#Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape
roxasxiiikeys · 6 months
MR. HOPP WANDERS THIS MANOR! | Mr Hopp's Manor Escape
My gameplay of Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape is available now! (NOTE: This was recorded a long time ago, before my PNGTuber.)
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murrayklimber · 3 months
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I Am Going to play Mr._hopp's Playhouse 2
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So I made some sketches for MHP2 that kind of go with this. I wanted to distort Mr. Hopp more as a demon, so I made him bigger and more animalistic, and drew him pulling his own music box string like how his music box plays when he’s present in the games. I based this design off a 1950s toy with a plastic face, which are my favorite type of vintage toys.
Since we don’t know what happens between Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 1 and 3, I���m just taking the lore we know so far and running with it.
I think Isabelle- the girl that the demonic entity uses as a vessel- was an orphan, just like Esther. The fan wiki page refers to the woman who seemed to take care of her as her mother, but I imagined her as a matron of an orphanage just like Beverly and the other adults were to Esther’s orphanage, back in the 1600s where I don’t even think orphanages existed we’re just going with it.
Isabelle was a curious girl, but never meant any harm. However, being a troubled orphan girl her intentions and emotions were easily twisted by the entity. But while Isabelle was a sufficient vessel, she was imperfect. She was flawed, harboring a dark side already. It corrupted her, and then used her to draw in and find a perfect soul. Controlling the three toys that had belonged to Isabelle, which were repaired and modernized before donation to the Blacklands Manor Orphanage in 1952, the entity found its next target in Esther.
Now, Esther was similar to Isabelle. Curious, mischievous but well meaning, and insecure in life, in a perfect place to be manipulated. The entity even used this, telling Esther, who was given up during WWII, with Isabelle’s voice, that she was “abandoned- just as I was.” While it’s more likely Isabelle was outright abandoned by her parents for whatever reason (perhaps believing her to be demonic in some right?), the readable page on Blacklands Manor tells us that it’s more likely all of the children there in Esther’s time lost their parents due to war or were given up as a result of it. Esther was less troubled than Isabelle, and more kind, even considering one of the biggest “bullies”, Molly, at the orphanage to be her second best friend and playing with her regularly despite her always being rude and insulting Esther. The entity likely saw Esther as a better vessel than Molly due to the mutual bullying between Molly herself and the other orphan children, mostly perpetrated by Molly. She was therefore flawed and an inferior vessel to Esther, and she and Isaac were “discarded.” (Killed, but rescued by Esther in her escape from the entity)
Despite having thought that she defeated Isabelle and the demonic entity in 1952, what Esther was unable to realize was that while it kept Isabelle after “discarding” her as Mr. Stripes and Miss Bo did to Isaac and Molly respectively, it had latched onto and infested her while she was searching to break Isabelle’s hold on the orphanage and save the kids and matrons- which, honestly, she wouldn’t have even been unjust in wanting them to remain discarded and dead, given how emotionally abusive the head of the orphanage, Miss Beverly, was and how all the other matrons simply willingly perpetuated the abuse of these fucking orphan kids. I think a part of it as that this is really all the life Esther ever knew as a child. WWII started in 1939, and given I imagined Esther as ten in 1952, if she were born in 1942 the war was already well underway and she may not have ever lived in kinder conditions. She had a good heart, but she suffered immensely and that was all she ever really knew. She was ultimately imperfect as well.
But the entity believed in her bloodline. It stayed within her, locking the part of her it had infested in her own body as a child, and waited until her guard would be down, until it could manipulate her to transfer the curse to its new victim: a little girl named Ruby, Esther’s granddaughter. Ruby grew up in a stable home, with a loving mother and father who had a strong relationship. It was everything that Isabelle and Esther had lacked. Stability, comfort, kindness to prevent them from being tainted. Ruby was a kind soul full of love and wonder.
Ruby was pure, and thus perfect.
When Esther got old and began to slip away, it influenced her to give the toys to Ruby, passing the curse onto her, and Esther was discarded the next day.
Shortly after, now that Ruby was in a position where she needed security and comfort having lost her beloved nana, the entity took action, slaughtering her parents leaving nothing behind, and making her a newly orphaned, abandoned yet untainted vessel ripe for the picking.
When Ruby escaped the house, she left Mr. Hopp there, and was brought into the back of a police car. Her neighbor had called the cops out of concern for her safety hearing screaming and pounding coming from inside. The police were armed and aiming at the door, expecting the first person to leave to be an intruder. Instead, it was a shaky, teary-eyed little girl in pink pajamas who held her hands up immediately, dropping a small bunny-eared toy slingshot.
Being the number one key witness, Ruby was questioned, but wouldn’t answer anything. “I had a bad dream,” was all she would say when asked what happened.
“How did you get the slingshot if it was just a bad dream?”
“I must’ve sleepwalked.”
“And unlocked a safe in your parents’ closet in your sleep?”
“You were terrified when you left the house. Why did you leave the house?”
“I woke up afraid.”
“When did you wake up?”
“When I stepped outside. It was cold.”
“And the whole time before that, you were dreaming.”
“What did you dream about?”
“…Mr. Hopp. He killed my parents… and my nana. And he was gonna kill me.”
“Mr. Hopp, the stuffed rabbit right behind the front door?”
“…Ruby… bad dreams don’t kill people. You say you dreamed ‘Mister Hop’ killed your mom and dad, but we need to understand how it happened outside your dream.”
“It was Mr. Hopp.”
“The rabbit toy in your dream?”
“Look, Ruby, I understand what you saw was traumatic, but your dream won’t help us. We need to understand what happened in real life, okay? You fell asleep with Mister Hop, woke up when your house was broken into, and found your parents murdered. You left when the cops came, and dropped Mister Hop off right outside the front door. Is that right?”
“Where are we wrong?”
“I never moved Mr. Hopp out of my room.”
Ruby is moved into an orphanage just like her two predecessors, but the entity has latched on to her, waiting for its chance to infest her. After all, she is the perfect vessel.
So as she’s settled into the orphanage, kids pushed away from asking her about her parents’ murder, and sent to bed to recharge so she can adjust to her new situation, she finds herself beginning to slip into something out of reality. The hands of the demon are beginning to pull her strings, forcing her into a prison outside of reality.
When she goes to bed that night, she wakes up in an old looking manor. It looks like the backdrop of the one photo her nana kept on her walls. The rest of them are of her, Ruby’s mum Jenna, and Ruby’s grandpa, a rich, caring man Ruby wishes she remembered better, but that one is different. That one looks exactly like where she is now.
It’s full of things Ruby doesn’t recognize. A song she’d heard her nana sing plays discordantly and distortedly through a phonograph, books she’s never read line the shelves in the rooms, all things that look far older than Ruby herself, or even her nana.
Even more than that, there are notes all over. Some seem to be about her, “she can never know the truth, she had been chosen, she is perfect,” but others are about someone else, “this was her favorite song, she knew, she knew all along.” And the halls are roamed by strange spirits of things that look burned to a crisp, carrying torches and pitchforks. Almost all of it seems familiar, like she should know what it all means.
And she realizes when she passes through a painfully short hall that looks just like her home and comes across a girl tied up and locked behind bars that emanate a dark aura. The girl tied up is the perfect image of Ruby’s nana Esther in the photo. Exactly as she was in 1952, when she first encountered Mr. Hopp.
Once Ruby manages to dispel the dark force keeping Esther locked and tied up, she has to help Esther, disoriented from almost seventy years hanging limp and helpless, to stand and walk properly. But she really can’t believe what she’s seeing. Even as she physically holds Esther’s hand and helps her off the ground, she can’t stop staring, and when Esther meets her eyes, Ruby can’t stop from trying to confirm whether this is real or not.
“Is it really… you? How is this possible?”
“I don’t know- why are you calling me Nana? I don’t understand-”
“Nana- Esther… it’s me, Ruby, your granddaughter! What’s going on?”
Esther’s eyes widen and her jaw begins to drop, a smile slowly beginning to spread across her face.
“I have a granddaughter?!”
Esther is overjoyed at this news and ecstatic that she got to have a family of her own. Ruby entertains this, telling her about what their family was like, which of her parents was Esther’s child, how they lived a half hour away but came to visit as much as possible, and how Jenna was always happy to see her mum, David was close to her too, and there was nothing better in the world than seeing Nana to Ruby… but it’s starting to sink on her. Esther is dead, and she’s only here because of the entity’s curse. If they manage to stop it, then Esther will disappear, and with that, Ruby will truly have nothing left. Her nana will be gone forever, as are her mum and dad already, never to come back to her. She doesn’t remember if she even got a goodnight kiss from her parents that night. If she even asked for one, or if she was embarrassed to not be a “big girl” yet. That was her last chance to tell them she loved them and she blew it.
Esther is so caught up in the euphoria of a family of her own that Ruby being overtaken by the horrible memories of the night she lost her parents and starting to cry takes her by surprise, a cold, sudden shock to the system that hits her hard as she puts two and two together, the understanding setting in like ice in her stomach.
Esther’s daughter- no, both of Ruby’s parents- are dead because of Mr. Hopp. It got away from her despite everything she did to keep it contained and it destroyed Ruby’s life entirely.
At this point, Esther doesn’t know the motive behind doing such a thing, or how the entity wants a pure vessel in a vulnerable place to be manipulated. All she knows is that despite everything she went through, the entity got out of her grasp and went after one of the most important people she ever had. And she wants to put it in its place.
The dichotomy of Esther (and Ruby) wanting to stop the entity versus Ruby having lost everything and not wanting to let go of this one fragment of her beloved nana creates an interesting conflict as well, one that is absolutely not going to be canon bc as I said I’m just taking shit and running with it but ties into my MHP3 bad ending prediction where Ruby is manipulated by the entity and taken over. Its pure, good hearted, perfect vessel, its ultimate goal complete, at the cost of dozens upon dozens of human lives thrown away like discarded toys.
I love how with vintage stuff like those toys with plastic faces you like them, while I was immediately like 😃🔥 upon reading that description lmao-
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saphira-moon-games · 1 year
I may have screamed a few times into my mic but I hope you guys enjoy regardless, link to full video below...
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serv0z · 2 years
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shesunety · 2 years
Recently, I've played Mr. Hopp's manor escape. So, I drew a fan art about it. The game is pretty cool. I got all endings on easy mode. :')
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piratethornton · 7 years
Pirates of the Clawribbean
Chapter 1: Bunnyburrow
Fandom: Zootopia
Note: Also on fanfiction.net and AO3 if that’s easier for anyone.
The territory of Bunnyburrow was a fertile region almost completely covered with farmland with a small town and port to the east. It was known as a content and humble place, which was reflected in the attitude of its population and leaders. For many generations Bunnyburrow was looked after by the Hopps family, who were well respected and managed to maintain their land's prosperity. The current Governor of Bunnyburrow, Stuart Hopps, was a busy rabbit, with his duties to his land, the Royal Court and his 276 children. One of these kits was named Judith Laverne, though the only mammal who called her that was her mother, and only if she had done something worthy of scalding.
While her siblings were happy to accept what was expected of them, Judy was always looking for something extra. She climbed every tree she could find, read every book in the library, and whenever she learned about a new activity she insisted on trying it out (even if she didn't quite excel at it). But the thing that had her attention above all else was the sea.
Her bedroom window offered her a perfect view of the ocean. Each morning she would watch the sun rise over the horizon, causing the gentle waves to glisten. Ships would glide majestically over the waters in and out of port. On days where the weather took a turn for the worse, she gazed in awe as the sea churned and lurched, lit up by the lightning streaked across the sky. She dreamt of the moment she could finally be in the middle of it.
Her obsession with the sea was largely thanks to a retired Navy captain who resided in the town. Jack Savage lived by himself in handsome townhouse near the port. Though great with age, he walked with his head held high and his back straight, offering to help mammals he came across who were struggling with shopping and regularly giving advice to ship hands when a vessel came to dock. He was polite and friendly, but was private when it came to his past. Except, of course, with the kits.
Every Friday evening Judy would make her way to the local tavern, The Carrot and Anchor, and seek out the old hare, then sit at his feet among the other children who had come to listen to his retellings of his life at sea. He spoke of the time where he had snuck aboard the Navy vessel HMS Ironhorn and worked his way up through the ranks from stowaway to captain. He made battle with pirates more times than he could count, weathered storms that even he had trembled at, and once made a daring escape from the ship of Old Davy Bones himself. It was difficult to work out which stories were true and which were embellished, as he told each and every one with both dramatic flair and complete seriousness. No matter how much truth there was in these tales, Judy was always enraptured.
It was thanks to these stories that Judy knew exactly what she wanted to be from a very young age: a naval officer. Unfortunately, there was one small problem.
"There's never been a rabbit officer," her father told her gently when she made her parents aware of her dream.
"What about Captain Savage?" Judy asked.
"Well, he's a hare," answered her mother, "and a male."
"And even then he had to force his way into the Navy," her father added, "if you believe him."
"Oh. Then I guess I just have to be the first doe rabbit officer," said Judy, brightly.
Her parents shared a look.
"It's...just not the way things are done."
As Judy grew older, she began to understand her father's words. Some jobs were meant for large mammals, others for smaller. Some things were done by males, and some by females. Occasionally there were overlaps and allowances, but only under special circumstances. The navy was dominated by large males, with the occasional female elephant or tiger who were only allowed to join if they outperformed their fellow applicants. Small mammals eager to pursue a sea-faring life would instead enlist for ships used to transport goods and animals, and this is what Judy soon tailored her ambitions towards.
Judy sought out Captain Savage after one of his Friday sessions to get as much advice as she could to achieve her dream. He was surprised but pleased to hear of her wishes, and agreed to mentor. She had regular lessons at Captain Savage's house, and learned the difference between a sloop and a cutter, how to recognise the early warnings of an incoming storm, and the trading routes favoured by merchants. These sessions always had a silent sadness, as they both knew that it would be a miracle for her to be considered to join any ship - navy, merchant or otherwise. She was still a doe rabbit, after all.
Despite this, Jack also offered her sword fighting lessons, saying she may one day get lucky and have to fend herself from a vicious pirate attack. Judy was a quick learner, and mastered the weapon in a few years. In addition, he also taught her about Navy protocol and battle tactics, subjects she devoured eagerly, and he once lamented about the injustice of her position.
"It is sad that society overlooks females and the leporidae. I hoped I had gave them cause to give a second thought, at least about the latter. Alas I am still an anomaly, one that the government would like to forget about."
As well as her sessions with Captain Savage, Judy spent time with her friend Fru Fru. The two met when Judy saved the shrew from some bullies and were close ever since. She was the daughter of the notorious Mr Big, a wealthy merchant who was suspected of underhanded dealings with pirates and smugglers. No one dared confront him of this, as he had a habit of making mammals he didn't like disappear, and his polar bear entourage was enough for several to give him a wide berth. Because of her friendship with his daughter, Judy had nothing to fear from him and he considered her practically family.
Whenever she didn't have lessons or chores, Fru Fru invited her to go shopping in the town, even if they never bought anything. It was one of the few occasions where Judy felt like a proper lady, strolling lightly through the streets, laughing merrily at some thought only the fairer sex understood. Of course, her conversations with Fru Fru would quickly turn to adventures on the high seas. While Judy spoke of her ambitions, the shrew was far more interested in the romance. She had read several books of dashing captains, pirate queens, wide-eyed youths who would search the ocean for their lost love. Judy kept saying she was above that, but couldn't help but feel a little thrill when she thought of two lovers giving in to their passions surrounded by the sea. It was certainly more exciting than her own love life.
When she was old enough to marry she caught the attention of James Buckington, a dark grey rabbit only a year older than her. His father was an important member of the Royal Court, and James was to take his place when he was ready. Every summer he would journey from his home in Zootopia to holiday in Bunnyburrow, and would constantly seek out Judy. It was obvious he was smitten with her, however he could never manage to rack up the courage to make any romantic advances. Her parents kept saying that she would have to make the first move if anything was to come of their relationship, however she could not bring herself to do it. He was a very nice rabbit, however that seemed to be all he was. After filling her head with stories of the ocean and training her hands to master a sword, the thought of marrying him was rather...stale.
"I know he seems like a...safe option," Fru Fru said as she and Judy discussed the matter on one of their walks through town, "but he does have a good position. Not to mention how handsome he is."
"He'd be perfect husband," replied Judy, exasperated. "He's so sweet, and honourable, and he's probably the only male who lets me talk about how I love the sea. But if we marry, I would have to be a noblemammal's wife, expected to sit at home, be waited on hand and foot, and help with his career. You know me. I'd die of boredom."
"Yes, I do know you," sighed Fru Fru in agreement. "At least you would see Zootopia."
"It would be amazing to live there. James has told so many wonderful things about it, but I don't know if it would be worth marriage. Besides, I don't feel anything for him. Not romantically, anyway."
"What happens if you don't get married?"
"If fate has decreed that I shall never set foot aboard a vessel, then I'll probably stay at home," answered Judy, shrugging good naturedly. "Any Hopps children that don't get married continue to help around the manor or the family farm. Maybe I'll be a governess to my younger relatives and pass on what I've learned. Hopefully they'll have more luck achieving their dreams, whatever they may be."
"Unfortunately I'm Daddy's only child, so I have to get married to continue the family line," Fru Fru huffed. "Of course, it would be easier if he didn't keep scaring away suitors. I don't think he does it on purpose, but - "
A loud crash stopped them in their tracks. They looked up and saw a very portly cheetah staring down in horror at the fruit stand he had stepped on, the squirrels who had owned it shaking their tiny fists in fury.
"I am so sorry!" He stepped back and raised his hands in a defensive position, one of them holding a large piece of parchment. "I didn't see you there! I was looking at my map! I'm sorry! I'll pay you back!"
"Are you sure of that, tubby?" shouted one of the squirrels. "You just destroyed our livelihood!"
"Everyone calm down," said Judy, who had rushed over. "I'm sure it was just an accident, and something we can fix."
"This idiot wasn't looking where he was going, and now both our stand and produce for the day are completed ruined! He should be arrested!"
"That's enough!" Judy replied, sternly. "This is a peaceful town, and all visitors have a right to a warm welcome. It is a shame what happened to your stand, but I will make sure you are compensated."
"I have money!" The cheetah grabbed his coin purse, desperate to rectify his mistake. His face fell when he examined its contents. "Err...some money."
"Just pay what you can and I'll make up the rest," piped up Fru Fru, reaching for her own purse.
"Oh, Fru. You don't have to - " began Judy.
"I want to. Every visitor has a right to a warm welcome after all," explained Fru Fru, smiling at Judy. "Besides, I would have only spent it on more dresses."
Money was given out and the two squirrels walked away, still grumbling. Once they were gone, the cheetah could not stop thanking the rabbit and shrew that had saved him.
"We were happy to help," Judy assured him. "I'm Judy and this is Fru Fru. Where are you trying to get to?"
"The Naval base," the cheetah explained. "I've been transferred here from Zootopia. The name's Benjamin Clawhauser." He smiled proudly.
"You're part of the Navy?" asked Judy, excitedly.
"Kinda. I'm don't do much sailing. I just look after the base and the paperwork. Do you happen to know where - ?"
"The base is? Of course! Follow me!" Judy bounced away towards the port.
On the way Judy bombarded Clawhauser with questions about the Navy, his role, his experiences aboard a vessel, and the cheetah answered them all, though he didn't consider any of his knowledge particularly interesting. In turn the two ladies introduced him to Bunnyburrow, pointing out the best places to shop and dine. Once they arrived at the base, a small but grand building near the docks, they helped him get settled and Judy promised that she would visit soon.
She kept her word. The next day she turned up at the base, eager to learn anything she didn't already know about the Navy. This became a daily occurrence, and Clawhauser humoured her the best he could, but eventually there was nothing new he could tell her, so instead she offered to help him in his duties. He tried to refuse, but she was insistent. He quickly learned that as soon as the rabbit had her heart set on something, there was very little that could stop her. They became very good friends, and Clawhauser promised that he would do what he could to get her on a vessel.
Judy was now a very busy rabbit, between her chores, working with Clawhauser and her continuing tutorials with Captain Savage. She relished in it, knowing that even if what she did was of no great importance, her mind and body kept growing stronger, and one day all her hard work may pay off. Then in the following summer, something else came to occupy her.
James Buckington returned, and with him came a representative of King Lionheart himself, Lady Bellweather. The ewe was the king's personal secretary, and was in charge of writing his decrees, giving out orders on his behalf and performing errands that could not be trusted with mere servants. She had written to Governor Hopps beforehand to inform him of her visit and that there was a matter of great importance to discuss. She was welcomed graciously into the manor and was introduced to several of the Hopps children before being led into the main study by Stuart Hopps, his wife and a few of their sons.
Judy sat in the drawing room, which was situated a few doors away from the study, and poured tea for James Buckington. Despite attempting to make polite conversation, she couldn't help but feel concerned; James looked decidedly guilty about something, and she recalled that Bellweather had seemed worried when she entered the Hopps home. Her mind racing about what could be going on, she kept missing what James was saying to her.
"Hmm?" She looked up at James.
"I said 'how are you keeping?'" he repeated, patiently.
"Oh! I'm doing very well," she replied. "Actually, I've started helping out at the Naval base. There's a cheetah, Mister Clawhauser, who lets me assist with his duties. It's only paperwork, of course, but now I have an even better chance of getting on a ship!"
He chuckled. "Wow. Working at the base, lessons with Savage... It's a wonder you have time to eat."
"I wouldn't do it if I knew I couldn't handle it."
He raised an eyebrow.
She rolled her eyes. "Mother makes sure I'm fed."
The two rabbits jumped at the shout. It had come from the study.
"That sounded like father." Judy got up and started to walk out the room.
"Judy, wait!" James stood up also. He had a pained expression on his face. "It may be better until after they've finished."
"What's going on, James?"
He was looking guilty again. "I shouldn't be the one to tell you."
"Tell me what?" Judy's ears swivelled as more shouting was heard from the study.
He made out to take her hand but stopped himself. "Just trust me, Judy. Please."
Though it caused her a great deal of frustration, she duly waited until the meeting was over. Lady Bellweather was very sombre as she left with James Buckington (she was staying at his summer home) and soon the reason for her visit was spread throughout the entire household.
The land that made up the Hopps personal farm apparently no longer belonged to the Hopps family. For generations it had been tended to by the Hopps and its produce sold to pay for the upkeep of the manor, however it had recently come to light that the documents pertaining to it were out of date. In the eyes of the Royal Court, the land had no owner and so was property of the King, along with the profit that had been made from all the previous harvests. In the space of one meeting, the Hopps family had almost no land and were severely in debt. Though Stuart and Bonnie Hopps had argued ferociously with Lady Bellweather about this injustice, law was law and there was no way about it. The Court offered only one solution: if they could pay £100,000 by the end of the year, their debt would be forgotten and their land given back. If not, they would face financial ruin.
"£100,000!" screamed Lucy, one of the Hopps daughters. "Do they think we have that kind of money lying around?"
"It's pocket cash to those rich toffs of the Court," replied Daniel, her brother. "You'd think they'd have enough already."
"Once you're rich it's never enough," said John, one of the eldest. "In all honesty we should be glad they're not asking for more."
"And how are we supposed to raise anything if we're not allowed to use the farm?" asked Thomas, angrily.
The chatter lasted well into the night, and most lost sleep over worrying. There didn't seem to be any answer to their problem, and for every rabbit in the manor, it was a terrifying thought.
Come morning no one could speak of nothing else. The house was fuller than usual since the family members who tended the farm stayed in and not many felt like socialising in town. Stuart and Bonnie confined themselves to the study, talking just quietly enough so the inevitable eavesdroppers could not hear. Then, about an hour after lunch, they called Judy in.
They were seated in two chairs near the unlit fireplace, looking incredibly nervous. After Judy sat down in the empty chair facing them, they both took deep breaths.
"So, um," her father started awkwardly, "how's everything going?"
"Uh, good," answered Judy, slightly confused. "I've been thinking about maybe asking Mister Clawhauser to start paying me for my work. It won't be much, but maybe it'll help with...er...you know."
"Oh, that's very thoughtful of you, Judy." Her mother smiled warmly.
"Actually, it's about the...you know...that we wanted to talk about." Stuart managed a weak smile of his own.
"Is there something I can do?"
Her parents looked at each other, nervous again.
Bonnie decided to take the plunge. "Well, you know that nice James Buckington?"
Judy raised an eyebrow. "Yes, he's a good friend of mine. Why?"
"He's very taken with you."
"Can't seem to leave your side when he's in town," Stuart added.
"And such a gentlemammal."
"With a good position."
"Very eligible."
"Financially secure."
"Wait," said Judy, stopping them. She realised where this was going. "Are you suggesting that I -"
"We don't want to force you into this," interrupted Stuart quickly. "It's just..."
"As his wife you would have access to his fortune," Bonnie continued, "and he has more than enough to help with our...predicament."
"And if we don't do something...we'll lose everything."
"This way the family will be safe, and you'll have a wonderful husband. And we'll still see each other in the summer."
"You always said how much you wanted t-to see Zootopia." Tears were forming in Stuart's eyes.
Judy looked from one parent to the other, gaping at them. "But - I -"
"You do like him, right?" asked Bonnie.
"Y-yes," stammered Judy, "but not - not like that."
"You want to marry for love," stated Bonnie, smiling. She put a hand on her husband's arm. "We understand. We truly do. It's just..."
"Sometimes things don't go our way," Stuart finished.
Judy stared at her hands. There was no way out. If she refused, the family was doomed. She couldn't let that happen.
Her mother and father let out sighs of relief, though they didn't seem any happier.
"I'll talk to James Buckington. See if I can get a proposal out of him. Though with him, easier said than done." Stuart gave a half-hearted chuckle.
"May I be excused?" Judy asked in a small voice.
"Of course, sweetie." Bonnie got up and enveloped her daughter in a loving hug. It was a few seconds before she released her, and Judy silently left the room.
She felt numb. Ignoring her siblings who immediately started pelting her with questions, she made her way to her room and collapsed on the bed. Fortunately the sisters she shared with decided she needed some space. It was a while before she managed to start crying, but when she did, it all came out. The frustration, the anger, the hopelessness. She kept asking herself what could be done, but there was nothing. Eventually she calmed down, thinking herself silly. There were plenty of mammals who were forced into arranged marriages, often between those who had never met before. At least she knew James  and was friends with him. Not many had that luxury. Besides, being married to him didn't mean she couldn't make something of herself. She would make the best of her situation, as she had always done.
She sat up and looked out the window. The sky was darkening, and she could hear her family making their way to dinner. She left the room quietly, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She thought about going to the dining room, but despite telling herself she felt better, her spirits were low. Her feet carried her to the hall, out the front door and towards town. She didn't pay attention to where she was going or to the other mammals enjoying an evening stroll; she kept her gaze on the sea, which was reflecting the last rays of the sun. Just as the first stars came out, Judy found herself at The Carrot and Anchor. She entered as she had done so many times before, and soon spotted the old hare with his usual entourage.
"I had never felt colder. It was as if my very life was draining out of me, threatening to leave me as an empty husk. It only got worse as Davy Bones stepped towards me. The pirate looked me up and down, still smoking from his pipe, and said 'I thought it was customary to throw the little ones back into the sea.' His crew laughed, but I simply stared up at him. I breathed deeply, and said back 'I am the hare who braved the Bearmuda Triangle and lived. I am the one who severed Blackmane's head from his body. I do not know yet whether you are the most fearsome adversary I will meet, but don't doubt for a moment that I am not the weakest soul you'll ever come across.' He was silent for a moment, and then he laughed. Of course he laughed, but still I felt part of my inner strength returning." Jack Savage paused and leaned back in his chair, surveying his captive audience, then glanced up and saw Judy. He frowned when he saw her face. "I think that is a good place as any to stop. I'll tell you the rest next week. Off you go." The children groaned impatiently, but obediently trudged out of the Tavern back to their homes.
Jack made his way to Judy. Age had caught up with such that he now had to use a cane. "Miss Hopps, whatever is the matter?"
They sat down at a small table in the corner and Judy told him everything. The land dispute, the debt, the marriage. During this she started crying again. Jack only listened, his frown firmly in place.
When she had finished, he stared down thoughtfully at the table, his fingers laced together under his chin. After a minute he stood up. "Follow me."
He led her out of the tavern and to his house. He took a small wooden box out of a drawer in his study and then went out into the garden where they had their sword training lessons. He placed the box on the garden table and opened it, revealing a lapin sized pistol and some bullets, neatly arranged, all lined with faded red velvet. The initials 'J.S.' were etched into the pistol's handle. Judy gazed at it in wonder.
"This served me well on many occasions," said Jack, taking the pistol and stroking it fondly. "I prefer the sword, but sometimes you need a little firepower. It's also useful if your enemy is some distance away." He loaded some bullets and faced the far wall. It was made of solid stone, and there were several cracks and dents covering it. Jack aimed the weapon at the wall, breathed deeply and fired.
There was a loud BANG! and Judy covered her ears and closed her eyes instinctively. When she opened them again she saw that a new dent had appeared in the wall, formed by the bullet wedged firmly in it. Satisfied with his work, Jack pressed the gun into Judy's hands.
He then proceeded to teach her how to hold the pistol, aim it, when to shoot, how to breathe, how to reload and anything else he deemed necessary. Once she knew the basics, he took some chalk and drew targets on the stone wall for her to shoot at. Judy had been so enthralled at learning a new skill that it wasn't until a full hour later that she asked Jack why he had decided now to show her how to use a gun.
"Whenever I feel upset about something, I find practising my shooting calms me down," he explained. "It requires focus, and let's out some aggression. Of course, different things work for different mammals, but I wanted to give you some form of power. Something you had control over."
Judy gave a small smile. "I do feel better."
"I'm sorry for what's happened to you and your family," Jack said, sitting down. "If there was anything I could do, I would, but I have neither the money or influence nowadays."
"You've done so much for me already." Judy sat in the chair next to him. "I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you. You've always made me feel so powerful."
Jack smiled at her proudly. "It has been an honour being your tutor, Judy. Whatever you decide to do in life, I know you're going to be amazing, and I couldn't be prouder."
The next day Judy made her way to the Naval base, though without the usual skip in her step. Her time with Captain Savage had kept her from getting too depressed, but she knew it would be a long time before she felt cheerful again. She was trying to figure out the best way to tell Clawhauser the news when she heard someone calling her name. She turned and saw James Buckington running down the road towards her.
"James?" she asked, concerned.
"Judy." He stopped when he reached her and suddenly looked nervous. "I - er - I spoke to your father this morning and - um - we - er  - well, I'm sorry about the business with your farm."
"You knew along," Judy stated, failing to keep a small amount of venom from her voice.
"My father and I were completely against it!" he said quickly. "We tried to convince the Court to let your family keep the land, but we were outvoted."
Judy sighed sadly. "I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't have wanted this to happen."
He nodded in response. "Um - Judy, you're father and I were talking and - er - you must know by now how I feel, and - um -" He wrung his hands together and then straightened up. He looked around at the busy mammals carrying out their daily tasks at the port. "This isn't the ideal location for this, but I must do it know before I lose courage."
Judy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew what was coming.
James cleared his throat. "Lady Judy Hopps, I would be honoured if you consented to be my wife. I would tend to your every need, and of course help out with your family's financial problems. I would make sure you want for nothing, and if ever I am required to board a vessel, I shall insist you accompany me." He smiled shyly at her.
She readied herself. "James - "
"You don't have to give your answer now," he interrupted. "All I ask for you now is to think about it. I will be travelling to Deerbrooke tomorrow, and will return in a few weeks. Maybe you'll have an answer then." He bowed, kissed her paw and left as fast as he could, his ears flaming red.
She stared at the road he had disappeared down, and couldn't help but feel slightly amused at the fact that that was the only time he had talked more than her. She sighed again. He would be good to her. She didn't love him, but she was fond of him. And he did say that he would get her on board a ship. She continued walking to the Naval base.
When she arrived Clawhauser was sitting at his desk, gazing intently at an old piece of parchment held up to his muzzle. He looked up when he saw Judy enter, and quickly rolled up the parchment and stuffed it into a back rectangular box.
"Lady Judy!" he greeted, locking the box and putting the key in his pocket. Noticing Judy's puzzled expression, he chuckled nervously. "Top secret. I'm afraid I can't tell you." Despite what he said, the way he smiled and bounced in his seat suggested he would like nothing better than to share what he knew.
Though she was curious, and could easily get the information out of him if she wanted, she pushed it out of her mind. She had other things to talk about.
"Hey, what's wrong," Clawhauser asked, seeing her sudden frown.
Judy proceeded to tell him everything. Fortunately she didn't cry this time; instead it was Clawhauser that got teary eyed. "That is so unfair. Is there anything I can do?"
"I doubt it," replied Judy. "I'm OK, really. Things are going to be very different now, but it's for the best."
The cheetah looked down at his desk sadly, then his ears pricked up as an idea struck him. "Thing is...I need to go to Zootopia in a few days to deliver this." He patted the black box. "I'll be travelling by ship, and maybe I could ask them to let you go with me. Say you're my assistant or something. We should be back before James."
Judy stared at him, her mouth agape. "You'd get me on a ship...to Zootopia?"
"I can try," he replied. "Of course, when you're...married...you'll be living there and travelling by ship anyway, but I thought that maybe you could have some fun before you're...while you're single."
Judy ran around the desk and hugged Clawhauser as far as her arms could reach around his girth. He instantly returned the embrace.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"Anytime." He pulled back and grabbed some from papers from the desk. "Right, back to work."
By the end of the next day, it was organised. Judy would accompany Mister Clawhauser on his trip to Zootopia aboard the HMS Cloverleaf, a merchant ship that occasionally ferried passengers if the price was right. Normally a Navy ship would escort mammals who worked for them, however it seemed that whatever Clawhauser had in his charge was so secret that he would be going undercover as a simple passenger who wanted to visit the capital.
Judy's parents were anxious about Judy travelling across the sea with only Clawhauser to watch over her. Unlike his daughter, Governor Hopps was not fond of the ocean and always took the longer by-land path when visiting other regions. He and Bonnie didn't offer much argument against the notion however, as they still felt horrible for pressuring Judy into marriage. Instead they gave her long lectures about being careful, doing exactly what Clawhauser and the crew told her, and not to feel ashamed if she wanted to cut the journey short and return home. Judy took this all in with a lot of eye rolling but she didn't complain. Her high spirits had returned as she joyfully packed what she thought she needed into two suitcases and reread her books about what to expect when sailing. She simply couldn't wait.
Soon enough the day arrived. The skies were clear, the wind was strong and Judy smiled brightly at the handsome three-mastered ship before her. It sat serenely in the water, just waiting to be launched. Running across the decks and riggings were several lemmings, which the entire crew was comprised of. A couple had already taken Judy's belongings onboard.
She turned back to the family members that had come to see her off. Fru Fru was also there, talking excitedly about Judy's upcoming journey and insisting that she bring back a souvenir. Once she had finished saying goodbye to the shrew, it was her family's turn.
"Remember what we told you, Judy," said her mother, fussing over Judy's dress. "Don't do anything reckless."
"The ocean is dangerous enough already without you making it worse for yourself," added her father. "It's not too late to change your mind, you know."
"I'm not changing my mind, father," replied Judy, firmly.
"And be careful in Zootopia, too," he continued. "It's easy to get lost, and there are a lot of larger animals. Wolves and bears and foxes...  Be sure to watch out for foxes."
"Father, Clawhauser is a large predator, as are most of Mr Big's servants. I'll be fine."
Governor Hopps did not look convinced. He was about to say something when Clawhauser's voice was heard from the ship.
"Lady Judy! We're almost ready!"
"OK! I'm coming!" Judy held her parents in a tight hug. "I love you. See you soon." She ran down the port towards the boarding plank, waving behind her.
Just as she reached the bottom of the plank she noticed another mammal hobbling as fast as he could towards her. The old hare's cane clacked loudly against the ground, slowing only to dodge a  small sand-coloured fox walking the other way, but the retired Captain's eyes never left Judy. He took a moment to catch his breath when he reached her, then stood up straight and smiled proudly.
"Forgive my lateness," he said. "I sometimes forget my age."
"I'm glad you came, Captain," replied Judy. "I wouldn't appreciate this moment as much if it weren't for you."
"You're going to love it, trust me." From beneath his jacket he took out a familiar wooden box. He held it out to Judy. "In case of pirates," he explained with a wink.
"Oh, I couldn't-"
"I don't want this to go to anyone else," he said firmly. "You're the closest thing I have to family, and I am passing it to you. Use it well. It's freshly loaded."
Hesitantly, she took the box in the paws, and smiled in thanks.
He bowed to her. "Lady Judy."
She saluted. "Captain Savage."
"We're about to cast off!"
Judy turned towards the voice from the ship and then back to Jack. He gestured for her to hurry up the plank and stepped back. She gave a final nod and rushed aboard the ship just before the crew took away the plank, and then found a good place to wave goodbye to the mammals she was leaving behind. The anchor was lifted, the sails unfurled and soon the HMS Cloverleaf slid smoothly out of port towards the open waters. The town gradually got smaller and smaller, disappearing over the horizon until it had gone completely.
Over the next few days Judy woke to the smell of salty air and the sound of waves lapping against the ship. She had a small but comfortable cabin all to herself, though she hardly spent any time in it. She was almost always on deck, looking out to the sea, watching the gulls fly overhead, and trying to remember the names of the cloud formations she could see. It had taken her a while to get her sea-legs, but once she found them she was eager to help out with the running of the ship. However it was soon made apparent that she wasn't wanted. The lemming crew had a specific way of handling their ship and they did not appreciate variations to their schedule. They worked like clockwork, highly organised and efficient, not bothering to call out orders to each other as they each knew their place at every second of the day. It unnerved Judy and Clawhauser to no end, and they began to memorise the lemmings' routine so they could avoid them.
Though she was over the moon about travelling across the sea, the crew's standoffishness and the fact she wasn't allowed to do anything was driving the young rabbit a little crazy. Clawhauser often found her leaning over the edge of the ship, her foot thumping furiously.
"Hi," he greeted at one of these times, standing next to her. "Lovely weather."
"Yes," agreed Judy, no enthusiasm in her voice.
He gave her a sympathetic look. "I know you're frustrated, but you don't have to work on a ship to enjoy it. And there's Zootopia to look forward to! I'll show you all the sights. The museums, the markets, the theatres... There won't be a dull moment."
Judy gave a small smile. "Thanks."
Clawhauser frowned. "Is there something else?"
"It's just...as soon as this is over...it's over."
"I wouldn't say that. Sure, you'll be getting married, but you'll still be you. You're not gonna suddenly turn into some housewife or 'genteel lady'. Anyone's who's met you knows you're more than that."
Judy's smile managed to grow to a normal size. She was about to say something when a squeaky yell was heard from the crow's nest.
"Pirates! Off the Starboard!"
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roxasxiiikeys · 1 year
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My gameplay of Mr. Hopp’s Manor Escape is now available for early access to members! If you want to watch this video early as well as all the other early access videos, then consider clicking the join button on my YouTube channel page and become a member today!
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roxasxiiikeys · 6 months
MR. HOPP WANDERS THIS MANOR! | Mr Hopp's Manor Escape
My gameplay of Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape is available now! (NOTE: This was recorded a long time ago, before my PNGTuber.)
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serv0z · 3 years
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serv0z · 2 years
No fuckign way
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serv0z · 3 years
I would say "tell me how i beat hard mode in less time and no deaths then normal" but in normal I searched for everythint qnd in hard i got the key to the gate and trapdoor and fucking LEFT
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