#MotoGP silly season 2023
waru-chan8 · 1 year
Hear my improbable-but-not-completely-improbable scenario for a 2024 when VR46 switches to Yamaha:
- Bez gets a seat in Ducati Pramac for 2024 (replacing Zarco)
- Luca gets a seat in Ducati Gresini for 2024 (replacing Diggia) = Lucalex racing team
- Franco gets the Yamaha VR46 seat with a factory bike (because Yamaha will find a way to send him away from the factory team)
- Celestino gets the other Yamaha VR46 seat
Will I might agree with this. I do not like it.
For starters, I never knew if Luca's seat in Avitia was sue to his ties with Vale and the VR46 Academy or because Vale bought the seat. Yes Luca is super talented and he deserved the spot and yes he is doing great in the Ducati, but I feel that Ducati is not very fond of him. So this year will be a do it break it.
I definitely can See Bezz or maybe even Álex moving to the Pramac seat, in the same way that I feel Franky's spot is not Yamaha. I feel Morbidelli will suit the Ducati and I can't explain why.
I definitly see Cele succeeding with the Yamaha I can't explain why, but I do know, so Icounter propose you to put Canet as his teammate. It will be chaos.
Now Luca, I would like to see him in the pnly bike he will never be allowed to be or at least according to Spanish media. Until now aggressive riders have gone to that bike, I would like someone as analytical as Luca try the Honda. Maybe is what they need, after all, the last rider to challenge Marc in a Honda was Dani and he was technical and smart
While I might agree with this. I do not like it so this is my alternative/ramblings about it
For starters, I never knew if Luca's seat in Avitia was sure to his ties with Vale and the VR46 Academy or because Vale bought the seat. Yes, Luca is super talented, and he deserved the spot and yes, he is doing great in the Ducati, but I feel that Ducati is not very fond of him. So this year will be a make it or break it for him. Or he gets the results or he is booted.
I definitely can See Bezz or maybe even Álex moving to the Pramac seat, it would be interesting who come on top. Or maybe both as Jorge moves to a factory team seat.
I feel Franky's spot is not Yamaha. I feel Morbidelli will suit the Ducati and I can't explain why, so what about Álex and Franky as teammates again? I can definitely see Cele succeeding with the Yamaha I can't explain why, but I do know, so I counter propose you to put Canet as his teammate. It will be chaos, and if Pablo Nieto is still managing this team, this will send him straight to madness.
Now Luca, I would like to see him in the only bike he will never be allowed to be or at least according to Spanish media. Until now, aggressive riders have gone to that bike, I would like someone as analytical as Luca, try the Honda. Maybe it's what they need, after all, the last rider to challenge Marc in a Honda was Dani, and he was technical and smart. But I do know this will never happen, so my only option to see him in an aggressive bike will be KTM, and I'm not sure if I ever want to see him with them, not even if it's in Tech3. Okay, maybe the only way I can accept it, it's if Vale switches from Ducati to KTM and Pablo is still the team manager to assure rider's safety.
I only trust 2 team managers in the paddock, Davide Brivio and Pablo Nieto, and one is not there, and I'm blaming him going to F1 for Suzuki's downfall.
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my one wish for motogp 2023 is that everyone will just go off like no more nice guys we need some drama bring back the mir/miller fights let them hug it out after a fistfight in park ferme. i want enea to just make the ducati garage a war zone after winning the first three races. everybody screaming bloody murder after marc even so much as looked at them. jorge martin to go on a championship tour with the confidence of an espargaro just slacking off the factory team. silly season rumors that yamaha is going to sign everyone and their mother.
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lastonthebrakes · 2 years
Hi!! It’s that one anon from a bit ago asking about the Yamaha stuff with Jorge Lorenzo. I was wondering how crazy MotoGP silly season can get? Given F1s silly season rn with Seb, Nando, and Oscar, it’s pretty crazy compared to last year. Can MotoGP get pretty crazy?? I’m assuming at least a couple of riders will lose their ride since Suzuki is leaving. Do you think anyone from Moto2 (or even moto3 since others have jumped up before) will get a ride for 2023?
hii!! so yeah silly season in motogp can get pretty crazy (depending ofc on how many seats are available) but i don't think i've ever seen anything quite like the piastri thing before lol (granted i'm still kinda tipsy so tgere might be something that's slipping my mind)
as for this year, it's been quite interesting so far, i honestly thought oliveira was gonna end up at gresini and alex rins at rnf but i was clearly Wrong lmao. i think ai ogura is the one who has the most viable chance to move up from moto2 (replacing taka) and maaaybe cele? to rnf but i think those chances are pretty slim unfortunately tbh. and def no moto3 guys, it's so so rare i mean there have only ever been 2 (thankfully, since i'm not a fan of the idea). speaking of which, i'm pretty sure darryn's gonna be left without a seat and there have been rumors about him actually going to moto2 lol. and dovi's gonna retire (again) which i think has been confirmed already.
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worldofver · 6 months
[MotoGP] Ngomongin Valencia Test
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Valencia GP udah selesai, ini artinya musim 2023 MotoGP udah beres meskipun belum resmi-resmi banget. Lalu setelah ini ada kegiatan apa? ada Valencia Test!
Tapi sebelum bener-bener bahas valencia test, kayaknya kurang afdol kalau belum bahas silly season MotoGP alias perpindahan beberapa rider ke tim baru mereka di 2024 dan bikin timeline 'gempar'—siapa lagi kalau bukan Luca, Diggia, dan Marc.
Sebagai orang yang rooting for him even tho he's not my number one *fav* rider, denger rumor Luca yang udah hampir mencapai kata sepakat sama HRC tentu bikin kaget. gimana gak kaget? dia ada di tim punya Valentino Rossi yang mana adalah kakak tirinya dan nunggangin motor terbaik di grid saat ini meskipun ketinggalan setahun, eh tiba-tiba ada rumor dia pindah. Inget banget waktu itu week race di Sepang, timeline isinya akun-akun yang bahas perihal ini meski belum dikonfirmasi secara resmi kala itu—yah gimana gak rame kalau rider yang udah dua musim naik Ducati MEMILIH PINDAH KE HONDA MUSIM DEPAN.
Memang gak ada salahnya, sih, tapi melihat Repsol Honda yang terseok-seok musim ini bikin kita bertanya-tanya soal apa alasan Luca kok mau nerima tawaran tim pabrikan asal Jepang ini? Apakah karena bayarannya langsung meroket? Ada barter juga biar motor yang bawa kakak tirinya menang waktu masih di Honda jadi milik mereka? Atau ada kesepakatan yang bener-bener nguntungin Luca sebagai seorang rider?
Well, mari kita kesampingkan bola-bola liar tersebut dan melihat ke sisi baiknya; Luca Marini, buatku, adalah pembalap yang tau apa kelebihan dia. Dari podcast 'Late on the Brakes' edisi Qatar, dia bilang sendiri kalau dia adalah pembalap yang sensitif kalau udah menyangkut motor dan bisa ngasih feedback ke engineers buat pengembangan berkelanjutan. Gak lupa juga kalau balapan buat tim pabrikan dan ngembangin motor buat menang adalah mimpi Luca—bikin aku, atau semua orang yang pingin lihat Honda keluar dari kekacauan musim ini yakin kalau mereka memilih rider yang tepat buat 2 musim ke depan.
Lanjut ke Marc Marquez, si 8 kali juara dunia yang ngumumin pindah ke Gresini Racing waktu race week Indonesia GP (eh iya gak sih?). Buat umur yang bisa dibilang gak lagi muda di dunia motorsport, ditambah dia yang ambis buat nambah gelar juara dunia bikin kepindahan Marc ke Gresini sebuah kepindahan yang bisa dibilang wajar, tapi efek dominonya jadi kemana-mana.
Ngomongin kepindahan Marc ke Gresini, Diggia yang jadi korban dari efek domino ini kelihatan nothing to lose setelah tau seat-nya bakal 'diambil'. Dari Mandalika dimana dia dapet P4 (posisi tertinggi dia selama di MotoGP), lalu dapet podium pertama dia di Philip Island, sampai akhirnya menang di Qatar tentu bikin terharu; apalagi dengan masa depan dia yang masih belum jelas di MotoGP karena sampai menjelang akhir musim belum ada info tim mana yang tanda tangan kontrak sama dia. Namun dengan Mooney VR46 Racing Team yang akhirnya ngumumin bahwa Diggia balapan buat mereka musim depan, gak lama setelah pengumuman Luca ke HRC, bikin kita sedikit tenang.
Buat Pedro Acosta, Alex Rins, atau Johann Zarco sih jujur gak banyak yang aku inget waktu diumumin bahwa mereka naik kelas/pindah tim. Tapi, men, Franco Morbidelli pindah ke Prima Pramac… sedikit sedih karena pair Franky-Fabio ini adalah pair yang chemistry-nya ciamik buatku biarpun motor Yamaha mereka di musim ini kayak badut. Namun kalau Ducati bisa bawa dia ke top 10, tawaran buat pindah ke Prima Pramac tampaknya memang lebih baik untuk diterima.
Okay, selesai bahas silly season MotoGP musim ini, mari kita bahas Valencia Test (tentunya bahas sebagai penggemar yang gak paham teknis motornya). Tapi dari mana dulu? tentu saja dari Marc Marquez yang ditunggu sama semua orang semenjak pengumuman kepindahan dia ke Gresini. Saking ditunggunya sampai depan garasi dia dipenuhin sama jurnalis dan photographer. BAHKAN PECCO YANG HABIS NYABET JUARA DUNIA GAK SERAMAI ITU GARASINYA!
Dan bener aja, setelah Marc dengan calon motornya buat musim depan keluar dari pit lane, kelihatan selama ini masalah bukan ada di diri dia, tapi dari motor sebelumnya yang bikin dia gak maksimal selama balapan (yah walaupun honda musim 2023 begitu karena ada campur tangan dia dikit). Kalau gak salah, perlu waktu 7 menit buat Marc adaptasi sama Desmo ini sebelum akhirnya masuk 10 besar selama test berlangsung—bahkan ada waktu-waktu di mana dia di posisi 3 besar, loh!
Yap, dengan Desmosedici GP23 yang bawa Pecco juara dunia buat kedua kalinya, gak kaget rasanya kalau Marc bakal masuk di jajaran riders yang fight buat gelar juara dunia musim depan.
Buat riders Ducati yang lain terlihat lebih banyak yang nyoba adaptasi atau cari lebih banyak data selama test. Franky contohnya yang kayaknya masih keliatan kagok sama Desmo24; wajar sih, apalagi setelah pake motor badut macem Yamaha. Lalu gimana sama temen satu tim barunya Franky? Jorge Martin terlihat mau cari sampai mana limit dari ini motor sampai-sampai dia jatoh 2 KALI!
Lalu di garasi VR46 Racing Team yang taun depan disponsori sama Pertamina Enduro kelihatan ok. Ngomongin sponsor baru mereka, JUJUR kepo sama livery mereka nantinya karena aku inget host MotoGP Trans7 bilang kalau Pertamina yang selama ini jualan BBM sama Pertamina Enduro beda dari segi barang yang mereka jual sehingga nantinya warna livery gak biru kayak tim di Moto2 yaitu Pertamina Mandalika SAG Team.
Bau-baunya sih warnanya bakal perpaduan merah-hitam.
Cukup bahas per-Ducati-an ini, kita beralih ke tim pabrikan Jepang dimulai dari Repsol Honda. Ngeliat Luca yang bongsor naik motor yang peruntukannya buat Marc ini tampak lucu karena doi harus ekstra buat bungkukin badan selama test—moga aja sama Honda motornya di-adjust demi kemaslahatan punggung Maro selama 2 musim. Terus gimana performa motornya? gak terlalu kelihatan wah lah ya karena mungkinnnnn dari Luca sendiri masih beradaptasi dan ngumpulin data dulu sebanyak-banyaknya. Tapi dari semua itu, yang lucu adalah wing belakang Honda YANG NUTUPIN KAMERA SEHINGGA BIKIN KITA GAK BISA LIAT APA-APA SELAMA TEST BERLANGSUNG. Sementara itu di tim satelitnya Honda, LRC, kelihatan steady walaupun Zarco sempet jatoh di test sesi sore.
Sekarang lanjut ke Yamaha. Dari Alex Rins terlihat nyantai selama test berlangsung meski ada masalah sedikit—dan lagi-lagi gak banyak yang bisa kuinget dari test dia. Sementara Fabio? Wallahi… bayangin aja kamu lagi test terus gak bisa berentiin motor kamu di turn 1, jelas sih kalau Fabio frustrasi. Huft… banyak PR yang harus Yamaha selesaiin, sih, sebelum musim 2024 dimulai.
(tapi sumpah, deh, kalau Yamaha masih gini terus kayaknya Fabio perlu pindah tim deh T___T)
Buat tim lain kayak KTM, gak tau deh livery-nya yang mereka pake di test ini bakal dipake juga di musim depan. lucu sih kayak zebra gitu, tapi kalau ditempelin sama logo/nama sponsor apakah gak terlihat sumpek dan keramean? Lihat taun depan kali, ya, bakal gimana jadinya.
Selanjutnya Aprilia, Maverick Viñales ada di urutan pertama selama test berlangsung dan bisa dibilang kuat lah ya mengingat selama Grand Prix Valencia kemaren dia dapet pole position dan nyatet record baru (meskipun penyakit mundur perlahannya belum sembuh).
Lalu gimana Tech3 dengan Pedro Acosta-nya? satu kata sih buat dia; gila! Baru juga naik kelas ke MotoGP dan ngerasain motor yang cepetnya mungkin bisa 2 kali lipat dari motor dia di Moto2 aja gaya balapan dia kayak udah balapan buat MotoGP setaun. Kalau gini rasanya gak kaget juga kalau dia bakal jadi ancaman buat riders lain di masa depan.
Akhir kata, sebagai penggemar yang baru ngikutin MotoGP musim ini, bohong kalau aku bilang musim ini bosenin karena selain balapannya (meski banyakan rider Ducati yang menang), gak dipungkiri kalau banyak balapan yang seru dan ngasih banyak plot twist (Philip Island dan Qatar contohnya) plus drama-drama silly season-nya yang gak kalah seru dan kacaunya. Gak sabar jadinya buat musim depan dan liat gimana perebutan juara dunia berlangsung.
Apakah Pecco bisa mengunci gelarnya untuk ketiga kalinya? atau Jorge Martin dengan redemption arc-nya, atau Marc Marquez yang raih gelar juara dunia bareng Gresini? Atau malah rider lain?
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f1 · 11 months
Max Verstappen accuses race director of making Formula One drivers look 'like amateurs'
Fuming Max Verstappen accuses race director Niels Wittich of making Formula One drivers look 'like amateurs' after 47 lap times were DELETED in helter-skelter qualifying session ahead of the Austrian Grand Prix By Jonathan McEvoy for MailOnline Published: 16:06 EDT, 30 June 2023 | Updated: 16:06 EDT, 30 June 2023 Max Verstappen accused race director Niels Wittich of making Formula One drivers look 'like amateurs' after he deleted 47 lap times in qualifying for the Austrian Grand Prix. Even the world champion's impressive pole position yesterday - his fourth in succession - did not stop him lashing out. Verstappen, who had four of his own times scrubbed for running wide, blasted over the radio: 'This is a joke, honestly with these track limits. F****** ridiculous.'  Speaking after beating Charles Leclerc to pole by five-hundredths of a second with Ferrari's Charles Leclerc third quickest, he continued: 'It was very silly. It made us look like amateurs with the amount of laps that were being deleted. And some of them were so marginal. 'We spoke in the briefing before about how to deal with it if it was impossible to judge - yet the laps were still getting deleted. Max Verstappen said that the stringent track limits were 'f****** ridiculous' over his radio Race director Niels Wittich was accused by the world champion of making the drivers look 'like amateurs' during Friday's qualifying session Almost every driver - including Verstappen's team-mate Sergio Perez - saw consequences 'People will say, "Well, you should have kept it in the white lines." If it is that easy you can take my car and try it, but you probably wouldn't get up to speed in time. 'Today showed that it is not easy to have a clear rule about it. In Q3 I was a bit more aware of where to put the car and not risk my lap being looked into. 'It is one of the worst tracks for it, especially towards the end, when the tyres are getting really hot and are not as agile as at the beginning of the lap. 'It is super hard to judge, particularly with the compressions.'  Mail Sport can reveal how the decision-making process works: in Geneva, a panel of five or six observers - comprising the recently formed Remote Access Operation, as F1's answer to football's VAR - watch the action live.  They have access to cameras specifically positioned at the request of the FIA - unseen on TV - to assess potential track limit breaches, among other things. They also use last year's actual gadget-laden race control desk.  They can scroll through each corner frame-by-frame. This enables them to make a visual judgment on whether all four wheels have gone over a white line - the crucial fact - and then flag up suspicious instances to race control here in Spielberg. Race director Wittich duly watches the footage and consults with his two or three senior colleagues before making the final call on any transgression. Running wide was unable to dent the Dutchman's chance of claiming his fifth Austrian Grand Prix from pole position on Sunday Perez had no such luck as the Mexican driver crashed out at Q2 for the fourth time this season An FIA spokesman said: 'If it is marginal, we give the benefit of the doubt to the driver.'  The governing body would like to put gravel around the corners - to clearly mark where the white lines end - but MotoGP, who share the track, don't want that. So drivers fudge it and officialdom scrambles. It was a diabolical day for Verstappen's Red Bull team-mate Sergio Perez: the out-of-form and confidence-shot Mexican had all his Q2 times deleted and will start tomorrow's race on the team's home track from 15th. Lando Norris will start fourth for McLaren, Lewis Hamilton and George Russell fifth and 11th for Mercedes.  Share or comment on this article: Max Verstappen accuses race director of making Formula One drivers look 'like amateurs' via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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motoweek · 2 years
Who is Honda looking to sign in 2023? We'll talk about the big-name riders on their list, along with the latest MotoGP News - and more on the podcast! Check it out!
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seaprwire · 2 years
Gosip-Gosip Panas Silly Season MotoGP 2023: Siapa yang Bakal Pindah Tim?
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MotoGP 2022 belum dimulai namun masa silly season untuk 2023 sudah dimulai. Gosip-gosip perpindahan pembalap pun mulai memanas. source https://www.bola.net/otomotif/gosip-gosip-panas-silly-season-motogp-2023-siapa-yang-bakal-pindah-tim-605dc0.html
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waru-chan8 · 7 months
Marc to DAZN:
For him Diggia was the one to get the seat, but he is okay with Luca, and it's the most likely to get it. (His name reached the box).
He conforms their good relationship, and apparently they have to put things aside (I'm guessing racing in the same category vs the Mac-Vale relationship).
Apparently Luca is going to get Marc's team and he wishes them (the team) well
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waru-chan8 · 6 months
Luca Boscoscuro just confirmed his line-up for the 2024 is the gay twinks Fermín Aldeguer and Alonso López
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waru-chan8 · 7 months
How contract negotiations are done in the MotoGP Paddock
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Don't read too much because Fermín was sad at some point, Pablo said no and then all where happy
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waru-chan8 · 10 months
Do we believe Checa reporting Bezz staying with the Mooney VR46 Racing Team?
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waru-chan8 · 7 months
Pablo Nieto just confirmed Luca is on talks with HRC and it's past first contacts. Mooney is now taking their time to decide who is going to be the replacement
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waru-chan8 · 8 months
Jorge don't fucking thing about putting Toprak on the Honda. If he leaves WSBK, then who would stop the demon's dominace?
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waru-chan8 · 6 months
Pug on Luca Marini: the contract is nearly done, but (in a couple of hours will be formalized), but he won't be announced today. They don't want to take the spotlight away from Marc.
He also refuses to say it's Luca the replacement
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waru-chan8 · 6 months
The Pruestel team can dispersar, and Xavi Artigas has got himself a spot in the Forward team.
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waru-chan8 · 9 months
The Sasaki to Correos Prepago Yamaha VR46 Team rumours better be false. I don't want him there
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