#Montreal holocaust museum
afn-4-blog · 13 days
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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At the counterprotest in front of the event in Montreal, a visibly Muslim man got hit by a driver that fled the scene. This happened a 2 minute walk away from the Holocaust Museum where the IDF soldier event is happening.
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hopefuldesolate · 6 months
im seeing a lot of people say that the genocide going on in Gaza "isn't a genocide" because the "statistics are normal for war"
first of all, whether they are or arent isn't really important for calling for a ceasefire...? ANY civilians PEOPLE being purposefully (or even accidentally) murdered is more than a valid reason to call for a ceasefire. why are you so focused on the language anyway?
second of all, what fucking statistics are you looking at?? did you think about WHY the information was given the way it was? did you stop to ask yourself what they might gain from portraying it that way?
third, genocide or not, innocent human beings, families, children, pets, and homes are being wiped off the map. stop discoursing about the language used. you're distracting from the real issue AND you're part of the fucking problem.
fourth, all of those statistics that include year and death tolls never contain the volume of murders within a given time... you can't look at the "whole thing." if you do, you overlook something. averages aren't as important as trends. looking at ANY genocide you should really take a minute to think that usually what we define as a genocide is the tail fucking end of it. so many people overlook what builds up to it.
if you need a metaphor or whatever, here: (all information in this metaphor is completely made up for the sake of explanation) (also if you don't know how to calculate averages look it up) every year 15 people die from eating apples. this has occurred for 30 years, but this year alone 7000 people were killed from eating apples. averaged out, (15x30+7000)/31 = 241. saying *on average* 241 people die from apple consumption yearly is so fucking misleading.
also?? you cant simplify a fucking genocide/war/wtv. there are people dying, they arent numbers.
oh and btw for the morons who still want to play word definition games bcuz the only genocide they know of is the Holocaust, read here: Stages of Genocide from the Montreal Holocaust Museum
thanks! remember to think critically about who you're getting your news from and what they stand to gain from you spreading it
and before anyone asks, yes im jewish
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queer-jew-writes · 1 year
An Essay on Trans Genocide
Content warnings for genocide, violence, transphobia/queerphobia, and mentions of the holocaust and CSA/child abuse
There's no question that minorities have always been the target of violence throughout history. There's no shortage of examples of minorities being targeted, both by individuals and governments as a whole, and the world has seen many genocides as a result of this kind of violence. One of the most well known and recent examples is the holocaust; the truly devastating and unforgiveable genocide that took over 11 million lives, most of which were Jewish and Roma people. As a jew myself, I still see and live with the effects of the holocaust in my own community and I believe that we will never truly recover from it. And I believe that it is the duty of all of us to make sure that the world never again sees that kind of horror. 
The Montreal Holocaust Museum released a list of the ten stages of genocide - things we should all look out for to ensure this never happens again - and here in the US we have progressed dangerously far down this list, with trans and queer people being the targets of such violence. As stated on the Holocaust Museum's website, these stages may happen in any order or concurrently.
The first stage of genocide is classification. Classification is when groups of people in power start highlighting and categorizing people based on a minority status, and employing an us vs them mentality. I believe this stage began when the controversy of trans people using public bathrooms entered the public sphere. Both individuals and politicians started believing and spreading the idea that allowing trans people, especially trans women and trans feminine people, in public bathrooms posed a risk and threat to cisgender people and children in particular. It became a very widespread belief that trans people couldn't have the right to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender without cis people losing the rights to privacy and safety in public bathrooms. Obviously this was never truly the case, but it was heavily emphasized and publicized that there was no compromise to be reached and that both groups could not have rights at the same time. This idea of having to choose one or the other is clearly using the us vs them mentality outlined in stage one.  Even now, we see states like Arkansas trying to criminalize trans people in public bathrooms, with the most recent legislation proposed that would charge all trans adults in public bathrooms with minors present with sex crimes against children.
The second stage of genocide is symbolization. Symbolization is when people are identified as being a part of a minority group and made to stand out from the rest of society with certain colors or symbolic articles of clothing. I believe this stage is much more complicated in modern times and especially in the US in these circumstances. Since sodomy laws were repealed and gay marriage was legalized nationwide, and in large part due to a culture shift especially in the workforce and professional world, queer people now feel much more comfortable and safe to experiment with fashion, gender expression outside the binary, body mods, and alternative fashion than ever before in history. A majority of modern alternative fashion subcultures also originated from early queer fashion, and these things have been culturally important to queer people for a long time. While not all queer and trans people enjoy expressing themselves this way, (and certainly not all people who enjoy these things are queer or trans), an ever growing number of us do, and all of these things stand out as a stark contrast between the christian values of a culturally christian nation. We have yet to be symbolically identified because a majority of the people pushing this genocide believe that queer and trans people can be identified by appearance alone. 
The third stage of genocide is discrimination. Discrimination is when majority groups use political power to deny the rights of minority groups. The minority groups may be denied civil rights and even citizenship in some cases. There are so many examples of queer and especially trans people facing systemic discrimination that I would need to write a whole other essay to even begin to scratch the surface of this issue. One example - and one of the fastest escalating - of this discrimination is trans people being denied healthcare and discriminated against be medical professionals. According to the National Transgender Discrimination survey, lead jointly by The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and The National Center for Transgender Equality, 1 in 5 trans people have been outright denied medical care because of their gender identity or expression (out of a sample size of 6,450 people from all 50 states and multiple US territories, with an average racial distribution compared to the US population). I am personally among this group, and was denied further testing to rule out breast cancer because of my gender identity. Dozens of bills have been introduced with the intention of banning trans people from receiving medical care, or banning insurance and doctors from covering and providing medical care to trans people. There is legislation being proposed practically every week now in different states that would forcibly detransition and deny healthcare for both trans children and trans adults, and there are already states such as Tennessee that have passed the legislation to take away access to hormones and puberty blockers, which is outright denying life saving medical care to trans people. Another example is employment discrimination, with only 23 states explicitly banning it for both queer and trans people. Trans people are routinely denied jobs because of their gender and routinely face harassment from bosses and coworkers when they are employed. This list goes on a terrifyingly long time, and dozens of new discrimination bills are being released weekly. 
The fourth stage of genocide is dehumanization. Dehumanization is when a minority group is seen as less than human, and this idea is spread through propaganda. The majority group compares the minority group to animals, insects, diseases, predators, and criminals. This propaganda and dehumanization started around the same time as the controversy of trans people using public bathrooms. It started as transphobes spreading the idea that trans people only wanted to be allowed in bathrooms because they are sexual predators who want to prey on women and children in these spaces, and it has only escalated from there. When monkeypox had an outbreak and started spreading, news outlets as well as politicians spread a propaganda similar to that spread in the 80's about HIV, calling mokeypox the new "gay disease" and talking about how it was a divine punishment for degenerates and sexual deviants. Recently, West Virginia released a bill that would criminalize trans people for even being in the vicinity of children, with the idea that trans people are so disgusting and so predatory that children even seeing them should be a criminal offence. Another sentiment that's gaining popularity is that trans and queer people are a disease that should be kept away from children and the public so that they don't infect them with their transness. Several politicians, public speakers, celebrities, and micro celebrities have said that trans people are corrupting and mutilating children, and trans people have been called a plague and an epidemic. People have surpassed just dehumanization, and are outright saying that we are an infection that needs to be wiped out for the greater good. The parallels between this and the beginning stages of the holocaust are horrifying. 
The fifth stage of genocide is organization. Organization is the stage when the state and it's military, as well as hate groups and militias start designing and planning their genocidal killings. This stage, unfortunately, is incredibly difficult to recognize during the genocide without having intimate knowledge of the government and military's plans. I do know that hate groups, such as the proud boys, have started showing up pride events heavily armed with the intention to intimidate people into hiding, and have even started coordinating and planned unsuccessful attacks on pride events. It is unclear whether they have started organizing mass killing events yet or not, and we may not know for sure until it is too late. There was also an attack where people shot the infrastructure supporting the power grid, leaving an entire city of 40,000 people without electricity to stop a drag show from taking place. These plans may already be developed or under development, but if they aren't, they will be soon as this mass extermination even progresses. 
The sixth stage of genocide is polarization. Polarization is when propaganda is employed to highlight the differences between the minority group and the majority group. Interactions between the two groups becomes discouraged or forbidden, and moderate members of the majority group that holds power are killed. I believe the polarization started even before the trans bathroom controversy, and has been one of the slowest progressing stages. This stage started when people started talking about the differences between trans and cis women, and started saying that trans women are not real women due to biological and reproductive differences. This is especially being highlighted and weaponized against trans women and trans feminine people, with the idea that biological differences make trans women a physical threat to cis women and children. A lot of the differences that are being spread as propaganda relate to queerness as a whole being in direct opposition to  christian values, and since the US is a culturally chrisitan state, these differences are seen as being in direct opposition of American values as well. The bill I mentioned earlier proposed in West Virginia that would prohibit trans people from being near children without being criminalized (including living within a certain distance from schools and daycares, working in these places, and the bill could even be interpreted to trans people's OWN children whom they have custody over) is an incredibly clear and perfect example of the beginning of the minority and majority groups being prohibited from interacting with one another. Other states have presented bills that would ban children in public schools from being exposed to anything related to gender identity in school, and this would effectively mean that trans children would no longer be allowed to attend these schools and that trans educators would no longer be allowed to be employed in these schools either. None of these bills have passed into law yet, but it is not looking hopeful. The moderate people in the majority group have not yet started being killed either, but the line of who in the moderate group is acceptable has been shifting further and further right since before Trump's presidency. People like Joe Biden (who has failed to pass any meaningful or substantial legislation protecting queer and trans people) are being called the "radical and degenerate left" and propaganda about them destroying this country and its values by not intentionally furthering this genocide have already started being widespread. 
The seventh stage of genocide is preparation. Preparation is the point at which the victims are identified, separated, and forced to publicly self identify. This is also the stage where people begin to be deported, isolated, forcibly starved, and when then death lists are drawn up. Unfortunately this stage has already begun as well. The bills being proposed in many states that would ban trans people from receiving healthcare and being near children, and the bills being proposed that would classify supporting trans children as child abuse (punishable by both prison time and the lost of custody of said children) are forcing people to flee for their lives and safety. While it is not an explicit deportation, people being forced to flee for their lives and safety, and move to very specific parts of the country, is forced separation and isolation. We have not yet been forcibly starved or forced to self identify with symbols (though, again, the majority group believes they can identify us based on appearance only, so it is unclear how this will progress), but we have already started seeing lists compiled in certain states. In Texas, for example, they have created a list of every single time someone has changed their name or gender legally in the state over the past two years, and released a statement saying that they have not yet identified the individuals on this list but have the power to should they need to do so. Florida also proposed creating a registry of all trans children in the state, but it was denied for the time being. It is unclear whether other states are keeping track of things like legal gender and name changes or a registry of trans children, but highly likely that they are. 
The eighth stage of genocide is persecution. Persecution is when the victims are identified and isolated based on their minority status. At this stage, death lists are definitively drawn up, and victims may be forced to wear identifying symbols. This is also the stage where victims property may be seized and stolen.  I don't think that we have quite reached this stage yet, as the bills that would support this have not yet passed into law. As a whole right now, we are still allowed in public, schools, and to own property and hold jobs. We are still allowed to vote and hold public office as well, (though a lot of these bills that criminalize things like living near schools, if passed, would also be used as a voter suppression tool since felons cannot legally vote and people in violation of these laws will be classified as felons). 
The ninth stage of genocide extermination. Extermination is when people are rounded up and the killing en mass begins. The majority group considers this extermination of pests and vermin because they do not see their victims as entirely human, and believe that they are ridding the world of something evil and disgusting. We have not yet entered this stage, thankfully. There are no forced labor camps, there are no ghettos for queer and trans people, and there are no death camps at this time. There is also no government or military patrols, and victims are not actively being hunted or searched for. 
The tenth stage of genocide is denial. Denial is when the perpetrators deny committing these crimes, and hide evidence and intimidate victims and witnesses. I believe this stage happens from the very beginning of every genocide and continues for years or decades after the fact. People will not admit to their role in such heinous and evil events voluntarily, especially not while these things are still progressing, and they must be held accountable by the rest of the world. 
The genocide can be stopped at any of the first nine stages, but I fear that we have already passed the point at which we can stop this genocide on our own, and we must rely on other countries to see something and do something to stop this from progressing through the last few stages. This has been a terrifying and devastating progression over the past few years and we are truly running out of time now, faster than ever before. I hope that by writing this essay and spreading the word, we can all work together to spread awareness and stop this genocide against trans and queer people before it becomes a tragedy similar in magnitude to that of the holocaust. We absolutely must start organizing within our own communities, setting up networks of mutual aid, and coming together as a community to make ourselves heard and keep each other safe. We will not be able to do this on our own, and it seems that right now our community is the only thing we truly have to help us. The time for discourse and intercommunity fighting are over. We absolutely MUST stand together right now in the face of this or we will fall alone. 
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deblala · 3 months
Canada: Muslims Shouting 'Allahu Akbar', Chanting 'Death to Israel, Death to Jews', Block Montreal Jews from Holocaust Museum Event (Video) - RAIR
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paddysnuffles · 4 months
Does what's happening in Palestine fit the steps for genocide? (Spoiler: Yes): Part 1/2
A lot of people have been taking issue with calling what Israel has been doing to Palestine a genocide, so I thought we’d go over the 10 steps experts say take place before/during a genocide and see if Israel’s actions qualify.
To be clear: I’m NOT saying that all Jewish people are complicit in Israel’s actions nor that they all agree with it. Jewish people are no more monolithic than any other group and people should be judged based on their personal beliefs and actions, not as a group. In fact, most Jews outside Israel have been speaking out AGAINST Israel's actions.
I’ll be using the Montreal Holocaust Museum’s resource on the ten stages of genocide and will link to sources for all the claims that I make (if I forget to link anything by all means remind me to fix it).
Step 1: Classification
Groups in a position of power will categorize people according to ethnicity, race, religion or nationality employing an us versus them mentality.
According to Pew Research, slightly more than half of Israelis think that Arab Israelis should be expelled from the country.
Step 2: Symbolisation
People are identified as Jews, Roma or Tutsis, etc., and made to stand out from others with certain colours or symbolic articles of clothing.
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have different colours of IDs from those of people in East Jerusalem and Israel to set them apart (those in the west have green IDs, those in the east have blue IDs.)
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Step 3: Discrimination
A dominant group uses laws, customs, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. The powerless group may not be granted full civil rights or even citizenship.
In the occupied West Bank, Palestinians must have their IDs for internal travel, due to the checkpoints interspersed within the territory. This system has drawn comparisons to laws in apartheid South Africa designed by whites to control the movement of blacks and mixed-race people and to keep them in inferior positions.
It is illegal for a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank to travel to Gaza and Jerusalem unless they have a special travel permit from Israel. Likewise, Palestinians in Gaza are forbidden from going to Jerusalem and the West Bank unless the Israeli military issues them a permit.
“Israeli law had different military orders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,” Elayyan said. “Each territory was administered by a different Israeli military commander. The point of that was to maintain the division between the two territories, to make them easier to control.”
Step 4: Dehumanisation
The diminished value of the discriminated group is communicated through propaganda. Parallels are drawn with animals, insects or diseases.
The Prime Minister of Israel tweeted from his official account that Palestinians are “the children of darkness” and implied that they were animals by saying that Israelis are fighting for “the way of humanity” whereas Palestinians are fighting for “the law of the jungle”.
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Step 5: Organisation
“A state, its army or militia design genocidal killing plans.”
This one is harder to discuss because we don’t have access to that kind of government information. That being said, however, 300 rifles were handed out tto Israeli civilians.
Make of that what you will.
Step 6: Polarisation
Propaganda is employed to amplify the differences between groups. Interactions between groups are prohibited, and the moderate members of the group in power are killed.
The Israeli government employs a tactic it calls “hasbara” in the news it puts out.
Hasbara has its roots in earlier concepts of propaganda, agitprop, and censorship.  Like them, it is communication calculated to influence cognition and behavior by manipulating perceptions of a cause or position with one-sided arguments, prejudicial substance, and emotional appeals.  Unlike its progenitors, however, hasbara does not seek merely to burnish or tarnish national images of concern to it or to supply information favorable to its theses.  It also seeks actively to inculcate canons of political correctness in domestic and foreign media and audiences that will promote self-censorship by them.  It strives thereby to decrease the willingness of audiences to consider information linked to politically unacceptable viewpoints, individuals, and groups and to inhibit the circulation of adverse information in social networks.
The “Hasbara Handbook” explains many standard techniques of propaganda and deceptive rhetoric.  It rehearses specific arguments and counter-arguments and outlines a program of training for advocacy and rebuttal.  It also stresses the importance of labeling or “name-calling” – the linking of a person or idea to a negative symbol.  The handbook places itself in a larger context.  It commends the work of “CAMERA” – the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America – an organization notorious for the viciousness of its efforts to blacken the reputations of those who criticize Israel or advance accounts of events that deviate from the official Israeli narrative by branding them as “anti-Semitic” or “self-hating Jews.”
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hkaffilates · 2 years
Why Researchers Should Ask About Sex and the Body
Why Researchers Should Ask About Sex and the Body
Recently, a group of Auschwitz survivors was asked a basic question: How did the Holocaust affect your period? Although many had previously been interviewed by the Shoah Foundation, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Montreal Holocaust Museum, nobody had ever conducted in-depth interviews with them about their menstrual cycles in the more than seven decades since they survived…
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relationstoday · 2 years
Why Researchers Should Ask About Sex and the Body
Why Researchers Should Ask About Sex and the Body
Recently, a group of Auschwitz survivors was asked a basic question: How did the Holocaust affect your period? Although many had previously been interviewed by the Shoah Foundation, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Montreal Holocaust Museum, nobody had ever conducted in-depth interviews with them about their menstrual cycles in the more than seven decades since they survived…
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devtrust · 2 years
Pokemon go live map 2019
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ĭuring the first weeks after the game's release, multiple events and gatherings organized by the players happened across the world. On the other hand, the traffic generated by the game was capitalized on by some local businesses. With the game's massive initial player base, landmarks would gather crowds of players taking advantage of the "Pokéstops" which provide player with items, to the point where certain landmarks such as the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Arlington National Cemetery explicitly requested players to not play the game within the grounds. Shortly after its release, the game went viral, breaking multiple records and being installed on millions of devices within weeks of its initial release. The game centers around catching various Pokémon creatures by navigating the in-game map based on the player's actual location and nearby landmarks. Pokémon Go (or Pokémon GO) is an augmented reality mobile game developed by Niantic Labs, based on the Pokémon franchise of Game Freak which began to release in July 2016. Ī gathering of Pokémon Go players in Düsseldorf, Germany, in August 2016 Niantic estimated that Pokémon Go live events in 2019 generated about $249 million in tourism revenue: $120 million in Chicago, $71 million in Montreal, and $56 million in Dortmund. Due to large concentrations of players all using their mobile phones in such events, the large gatherings have resulted in incidents and network disruptions, which have resulted in a lawsuit against Niantic. Player counts for the larger events range from thousands up to two million players in one event. The common repeating events are the Pokémon Go Fest held annually, the Pokémon Go Safari Zone which has been held in multiple countries, and the monthly "Community Day" events. Typically, the events involve increased in-game rewards for participating players and are often held in cooperation with local organizations or governments. Since its release in 2016, multiple real-life events and gatherings based on the augmented reality (AR) mobile game Pokémon Go have been held by its developer Niantic Labs outside of unofficial player gatherings. Real life gatherings for players of the augmented reality mobile game known as Pokemon Go
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ub-sessed · 3 years
This is a letter I have just written to my daughter's English teacher:
As my daughter told you, the current reading (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne) in your English class is extremely challenging emotionally. She was very happy that you were so responsive to what she had to say, and so am I!
I don't know how easy it is for non-Jews to understand how deeply traumatic it is for Jewish people to immerse themselves in the stories of what was done to our families, what would have been done to us if we had been there, of all the people who don't exist who should be here. My daughter says that she feels sick to her stomach every time she tries to read the book, even though she hasn't even gotten to anything bad yet. Just a scene of a little boy packing his bag was horrifying for my daughter, because even if the little boy doesn't understand what his father's new job is, my daughter does, and it's a nightmare. I know exactly how she feels, because I cry for days every time I decide to devote some time to learning more Holocaust stories.
That said, I do feel that it is important to learn about the Holocaust, because it is so fundamental to our understanding of ourselves as Jews, and of modern history, and of human nature. I decided that before my daughter does the reading, I want to make sure she is emotionally prepared, so I called the former head of the Holocaust Museum here in Montreal to find out what resources they have for kids her age. She told me that the Museum doesn't recommend that classes read this particular book: It evokes empathy for the wrong people, and in a world full of compelling true stories from actual survivors (and people like Anne Frank who didn't survive), it tells a fictional narrative that twists the truth. She also put me in touch with somebody who can help me prepare my daughter for doing her assigned reading without it being quite so traumatic (hopefully).
So this e-mail is to say that my daughter won't be doing the reading element of her homework this week, but will rather be doing it later, after we have had a chance to give her the resources necessary to cope with it.
Thank you for your understanding!
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afn-4-blog · 2 months
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I can design posters for you? AshleyNitkin.wordpress.com
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rhenvs3000 · 3 years
History - It Might Be More Important Than You Think
“It’s boring.” “I hate it.” “We just memorize facts about dead people.”
Unfortunately, history class hasn’t always had the best reputation. I mean how many times back in high school did you say at least one of those three sentences when talking about history class?
The problem is most history classes are built on memorization. Students are forced to memorize dates of events, and names of people, whose only connection to them is the 4 paragraph-insert in their textbook.
It’s a critical issue because history is important. It’s how we learn and grow. Our past is what got us where we are today and it’s what makes us who we are.
"There is no peculiar merit in ancient things, but there is merit in integrity, and integrity is what entails the keeping together of the parts of any whole, and if these parts are scattered throughout time, then the maintenance of integrity entails a knowledge, a memory, of ancient things. …. To think, feel or act as though the past is done with, is equivalent to believing that a railway station through which our train has just passed, only existed for as long as our train was in it."
This is a quote from Edwards (2007) and I can’t help but think he is trying to communicate the criticality of history interpreters and their responsibilities. Taking individual items, people, or events from a previous time and using them to connect and preserve our past is what allows interpreters to give history life, whether through costumes, museums, or even living history.
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"Living History" Image by FotoRC. Licensed under (”Pixabay License”)
Like nature interpreters, they must create an intriguing yet accurate representation of what their showing and allow visitors to connect and learn about the importance of the subject while giving it relevance (Beck et al., 2018). When we ignore history, we act as if the world is only relevant when we are on it, and this is simply not the case. The Earth has been here long before us and will be long after we're gone. Only by acknowledging our past are we able to preserve and learn from the lessons, memories, and inspirations of those before us.
For me, interpreters altered my view of history when I visited the Holocaust Museum in Montreal. I listened to a real-life Holocaust survivor tell her story of spending 5 years in a concentration camp and watched a costumed interpreter talk of a young boy who had to hide in his neighbors’ cellar, alone, for 4 years during WWII to avoid being executed. The experience was more powerful than anything I had ever felt towards history and it showed me how detrimental ignorance can be.
For all of those that suffered, don’t we owe it to honor and remember their sacrifices?
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"Stumbling Stones" by Braxamire. Licensed under (”Pixabay License”). Laid in memory of holocaust victims outside their last-known freely chosen residence (Apperly, 2019).
How can we ensure we won’t repeat the mistakes and tragedies if we forgot them? For many of us, history can seem boring and irrelevant but trust me it's more important and interesting than you may think.
If you're still not convinced I encourage you to take 3 minutes to watch this video and let me know if your perspective changed.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D.M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage for a better world. Sagamore-Venture Publishing
Apperly, E. (2019, February 18). 'Stumbling stones': A different vision of Holocaust remembrance. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/feb/18/stumbling-stones-a-different-vision-of-holocaust-remembrance.
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Up until recently, I thought the Holocaust was the only genocide in modern history. Spoiler: I was wrong. The reason I know better now is because someone told me and I was able to access resources through my university to learn more. Since not everyone has that opportunity, I am linking to as many reliable, open access resources that I can find.
(Confessions of a Hitler Youth)
(Lemkin’s word) (Museums of Human Suffering) (Hitler’s First Major Statement on Anti-Semitism) (One day in Jozefow) (Genocide: Prevention and Punishment)
Books in PDF
(Ordinary Men) (Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction) (Becoming Evil) (Ravished Armenia) (The Destruction of the European Jews)
(USHMM) (The Armenian Genocide) (USC Shoah Foundation)(Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive) (Genocide Watch) (United to End Genocide) (United Nations Human Rights) (Genocide Archive of Rwanda) (Yad Vashem) (Holocaust Educational Foundation) (Holocaust Educational Trust) (Fortunoff Video Archive) (Voices of the Holocaust) (Avalon Project) (Nuremberg Trials Project) (Simon Wiesenthal Center) (Facing History) (Roma Sinti Genocide) (Jewish Foundation for the righteous) (Yale Genocide Education Program) (Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights) (Human Rights Watch) (International Association of Genocide Scholars) (International Criminal Court) (Amnesty International) (International Crisis Group) (Armenian National Institute) (Midwest Center for Holocaust Education) (Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center) (Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre) (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) (Wiener Holocaust Library) (YIVO Institute for Jewish Research) (JDC Archives) (Museum of Jewish Heritage) (Museum of Tolerance)
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mtlway · 6 years
Free Montreal Museum Sundays are Now a Thing!
Free Montreal Museum Sundays are Now a Thing!
Quebec residents get ready! Since this summer, you now have a free pass to museums on particular days. The FREE Montreal Museum Sundays happens every 1st Sunday of each month! 
This is all thanks to Quebec’s provincial government. They will invest $5 million over five years to accommodate the free entry Sundays. So, we’re in luck.
Venues Participating in the FREE Montreal Museum Sundays:
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Starting June 3, Quebec residents will have free access to museums across the province on the first Sunday of each month.
The provincial government has pledged to invest $5 million over the next five years to make the free-entry days possible.
In Montreal, seven museums will be participating:
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal.
Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Montreal Holocaust Museum.
McCord Museum.
Musée des maîtres et artisans du Québec.
Écomusée de la maison du fier monde.​
In Quebec City, the Musée de la civilisation and the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec will be participating, among others.
Continue Reading.
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