#Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien-
thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20 - Part 5
Benefit Of The Doubt
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As always, thanks to @borealwrites for their amazing Monster March 2024 Prompt List!
before she left and came to the Royal Coop to see Queen Kat inside playing with the chicks Queen Kai’s chickens had laid and had just hatched only days before Kat took over. 
“Oh, I see you’re recovered and have hopefully gotten a chance to catch up with what has happened since you’ve been recuperating.” Queen Kat tried to greet Hazi as sweetly as she could muster. 
“I missed out on quite a bit. I am still adjusting Isthantari.” Hazi offered as she slowly approached the Queen since Queen Kat had invited her to join her and sit beside her on the bench in the coop. 
“Could you please, just use my name? Isthantari is so…impersonal.” Kat requested hopefully. 
“Your Majesty…” Hazi tried to counter. 
“Please, enough Hazi. Please? I’m…I’m sorry. I’m really, really, truly and honestly sorry for the way I came in and treated you. I didn’t know what I was walking into when I was coming in here a week ago. And…I just…I need you Hazi. I need you to help me. I need your help with…everything. Especially since you alone seem to be the only one to have everything all figured out. And while the Hive ran smoothly while you rested and recovered, because you had amazing protocols in place. Everyone else has been at a loss, especially me. I treated you like an enemy, when I should have treated you the way you tried to treat me- like a friend and an ally. And I’m so sorry I hastily came to the absolute wrong conclusions about you at first. I’ve since been learning just how wrong I was.” Kat turned and pleaded with Hazi with tears starting to fill her eyes since Queens actually had the ability to cry. 
“I know that I’m not what you or anyone else expected. And I know I’m barely old enough to leave an incubation cell. And because of an emergency situation everything was rushed and I can’t undo what I’ve already done. But…but I don’t want to fail. I don’t want to lose…everything. I don’t…I don’t want to lose myself in all of this. I know a Queen’s only purpose is to control Her Hive. But this Hive is…it’s its own…thing.” Kat said as she curled in on herself and just continued to pet the little chicks in her cupped lower hands with her upper hands as once again, Hazi was struck by just how small she still was. Like any other child of any other race, forced to wear a crown placed onto their heads by others- years before they were meant to. As she started to see- the truth of the situation. 
“Let’s talk.” Hazi invited before she simply reached out to touch Queen Kat’s forearm as the two immediately linked up to create their own private bubble, a miniature private network, just the two of them. 
“Ok, talk to me. This is a safe space. I’m not going to judge you as long as you don’t judge me or other members of the hive. I will be as honest with you as you are with me. But this is strictly for communications to build trust between us, not an investigation that will be met with consequences ok? Deal?” Hazi asked. 
“Yes! Deal, done deal, please. This is what I’ve been waiting all week for is just this with just you!” Kat readily and immediately agreed. 
“Ok. I just learned that you practically hatched only seconds before you took over the Hive. That must have been quite the feat for you. You got the message that the largest Hive in the Quadrant, much less, the galaxy, was about to fall and you were called from the homeworld years before you were ever supposed to. And then you get here, and you find that it’s not nearly the “emergency” it was talked up to be. And the very one who urged you to come, had vanished without any answers once you got here. And then it took a few days for him to be found and for you to finally get some answers to your questions that you had to live with and no doubt wrestle with while he was gone.” Hazi invited, taking Jaxx’s advice. Since he was the most removed and objective about this from his unique perspective on this whole thing as she sensed Kat’s surprising desperation and earnest genuine nature. 
“Yes! Thank you! That’s exactly it! I have had nothing but questions that the Hive Mind, nor anyone else can even hope to answer. And when I did get some answers, they were…anticlimactic and so unsatisfying and if anything- only sparked new questions that I don’t think anyone, let alone, any Hive Mind, let alone a Super Hive Mind could have answered.” Kat complained as Hazi gave her a sympathetic look. 
“Ok, so what other questions do you have that you still need answers to?” Hazi invited. 
“Why are private Isthantari’s a thing? Like…why would anyone who isn’t Jika, want to isth with us?” Kat asked as Hazi noticed Kat’s disgust at the very notion of isthing. 
“From what I’ve gathered, because I have no experience with it myself yet, but when I communed with the former unmated consorts right before coming here, it’s about relationship dynamics. To Queens, Consorts live to serve you. But, usually, most other Queens, only view other Consorts as walking sperm banks and barely tolerate their presence. And because unmated Consorts have higher brain function and personalities unique to them. They are attracted to the idea of having a life partner who is just as intelligent as they are, and just as nurturing, kind, loving, caring, compassionate, empathetic and sympathetic that they are but have all of those qualities mirrored back to them. And they like the idea of monogamy with such an individual to mirror such things back at them. Which for the inhabitants of earth- is a really big deal and just about every living thing on that planet with a higher brain- lives for and pursues their whole lives and we’ve been here long enough and integrated ourselves into the culture enough, that’s it’s rubbed off on the local population. But now that you’re here, you have the power to stop that if you don’t like that.” Hazi offered honestly. 
“No, I don’t want to stop it! I…I find myself wanting the same exact thing. In fact, that’s why I chose the consort I did when I first exited the incubation cell on our ship. But then…Kit…he changed once he did isth with me. And the Kit I had grown to love and admire in stasis in the cell, was just…gone…once I isthed with him. And…I’m terrified the same thing is going to happen to all of my other Consorts. And…I like them too much as they are and I like my current relationships with them as they are right now- to do that to them. But…But Kit was supposed to be so different and so special and he was my favorite out of all of them. And then, one moment we were finally becoming one and then, the next moment, there was me and only me and he was just…gone. I can’t explain it outside of that.” Kat explained with more tears of worry and regret and sorrow and loss. 
“Ah. I see. Yeah, that’s…that’s probably why Queens only isth with their second favorites. But keep their true favorites “unmated” to a degree but keep them as personal guards and personal caretakers otherwise. And both enjoy the closeness but deny themselves from truly finishing the process, just to keep their Consorts intact mentally.” Hazi revealed. 
“Why didn’t anyone tell me that sooner?! You’re the only one who knew that then! None of the other Queens said a word about any of that! If I had known that, I would have picked anyone else other than Kit.” Kat complained. 
“I don’t know. You should have been told about that. Usually that’s told by the queen to her daughters once they are hatched. But because you didn’t have that. Reverend Mother must not have included that detail with your instructions because in the grand scheme of things, it’s a non necessary detail as far as a Queen taking over a Hive. But, I do have a way to bring back another Kit, if you miss him that badly.” Hazi began. 
“How?” Kat asked, both relieved and in awe that Hazi would know of a solution. 
“Message the Reverend Mother, tell her anything you want to tell her to justify your request, but simply request to have Kit’s father re-impregnate her with another set of Kit- Super Consorts. Have all of them sent here. Granted, you will have to wait for them to fully incubate and hatch. So you’ll need to learn to be patient. But hopefully, they will be worth the wait, and here’s why.” Hazi began as Kat turned to face her completely and put the chicks down to hold her hands with her own. 
“Each sperm and each egg make it’s own unique individual, but you can have someone who is the same genetically and hopefully similar enough in personality to be like a new version of Kit. Jaxx knows your disappointment with Kit’s change. And he is working on- what I can gather is an inhibitor to keep that mental change from happening once you fully isth. However, that means, that should any of your Royal Consorts displease you from here on out. You can not dispose of him the one way you have to dispose of a Consort once chosen. That once he displeases you or does anything that would endanger the hive, there is no way to get rid of him while still preserving his genome. Would you be willing to do that? And then, be willing to wait for your new batch of Kits?” Jazi asked. 
“I would.” Kat readily agreed with an adamant shake of her head yes.  
“We will do our best. I’ll even use the Royal Nursery to do it too.” Hazi urged. 
“Ok. well, just in case that doesn’t work and none of the new Kits are what you want and are not the replica of the Kit you love. The only other way to bring him back is to reanimate him, and then put him back into incubation to regrow what he lost. It’s been done before. But that process is just as lengthy and honestly, the chances of him making a full recovery to be fully what he once was- are about 50/50. So not horrible odds, but not great either. Inhabitants of Earth also have to deal with this. When people down there go into a coma, they don’t always wake up the same person. It would be the same thing. But it takes the same amount of time either way. There is no quick and easy fix.” Hazi specified.
“Can we try both? I feel like we should try both, just in case.” Kat urged. 
“Thank you.” Kat thanked her as she hugged her tightly. 
“You’re welcome.” Hazi offered as she hugged Kat, marveling at the still so small and so young Queen in her arms and wondered if this was what her mentor had done or felt with Kai a generation before. 
“I feel like you’re this…big sister or like an aunt or…even a second mother to me.” Kat confessed. 
“Aww, well if that’s what you need me to be. I can definitely do that. But please don’t forget Kat, that you are still the Queen. You may be young, but that only means that you’re that much more adaptable and able to learn that much better. Yes there will be growing pains but we will get there by going through this, day after day. I know you feel like you got off to a bad start. But you didn’t. It’s not to late to save this. Sure your ascension was a bit rushed and a few things can get lost in translation. But we are both new to this. Let’s give ourselves and each other patience and grace with this. Ok? Just take it one day at a time.” Hazi gently urged as she hugged Queen Kat and gently pet her fur to soothe her, the same way she had done with the other nursery drones when they were hatching and learning the Nest and The Comb and would get overwhelmed. 
“Could you please stop thinking that everything is a trap? And that anyone is out to kill you or your sisters? That’s not the case at all. Like, I am a little jealous that they seem to have all their shit together and are already not just with the program but are the program. And I know that I’m the Queen and I’m supposed to have all of my shit together already, but I don’t. Honestly, I feel like I’m just barely holding onto the edges and that at any moment, everything is going to tear apart. I just…It’s so loud here. The Hive Mind is just…it’s so big and loud. It makes me want to shrink back and isolate myself just so I can hear myself think. But I can’t hush the Hive Mind because then everything stops. And we can’t afford to have everything stop. That’s why I like my private networks, I have one that’s just for me. That’s my own personal quiet place. Where the only thoughts I hear, are my own and only my own and no one else's.” Queen Kat admitted as she curled in on Hazi and leaned into Hazi’s sweet, soothing strokes of her head and body and down her back and arms and even down her little wings. 
“Yeah. I get that. Well, now that you are a Super Queen. I’ll have your Super Consorts help me to restructure the Hive Mind so that it’s more orderly instead of everything all at once, because that’s what Kai liked, she liked the cacophony of sound because to her- the great volume meant great success. Even though you are finding how untrue that is. Usually Queens are grateful for the Consorts not having much mentally so that she can focus more singularly on the Hive and Hive Mind without distractions. But for you, you get to be different. This is your Hive now. And your Hive Mind. You get to have it however you want it to be. If you want it quieter and more organized, we can insulate you from all the nonessential noise and put back up all the barriers that Kai tore down because she liked the transparency. But you don’t need it. This is your Hive. No one would dare deceive it or try anything. You can trust the Hive to stay Your Hive, no need to micromanage it the way Kai liked to.” Hazi offered as she cupped Queen Kat’s cheek the same way any mother would to a smaller child. 
“Why do you think we all have our own private communication networks? Because we couldn’t stand the cacophony either.” Hazi whispered in Kat’s ear which got Kat to snicker a laugh. 
“Besides. I think it’s a wonderful thing that you actually like your Consorts just the way they are, and don’t want them to lose their own distinct voices and personalities. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Fuck everyone else’s expectations. What do you want for yourself? What kind of Queen do you want to be? Before you were given this call to come to this Hive, what did you wish you could have in a Hive? Because that’s what you should strive for and make for yourself. If you want camaraderie from your Consorts, both mated and unmated, you should have that. And if you want a sisterhood like I do, I’ll try my best to help with that too. But while I can give you a measure of that, the fact remains- is that you are still the Queen. And you can only stop being the Queen once you have a daughter of your own who is ready and willing and able to take your place. And while you have the final decision to make, doesn’t mean that you should only have one option to choose. If you want an over abundance of options and ways to change and improve things as you grow and as you see what works and what doesn’t work, keep your options open. And realize that you can change your mind too, and that’s ok and I encourage you to do reevaluate your decisions from time to time as you grow and change too. With little to no explanation either. While perfection is always the goal- no one is perfect. Not even you. Even as Super as you are. Sorry kid.” Hazi gently consoled her as Queen Kat laughed at the gentle jab got recomposed and wiped the precious few tears from her eyes. 
“Are you sure?” Queen Kat still felt the need to question. 
“Like it’s an ocean of fluff and spikes and you’re drowning?” Hazi supplied. 
“Yup. Positive. Let me guess, you haven’t been sleeping well either all week? Miss your cozy cell?” Hazi suggested.
“Yes! Like my Super Consorts already spun me a bed like Nest and it’s big enough for all of us. But I feel…” Queen Kat admitted. 
“Yes! Is that normal?” Kat asked hopefully. 
“Oh yeah. Even drones will align themselves as if they’re back in the comb cells even in an open space. Like, you can just look at them, and it’s as if they never left those honeycombed cells.” Hazi insisted before Hazi combed through her memories to share with Queen Kat, like sharing old photographs as Queen Kat and her shared a couple of hours just sitting in the coop, physically petting chickens while mentally, Hazi was sharing pictures. 
“I’m sorry if I stole your royal jelly from Klip.” Hazi murmured after a while. 
“Oh ppfffbbb, don’t be. Klip’s my ‘let’s take a minute and explore all our options’ and I still don’t have the patience for that. Kit was my ‘get it done, got it done’ guy.” Kat waived off as she looked at the memories like they were pictures and appreciated that Hazi took the time to capture them in the first place. 
“Slow pokes.” Hazi teased which got Queen Kat to erupt into a bright laugh. 
“And you like immediate results.” Hazi gathered.
“Well…I thought I did. But the “results” I’ve gotten this week has proved that there is such a thing as ‘too hasty’ in dealing with everyone outside of the Hive.” Queen Kat sighed with a wince and a grimace.  
“I know right? Why can’t everyone just be quick and efficient?” Queen Kat practically stuck her tongue out playfully which got them both to laugh. 
“But you and this was definitely worth waiting for.” Kat added, a bit more seriously as she appreciated the pictures of Hazi with her sisters. 
“Sorry to keep you waiting as long as I did.” Hazi offered. 
“Well, your sisters look to you to lead the way. I take it you were farther along in incubation than they all were? Is that why you’re a natural leader?” She asked. 
“It is. I was actually in the beginning of the programming phase. And Gadi saved not only everyone through that entire phase but even my sisters who passed it. And even got the order to make eggs for themselves. And they were always arguing with how things should go and how things should be done. And then, when Kai went to “punish” her mated consorts, they grew to like it. To the point that the Consorts preferred those sisters to her. Kai of course, could not tolerate it, and out of jealousy, killed two of the five that had been saved and attempted to finish as Nursery Drones, which, didn’t take the change really. They were too interested in bossing the other drones around rather than being nurturing to the actual larvae and pupae and drones once they did hatch. Worst Middle Managers ever. And it was a relief when they were killed. It was hidden under the chatter of the hive. That’s the real reason why Kai wanted to hear everything.” Hazi recounted as Kat listened attentively and frowned at that. 
“But then, when the remaining three, ended up naturally developing the eggs themselves. Then they grew pregnant. And Kai really wouldn’t tolerate them then. Then all of us were rounded up and inspected to see if any of us had any eggs or even the beginning follicles for eggs. And if they were found, they were surgically removed. Half of my sisters died in surgery just getting the very follicles removed, so that, not under any circumstances would there ever be a fertilized egg that didn’t belong to the Queen. That’s why there’s barely a dozen of us left. There had been over four dozen when we were first saved and the generation before us, died from exhaustion saving even us. Which, I knew mere minutes before you came that you were coming and I had to shut off the Queen’s feed from the Hive Nest, just so she wouldn’t kill me for trying to save her children.” Hazi revealed. 
“Maybe by then, the thought of isthing won’t be as…disgusting as it seems to be right now.” Queen Kat offered. 
“Is that why you left all the Princesses who were past that stage, alone? Because you didn’t want the past repeating itself?” Kat realized.
“Yes. I couldn’t endanger the vast majority of the younger sisters, just to save a few of the older ones. That, and you don’t need any challenge to your authority over the Hive. You are a Super Queen. You should never have to deal with a usurper the way normal Queens do. Besides, at least with saving the ones I did, at the stages I did. I still ensured that for now, Queen Kai’s body is the only one laying fertile eggs. And because I removed the phallus’. You officially have about a year, before you would need to be up to breeding size and up to laying your own eggs. Which is perfectly possible and doable, granted, you may have to start eating really fatty and protien rich foods to get up to that size. And then once you fully replace her in every single sense. Then you will still be the only female to have fertile eggs. You as the Queen, the way it’s meant to be. And you won’t have to worry about any of them secretly trying to take over the hive from within either, because none of them were ever programmed to. Even when some of us are more than our programming.” Hazi offered. 
“I’m sure it won’t. Because you are so small, it probably hurt like hell.” Hazi mused. 
“It did! And on one hand, it felt natural in a way. But in another, it didn’t, because he was so, so big. I felt like he wore my canal and my entire abdomen like a sleeve.” Kat murmured with a sour expression. 
“Ouch. I’ve never isthed, so I have no idea either way. Kai respected me too much to ever order any consort that didn’t please her perfectly to order it for me. She was insistent that I had much better things to do with my time, she thought isthing was a waste of time and only ever did it with her mated consorts once to capture their genetalia and then never again, she thought of isthing as a punishment and a waste of time and energy for her.” Hazi admitted. 
“Well, from where I sit, you’re not missing much. Although, for my Consorts, it’s like, they have an itch that I can’t scratch and to get it scratched feels good? I guess? But then they just get itchier and itchier and need more and more scratching and yuck!” Kat tried to illustrate before she made a disgusted face and mock gagged and shivered.  
“And for you, it was ‘I came, I saw, I’ve moved on, I don’t need or want that itch to ever get scratched any time soon and I’m gonna avoid anything and everything that could possibly itch me’?” Hazi guessed. 
“Yes! That’s exactly it.” Queen Kat offered. 
“Ok. Well, obviously, if my sisters are consenting and are obviously can isth, but can’t do the full isth- and tari. Because they lack both the hardware and software for it, if you catch my drift.” Hazi delicately explained. 
“Yes I do.” Kat nodded. 
“Well maybe as you age, and grow and mature you might think differently. But for now, if that’s the way you feel, you can keep your Royal Consorts at arm’s length or hell, arms and wing’s lengths. And maybe by the time Reverend Mother sends you that batch of Kits. And we get your Kit into incubation and once they all finish incubating and hatch- you might feel differently.” Hazi suggested. 
“Doubt it, but maybe.” Kat shrugged. 
“Well, if the thought if Isthing is really that disgusting to you. You could always use my freely consenting sisters as funnels.” Hazi offered. 
“Funnels?” Kat repeated in confusion. 
“Ok, so I don’t know if you know Nursery Drone anatomy, but our abdomens, where we have a canal to isth. Instead of having eggs or follicles, which feels like bumps- according to the Consorts who Isthed with my late sisters. The insides are smooth. And that chamber looks like a funnel to collect misbehaving Consort seed. And when and if that Consort re-earns respect and trust- to re-enter her good graces, but is already too tired from having to isth with a Nursery Drone- the Nursery Drone puts her abdomen up to yours and simply drains the contents into you. It’s like refilling a drinking glass. And it’s as impersonal as that act of service normally is anyway.” Hazi explained before she brought up the scans that had been done on her and her sisters before and after the surgeries. 
“Oh I see! It’s shaped like a funnel! Oh, that would be so much better. That way, their seed really doesn’t go to waste, we still preserve their genetics, but without the messiness of isthing.” Kat realized as she beamed a happy smile at the news and revelations before she hopped up and kissed Hazi on the cheek. 
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is the best news yet! And this way, my consorts get to stay my platonic friends, I get to gain more friends with you and your sisters. And everyone’s happy and yet the Hive doesn’t collapse. And all that needs to happen is they can funnel into me as needed or wanted. Which, I don’t or won’t need any of it- for at least a year or hopefully two, maybe three if I can get away with it, or more! Who knows right?! They can dispose of it as they see fit for now. Because I want to give Klip’s seed every chance I can. And I don’t want any other seed but his- in me for the time being at least.” Kat insisted. 
“Yes Ma’am.” Hazi chuckled as she removed the scans before they left the private network before Kat got to her feet and grabbed Hazi’s head and kissed her all over her head. 
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You’re the best! I gotta go call Mom!” She cheered happily as she gave Hazi her own Super Codes to do as she wanted and needed before she flew out the Royal Coop to go and contact their Reverend Mother to request a whole batch of Kits.
Hazi could only laugh and shake her head as she pet the other chicks and chickens before she got up and dusted herself off and then got the chicken’s a treat block and the chicks a batch of wax worm grubs to snack on. 
“Name it.” He invited before she pulled him into their private network to have this conversation. 
“So? How’d it go?” Jaxx asked as he came into the coop with her.
“It went really well. You were right. She needed the benefit of the doubt. She misjudged me and I misjudged her at first. It’s not nearly as dire as I thought it was going to be. Poor thing is just young and inexperienced and has the whole world trying to weigh on her little shoulders. She just needs a few braces and to build up some strength to bear it all. But I’m gonna need your help with a few things.” She offered. 
“First- inhibitors for the Super Consorts so that- if they do fully isth with her, they remain mentally intact and have no atrophy. Also, I’m gonna need for you to help them grow a second pair of phalluses and gonads.” She instructed. 
“A pair for Kat and a pair for…whoever?” Jaxx guessed. 
“Yes. Second- her Super Consort- Kit, the only one she isthed with- where is he?” She asked. 
“Still on their transport ship, in her cell that she was incubated in- in stasis.” He answered. 
“He will need to be moved to the Royal Comb. I’m gonna have to work with the Incubator Protocols to try to restore him to who and what he was right before isthing with her. If I fail, the only safety net I have- is if Reverend Mother- will send Kat a whole new batch of Kits that we can fully incubate here, hopefully one or any or at best- all of them are replicas of what he was. But I fully know my chances and odds of that happening.” Hazi explained. 
“Ok, what else?” He asked. 
“Continue with your work to cement her pheromones and the pheromones of her daughters so that no one can usurp her or her legacy or dynasty. Unless a Reverend Mother comes here herself to oust her and replace her- which we are no where close to needing or wanting that- otherwise- I want her to give her every chance to succeed that I can. She was thrust as unwitting into this as we were. But she is literally only a week old and we met when she was only minutes old. I don’t know if you remember- but I remember how bad I was at everything at  her age. You were right, we need to give her and ourselves and everyone else patience and grace. She is doing better than anyone else could have- given these circumstances. I know if I was in her wings, I would have probably thought and reacted the way she did, if not worse. I will need Jaxon and Sable’s help to help Kat get up to size.” She decided. 
“Done.” Jaxx answered with a nod. 
“And then- I’m gonna need introductions to every single private- non-jika Isthantari. All I want is to meet them and get to know them on some kind of friendly-personal level. And then once Kat proves that she doesn’t mean me, my sisters or the other private Isthantari’s any harm- then we can work on being friends and maybe something like sisters some day. But what I really don’t want to happen is for all of us to get used to this as our new normal and then for her to wake up one day- all grown up and want to change things back- at the peril of everyone else.” She murmured. 
“I understand.” He nodded. 
“Next, I want to make sure that my sisters are ready and willing to be funnels. Because Kat is so young, and psychologically immature, she’s averse to isthing. She’s still too small and fragile for it. I’m surprised Kit didn’t accidentally kill her- isthing with her. When I brought up funneling, Kat was delighted and overjoyed that it was possible for her to be pregnant without isthing. That’s how averse she is. And I know these Royal Consorts are ready and eager to ‘lay all their pipe’ as soon as possible.” She muttered under her breath as Jaxx snort a laugh. 
“Yeah, you can say that again.” Jaxx nodded. 
“What am I not seeing?” Hazi asked him, knowing that he would be mindful to remind her of things- her already overwhelmed brain was probably forgetting. 
“Did she tell you what kind of personality Klip had?” He asked. 
“Only if they don’t all fall in lust with me too.” Hazi muttered. 
“Yeah, she told me he was her- ‘get it done, got it done’ guy.” Hazi answered.
“Well, that tracks. But you should also know that only reason we’re all alive is because of Klip. Because he’s the opposite of that. I think if we resurrect Kit- he may push her to act before thinking. I think Klip needs to have at least a few of his own copies sent with a whole batch of Kits. Just to even things out and Kat doesn’t regress in her progress.” Jaxx suggested. 
“Why do you hate him?” Jaxx asked. 
“I don’t…I don’t hate him. I just don’t trust him.” Hazi answered. 
“Has he done anything to betray your trust?” He asked. 
“Not…yes and no. He’s made his interest in me too apparent and it’s just plain unnatural. I was never put into the part of programming where isthing would have been a pleasurable experience. And I still remember how Gabi warned all of us that isthing was always dangerous to us, and dangerous to the Consorts. I know for you- my sisters death seems like a lifetime ago. But…It was practically burned into my memory. I don’t wish for anything like that to ever repeat.” She shuddered at the memory as Jaxx practically got a repeat of it himself through the private network. 
“Well, speaking of repeats. Do you still want Little Stubborn to be cued up? Just in case?” He asked. 
“Yes. I don’t care what we have to do to hide her in plain sight. But we need safety nets, just in case. And if Kat ever reverses this, and ends up becoming our worst nightmares, I’d rather not have to call back to the home world to have any, let alone our Reverend Mother bring in another Super Queen or whatever. Because none of us would survive that. We barely survived this.” She offered after she made sure that there was no way for this conversation to ever be recorded in this private network. 
“Consider it done.” Jaxx nodded. 
“Thanks.” She grinned as she mentally just hugged his arm for a moment before she let go and then stepped out of the private network to go and get ready to receive Kit’s body in the Royal Comb because she got messaged that it would be arriving shortly.
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borealwrites · 4 months
It’s better late than never, amiright?
Nobody asked for it, but here it is anyway. The prompt list for 2024’s Monster March!
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The collection for Monster March can be found here! There aren’t many rules, but please give them a look over. The collection will be open starting today, but works won’t be accepted until March 1st. I’m so excited to see what everyone will do!
Plaintext list under the cut
1. Robot/Android/Cyborg/Automaton
2. Dragon
3. Extradimensional Being
4. Humanoid Animal (i.e. Tabaxi, Kenku, Dragonborn)
5. Taurs (i.e. Cervitaur, Centaur)
6. Doppelgänger
7. Succubus/Incubus/Concubus
8. Undead (i.e. Lich, Frankenstein’s Monster)
9. Pixie/Fairy
10. Fae
11. Angel
12. Naga/Lamia
13. Vampire
14. Minotaur
15. Slimeperson
16. Djinn/elemental spirit
17. Ghost/Spirit
18. Merperson
19. Demon
20. Alien
21. Shapeshifter
22. Alraune
23. Werewolf
24. Satyr
25. Harpy
26. Drider
27. Giant
28. Cryptid
29. Sphinx
30. Forest Spirit
31. Free Day
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disneytva · 4 months
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March 2024 Programming Highlights
Friday, March 1 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “A Bright Idea/The Friendliest Frog” (1-20) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:00-9:30 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “A Bright Idea” – Pupstuction builds a lighthouse to keep boats safe day or night.
“The Friendliest Frog” – When the heat becomes too much for a friendly frog, Pupstruction recreates a rainforest environment in his home. *Gabriel Iglesias (“Monsters at Work”) guest stars as Felipe the tree frog. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “The Trail Less Traveled/Vardavar!” (3-02) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:30-10:00 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “The Trail Less Traveled” – Minnie and Daisy get lost while exploring the Hidden Valley of Sunny Gulch with Clarabelle. 
“Vardavar!” – Minnie wears the wrong outfit to celebrate the Vardavar. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Caves of Batuu/Finders Keepers” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “The Caves of Batuu” – Kai faces a series of challenges in the caves of Batuu.
“Finders Keepers” – The Jedi help a scrapper repair her droid. TV-Y
Saturday, March 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Dog Day Mid-Afternoon” (2-11) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Pops fosters a mysterious stray dog and enters him into a dog show, a paranoid Lunella is convinced the creature is an evil alien who intends to sabotage the event. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “In the Heist” (2-10) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) Lunella discovers that a stolen Kree artifact is about to cause a cataclysmic storm, but when none of the adults believe her, she must swipe it herself. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, March 8
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Skitty Kitty/Heat Wave” (2-09) (12:00-12:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Skitty Kitty” – Violet must care for a mischievous cat while the Firebuds track down thieves at a flea market.
“Heat Wave” – The Firebuds visit a desert roadside attraction on an extremely hot day. *Jack McBrayer (“Wander Over Yonder”) guest stars as Harvey the RV. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Starship Show/Nash’s Super Busy Day” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EST on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “The Starship Show” – Nash and the Jedi must recover a ship stolen by Draiven.
“Nash’s Super Busy Day” – Kai tries to help Nash with deliveries. TV-Y
Saturday, March 9 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Roller Jam!” (2-12) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Pops’ rivalry with former best friend and skate partner Vernell threatens to ruin Roller Jam, Lunella meddles in their beef to squash it. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Dancing With Myself” (2-13) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) Lunella is desperate to find a date to the school dance, but when she gets Kid Kree to be her escort, she learns that peer pressure can harm the relationships that matter most. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, March 15 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Tiny Car Caper/Toothy Fairy Tricks” (3-10) (1:30-2:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Tiny Car Caper” – Zola shrinks the city’s cars…and Detective Stacy!
“Toothy Fairy Tricks” – Rhino mistakes Wasp for the Tooth Fairy. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Prince and The Pirate” (1:00-1:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) When Taborr tries to steal from Starlight Beacon, it’s up to the young Jedi to stop him. TV-Y
Saturday, March 16 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Family Matters” (2-14) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT) When Moon Girl teams up with the amazing super hero Turbo, she realizes the true cost of keeping up a secret identity. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Molecular Level” (2-15) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT) After Lunella tells her family that she’s Moon Girl, she must convince them she will be safe, which seems impossible when Molecule Man shows up for revenge. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, March 22 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Wayne’s Trains and Automobiles/Jazzy Buds” (2-15) (12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/9:55-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Wayne’s Trains and Automobiles” – The Firebuds rescue a train after Wayne tries to steal his cargo.
“Jazzy Buds” – Jazzy forms her own rescue team called Jazzy-Buds. *Lauren “Lolo” Spencer (“Give Me Liberty”) recurs as Jazzy, and Harvey Guillén (“Mickey Mouse Funhouse”), José Andrés (“We Feed People”) and Oscar Nuñez (“The Office”) return as Uncle Tad, Chef Al and Chef Fernando, respectively. TV-Y
Saturday, March 23 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Umpire Strikes Back/Magician: Impossible” (1-22) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “The Umpire Strikes Back” – Hailey goes to great lengths to catch a foul ball at a Barnacles game.
“Magician: Impossible” – When a popular magician’s tricks are exposed, Hailey must find the perpetrator. TV-Y7
Saturday, March 30 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Bad Bear Deay/2001:A Spouse Odyssey” (1-23) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “Bad Bear Deay” – Scott gets into an exclusive club at school thanks to an amazing hair gel but quickly regrets ignoring the gel’s side effects.
“2001:A Spouse Odyssey” – Hailey throws her parents a dream wedding. TV-Y7
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thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien- Part 6
Dowager Status
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Woo, we made it to the last part of this story I have written so far. But sadly, I must end things here to stay on any kind of schedule. After Monster March? Bet your ass I'm gonna finish this proper.
As always, thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
Dowager Status 
“Why does she go to you?” Klip asked Jaxx once Jaxx exited the coop himself as Klip had tried his best to stay out of sight and give her space and breathing room but still keep at a distance to just…make sure she would be ok. 
“Because she knows I’m a true specialist and she knows she can count on me to come through for her. I’m sure once you have earned her trust, she will learn to depend on you as well.” Jaxx offered. 
“But how can I do so when she hates me?” Klip asked. 
“She doesn’t hate you, she just doesn’t trust you- through no fault of yours.” Jaxx specified. 
“Well then whose fault was it? I thought Kat apologized?” He asked. 
“She did. But the person who broke her trust wasn’t Kat. It was Kai. I know she’s practically dead upstairs, but Hazi and her sisters are still very much still scarred and weary. And they have every right to be.” Jaxx specified before he turned to head back to the transporter to transport to his own ship as Klip followed and walked with him. 
“What happened? I can’t access the files. They were stuck out of the record.” Klip asked. 
“What happened was that Hazi was one of 57 Princesses that her predecessor saved. However, when her predecessor saved her and the others, she saved all of the Princesses, no matter what stage they were in.” Jaxx answered. 
“But there’s only 14 of them. Are the others still in stasis?” Klip asked. 
“No, the rest are already dead. Because you see the problem was with that batch- if you will, was the moment her already programmed sisters came out of incubation not even a few days later as Nursery Drones, they did not take to the career change. They turned this nest into chaos because in their minds and hearts they were still Queens. They even tried to stage an unsuccessful coup. Those that were involved, of course were assassinated when Hazi herself was only a few days old. Then those that were innocent were put under heavy guard, except that Kai didn’t anticipate for those that guarded them, would end up building romantic attachments for yet more sisters and that closeness bred fondness, and those that were far enough in development to develop their own eggs, fell pregnant, and had to be killed off. Any Consort- mated or otherwise who showed any kind of attention to Hazi or her sisters were killed off that’s why myself and many of the unmated consorts aren’t even on this ship. Only Jaxon and Jago had to remain here, Jaxon is in charge of the Jika Flora, and Jago is in charge of the military. Most of us fled for our lives to the other ships to escape even the suspicion of having any ties to Hazi or her true sisters.” Jaxx explained.
“Oh, I.. had no idea.” Klip felt sick to his stomach that Hazi had already endured so much. 
“And then, once Hazi and the rest of her batch were out of incubation- for some, was a year, for others were barely a few minutes- they were rounded up like cattle and had to have very invasive and very painful scans and surgeries to not only ensure that each one was sterile, but that isthing would be a very painful experience for them period. And the remainder were halved yet again because of complications from the surgery. The ones that were only minutes old, didn’t survive being probed. Their skin was still far too delicate and their own exoskeleton on their own abdomens caved in. Because the Surgical Drones, under Queen Kai’s order- cut out of each one- the majority of their sexual canals and cut out anything even remotely similar in look or feel to an egg or Hive forbid-an egg follicle. She even tried to have their own stingers and venom glands removed and their abdomens collapsed on themselves for having so much of their anatomy surgically removed.” Jaxx continued. 
“Kai then took down all the walls and barriers in the Hive Mind so that she could hear and listen and see everything that happened and micromanaged everything and everyone. The only reason Hazi and her few remaining sisters are alive is because they showed an aversion to isthing and worked themselves to the point of exhaustion- every, single, day. So that they would be too busy to isth with any consort and that Kai would never have a reason to suspect any of them or blame any of them- for anything so that they would never be disciplined for any infraction no matter how slight. Because Kai, for being weak, was also desperate and ruthless.” Jaxx finished. 
“So you need to understand that in order to survive all of that- Hazi has had to accept that she’s hollow, and damaged beyond repair. And she will continue to be weary and continue to try to walk a fine line between serving Kat and the Hive, while also being continuously weary that at any moment, Kat could come to maturity and renege on everything and try to kill all of us who aren’t a Super Consort- and turn out to be even worse than Kai ever was. There is a mental and psychological scar there that you can’t even begin to comprehend. So while you have gotten a week to come to appreciate what she’s done, you’ve only come to know half the story. She has had a lifetime of experience warning her to not get anywhere near any Consort period. So while you shouldn’t blame yourself, you shouldn’t blame her either. Her reactions to everything are perfectly sane, reasonable and logical. So what you need to do- is respect her, and her decisions, especially when things are still so unstable and not even close to settled. And they won’t be until Kat is not only at full size and at full maturity, but most likely, had a few generations of larvae laid under her belt so to speak. Earn her trust by keeping your distance and respecting her decision to save herself and her sisters, even at the cost they have already dearly paid.” Jaxx advised. 
“I see now. Thank you for sharing this with me. When her sisters showed weariness, we thought we had come off as too aggressive. If this is why…if this is why they metaphorically have more spikes than we do? It’s perfectly reasonable. I shall do as you say and “back off” as much as I can until she can learn to trust myself and Kat and our situation and circumstances are more stable.” Klip offered. 
“If you want more ideas on how to do that- you should probably seek Jago out. He will have better ideas on how to arm Hazi and her sisters so that- should Kat renege, they will be able to defend themselves against you and the other Super Consorts and even Queen Kat or any other Super Queen or any other Super Consort.” Jaxx suggested. 
“Yes, I will do that.” He nodded before Jaxx transported off the mothership and onto his own before Klip went straight to Jago’s office to see Jago dump the water from the vase down his sink. 
“Do you have orders for me?” Jago asked Klip once Klip came in. 
“No. I have questions though.” Klip offered. 
“Ask them.” Jago urged him before he put the vase to the side and came back to his desk. 
“How can I help Hazi?” Klip asked. 
“With what?” Jago blinked with a thoughtful frown. 
“Anything? Everything? I…I spent the last week doing all the research I can on Royal Nursery Executives. And I just thought it was a glitch that the records were struck from the Hive memory from certain sections of Queen Kai’s rule. However, Jaxx has filled me in- on what happened during those times and perhaps why they were struck. Specifically about Hazi’s other sisters who are no longer with us.” Klip explained. 
“So what’s the problem?” Jago asked. 
“How do I help Hazi and protect her and protect her sisters from that ever happening again? I understand her own aversion to me and the other Super Consorts. I understand her weariness. I understand her mistrust. I understand her hate and her resentment, and I understand her stance.” 
“If you understand it, how is it a problem?” Jago asked. 
“I don’t know how to prove to her that she does not have to worry about that part of her history ever repeating again? Surely if she’s had surgery to remove…whatever had to be removed- surly she could go back into incubation to recover it right?” He asked. 
“No. It can’t be recovered. That and Hazi and her sisters do not want what was taken from them- to ever be returned because they know it would only be a point of contention and prove just as life threatening as its past presence was. Their lives have been preserved and they have put themselves and their conduct and their intentions above reproach and have kept themselves safe from any who would try to use their own biology against them. Trust me, it’s better this way.” Jago affirmed. 
“Will the Princesses that were saved, have to go through the same experiences, surely we can keep them having to suffer any of that.” Klip offered. 
“I don’t know. And I won’t know until any of them come out of incubation.” Jago answered. 
“So…what can be done? Is there anything that can be brought from anywhere to further protect Hazi and her sisters and even the new Princesses?” He asked. 
“Not that I’m aware of.” Jago shook his head no. 
“Well, if..if you do find something, anything, I’d like to volunteer for you to test it out on. Hazi was willing to die to save those Princesses the way one of her predecessors had saved her and the others. It’s only fair to be willing to do the same.” He offered as Jago both frowned yet his mouth almost in a grin. 
“That’s very generous of you. Well, for one, I would like to scan you then. See how thick your exoskeleton is, see if those spikes are solid or hollow and get samples of your venoms, so that we at least have a map of what we’re working with so that- should steps and measures need to be taken to ensure Hazi and her sisters and the new Royal Nursery Executives need to survive you and Queen Kat and should ever need to survive yet another Super Queen and her Super Consorts, that they can.” Jago offered. 
It was clear that his re-incubation was at least going well so far, thanks to codes from Reverend Mother along with a huge download of the finer points of Hive Management that were sent not only from her, but were also being taken from all the other Queens in the Quadrant and this galaxy and far beyond to help stabilize Kat’s reign as well as help protect Hazi to ensure the Hive as Hazi was seen and recognized as a Dowager Hive Mistress by all the other Queens. Second only to Reverend Mothers in absolute authority as Hazi and her sisters and anyone else she deemed important enough- which she quickly claimed all the other former unmated consorts as worthy- of the same protection and reverence- was now- protected- on a Jika wide scale and basically untouchable. And Kat was so relieved! Kat wasn’t taking this as a personal attack or as if she wasn’t capable of leading a Hive. If anything, she seemed so relieved to not have so much weighing on her as Hazi then made changes to the Hive Mind in real time, right from her Dowager Interface with her Dowager Codes until she had quieted down the entire Hive Mind so that Kat only basically got updates as she was forwarding all the information to Hazi and practically ignoring it and would only really look at what Hazi would eventually look through and reduce any redundancy for a future review, that wasn’t even set up yet. 
“Of course, anything.” Klip agreed without a second of hesitation as he readily submitted to the scans and samples.
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Jago thanked him before Klip soon found himself on the outside of Jago’s door before Klip was brave and flew by the Royal Nursery to see Hazi there with Kit in an incubator as the two were talking about how the Reverend Mother had agreed to their request to send Kat a whole batch of Kit’s to replace the one they were in front of. 
But he could feel that Hazi was still, even with all of this, just a touch still weary, but overall- far less uptight and guarded. Which was good, that was an improvement. 
But he also sensed that she hadn’t been ambitious and had wanted this power all along, no far from it, she was only taking it on because Kat was still too young, too immature and too inexperienced to try to take it all on herself. But she would hold it all until Kat would get big enough and strong enough to carry it herself. But was doing so more out of duty to the Hive as a whole more than anything. Which he could nothing but respect and admire, even from this distance. 
“So are you trying to be a creeper or what?” Hebi asked as she practically snuck up on him as she watched him watch Hazi and Kat from the window crack in the door to the hive. 
He felt like he nearly had a heart attack and nearly jumped out of his exoskeleton. 
“Your Ladyship, I apologize. Is there anything I can assist you with?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you can tell me why you’re hanging out here with your ear pressed to the door like a kid whose spying on his parents.” She answered. 
“I uh, well, I was just trying to keep an ear out- should Kat or Hazi need anything…from me or anyone else.” He offered. 
“Right, because neither of them know how to get a hold of you through the Hive Mind.” She sarcastically teased with a nod of her head as if agreeing with him. 
“Ok, you got me. I…I want to help any way I can, I just don’t know how without asking and risking either one of them or both of them biting my head for bothering them.” He confessed. 
“Ah, I see. Well, let me see how you can help…” She began as she looked over the results of the tests that Jago had run that he made available to her and her true sisters along with Jago’s true brothers. 
“You went to Jago?” She asked. 
“Yes, I submitted myself for testing and examination to find any weaknesses so that yourself and Hazi and the others would know best how to neutralize myself and the other Super Consorts if necessary.” He answered as she practically blinked in surprise, even with her compound eyes. 
“And I see that Jaxx has sent you a copy of the record of…” Hebi began and couldn’t bring herself to even say it outloud. 
“Why are you looking into that?” She asked. 
“Because I just wanted to know why Hazi and the others were especially weary of myself and the others.” He admitted. 
“Ok, can you share with me, the feed from your interactions with her?” She asked before he let her see all of them. 
“Ah, I see where you fucked up.” She readily offered. 
“What? Where? How? I didn’t do anything.” He maintained. 
“Yeah, yeah you did. You insinuated that she was after power, and in so doing, you gave her the impression that you were after power too. That means that she’s going to be especially suspicious of you and the other Super Consorts from now on. Because she is the Dowager now. To prove your genuine interest in her now? You’re gonna have to wait until she’s no longer a Dowager and Kat has full maturity and full control of the Hive. And even then, that’s gonna be a pretty steep uphill climb for you.” She offered apologetically. 
“Fuck. I did fuck up.” Klip realized as he just hung his head and then rubbed at his face with his hands as he played back the memory and was kicking himself for trying to appear confident and instead only appeared haughty and arrogant. 
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better, Hazi is really into letting people prove who they are and what their inner person is by their actions. You have time to do that. You have time to prove to her that your interest in her is genuine. You have time to help her learn your weaknesses, should she ever have to use them for her own survival. And you have time to prove to the Hive that you’re here to stay and that you are here to protect it, not dominate it one moment and abandon it another moment after. Volunteer to watch- from a distance- the new Nursery Executives. Because if you do so- too closely- Hazi is going to fear that you’re out to prey on them for your own sexual release or for your own selfish reasons.” She advised in a low murmur as she stepped closer to him. 
“And use your brain. Use your brain the way she does hers. Use it to think of what else you could do to help her, if not directly, then indirectly. Solve problems before they arise. Which is really hard, but if she can do it, we can too, right? Plus you’re a Super Consort. Aren’t you supposed to be super smart? So think of what you can do for the Hive as a whole? How can you see to it that not only will all these various drones make it to full maturity, but will have great lives once they leave this nest as late adolescents and young adults? And then think of how you can make Kat’s life easier first, to show that your loyalties should lie with Kat first and foremost. She is your Super Queen after all. And then once Kat is completely taken care of, then you can focus on making Hazi’s life better. How you can help her with her work. Make it easier for her to manage. Prove yourself capable to have things delegated to you. Hazi is going to- of course, start you out- with small, simple, easy things. Not because she thinks that’s all you can handle but to see how humble you are. To see how willing you are at taking direction and following said direction. Then exceed her expectations without making more work for her either. Then as she learns that she can trust you with more and depend on her more, don’t ever let her down. And if you mess up, admit it freely without having to be pushed or having the Hive Mind tattle tail on you ok? Own up to it.” She advised. 
“Ok, is there anything else I could do?” He asked. 
“Yes. Don’t present yourself as what you think a woman like her would want or what she needs. Just be yourself. You like her just the way she is, with or without her power and authority. Let her like you the same. With or without everything you are. Because if you push yourself onto her too hard, she’s gonna want to kill you off, thinking that you’re more of a danger to the Hive, seeking out the strongest and most powerful queen period, no matter who that would ever be. Make your loyalties to her and to Kat clear and true, and not to anything like power- that you have seen for yourself, in just a day- can be given or taken away at anyone’s will but our own.” She reminded him. 
“And lastly, the most important question you can ever ask her- “How can I help?” If you honestly ask that question and honestly accept it’s answer, whatever it may be. Do it, without hesitation. And remember, you may be a Super Consort, but that means that you’re willing to put in super amounts of effort. Humble yourself and be willing to take on any task, no matter how menial- if it will help her and help the whole Hive. Got it?” She urged him. 
“Understood, thank you so much for your advice your Ladyship.” He thanked her gratefully. 
“Oh and offer to help her get away and catch a breath every now and then. Otherwise she’s liable to work herself into an early grave. And we can’t have that can we?” She asked before she walked off with her tablet of objectives she needed to handle. 
“No we can’t.” He shook his head no with a soft grin before he noticed that the Queen was getting ready to enter an incubation chamber to sleep for the night. 
“Your Majesty?” He asked as he and the others came into the Royal Comb from all the entrances as it seemed they had all gotten the same message at about the same time. 
“What are doing?” Another asked worriedly to see Queen Kat get comfy in the next comb over from Kit.  
“Ugh, I can’t do anything without alerting the calvary.” Kat scuffed with an exaggerated eye roll to Hazi who could only breathe a laugh through her nose as she bit her lips to keep from having an outburst of laughter. 
“You are loved Your Majesty.” Hazi managed to answer. 
“As are you Dowager.” Kat playfully teased before she stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry at Hazi. 
“Oh hush, enjoy your nap Kit-Kat.” Hazi offered before she closed the door and set the program before Kat slipped into a wonderful sleep as she let her head lull towards Kit- even in sleep as he slowly did the same. 
“So, how can I help?” Klip asked as his fellow Consorts were looking at him and demanding for him to ask what she was doing and why she was doing to Queen Kat. 
Hazi simply turned to consider him over her shoulder. 
“Well, you can all wait for everyone else to come.” She answered before he sat down at the stool by the bar where the Royal Jelly was as he sat and patiently waited and instead- told his fellow Super Consorts to stay quiet and that Hazi was going to explain everything once those she summoned so that she only had to explain it once- came as he could see Hazi hear that and grin as she continued to type things into both cells using a set of hands for each one as his fellow Super Consorts could do little but also come to sit beside him or chose to simply stand and wait before Hazi’s other sisters and the other former unmated Consorts came filing into it. And it was Klip’s turn to wait in silence as Hazi continued to communicate with her true sisters and the other unmated consorts as he felt a sense of deja-vu and poetic justice that their positions were reversed this time as he could do little but try to patiently wait as the others were getting antsy as Klip then put his focus on the other Super Consorts and had to threaten to punish them himself if they dared to rush the Dowager. And to reminded them of the level of respect she was owed, which was the same kind their own Reverend Mother was, if not more so as the others simply huffed and instead pouted at him. 
“Klip, get the door will you?” Hazi offered as she was finishing up putting her commands in before she used her own fingerprints to lock the cells as Klip practically jumped to his feet and opened the door closest to him as the others followed his lead and opened the others as the remaining ones were called into the Royal Comb as they all practically tried to file in quickly and efficiently without bottlenecking the entrances and exits just as Hazi turned in her stool and patiently waited for them all to come in. 
“Sorry for taking so long.” The others apologized lowly as they filed into the comb until it was practically standing room only before she had to stand up on her stool and it was from this vantage point that her scars to her abdomen were clearly seen as the other Super Consorts couldn’t help but stare while Klip could only feel a sympathy pain for her before he looked up into her eyes. 
“Now that everyone is here. I need to have a meeting.” Hazi began. 
“Sorry, just curious.” Kruk put his hands up in defeat as Hazi could do little but grin fondly at Klip for his interference. 
“Question? What happened to your abdomen?” Kurk asked as he pointed to it.
“None of your business. We’re here to listen to our Dowager Mistress, not ask her personal and impolite questions about her person.” Klip immediately snipped angrily. 
“I got it defending the Hive from an unworthy usurper.” Hazi decided to deflect. 
“But that’s old news. Not why I called you all here. Ok. So the reason Queen Kat is in an incubation cell is she was injured before she took over the Hive, she is in incubation to fully heal as well as get the rest of her supplemental Queen protocols since she only had the absolute bare minimum ones at the time of her ascension. So in an effort to heal what was injured, and in an effort to try to bring Royal Consort Kit back to what he was before Kat’s ascension, they are in the incubation cells. Kat will only need to be in this incubation cell for the night. Kit will need to be in for much longer. Also, just in case Kit can’t make a full recovery, the Reverend Mother is sending two batches of Super Consorts here, just in case anything else happens to any of you remaining- currently unisthantaried- Super Consorts from now and until when and if Super Queen Kat would want to fully isthantari with any or all of you.” Hazi explained. 
“So how can we help?” Klip repeated which earned him a smile from Hazi. 
“Brownie points for best question ever. Ok. So when Queen Kat reawakens from her beauty sleep in the incubation chamber, she will have gotten codes to prepare her mind and body for to try to catch up in size and maturity. Meaning, she will be ravenous, all the time. Jaxon, I need to know- is the Jika Flora Suite capable and able to feed her appetite should it increase by 10 fold?” She asked. 
“No. Five or six fold? Yes. But not a full ten.” Jaxon answered. 
“Ok, so then that means, I will need help in finding foods, both local and far away, that could help fill in the gap we will have to fill to satisfy Queen Kat’s full appetite. Other than the foods we already know, does anyone have any ideas on how we can get her not just nutritiously dense foods, but also, hopefully tasty ones. I know Earth has a ton of junk food, but for as delicious as it is, it’s nutritionally empty. And while it will be very tempting to let her quench her cravings with something quick and easy. I don’t want any of our tempting but faulty lazy shortcuts to cost her- valuable stomach space and risk her health and thus, risk endangering future eggs and larvae the Hive as whole. We have to think of the Hive’s greater good overall.” She explained. 
“I’ll reach out to Sable, she has a lot of connections to markets and vendors and especially restuarantours, I’m sure we can find a way to gather ingredients and if we need to hire a chef to cook them or prepare them any way that would entice Queen Kat’s appetite, even hiring teams of them to cook for her around the clock, we could try that.” Jaxon volunteered. 
“Great, anyone else got any ideas?” Hazi asked. 
“We could go around to any other markets either on Earth, or at any other space station to also look for the same things. Just casting out our nets wider than usual. I’ll volunteer to go wherever you think would be best place to start looking” Klip volunteered. 
“Any other volunteers?” Hazi asked before the other Consorts raised their hands as even her own sisters raised their hands. 
“I’d go if I don’t have duties here that need my presence here.” Hebi offered. 
“I’d go with her to help and also serve as protection.” Kruk immediately blurted as the other Super Consorts agreed to go- to offer protection for Hazi’s sisters. 
“Awesome. Thanks. I’ll have assignments for you shortly then.” Hazi decided as she put that in on her Dowager wrist interface. 
“Well, the main one is an inhibitor. And the inhibitor would allow you to fully isth with Queen Kat without your mind atrophying and- if necessary, only isth with her once, and never have to isth with her ever again.” She 
“Next- order of business, Super Consorts. Queen Kat- currently has a certain vision for her rule and reign. And as it stands that vision- has certain- characteristics that are unconventional and nontraditional. But this, again, can change as she changes, and grows and matures as well. But I am looking for any volunteers who would be willing to try out those new characteristics- however, you would have to go back into incubation to achieve them.” She offered.
“What are the characteristics?” Kraken asked. 
“Oh, so a full brained eunuch? No thank you.” Kraken immediately shook his head no as the other Super Consorts also began to shake their heads no. 
“I’d volunteer for that.” Klip found himself raising his hand for that as nearly everyone else went to turn their heads to look as if he had grown two more himself. 
“Why?!” Kragan demanded. 
“Queen Kat was injured isthing with Kit. She’s been averse to isthing ever since. If she is not able to fully heal tonight. I’m ok with whatever it would take to make sure she never has to do a duty she hates and can’t stand just for the good of our Hive. If only isthing once will save the Hive but keep her happy otherwise and help her perform her duties but keep my intellect and personality intact- even as annoying as I can be to her- I’d happily comply.” He defended. 
“Thank you Klip. Then I’m gonna have you stay behind so I can put you in tonight so you’d wake up with Kat in the morning.” Hazi beamed happily as she pointed to the other cell on the other side of Queen Kat as Klip immediately came through as the others parted for him as Hazi’s sisters said their thanks for him even trying in the first place before he came over but Hazi stopped him from getting in just yet as she made a subtle gesture for him to stop with her hand as he paused and simply stood and waited. 
“Ok, that is all, everyone- continue to brainstorm about ways to help Queen Kat and help the Hive in general. You know where to find me if you think of anything useful. Dismissed.” She urged before she sat down on the stool again as the others turned and began to file out. 
“But just so all of you Super Consorts know, you wouldn’t be a eunuch, these enhancements would actually double or even triple your current potency.” Hazi called out as she prepped Klip to go into incubation. 
“Wait, are you talking like two or three phallus’?” Kraken asked. 
“And at least 6-9 more gonads too.” Hazi nodded. 
“Shit, why didn’t you lead with that? Yeah, I’ll do that.” Kraken immediately changed his mind as did the other Super Consorts. 
“Can just the Super Consorts have that done or can any of us get that too?” Jaxon asked. 
“If you wish to save and dedicate your current one for Queen Kat and then use any secondary one for either your own private use or any other use, sure. But the secondary ones will be programmed to be smaller than your originals. Because the Super Consorts are already too big to fit Kat the way she is right now, this is meant to grow a much smaller secondary one for her from them. But in order for you to do the same, the Hive Code mandates that for any former unmated consort, their original, main phallus’ has to be dedicated to the new Queen first. And she is currently in stasis and can not be reached so you’d have to wait to ask her tomorrow once she wakes up.” Hazi answered. 
“Oh, ok, well, then, nevermind. I’m good.” Jaxon offered. 
“Figured you would be. Good night.” She dismissed the rest as her sisters hung back as she had instructed them to- to assist the other Super Consorts in getting ready to go back into incubation. 
“So I’ll grow- a second, smaller phallus to hang out in Queen Kat?” Klip muttered as she got him ready. 
“Yup. I can even remove it while you’re in stasis so you don’t feel a thing and you’ll wake up- more or less the same way you are right now, if not, just a bit enhanced, here and there.” Hazi offered. 
“Ok, I trust you. Do whatever you think is best and necessary and will help Queen Kat and help you help her and the Hive.” Klip nodded in understanding. 
“Ok Ladies, everyone take an equal number of Super Consorts and lock them into the cells. And then from there, I’ll be able to plug in all the command codes from here.” Hazi urged as she helped Klip up into the cell. 
“Sweet Dreams.” She winked before she shut the cell and turned it on before he slipped into sleep before all of his fellow Super Consorts did the same before Hazi gave all the other cells their instructions before she added extra commands directly to Klip’s cell. 
“Now, all of you, into these cells here. I got some special codes for us too.” Hazi urged as she gently guided them to the cells across from the Super Consorts.
“So what are you giving him that you’re not giving the others?” Hebe asked curiously.
“Well he was the only one to volunteer for the right reasons, so he’s getting the works. The others only wanted more dicks so that’s all they’re getting.” Hazi answered with a bright smile. 
“Are we gonna…?” 
“Get made whole? Hell yeah, no more ugly scars to remind of us a wicked queen. Queen Kat was appalled we were treated so poorly and only wants every single member of her hive and especially her Royal Nursery Executives to be at full strength, full power and full intellect. And even- give us the ability, that should, may the Hive forbid, anything happen to her before she’s able to give us a Super Princess, we’d be able to be Queens in our rights, or, be able to install Little Stubborn in her place. But, now, we get to have follicles again, just in case. And all we would need is to put on the Crown to activate us. That’s it.” Hazi beamed as the girls squealed and jumped up and down in delight before they readily hopped back into the cells and closed the doors, and giggled as Hazi went down the line and put in the codes for each and every single one of them. 
“But what about you?” Hebe asked.
“Well someone has to stay up to watch over the Hive for the night. Besides, you and Queen Kat to see to my own incubation once you guys reemerge from your own first.” Hazi answered. 
“Sweet Dreams.” Hazi offered before she put the codes in and Hebe went down too before Hazi sighed in contentment before she got up and leaned back into the cell on the other side of Klip before she turned her head to consider him. Now that she could see him and actually, truly see him for him. And not just her first impression from him as he seemed to turn his head towards her. Even in sleep. Which got her to grin at his sleeping form. 
“Thanks for coming. I’m glad you’re here.” She whispered before she decided to go and get some bedding and a cot and brought them back into the Royal Comb and laid down, on one side, her true sisters in stasis. On the other, her new Super Queen, her Queen’s favorite Consort and what might, potentially be her very own Consort right next to her. Who knew that a Super Queen was what their Hive needed all along. 
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thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien- Part 4
Getting Some Answers
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As always, thanks to @borealwrites for their epic Monster March 2024 Prompt List
The Answers 
Only a moment later, Hebi came in when she sensed Hazi was awake. 
“What the fuck was that?! Why did you let Klip in here? Didn’t want to see him kill me himself or what?” Hazi snapped at Hebi. 
“Oh jeez, maybe you need a few more hours of beauty sleep.” Hebi teased with a giggle as Hazi noted that Hebi was actually sporting new hardware and even, brushed and even decorated with beautiful yet individualizing accessories. The most eye catching being- a new and very upgraded interface on her wrist, the same ones that were on the wrists of the Super Consorts. 
“Why was that smug motherfucker in here?!” Hazi demanded angrily. 
“Because he’s been watching over you for the last several days. The guy even fed you his own Royal Jelly so you wouldn’t die of starvation while you recovered.” Hebi answered with mischievous grin of her own.  
“That’s…that’s….and you just let him do that to me?! Did he isth with my unconscious body too?!” Hazi demanded as she covered her mouth with all four of her hands and did a quick body check and scan to make sure she hadn’t been tampered with. 
“No! And he would have killed anyone who would have tried! He didn’t isth with you at all, he even took special care to touch you as little as possible, the only parts of himself that ever touched you was his Royal Jelly duct and his hand guiding your mouth to it, and that was it. He even knelt by the nest and bent over you, without touching you or your nest, to feed it to you so as not to actually get in your own nest with you or have anything or anyone else touch you without your consent, and that was only to save your life so you wouldn’t starve to death while you rested.” Hebi recounted. 
“And we were all grateful he did so and did so with such care. He fed you every qui, on the qui, all that you would eat, like any new pupae out of the cell. And then in between feedings, he had all of his meals brought here so he could eat and sustain himself while he sustained you. Because he didn’t trust the Unmated Normal Royal Consorts’ jelly to be good enough for you. The only time he left your side was when Queen Kat called all of the former Unmated Royal Consorts together once Jaxon was rescued- the day before yesterday. By the way, you got the invite to the Super Royal Consort Private Network right? As well as their invite to the Queen’s Private Sanctum that she’s practically turned into her own Royal Clubhouse right? Like we and the former Royal Consorts are all invited to just come and go as we please and just…chill, and eat and socialize. It’s awesome. She’s even opened up the Royal Coop too to make it more of a petting zoo for us on our off time.” Hebi urged. 
“Is “chilling” just a new way of saying “isth” now?” Hazi chastised as she reluctantly took the offered device and put it to her other wrist to integrate herself with it. 
“Yes and no. The new Super Consorts are not fully mated with her. And because she’s so small and so young, she’s only isthed once so far. And she was not a fan of the experience. So she’s given us free reign to help her own Royal Consorts with getting their isthing frustrating kinks out of their own pipes. And let me just say. It has been a Super Experience.” Hebi cackled gleefully as Hazi looked mortified and also in disbelief. 
“How is that not a trap to kill us all?” Hazi asked. 
“Hey! No she isn’t! She sensed that because we have the same higher consciousness she does, that she put the power of consent to isth, solely with us and why we are second only to her and above the Consorts, all of them, even her Super Ones. Isn’t that better than isthing for punishment for the Consorts?” Hebi challenged. 
“It’s not a trap. She’s still so young, she still thinks of all of her own Super Consorts as her own big brothers still. She is relieved we’re here to willingly and consensually offer our services in that respect.” Hebi answered cheerfully.
“So she’s making whores of all of us.” Hazi grumbled under her breath. 
“I just…I just think we all need to be careful- is all. And think this through and think of how she could still use everything we may say or do against us. Especially when she does get older and get jealous over the isthing to begin with.” Hazi cautioned. 
“And I’m telling you, you don’t need to be that cautious. By the way, can you please answer Jaxon’s messages? He’s been messaging you like crazy ever since he got rescued.” Hebi offered before she left as Hyi came in with special boxes. 
“What are those?” Hazi asked. 
“Moving boxes. Queen Kat wants us to move our residence closer to the Royal Sanctum and have this comb be for the new Royal Nursery Executives once they fully emerge from stasis. But in the meantime we’re getting one hell of an upgrade. She even ordered for all the old royal jelly, to be used as food for both us and the new Royal Nursery Executives and even the New Royal Specialists.” Hyi answered.
That seemed to be the last straw and Hazi felt like her head was about to explode. 
Hazi immediately called an emergency meeting with the other former unmated Consorts through her backdoor to her previous private network as she flew out of the Nursery Complex and straight to Jabari’s room as all the unmated former Royal Consorts began to beam practically into Jabari’s rooms. 
“Ok, I need all of us to get completely off of every single Communications Network. And I need a black out for this conversation.” Hazi insisted before they all readily did as she asked. 
“What the fuck is going on?! I get a message from you, Jaxon- not even a whole five minutes before Super Queen Kat’s arrival that she was on her way to take over the hive. I barely scraped by the skin of my stinger to get those Princesses out of Royal Comb before she came. What was so urgent about your private Isthantari that you felt you needed to contact the homeworld and bring Queen Kat here so incredibly young and small?! And she’s not even fully matured yet! She looks like she was barely a pupae before she got superspeeded through the incubation process. She’s smaller than even the Princesses’ even in their middle pupae stage! She’s not even up to final stage pupae size.” Hazi challenged Jaxon as she flew to increase her own height so that she looked down on him because he had apparently grown in size in the week she was unconscious. 
“Because the drones were swarming my Isthantari, she smelled better than Queen Kai ever did, even under layers of perfume and deodorants and body sprays. Now that more humans, specifically, more earth women come into contact with us, we’re finding their pheromones are actually superior. But only a Super Queen with super strength and super intelligence would be able to perceive that our private Isthantaires are not a threat to her or the Hive. No other normal Queen would ever consider such a notion.” Jaxon justified. 
“But otherwise you are correct. She was barely in pupae stage when the homeworld got Jaxon’s message. Her Consorts, of course, were already in late pupae stage, she was barely transitioned from pre-pupae to pupae and she was immediately ejected into a Super Carrying Cell and had to get digital downloads and rush her own finishing process en route here. She only emerged from her cell 1 single minute before she took over, and in that minute, isthed with her first consort to jumpstart her own biological cascade in order for the Hive Mind to accept her as a fully functional Queen.” Jaxx supplied. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Hazi growled and buzzed angrily as she let her feet touch the ground and just held her head in her hands and rubbed tiredly at her face as her brain processed all of that. 
“Great, this is just great, our Super Queen is barely developed in body and mind. Is barely pubescent in maturity and she controls an army of unmated and super intelligent Super Consorts who are fucking their way through my sisters for the fun of it! And she’s wanted to kill me before she even met me. Great. This is just…great!” Hazi ranted sarcastically as she began to pace in the room as the unmated Consorts seemed to give each other meaningful looks. It took a lot for her to get this pissed. She was liable to kill Jaxon if she wanted to. And was cleared to do. 
“Ok. Jaxon, please tell me that you had a plan of probabilities put in place and safety protocols put up before you contacted the home world.” Hazi demanded but all Jaxon did was bow his head sheepishly and look away guiltily. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Did any of you think this through?! Did any of you come up with anything even remotely similar to an idea of how to survive Queen Kat’s Royal Wrath when she will undoubtedly change her mind about all of this and bring this Hive back to factory specs and settings?” Hazi demanded of the others. 
“Actually, I’m working on a way to cement Queen Kat’s pheromones into the Hive Mind so that only she and only a Super Princess from her will be able to control the Hive Mind and will completely block out all pheromones of any other. Granted, it will mean that we will have to live under her and her offspring and this Hive will never be able to be taken over by any other. But, it will ensure the safety of not just your sisters, but also the safety of the Princesses as well.” Jaxx volunteered. 
“And we’ve since found a way to make ourselves stronger than the Super Consorts, so that should any of them turn on us. We would survive and instead, be strong enough to kill them.” Jago offered as Hazi realized he was covered in new spikes himself. 
“Great, what is it?” Hazi asked. 
“Seafood. Specifically, the meat and most importantly the shells of seafood.” He answered. 
“Oh no, the water insects?” Hazi made a disgusted face. 
“When cooked with spices and cut down into pieces, you barely notice them as bugs or insects. Just food, very, very delicious food. I highly suggest the Princesses all partake of some once they emerge from incubation.” Jabari volunteered. 
“Well, I guess for me and my sisters sake. I shall have us partake of it too.” Hazi sighed. 
“There’s just one issue. Queen Kat thinks it’s worse than cannibalism to eat it and refuses for any to be brought to the Mother Ship.” Jago informed her. 
“And Nursery Drones are never allowed to leave the Nest on the Mother Ship.” Hazi hissed. 
“Well, actually since, your reclassification. You and your sisters are actually given permission to leave the mothership for any reason you want- even vacation. However, if you want it to stay strictly business, you can always claim that you are doing research to find new food sources for her to bring Queen Kat up to breeding size. Surely egg yolks and sea urchin roe- uni- will only take her so far. That would get you off the ship and able to bring new food in. And we could always bring in our own seafood ourselves and you and your sisters and especially the Princesses can come and “taste” what we brought.” Jaxon offered. 
“Like that’s not its own form of hypocrisy. When they’re the literal cannibals here.” Jye grumbled nearby. 
“Yeah. Ok. So here’s what we’re gonna do. Jaxx, by all means, make as many possible solutions that you can to either keep Queen Kat as the Super Queen, or if she ends up being a threat to us as a whole and a detriment to the hive, find a way to oust her. Even with a normal Queen if we have to. I will need to eat this seafood, as will my sisters. They are having us all move closer to the Queen’s Sanctum. I will stay in our old quarters. I’ll say I’m experimenting with Jaxx, Jaxon and Jabari and even Sable, with food to find new foods for Queen Kat but I don’t wish for the smell to offend anyone. I already have a Super Consort keeping his eyes extra closely on me as it is. I don’t need anymore. There is a Princess, Little Stubborn, who- last I checked, has not taken to the change very well. She may still have enough Royal Sense in her. That we can still use her to oust Kat if we need to. But I also need to keep her safe from suspicions, both to Queen Kat and her Super Consorts. Jago, use the Super Networks to make for us free and secure private networks that even the Super Consorts, nor any other Super Queen, or hell, any other Hive Mind will have access to. I want all of us to both hide in plain sight and be able to vanish from the Hive Mind if need be. Jaxx, I’m also going to ask your team to find a way for us to vanish too. I’m thinking, making us disguises so that we can parade around like a sister species, that we don’t even appear to be Jika at all.” Hazi as she sent her invites to Jago to do as Klip had invited her to do earlier. 
“On it. Also. I’m finding new ways to create new venoms by eating different flora. I shall send you and your sisters flower arrangements. You will all need to eat them to gain their poison to improve your own venom and toxins.” Jago offered. 
“Good, also, how many of you are looking to get your own “private Isthantaries”?” Hazi asked before they all sheepishly raised their hands. 
“Oh Dear Sweet Jelly. Do all of you have death wishes?” Hazi asked. 
“But there’s an app now.” Jinx contested as he held up his smart phone. 
“While we don’t wish to court death, it’s why we’re counting on you to warn us, because you are Queen Kat’s Mistress of the Royal Comb, hell the entire Nest Complex, you should get on her Private Network to find and read her thoughts and warn us and warn your own sisters.” Jago insisted.  
“You know, the whole, keep your friends close and your enemies closer kind of thing.” Jinx offered with a hopeful smile.  
“I am not a spy! I’m a Nursery Drone damn it!” Hazi challenged. 
“No, that’s the one thing you’ve never been- is a drone. You are finally classified for what you are, Mistress of the Royal Nursery, Nest Complex and a Royal Nursery Executive, second only to the Queen herself. Mistress of the Hive.” Jago gently corrected as he did as she asked him to in creating perfectly safe and secure private communications networks for her, her sisters and them, now that she shared such powers that Klip had given her only moments before to do so.  
“A promotion before death, how kind of Queen Kat.” Hazi sneered. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t judge her as harshly as she first judged you and has since reconsidered and changed her own view. You always give the newly hatched the most grace and the most patience. I’m sure if you gave Queen Kat the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt and gave her the same gentle kindness we all know you are capable of, the same gentle kindness, I’m sure you will give the Princesses once they emerge from incubation as Royal Nursery Executives, that you’ll see that Queen Kat is just trying her best. And if anything, as far as I can tell and sense and see- is just as overwhelmed as you are. We all make mistakes when we are overwhelmed and none of us are at our best in that state. Queen Kat realized she didn’t treat you with the respect you deserved. That’s why Super Consort Klip and all the other Super Consorts interceded for you. They saw you and your sisters for what they were and have tried to protect you and your sisters in your stead. And have seen the value of what you did. And took your actions, even as rushed as they had to be, spoke volumes about who you are as a person and they all respect and admire that.” Jaxx countered since he had been the first to volunteer to help Queen Kat deal with her “problems” in her smooth transition into the Royal Throne and it’s Hive Mind. 
“Only because they have the intelligence to see it themselves because they haven’t isthed fully with the Queen yet.” Jye added. 
“But what I’m scared of is when they do fully isth with her. If they show any partiality to either me or any of my sisters, we will all be killed for it.” Hazi murmured worriedly. 
“I can help Jaxx find a way for them to fully isth with Queen Kat without losing their higher mind, intellect and personality. Especially since it was the lack of intellect and personality that Queen Kat disliked so much.” Jarek offered. 
“Thank you.” Hazi offered before Jago was done building the private networks before he handed them over to Hazi, while also making copies of the tools himself to build more later. 
“Mistress.” Jago offered once he did. 
“That’s not funny. If you need to call me Mistress Hazi in the Queen’s presence or her Royal Consort’s presence, that’s fine. But don’t any of you dare call me Mistress when they’re not around.” Hazi grumped as she took them back mentally and double checked them over to make sure they were safe for her and her sisters and them to use without anyone piggy backing onto them, the same way they had piggy backed onto the Hive Mind themselves. 
“Fuck. Why? Why is he especially so…possessive?” Hazi asked as she made a disgruntled face as she mentally sorted, arranged and organized the series of private networks that Jago had made for her. 
“Maybe once we’re done, you should get back and get some sleep. We’ll be by once all the others move out to respin your nest for you. And really help you make that Comb your own individual home.” Jabari offered.
“That would be quite nice actually, thank you. Also, why didn’t any of you try to feed me your royal jelly while I recovered from saving the Princesses?” Hazi asked.
“We were barred from even entering the Nest Complex and were only allowed to enter the Inner Sanctum and only the Royal Sanctum. Our routes both in and out were plotted out so that none of us could even get near your comb. The Super Consorts themselves took turns guarding you and your sisters. Super Consort Klip especially has been most territorial about you.” Jago answered. 
“Don’t ask questions like that if you don’t want honest answers from us.” Jinx warned. 
“Oh no, he likes me doesn’t he?” Hazi guessed as her shoulders dropped and her face was one of disgust and disappointment. 
“If you had been a true queen, he would have been ready and willing to kill Queen Kat to follow you, wherever you will lead. That’s how much he “likes” you. Your actions proved what kind of woman you are. And he was immediately smitten. Humility, kindness, gentleness, graciousness and selflessness in Queens is rarer even than Supers. He’s attracted to you. He understands your weariness and your distrust and is ready and willing to wait out however long he has to- to prove it to you though his own actions. In fact, he’s the one that approached me to find a way he can Isth with Queen Kat, but still keep his intellect and his mind intact so he can then devote the rest of himself to you.” Jaxx volunteered. 
And while Hazi didn’t argue further, only made a pained expression, she was still weary. 
“Shit, I’m being summoned by the Queen. I gotta go. Use our private network to communicate all measures being taken. However, all countermeasures, don’t even trust the private network to communicate those. Communicate counter measures in private and in person only, it’s a hive network- everything is recorded, no matter how private it would be.” Hazi ordered 
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thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien- Part 3
Mistress Of The Hive
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As always, huge thanks to @borealwrites for their wonderful Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
Mistress of the Hive
“Are you ok?” Havi asked worriedly. 
“Yes. Are all the former princesses safe?” Hazi asked tiredly, ready to collapse. 
“Yes. All 38 of them. And the hundreds of consorts are taking to the specialists like wings to the air and Jaxx said he himself will handle their integration into the Hive.” Havi proudly informed her. 
“Even Little Stubborn?” Hazi asked. 
“Yes, even Little Stubborn.” Havi reassured her as they helped her up and brought her back to the resting quarters for them. 
“Oh thank the ancestors.” Hazi said as she collapsed into her own nest and got some much needed rest while her true sisters cleaned her up while she rested. 
“We need to contact the unmated Consorts. There needs to be something we can do to counteract the Supers.” Hebi insisted lowly as she saw how exhausted her sister was. 
“I’m sure once things can calm down, we can do so quietly and most importantly- discreetly.” Hizi whispered before they got Hazi cleaned up and then got ready to rest for the night themselves. 
Hazi awoke to a bare and lonely Royal Nursery Drone Quarters and practically tried to fly out of bed when she realized what time it was from the Hive Mind. 
“Woah, easy there Mistress.” Klip offered as he perused the quarters nonchalantly as Hazi nearly broke her own neck, snapping it towards him, alarmed he was in here with her. And even more alarmed that they were alone in these quarters. As she did a quick check of herself to make sure she was ok and hadn’t been, may the stars forbid, molested by him or anyone else while she slept. 
“What the fff….why are you here Super Consort Klip?” She tried to ask as she hastily got out of her nest as she had to keep herself from really cussing him out for intruding into her shared quarters she shared with her true sisters as she realized now that she was up. She felt just a touch dizzy and disorientated, almost like she was drunk. But she didn’t usually drink. 
“Oh, you really shouldn’t stop yourself from really saying what you want to say.” Klip grinned far too smugly for her taste and in a tone that was far too friendly for her taste either. Oh this made her gut throw alarms and put her on edge. Something was up. She just didn’t know exactly what it was yet. 
“I don’t wish to die today.” Hazi bit out through her gritted teeth as she clenched her jaw and tried to remind herself that she still needed to treat him, a Superior, with respect. 
“Who would dare kill the Mistress of the Royal Nursery Comb?” He posed rather rhetorically as he paused to turn and face her, appreciating the mused way her own fine hair covering her body was going in every which way from her turning over in her sleep over the course of him watching over her. And while he had wanted to fix it for her while she slept, he knew if he did, she’d probably kill him for touching her without her consent when she was in a vulnerable situation. And it was not appropriate for him to do so. He had to remind himself that while he had gotten a chance to build his appreciation for her while she slept and recovered, she was probably still mentally in the same moment of time when she was last awake. 
“The Super Queen and her Super Consorts for any infraction they can find.” She answered plainly. 
“No. That isn’t even close to correct, far from it. If anything every Super Consort, including myself, would gladly do whatever it takes to ensure your safety. You’re the Mistress of the Royal Nursery Comb, you’re the most important individual in the Hive, besides the Queen herself.” He offered with a pleasant and charming tone and smile before he started to close the distance between them. 
“Bullshit.” Hazi spat wearily before Klip outright laughed at her outburst. 
“Sorry, it’s not bullshit. It’s the truth. Honest. But I’m really proud of you for saying what you’re really thinking. Please do not be intimidated by myself or any of the other Super Consorts. We’re not here to kill anyone else. Promise. Although, to you, that’s um, that’s all you’ve seen us do. Sorry.” He apologized as he seemed to grow just a bit awkward as he took a step back and even shrunk back a little to seem a little less intimidating. 
“But it’s really important that you know, that despite your own personal feelings about it, the fact is that you are The Mistress of more than just the Royal Comb but the Entire Nest Complex.” He repeated as he tried to grow a little bolder and a little more confident in both tone and posture which only made Hazi frown harder at him. He was the one who was 8 feet tall of nothing but super terrifying spikes and Super Modifications and the one who should have been the more impressive and intimidating. But under her frowning gaze, he felt not even an inch tall under her scrutiny. He chastised himself for building what she was in his mind. Only for her to wake up and still be on high alert like it was the first day all over again. As horrible as that had been for both of them. He needed to keep trying to reason with her and assure her and reassure her, the same way she had done at their first meeting. 
“But you really should consider the following facts as well. You see, a Queen is only as powerful as her hive. Without Nursery Aids, A Queen has no Hive to control through the Hive Mind. And is completely incapable of even caring for a single larvae, let alone a whole hive of them. No, any Jika with even a microgram of a brain knows that it’s the Nursery Aids that hold all the real power in a Hive. You knew it before we ever came. And it’s still as true now than it’s ever been before. No matter who the Queen is. But usually, normal Nursery Drones are so underdeveloped in higher brain function to know it, or really realized it. But not you and others like you. You know you hold all the real power here. You demonstrated it before we ever came and even when you were at rest and recovering from your overwork. The Hive practically had to scramble while also practically being at a standstill until your own true sisters had to take up the reins in your stead and simply have tried to do what you would normally do in such circumstances. And in the time that you’ve been out and recovering, it’s become abundantly clear to everyone,  even especially the Queen herself and definitely to myself and all the other Royal Consorts, Super or not- of just how key and vital of a role you play in the Hive. Queen Kat deeply regrets not treating you with your due respect and dignity when she first met you. And has been anxiously awaiting your awakening to try to make amends and very much wants ‘a do over’. We all do, You are owed a grand apology and great amends to make up for such a lack in decorum. And I would like to be the first to offer an apology. I’m very sorry you were not treated with more care. Or given your due respect and dignity. And if there is anything I can ever do to make up for that. Please let me know.” He offered. 
“You can start by getting out of my personal quarters and never being alone with me in them without an order from the Queen to isth with me in them as your punishment from her for your lack of performance, as is the way. But seeing as how there is no such order for either one of us. Your presence here is not appropriate and we are both courting death being in this circumstance and situation.” Hazi urged him. 
“Right, about that, that’s um, actually been abolished, that practice. Queen Kat abolished it herself.” Klip offered. 
“Then you really need to leave. Because the last thing I want is for Super Queens Kat’s Super Consorts to be anywhere near me or even in here, especially in my private quarters, especially alone with me or any of my sisters. You have no business in this section of the nest or the Hive without a direct order from Queen Kat.” Hazi repeated adamantly. 
“Actually I do, I do have an order to be here.” He paused and then showed Hazi the order given on her behalf for all of the Super Consorts to guard Hazi while she rested and recovered and do whatever it would take to ensure she rested and recovered and woke up again. And even opened up the vat of Royal Jelly to feed Hazi and her sisters and for them to use it as they saw fit in reference to the other ‘newly reclassified’ pupae and larvae, which just got put into a new and special comb. Just for them. The Executive Comb. Just on the other side of the Royal Comb. 
“Why?” Hazi found herself asking as she tried not to get overwhelmed at the pages and pages of new notifications. 
“Look, we both know that a Queen can only control a Hive Mind. And a Hive Mind with no Hive, is just an organic computer. And incapable of anything and everything without drones to carry it out, or a Queen to control it. But, a ‘Career Changed Nursery Drone’ as you so eloquently put it? Which in reality are really just Royal Nursery Executives. All of you have turned out to be the greatest classification of Jika possible. Because then you get the best of everything. Which you have already proven yourself to be the epitome of. You have the same intelligence of any Queen, if not more so, and your intellect even surpasses Super Queen Kat’s. But you have no selfishness, nor the singularity of the mindset where you only care about the Hive Mind and your control of it. Instead you are rather beautifully and eloquently independent of it. You have the ability to tell it ‘no’. And not only can you refuse its hold and its orders. But you can override it and instead input your own unique commands and it obeys you. Over the Queen. Even over Super Queen Kat now. If that’s not the epitome of real power, then I don’t know what is. But you wield yours for the betterment of the Hive, even down to the individual level, which is quite remarkable. I’ve never known a Hive Mind to take orders from a Queen and a Royal Nursery Executive. But since I’ve been here, I’ve been researching all there is to know about your very special classification. I’ve used your time in recovering from your efforts in the Royal Nursery Comb to look back through this Hive Mind’s history to even the generations before you and your mentor. It was this Hive that was the first to implement the procedure and protocols the way they are now and it’s spread from here. And only success has come in its wake.” He praised as his new change in address to her had Hazi pausing to double check her own interface with the Hive Mind to see that she, and all of her sisters did indeed now have a new special classification. Royal Nursery Executives second only to the Queen herself. And actually superior to both the mated and unmated Consorts, whether mated or not. And she was still the Mistress of the Royal Comb and the Head of the Entire Nursery Complex. A place only the most senior of Nursery Drone would earn after a lifetime of service and experience. She was now the youngest to ever ascend to such a station. But this still felt like a trap. So she stayed still and instead watched him closely and never took her eyes off him or his movements. 
“Queen Kai never once challenged or even bothered to look at what -you would continually override her orders in the Hive Mind. She entrusted you with the Entire Nursery Comb completely and was grateful you were so intelligent and capable, so that besides laying the larvae themselves, she didn’t have to bother with anything else to do with it. Instead, her entire Nursery, she happily passed over to your capable hands when your mentor passed last year. In fact, you even redesigned the entire Nest Complex once you came out of stasis once you were fully formed and found a way to re-engineer it so that it not only worked better, but every drone worked better both in and out of it. And every other Hive took notes and are now copying you and what you have already done to gain the same success. Especially once you took over from your mentor last year once she passed from old age, who was just like you in most respects, the hive, despite Queen Kai’s weakness, grew stronger every moment after that. You were the one that implemented earth chickens and their eggs, along with starfish and sea urchin into the diets to improve the health and vitality of every drone in this hive even before that. You are the reason this Hive is as great as it is. No one with half a brain should ever want anything to happen to its most valuable member of this hive. You know as well as I do, Queens come and go, but the Nursery always stays. And, with your enhanced intelligence came the one thing every true drone lacks- a personality. Instead of being selfish, you were selfless. Instead of only following orders, you solved problems before there were even problems to be solved. And the only thing you were really scared of at first introduction- was Queen Kat’s immaturity and overly emotional state. Especially when you knew that her spitefulness would lead to her making mistakes when she would make emotional decisions instead of rational and reasonable ones. Because you can see and sense how young and inexperienced she is. Especially for a Super Queen and you don’t wish for her inexperience and her own faults in personality to undo all of your hard work that you were ready and willing to give your life to save.” He continued. 
“Shit, what day is it?” Hazi asked as she double checked the date and the time and found she had been resting for practically a whole week, but she strangely, wasn’t that voraciously hungry, as she would expect to be from a lack of eating that whole time. But instead, she found she had an aftertaste of something in her mouth that was…odd. But she could find out what it was once Klip left her alone. 
“Yeah, you missed all the commotion. Jaxon and his Isthantari were found, rescued and returned, safe and sound. As are all other previous non mated Royal Class Consorts.” He offered before he let her “see” what had happened while she was out- through his own eyes when the event had been recorded on the Hive Mind. 
“How are you a Mated Consort and still this intelligent? Is it because you are a Super that your higher intellect has remained intact?” Hazi questioned once she was done as she ignored her overstuffed inbox from a week’s worth of missed messages, most of them urgent from the previous unmated Royal Consorts. This was going to take at least two if not three whole days just to go through just the messages and another few days to play catch up with everything else. But it’s not like she had much to do as far as pressing duties she needed to attend to. She was the Mistress of the Royal Comb and Mistress of the Nest Complex, which her true sisters were running quite well in her absence. And the Royal Comb was already cleaned and awaiting future use. But the royal jelly vat was reopened. Maybe that was the taste, the royal jelly. But she didn’t remember it tasting quite that…good? Or rich or comforting perhaps. Like it was pure in a sense that only from Jika native foods. 
“Well if you’re really wondering if Queen Kat is still too small and too young for that, you’re partially right.” He answered honestly. 
“Queen Kat isn’t intimidated by others' intellect. She’s only truly mated one of her Super Consorts. The moment his intellect lessened, she grew irritated that he was “dumbed down” and that his mind atrophied. And he has been kept in stasis to keep his dumbed down body from irritating her. So instead, she has refused to fully isth with us to “save us” the embarrassment of getting dumber. So instead, she keeps us all technically, tethered to her through her own private communications network. That’s why you haven’t been able to hear us. But now that you are the Mistress of the Royal Comb. Now you get to be invited to the private Super Royal Network.” He invited. 
“Only to hear how Queen Kat is looking for any reason to kill me or how you or any other Super Consort will need to plot to kill me? No thank you.” Hazi immediately refused as he seemed to grow pained and frustrated that she was still clinging to such beliefs from those first impressions that he had hoped wouldn’t have been so damning. He had to remind himself, he had had a week to get to an accurate and appreciative understanding of her and this hive. She was still mentally in the first hours. He needed to be patient to give her time to adjust and come to her own accurate understanding and conclusions about him and the others. 
“No, it’s nothing like that. Queen Kat is still young and is still learning. And if anything- coming here- she’s gotten a reality check for the last few days especially. She’s finding that now that she’s here and now that she sees that while this is a great Hive, the legacy Queen Kai left her, is leaving much to be desired. So she’s shaking things up and changing things, just the same way you did once your mentor let you do so once she saw how your ideas and plans could improve things. Queen Kat- truly and honestly- does not wish to cause you or your other true sisters- any harm at all. If anything, she’s trying to imitate your example and emulate it. Since your legacy is the only thing she has found that is great and functional and practically the only thing that is working right. Please, any ill will you felt has completely left both the conscious and subconscious of the entire Royal Family, both new and former. If anything, Queen Kat has been quite anxious for you to wake up. Because she’s finding, even though she’s a Super Queen, she fears she’s in over her head. So instead of looking for a reason to kill you. She’s the one who has tried to restart things with you and your sisters by elevating you and reclassifying you to what you are now to try to gain your forgiveness for her own rudeness and disrespect at your first meeting and interactions.” He offered apologetically. 
“Then she and the rest of you need to forgive me for being slow to accept such changes. For you, you’ve all had a week to make such adjustments. Such things are only moments old for me. It is a lot for me to get used to and accept, I’m overwhelmed.” Hazi offered. 
“Yes, of course. Please, take all the time you need. We will patiently wait for you to adjust, however long that would take.” He readily accepted. But that didn’t exactly make her feel better. If anything, it only made her that much more suspicious. 
“Here, would you feel better if you just had a private network with just me then? I’m the Head Royal Consort. I’m Queen Kat’s Right Hand Man, quite literally. Nothing gets out of her, without going through me first. You earned my respect and you earned my trust with your actions already. I completely understand your need for secrecy. It’s what has kept you and those that came before you- alive. Also, the other unmated Royal Consorts of Queen Kai, would also like to invite you and your sisters onto their network as well. I get your hesitance, reluctance and weariness. No Super has taken over any Hive in this Quadrant before. So all of us are just now getting over our weariness of each other and this is new for all of us. We should give ourselves some grace as we adjust.” He offered before she reluctantly allowed herself to accept just his private network invitation and mentally had to practically rub at her eyes to make sure she was “seeing” it as what it really was. 
And what she found was completely unlike anything she had ever seen or felt before. It was a private network to put all other networks to shame. Her own private one with her sisters practically felt like a shady dive bar compared to this sheer luxuriousness and its many layers and levels of security and levels of superiority. She had the ability to even use this to reach out to other Hive Minds far beyond the Quadrant and even this entire Galaxy and far beyond. 
“Wow.” She breathed in surprised awe. As it felt like she was on an observation deck of a special spaceship. Able to see her Hive from the outside and able to see all others from this vantage of the private network as she could even see the other private networks of the Hive from here. Even as “closed off” as they had tried to make them. What really looked like having windows in a shop covered in paper to conceal what was inside them. It looked rather pitiful actually. 
“Here, now you know how a private network is supposed to look like, and feel like and be. Use it to remake your own.” He offered before he went to leave her both in body and in this private network to a “door” that led to the private network just on the other side where she could perceive all the other Super Consorts and even the Queen on the other side as she noticed all other doors to all other networks- locked from her side so that no one would ever come in here without her inviting them and allowing them in- in the first place. 
“What is this taste in my mouth?” She suddenly asked as she was pulled from the Private Network back into her own reality where they were still standing together in the empty Nursery Drone Comb. 
“Food that was to sustain as you rested and recovered.” He tried to answer delicately. 
“Why are you doing any of this? Or all of it - if it’s just a trap?” She asked, still not believing this situation was as benign as he made it appear to be. 
“You wound me by even thinking such things.” He put his hands over his chest as if she had really stabbed him which only made her frown at him deeper and harder as his attempts to be funny and charming practically fell flat which only made him feel that much more awkward. 
“This feels like a trap.” She insisted. 
“Well, there is nothing I can do about how you feel about stuff. But I promise and swear on the very Royal Nursery Executives that you just risked your life trying to save, that it isn’t a trap. Not at all, not even a little.” He readily offered as he moved to leave again. 
“I swear if you’re just doing this so you and all of the other Consorts get to have your own fuck toys in me and my sisters, I’ll rip your dick off myself. To isth with a Nursery Drone has always been a punishment for a Mated Consort for not pleasing the Queen and un mated Consorts are never allowed to be in the Nest long enough to make isthing possible either. And enjoying such isthing is punishable by death for any Nursery Drone.” Hazi growled lowly as he had to walk past her to leave. 
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Again, Queen Kat is recognizing the Private Isthantari status among the non-mated Royal Consorts. Both non Jika and even Jika ones. If they will be private and stay private.” He informed her as he tried to side step her and fidget with his interface before he left. 
“Then I’m not interested in being anyone’s “private Isthantari”. Because to have any Isthantari besides the Queen is just gambling with your own life and gambling with the Queen’s good graces and moods. The Queen should be the only Isthantari in the Hive.” She insisted as she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her body to face his once again. 
“Usually, yes. But I wouldn’t make such a rash decision so soon. How about you just give this new arrangement a little bit of time to adjust to it. Just like with everything else. Take your time simply adjusting. But otherwise, I’m looking forward to seeing what else you can create now that you have better tools and better supplies to build with and use.” He offered before he left. Leaving her to simply huff before she looked in the mirror and scoffed at her disheveled appearance as she grabbed her brush and brushed out her own fur the way she liked to have it done. 
How dare he look at her as if she was the prettiest Queen he had ever seen before. Especially when she looked like this. She looked like she got into a tumble with a pile of larvae. She looked so….stupidly well rested. Since when did her own royal colors get so bright? So polished? Was it the Royal Jelly? She needed answers. ASAP
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thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien- Part 2
To Exhaustion and Beyond
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A huge thanks to @borealwrites for their marvelous Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
To Exhaustion, and Beyond.  
“Are you sure you did the right thing?” Haya asked worriedly as she helped Hazi as they all rushed to her and helped her reanimate Queen Kai’s body. 
“If Gadi had not done it for us, we too would have been killed in the comb. Females are rare enough as it is, we need to save all that we can. Especially if this whole Private Isthantari thing becomes a trend among the unmated Royal Consorts, or heaven forbid, those Super Consorts decide to get a little too friendly with us. Queen Kat is too young, and is still ruled by her emotions and has barely gotten her wings in. Who knows what she could do- in a fit of anger and has no idea how to undo anything. Just in case. Who knows if Super Queen Kat is here to stay or not. It’s gonna be a good long while before she’s up to size. I would hate to see all these larvae die, just because they had the bad luck of not being born free of their dead mother yet. And if Queen Kat is not here to stay, we still have three princesses that were in the programming stage, it wouldn’t be too hard to get them back in and finish what they started. The Hive as a whole isn’t lost yet” Hazi breathed in a whisper so that only her true sisters would hear such “treasonous” words. 
She dare not say such things in the network as she relinked with her true sisters on their private network and sent her other sisters around nest again to try to pry the larvae they could from Queen Kai’s body before they got her body to reanimate once hooked up to special interfaces with the Hive Mind itself, for when the worst case would happen, when a Queen would die of other causes before she was done with her birthing process. It was just enough to continue to deliver already fertile eggs and continue to incubate them to larvae stage.
Hazi pulled the phallus’ out of Kai’s body so that no more could be fertilized and knew that the infertile eggs would be instead, most likely used as a food source for Queen Kat to get her to start to develop to lay her own sooner. Since that was the norm for takeovers. Hazi went ahead and cut into the abdomen and carved out all unfertilized eggs that were lining the isth chamber, waiting to be fertilized before they would be moved down the chain. As she went ahead and sealed off the line, so that no more would slide from this pocket down the develop line to incubate from fertilized egg, to larvae before birth. 
“She’s laying again!” Her true sisters announced happily as they caught the larvae themselves from her, who were practically wriggling out of their mother, in an effort to get free of her before her death would spread to them. And they had done so in the nick of time to keep any fertile egg or larvae from dying with their mother. 
“Good, reinstate the laying procedures.” Hazi insisted as she disposed of the now dying phallus’ and handed off the unfertilized eggs off to Habi to deliver to Queen Kat before she checked in on the saved Princesses in the Nursery Drone Cells in the Nursery Drone Comb as everything seemed to get back up and running as usual again once Hazi gave that order since they had all paused and had not moved the moment Queen Kat had told them not to- and to make a path for her Super Royal Consorts to come and kill the Princesses. Queen Kat had not bothered to give any other- any other order in the Nursery, but instead had ordered everyone else to ‘continue as usual’ as she dealt with Hazi herself.  
“It’s gonna be ok. You’re safe now. Just…please, take to the change.” Jazi breathed to the Princesses as she put her hands up to the windows of the cells where they were already hooked up and being fed nursery drone food as the one who was just beginning the programming stage and the one in the middle of the programming stage put up only a moment of resistance in eating the new nursery drone jelly. While the one who was nearly at the end of it the programming phase before the syncing phase was refusing the nursery drone food altogether and was practically pouting in stasis. 
“Damn it, stubborn little one, you are going to give yourself away.” Jazi softly chastised in a whisper as she thought for a moment about how to fix this- before she recalled all the royal jelly that was still in the Royal Nursery Comb that had been in those cells above the larvae and pupae princesses, it shouldn’t have all gotten all cleaned up by now, she could get some and mix it in to the nursery drone jelly, and it would only enrich the others, but it would most likely be the taste that the stubborn one was waiting on and would only eat if she recognized the taste. 
Hazi tried to subtly slip into the Royal Nursery Comb and saw how the vat of royal jelly was already being sealed off by Royal Jelly Caretaker Drones as she knew, if she interrupted that process, that really would be a line too far. She was on “thin ice” as it was already with Queen Kat. She needed to not crack and fall through any time soon. 
Then a drop of it- dropped onto her shoulder from where it was previously in the royal jelly hold above the cells where the princesses had once been only moments before. She immediately smiled in relief and could cry happy tears of relief to see it, and immediately over-rode the clean up crew that was just now getting to the site and hadn’t started to clean up the rest of the Royal Jelly since all other Royal Jelly Caretakers were working on the vat. 
She told the clean up crew as well as the Royal Jelly Caretakers to leave all the remaining “mess” of royal jelly behind so that she could clean it herself. So that she could, without telling them- so that she siphon it off herself and dispose of it without the Hive Mind’s, or especially, Queen Kat’s oversight. However, the Hive Mind did not immediately accept the change. And instead prompted to her to give a reason for the change, courtesy of Queen Kat herself. 
Damn it. It was clear she was being closely watched and observed. So she needed to justify every tiny little thing possible. 
Hazi immediately responded that her reason for the override was ‘so that the normal clean up crew- wouldn’t get “sick” off of “accidentally” eating potentially contaminated- royal jelly that had already made contact with the floor and the feet of herself and the Super Royal Consorts when they came into the Royal Comb to kill off the threatening Princess. Especially when the normal clean up crews never had the digestive tract for royal jelly, the way the Royal Jelly Caretakers did, but that she still did herself. Thus she was simply trying to save the clean up crew the hassle while not letting the mess sit waiting for the Royal Jelly Caretakers while they secured the vat of precious and still pure and uncontaminated- royal jelly.’ 
She had to wait a very tense moment before the order was allowed to remain in place by the Hive Mind from Queen Kat’s control before it was obeyed. But Hazi breathed a sigh of relief to see the clean up crew immediately leave.
“Thank you Nurse Hazi. We’ll have this vat secured and I’ll leave a hatch left so you can put the remnants into the vat.” Juzi offered gratefully. 
“Please don’t bother. Seal it off without this. Those Super Royal Consorts were all in here. Who knows where they themselves have been before they came into the Royal Comb. Consider all of this Royal Jelly contaminated by the New Super Consorts’ stepping in it and through it when they were in here. I wouldn’t dream of contaminating the safe and secure vat of royal jelly just to save, what will most likely be barely much of any royal jelly in total. It always looks bigger as a mess than what it is. I know what I’m doing. I’ll see to it that it’s disposed of correctly and will not harm any other.” Hazi readily offered as that seemed to make sense to everyone on the Royal Jelly Caretaker team as they nodded their agreement to such reasoning and relayed such reasoning to the Hive Mind too and continued on as usual and didn’t bother to take note of anything else Hazi did to clean up the mess left in the Royal Nursery Comb. 
Hazi readily, and as quickly and as thoroughly as she could, gathered all she could, using the very pieces of the cut open cells to create something of a carrying case should could carry as a backpack as she used the very spouts she and her sisters had cut- to build a hose to suck all the remaining royal jelly from all other cells. 
It took her the rest of the day to do. 
She had to pause and eat at least a little herself to revive herself to finish the work since this was technically far more work than should be done in a single day by a single individual, no matter how they were classified or built. But now that she started this, she had to see this through, no matter what. Gadi’s sister Gabi died doing this when they had saved Hazi and her sisters. She would be content to make a similar sacrifice to save the dozens of Princesses from their new Super Queen Aunt in turn. 
But when she had collected every single drop and even every single molecule of film all of it had left behind from the Royal Comb and everywhere else where it had been tracked through the Royal Nest Structure, even from off of the feet of the very Super Consorts themselves as they seemed to have come to rest in the other parts of the Queen’s Inner Sanctum that the Queen usually enjoyed while she got up to breeding size but was usually left for her mated Royal Consorts to enjoy once she was moved to the Laying Nest. A wall with a door was erected so that Super Queen Kat and her Super Consorts wouldn’t even need to see what remained of Queen Kai’s body. 
Once Hazi collected every scrap of Royal Jelly she could, she cleaned it and purified it and then went back and mixed it in with the nursery drone jelly for the princesses in their particular comb so that they would slowly begin the transition from the royal jelly to nursery drone jelly and even had the royal consorts do the same from their cells nearby on the other side of the wall of the comb. 
And it was only when she did this, that the stubborn one finally began to eat when she recognized the royal jelly in her food as the others seemed to suddenly eat with renewed vigor. Hazi could only shake her head at Little Stubborn, for her stubbornness. She would have to take this one under her wing, both literally and figuratively once she emerged from the comb. The same way her mentor had done with her. Hazi had her work cut out for her. And she was already tired and just the thought of such work made her feel even that much more exhausted. 
“Gadi did it for you, you can do it for this little one too.” Hazi had to remind herself before she got back to Royal Nursery Comb and then deep cleaned the whole thing and even reworked the comb cells- so that they were all practically brand new, just the same way Gadi had done for Queen Kai a generation before. Granted it took her the rest of the day and half way into the night. She lost count and track of the hours it took to do, but she did it after she broke down the little carrying case and had practically eaten what she could and disposed of everything she couldn’t- as she just finished with the last bit just as Queen Kat and her other Super Consorts arrived to inspect it once they sensed from the Royal Jelly Caretakers that the vat was secured but that Hazi and only Hazi remained to fully deep clean the Royal Comb herself once they left to go back to their usual quarters to rest for the night as, she had finally got to answer the prompting in her inbox, asking when she was ‘done’ with the Royal Nursery Comb. Ever there in her inbox and she had no sooner wiped the last thing clean before she could say she was done, when they seemed to come in only a second later. As if they had been outside, waiting on her to finish so they could come and “inspect” her work. 
“Why did you dismiss the clean up crew for the Royal Nursery Comb? And why did you do it yourself- by yourself? Why didn’t you ask for help from anyone else- in restoring the Royal Nursery Comb? Was their work really that unsatisfactory? Should they be eliminated from service if said service is defective enough for you to intervene to such a degree?” Queen Kat demanded from Hazi as she glared at the spotless Royal Nursery, hating that she could find no fault in it and not give into her gut feeling to kill off this “Royal” Nursery Drone- for any reason she could find to justify it to her Super Consorts who seemed to suddenly agree that the Royal Nursery Drones were well worth their presence and interference and that such presence and interference usually only benefited the hive, when given the chance to explain why they did it, after they did it of course. 
“My Isthantari, in my haste to move the New Nursery Drones to their proper places- to assist in your new Super Royal Hive, I broke the cells that held their royal jelly. And it spilled and got on the floor, where your own Super Royal Consorts stepped in it and contaminated what had spilled. Royal Jelly is much too rich for normal clean up crews to deal with, let alone consume without becoming addicted to it and they did not have the ability to consume it correctly and would have been a waste of Royal Jelly since every drop, even when spilled- is precious and needs to be treated and handled with the utmost care, even when contaminated. At the bare minimum, the clean up crew would need to be killed off once they were finished, for they would surely breach the containment of the now sealed off vat- just to get more. And such things must not be allowed to happen to the royal jelly. It is the most precious resource the Hive has, besides you, it’s Super Queen of course. There was already enough loss of life today. I do not mind this humble task of dealing with the spilled royal jelly, nor do I mind restoring the Royal Nursery Comb for your future use. As you can see, the vat of royal jelly has already been sealed off and secured and had been that way once I really got started. I did not wish to undo that work that was already perfectly executed- just to redo it- just to add - barely scraps and half drops of contaminated jelly, for that would risk contaminating the entire vat. And contaminated Royal Jelly can and will kill an entire hive. The residue of the royal jelly was enough to sustain me to finish this without putting any other at risk, and it has thus saved the clean up crew from addiction as well as any other nursery drone who would assist me in this work. I alone was ready and willing to sacrifice myself to give you the best new start I could. It is my honor and duty to do so- My Isthantari. And it has saved you from any burden from the hive to replace the clean up crew before they would be scheduled to be replaced. I have already successfully broken my own addiction to royal jelly once before when I was moved to the nursery drone area as an underdeveloped princess pupae myself. This second time will not be difficult or an inconvenience to either you or me. It is for the good of the hive, which still abides by the base code of all Hives of Jika. If however, you are not satisfied by my work, or with my honest answers, by all means, take my life as payment for unsatisfactory work, as is our way.” Hazi calmly justified, since she had been rehearsing this response since she started to clean up the spilled royal jelly- as she forced her tired body into a submissive respectful posture, despite its aches and pains to do so.  
“Isthantari, this Royal Nursery Drone should be commended for their faith and trust in your succession and for anticipating your needs and wishes correctly and making your ascension that much more assured and as smooth as it was in her power to do. She should be rewarded for her hard work. While her hard over-work today has shortened her lifespan in the long run. She should be promoted to be Mistress of the Royal Nursery and train all other Royal Nursery Drones to meet and exceed expectations to the same degree as she has already demonstrated today. And to ensure that all the new nursery drones accept their new change in careers as readily and willingly as she has.” Super Consort Klip suggested. Since he had been front and center in the stand off earlier and had been closest to intensely study her during those moments since she had even tracked him all the way down, just to clean up the jelly that he had unwittingly stepped in and cleaned it from his own foot and all other spots where he had walked around in the hive that day to make sure she got every molecule of it.  
“Very well. Hazi, you are now my Mistress of the Royal Nursery Comb, and all other Royal Nursery Aides will be your own crew as they have already been made to be. Be sure to train all who are under you well. And should any disobey or any other not readily and willingly accept the change, you must execute them yourself. Since you seem insistant to take on so much for yourself.” Queen Kat declared, granted, a bit reluctantly before she left while Klip stayed behind once Queen Kat left with the rest of the Super Consorts. Leaving Hazi to look at him curiously for his own interference on her behalf. 
“Why did you do that?” Hazi asked once the rest of them had left as he seemed to smirk and strode purposefully up to her to peer down at her. And for once, she was a bit scared that she couldn’t access his thoughts through the Hive Mind, since she was on her own private network as he was on his own as well. 
“It’s clear that you had greater reasons for doing what you did. And it’s clear that you serve a greater purpose than you realize. You should get some sleep. You’ve overworked yourself. You need to rest and try to recover. Once you’ve fully recovered, we can talk then.” Klip offered before he left, leaving her to practically lean against the wall to finally relax for only a nano second before her other true sisters came to her from rushing into the Royal Comb from the back entrance. 
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thecandywrites · 3 months
Monster March 2024- Day 20- Alien- Part 1
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Woo! I have been waiting for this day, actually since Kinktober Ended. And as you can see, I've been working on this since then too. But granted, I wish I had written more but to stay on schedule, I'm gonna have to end things here with just six parts instead of...however many it would take to finish this.
Ok, so here are the stories that are referenced here. You don't have to read all of these, surely you can get the gist of what's going on and should be able to read this as a stand alone story.
However, if you want the background- It goes back to the OG- the original Isthantari story I wrote- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. As well as characters from the series. Jago and Jaxx- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. And this takes place during the events of the first story.
As always, huge thanks to @borealwrites for their wonderful Monster March 2024 Prompt List
Monster March 2024 Day 20- Alien- Jika. 
Part 1 
The moment Hazi got the message that Super Queen Kat was about to take over the hive once Jaxon bolted for his Isthantari- Sable, to keep her safe in the takeover, Hazi flew to the Royal Nursery Comb of the Nursery Complex, where the current Royal Princesses were in stasis in their own incubation cells as both larvae and pupae, along with the future consorts were also being incubated in their various stages of larvae and pupae in the Royal Comb. She readily reassigned the future consorts as Specialists and could do so for the entire group. 
Immediately, the other Nursery Drones came and moved the royal consorts and their special cells into the appropriate places for incubation for True Specialists since such cells were custom made for consorts to be organized and reorganized according to each Princess and future Queen. Hazi then called all of her true sisters to assist her in the moving of the larvae and pupae staged Princesses since they were in permanent cells and would need to be moved individually. She could count on the other Nursery Drones to carry out her orders for the Consorts, but the other Nursery Drones would not follow any order she would give for the Princesses because it went against protocol by the Greater Hive Mind Code. 
Because Hazi knew, without a shadow of a doubt that Princess Kai would fall and that all of her royal daughters who were out of the programming stage of their sub adult pupae forms as they would then fully develop into full queens- would be executed as simultaneously as Queen Kai would be. And she needed to save as many of Queen Kai’s true daughters as she could, the same way she had been when Queen Kai had killed and succeeded her own mother, Queen Hita. 
Hazi started with the youngest, moving from individual cell to cell and manually changed the coding on the actual cells to the various larvae staged Princesses- to Royal Nursery Drones- before trying to manually open each cell to get them moved because the Princess Cells were permanent structures, never meant to be moved. The doors were very slow to open and Hazi ordered for her true sisters to move them to the appropriate section and not stop for anyone or anything. Since her true sisters, all of whom - should have been queens in their own rights, just like her, but instead were considered Royal Nursery Drones instead. A very special and very rare classification that was created- just for times like this. 
But because it was not an original command, the Hive Mind was always slow in acceptance of the new orders and the new coding. But it meant that she and her true sisters all kept their higher brain capabilities to have the capacity to tell the Hive Mind ‘no’ or ‘in a minute’ and not complete, blind obedience all others had no choice but to give to the Hive Mind. And actually have something every Royal Class Jika took for granted, distinct, individualism and distinct, differentiated personalities. 
Hazi and her true sisters had to slice the feeding tubes that were attached to the mouths of the Princesses to free them out of the cells themselves when she and her sisters were running out of time to deprogram them manually and there were too many Princesses for just them to do one by one as the royal jelly practically started to ooze down into the floor of the cell out and onto the floor. She and her sisters did her best to cut them out in such a way so that they could readily and easily be hooked up in the nursery drone cells so that they would no longer be fed on royal jelly but a special jelly meant to sustain nursery drone pupae instead. All of her sisters readily pulled the larvae and pupae staged Princesses out of the cells and flew them to the Nursery Drone Comb and set them up with the special Royal Nursery Drone Codes on the cells so that the cells would accept the larvae and Pupae and the program that ran the Nursery Drone Comb- would know to read and assess where they were in incubation and them continue their incubation process according to Nursery Drone Classifications and Specifications. But Hazi stayed and instead did all she could to do the same for all other remaining Princesses so that when her sisters would return they could just take the bodies of the Princesses back to the Nursery Drone Comb. 
Hazi’s true sisters did as she commanded and flew the bodies of the Princesses above the fray of the other Nursery Drones moving larvae from the Queen’s body to the appropriate and regularly planned cells. They flew as fast as they could as they moved them to the Nursery Drone comb. All of them, practically shoving the Princesses into the cells and haphazardly hooking them up to the food and then quickly closing the cells and putting in the new codes before they flew back to Hazi, all of them trying to save as many as they could, some taking two larvae at a time, but the pupae were bigger and they needed to fly those pupae back- each one, only able to carry one in her arms- the same way they had been a generation before. 
Hazi knew the nanosecond Super Queen Kat took over and killed Queen Kai and was starting to take over the Hive Mind because she got the order from the Hive Mind to kill all of Queen Kai’s Princesses as her first order in taking control of the Hive Mind as the New Queen, and her Super Queen Status gave her superior codes to allow for this process to go even faster than any other. 
She could only answer her new orders from the Hive Mind - ‘in a moment’. Because to say ‘no’ would immediately flag her as a target to be killed. She could tell from the lack of feed from Queen Kai and her Mated Escorts- that they were already dead as there was an eerie silence in that part of the communication neural network highway she shared with Queen Kai and her Mated Escorts and Hazi could only hope to wait to hopefully start to hear Super Queen Kat and her Super Escorts begin to take their places on the Hive Mind Communication Network. 
But such things were not happening and she was terrified that they were using a network she was never going to get access to, because she and her true sisters might be killed off in the takeover because of how “new” Royal Nursery Drones were considered to the Jika in general. And because Queen Kat was from the Homeworld, she may not accept anything new. And want to re-establish everything “the tried and true way” or “factory settings” in a sense.  But Hazi couldn’t be caught up in such thoughts right now. She had to use the present to save as many as she could. 
She had to quickly fly to the other Princesses down the Comb- as she had taken to just pressing the ‘need to flee’ emergency evacuation protocols on the other cells so that they would unlock and their protective casings would recede so she could reach in and just cut each one’s feeding tube free so they could be cut out and cut free by her other sisters when they would return.
She continued to do this down the lines of comb to see who else she could save as her sisters came and had to also ignore the order as they cut the openings larger so that they could reach in and pull the pupae staged Princesses out of the cells directly to fly them back to the Nursery Drone Comb again before Queen Kat’s super Consorts came to kill the Princesses themselves when Hazi got the order to clear a path to the Royal Comb for them to do so. 
Hazi knew the ones that had already been programmed to be synced with the Hive Mind itself along with the code to develop their egg cells and were now simply in stasis, fully formed as Queens or at the very least, had already started to develop their own eggs- were as good as dead, as they rested in their stasis cells, completely unaware of the danger looming or the eminent destruction. 
She knew from experience of what happened when her savior had also tried to save even those, last time. They had gotten pregnant and had to be killed pregnant. And it was too dangerous to the Hive as a whole to save them and had even been a risk to her and all of her other sisters. And she couldn’t take that risk with the Princesses she had already saved. 
But she pulled the princesses that were just now entering the programming stage and even in the middle of it- out, handing them to her true sisters that had just returned a third time to try to save the others that Hazi had identified as savable. 
She got all the way down to the very last stage of programming, right before the now programmed queen would sync with the Hive Mind and get the final programming code to develop eggs, just to see one get out of it and start the process of developing eggs. She knew that that Princess was now as good as dead too. 
But the one that just entered the last programming stage? Could be saved. Even the one that was right in the middle of the programming phase? She could still save that one too. She could do it. She was down to these last two. She could save these last two. It wasn’t too late for them. 
Hazi did a forced shutdown of the program itself as she could hear the thunderous, furious buzzing of the Super Consorts who were coming to kill the other Princesses as the whole Nursery suddenly stopped everything. Queen Kai’s body, now dead, immediately stopped laying Larve and the deathly quiet from the Hive Mind besides the order to kill All Princesses and to let all Super Consorts Into the Nursery Comb. They were mere seconds away once they entered the Hive Nest Structure- and would be there any second. She had to use every nanosecond wisely. 
Hazi had no sooner tore the actual cell apart and pulled the princess out to hand to her sister to move into a brand new nursery drone cell before Queen Kat’s escorts came into the Royal Nursery Comb and swarmed the remaining pre-synched and completely programmed and developing princesses, all still in stasis, so that they were never really alive in the first place. They tore the cells open to eat them in order to dispose of them and killed them by eating their heads first as Hazi had to quickly replace the three princesses that had been in the programming phase with the bodies of unprogrammed drones that had been brought by her true sister Hebi when she saw Hazi try to save the ones in the programming phase and knew that the Super Consorts would not stop or rest until all of the “threatening” Princesses were either neutralized or killed. Hebi put the first one into the cell the Princess that had just started to go through programming in after she handed another to Hazi to put into the spot the Last Princess had just been pulled from while their sister Hyi put another pupae in the one in the middle as they put them into cells without the Super Consorts seeming to notice until they moved down the line to kill any who would have even started to enter the programming stage. 
Thankfully, Hazi and her other sisters still had royal jelly to swipe onto the drones to make them “look and taste” like princesses from the royal jelly on their own arms. And with royal jelly dripping down and able to convince the Super Consorts that they had killed all other princesses as they moved to the now empty Princess cells and stopped when there was no one else to eat and recognized Hazi, Hyi and Hebi as the Nursery Drones they were as Hazi’s true sisters told her on their private communication network that they shared just outside of the “public” Hive Mind, that the last three princesses were now safely in Nursery Drone Cells. 
They had done it, they had saved all of the Princesses that they could. 
Hazi smiled victoriously behind her mandibles as her chest heaved from her hard work. She and her true sisters had done it. They had saved who they could. They had done it and done it in time. 
However, once the Super Consorts had reported to the Hive Mind and then went silent when they were all clearly communicating on their own private network too- that they had killed the “Threatening Princesses” and that no other remained. The Order from the Hive Mind ceased and disappeared and instead, was eerily quiet and even practically silent as they simply stood and stared at Hazi and her sisters, who in turn, didn’t move either and just stared back at the Super Consorts. Fearing that if they moved, they would be attacked. 
But instead of leaving, it was clear, these Super Consorts were not as stupid as Hazi and her sisters were hoping for. There was an agonizingly silent stand off between the two sides as neither Hazi, nor her sister Habi or Hyi- stayed perfectly still- as did the Super Consorts. Both sides talking to their own private networks but saying nothing to the Hive Mind. 
The Super Consorts used the awkward moment and soon checked the Hive Mind to see what she had already done to the Princesses who should have been in those empty cells behind the three odd Nursery Drones- that had been there only moments before in order to “neutralize” them as they formed a small triangle between the three of them. But the closest of them, seemed to have her hands out splayed protectively to her sisters behind her. 
The Hive Mind kept no secrets, and plainly told what Hazi and her true sisters- the Royal Nursery Drones- had done, and overridden the programming on the cells before cutting the cells open to release the Princess’ bodies when they had not wanted to open upon Hazi and her sisters’ commands. They themselves had taken Hazi’s orders and moved the Princesses. Once it was clear that Hazi had been the originator of the orders for the Princesses, they all seemed to lock on and onto Hazi as Hazi realized, every single Super Consort was now training their piercing gaze on her. 
‘We should flee’ Habi mentally urged her sister on their own private network that piggy backed on the Hive Mind. That was unique to them and only them. The same way there was a unique private network for unmated Royal Consorts to talk to each other without involving the Hive Mind as well. 
‘No. We move, we’re dead. Just stay still. Don’t move. Don’t show weakness, or guilt. Just stay still, wait for them to move first. But you need to alert the others, I can feel them narrowing on me in particular because I was the initiator. Put a partition on the network to keep our sisters safe from whatever is about to happen to me for being the instigator and initiator.’ Hazi said before she put up a mental divider between herself and her sisters’ on their own private network before she pulled out of it all together. 
“Nurse Hebi, Nurse Hyi- you are both dismissed.” One of the Super Consorts insisted and five of them left the formation to physically escort Hebi and Hyi out of the Royal Comb. 
“Nurse Hazi, you need to stay where you are.” One of the Head Super Consorts- Klip- who was directly across from her- insisted before Hazi gave her sisters one last meaningful look over her shoulder and nodded to the door before Hebi and Hyi- both reluctantly, but obediently moved as the Super Consorts grabbed them by their arms and wings and moved them out of the Royal Comb Room before shutting the door once they were out as all of her other true sisters were anxiously waiting outside the door before they shut, then locked the door and had Hazi fully surrounded as Hazi embraced what would surely happen next, her own death. And could only hope they did so quickly wouldn’t make her suffer too much as she took on the tallest and strongest posture her body would allow, looking this Super Consort right into the eyes and not moving her gaze from him, the same way he wouldn’t move his from her. 
“What’s happening?” They whispered to Hebi and Hyi. 
“I don’t know.” Hebi breathed back in a shaky whisper as she started to try to catch her own breath from practically holding it during the stand off, and could she cry, she would be starting to actually weep from fear for her sister Hazi who was on the other side of that door and completely surrounded.  
The Super Consorts seemed to take a moment to communicate with Queen Kat directly on their own private network as Queen Kat linked up with the Hive Mind fully and successfully took it over as the Super Queen she was. 
Once she was done with that, Queen Kat demanded an “audience” with Hazi, privately too, and for Hazi to be brought to her in the Heart of The Nest. And judging by the tone Queen Kat just used, Hazi knew she was about to meet Queen Kat’s wrath for her lack of obedience to her first order in the Hive Mind. 
The Super Escorts escorted Hazi to where Queen Kat still was, in the heart of the nest where the Queen usually always was- to where the front of Queen Kai’s lifeless body was and her direct link with the Hive Mind from her nest was in the Queen’s inner sanctum as it was clear that Queen Kat had already interfaced with the Hive Mind from here, it’s interface, already her crown on her head in the from of two curved horn like antennae. 
The whole way there, Hazi could do little but try to remember everything her own mentor had taught her before her mentor had passed and had coached Hazi and her true sisters on what to do when this would inevitably happen before they had passed away the previous year before. 
“Isthantari.” Hazi greeted respectfully once she was brought into the front of the nest to greet the markedly tiny pint sized Queen Kat before they were left alone. 
“So, who told you to change all the Princesses to Nursery Drones? That is not something I ordered, nor was it an order from the Former Queen, and it definitely was never an order in the Hive Mind itself. So where did that command come from? Is the Hive Mind itself compromised?” Queen Kat demanded, her offense, that anyone would dare not follow orders taken as a direct insult to her and her reign and rule of this Hive, no matter how new her reign was. 
“No. The Hive Mind is not compromised. It came from my own experience and sense. I gave myself that command and therefore, I carried it out. However I had good reason to give myself the command in the first place.” Hazi answered as tactfully and respectfully as she could.
“What reasons could you have possibly had?” Queen Kat sneered in exasperation as her abdomen began to buzz angrily. But the Super Consorts were right outside the Royal Sanctum- leaving this conversation to be private between the two of them as Hazi could already sense Queen Kat was restricting her access to the Hive Mind in an effort to make the final sever from the Hive Mind that much easier to do when she would decide to end Hazi’s life. But her own Royal Consorts were urging her to hear Hazi out and wait to make a final decision once she did, and doing so from the Hive Mind, so that Hazi could hear it. Which was…odd, especially when they didn’t need to do so, from the comfort of their own Super Private Network. 
“Because it was something that you needed.” Jazi supplied- both calmly and respectfully and most importantly, submissively. 
“Explain.” Queen Kat demanded wearily. 
“Isthantari, I understand that Jaxon reached out to you to come take over this hive because the local human population unintentionally posed a threat to Jika Superiority. A threat that I’m sure you will not have a problem- in dealing with. However, since you are a Super Queen, it means that you will soon need to lay your own Super Princesses when you are not needing to lay Super Drones or any other classification of Jika- yourself. So I simply changed the careers of the remaining, undeveloped and unprogrammed princesses to nursery drones since biologically, there is very little difference between them. They were all young enough and underdeveloped enough to not enter the final developmental stage where they would have eggs of their own, nor, were they ever in the programming stage, and thus, never be a threat to your control of the Hive Mind. And they were also young enough and underdeveloped enough, that when they do finish with their new reassignment and ultimately emerge from the Nursery Drone Cells in the Nursery Drone Comb, and have their own careers changed to that of a Nursery Drone and fully emerge themselves, fully formed as Nursery Drones- they will never know, or be, or act, any different than any other natural Nursery Drone. And that if anything, they will actually be more intelligent and more adaptable and more capable of serving you and the hive by caring for your own Super Princesses and any other classification of any other type of drones as well as any other- when you will lay them yourself. And will be intelligent enough to see probable outcomes and then anticipate and carry out future commands the same way I just have, without the hassle of being told to through the Hive Mind, which already is at its capacity and limit. Especially since taking over a Hive Mind is already a lengthy, intense and complicated process. I did not wish to complicate things further, and only wished to lessen your own load with gaining the control of the Hive Mind as our new Super Queen, which we are happy, relieved and excited to have and serve you from this moment on.” Hazi tried to reason with Super Queen Kat, and do so loudly enough that those Super Consorts could hear too. And hopefully not take too much issue with since she was not allowed to put anything out onto the HIve Mind herself, only “see and hear” in a sense. 
“Now, instead of having to decide on what to do with the remaining larvae, pre-pupae and pupae Princesses, now you no longer have to decide anything, since that issue already has an equitable solution. All those former Princesses that were a threat, have been killed off. All those who never would or even- never will- be a threat, have also been neutralized by having a simple career change and have already been moved and are being nurtured as replacements for the current nursery drones who are already aged and will need to be replaced right when they would be done finishing themselves. And you will have- instead, more avenues to use as discipline and deterrent to the remaining Consorts and even to keep your own Super Consorts in line and always performing their duties perfectly, as such perfect service is especially owed to a Super Queen.” Hazi appealed, the same way her own savior had done to Queen Kai. 
Queen Kat paused to look over Hazi once more, this time, more carefully and actually taking note of distinct characteristics that Hazi had that normal Nursery Drones usually didn’t have. 
“I see from your coloring, that you must have been such a product of having a “change of career”.” Queen Kat snipped, looking at the pearlescent magenta tinged maroon and the subtle metallic gold of her yellow. As if the maroon and dark opaque yellow was an overlay on the royal colors, subduing them and creating its own unique hues. 
“I am. I am one of over a dozen or so in this hive and one of hundreds, in this quadrant and one of thousands in this galaxy and one of millions far and wide across the universe. And it is because of us, that this hive has been as large and successful as it is, even when we had such a weak queen in Queen Kai. It is why this Quadrant is as highly prized as it is. And it is why Hives who have done the same are more successful than the ones who do not take up the new change in protocols. Use the Greater Hive Mind Network and see for yourself what the results of adopting such protocols have done nothing but become even more successful and more profitable. And it is also why this Galaxy that others have come from all over the universe to send their consorts just to this quadrant, in particular, just this hive and others just like it. Because the Hives with the New Protocols are actually better Hives as a whole. The fact that The Hive Network still leaves the New Protocols as up to the discretion of each individual Queen to either accept or refuse, at her and her Hive’s own success or peril.” Hazi explained as she couldn’t help but cast a look over at Queen Kai’s still twitching corpse as it continue to twitch and spasm sporadically and knew her time to convince Queen Kat of the benefits of herself and her true sisters and their “New Codes” was all she could do now before her body joined Queen Kai’s. 
Queen Kat seemed to think this over for a moment as her Super Consorts actually used the Hive Mind to reach out to the Greater Hive Mind Network as well as the local unmated Consorts and all other Royal Families in all other Hives to see if Hazi was speaking the truth before they seemed to all get an overabundance of confirmation as Hazi, could hear it and kept her proud grin under her own mandibles. 
“I would however like to make a suggestion Isthantari.” Jazi said after another moment of awkward silence between them. 
“Oh?” Queen Kat asked, still deciding on whether she should be offended by another female offering her anything other than their complete submission and obedience outside of her own mother and “sisters” in the form of other Jika Queens in the Quadrant. 
“Because you were called early from the Home World, I would suggest keeping Queen Kai’s body alive, to continue to deliver every classification of larvae except royal class- for you while you get up to proper breeding size and any other princesses can simply be added to the natural nursery drone larvae when they would naturally be birthed while the royal consorts would naturally be put with the true specialists since that is what they all end up being when unmated anyway. It will not be hard or difficult for you to get to proper breeding size- here where we have such a nutrient rich planet to pull resources from. Meanwhile, all of the cells for your own Super Princesses will stay free and clear for when you are ready to have them in the Royal Nursery Comb, along with their future Super Royal Consorts. The Royal Jelly will, of course, keep until you are ready to make more yourself for them. But I would hate for this hive to have a whole span of generations lacking in its drones and other non royal members of the hive. For that would be detrimental to this hive and nothing detrimental can be allowed to happen to this hive- especially since you are now The Super Queen of it.” Jazi suggested as she eyed the dead queen’s body worriedly since it was without her head and the embryos and the larvae that were beginning to wriggle in her abdomen were starting to move in anxiety as they sensed that their mother was dead and that they too, would be too- soon enough- as their squirming made Queen Kai’s whole personal nest begin to wriggle and squirm from her extra large abdomen from under the layer of her nest cradling her body, now over full from a pause from not being in a constant state of giving birth to the larvae. 
“Very well, revive only the body to deliver those disgusting squirming drones, take the phallus’ out so that no more eggs will become fertile and prolong her artificial life for a nanosecond longer than it needs to be for. But once that abdomen has delivered the last fertile larvae are laid, kill the rest of it for good, so that I can fully take her place. Because it is clear that there is more than just this matter left unsettled with my takeover.” Queen Kat huffed as she reinstated Hazi’s access and place in the Hive Mind once more before she practically stomped away out of the Queen’s Royal Birthing Sanctum. Her light little steps hardly tapping on the floor as she left as she left with her Super Consorts following behind her. Hazi seemed to get a flurry of messages from the Super Consorts in her own personal message center as well as her sister’s personal correspondence- all of them saying they were looking forward to working with them in the future. But Hazi cared little beside repeating the same polite sentiment back to them, since she cared little about that, but cared all about reviving Queen Kai’s body, just to the point she could reanimate and lay her fertilized eggs and larvae and that none would die and threaten to rot in their spots and possibly kill their neighboring eggs and larvae. 
“Yes my Isthantari.” Hazi readily agreed as she hurried over to Queen Kai’s corpse and had to call in her other sisters to help her revive the body to save the larvae trapped inside the dead queen’s abdomen.
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thecandywrites · 2 months
Monster March 2024 Masterlist
Monster March 2024 is here baby! It is inspired of course by the amazing @borealwrites and their Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
However, because the I started working on some of these prompts well before the list was released- And because prompt lists change from year to year, I have some stories that aren't a "perfect" fit for the prompt. But are usually prompt adjascent. A lot of them are continuences from the 2023 stories, and in that case there will be links to the previous parts of these stories. However, a fair amount are new stories just for this year. Enjoy.
Monster March 2024
Day 1- Robot/Android/Cyborg/Automaton- In a Flash New!
Day 2- Dragon (born)- Dragon Heart Festival Part 1, Part 2! Continued!
Day 3- Extra-Dimenstional Being- Glass Cannon Part 1- . New!
Day 4- Humanoid Animal- Rakshasa- What to Bring to A Table Part 1, Making Two Tables into One Part 2, Part 3. Continued!
Day 5-Taurs - The Velvet Spa - New!
Day 6- Doppleganger/ Adjacent - Spring Fling Part 1, New!
Day 7- Succubus/Incubus/Concubus- The Lotus House Part 1, Part 2 Continued!
Day 8- Licht/Frankenstien's Monster- Paper Dolls-New!
Day 9- Pixie/Fairy- Part 1, Part 2- Continued!
Day 10- Fae- Coronation Day- The Lion and The Lamb- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 11- Angel- Adjacent- Angelicos Fortunadas New!
Day 12- Naga/Lamia- Adjacent - A Prince Charming for Princess- New!
Day 13- Vampire- Adjacent- The Golden Path- New!
Day 14- Minotaur- River and Rane New!
Day 15- Slimeperson/Symbiote- Rhovall and Evabeth New!
Day 16- Djinn/Elemental- Gemling- New!
Day 17- Ghost/Spirit- Talisman Continued!
Day 18- Merperson- Selkie and Onikuma New!
Day 19- Demon- Adjacent- Speed Demon - New!
Day 20- Alien- Jika- Hazi and Klip- Part 1, Part2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, New!
Day 21- Shapeshifter- A Mother's Touch- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Continued!
Day 22- Alrune- Adjacent- Fairy Wings For An Imperial Prince New!
Day 23- Werewolf- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Kabluey! Continued!
Day 24- Satyr- Morning, Dove New!
Day 25- Harpy- Adjacent- Moonlight Moura, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Refurbished.
Day 26- Drider- Drider Silk Brocade Part 1, Drider Silk Velvet Part 2- Continued!
Day 27- Giant- Hemi and Pix Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 28- Cryptid- OkCryptid- New!
Day 29- Sphinx- Adjacent- Blue Lotus
Day 30- Forest Spirit- My Star of Purple- New!
Day 31- Free Day- The Hunt New!
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