#Might take a day or two to allow more people the chance to play Cyno's 2nd story quest... and then I'll post My Thoughts
yeonban · 29 days
After that quest I have SO many thoughts about Sethos omggg
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meadowofdarts · 1 year
A Play of Vigorous Wisdom (PART TWO)
Interdarshan Championship Event x Reader (Genshin 3.6) Scaramouche/Wanderer x Reader
Here is part two everyone! I am so sorry this took a while because I've been having writer's block and was having a hard time with my schedule and all. But, I now have the motivation to write and I hope that it will stay so I can write everything including the bonus before version 3.7 comes out.
Thank you for the support in part one!
BONUS: -Fighting For The Diadem (Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, Layla, Faruzan)
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After immediately encountering Layla, you got word from the Akademiya students talking about how intense was the first round, which you now assumed officially ended.
And some students were also predicting the second round already. The second round will come in two days, so every participant has free time.
You were walking around the streets of Sumeru, passing by the ongoing busy roads as the sunset was in place. Your lover said he had urgent business to do. It was weird, but you didn't question it since he's already strange enough. But now that he's gone, you were incredibly bored and basically had nothing to do until he was done.
You thought taking a walk around the city would help, and you could get invested in one of the shops or booths. But, it did not work. If people would've focused on you, they would think you have overworked yourself or something.
You did play a few booths of the Wisdom Gala, but most had completely drained your energy already as some you were struggling to do in their first rounds. It was only the first round of their booths before they released more minigames of their events.
What else can you do? You need entertainment right now. That's what was running through your mind before you stumbled upon Lambad's Tavern. You stood staring at it and decided that maybe a little food would boost you up.
You entered the place, and the relaxing yet delightful music played as soon as you entered. The tavern this time was much busier than before. You see that most of them are Akademiya students. You wondered if it had anything to do with the festival this year.
You stood as you were in line to order. You were staring at your fingernails, not paying attention to anything until you heard someone say your name.
"(Name)?" A voice called behind you. You turned around surprised at seeing someone familiar.
"Oh, hey Tighnari!" You smiled at him.
"I didn't expect to run into you here," He smiled back. "Even though we saw each other, we haven't had a chance to catch up. How are you?"
"Oh, I'm doing good!" You replied. "How about you? Oh, and how's Collei?"
"I'm fine, and she's doing wonderful ever since her recovery."
Tighnari was the Amurta representative in the championship earlier. But you knew him way before that.
You met Tighnari way back when you arrived for the first time in Sumeru. As the new region felt new to you, you spotted Gandharva Ville nearby, and Tighnari allowed you to stay for a while. You two hit off very well and became acquaintances to good friends quickly. When you felt like you overstayed your welcome, you bid goodbye to him and haven't seen him since.
"So, what are you doing here?" Tighnari asked you.
"Oh, I'm just here for a snack. I've been so bored and tired lately that I thought food might help me." You replied. "What about you?"
"Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend of mine. We just plan on eating here." He answered. But then he spoke again, "Would you like to join us?"
You were surprised. "Huh? But won't you friend mind?"
As if on cue, a white gray-haired male with red eyes came in and walked up to the forest ranger. "Tighnari, there you are. Sorry, I'm late. I just had to finish off some duties."
"It's fine. I just arrived too." He replied.
Cyno then noticed you with a curious look. "Hm? Who's this?"
You sheepishly waved at him as Tighnari introduced you. "Oh, this is (Name), a good friend I'm just catching up with."
Cyno eyed you and stated. "I know you. You're one of Vahumana's representatives earlier in the Championship."
"Heh, yeah, and your Spantamad's representative." You smiled. "Nice to meet you."
"You too." He lightly smiled back.
"Cyno, you wouldn't mind if (Name) sits with us, right?" Tighnari said. "It's just that we haven't seen each other in a while, and I figured this might be a good opportunity to catch up with them. If you're fine with it, of course."
Cyno answered. "No problem, I don't mind at all."
You were nervous sitting with Cyno. You've heard from your friends in Vahumana that the General Mahamatra was terrifying with his cold expression, especially if you defy or combat him. But, to you, he seems like a calm person who didn't mind anything regarding his friends. You did hear that one of your friends said that despite his look, he is a humorous guy around which confused you more.
The three of you sat at a table and ordered your guys' food.
"So, (Name), how has Sumeru been?" Tighnari asked.
"Oh, it's absolutely amazing!" You smiled. "Everything around is truly beautiful and different than any other nation I've been through. Tighnari, I am still thankful for you taking me in when I arrived."
He smiled. "Really, it's no problem at all."
Tighnari then spoke out a random question. "Hey, if you don't mind me asking this and forgive me if this is wrong, but... Is 'Hat Guy' your boyfriend you mentioned?"
You stared at him wide-eyed. "What the!? How- You haven't met him yet!"
"It wasn't that difficult to know," He smirked. "It was obvious how lovey-dovey you both were before in the championship."
You were about to retort something until a waiter came in and served the dishes you ordered.
"Say, (Name)," Cyno stared making you look up at him. "Tell me a bit about yourself."
You turned surprised but smiled and told a bit to Cyno, intending to know each other.
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For the next few hours: you, Tighnari, and Cyno chatted happily in the busy tavern. While catching up with the forest ranger, you immediately got along well with the mahamatra.
"So you don't play TCG?" Cyno asked with bewilderment.
You chuckled. "Well, I do; I got many card collections and decks. But I don't play so much anymore."
"Hmph, I see. Would you be interested in dueling against me?"
"Hmm, sure, I don't mind. But maybe another time."
"Hey," Tighnari chimed in. "Don't tell me you brought your card decks. Seriously, it's like you bring them everywhere with you."
"Well, it's necessary if I find a worthy opponent," Cyno smirked as the male beside him sighed. You sweat-dropped.
"I... I'm not surprised anymore, especially when you were at the cat's tail all day back in Mondstadt's festival and signed up for the championship just for the TCG card." Tighnari shot him a pointed look.
"Now, don't look at me with that card-oed look on your face."
"That joke didn't even make sense."
"Do you want an expla-"
You chuckled at their bickering but thanked Tighnari for sparing you from Cyno's jokes. You felt an overwhelming feeling of awkwardness when he told off his bad jokes earlier at the table.
You look at the watch in your hand out of habit, then notice how late you stayed in the tavern. Even though the tavern was fully crowded. But you knew you had to get home soon or you'll be suffering from your lover's questioning.
It wasn't anything bad; it's just him being concerned and scolding you. But you don't know if you have the energy to bicker him with today.
"Hey guys," You said. "I'm sorry, but I have to go now."
Tighnari put his attention on you. 'Oh, no worries. It is late after all. I'm glad we got to catch up, (Name)."
"Me too," You thanked, then said to Cyno. "I enjoy talking with you too, Cyno."
"It's no problem," Cyno reassured. "It was nice meeting you too."
You stood up. "Well then, I guess I'll see you soon in the second round of the championship then."
"Indeed, we will see you later." Cyno smiled. You smiled back.
You waved two of your friends goodbye as you walked out of a tavern, being greeted by the cold breeze wind the moment your foot was outside.
After that, you immediately speed-walked on the route back to your home, hugging yourself as it was cold at night. You hoped Wanderer wasn't there yet. But while walking home, you simply imagined you and your boyfriend bickering already.
You peeked your head to the main room of your house, seeing that no inch of blue or black and white clothing of Wanderer here. You turned, seeing nothing; everything was just where they were when you left earlier. The house was completely empty. Which means he wasn't here yet.
You silently cheered and thanked the Archons that Wanderer wasn't home. You fully entered the room, closing the front door behind you.
You immediately jumped into the couch and slumped on it, catching a bit of your breath.
'Oh god, it was so cold.' You silently yelled as you still felt the chilly wind from outside. You didn't focus on anything until you hear a voice you wished you didn't want to hear right now.
"Well, well, well, you took your time coming home."
You froze at the voice. You were screaming inside about how the hell did he get home first.
You slowly turn and see at the corner of your eyes his figure leaning against a wall, with his arms crossed and a malicious smirk on his face.
"Uhh, hi?" You muttered with a sweaty uneasy smile. "How... are you?"
You were doomed.
He didn't say anything. He just hummed in response. The silence between you two wasn't making it any helpful.
He walked towards you while his expression remained the same. You put your head down and sighed tiredly but prepared for what he had to say.
But you didn't expect him to sit down next to you, pull you into his arms, and he leaned you onto his chest. His body was on the couch, hugging you from behind as you were seated between his legs, holding his arms with his hands, still surprised.
You weren't expecting it, but you enjoyed it anyway. You closed your eyes as you both enjoyed a peaceful moment of warmth together. After a few moments, you opened your eyes, making eye contact with the man behind you.
"What's this for?" You softly murmured.
He stared, then replied. "I'm tired too. I just want you right now. I won't bother with the lecture today; you already know what I'll be saying anyway."
You softened at his tone and warmth. You learned more as you closed your eyes, smiling. He glanced down at you and smiled as he embraced you tighter. He places a soft kiss on your head.
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It was now the second round of the Interdarshan Championship. The venue for the second round is in the desert's Aaru Village. All of the contestants had already gathered and chatted as we waited for the next game to start soon.
You stood leaning up against the venue's pillar, closing your eyes as you rested a bit before the round.
You were interrupted when you heard footsteps coming to you. You opened one of your eyes to see Wanderer coming to you.
You raised an eyebrow, but then he leaned and whispered in your ear. "Let's start investigating later, okay?"
You nodded your head as he leaned back out. You glance to the contestants and already see that the Traveler is here.
"Looks like everyone's here." Alhaitham stood up, gaining everyone's attention. "I will now explain the second round to you all."
"There are three Ley Line Disruptors buried in the area around Aaru Village. These devices can imitate the effects of Ley Line disruption and will constantly interfere with the environment. Your goal is to shut them down."
"The first three who manage the finish this task will be awarded four, three, two points, accordingly. Note that each person may only bring a set amount of food and water with them, and that leaving the designated competition zone will result in disqualification."
Everyone immediately started talking to each other and went ahead to go enter the zone.
"Ugh, it's so hot." You groaned as you and Wanderer walked around.
"This is even more annoying than the last round." He grumbled. "Whatever, let's just rest for a while and watch everyone scurry."
You both sat down on the sand. You turned to him. "How are you not hot!? You are literally wearing a jacket."
"Did you forget or are you dumb? I'm a puppet. Besides, why are you even whining? I am none of your concern right now." He rolled his eyes.
"AH!" You screamed.
Wanderer looked at you with a confused expression. "What?"
"Oh gosh," You said, holding your chest. "That tumbleweed scared me."
"How do you get scared by a tumbleweed?"
"When they go near and hit you, duh."
After examining every other participant, you and Wanderer went next to Tighnari to obverse him like the others. You finally find him, but the Traveler and Paimon are also there.
You guys listened in and learned that Tighnari fainted due to the heat. But it seemed that he had finished all of his water.
You focus on them only until you see your boyfriend going up to them and revealing himself.
'What the heck is he doing?' Either way, you decided to follow him
"Humans, such fragile beings," Wanderer chimed as everyone turned to him and see you next to him. "Your bodies can't even survive extreme changes in the environment."
The Traveler raised an eyebrow. "And you considered yourself strong?"
Wanderer ignored them but pulled out one of our waters. "Here, take this. Let him drink it."
Both of the traveling companions raised an eyebrow, but the Traveler took the water from him regardless.
Wanderer walks away, but you stay still. He turns to you. "Let's go."
"Actually," You said. "Is it alright if I stay with them for a while?"
He gave you a confused look. So you said. "It'll only be a minute. I'll just make sure that Tighnari is in good condition."
He hummed and eyed you and him. "Hmm, alright. Don't take too long. Do you know where to find me?"
You nodded.
"Good." Before he went on, you came up behind him and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on his cheek.
He was surprised but grinned. "See you."
"Bye!" You waved as Wanderer left.
You turned to the group to see Tighnari drinking the water already.
After he had finished, you approached the forest ranger. "Are you alright now?"
"I'm feeling a little better now. Thanks." Tighnari said.
You were about to say something else until another voice came in.
"Found you at last." Cyno walked in.
"Cyno! You're here too!" Paimon exclaimed.
"I was concerned, so I came back to check on you." He stated. "Will you be able to go on?
"The fur on my tail is so dry it's practically been singed right off. I don't see any purpose in pushing myself beyond what is reasonable." Tighnari shook his head. "It appears I'm not suited to this particular round - I should probably just return to Aaru Village and rest."
"Really? So you're backing out?" Paimon asked.
He nodded. "Yes. I do have my results in the first round to serve as a buffer, so even if I forfeit this round, I still have a chance to turn things around later. Withdrawing now will allow me to conserve my energy. Continuing to push onward would be counterproductive."
"That's good, Tighnari," You smiled. "I'm glad that you're not pushing yourself or anything like that."
"A wise decision," Cyno agreed. "Let's get you back to Aaru Village."
"Ugh... It's fine, I can make it back on my own." Tighnari groaned.
Paimon exclaimed. "Oh, stop trying to be so polite. Come on, we'll help you back to Aaru Village!"
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Everyone entered a cave that was a quick way to enter Aaru Village.
"How are you feeling now, Tighnari?" Paimon asked. "Do you want to rest some more?"
"There's some shade here, so we can stop for a while," Cyno suggested. Tighnari agreed to it.
Everyone kept walking in the area further until they saw a familiar Rtawahist figure.
"Oh, Cyno, Tighnari, and (Name)... and you've got the Traveler and Paimon with you!"
"Hello, Layla," You greeted her with a warm smile.
"The sun was too strong, so I decided to take cover here for a while," Layla muttered. "What about you? Are you all done already?"
Tighnari shook his head in response. "Unfortunately not. I'm not quite as capable as I thought… I intend to withdraw from this round. Cyno, (Name), and the Traveler are escorting me back to Aaru Village."
"W-Withdraw? Can you even do that?" Layla asked surprised.
"Yes, you can if you want to." You answered. "Alhaitham says leaving and returning to Aaru Village is a disqualification of the second round."
"Didn't I ask if you were already before this? If you had just decided to withdraw then, you wouldn't have had to suffer." Cyno said to Tighnari.
He replied. "Well, I had to try, didn't I? So I tried, and it didn't work out - and now I'm backing out while I can."
As they were conversing with each other, you noticed Layla looking a bit troubled.
"Layla, is something wrong?" You asked.
"Oh, uh-" Layla stuttered. "No, it's just I feel a little faint when I entered the desert. But I feel a lot better after resting here for a while."
"Be careful not to push yourself too hard!" Paimon reminded.
"Don't worry, I'm just..." Layla paused.
Cyno finished her sentence. "Feeling the pressure?"
"Huh? You can tell?"
"Your expression is similar to the ones I see on criminals' faces when I interrogate them."
Layla sighed. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure whether I have what it takes to represent the Rtawahist Darshan in the Championship."
She tells how people voted for her as the representative because of the rumors about me, and Layla then tells she doesn't know how to deal with their expectations. Many and even people who criticize her voted for her, so she felt like she had to live up to their expectations.
"So, their expectations are putting pressure on you?" Tighnari clarified.
She nodded in silence.
"Hmm, I see," You started as she turned to you. "I understand your situation, it's understandable to feel this way, Layla."
"But, I'm going to say this. Having a lot of pressure on yourself isn't good because then you won't be able to achieve anything. People obviously have their reasons to vote for you, but I think the people from your Darshan who do care about you wouldn't want you to be put under pressure. It's important to not push yourself."
Layla stared at you in surprise.
Tighnari spoke up. "I agree. We are researchers. Our primary duty is to interact with knowledge, not to meet others' expectations."
"Even though I got voted as well, I decided to take part in this competition to advertise for an academic lecture at Gandharva Ville next month. I'll obviously try my best during the competition, but I won't let any additional pressure get to me."
"I think you can also try to find a clearly defined goal. That may help you." He finished.
Layla nodded. "I understand. Thanks for your pieces of advice."
"Phew... I'm absolutely parched after talking so much." Tighnari sweatdropped.
" I've still got some water with me." Cyno offered.
His friend shook his head. "No, I'll be alright. We aren't far from Aaru Village, so I can go the rest of the way myself. You should get back to the competition. Don't you want to win that limited-edition card?"
"Yes. Alright then, your spirit will live on through me."
"...Hey, don't talk like that. I'm not dead, Cyno." Tighnari shot him an annoyed look.
"Everyone, I'll be heading back now. See you after the round ends." He said before walking away to Aaru Village.
Cyno walked in the opposite direction. "I'll continue searching for the Ley Line Disruptors."
"Hmm, well, it seems I should head back." You said. "I'll see you guys later."
"Hey, (Name)," Layla said. You turned to her. "Thank you. For what happened in the first round, and thank you for your advice."
You chuckled. "It's no problem. I hope you'll feel better, Layla."
You waved the three goodbyes as you made your way back to the competition grounds.
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After a while, you found Wanderer at the west entrance of Aaru Village. He was looking at the scenery, seeming to be deep in thought.
"Hey," You said skipping over to him, while he turns to look at you.
"Oh, good. You're here." Wanderer crossed his arms. "Listen, since we don't have any leads, I figured we can ask people about that incident. I think we should start in Aaru Village."
"Hmm, do you think they would know something about it?" You asked.
"Well, it's not guaranteed they would know exactly, but we can try asking and we could learn a bit about what happened-" Wanderer stopped his sentence as he sees something behind you.
You turned to see the Traveler and Paimon coming towards you. Wow, it's like they're everywhere and have incredible free time to check up on every contestance one by one.
Paimon exclaimed. "Looks like someone's taking it easy!"
"You should be thrilled that we have nothing to do. Otherwise, that means someone's in for a very, very bad day." He smirked.
"But if you guys don't get any points this round, you won't have a shot at winning!"
You shrugged. "Well, we really don't have intentions to win."
Wanderer added. "Really, the real prize for me is watching all these people fight over something so useless. Oh, you've reminded us of something. There shouldn't be any more incidents after this round. If you'll excuse us, we have somewhere to be."
You and Wanderer walked away, leaving the Traveler and Paimon dumbfounded.
You guys entered Aaru Village by passing the sub-venue. Alhaitham and Nilou seemed to notice you two entering and took note that both of you had forfeited like Tighnari.
You and Wanderer entered the area of the village that is near the Village Chief's house. The two of you split up around Aaru Village to ask as many people as possible.
You briefly asked the villagers nearby but found nobody seemed to know anything. But someone did tell you that a guy named 'Huvishka' knows something about a past championship twenty years ago.
You finally found the said person. You asked what he thought of this year's Interdarshan Championship.
Huvishka tells you that he was rooting for Cyno because of his skills as the General Mahamatra and that the Spantamad Darshan has the highest percentage of champions. But during his sentence, he mentioned that the most exciting competition was still 'twenty years ago.'
You asked about that championship twenty years ago.
"At that time, my friend also participated in the game, and I went there to cheer for him. The last round was played in Avidya Forest. In the end, no one dared to approach them, and no one knew what was going on in the depths of the forest…" He tells you.
"Then I heard the Akademiya shut down the competition. Later, the Interdarshan Championship removed many of the events in which people fought to the death, discouraging people from being desperate enough to do so."
"So, what was your friend like?" You asked.
"Let me think. He's honest and kind, but he's also vulnerable and sensitive. Most of all, he cares about us. When we drink together, our time is filled with laughter and cheer." He answered. "It's just too bad that it's all in the past now. Among the friends we drank with, some died, some disappeared, some now live in seclusion… They say fate is fickle. Perhaps it's true."
You hummed, gathering and taking note of the information you had just received.
"Deserts are much more dangerous at night, so this competition should be nearing its end. At the moment, only Faruzan, Layla, and Kaveh remain," said Alhaitham.
Nilou muttered. "I wonder who the next person to find a disruptor will be..."
"Wait, only three people are left? Tighnari forfeited, and Cyno's already done… What about (Name) and Hat Guy?" Paimon questioned.
"They also forfeited not long ago," Alhaitham answered.
Paimon groaned. "Paimon can't understand what they're thinking at all... But like Alhaitham said — the round's almost over. Let's go see what the other contestants are doing!"
You and Wanderer met back near the Village Chief's house and told each other about what you learned from the villagers. Wanderer says he hasn't had that much information as he states that nobody seemed to know anything related to the incident.
You tell him about your conversation with Huvishka.
"Hmph, I see. Twenty years ago..." Wanderer muttered.
"We didn't get that much information than we hoped, but at least we have some sort of lead." You said. "Now what should we do?"
"Ugh, this desert isn't too much to my liking. Let's just leave." He suggested.
"Huh? Can we leave?"
"Well, we gave up this round, remember? Why couldn't we leave if we have nothing to do now?" He stated. "Besides, didn't you say that Amurta's representative drop out this round? Well, he's not here anymore, so he probably left too."
"Hm, I guess." You muttered.
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It was now nighttime, and you heard briefly that the championship had officially ended the second round, and the final round would commence in two days.
You hear that Cyno and Layla have taken first place while the rest in descending are Tighnari, Faruzan, Kaveh, and you and your boyfriend.
You know well that neither of you can't be winners. But whoever the winner will be decided in the third and final round.
And during this time, you and Wanderer found out a bit about the incident twenty years ago, so you both consider it a benefit from the competition.
After you guys left, you both went to your shared home back in Sumeru City. Since the desert was very far away from there, you guys arrived when nighttime came in. But you both didn't care.
Wanderer's lips were on yours as his tongue danced with yours. You forgot what happened, but after arriving in your shared house, you and Wanderer are locked in a make-out.
He pinned you up with his hand pressed against the wall, and his other hand was behind, holding your neck. You had one of your hands on the side of his cheek while your other hand was caressing the back of his head.
Every time you pull away for only a second, you and he pull each other back in a heated kiss. His lips were all over your face, but he was mainly on your lips.
After a while, you felt tired so you pulled him back by grabbing his shoulders. He focused his attention on you.
"Okay, that's enough," You smiled.
He raised an eyebrow. "I'm not done yet."
You playfully rolled your eyes, as you walked away from him to the kitchen, ignoring his calls to you.
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(author: idk what i did at the make-out scene - btw i do suggestive themes, but not full on smut so don't ask for that lol)
See you guys in part three!
taglist: @etherisy, @fanfictionenthusiast, @melobee, @cattycattitude, @timeofsilversstuff, @yourfuturebaee, @lifelesscloud, @sketcheeee, @godsblesstheboii, @swivy123, @that-mom-friend, @julia-scribbles, @llunariese, @seirenspinel, @anggurz, @stormyenglish-23, @inferisk0, @paracosm-life, @mochisgf, @fabimaou, @yuyukami, @kaocia, @sharkdays, @miyakoa, @vvyeislazzy
(People without an underline I can't tag, I'm sorry)
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