#Moles In Our Midst || Anon
mauerfrau · 2 years
What's the best part about being Berlin?
"Knowing exactly where to go for the best currywurst. No, I won't reveal my secret spot."
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mauermann · 1 year
You're in a public bathroom and someone knocks on the door. What do you say?
"'Occupied' in whatever the local language is."
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
CAN I RETCON AN AU I JUST STARTED??? ABSOLUTELY I CAN FOR YOU SOUPMATE....Yes you guys I did have my best friend send me an anon just so I could write this. She’s so fucking good I really don’t deserve having her in my life. So Yes I will change the AU I just started to be even more HeroMari. @cerasus--flores This is related to your ask, so I figured I would tag ya! This is also a Part Two!! 
Instead of having Hero and Mari meet at the exact time they both find their siblings....let’s work with this a bit shall we?
Kel has drifted off somewhere again, and Hero is just so fed up. He knows that Kel isn’t in the castle because Aubrey told him so, and they’re not too far away from the nearest town....Hero swears when he finds Kel he’s putting a sticking charm on him so he can’t leave his bed for a month. Kel knows why they have to hide in the Wastes, and the castle isn’t small. If he wants so badly to explore, why not explore the rooms? 
Hero grabs his cloak and puts it on, trying in vain to cover his dark blue locks. He liked making his hair fun colors, it was one of the little bits of magic he still did just for joy, but it made him easily recognizable. With a little bit of a disguising charm he left the castle and flew over to Farawaytown. 
Luckily the town is in the midst of some military parade, and everyone’s eyes are on the strapping soldiers, not a young boy hiding under a cloak. He scans the cheering fans at first, but with no traces of Kel, he begins to search the alleyways. 
Hero does a quick locator spell, letting a beam of light flare up in his palm. It starts as a ball but quickly shortens into a pointed spire, spinning like a compass. He says Kel’s name, and the spire turns a soft glowing orange, pointing southward. 
He follows it, keeping a sharp eye for any soldiers or citizens who might notice the very obvious display of magic, but the back streets are deserted. He crosses a divide in the alley, but hears a soldier laughing. Hero quickly walks backwards, cupping his hands and starting to extinguish his spell, when he hears a girl’s voice. A familiar voice. 
The spell lights up lavender, and spins wildly once more. It lands in the direction of the soldiers. Hero clasps his hands together, barely even daring to breathe. His heart is racing with a furious beat, but he can’t help to peer around the corner. 
She’s gotten taller since he’s last seen her, her hair is longer too. She always used to keep loose and flowing around her shoulders, but now it’s in a tight formal braid. Her dress is plain, and her hat is straw. Hero only ever saw her wear rich velvet robes and sparkling dresses, and Mari had always detested hats. 
He wouldn’t have believed it was her if she hadn’t spoken just then, telling the two soliders leering at her to leave her alone. They only came closer, and Hero blinked his eyes twice, searching their intentions. He could tell they didn’t actually mean her any harm, but Mari was still frightened. 
It was fine. She would be fine. He should just walk away. Getting close to her meant getting close to Solomon, which would put Kel in danger. He should just go. But Mari was scared...
Hero cursed at himself and straightened up to his full height, walking with confidence towards the trio. He put his arm around Mari, pulling her close to his chest. “There you are sweetheart. Sorry I’m late, I was looking everywhere for you,” 
Mari stiffened up, and Hero managed to brave a glance down at her face. She was staring up at him with a mixture of horror and wonder, but there was something else there. Something that sent a spike through Hero’s heart. She was confused, frightened of him. 
She didn’t know who he was.
Damn Solomon. 
The soldiers were annoyed at his intrusion, snapping something at him. Hero ignored them, not bothering to answer their questions. He held his right hand up over Mari’s shoulder, fingers crooking like they were holding marionette strings. He sent the two soldiers away, giving them instructions to join their platoon once more. Now it was just him and Mari alone. 
She was still frightened of him, and Hero lowered his hood to show his face to her. Even seeing him fully, his eyes and the glinting earrings she had given him as a birthday gift oh so many years ago, didn’t jog her memory. Damn Solomon. 
Hero tried not to let his disappointment show on his face. He gave Mari a small bow and apologized for intruding. She accepted the apology with a mumble, pulling on the sleeves of her conservative green dress.
On a whim Hero offered to “escort” her to wherever she was going. It wasn’t the smart choice, and probably the wrong one, but he had spent four years away from Mari and now that she was here in front of him, he didn’t just want to let her go. Besides the questions were beginning to pile up in his mind. Why was she not at the academy? What had Solomon done to the bright confident girl he used to know? Why didn’t she recognize him.
“Oh um...I’m just going to the bakery. I think that uh, my brother might be there, and I’m...I’m looking for him,” So Sunny was involved in all of this too. Hero shouldn’t be so surprised. Sunny managed to involve himself in plenty of trouble in their childhood. If Kel was here, chances are he had already found Sunny on his own. Hero gave Mari a small smile, the kind he knew made girl’s around him swoon and clutch at their hearts, and held out his arm.
“I’m looking for my brother too. Shall we look together?” She nodded and took his arm, placing her small hand in the crook of his elbow. They walked in silence, Hero too preoccupied, Mari too overwhelmed to speak. Then Hero noticed a familiar sight, a tiny brown mole peeking around a corner. He leaned his head close to Mari and whispered in her ear
“Don’t be alarmed, but I’m being followed. Act normal,” Mari acted even more alarmed, and Hero quickened his pace, a plan beginning to form in his head. Solomon may have taken Mari’s memories, and maybe even her abilities, but she would still have her natural talents. Maybe a taste of what she used to have would bring out some of the old times they used to share
Moles were beginning to sprout from the walls, closing them in from all sides. Mari gave a quiet shout of fright, and Hero smirked. He grabbed her securely around the waist and flew them both up high into the air. The wind made her dress a balloon, and the moles chattered angrily from below. 
Mari had her eyes shut tightly, fear making her shake. Hero frowned, and then shook off his negative feelings. He took his hands away from her waist and linked their fingers easily together. “Open your eyes,” Mari shook her head, a quiet whimper of fright managing to escape her lips. He squeezed her hands once, “Trust me,” 
Mari cautiously opened her eyes one by one and gaped at the sight. She had never been this high up before! Still something about it felt right, like she had done it a thousand times before. She turned back towards the wizard she had recognized by his strange colored hair and gave him an uncharacteristically wide smile. 
She had been so scared when the wizard Hero had first put his arm around her, thinking back to all the things the other girls at the flower shop said. But all of those rumors couldn’t be true, not about this boy with his soft spoken voice and gentle smiles. 
“That’s my girl,” He whispered into her ear, heart fluttering at the joy on Mari’s face as they glided through the air together. Hero gave her instructions to straighten her legs and start walking, and they continued their jaunt high above the heads of the rest of the world. She clearly still wasn’t herself, but it felt nice to do this with Mari again. 
This was something they had done countless times in their youth. Flying was one of Mari’s favorite things, and they had often danced around in the air while they waited for their next lessons to begin. 
“Not so hard is it?” Hero laughed, placing his boot down on one of the rooftops and launching them higher into the air. Mari gave an exhilarated giggle, and Hero couldn’t take his eyes off of her. They landed on the balcony of the bakery, the band below finishing their waltz with a dramatic flourish. Mari had stars in her eyes, staring at him in childlike awe. Hero couldn’t help the blush that dusted his cheeks, turning away from her and towards the long hallway ahead.
“Let’s see if those brothers of ours are down below, hmm?” 
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
a dance owed (Javier x Reader)
Title: a dance owed Rating: PG-13  Length: 2,000 Notes: After that rude little anon this morning, I decided to write some cute fluff for these two. Set about 2 months after “maybe forever” this is another little installment in the “maybe today, maybe forever” universe. (I’m gonna make a whole post for it later today probably). Yeah, I realize this scene technically took place way before when the first installment of this series but work with me people.  Warnings: None. Pure, tooth-rotting, fluff.  Dedicated To: @grapemama​ who has some of the best daddy!javi headcanons. 
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Josie was entirely captivated by the red plastic flower Javier had plucked out of the table arrangement to give to her. She kept bouncing in your lap, waving the flower around — mostly to get her daddy’s attention. You brushed your fingers over the top of her head, smoothing her hair down before you pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 
“The last time I saw Danny,” Javier remarked to his father who was sat beside him. “He was riding the big wheel down the sidewalk.” He reached over and gave your knee a squeeze beneath the white table cloth. 
“It means a lot to your tia that you’re here,” The elder Peña remarked, before looking at you and Josie. “And it’s real nice that you finally brought your girls up here to let us meet them.” 
Josie squealed and babbled, keenly aware that she was now the topic of conversation. She bounced in your lap, tossing her flower on the floor as she grabbed at the table cloth, trying to stand herself up. 
“Here,” Javi said, plucking the flower up off the floor and tossing it back on the table, before he swept her out of your arms. “You should get something to eat while you can.” He told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Those tamales look good,” You peered across the table at Chucho’s plate. 
“Javier’s tia makes the best.”
You scooted your chair back, resting your hand on Javi’s shoulder as you stood up, giving it three quick squeezes before you headed towards the row of tables that were still filled with food. The party was in full swing — guests laughing and dancing; eating to their heart’s content. Most of the children had already escaped out the side door to play outside, but some were still running around. It was hard to believe that in a few short years, Josie would be running around like them. 
You picked up a plate at the end of the table, looking over the options. 
“If you like chili, you should try the puntas.” 
You glanced up from spooning some rice onto your plate, offering the blonde woman across from you a kind smile. “I don’t eat beef, but thank you. It looks delicious, nevertheless.” You took a few steps further down the table, using the tongs to pick up two tamales. She followed you.
“So you and Javi…” 
You looked up again, lips drawn into a thin line. “Yes?”
“It’s just,” She wistfully looked past you and you followed her line of sight over your shoulder. Javier was in the midst of showing Josie off to one of his cousins, holding her up on his thighs so she could pretend to stand. “I never thought he was the type to settle down.” 
“You’re Lorraine, aren’t you?” You questioned with an arched brow. Javier had warned you that his ex-fiancé would be at the wedding, considering she was still close to his family. 
“Oh, yes.” She flustered, brushing her hair behind her shoulders with a nod. “It’s nice to meet you.” Lorraine offered politely. 
“Likewise.” You continued down the line of food, keenly aware of the fact that Lorraine was shadowing you from across the table. 
“It was just a surprise, you know.” She started when you paused to spoon some mole onto your rice. “Even his father didn’t know until two weeks ago.” 
Your brows furrowed together, “And?” 
Lorraine shrugged, “Everyone in town has been speculating about it. Why keep it a secret?”
“Don’t you have a husband and two kids to worry about, Lorraine?” You questioned with an edge to your voice, “I don’t give a shit what the bored people of Laredo have been saying about my relationship with Javi. Some of us have jobs that require us to keep our private lives private.” 
Instead of giving Lorraine the chance to respond, you offered her a curt smile before heading back over to the table with Javier. 
“You good?” He questioned as you settled back into your seat beside him. 
Smoothing your hands over your cotton sundress, “At least I don’t look like nursing home curtains.” 
Javier chuckled, draping his arm over the back of your chair, fingers trailing over the curve of your shoulder. “That’s my girl.” 
You shrugged, cutting into your tamales and taking a bite. “I don’t know what she was aiming to do. I get it, I’m sure she’s got some lingering resentment or whatever but…” You rolled your eyes. 
He scooted his chair closer to yours, leaning in to press a kiss to your bare shoulder, “I’m gonna go talk to her, alright? Clear the air and all that shit.” 
“Don’t be gone too long, I expect a dance.” You told him, brushing your fingers over his cheek. 
Javier curled his fingers around your hand, holding it in place as he turned to press a kiss to the center of your palm. “You’ll get your dance.” He promised, before looking towards his father and Josie. “And keep an eye on Pops, he’ll have Josie drinking Bud if we’re not careful.” 
“Get out of here,” Chucho laughed, waving Javier off. 
Unsurprisingly, Josie had her abuela eating out of the palm of her hand, just like she had Javier wrapped around her little fingers. Chucho was enamoured with her from the first moment the pair met. 
You hated that Lorraine had gotten under your skin, even a little bit. Yeah, it was true that Javi hadn’t told his father about Josie until right before you made the trip to Laredo. She was almost five months old, with her first tooth starting to come in — but her grandfather hadn’t known she even existed until two weeks ago. Chucho had been surprised enough to find out that his son was bringing his girlfriend to the wedding. He’d openly wept when he met his mother’s namesake, little miss Joséfina. 
“Are you having fun?” Chucho asked you as he tried to keep Josie from prying his hat off his head. She was bound and determined to pull it off, probably just to put it in her mouth. 
You nodded, wiping your mouth off with your napkin. “Everyone’s been so welcoming. And the wedding was gorgeous.” Josie turned her attention back to you, blowing raspberries at you — you could kill Javi for teaching her that. 
“Manners, little lady.” You laughed, sliding over into Javier’s seat so you could wipe her mouth off. She giggled, trying to stick the napkin in her mouth. “Are you good to keep her for a little while longer?” You asked. 
Chucho nodded, tickling her sides to get her attention. “We’ve still got to make the rounds so I can brag about having the prettiest granddaughter.” 
“She is pretty damn cute.” You grinned at her, brushing your fingertips over her cheek before bopping her in the nose. “Don’t give her any Bud.” You teased with a wink, before you headed across the dance hall to where Javier was still engrossed in a tense conversation with Lorraine. 
“Hey baby,” Javier’s eyes lit up when he saw you coming and he rose to his feet, wrapping an arm around your waist. “We were just talking about you.” 
“My ears were burning,” You remarked, brows rising upwards curiously. “All good things I hope.” 
Javier bumped his nose against your cheek before planting a kiss there. “Of course.” He promised, looking between you and Lorraine then. 
“I was telling him that it’s probably for the best that we didn’t end up married.” Lorriane stated. “I think we ended up where we’re supposed to be.” She laughed breezily, shaking her head. “I still just can’t wrap my head around the idea of Jav being a father.” 
“He’s a really good one too.” You answered, resting your hand on his chest. “But don’t be deceived, he’s still an asshole.” 
“Baby.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth, shaking his head. 
You grinned up at him, your fingertips toying with the bit of skin peeping out of his shirt. “You know it’s true.” 
His hand slid from your waist, giving your ass a quick squeeze. “I owe you a dance, come on.” Javier looked back at Lorraine, “Give Randy my best.”
“Good luck to both of you.” Lorraine smiled politely. “Josie’s a beautiful little girl.” 
Javier took your hand into his, guiding you out onto the dance floor. “I haven’t danced in years.” He confessed as he settled one hand at your waist, the other holding your hand against his chest. 
“That seemed like a tense conversation.” 
“Ten years later and she’s still sore about me leaving her at the altar,” Javier chewed at the piece of gum in his mouth a little more harshly then. “It’s good though, baby. Water under the bridge.” 
You curled your other hand around the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “What did you tell her about Josie?”
“I told her we were dealing with some deep shit in Columbia and for her safety we kept it quiet.” He shrugged. “It’s not too far from the truth.” 
“She’s got your father wrapped around her finger.” You mused, watching as Chucho carried Josie around the room, introducing her to the long list of relatives and friends that were there. 
“Everyone adores her,” Javier told you with a warm smile. “And you.” 
You laughed, “Really?”  
“Mhm.” He hummed with a nod, swaying a lot to the music with you. 
“I think they’re just shocked.” You teased. “You go to Columbia, take down Pablo Escobar, and then come back with a baby and me.” Everyone had been so kind to you. His tia had spent a good twenty minutes getting to know you, his cousin’s new bride had been friendly — inviting you along to brunch with some of the other women in the family. 
Javier attempted to spin you around, before he gave up and pulled you back against his chest, both of you laughing at just how bad you both were at dancing. “Do you want all of this?” He questioned, glancing around the room. 
“So you and Lorraine did talk about more than just Josie and the past.” You weren’t exactly surprised about that. You chewed on your bottom lip and shook your head. “No. The only thing I want out of this is your aunt’s tamale recipe.” You quipped. 
“You’re sure?” He pressed, running his hand up and down the length of your back. “I always thought all little girls dreamed of getting married.” 
You draped your arms over his shoulders, rising up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips. “No, Javi. I didn’t sit around imagining myself getting married.” You rolled your eyes. “What did she say?” 
“Shit about how she figured I’d pull the same stunt on you.” His shoulders tensed. “Told me I was afraid of commitment — acted like not telling Pops about Josie was part of it.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, “I hope you told her she was wrong.” 
“Course I did.” Javier chewed his gum with some force, his eyes flickering away from your face guiltily. 
“You’re such a dumbass.” You huffed, tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck. “Do you want to get married, Javi?”
“Neither do I.” 
“Good.” Javier sighed heavily. 
Your lips parted, ready to say something else, but Chucho interrupted you — holding Josie out in front of him. “Someone’s had an accident.”
She squirmed and giggled, seeming entirely unphased by the fact that she was a stinky little thing. 
“I’ll get her bag,” Javier said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he headed towards the table. 
“You are so stinky,” You complained to Josie in a playful voice, holding her carefully as you gave her grandfather a sympathetic smile. “Sorry.”
“It happens,” He shrugged, looking towards Javier. “You’re good for him, you know.” Chucho told you. “Javier was a good kid, but he always wanted out of here. Never seemed content with anything.”  He shook his head slowly. 
A faint smile spread over your lips as he stared at Chucho. “We’re just taking it one day at a time.” 
“That’s all any of us can do,” He said wisely, nodding his head towards Josie. “When the two of you decide to give her a sibling, you better tell me before they’re half a year old.”
Javier stopped abruptly beside you, looking confused. “What?”
Chucho gave Javi’s shoulder a squeeze. “I was just telling your pretty lady that you’d best tell me next time you have a kid. Preferably before they’ve got teeth coming in.”
“I’m going to go change her,” You told Javier, dipping out of that conversation. You couldn’t blame everyone for being curious about your relationship. Marriage, babies, a future. That’s all they cared about, especially given that you were at a celebration — not a funeral. Even Danny’s new bride had probed you for information when you’d joined her for brunch. 
You and Javier? Didn’t do conventional. All that mattered was that you loved each other and loved Josie. Everything else? Eh. It didn’t matter.
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Didn't you once mention beautiful Will teasing the confused fratboys at school? (✿´‿`) prompt ask
Oooh, such a good ask, anon!!! When I wrote that, I was thinking how, after Will had grown his hair out and started adopting more feminine clothing, he probably would be mistaken for a girl a lot, especially from behind. And then he would need to develop a kind of aggressive flirtation as a defence mechanism against homo/transphobic fuckboy grossness. Because, let’s face it, they’re going to find him extremely confusing because he’s so damn pretty.
Buuuuut… this ask got me thinking a little deeper. What if, in the midst of all that faux-testosterone yuckiness, there were one or two guys who found that they really did like the idea of getting closer to our genderfluid hero/ine?
I wasn't going to write anything for this and just shoot headcanons at you. And then this happened... (here be porn)
Riding in cars with boys
Warning for transphobic language & threats of violence
“Those guys are waiting for me again,” Will said. “I’ve got to go.”
On the other end of the phone, Bev made a strangled noise pitched somewhere between indignation and concern.
“I’ll be fine,” Will said. “Really. I’ll call you later.”
There were two of them, shadowy figures loitering under the tree close to his front door. They weren’t trying to hide, of course. Men like them never seemed to think they should, even when they were doing something to be ashamed of.
Without slowing his stride, Will put his phone away. As he drew closer, one of the figures stepped out into a patch of grass illuminated by a lamp overhead. Will didn’t recognise him but they all tended to look the same - broad shoulders, square head, team sweatshirt.
Will raised an eyebrow at him. “Can't stay away, can you? You must like what you see.”
The other figure joined the first, and said something Will didn’t catch. He was a bit shorter - the tall square one had to duck his head to listen. Then the second guy slapped him on the back, shoving him forward a little.
Now he was only a few feet away, Will realised he had seen him before. Hanging around the campus in the company of a particularly infantile group of frat boys Will would be happy to never see again. He slipped his bag off his shoulder, ready to drop it if he had to. What women were told about holding keys was not the best advice - you needed both hands free to fight properly.
“Either get out of my way or I'll make you get out of my way,” Will said. “You've seen me do it before.”
“Um,” the guy said. “Sorry, look, are you, um-”
“Am I, what?” Will answered. “Am I a girl or a boy? Am I a freak of nature or a disgusting pervert? Or do you just want to know what I keep in my pants?”
At least the guy had the grace to look abashed. “Yeah, see, don't listen to Chuck, he's an idiot. Everyone thinks so.”
“No one more than me,” Will said. “Can I go now? I've got things to do.”
“Wait- um, don't go, not yet. I've got something I want to ask you.”
“Fuck’s sake, what is it?” Will said. “I’m losing patience, and I swear you won't like it when I do.”
“I just- I think.” The guy drew himself up to his full height, like he was preparing to take a gut-punch. “I think you're kinda cute.”
For a moment, Will was stunned into silence. Then suspicion rushed in to fill the gap, until it was an angry buzz in his ears. “If this is something Chuck has put you up to, you'd better get out of here right now, or-”
The guy rushed forward to interrupt. “No, no, I promise! On my mother's grave.”
Will’s unspent words dissolved into empty useless breath. He sighed, and looked at the guy in front of him, really looked. He saw traces of a young teenager, one who’d grown too tall too quickly, and a silent stoic father. All he’d wanted to do was make her proud, so he’d done what his father had said. A football scholarship would lead to a bright future, a good job. Now he was struggling with the realisation that his father’s idea of a bright future didn’t match his own. And the knowledge that his mother’s opinions on the matter rotted away under the ground, along with everything else which had once been her.
“Okay,” Will said, feeling much more uncomfortable than when he thought he was going to end the night with split knuckles. “So… what, are you asking me out?”
“Yeah,” the guy said. “Not very well, sorry. Um, want to go grab a drink or something?” He gestured away from Will’s front door, in the direction of the cafes and bars which made up college nightlife.
Will shook his head and the guy's face fell, almost comically so.
“I mean, I've had a long day - lots of people,” Will explained. “Look, why don't you come in for a bit. We can talk.”
He found his keys in his bag and made for the door. Whatever this guy was, he was no threat.
The guy jogged the few steps over to Will, looking as eager and awkward as a puppy. “Uh, yeah, sure.” He nodded at his friend, who turned and disappeared into the night.
“Who was that?” Will asked, as the door clicked open.
“Not Chuck,” the guy said. “Just moral support. Don't worry.”
“I do worry.” Will dumped his bag and coat in the hall. “I have to.”
“Yeah, about that,” the guy said, his eyes trying to catch Will’s. “Sorry for freaking you out. I didn’t think.”
“No,” said Will, rather absently, looking round the room and wondering what he should do now. He hadn’t really thought much further than asking the guy inside. “I don't know your name. I guess you already know mine.”
“It’s Will, right? I'm Kyle.”
Will smiled. He couldn’t help it. Kyle with the square head and the football scholarship. “Take a seat, Kyle. I feel like I should offer you a beer but I haven’t got any. Hold on.”
He ducked into his bedroom and came back out with the battered tin bait box he kept his weed in. Kyle was on the couch, flicking not-very-casually through a magazine Bev had left behind. Will sat beside him, and found he rather enjoyed the way Kyle’s eyes jumped immediately to his bare knees and then a little higher.
“I’ve got this,” Will said. “Want to share? I think after tonight’s misunderstanding we could both do to unwind a little.” 
Kyle grinned. “Much better than beer.”
“Well, I think so,” Will said, grinning back. It was surprisingly easy to do. Kyle was making no attempt at all to hide his attraction or his obvious hopes about the direction his evening had taken. His face was open, with clear brown eyes. His teeth were very white and he had a mole above one eyebrow. Maybe he wasn’t quite as square and bland as Will had first thought him, just extremely clean-cut and healthy-looking.
He rolled a joint while Kyle watched, unable to shake the impression that, at any moment, Kyle might sneak an arm round the back of the couch and across his shoulders. Riding in cars with boys, Will thought, a little hysterically. Suddenly, he could imagine an alternate reality, one based on dumb movie tropes, where he’d spent high school dating the star quarterback and wore his jacket to all the big games. Milkshakes and french fries and used condoms in the backseat. 
“You live here on your own?” Kyle said, reminding Will not to get lost in his imagination, especially when he had company.
“Yeah, I’m a special case. They didn’t know what to do with me.” At Kyle’s blank look, Will continued. “I left high school a year early. I couldn’t go in dorm with everyone else and I didn’t want to share, so they put me up here on my own. I had student liaison come check on me every so often, to make sure I was settling in and not doing anything I could sue them for later.”
Kyle looked even blanker.
“It was a duty of care thing,” Will said. “Because I was a minor.”
There was an awkward pause, where Kyle’s brows drew alarmingly close together and his entire body tensed ready for flight.
“I’m eighteen now,” Will said, with a laugh. “It’s your turn to not worry.”
“Right,” Kyle said, looking relieved. “I gotcha.”
Will smiled and ducked his head to light the joint. When he blew out his first glorious lungful, Kyle stared at Will’s mouth and unconsciously wet his lips. Will blinked once, slowly, and after felt like an idiot for doing something dangerously close to batting his eyelashes. He handed the joint over, settled deeper into the couch, and tried not to think about it.
They passed it to and fro in silence for while until, apparently out of nowhere, Kyle asked, “Are you gay?”
Here it was; the place Kyle had been heading to, ever since he’d decided to wait for Will under the tree.
Will took a deep drag and wondered if he should bother trying to explain the intersectionality of gender identity and sexual orientation. “I like girls, boys, and everything in between,” was the answer he settled on.
Kyle took the joint back and watched it smoulder for a few moments. “Everything in between,” he said. “So, that’s you, right?”
“Right,” Will agreed. He was suddenly aware of how small the couch was. There was only a couple of inches of space between Kyle’s jeans and his own thigh.
“You know, you’re really pretty,” Kyle said. “Like really, really pretty.”
Will didn’t know what to say to that, so he said nothing at all. His fingers grazed Kyle’s when he took the joint again. Thankfully, there was a pleasant fuzziness creeping in around the edges of his mind, like a soft comfortable blanket. It made the situation a lot easier to deal with.
“I think I’m probably gay, but I’ve only been with girls before.” There was more than a hint of desperation in the way Kyle glanced at him, which spoke of a small town and its crushing, pigeonholing ways. “It’s not like I don’t want to - you know - with guys, it’s just, how do you even know when a guy is interested? How am I supposed to tell when it’s okay to ask one out?”
“You could go to a club,” Will said. “Or one of the LGBT events on campus.”
Kyle’s mouth dropped open, and he shook his head in a dazed kind of way. Obviously this would be a step too far.
“So you thought hanging around my door was less scary?” Will’s face darkened when a different idea occurred to him. “Or that I was an easier prospect?”
“No, no, that wasn’t it. I thought, you know, think-” He took a deep breath. “I told you - you’re really pretty. Gorgeous. I just wanted to-”
Will leaned in a little closer. His mind was stilling, finally. Thoughts hung like motes of dust suspended in syrupy summer air. Kyle’s warmth was seeping into the couch, palpable in the air around him. Will could almost feel it on his skin. And Kyle’s thighs were solid and muscular; Will wanted to straddle his lap and shut him up. He’d had enough talk for one day.
He was probably staring, Will realised, a bit too late. But Kyle was staring back at him. Good.
Kyle opened his mouth and hushed, halting words came out. “A couple of weeks ago, I saw you, at the library. You were wearing this short grey dress and you must’ve had on thigh highs or something, because when you picked your bag up there was little flash of skin and I swear it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” His eyes found Will’s and slid down to fix on his mouth. “I got so hard, it was incredible. And later- god.”
Will gave him a slow smile and moved in close enough to kiss. But he held back, just out of reach. “What happened later? Tell me, go on.”
Kyle was transfixed, eyes wide. He was even blushing a little. But it seemed he couldn't stop talking now he’d started. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, about what I’d find if I pushed your skirt up. Thinking that you might let me touch you, let me-”
The joint was practically finished, a stub of twisted paper. He plucked it from Kyle's fingers and sucked out the last pull. Then he brushed his lips over Kyle’s, letting curling tendrils of smoke escape between them. Kyle breathed it in deeply, and calmed himself a little.
“Let you what?” Will asked. “What is it you want to do?”
He was halfway across Kyle’s lap; one of Kyle’s hands had found their way to Will’s thigh, toying uncertainly with the hem of his dress.
“God, I want to suck you off,” Kyle said, in a breathless rush. “Make you come like that. I bet it’s as pretty as the rest of you.”
Will took a deep and careful breath in, trying to ignore the blood pounding in his veins, making his dick twitch. Fuck, did that sound good - usually, Will was the one expected to do all the cocksucking.
He put his hands firmly on Kyle’s shoulders and swung a leg over his lap. Instead of settling onto it, which seemed like a very good idea indeed, Will knelt so his hips were level with Kyle’s shoulders.
“So, what you're saying is, you wanna lift up my skirt and suck my dick?”
Kyle nodded, mouth open and eyes glazed, fingers digging into the backs of Will’s thighs.
Will smiled, and stroked Kyle's cheek with his thumb. “Okay then, go ahead.”
Kyle’s hands crept nervously upward, a little way under Will’s skirt. All at once, he pushed​ it up, out of the way.
“Oh god,” he said, faintly. “Shit.”
Will would have described the underwear he had on as unremarkable - plain pale-blue cotton, with a tiny frill of lace edging. But apparently Kyle didn't agree. His fingers slid slowly up to rest over Will's hips, framing the fat rigid bulge of Will's cock underneath with his thumbs, and then stopped.
“It’s okay,” Will said. “Touch, whatever you want.”
Kyle looked nervously up at him for a moment, before brushing his thumb along the length of the distended fabric. A soft whimper escaped him, as if he was the one being felt up. Will covered the back of Kyle's hand with his own, in what he hoped was encouragement. The tension was getting to him, too - excitement banded his chest, making his breath come short.
Squaring his shoulders, Kyle hooked his fingertips into the band of Will's panties and peeled them down. He let out an audible exhalation when Will’s dick sprang free. It was almost kind of cute, Will decided. He smiled down at Kyle, who was blushing and bright-eyed and elated at his own bravery.
“I knew it,” he said, tugging Will's panties further down, to sit below his balls. “So pretty, god. Like that, is that okay?” He encircled the shaft with his fingers, and gave a couple of tentative strokes. 
“Yeah,” Will said. “That's good, just- you don't have to be gentle with me.”
Kyle made a choked, slightly desperate noise, grabbed the base of Will's cock and pressed his lips to the tip. Will gasped and clutched for the back of the couch. He felt hot warmth sweep across his slit - simply Kyle getting used to the taste, presumably, because he then slipped the round O of his mouth over the head and sucked.
With a harsh grunt of surprise, Will tried to stop his hips jerking forward. Kyle pulled free, then dragged the broad flat of his tongue down Will’s length and back up again. He was a quick learner and enthusiastic to boot; sucking Will’s cock deeper into his mouth, hands settling on the globes of Will’s ass. Will groaned, reeling with pleasure already, and a little taken aback at the sight of Kyle below him.
Kyle let Will slip free and gasped​, “God, you’re so hot.” He unbuckled his jeans hurriedly and took his own dick in hand. “Just, fuck, just use my mouth, okay? I can take it, I want you to.”
A shiver of need raced up Will’s spine. Maybe those backseat fantasies his mind earlier supplied him with were even more interesting than they had first appeared. He pictured Kyle, on his knees, head bobbing in Will’s lap. The star quarterback who was also a star cocksucker.
Will held his jaw and pushed the head of his cock across Kyle’s lips, smearing them with pre-come. He smiled. “Yeah? Want me to come in your mouth too?”
Kyle moaned, nodded, and put his tongue out in blatant invitation. Silently, Will congratulated himself for not coming on the spot, and slid smoothly over Kyle’s tongue and into his mouth. He pressed as deep as he thought Kyle could take, watching Kyle’s cheeks hollow, his eyes close in bliss. His hand worked briskly between his own legs and Will took up the same rhythm, fucking his mouth in short rapid strokes.
Will knew there was no way he was going to last - not with the needy sounds Kyle was making deep in his throat, or with how he seemed to like Will’s hands on his jaw and the back of his head. His mouth was perfect, spit-slick tongue and lips, tight sucking heat, vibrating with his groans. And the thought of coming in his mouth, of watching him swallow around his cock- it was all too much.
Gathering his self-control, Will pulled slowly back, greedily watching the drag of Kyle’s lips over his shaft. When he realised what was happening, Kyle tried to hold him in place, the fingers of his free hand dimpling the flesh of Will’s ass.
Will shook his head. “I’m close, you’d better do the work. It’ll be easier for you that way.”
Kyle surged blindly forward, sought the head with his tongue, and engulfed it in his mouth again. He worked it desperately, sucking and lapping, probing gently at the very tip, until Will gripped his head and held him still. His cock pulsed thickly, and Kyle’s eyes flew open as he swallowed what he could. Will's gaze was locked to his while Kyle struggled and lost the battle, a slippery mess of saliva and come spilling from his lips and down his chin. Both of them groaned; Kyle chased it with his tongue, still pumping his dick, while Will shook and trembled over him. Only a few seconds later, he came over his fist, splashing hot and wet against Will’s thigh.
Will's heart hammered, his chest heaved. A laugh burst from him - the final release of adrenaline and joy and relief. Kyle wiped at his sticky mouth and joined in, a warm genuine sound. Will sank into his lap and kissed him properly for the first time. They felt easy and right together, soft lips and slow hot licks into each others’ mouths. Both of them smiled all the way through. Will chased the taste of himself on Kyle's tongue, and wondered how long it would be before they could do that again.
“So,” Kyle said, in between kisses. “Can I take you for that drink another night?”
btw after this Will got several weeks’ worth of excellent head and never had any trouble with Chuck ever again :)
Quicksilver au
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chrismdthings · 7 years
slow hands
pairing: chris dixon x reader warning(s): fluff.. RIP me; death by chris dixon being a cute ass boyfriend note: requested by anon / listen to slow hands - niall horan while reading / 1,804 words
yeah, i already know that there ain't no stopping your plans and those slow hands slow hands
Standing in the bathroom, you brushed your teeth that Sunday morning. It was just a little past nine AM, not too early yet not too late for you. Most mornings you were up by seven, so a couple extra hours of sleep before the work week couldn’t hurt.
Looking in the mirror, you watched as Chris walked up behind you from the bedroom. He wore a sleepy grin and his hair was like a floof ball from his shower last night before bed. He wore nothing except a pair of maroon joggers that he slid on once he rolled out from under the warmth of the duvet and into the cool air of the house, but they still hung low on his hips, so you didn’t particularly mind. 
“Good morning, love.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a soft kiss on the back of your neck. You smiled and he rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you finish brushing your teeth.
“Morning,” you smiled, spitting out the toothpaste before leaning back and turning your head so you could finally kiss him. He pecked your lips after a slow kiss and you rinsed off your toothbrush before placing it back in the holder.
Chris remained behind you, so you turned around, your body pressed against his. One of his legs positioned between yours, keeping you against the counter. 
Your eyes flickered up once again and looked at him, and he lightly chuckled at your rosy cheeks before kissing you once again. His subtle movements and slow kisses made you chuckle once you leaned back from him.
“So, Dixon, what are your plans for my final day of freedom before work?” You asked, placing your hands on his muscled shoulders.
Chris teetered his head back and forth before looking back at you- pausing to take a gander at you in one of his plain white tee’s and a pair of grey Calvin Klein panties before meeting your eyes again.
He hummed. “The weather managed to ruin my plans for today.” He admitted, letting his hands leave your hips and brace the marble countertop behind you. “I had plans for us to go out to the cliffs, at that secluded beach, and go swim for a bit before getting frozen yogurt at your favorite place, but,” he stressed with a heavy sigh, “the weather was not in my favor today and it’s pouring down right now.” 
Hands massaging at your shoulders, you smiled before leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him. You raised a hand and placed it on the back of his head, running your fingers over the short hairs before running through the floof ball at the top.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” You shook your head. “Staying in today is no problem with me, you know that.” 
“I know, but I just wanted to make this weekend memorable.”Chris huffed, glancing off before turning back to you. “You work so hard throughout the weekends to catch up on so much stuff that you don’t get to do anything fun anymore. And I wanted this weekend to be different.” 
“Chris, it’s okay.” You pushed, looking him in the eyes before smiling. “Listen, Chris.. staying in bed all day, cooking random ass recipes that we find online, listening to music, playing with the dog or even watching it rain, all of that is memorable. Yeah, I get pretty stressed and work a lot, but just spending time with you knowing that I don’t have anything to work on is just as relaxing as going to the beach or getting frozen yogurt.” 
Chris grinned. “Good, because that’s all on our list today.” He chuckled before leaning forward and capturing your lips with his. You smiled into the kiss and the fact that you are literally dating the sweetest person you have ever met.
As Chris dipped his head down further and kissed your harder, you laughed and let your hand drop from the back of his head to his back, massaging the spot between his shoulders. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and his hands left the countertop, dropping down and grabbing your thighs to hoist you up and sit you on the sink.
“Was making out with me on the sink on the list today too?”
“It’s on my list every day, love.” Chris said slyly, causing you too shake your head at him before kissing him again.
“Chris Dixon,” you pecked his lips before staring back at him, eyes flickering from his lips to meet his eyes. “You are something else.” 
Chris reached up and cuffed your face, smiling at you brightly. You noticed the way his eyes shined in the bathroom lighting. “You love me.” He said before squishing your cheeks together and laughing as you swatted his hands away.
“Sadly, I do.” You laughed before kissing him again and pulling him in closer to stand between your legs. “And I wouldn’t change it for the world.” 
“Good, because there is no getting rid of me now.” 
You giggled again before he kissed you for what felt like the hundredth time since that morning, but it never got old. As you massaged his shoulders and let your hands roam around his torso and back, you felt the way his muscles flexed and danced under your palms with every movement.
Chris reached down, his finger tips grazing over the hem of the white tee you were supporting, and gently pulled it over your head. Your hands left his body and lifted up, and he pulled the shirt off you before tossing it on the bathroom floor.
Your boyfriend looked you up and down, from the black Calvin Klein set you sported, to the freckles and moles that lined your skin like constellations. He admired your tummy and the curve of your hips. Chris blushed, still feeling like a hormonal teenage boy when he was around you in situations like this, before leaning forward and using the back of his hand to brush the wild hairs from your face.
“You are so damn beautiful, love.” He whispered and you kissed his cheek before finding his lips once agian. “I am so damn lucky.” Chris whispered between slow kisses, causing you to blush, and your heart to flutter.
Chris used his thumb to tilt your chin back, and he pressed soft and open-mouthed kisses along the tender skin of your neck. A soft gasp left your lips when he found the soft spot just below your jawline, and you could feel him smirk against your skin before continuing down to your collarbone. 
As he let his lips do the talking, your hands continued to roam across Chris’ toned body. You felt his arms that you loved so much, traveled down his torso to his hips where the band of his joggers kept the rest hidden. You dipped your fingers below the band and pushed them down gently before your eyes followed, and you noticed a pair of black Calvin Klein briefs.
“Oh my God,” you gasped before laughing, causing Chris to pause his movements for a second.
“What?” He asked before following your gaze and looking down at his black briefs. A second later he chuckled and leaned his head against your shoulder. “We’re like walking Klein advertisements.” 
“On accident too, damn, that’s some couple goals shit right there if you ask me.” 
Chris laughed and shook his head at you. “You are such a damn girl.” He said. “I thought you didn’t care about that couple goals shit?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, but we’re cute. That’s only when it’s okay.” Chris cut you off mid-laugh with his lips before continuing where he left off.
You pushed the joggers even further down, and Chris took matters into his hands by pulling them down and stepping out of them, leaving them on the floor of the bathroom with the various other garments that had been discarded moments earlier.
This wasn’t like the rough-quick, “we don’t have much time”, making out and touching like there was no time to waste, it was subtle, soft, and sweet because you two had all of the time in the world. 
It was an early Sunday morning makeout session with roaming hands and open mouthed kisses to get the day started off right. You knew what would follow these morning shenanigans; walking around half-naked, cheeky butt slaps and pinches, and sweet kisses while fixing food or relaxing on the sofa. 
To be fair, those were the days that you loved the most. There was no pressure to be decent or put on pants, no pressure to rush and do things; it was just you and Chris without a care in the world.
As you kissed the skin just below Chris’ collarbone, you wrapped your legs around his waist and pressed him flush against you. 
In the midst of it all, neither of you heard the paws on the hardwood floor in the bedroom, or the jingle of the collar as the dog trotted into the bathroom with you two. It was only when the dog stood and placed his two front paws on the counter that you and Chris noticed because he stuck his cold nose against your hot skin, causing you to squeal.
Turning your head, you glanced at the large dog that was almost Chris’ height as he stood up with his paws on the sink. You laughed as the dog began to sniff around and lick at your skin, doing the same to Chris. Chris chuckled at the eager dog, who clearly thought you and him were playing, and reached out to pet behind his ears and scratch his back and stomach.
Scratching your dogs ears, you glanced up at the clock on the wall to realize that it was now a little past nine thirty. You smiled and unlocked your legs from Chris’ waist, letting him now move freely.
“Who’s a good boy?” Chris cooed loudly as he played with the dog, pushing his face and letting him bounce back and attack his face with kisses. You laughed and hopped off the sink. 
“I’ll go start breakfast.” You said, dusting off your hands and placing a hand on Chris’ shoulder to rise up and place a kiss on his cheek. “I’m gonna go fix some waffles.”
Chris nodded and turned his head, smiling and letting you kiss him on the lips. “I love you so much.” 
You smiled and pecked his lips again as you two stood in the bathroom, half-naked and with a dog eager to play next to you on a Sunday morning. It was a sight to see, but one you loved and one you never wanted to forget. “I love you too.” 
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mauerfrau · 2 years
Have you ever eaten from the buffet at a strip club?
"No. But I have killed several people using the kebab skewers. Although it may have been the food poisoning that really did them in."
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mauerfrau · 2 years
People with tattoo will not go to heaven. People who drink alcohol will not go to heaven. People who eat too many sweets will not go to heaven. Short people will not go to heaven
"Well now we know I'm guaranteed to be with you no matter what. Isn't it nice, dear?"
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mauerfrau · 7 days
smash or pass: Ivan
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mauerfrau · 7 days
smash or pass: Cait
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"Smash. I could make her feel things she never knew were possible."
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mauerfrau · 7 days
smash or pass: Glibert
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"I don't have those kinds of daddy issues! Pass."
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mauerfrau · 7 days
Smash or Pass Matthew
Smash. He's sweet and strong and outdoorsy... Plus I know he could do it with me in a canoe.
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mauerfrau · 2 months
What made you pick your name?
"I didn't choose my name. It was given to me. Originally, I had a more Russian name, when I was living under the Soviets directly. Then, when the area that would become the GDR was given to approved Germans, and I went to live with Herr Beilschmidt, I was given a Germanic version instead."
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mauerfrau · 6 months
(From tuiskutukka)
Moi! I'm sure I'll find your name here somewhere.... Hmmm... Ah, here! I see it's teetering on the edge of Naughty and Nice. Niceness wins when I can help it, I even visit the battlefield once in a while. So here you go, a brand new electric whisk and a set of food colours for your baking adventures. As long as you remember this; SANTA IS NOT A COMMUNIST! Nordic socialism is very different! Times are very different! The only thing red about me is my suit!
Merry Christmas! Hyvää joulua!
"You can't deny the truth forever! But thank you. I will poi--I mean, make many people happy with many baked goods with these."
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mauerfrau · 6 months
The "where" of the train is irrelevant and unrecognizable because it is nowhere, and it is everywhere, and she and the old women trundle on through space to nowhere and everywhere and right here and now together. They are no longer in Berlin, but the heart still beats.
A low, raspy chuckle. It will sound familiar to Lily, perhaps she won't be able to tell from where. "Oh, my little bird. I've been called both of those things, though I am not taking you to Hell. I am taking you nowhere. We aren't moving at all."
The train rocks, starts to slow, stops. The windows are still dark. No announcement comes.
She leans her face, full of eyes and a wolf's teeth, close to Lily's and smells her. "What do I want from you? Do you think there is something you could give me, to make me let you go?" A harsh laugh, a cacophony of birds taking off in flight. "Go on and offer it to me, girl. What are you made of?"
Lily tries to place the chuckle, for it rings a familiar bell, but she can't quite seem to. It's not familiar enough, it seems, or perhaps she's still too frightened. As she feels the train stopping, she abandons the thought to look around, to see where they are, but to no avail. How does this thing have such control over everything? She slowly looks back at her, and forces herself to maintain eye contact (as best she can, with how many eyes there are).
"Are you...what they call...a god?" She had never really believed. She was brought up not to believe in any god, except for one man who fancied himself her god. But was this a real one?
She swallows. She can still feel the knife handle in her hand. "What do gods feed on? Blood? Misery? I can bring about both those things. Or do you prefer sex and pleasure?" Well...the she-god wouldn't be the worst thing she's had sex with, she figures.
( @fangmother @babuniaczarownica )
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mauerfrau · 6 months
"There is no wrong, my dear, there simply is," the creature corrects her gently, as though she were a child making a mistake on a maths problem. It be something that is wrong because it exists, simple as that.
She turns her eyes back to the front of the car. The windows of the metro are pitch dark now, no lights flash through as they careen down the cracks too fast. No end in sight. The old woman is a curious thing, and she won't let Lily go until she is satisfied.
"You don't know what I am? You don't recognize us?" She sounds bemused, though a bit put out. If its lips knew to form the shape it might be pouting. "I shan't tell you, then. You're a clever girl, you will figure it out."
A cackle like the crack of thunder. "Do you recognize yourself? Do you remember the fear? Are you so beholden to it? Where is the bravery of the girl-thing of twenty minutes ago?"
The gentleness of the creature does little to soothe Lily. If anything, it seems to set her more on edge. She isn't sure yet if this is a trick or genuine. Sure, she had said she didn't like liars, but Lily could say the same thing, and she was still someone who lied for a job. Who's to say this old woman didn't do the same thing.
She looks to the front of the car with the old woman, and is dismayed to see that there is no getting off just yet. She isn't even sure where she is anymore, which is a frightening feeling for someone who could pinpoint her exact location in this city with her eyes closed.
She looks back at the thing sitting beside her. She swallows. She has one or two guesses as to what it is, but she isn't confident in them. She doesn't want to believe in either of them, but her senses tell her that this is all too real. "Are you a witch?" she finally asks, her voice quiet. "Or...a demon...come to take me to hell?"
She shifts in her seat. At the mention of fear, she suddenly relives the moment when she first felt it in its purest form: the first time she died. It was so long ago, and yet not so long ago indeed, by the standards of her species. She had been merely a child then, and she felt like a child now, unable to fight back, unable to kill the source of her torment. "What...what is it you want with me?"
( @fangmother )
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