#Moanin' the Blues ☆》 Music
thrailkxll · 5 months
Colter Wall - Transcendent Ramblin' Railroad Blues (Audio)
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lisamarie-vee · 10 months
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thetunesclub · 2 years
Amp up your mood with Carolyn Gaines and its latest uplifting track ‘Deep Moanin' Blues’
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sklogw · 2 months
Got any jazz recommendations for a beginner?
some records that i think make a great introduction to jazz:
kind of blue by miles davis
moanin' by art blakey and the jazz messengers
mingus ah um by charles mingus
big steps by john coltrane
saxophone colossus by sonny rollins
once you get more used to this style and want something more off beat i strongly recommend the shape of jazz to come by ornette coleman
you can also discover more records and artists by looking at who else the musicians in the records you like played with. like when i listened to saxophone colossus i was really impressed by the drumming and looked for more records with max roach, and i discovered a lot of great music like that
jazz is so fun to explore, there are so many subgenres spanning many different decades, you're almost guaranteed to find something you'll love
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dabisbratz · 1 year
Noooo not the punching bag!! I'm 🥺🥺 hhhh sho working out with ur dad and he makes a comment Abt him needing to get laid and aizawa blue screens so hard he gets hit w the bag on the back swing cause YEAH HE SURE DOES BUT BUT IM P SURE YOU WOULDN'T APPROVE OF WHO HES THINKING OF LAYING lmaoo.
Who's there just enough to have his own dedicated water bottle in your home gym but not enough to catch you working out to often. So when he does walk in on you running on a treadmill or doing reps or something with some sort of ditzy pop song blasting on the speakers as your sweaty muscles glow he just Abt dies.
ohmygoddoehehhe how your dad doesn’t notice… sho has no idea. specially cause he’s takin out his jealousy on the guy! sho’s fists pounding into his gloved palms over n over, a lil too hard— he’s jealous he can’t spend as much time with you, he can’t be the one guidin you or comfortin you.. it’d be weird if sho called you his boy… but he wants to so bad. so yeah— as silly as it sounds he’s jealous. n while he’s tryna catch his breath hearin ‘you really need to take all that anger out on some pussy’ jus…. yea, he’s sure he’s lost his mind cause his best friends son should not have been the first person to pop into mind, n he should not be mad thinkin about you jus bein a hole to fuck. cause it’s way more than that. you’re more than that.
n e way!! when you work out you definitely dance more than anythin, you can’t help it!! the music is too good!! has the most insane vulgar lyrics ever, but comin from your mouth it’s so…sweet. so whenever sho accidentally walks in on you he kinda jus… stands there. all blank faced tryin to save the memory for later while you pull out your earbuds n ask if he’s okay.. so dumb. he’s more than okay, actually! jus tryin to imagine what it’d sound like if you were moanin instead of singin… n he has to leave before he pops a stiffy right in fronta you);
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imminentinertia · 5 months
It's a very Monday Wednesday and @twig-tea tagged me (thank you!) so here goes:
Last song?
Art Blakey: Moanin' (Songwhip link so if anyone wants a listen (it's jazz) you can pick your own service)
Favourite colour?
That depends. For my clothes, black and blues/greens, especially teal. For my flat, white, light wood, light greens (I'm Scandinavian). For my accessories, jewel tones and bright red.
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Currently watching?
Gaaaaah too much. Too much!
Last Twilight
Dead Friend Forever
The Sign
Love Senior (haven't watched the finale yet)
Pit Babe
7 Days Before Valentine (haven't watched the latest episodes yet)
Mama Gogo (this takes forever because I can only take so much Thai comedy at a time, but it's fun when I'm in the mood)
Fool Me Once (will you look at that, not a QL)
still haven't finished Alice In Borderland
@petraplatypuspan keeps nudging me towards Strangers From Hell and YES I'll watch it, it's on my list, but I need to finish something first
Last movie?
And the king said, what a FANTASTIC MACHINE. Great concept, extremely interesting, but a notch too "step back and let the audience think". And here I thought nothing could be too much of that.
Usually savoury, sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy.
Current obsessions?
*gesticulates wordlessly at Asian QL*
Last thing you googled?
Suzuki Jimny, because I saw a post wondering about what model car is in Jeff Satur's new MV and I thought it looked a lot like a 5 door Jimny. If so it's been modified
Selfie or another pic you took?
This is a truly awful photo, I was standing on wobbly slidy snow/ice and freezing my hands off, but I had to take a photo of the fucking enormous amount of snow we're having here
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Tagging? Aaaah. Please do this, all who want to. Let's pretend I tagged you by name.
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feeshies · 1 year
tagged by @nekrotikon to post the top 10 songs i've had on repeat (just gonna use spotify to avoid contamination from my music poll research lol)
tagging @insomniac-pens @jasper-the-menace @claudia-nomusaabara @local-moonbat
Fentanyl Tester by JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown - experimental hip-hop
Nare by Nemra - indie rock
Ime Ches Gitem by Adana Project - symphonic metal
LazPari by Katil - folk rock
White Room by Cream - psychedelic rock
SCARING THE HOES by JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown - experimental hip-hop
Born Under a Bad Sign by Koko Taylor and Buddy Guy - blues
Them Shoes by Patrick Sweany - blues rock
The Black Seminole by Lil Yachty - psychedelic rock
Moanin' at Midnight by Howlin' Wolf - blues
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 9
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Summary: The old ways are strong with this one
Notes: So I did a little bit of research into what the Indian Relay Races are and watched video footage, if you guys wanna see how crazy this gets, let me know and I’ll edit this with a link to some footage
Music/Soundtrack piece: “Tryouts” by Jerry Goldsmith (from the film “Rudy”)
Tagging: @tallrock35​ and anybody else who loves this series
Wes bit his lip nervously, his leg restless as ever and the anxiety creeping into the back of his head. It was only the second day of the rodeo and already he was twitchier than a rabbit during mating season. 
“I can’t do it,” he said. 
“Wes.....” Rhett said, almost as though he was warning him. 
“Do you not understand the words that are coming outta my mouth?!” Wes questioned.  
“I understand alright,” Rhett retorted. “But I’m sparin myself a lifetime of your bitchin and moanin if ya’ll don’t commit.” 
“Oh, making commitment jokes now are we?” 
“Hush your mouth dumbass,” Rhett told him. “That there’s a one hundred and fifty thousand dollar cash prize, enough for ya’ll to build your mom and dad a spare house and repair the existing one. So what’s it gonna be?” 
Wes gritted his teeth and placed his hands on Rhett’s shoulders. “You always knew how to talk people into doing stupid shit,” he muttered. 
Rhett gave him a naughty little cackle before the two of them knocked heads, shook hands and spat in the dirt for good luck. “You’re gonna do fine,” Rhett assured him. “(Y’n), Nora and the rest of us’ll be watchin in the stands. Just promise if ya’ll get kicked by the horse you wan’t go cross-eyed.” 
“Bruh, I make no such promises,” Wes laughed. 
The call to ready the horses was made and Rhett left Wes to tend to his horse and the rest of his team. Deep down, he was nervous as hell for his best friend, but Wes had years and years of horse riding experience under his belt, to say nothing of the fact that years of generational and historical roots that ran as deep as the Yellowstone River. 
He met you in the stands, not fifteen minutes later with all the kids and the rest of the family close by to watch. “He good?” you asked as Frankie crawled into your lap. 
“Nervous as hell but I don’t blame him,” Rhett answered.  
“He’ll do fine,” you assured him. “Wes knows what he’s doing.” 
Rhett put his arm around you and drew you close, just happy to have you and the others around to support his best friend. 
The voice of the MC announced the entrance of Wes’s team into the ring, the crowd cheering them on as he read off the names and where they were all from, your voices joining in with theirs. 
Down in the ring, Wes and the rest of the team lined up, all of them burning with the anticipation of the race to start. They had come from all over the US, from the Dakotas, the Plains and from the Navajo lands in Arizona and New Mexico, all of them hoping to compete and show their skills. His horse scratched the dirt with his hoof, snorting with nervous anticipation. 
“Nervous Wes?” Casey Begay asked him. 
“You have no fuckin clue,” Wes answered. 
“We’ll do fine,” Casey told him. “Just hang on and don’t let go no matter what.”
Wes nodded and took a deep breath. “Alright Red,” he said to the horse, gripping the reigns a little tighter. “It’s just you and me bud.” 
The sound of the horn and they were off, the competitors thundering across the dirt, each one trying to get ahead of the other. The hoofbeats of the horses were deafening as they rode on, clouds of red-brown dust kicking up all around them like a dusty fire. Wes rode well ahead of the other competitors, coming back across the line and jumping onto the back of another horse as quick as he could, his teammates close behind him......
“And well in the lead comes Wes Redwood of Wabang, Wyoming, Casey Begay of Santa Fe, New Mexico and James Blue Thunder of Pine Ridge, South Dakota!!!” The MC announced. 
Up in the stands, you, Rhett, the kids and the whole family cheered the team on as they kept up in the race, your voices as loud as the riders. Barely anyone could be heard over the roar of the crowds and the thundering horses, let alone what the commentators were saying. 
“Look!! Look!!! Here comes Wes!!!” 
The entire crowd seemed to stand, you and Rhett along with the kids and your families, your nerves on their last edge, waiting to see who would cross the finish line first......
Rhett caught you in his arms and Cecelia caught Nora before the both of you could faint, the cheers growing louder as everyone chanted the names of the victors. 
“You see that?!!” Rhett called out. “THAT’S MY BEST FUCKIN FRIEND OUT THERE AND DON’T ANY O’ YA’LL EVER FORGET IT!!!!!!” 
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo (John Huston, 1948)
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Bacall, Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor, Thomas Gomez, Harry Lewis, John Rodney, Marc Lawrence, Dan Seymour, Monte Blue, William Haade. Screenplay: Richard Brooks, John Huston, based on a play by Maxwell Anderson. Cinematography: Karl Freund. Art direction: Leo K. Kuter. Film editing: Rudi Fehr. Music: Max Steiner. 
Key Largo was the fourth and last of the films that Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall made together, but the movie was stolen by Claire Trevor, who won a supporting actress Oscar, and by Bogart's old partner in Warner Bros. gangster movies, Edward G. Robinson. It's a little too talky and stagy, partly because it was based on a 1939 Broadway play by Maxwell Anderson, a once-admired playwright whose specialty was blank-verse dramas. Huston and co-screenwriter Richard Brooks took great liberties with the play, changing the characters and the ending, and updating the action to the postwar era, but occasionally you can hear a bit of Anderson's iambic pentameter in the dialogue. Bogart's Frank McCloud was originally called King McCloud and was a deserter from the Spanish Civil War; in the movie he's a World War II veteran, something of a hero, who comes to Key Largo to visit the father (Lionel Barrymore) and the widow (Bacall) of an army buddy who was killed in Italy. He finds them being held in the hotel they own by a group of gangsters, headed by Johnny Rocco (Robinson), a Prohibition-era mobster who is trying to sneak back into the States after being deported. As so often -- cf. Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1943) and To Have and Have Not (Howard Hawks, 1944) -- the Bogart character is called on to make a choice between taking the kind of action he has renounced and remaining neutral. Bacall's role is somewhat underwritten, and the relationship  with Bogart is tepid in comparison with the films they made for Hawks, especially To Have and Have Not and The Big Sleep (1946). Having to play opposite that scene-stealing old ham Barrymore doesn't help much, either. But Trevor fully deserved her award as Rocco's moll, an alcoholic club singer known as Gaye Dawn. She has a big moment when she's forced by Rocco to sing "Moanin' Low" on the promise that he'll let her have a drink -- which he then sadistically refuses her. As usual, Robinson is terrific, and also as usual, he failed to receive the Oscar nomination he deserved and was never granted. Karl Freund's cinematography helps overcome the studio's decision not to film on location.
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tristan-v-saxophone · 2 years
a history on the Mingus Magnum Opus
What do you think of when you hear the name "Charles Mingus"? Chances are, not very much. Maybe you've heard his popular tune "Moanin'," known for its tasty bass line played by baritone saxophone, or maybe you got a taste for the gorgeous ballad "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat", but for most, that's as deep as they go, never diving into the depth of what his music really is.
Unquestionably one of the most influential jazz musicians of his time, Charles Mingus was well known during his time as a phenomenal musician. He played with some of the most incredible musicians of the time, including Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington. The number of his works branches into the hundreds, and much of his music pushes the bounds of Jazz as a genre. But one "tune" stands above all others in this, his largest work: Epitaph.
At 4235 measures and 19 movements long and taking just over 2 hours to perform in its complete form, this composition can only be described as enormous. The composition features styles of music bridging all western music of the time, from the orchestrally inspired "Childrens Hour of Dream," to the traditional Blues of "Better git it in your Soul", the Latin "Mood in Mambo", to the Avant Garde "Chill of Death", everything that had inspired Mingus had been featured in this composition.
Of course, a piece of this magnitude is not an easy one to perform. It features difficult written parts, complex chord progressions, and confusing song forms, in which even great musicians, such as the incredible Wynton Marsalis, struggled to read and perform the music. The aptly named composition was stated by Mingus to be written "For his tombstone," implying he did not believe the piece could be performed in his life time. Despite this, he did make one attempt; the ill-fated 1962 Concert.
On October 12, 1962, Charles Mingus had a live session in an attempt to record the composition. The original session date had been pushed up, several rehearsals had been cancelled, and Mingus continued to expand the composition until the day of the session, and the event was advertised as a live concert. These circumstances resulted in an infamous performance of poor reading, false starts, and angry outbursts from Mingus witnessed by a public audience paying for entry. The 'concert' ended with Mingus shouting at the audience
"Get your money back. I couldn't stop you from coming here. The press agents lied to you. You've been taken advantage of. Go out now and get your money back. I don't want you to think I've done this to you. It was supposed to be a recording session, but Mr. George Wein, who is a fine promoter, changed it into a concert. So get your money back. The company has lots of money. It would take years to rehearse this music."
Since that first attempt, the manuscripts had been lost, then later rediscovered by composer and arranger Andrew Homzy, during a visit to Sue Mingus, Charles Mingus's wife. Epitaph has only been performed in completion 6 times, twice in 1989, and four times in 2007.
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thrailkxll · 1 year
Tag dump ☆》
updates as I create them, feel free to block specific ones to help your dash experience.
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voskhozhdeniye · 1 year
Musical Obsessions 2022
Afrorack: The Afrorack
Aphex Twin‘s Radiator (Original Mix)
Arbiter‘s Clarity
Ari Lennox’s Pressure
The Belltower’s Plastic Man
Bill Orcutt: Music For Four Guitars
Björk: fossora
Boards of Canada‘s 1969
Bob Moses’ Love Brand New
Bobby Timmons‘ Moanin
Chat Pile: God’s Country*
Coil, lots of Coil.
Cold Gawd: God Get Me the Fuck Out of Here
Conway the Machine‘s John Woo Flick & Stressed
Daniel Rossen: You Belong There
David Axelrod‘s The Human Abstract & The Fly
Depeche Mode‘s In Your Room
Dexter Gordon‘s Cheese Cake
Don Cherry: Brown Rice
Earth: Earth 2
Emeka Ogboh: 6°30′33.372″N 3°22′0.66″E
Eric Dolphy: Out There*
Fivio Foreign’s What’s My Name
Gnod: Hexen Valley
God Body Disconnect: Spiral of Grief
Grachan Moncur III*
Hainbach: Core Memory
James Nasty’s Don’t Stop
Kae Tempest‘s Salt Coast
Kristofer Maddigan‘s Funfair Fever
Lovesliescrushing, lots of Lovesliescrushing*
Mario Lino Stancati‘s Torna a sparire
Pan Daijing: Tissues
Paradise Blossom: Sunset Getaway
PJ Harvey, lots of PJ Harvey
Pusha T: It’s Almost Dry
Rachika Nayar: Heaven Come Crashing
The Smile’s Open The Floodgates, Waving A White Flag & Skrting On The Surface*
Sondra Sun-Odeon‘s Desyre & Hit
Sonic Youth: Washing Machine*
Sonny Sharrock*
Sudan Archives: Natural Brown Prom Queen
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Cool It Down
Yellow Swans, lots of Yellow Swans*
Youth Valley: Youth Valley EP
Zola Jesus’s Sewn
Bold and italicized indicates a favorite released this year.
The Beyoncé, Chat Pile, Emeka Ogboh and God Body Disconnect albums are my favorites from the year. The Daniel Rossen album gets a special mention for being beautiful, and sounding like Yellow House part 2. According to my Last.fm, I listened to more music this year than I did last year. I said I wasn’t going to do that, but oh well. I listened to over 50 albums from this year. That list only mentions 18 of them.
I have pretty much stopped listening to commercial radio. Ari, Fivio and Bob Moses are the only things I heard on the radio I liked this year.
The last two years have been me casting a rather large net, and seeing what I found that I liked. This year has been me exploring artists adjacent to the ones I learned about and fell in love with over these past two years. Then there was my desire to really dive deeper into jazz this year. While I’m sure that’s going to continue, because there’s just so much to explore. Next year I want to start digging through all of the electronic albums the synth bros swear are the most important albums ever made.
Beyoncé: Very early into getting into synths I realized that most of the synth forums are populated by obnoxious cis white heterosexual dudes. A guy I follow on Youtube made a video about his interactions with them a year or two ago. They are very closed minded. They do not respect artists of color, women, the usual shit. When Aphex Twin picks up an 808, it’s the greatest thing of all time. When Beyoncé or Metro Boomin pick up an 808 or Pharmakon uses her modular, that’s not music. The fact that RENAISSANCE explicitly culls its influences from Black dance music throughout the past 50 years has made listening to it the most fun I’ve had this year. If you’ve listened to any of the patches I’ve uploaded in the past 6 months, you’ll hear there’s been an influence.
Chat Pile: That’s what living in America feels like right now. Watching shit collapse around you.
Eric Dolphy: My first jazz albums were A Kind of Blue and other late fifties early sixties Miles albums. They all sound like what I expected jazz to sound like. It took me moving on to seventies Miles and finally late Coltrane for me to come back to those sixties albums. I’ve expanded what I listen to since then, but I really wanted this year to be the year I really went searching for jazz that scratched an itch the way I do for other styles. This was the year it really hit me that I’ll never get to hear all the music I’ll ever want to hear. There’s a sub genre of jazz named third stream, it attempts to meld classical and jazz together into a new genre. I’m not sure if he was actively attempting to do this while he was alive, but his music has become an example of the style. This is just a gorgeous, haunting album.
Grachan Moncur III: A completely different style of jazz compared to Dolphy. Moncur‘s style was incredibly moody and atmospheric. Him, Mingus and Alan Shorter are my favorite jazz composers I’ve stumbled upon so far. Moncur was basically my guiding light this year. After finding his bandleader work, I started to look for albums that had him as a sideman and composer. That would introduce me to other soloist I enjoyed, and then I’d start getting into them. Rinse and repeat. So my favorite thing this year is learning to actually pay attention to who composed a song, and using that to open doors. My favorite jazz song is Mephistopheles, the last track on Wayne Shorter‘s The All Seeing Eye. I learned his brother Alan wrote it years ago, and that’s how I got into Alan’s music. This year has just been me taking that idea to the extreme. When I say this is the most music I’ve ever listened to in a year. I mean it......
Lovesliescrushing: Cough Syrup Shoegaze
The Smile: Every album Thom has worked on over the last decade has had an unreleased Radiohead song on it. Radiohead were the last band I super obsessed over when that was a thing I did. They’ve played a lot of these songs live, so I know and have heard them many, many, many times. I’ve known Skrting On The Surface for a decade now. It was my favorite of the unreleased songs. Skrting On The Surface has become another in a line of songs where I prefer the live version to the album version. Of course I can always look them up on Youtube, but everybody hears the album version. Who is looking up a poorly shot video with pristine audio of a unreleased Radiohead song from 2008. As a side note, this has ruined Swans’ To Be Kind and The Glowing Man for me. Those pre album live versions destroy the studio versions. The way The Seer, She Loves Us and Bring The Sun feel like bombs live. Michael was having rips of Not Here/Not Now pulled off of Youtube back when it came out. They sold it as a way to fund recording To Be Kind, but if you ever get a chance to hear that.... The live version of Avatar rearranged my DNA back in 2012.
Sonic Youth: Sonic Youth remind me of Miles Davis. I got Goo and Experimental Jet Set, Trash And No Star years ago, and just did not like them. I love Tunic, and that’s the only thing from them I would listen to. I kept hearing people talking about how amazing they were. Eventually I asked a mutual what albums they were listening to. He said he hated Goo and Experimental Jet Set, Trash And No Star too. He pointed me in the direction of Bad Moon Rising. I liked that and started moving forward. I picked up Washing Machine this year. If only I had started there........
Sonny Sharrock: Damn, damn, damn, damn!
Yellow Swans: I am typing this in late September. Right now I’m making beat heavy music with the Digitone and Syntakt, but in my dreams I make noise and drone.
I have not chosen what albums are going in the car next year. I usually choose months, if not years, yes years, in advance. I’m going to wing it next year.
Last year’s list.
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somethingvinyl · 2 years
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Time for another #superfriendssunday , and this one is all about beards! I just finished season 1 of Ted Lasso (late to the party), and I loved Higgins’s horrendous little jazz beard, so I’m posting someone who wore his hip tiny beard a lot better. Charles Mingus, one of the finest jazz composers and bassists of all time, and by all accounts a man even crazier than his chaotic music. Blues & Roots has the essential Moanin, and all the other soul-inspired songs are great too! #charlesmingus #jazz #jazzvinyl #vinyl #vinyladay #lp #vinyloftheday #vinyligclub #vinyljunkie #vinylcommunity #vinylcollective #instavinyl #vinylgram #recordcollector #nowspinning https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVnrSpO3g9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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balladofsallyrose · 2 years
“The first record I ever brought was Hank Williams ‘Moanin’ The Blues’ and the second Hank Williams’ ‘I Could Never Be Ashamed’. I didn’t know who he was or why he was - I just dug his sound. I’ve tried to get those records again but I can’t - and now I find I'm back to singing them all again. I always wanted to sing like Hank Williams and for some reason I’ve now come complete circle and I’m back to country music again.”
- Steve Marriott, July 11th 1970 {x}
“When I was about thirteen, I use to collect all Hank Williams stuff. They were 78s with a yellow label and they were great numbers.”
- Steve Marriott, June 1967 {x}
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bluepandastarfish · 3 months
The final performance of Josephine Lambètt.
Use of my friends OC again, however Josiphine is mine.
Warnings: graphic violance, alcohol consumption, mention of ciggirettes, death.
"doll, you're on in 5. 'Whole audience's loosin' their goddamn minds!" her manager chuckled to himself as he trudged into her dressing room, sighing and taking a sip from the glass of strategically placed gin next to the door. "Come on, sweetheart, take a swing might loosen ya up!" he only got a smokey eyed glare in response from the fatigued woman through her vanity mirror, she carefully applied her maroon lipstick and smashed her lips together indelicately.
"I told ya before, Johnny, can't rush my kinda beauty" she winked with a small apologetic smile. "any lady in that audience 'll understand that." she looked at herself in the mirror once more with a small sigh. "would ya tell suzie i'll be late for the party tomorrow? i'm gonna be hungover and prayin' for my head to stop beatin' the crap outta me" she stood and grabbed her fur coat before pushing out the door without waiting for Johnny to answer.
 The backstage was bustling and full of men and women running around getting dressed and stubbing out their smokes or rushing toward the stage area. Josephine had a small moment where she checked through a hole in the curtain for the audience in order to prepare herself for her performance; tonight wasn't particularly full but it was still good enough for her to celebrate once her number was over. she made a confused face to herself as she saw a well dressed man sat on his own toward the back of the room. She couldn't make out his face from where she was but she hadn't been warned about any particularly important audience members tonight. 
she flinched away from the hole as another woman hissed quietly at her "Get ready, josie" josephine rolled her eyes at the woman (most of them knew her as the prude because she would measure the girls skirts before she let them on stage). Apparently her response was seen because she got a sharp glare in response, which meant she would get a stern talking to after the performance. 
She had a small moment of skittish panic as she heard the music start up, quickly standing in position further back up the stage and hiding strategically behind the dancers feather boas. She could see through the gaps in the feathers as the curtain began to lift and reveal the audience shrouded in darkness as all lights pointed to the stage. 
Their performance tonight was one of her favorite songs, sing you sinners. A small musical introduction was played before the dancers moved their boas and she began to sing. 
Brothers, sisters, listen to what we say
She tried to catch a glimpse of the man she saw moments ago through the curtain as she moved through the dancers and down the stage. 
Moanin' and groanin' won't drive those blues away
He seemed younger than she'd expected and sat with another man in one of the better booths up top the balcony. 
Lift up your voices in song
You know you've all done wrong
The dancers around her moved themselves back as she pushed her hands out with practiced choreography. They began their dancing (that she had not bothered to learn as she had no real need to). 
You sinners, drop everything
Let that harmony ring
Then she saw someone unexpected. She nearly missed her music que trying to catch a glance down to insure it was who she thought. 
Up to Heaven
The other woman.
Sing, you sinners
The woman who had stolen Josie's lover. She narrowed her eyes while staring at her. 
Just wave your arms all about
Let the Lord hear you shout
The lights flickered as she began to fall behind the music. 
Pour the music right out
And sing, you sinners
One by one the light bulbs burst, the audience screeching in shock as glass fell down everywhere. People covered their heads all around her, but she paid no notice to anyone but the unsettled woman below. 
The music had been cut, people watched her with fearful curiosity as her hair began to float up as if it had static electricity running through it. Her iris's glew a slightly silvery color and what seemed like tiny bolts of lightning erupted from them, hitting her face all over. For some reason she did not react as the small bolts began melting the skin of her face and causing her to bleed in some place, it was as if she could not feel it. 
The woman below Josephine kept eye contact with her out of pure fear. The audience began running for the door and screaming, the dancers running both to the exit and backstage to the back door of the theater. 
When the woman Josephine was looking at tried to run, she raised her hand and a bolt of lightning shot out of her palm melting the skin around it in the process. The bolt hit the woman running and caused a pained scream to erupt from her before she fell on her side and began twitching and writhing on the floor, seemingly unable to make any more noise. 
Josephine finally stopped the bolt when most of the skin on her hand melted off and the woman on the ground no longer moved. She gasped suddenly and gripped her wrist before then touching the tender skin on her face. She seemed suddenly aware of the pain and fell to her knees before beginning to cry. 
She glanced around the room to find someone to help with the pain but she could only see the mysterious man still sat up on the balcony. The room was still shrouded in darkness now that the bulbs had exploded bit she could still see his shadow. 
"I-im sorry-" her sobs cut her words off as she glanced down at the body of the woman on the ground. "I-i don't- i-" she began to hyperventilate and pulled her hand tightly to her chest as she looked up to the man on the balcony. "P-please- please-" 
The man seemed to wait till she had run out of tears before he descended the stairs and made his way to the edge of the stage. He looked up at her with a serious expression before offering his hand up to her. She looked at him, still dryly sobbing and offered him her unharmed hand. He held her hand between his, almost comfortingly. 
"I can offer you two paths from here…" he told her calmly. "The authorities will be here soon, you know what they will do once they find you, especially considering your not wearing an identification badge." She sobbed at the thought of what they would do to her but the man gently stroked the back of her hand comfortingly. "Or, you can come with me. You will be kept under security for a while… however we will teach you to control yourself." He moves to take a handkerchief out of his pocket to offer Josephine and for a moment she misses his comfort. 
Before he could offer it to her a loud bang was heard from behind them, and when he looked back at her a large hole had formed itself in her chest. She seemed shocked as he was before she began coughing and choking. She fell forward into his arms, blood leaking out of her vaunrable body all over the stage edge and the man's clothes. He held her in shock for a moment before he was snapped out of it as another shot was heard. 
The bullet did not make it far out of the gun and Johnny stood, watching the bullet with scared eyes as it turned in the air and then shot back at his forehead full force. The thump of his body hitting the floor was heard and the mesteryous man layed Josiphines body down gently onto the stage. 
He turned and silently left through the backstage area to avoid any awkward convosation with the authorities. 
To this day Ghost still listens to her albums every once in a while. All these years later and he keeps her picture in his cave of memories. He feels almost apathetic to it now but ever time he listens to one of the records he is reminded of the events and how representitive it is for how anomolies hide themselves, but also the consequences of doing so. 
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Sara Martin with Clarence Williams (1923)
Sara Martin was already in her late 30s when she signed to Okeh Records in 1922 - part of the surging demand for blues divas following Mamie's Smith's breakout hit, Crazy Blues, two years earlier.
Martin, already experienced in vaudeville, switched to jazz and blues, becoming a fixture on the theatrical circuit as well as in the studio. She toured and recorded with some notable musical standard bearers, including Fats Waller, Clarence Williams, King Oliver and Sylvester Weaver.
Commercial interest in a singer once billed as the Famous Moanin' Mama faded in the 1930s, however. Martin switched genre again, this time to gospel, before leaving the music business for good.
The one-time blues sensation moved back to the town where she was born - Louisville, Kentucky - where she opened a nursing home. She still sang, in the church choir.
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