#My Nocturnal Spamton
taralen · 3 months
"My beautiful angel, I'm back home again to bother you once more. You know, I've been thinking a lot about our last conversation, but after going around in circles, I finally feel a little better. Without a doubt, I caught up and have been able to read your messages, but I see that you've been worried about me, and I apologize for not giving any signs of life. But there's something I want to ask you. After being tempted to take the call, which is, after all, my greatest fear, would you still love me knowing that I live far away from you? And that my soul may not be in tune with your world and inevitably be unaware of many things? Would you still love me despite that? Tell me, my little angel, how far can your love for someone as insignificant as me go? Because mine has crossed rivers, lakes, and mountains just to send you this little message, which, despite wanting to make it shorter, ends up being too long for its purpose."
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brennustheskeleton · 1 year
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Nocturne the mantis by Mx.Mayhem
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Absolutely massive Chanterelle doodle dump, my Grimm troupe millipede oc and her little boyfriend Burdock <3
Also spamton is here because he never leaves my brain
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phantatrix · 1 year
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I wanted to try my hand at designing a secret boss oc so here she is! Her name is Nocturne and she used to have a show that aired music videos and concerts but with the rise of the internet, it was canceled. More info about her below the cut
(This is a redraw of a silly doodle from my sketchbook. I don't think she's ever met Spamton but she has heard of him from his old Big Shot advertisements)
After discovering the truth about how no one has true freedom to decide their own fates, she's taken a supposedly apathetic attitude towards it, claiming that true freedom or the lack thereof doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
The way I see it, if jevil and spamton are at opposite ends of how they react to the truth (jevil revels in his actions don't matter and he's free from the consequences while spamton is severely depressed and wants to escape to a world where he is free), then Nocturne would fall in the middle, being neither ecstatic or depressed about it. Despite her apparent indifference, she seeks to prevent others from knowing and spreading the truth because she doesn't want others to hurt themselves or society at large with the burden she bears
I imagine her in the TV world of Chapter 3 but lowkey also considering how she could fit in a hypothetical chapter
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Every 2021 Video Game I Played Other Than My Favorite One (from best to worst)
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Get In The Car, Loser!:
Yet another winner from Christine Love. She’s a personal hero of mine and one of the most interesting and underrated creators in the indie scene, doing something new and insightful every time. It’s aggressively political, and wears its heart proudly on its sleeve. I highly recommend this to anyone who cares about the real world on the other side of the screen. It’s pc game nearly anyone with a laptop can run, it’s short, and it’s free, so you’ve no reason to not at least check it out on itch. My biggest complaint with this game is that, while very socially concious about human issues, the characters are all proud meat eaters, and there’s no option to play the game as a vegan. Seems like a weird choice in a game that takes such an overtly progressive stance on so many other issues.
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Deltarune Chapter 2:
This hardly counts, seeing as it’s but a chapter of an unfinished project. Nevertheless, this was, like chapter 1 before it, a real treat. I love seeing a genre known for mindless padding condensed so thoroughly into its essential elements, all while delivering Toby Fox’s special brand of humor. While It no longer feels as novel as his two games before it, this game also marks the first time I’ve cared to locate and defeat a Toby Fox superboss. It arised naturally from my playing the game as I wanted to, and ended up being a seemless extension of the story while also being the best part. Spamton is my dad and his story was everything I want from Toby Fox. I hope more of Deltarune will have the edgier and more frightening tone that this portion of Deltarune Chapter 2 proved he is still very capable of nailing 100%.
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Narita Boy:
I’m still playing this game. Your enjoyment is all up to how much you appreciate the aesthetic. Big ups for taking early video game culture, and depicting it as a kind of digital religion.
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Shin Megami Tensei V
Demons or no, this game is stanic by nature. A well-balanced game with beautiful aesthetics, fun controls, and a severe lack of variety. 30 hours in and you’ll still be running around re-colors of the first level, with the body count inflating regardless of any actual development in the game’s overarching plot and themes. There’s a serious lack of direction and agonizingly slow pace to the game, but the mechanics are so addictive they might have you thoughtlessly dedicating all your free time to it until finally realizing that there “ain’t no point to the game”. They should have just remade Nocturne with this visual style and traded in the overworld for V’s free-roaming sections, and they’d have had a much better game. I still recommend those interested in V check out the Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne remaster, as it was pretty darn good.
Oh, I guess i also played Monster Hunter Rise. Didn’t really like it much except as a way to kill time with old friends. More thoughts on that here.
More Importantly,
Merry Christmas, everyone.
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taralen · 3 months
"Interesting choice of song, it's Diana Ross's "It's Your Move" if I'm not mistaken. It seems like my heart has caught a quick movement. Could it be because my feelings are acknowledged, or is it giving me a heart attack? I see you're playing with this little soul to see who steals it first, hahaha. Well, okay, it seems I'll have to be a Spamton competing with many Addisons, or will I be like one of them? Well, it doesn't matter. Here, only the one who falls into your arms first will win. Because I think I'll terribly fall for your charms with these sweet games, I'm at a point where I risk losing everything if I could just know that I can make your heart beat strongly when receiving a message from me, I'll pose for you and sell a silly future just so my little angel doesn't feel alone. And don't worry, I won't ask for your [SWEET SWEET] user of [Funny] quotes because I'll be your nocturnal Spamton that you'll find in this lovely trash can. Look for me when you need me, my precious angel. With me, you'll never feel alone, as I'll hold those delicate super talented hands of yours so you can make my code tremble."
"Let your mind begin a journey through a strange and new world.
Leave behind all thoughts of the life you knew before.
Let your soul take you where you long to be!
Only then can you belong to me!
(You'll earn a little pipi's and more love messages if you can guess something out of the ordinary)"
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My initial (silly) public response:
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