full time.
My experience is different than life long nonspeakers, because I am a nonspeaking person who lost consistent speech later in life. When I say I am nonspeaking online people tend to think I am a life long nonspeaker, and I want to make it clear I am not. Whilst it is important to listen to my experiences too, it is also important to listen to the experiences of life long nonspeakers.
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