#Mazm noah
gwaaaaar · 4 months
Spooky Halloween guys
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Ermmm happy late halloweenie. Really fond of these twos official halloween outfits... coughs
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mazm-imagines · 1 year
Some Call It Stalking, I Say Walking Just Extremely Close Behind
hi guys. remember the illness fic i was talking abt for months. well. I finished it. 6956 words. oh my god what is wrong with me. TW for sh/cutting, it is not used in that context but just in case yk. Blood and stuff like that. also MAJOR THY CREATURE SPOILERS !!!! This is abt boss 3 so if ur not there yet dont read if u dont want spoilers teehee. fic under the cut
The Mad Scientist didn’t know much. 
He didn’t know how, when, or why he was born. 
All he knew from the moment of his birth was that he wanted to know. 
That thirst for knowledge consumed every part of him. Not even a minute passed from conception and he had already shuffled through the papers below him, dim green glow of various bioluminescent specimens aided him in his reading. Even without them, a Nepe’s superior senses would have been sufficient enough.
From there he learned about matters of science, of humanities, of theology, and much more. Each book he pored through only multiplied the lust for knowledge. Papers, journals, artifacts, samples, it was never enough. No fact was forgotten. The Scientist couldn’t stay content to be confined in that library much longer. As of that point, he was only a mere concept. The word he could have described it as was ‘madness.’ 
It was almost cruel, to never be satiated, to know everything yet nothing. 
He wandered yes- of course he did. A curious mind couldn’t stay idle. He had long since familiarized himself with the other creatures that were just like him.
He already knew how Nepe worked. 
The residents of the tower were where his real curiosities lay. He was always watching, hearing from the shadows, especially careful to not get caught by the hunter. Even in her old age her keen senses would have sniffed him out. 
The other residents… not so much. The seamstress and the sailor seemed to be dimwitted enough. The farmer already lost most of his memories and the painter was near catatonic from grief. Perhaps if the raging alcoholic of a manager was sober he would be observant enough. 
The only one with their head attached to their shoulders was the mortician he knew as Noah.
Noah could be described as… stingy, analytical, calm. It felt as if Noah’s eyes could look right at him. At least before the Mad Scientist would induce a dizzy spell on him– another one of the Nepe’s abilities.
Even when bickering with the seamstress– Justine– he’d stay poised. But the Scientist had the privilege to read Noah’s ledger. Suffice to say, Noah certainly had some pent up feelings.
And sometimes Noah prayed. Noah prayed for many things: for prosperity, for his loved ones, and for their souls.
In humanities and theology, the Scientist often read of the concept of a soul. What was a soul? According to what he had read, a soul consisted of many things, of memories and of humanity. 
In the anatomical diagrams he examined, no human looked like him. 
Golden horns, paper white skin and hair, and black sclera with goat-like pupils.
He wasn’t a human at all, but that was a forgone conclusion. As for memories, he had memories right? He could remember reading his favorite books or what he had done a minute ago. But there was a certain memory that started to arise the more he came to himself. 
A memory that didn’t belong to him.
A memory of a man poring through documents, just as he would that entire time.
The first glimpse into that memory was when he had found a sheet of paper: an experiment log documenting research on what made a human. Concepts of willpower and emotion scattered throughout. 
The back of a black-haired man flashed before his eyes.
“More… more…”
The man spouted a mantra of madness whilst filtering through the books strewn around: all useless junk to him.
That was the first time he had ever seen that man, but it wasn’t the last.
He scanned the page again, searching for a name.
And a name he got.
Victor was a common name from what he had known. It meant winner, triumphant, champion, all that was virtuous in the world.
The Mad Scientist didn’t have a name. There was no one that even knew of his existence to even call him anything. 
It was always quiet in the library, but the newfound revelation of his memory made the silence deafening. 
His core… was Victor. It was a human’s.
Perhaps it was time to christen himself. 
In humanities, he had read of Erysichthon, a Greek king cursed with an insatiable hunger. Even if it was a literal hunger, he couldn’t help but empathize. He too was cursed with an insatiable hunger: the hunger for knowledge. It was a suitable mantle to take up in his eyes.
No point in contemplating now, he had a world to dissect. His name from that point on became Erysichthon.
What was a human? What was a Nepe? Who determined such arbitrary terms? What was the difference? Was it the soul? Flesh? So many research questions and so little practice.
The definition of a soul was so… flimsy. Centuries of philosophical debate and no true answer? Erysichthon was determined to find out. As of late, he had felt more and more restless– unrestrained.
He only knew of the green earth from behind the pages. He had no need of theoreticals anymore, only hands-on, personal experience could ever satisfy him again. 
For that, he would need a new form, so as to not… scare his specimens.
Research question: Can a Nepe be human?
The form he held now was raw, untainted, untouched by all influence except madness. But it wasn’t human. 
He could change his form, that was a skill he learned by looking on a piece of shattered glass. On a whim he wished to change his white hair to green, and there it was. Ever since then he would toy around with his form. A Nepe can afford to be malleable.
Now it was time to push the limit, innovation came from necessity as they say.
He’d have to clear up the marks on his face first- lest he looked like the notebook he scribbled in. Then there was the matter of his skin and hair. The pale white was considered unnatural, unless he was an albino- but he wasn’t even a human! He was at least two times the size of one. 
Horns atop his head were monstrous, no creature on earth could compare. His pupils were akin to a goat’s, not to mention pitch black sclera. 
Unfortunately, those would have to go too. 
Erysichthon had never interacted with a living breathing human up close, but he had interacted with a dead one. Many, many dead ones. They were mainly mangled corpses he dissected, but he could piece two and two together as to what a living human should be by now. All the research and… observing wouldn’t be for nothing. 
In one thought, he could feel himself getting smaller, frail. It wasn’t a permanent transformation, his power still remained intact enough to turn back.
Floating hands seceded to nothing, and from the dead space under his coat legs grew out. Muscles, bones, and sinew all manifested from thin air faster than one could comprehend.
 As soon as the feet touched the ground, Erysichthon’s legs gave in. It was a strange feeling to walk on two legs rather than floating about. With a clumsy step forward he planted his face onto the stacks of books below him. Ouch. 
The face that gazed back at him on the base of the bronze statue in the theology room was near unrecognizable. The only features that stayed even remotely intact were the green tips that lined the newfound raven black hair and slitted black pupils centered on yellow irises. Tsk, can’t change it all he supposed.
Old fashioned clothes that barely held onto his shoulders weighed him down. Ah, he forgot to account for that as well. 
It was time to discard them too, the large bowknots and fur-lined coat was so last century–
–But he didn’t want to let go of them either…
From what he had read, children often dressed in non-threatening fashion. Shorts or shortened dresses, vibrant colors, and adorned in decorations. The Nepe girl he had met certainly looked the part. It was in his taste to say the least, but would it be suitable? He’d often read that adults and children were expected to present differently. Maybe he should blur the lines a little.
Research question: Why are adults and children expected to wear different clothes?
The black turtleneck shrunk down to a white blouse, with cuffs and neckline adorned by signature yellow bowknots. His fur coat morphed into shorts and suspenders. 
Can’t forget the footwear-
Simple dress shoes and knee-high socks were good enough. 
The oversized green bag of notes shrunk down as well to fit his new size.
The new form felt odd, to say the least. His height had been cut by half: places he could reach before were now off-limits. The sensation of placing one foot after another was oh so very foreign. There was nothing Erysichthon couldn’t learn though. This was merely a trial in his experiments.
However… What were the limits of this new body? What was inside? It was a rough shell of what a human should be. Humans bled, cried, drooled- and many other functions. This vessel was under his mercy, if he so desired, he wouldn’t have to do any of those things. 
This was his first experiment.
After taking a shard of glass off the floor, Erysichthon pulled up his right sleeve. With one painless swipe against his arm, he started to observe the results.
Perhaps he made a miscalculation, if the smoke leaking out indicated anything. In the span of 5 seconds, the wound sealed up.
There were two things to be noted:
No nerve endings to feel anything. Pain, pleasure, warmth, or coldness would be rendered null. No nerve system.
No blood either, he was lacking the blood vessels or any parts at all to even have a functioning cardiovascular system.
This meant he had no organs, supposedly. He had a cheap imitation of a muscular system at least. 
It was an oversight, nothing a little willpower couldn't remedy. His dissections and research would finally come in hand. 
Erysichthon managed to will a heart into existence, or at least the simulation of one. Placing a palm over his chest met him with the rhythmic thumping of a heartbeat. How lovely…
Not stopping at that, he made room for the rest of his organs. Nerves slowly manifested in flesh, he had now felt the absence of warmth in the room- and the warmth in his face.
This should do the trick.
Once again he picked up the shard of glass and swiped over his arm. 
Ow- It hurts!
He cried out before looking into the wound. 
Yet before he had even noticed the blood dripping out, he recognized the water leaking from his eyes. Slender fingers crawled up to his cheeks to paw at the tears.
I’m… crying… 
I’m crying in pain!
Just as he couldn’t help the tears, he couldn’t help the mad laughter erupting from his throat.
I’m crying! I’m bleeding! I really have become human…
Before that moment, he had never cried before. There was a bizarre delight to be found in weeping. But Erysichthon was a bizarre creature. 
Just as easily as he willed the wound open, he shut it back closed. Smeared blood evaporated back into the smoke it came from.  
Now that he had perfected his form, it was time to roam around. 
Erysichthon pulled open the door of the library and carefully peeked out, not a soul could be seen as far as his eyes could tell.
Instead there were Nepes made of green ooze. Oh yes, he knew of these creatures. This was his domain, and they would leave him alone well enough. 
The foot he placed forward nearly stumbled, he wasn’t ready to leave the support of the walls quite yet. Hugging the walls, he carefully moved to different rooms, calling out a demure ‘hello?’ in each one. 
It was apparent there would be no humans there, well, nothing wrong with using a bit of omnipotence right?
2 humans were located on the first floor, another was located on the second. A few more were located on the fourth.
If he were to approach any other floor besides the first, they would surely have gotten suspicious. The corruption of the tower led by Nepes kept the residents on edge.
Another touch of omnipotence wouldn’t hurt- 
And just like that, he found himself at the imposing front doors of the tower. 
Oh this would be fun.
What wasn’t fun was the numerous Nepes imitating mangled dolls that patrolled the halls. 
“Noah, we're damn stuck! We’re going to die! Stop laughing!” 
“Pfffft… how can I not when you tripped over your own dress? We are going to die, can’t I go out with a laugh?”
“Stop! Stop it! I’ll sew your mouth shut!”
“Alright alright I’ll stop.”
“You-! Bastard!”
Justine balled up her fists before plunging them straight into Noah’s chest. Her victim could only stifle a weary laugh behind a hand. 
Just as Noah was about to open his mouth, a crash was heard from behind them.
“Who’s there?” Noah stepped in front of Justine so as to take initiative. Turning his head had let his calculating eyes gaze upon the intruder. 
Currently said intruder was planted face first on the floor– An even bigger klutz than Justine.
Is that a child? 
“Sir William?!” Did Justine know this person?
“William?! I’m not William!” Ah. She was mistaken. The boy she mistook for “William” raised his head to look back at them. Noah couldn’t tell if it was his bleariness, but something looked unnatural about the irises that met his own. He wasn’t exactly at his sharpest of senses but something was certainly off.
Upon further inspection, the “boy” was… a man surely. Childish clothes had almost convinced Noah of his youth, but his neck and limbs indicated otherwise. Oh God he’s one of those.
Those bastards that wouldn’t fess up their age no matter what.
Noah felt the blood leak from his face once he realized the sort of person he would be dealing with. But his age wasn’t one of the more important questions Noah had.
Yellow eyes with slitted pupils…
“Justine get behind me- and you- stay back.” From the pocket of Noah’s pitch black coat, Justine vaguely made out a glint. 
“Wah?! What’s wrong?!”
“Stay there. Move any closer and I won’t hesitate.”
“Hesitate to what?!” The black-haired man cried out. 
“Noah, you're scaring him! Stop! Please…” Justine had rarely seen this anger from the poised Noah. It was terrifying to hear the steely voice from his bandaged neck. And not once had he raised said voice. Considering he had been on edge the past week or so, perhaps this was the culmination of his exhaustion. 
She tugged at Noah’s sleeve as a silent plea to calm down. Biting blue eyes looked down Justine’s honeyed brown ones. 
That was enough to defrost Noah’s temperament it seemed, as his furrowed eyebrows loosened. 
“Fine. I have a few questions for you. And you better start talking.” “Yes sir!”
“What’s your name?”
“I’m uhm I’m Ery- E-”
“Out with it.” The more Noah pressed, the more the black-haired man flushed in embarrassment. 
He had no mercy! Perhaps that no-nonsense attitude is what EL liked most about him.
“Noah!- Take your time! Don’t listen to him alright?” 
Truth be told, Justine was wary of the new stranger. Something about him… felt off. 
But he looked just like William-! At least, what he would have looked like if he managed to grow older. On the off chance that this was a victim of the tower, she couldn’t let Noah throw him to the dogs! Or well, the Nepes.
“I’m EL…” “How did you get in here? The doors are shut. I’ve tried for damn ages to open it! We were just there. Even the back is closed- And here you are, waltzing in…” The last words trailed off as Noah started to grumble to himself in irritation.
“I- uhm… I came here right around the time of the attacks! I got stuck… and hic…”
“It’s been two weeks and you think I’d believe that?”
“It’s true! Please believe me! I passed out in the middle of it… I just woke up…”
“Noah… be nice.”
EL didn’t particularly mind the pressing, not when he could finally meet his dear specimens. But it would be suspicious if he didn’t put up any resistance, especially for someone like Noah. 
He just couldn’t contain his excitement to meet them!
I can't wait to harvest them~
As a Nepe of madness, Erysichthon had an unusual ability: the ability to impart obsession onto those weak of mind. A natural charm that allured the vulnerable. Slowly yet surely, he watched Justine’s hesitation waver.
EL was practically imprisoning his overwhelming joy within a pitiful expression. From his limited vision on the floor he could see Justine take slow steps from behind Noah, approaching cautiously before she knelt by him.
She fell for it… just as hypothesized~
“Justine- What are you doing? You can’t just-!”
“Noah, he’s one of us. He’s scared and alone.”
“Look at his eyes! Only damn Nepes have those yellow eyes!” Damn, he did make a good point. 
“Can you stop making assumptions? You think you know everything? Let’s ask EL alright?”
“Alright EL. What’s with those eyes of yours hm?”
“I, uhm, have a condition… It’s just like that… I swear I’m not a Nepe!”
Damn! He was as observant as EL hypothesized, but this would be troublesome…
He could eat that memory later, for now he had to ensure their trust. With a quick nod of his head, he induced another bout of exhaustion onto the other man. 
“Is that so? You must think I’m stupid if-”  before Noah could finish his snide remark the low growl of a Nepe was made apparent. 
“Dammit. We stayed here for too long. Justine, we have to go.”
“What about EL?!” 
“You already know. But whatever, you do what you want. I feel dizzy.” With that Noah ran off leaving Justine alone with EL.
This is my chance… To take her as a specimen-!
“Well… he’s not saying no! Let’s go EL!” EL was snapped out of his thoughts by Justine offering a hand to him. He only gave a cheerful smile in return.
“Oh! Thank you… thank you so much!”
“It’s no problem!"
Mustn't get too hasty… I could secure the whole camp.
One mental note later and EL was being led out by Justine to the stairs. 
“Oh wow EL! Your grip is… really strong!”
“Ahahaha… I hear that a lot. I’ve just been carrying a lot around! I used to work at a library so-! Just used to carrying books around.”
EL wasn’t sure when he had gotten used to lying as easily as he “breathed.” Perhaps Justine was stupid and his lies were flimsy or he just really was a natural at it. Either way, Noah wouldn’t be fooled. 
“And EL… are your legs alright? I noticed that you’ve been limping a lot. Is that why you tripped earlier?”
“Oh! I was running away from a Nepe and I just… tripped. It hurts-!” EL whined out to sell his story. He was just a klutz but whatever made Justine pity him he would gladly take advantage of. To further encourage sympathy, EL willed open a few blood vessels around his knees to simulate bruising. His newfound pain receptors forced him to wince for real this time. The pain was enough to make EL drop- he had never experienced such agony before... He never experienced pain at all till an hour ago! 
Justine’s eyes darted downwards once she felt the pressure on her hand pull her down as well.
“Oh EL! You poor thing! I didn’t even notice before! We have to get out first but as soon as we get there I’ll wrap it up.” Justine gave a reassuring squeeze to EL’s hand before helping him back up. 
That squeeze… for what possible reason could she have done that for? The concept of love was quite foreign to EL. Yes he knew of it from his research, but he’s never felt love in its true form. He loved his specimens technically. But Justine’s pure affection? Strange… It wasn’t a bad feeling at all. EL could feel his face heat up for some odd reason. 
“Are you okay EL? Your face is quite red too…”
“Ah! Yes yes I’m alright! Don’t worry!” Perhaps he should try to show his affection too, as an experiment that is. 
After carefully navigating around the Nepes, the two could finally make their way to the gallery hallway.
“The stairs are coming up soon, our camp is on the fourth floor though… Don’t worry, if me and Noah could come down here, I'm sure we can go up just as easily! Leon’s on the second floor too just in case.” Justine let out a nervous smile, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. Perhaps EL should return the favor from earlier.
“It’ll be alright! I think-” EL’s attention was drawn away to a shine on the floor. Ever a curious mind, EL let go of Justine's hand to examine. 
The shining item seemed to be a scalpel. Justine hovered behind him in intrigue as well till a realization froze her in place.
“This- this is Noah’s…”
“Really?” EL pocketed it away, just in case he could return it later. 
“Maybe he dropped it…”
No matter how much Justine tried to hide her anxiety, EL could feel it practically radiating off of her. Nepe’s sense and all.
“Maybe he did! It’s okay Justine. It’ll be okay!” EL wasn’t particularly knowledgeable about what to say, all he could do was regurgitate trite words he read from novels. But an attempt to comfort was made nonetheless.
“I… I hope so. Let’s go…” Justine gave a smile tinted with melancholy before shaking her head. 
After grabbing EL’s hand again, Justine carefully inched toward the stairwell door. 
One peek around the corner and Justine immediately gagged. 
What on Earth could she have seen?
“N-Noah!” Before he could even ask, he received an answer. EL stole a look for himself and- 
Noah was propped up a corner, smoke flowed out from the top of his head as a hollow expression graced his features. A Nepe was sitting on top of him, feasting. EL noted the scalpel lodged into its forehead, all the while it remained unbothered. Noah put up a fight it seemed.
Perhaps he overdid it with the exhaustion spells these past few weeks or so.
“He’s… No... no no no no no.” Justine cried to herself. Her legs caved as all her worries were confirmed right then and there. Tears streamed down her face with choked sobs shackling her judgment like a collar. 
It seemed she would be out of the picture.
EL could have done something, at the very least. 
“Justine… I must say, I enjoyed this time with you. Stay here alright?” EL was about to do something quite reckless. Science was all about alternating variables. At the very least, he couldn’t let his specimens get tarnished.
“EL… No! No! Please don’t… don’t!” Justine tugged on his sleeve in an attempt to get him to stay. Unfortunately EL was far stronger than she would be as he pulled his sleeve away to prepare. 
“I’ll kill it.”
“I’ll… I’ll come with you then.” Justine hastily wiped away her tears with a sleeve. Clumsily, she stood back up with a newfound determination.
She wasn't as weak as he thought after all.
Research question: If I were to rip a Nepe open, what would happen?
With no particular plan, EL ran into the Nepe as fast as he could, plunging a scalpel into its chest before shoving it into an adjacent wall. 
“Justine! Drag Noah out! I’ll take care of this.”
“Got it!” Justine took Noah by the underarms before dragging him away. At least, attempting to- he was two times her size. Not that EL cared. He had to retrieve Noah’s memory before it got digested. 
That wouldn’t be an easy task. Now that EL had shrunk down by half, he realized just how small a human was compared to a Nepe. Even with Noah’s 210 centimeters, the Nepe was a third taller than him. 
The Nepe attempted to bite at his skull which EL would dodge haphazardly. 
Left right left right. A tedious dance and song. 
Sit still would you.
EL pulled out the scalpel in its stomach before jabbing it back into the Nepe’s neck, hopefully pinning it to the wall. Just for good measure, he wrapped a lithe hand around its throat, squeezing ever so slightly. After ripping out the scalpel from its head, EL slashed across its stomach to rummage around for memories. 
The lack of organs would be accounted for by the black smoke. EL had an approximate 5 minutes to retrieve the memory, yet he could feel the smoke attempt to seal around his wrist. 
It didn’t take long before EL found the small stone- stones? This Nepe seemed to have collected quite a few memories from Noah. Just touching them gave him a bout of hunger. He couldn’t eat these today though. 
“Justine-! Take these!” EL lazily tossed them to her with one hand, paying no mind as to what she was actually doing. 
“Oof! Got them!” Justine dropped Noah in favor of holding the memories. Which one was Noah’s?! Were they all his?!
Now EL had full freedom to play as he wished. Ripping the scalpel out from its neck would give Erysichthon two blades to slash with. 
Oh oh oh- I wish it was a human… Oh well!
He gave a little pout at the fact he couldn’t just dissect a live human, but that didn’t stop his desire to cut up a creature all the same. 
That troublesome Nepe had been going after his head that entire time. Perhaps he should return the favor. With a forceful stab across the Nepe’s neck, he managed to behead it in one fell swoop. Huh, that wasn’t supposed to happen.
The Nepe was merely a doll made of fabric then, that was the only reasoning he had for being able to behead a 8 ft monster. 
It certainly made his job easier! WIthout much of a complaint, he proceeded to cut away at the body maniacally. A look of madness crept up to his face, yet he was far too consumed by the euphoria of it all to even hide it. 
He saw a small sparkle within the Nepe. 
More memories? They didn’t seem to be Noah’s at least, based on the aura he was receiving. 
Just as he was about to pull out the last batch of memories deeper within the shadows, EL shrieked in pain at a stabbing sensation around his ankles. 
What the hell was that?!
“EL!” A shrill scream called his name from across the room, snapping EL back into his senses. Looking down met him with his attacker.
The Nepe head he threw away earlier came back with a fury, currently it was biting away at his ankles.
Well, that was a sign, if any to finally leave. Taking both scalpels, EL jammed them into the Nepe before scrambling to Justine and Noah, blood trailed not far behind.
“EL! Are you okay?!”
“Yes- yes- How’s Noah?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“He’s taken in some of his memories and fell back asleep… What do we do?!”
“Wake him back up of course!”
Justine stared at him with a confounded look before nodding. 
“I suppose you’re right…” 
Noah was laying down beside Justine, sleeping peacefully with glasses lopsided. For all his sternness while those eyes were open, he looked quite gentle in slumber. As if in sync, both EL and Justine shook him to break that peace.
“Noah! Wake up! Someone just robbed your store!” Unorthodox method from Justine, but it worked. 
“Huh- huh wuh huh-” Dark lashes fluttered open, revealing the piercing blue underneath. 
“What happened… Blood… I smell blood.” Noah removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose before rubbing at his eyes. A quick sniff let Noah assess the situation as he replaced the spectacles. 
“Oh, it’s you.” 
“Noah! He saved you!”
“I- I can see that…” Noah immediately jumped to his disdain for the intruder, completely missing the fact that he was his savior. It wasn’t till his eyes wandered down to the bite marks at EL’s legs did he realize. Of course he could never admit he was ever wrong, Justine would surely have a field day if he did.
“We don’t have much time till the Nepe gets back up, we have to get out of here-” EL gasped out in pain as the blood kept dripping, his small hands could barely hold the wound shut. Yes he could have just willed it closed, but not in front of Justine and Noah! Noticing his pain, Noah rummaged around his pockets to look for something. EL didn’t know what for till the hand came out with a small roll. 
He was actually going to help him? EL could feel his face heat up at the kind(?) gesture. An equally warm feeling lit from somewhere within. 
“Did you get a fever too? Stick your legs out. You have an abnormally large amount of blood, it just won't stop…” EL complied wordlessly, readjusting his position for easier access. Noah examined the wounds before unrolling the bandages.
“This won’t be a bang-up job, I’ll treat you properly when we get back.”
“You’re taking him back with us?!” Justine beamed at his newfound acceptance, eyes that were shining with tears now shone with joy.
“Hm, I don’t think Nepes attack each other.” Erysichthon just had, but they don’t need to know about that. Without batting an eye, Noah continued to wrap up EL’s legs, albeit hurriedly. He seemed to be still on edge as from a distance, the faint growls of the Nepe could be heard. 
“I was right! I was right! Bet you feel a bit stupid now Noah.” Justine playfully elbowed him in the rib until he stared her down. His stare was enough to make her retract her arm. 
“Hahaha. I’ll speak to you two later, right now I need some maze flower tea…” With one final wrap around, Noah tied the bandages into place and offered a hand to EL.  
“Get up. We don’t have much time. Do you need help walking?” Justine stood up with him to also offer a hand. 
“Ehehe… just a little!” The warm feeling in his face returned, the pink blush wouldn’t go unnoticed by his new companions.
“Oh EL- your face! Are you… happy? Oh wait you must be sick! Ohhhh we have to get out!” In a rush, EL grasped their hands firmly in his. The force slightly pulled Noah down as his eyes widened in shock. He didn’t expect such strength from such a tiny body. In a few seconds EL could see the emotions dancing in Noah’s eyes before they settled in indifference.
“He’s fine, probably embarrassed. His hands are cold.” There was a world of difference between Justine and Noah’s hands. Justine’s were small, the same size as EL’s own, yet calloused from labor. Noah’s meanwhile were quite large, enveloping his own hand in a comforting grip. The consistent feature between the two was steadiness that could carry a soul. 
Justine took the initiative in letting EL lean on her shoulder as Noah was far too tall to shoulder him. Instead Noah squatted near the Nepe head.
“What are you doing?! We have to go!”
“Give me a second Justine.” 
With a mighty pull, Noah wrung out the scalpels before plunging them back in a few times or so. For good measure, he kicked the slowly reattaching torso across the room. 
“Alright I’m done. Let’s go”
“Ahhh Justine! Noah! You’re back! AND-! Is that a new comrade?! Huzzah! Huzzah! Although… You all look like-”
“We know Leon. Do you have the bag?”
“Yes! I would never forget! Care to at least regale me of what happened?!”
“Mhm later. Not now. Set him down there Justine.”
Justine carefully plopped him up on a dusty table for Noah to examine. EL made a mental note prior to hold back on the blood quantity this time, lest Noah gets suspicious.
“Your rapid blood loss was a miracle, I’m surprised you didn’t pass out then and there. But you’re one unusual human I suppose.” 
Human! He called him a human! EL’s face was graced with a rosy blush once again, this time in delight.
“That too I guess.” 
“What’s your name, little guy?”
“I’m EL!” What started as a rushed mispronunciation ended up as his new epithet. What was even the point of coming up with a name only to not even use it? Well, not that he minded.
“EL really saved us back there! You won’t believe it Leon!”
“Wahhhh?! Really?! Little guy I thank you for saving my comrades! Tell me all about it later alright?” The man named Leon smiled brighter than the bioluminescent specimens of the third floor. His excitability matched EL’s own it seemed. He had more to him up close than Erysichthon would have thought from a distance. This experiment was truly a success. 
“My name isn’t little guy! I’m EL!”
“Ahahaha my mistake!” Leon gave a light-hearted thump on EL’s back, only to be met with a loud cough. Unfortunately that cough would land right on Noah who was currently sanitizing the bite marks.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you to cover your mouth when you cough?’
“Sorry! It just hurt-” 
“That’s what antiseptic does.” EL didn’t even notice the slight stinging compared to the newfound sensation of getting thumped on the back. Justine came over to rub his back instead in an attempt to soothe it. 
“Leon, didn’t Alex tell you not to do that.” Noah dryly let out.
“I uhm- Yes! Sorry sorry- I just got excited! We have a new friend!”
“You can play with him later.”
“Don’t worry Leon! He’s here to stay.”
To stay… for now he could indulge in that “eternity.”
“To stay?! Huzzah new friend! I can’t wait to show you to Alex!”
The hunter… She would see through his disguise surely?! Unless Noah and Justine were to pull a favor for him. 
“Mhm. Alright EL, hop off.” With one final wrap around, Noah completed the treatment. EL silently obeyed the command, however he underestimated the pain that came with applying force directly on his ankles. Mindlessly he jumped down from the table instead of slowly sliding off. 
“Ye-OWCH!” He fell with bandaged knees hitting the carpet. Noah groaned in frustration whilst Justine and Leon came to his aid.
“EL! Are you okay?”
“Little guy! You gotta be more careful!”
“Wahhh! I’m alright! Just- hurts a little.”
“Why on Earth would you jump down? What am I going to do with you…” Noah inevitably kneeled by the two doting on EL. Were you born yesterday? He would’ve asked if this ditz didn’t just save his life. EL was an absolute klutz in his eyes, but admittedly his kindness was charming. He seemed to be determined too, Noah could respect that. 
“Sorry! Sorry… You worked so hard on my legs and I messed it up-” This guy was hopeless. Although, he vaguely reminded Noah of the kids back at Winston in a way even though he was an adult.
“Justine, Leon, you two can go on ahead. I promise I won’t put EL in a coffin. I’ll get him back safe.”
“Eh? Why?”
“Indeed! Why so?”
“I need to have a private word with him. Besides, I think he burst something again.”
“But! But we just met! And the Nepes- Can’t we go back together?!”
“Are you afraid Leon?”
“No! Of course not! I was merely worried for you two! Ahaha!”
“You can stay by the next set of stairs then, or wander around. Try seeing if the third floor is safe.”
“Noah, are you sure? You nearly became a Nepe’s dinner and-”
“I took a rest, I'll be fine Justine. Look at me.”
“I- alright. Don’t get caught again, alright?!”
“I know I know. Thanks.” With a final send-off, Noah dismissed the other two to the third floor. With no witnesses, Noah was finally free to discuss with EL.
“Alright EL, are you okay now? Nothing hurts?”
“No sir!”
“Oh quit it with that sir business. You’re making me feel old. How old are you anyways?” Finally, the moment of truth.
“Hm… I can’t tell you that!” Dammit. He was one of those people. Although unbeknownst to Noah, EL didn’t prepare an answer to this question in the first place.
“Touche. Although I suppose that was a personal question anyways. I owe you an apology for earlier. I wasn’t in the best of states, and well. Jumped to conclusions. How silly of me.” Noah turned his head aside in embarrassment. He can’t believe he was being sincere. All the while EL was smiling happily. How peculiar to see this tender side of the ruthless Noah. This was an unexpected outcome. 
“It’s alright! I don’t really mind.”
“I’ve seen all sorts of people while carrying out funerals, from corpses to guests. I suppose it’s not entirely strange to see someone with eyes like yours in the first place.”
“Really?! I’d like to see one day.”
“A- a funeral? You want to see… dead people?” Noah was dumbfounded at the desire to see someone dead. With a shocked look on his face he pushed back the glasses on the bridge of his nose. EL really was seeing a rainbow of emotions from Noah today. And he loved every one.
“No!” A lie on EL’s behalf, but he could tell from his reaction that wanting to see dead people wasn’t normal.
“No no no! I meant like- people?”
“Eh? Haven’t seen people before? It really is like you were born… nevermind.”
“I- well I have! It’s just… I didn’t live in a place with many people. I heard there were a lot here so-!” That technically wasn’t a lie, just wording around the truth of the matter.
“Ah. That explains a bit.” Well now Noah felt like a right bastard for bullying a sheltered kid with a mutation. 
“Eh? What does that mean?”
“Hm. Nothing.”
“Wait- please tell me!”
“Aren’t you a curious one? I promise it was nothing of value.”
“Okay!” EL stared at Noah with inquisitive eyes. The goat-like pupils started to freak him out ever so slightly, but the innocent expression that framed them made him feel guilty to even think those thoughts in the first place.
“And… I must thank you for saving me. I owe you. Without you, I don’t even know if Justine would have lended a helping hand. I can’t imagine living a life as lost…”
“Hm. I think she would have! She worries a lot, yes, but with some encouragement she can be of use! She cares a lot for you too, I think.”
“You’re right I suppose. Gah, this means I’ll have to tell her my gratitude too.” Noah groaned into his palm. It was not the thanks itself that made him exasperated but rather Justine’s smug face. Perhaps Noah over-estimated how willing Justine was to rib him in the first place. 
“Mhm! Don’t worry! She seems really nice! I don’t think she’d say anything bad to you for it right?”
“I guess. Well that’s my problem for later. Let’s go now.” Noah stood up from the floor before dusting himself off. Once he was finished with tidying up, he offered a hand back to EL. A hand he was more than eager to accept. 
For the next few months, EL lived happily among his beloved residents. The hunter- Alex- at first was hesitant to accept him, her keen senses nearly sniffed him out. However with the alibis of both Justine and Noah, she left him alone well enough. The alcoholic manager named Chris would boss him around, something about “respecting his elders.” The farmer he knew as Ben was a curious creature, lost. Leon the sailor was a jovial spirit, exciting him with his mere presence. EL had only met the catatonic painter named Hanna briefly. She went back to sleep soon enough. All these humans were so fascinating.
A Nepe like him couldn’t have possibly understood the concept of heaven, but those months were the closest he could've gotten to one. The time he spent with Justine and Noah especially made him experience what could only be undeniably human emotions. He never wanted it to end… perhaps it was time to reap his harvest and keep his darling specimens forever.
“Is that… a human?”
“EEEEK he’s bleeding!” A gagging noise followed by a thud on the floor. Justine had fainted.
“Noah! We have to help them! Justine and this guy!”
“Eugh. Fine, you take care of Justine, I’ll take this guy.” With a hefty pull, the warm hands that once enveloped EL’s own once upon a time ago had shattered into pieces. A sharp gasp followed with heavy grunts.
“Noah! Are you okay?!” Setting Justine aside to a safe place, EL sat by Noah to tend to him instead. 
“God have mercy… I’ll- be fine. Please look after Justine. I’ll take care of this guy.”
“At least let me bandage your hands first!”
This human… no. This was no human. No human could crush bones like glass. Another specimen to collect.
Things have turned quite curious indeed.
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doctoranddarktor · 2 years
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MazM character request
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gwaaaaar · 24 days
Like a Nightmare
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YET ANOTHER CATHERINE REDRAW... this time i redrew the xbox cover with katherine .... sorry noah is kinda katherine coded to me...
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gwaaaaar · 5 months
noah redraw :3
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My 2024 ver of the 2022 drawing! He looks a little less cunty but thats okay...
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gwaaaaar · 5 months
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Old ass noah digital painting from late 2022, his eyes are wonky i know 😭 but i like the rest of this so i wanted to share
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gwaaaaar · 5 months
Noah rahhhh
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Noah fanart from 2022! I just finished redrawing it and ill post that one soon, but have this for now :3
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gwaaaaar · 2 months
Happy Birthday Noah Evans :3
Hate this fucker i want him so bad. I've wanted to draw this idea ever since thy creature was released and now i get to actually draw it !!!
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mazm-imagines · 6 months
Thy Creature Modern/Zombie AU Part 3
(BOOOO MOD GWAAAAAR BOOOO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS) Because I'm very self-centered... a part 3 no one asked for because why not :3 part 1 and 2 found in their respective links. This is all information I didn't find necessary to the plot (didnt think about till 2 days later lmao) so think of it like a bonus... TW for eye horror, gore and amputation. I'll try not to get explicit bc this is still a sfw blog. Just briefly going over it because what good is a zombie apocalypse AU without any horror...
If i think of anything else expect like a part 4 lmaoooo
Noah dresses in a suit for professionalism but when shit gets real he takes off the suit jacket... and mama mia he has a harness underneath...
He also wears a small cross pendant! Bc we can't forget he's Catholic lmao.
Justine wears dresses that look vaugely like uniform but their university doesn't have a uniform she just likes dressing in academia :3 she's very cutie pie and she makes her clothes herself
EL/Erysichthon wears like. Normal children's clothing. Probably a t-shirt, some shorts and a hoodie. ALTHOUGH considering he's supposed to be Williams reanimated corpse in this AU, and Victor is still pretty well off here, maybe he'd wear something more sophisticated.
Creature honestly just picked up some random ass shit from like a trashcan, very esoteric. Justine lends it some clothes later on/makes some for it.
Leon dresses like an average college student wwww he doesn't have time to clean up. Hoodie, t-shirt and some jeans. Whatever allows him flexibility/mobility because he's very athletic.
Hanna dresses in flowing dresses/skirts and oversized cardigans. She uses her cardigan as a blanket whenever someone falls asleep :3 so like if EL gets tuckered out she's like noooo poor baby and puts her cardigan on him.
Chris dresses homeless . Drunk asf and picked up whatevers nearby. Usually wears a heavy coat.
Alex is very grandpacore/butch like sweaters and pantsuits and shit. Very cozy too like you can trust her. You know she's a baddie !!!
Ben usually wears a dress shirt tie and some pants like a very clean look. But after the divorce trademark, his tie is all janky and his shirt is stained and he's a real mess...
Victor tried to look all professional at his Uni but uh... he gave in to the hoodie jeans combo after a while
Injury time.
@fleurrice ever the enabler has made me decide we need a little eye horror in here. Siren takes out Noah's right eye lmao... lmao... he gets to wear a cool ass eye patch like that one chick from Chainsaw Man (doesnt watch CSM)
After that he uses the shattered remains of his glasses as a makeshift monocle
Noah also injures his hands by hitting 701s preserved zombie dolls. The hardened layer of skin breaks his hands and they're bandaged up like in the game. That leaves him out of commission to fight so he stays a healer instead
This wouldn't be a zombie apocalypse AU without a surgery without anaesthesia...
Chris survives one undisclosed war and now he has to fight another... life is a comedy
Yeah so they have to amputate his leg to prevent the infection from going further. And hes like god fucking damn it just do it already.
Noah and Justine have to do the operation while Hanna Creature Alex and Leon have to hold him down. Justine's helping because she's really good at sewing and considering what a precise process it is and Noah's hands being in an utterly dreadful state he needs assistance. Ben can't do anything bc EL bit him.
Justine is very frightened and Noah has to be like WE GOTTA DO THIS GIRL!!! Of course he comforts her later bc he traumatized this poor girl but at the moment he's reallllly stressed.
Chris is just chugging that whiskey... Afterwards he's fine and they help him. Alex especially because before this she already had a prosthetic arm so she helps Chris cope/adjust to the situation.
I don't know where to put this but EL!!! He behaves very uncannily. His movements are janky and his eyes are big and glossy and dollike. They're all kinda creeped out by him but assume he's just a traumatized child...
EL is a boy genius partially because he read up on Victor's book collection and has good memory. He's also insanely endurant and while we know he's a Nepe zombie, they don't. So this is just seen as an extra benefit.
The reason they don't suspect him to be one is because they couldn't find any visible bite marks on his body + he looks normal enough because of his high stability.
MY IRL FRIEND GAVE ME THIS IDEA bc hes so fucking smart. So when i told them abt Victor using octopus DNA for siren he's like maybe it's because octopus limbs grow back so Victor thought it'd be useful. And mayeb the reason why the hair color changes is because of the octopus DNA camouflage... smartie pants
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mazm-imagines · 2 years
Victor, That Worm
Redid this entire fic at 4,131 words </3. Cw for blood and corpses and spoilers below the cut
It would have been a lie to say it started out normal. 
The first day had started normally at least. It was the end of September and Noah was to count his finances. 
September revenue: 500
Expenses: 50
Orphanage support funds: 200
Birchwood purchase: 150
Maze flower purchase: 10
That would have left him with 90 to keep for himself. 
The tower was its own secluded society. It felt strange as to how he knew everyone. However once a body came in, he couldn't recognize it, even in its perfectly intact state. 
Perhaps it was best he didn't recognize them, so as to not form… attachments.
Noah was surprised by the profit he made from it. He prided himself for performing up to standards. Even more so as he provided his luxurious services at a lower cost. His coffins were handmade by him with some assistance. The grandeur of the designs however was of his own creativity. Lilies were picked and arranged by him from his own secret source. Even after a week they would still hold the same sweet scent. A fashionable way of sending your loved ones to their final destination. 
It was all damn well worth the price, in his opinion at least. His astounding generosity went as far as to provide discounts. Reserve for two and get a discount on coffins! Over the age of 50? A burial piece with the blessing of an apostle comes free!
Might as well have been selling modern-day indulgences. Realistically his practices were predatory. 
He'd come to them at their desperate hours only to pull out a spreadsheet listing the cost of each service. He'd dab their tears away with a handkerchief, the illusion of a gentleman cracking once he said "free of charge" with a soft smile. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been charging his prices for a tender event such as a funeral.
All for a good cause however. 40% of his profits were going to the Winston Orphanage he so dearly cherished. He wasn’t heartless either, he respected the stories of the people he was to send off. Each one was notable in one way or another. The least he could do was send them off with style.
That was why when the first body disappeared, he had been left aghast. 
The gas lamps had been closed and the door shut locked with his key. All the Nepis had left the area to gather elsewhere.He would come back in the morning as he always did.
It was secured, each tool and sheet of paper would stay where he last left them. 
At least, that was what he thought. 
"Unbelievable." He was left at a loss for words. His warm hand held the cold knob, only to be met with looseness. 
It wasn't broken, far from it. But it was open, it was deliberate. Someone had picked the lock. He damn well knew he locked it, clear as day. He never went careless. 
Noah half-expected to get attacked if he was to see what was behind the door. He shook away the silly paranoia in his mind before pushing it open. 
Everything was in its place, the sheets intact and the tools unbothered. It was all normal, except for the morgue door cracked ajar. 
They did not…
No goddamn way. 
When the realization hit, he couldn't help but dash to the other side of the room and into the morgue. The store was already small as is, a few steps would lead one across, but time was money. And Noah had already lost much. 
The light blue glow of the maze flowers illuminated the decrepit room. Just barely however. Noah shakily readjusted his glasses before opening the doors of the first column of corpses. He didn't have to look much longer as the second row had yielded empty results. 3 missing corpses he didn’t even have time to look over.
Those were new arrivals…
The only thing Noah could do was lean his forehead against the wall. What on Earth happened? Who the hell dragged 3 corpses out? Even if they hadn’t succumbed to rigor mortis yet, they were still bodies weighing over 80 kilograms. And to carry out three? What sort of madman would do such a thing? Unless they were as built as Noah himself, they could have had some sort of assistance. Either way, he would have their heads over this.
Unless, they were those damned bastards that sold the bodies for reasons he didn’t wish to care for.
That would be an inquiry he has for later.
How was he to explain the disappearance to the families? They weren't going to give him money for services that wouldn't even proceed. He was to either find those corpses or break the news to them. He couldn't decide just yet. 
It was a goddamn marvel, 3 corpses in 1 night? 
Thankfully they had not touched the 19 year old male nor the 16 year old female. The second specimen would have raked in extra for autopsy charges. Even then, Noah felt his hand tinge in pain from the way he was clenching the small knob. 
Whoever this was, he would make them pay. 
But first, he would have to write a complaint on the management board. He was a vital part of the tower's ecosystem, they couldn't let such a hindrance to his services just get by! While he was there, he might as well have written an inquiry on hypothetical body stealers. He could check back again tomorrow. 
He had a chance to salvage the bodies if he found them now. Surely the thief wouldn't come back?  Perhaps he would catch them in the act if they did. 
The second time it had happened, Noah cursed his own pride. 
His complaint to management would take a while for them to look over. Meanwhile he would have to wait patiently, hoping the thief wouldn't come back. 
It was a productive day of securing purchases and Nepis biting at papers. But the matter of the stolen corpses was still on his mind. How would he break it to the families? His reputation as a sleazy businessman had finally come back to bite him. There was a risk of being accused of stealing and selling the bodies. It wasn’t a far off possibility, but he would not be the one to do such an act. He had standards.
No one else was as comfortable with the dead as he was. That was why he was their resident mortician. 
And that was why he never would have assumed this event would occur. The uneasy thoughts plagued his mind as he snuffed the gas lamps. 
Even with his groggy focus in the morning, he knew the blood stains trailing to his store was no illusion. His hand met the loose knob once again. 
The skid marks continued past the door and all the way to the morgue. Whoever it was had gotten sloppy. 
All the suspense from the first day was nearly gone, he knew what would await him as soon as he checked. Even with his better judgment, he still followed the trail of blood into the morgue. Curiously enough, with the dim light of the flowers, he spotted no marks in the morgue itself. Almost as if the corpse was punctured in the storage room before being dragged out. 
Noah never planned to carry a funeral for a person he had killed. Right about now he was reconsidering. 
It was the same song and dance, opening each storage unit until one was uncharacteristically empty. 
The culprit was inexperienced enough to take the bodies closest to the door. Yet the singular body they had taken sent Noah into shock. 
The 19 year old male was gone. 30 marks or more down the drain. 
The culprit had gotten cocky enough to come back for more. 
Enough was enough. Management wouldn't do much for him, he would have to take matters into his own hands. He wouldn't have the opportunity to install a lock just yet, but the order was placed that very day. The thief was experienced in picking locks, his key was practically useless at that point. 
A combination lock however couldn't be cheated. After all, there were more than 10,000 possible combinations. Unless the thief was to go through the trouble of going through all of them, it would be secure. They didn't seem to be the aggressive type either. If they didn't smash his doorknob into pieces then they wouldn't smash the combination either. 
The rest of his work day consisted of scrubbing down the blood stains to the best of his ability. The management board yielded no results either, the news of the robbery shocked everyone as much as him. He received a few estranged looks, presumably because they had assumed him to be the robber. But a simple alibi from people who had seen him that night would dispel their suspicions. Whoever the culprit was, he would make them pay in more than money. If he could think of a proper punishment that is.
Could they not have been more careful? The blood seeped into the cracks of the floorboards and just wouldn't get out. He could only imagine what the body looked like as it scraped across the wood. Then there was the matter of telling the families. He hadn't told the first three what had happened to their dearly beloveds quite yet. 
The combination lock would arrive the next day and the only thing he could do was to board up the door for now. The birchwood he had purchased was for the construction of coffins, but the criminal had made him waste his money already. At this point Noah had no other choice but to throw more marks down the drain. Reluctantly he nailed the planks to the morgue door. This was getting ridiculous. 
It was the same as always, closing the lights and locking the door. It wouldn't have made much of a difference if he left the door open either. The thief would come back to rob him blind. 
Noah was lucky he didn't get his other belongings snatched. Yet those bodies were his only source of income. The thief might as well have stolen his pouch for the same effect. 
On the third morning, Noah wished he took his glasses off. The bloodstained trail was back.
The thief had decided Noah was compliant with their robberies. If they hadn't broken the doorknob with a rock, Noah could have with the way he gripped it. The force was enough to rip the knob clean off the wood.
Planks had been left discarded on the floor. Not broken into pieces, merely the nails were ripped out. Either way, it sent Noah into rage. 
The open door was practically a mockery. As if he was as forgiving enough to look over how the planks were not replaced. Forgiving enough to let the bodies be stolen. Forgiving enough to let them come back.
The 16 year old female with an unidentified death was gone. Along with that, a 56 year old male had disappeared. This case had now cost him more than 300 from the lost bodies to the wood used. The dimly lit room only served to worsen his mood. 
That day was spent on the locksmith, cleaning the blood, and writing yet another report. He was dancing around the issue for far too long. He would catch that thief hook, line and sinker. 
The lock had been installed with his combination and his daily rituals were carried out; they were more performative than usual, as if to welcome the intruder back. Why yes he was closing the lamps and organizing for their convenience so as to not knock into any obstacles while dragging his corpses out. It was all clean for his special little guest. 
Noah scoffed to no one in particular. 
Whoever this was must've known who he was at least. If they didn't, Noah may as well punch their lights out. He was not a violent man, but his occupation was important to him. His purpose was to send people off with grace, and the profits went to his beloved home. He had a reason to fight for; by extension, live for. 
He quietly chuckled to himself before locking the door to his store with his key. It was time for a stakeout. Noah was quite the chatterbox, to Justine’s chagrin, but he could also be stealthy. After turning the corner, he hid in the darkness amongst the barrels, a small maze flower lantern keeping him company. 
A few hours past 8 pm and the stakeout was of no success. Noah considered calling it a day and hoping for the best. No one even came around these parts during this time. His eyes were starting to strain from the dimness of the corridor. He had gone elsewhere for a few breaks, and the culprit hadn't come to his room quite yet. The locked handle indicated so at the very least. 
Just as he was about to leave, he could hear the sound of footsteps from the hallway across. The fact that his stakeout wasn't for nothing was enough to nearly make him shake the barrels in anticipation. 
Got you, bastard!
If he had half his self control, this would've been the moment he popped out and slammed the culprit to the ground. His heart nearly beat out of his chest in irritation. 
This was the moronic bastard that was going to run him to the ground. This was the selfish bastard that was siphoning away funds for the orphanage. This was the irresponsible bastard that did as they wished. 
The burglar clicked around before picking the lock in no time. They had gotten too comfortable with the routine. 
If Noah had half the patience, he would have taken them by the wrists and thrown them out by then. 
Nevertheless the thief had stepped foot into his territory, past the files and coffins and towards the morgue. Noah crept up behind, side grazing against the door frame. That long black hair… Oh he knew this bastard. 
"Dammit." The criminal's hand fidgeted with the lock to no avail. Noah couldn't help but smirk at his victory. And thus he couldn't help the words slipping from his mouth. 
"Oh? Victor?" He asked with a clueless lilt. Really he was the one farthest from clueless.
"Shit- Noah-" Victor looked behind, head turning with enough force to snap it off his neck, he was done for. All formality abandoned in the act as he let go of the lock and hid his hands behind his back. His yellow eyes met Noah's icy blue ones. 
So he did know who Noah was. That would be one less verbal beating for later.
All dignity had been abandoned too. The long black coat that normally dangled across his shoulders had been discarded. He was left with his vest and his white button up, rolled up to his elbows, was stained with all sorts of fluids. He looked absolutely disgusting. Now that Noah thought of it, he had heard from Hanna that Victor was holed up in his room for quite some time. He didn't pay it no mind till now. 
"I will pretend I didn't hear that. What brings you to my lovely establishment?" Phase one of the interrogation had started. Even when he placed his lantern down and turned on a singular gaslamp on the wall, his gaze hadn't left Victor at all. 
"Well I-" 
"I came here because I forgot my ledger, see?" Noah pulled it out of his pocket; a blatant lie on his end, but he enjoyed toying with his catch. 
"But if you are in need of my service, I will graciously oblige." Victor knew he was caught red handed, Noah's teasing words only unnerved him further. As if he was expecting a confession when he damn well knew what had happened.
"Has your loved one passed? Oh dear oh dear. Do you need an autopsy? A procession? If there's two I can give you a deal.~" Noah stepped in closer with every sentence. Victor was left with nowhere else to go but to back into the morgue door, lock jamming against his lower back. He was only shorter than Noah by 8 centimeters, but Noah's calm smile and pressing words served to intimidate him. The distant light of the lamp reflected from behind his glasses.
"Or perhaps… You wanted the bodies themselves." 
Victor's anxious expression stayed stationary. 
"So you don't deny it." Noah placed his hand on the other man's shoulder. The grip held Victor in place, if he said the wrong excuse, he would make it hurt.
"Let me explain-" 
"Get lost." The snarl came out from a saccharine sweet smile. It took everything in Noah's body to not throw the stringbean out. 
"Wait! I still have them- I can buy them from you?" 
"Surely, you jest." Noah gave a mocking laugh, the proposition was too ridiculous to have been serious. At least, until he looked down at Victor's uneasy frown.
"Are you kidding me?" He had abruptly stopped laughing once he realized. Was he being offered money for corpses he was to attend to? 
"You- you- You're buying my corpses? The corpses given to me to host funerals for? The corpses given to me with monetary compensation? The corpses I work my ass off to clean up?"
Right then Noah had to let go of Victor, lest he crush his shoulder in his bare hand. He scoffed in disgust, not even giving the other man an opportunity to speak. 
"You privileged. Aristocratic. Bastard. Do you think all your problems can be solved by money? Do you think that poorly of me? Do you think this position was handed to me? Do you think I have no self-respect? You didn’t even ask. And now? Now you’re offering payment? Do you even care where that money goes? Do you even know where any of my money goes? Do you think I take handouts just because you heard I would? Did you think you could've waltzed right in here to steal what belongs to me?
"Disgusting. Stealing corpses, this isn’t even about money. Never even giving the family any sense of closure or respect, are you even human? Not only that, you mishandled and brutalized them. No respect for the dead either? Tch." 
Not only was he being taken for granted as a greedy money-grubber, there was no chance of salvaging the bodies either. The corpses given to him by grieving families wouldn’t even have a proper resting spot. Every passing minute, he found a new reason to be outraged.
"Did you think about anything? Anything at all Victor Frankenstein? With all your lofty ideas I would have assumed you knew I was losing profit from your insanity. I cannot even begin to imagine what you did to them…" Noah rubbed at his temples, he didn't want to be here anymore. Even with the oncoming headache, that wasn't all he had to say on the matter. 
"Knowing you, they are all rotting away by now. See those stains on the floor you moron? That's from you."
The outburst had nearly shook his glasses right off his face. In an attempt to recompose, Noah pushed them back up with his thumb and index. What on God's green earth did Victor do to those bodies? 
"You disgust me. Come back here again, I dare you. I'm sending a report to management." Noah coldly let out his last words before going to pick up his lantern. He couldn't even make his first step as Victor had pulled on his sleeve. 
"No!- No… please… no… I- I apologize." It really was over for Victor. He couldn't continue his research elsewhere. This tower was… 
"Cry harder, maybe then I'll pity you. Do you even know who you're apologizing to? Or even why? Get out." He didn't have anything else to say, nothing Victor could do would pique his interest in furthering the conversation. 
How did such a sad man lug around 6 bodies over the span of three nights? Assumedly with no assistance or experience. Victor was tall at 180 centimeters, but not as muscular as Noah himself. Looking down at Victor’s hands certainly proved so. Smooth, but dirty. His rolled up sleeves revealed equally smooth forearms. It was a miracle as to how he managed it by himself.
"I'm sorry Noah… Please…"
He really was pathetic, eyes pleading like a lost dog. Noah thought of a solution that would somewhat satiate his rage, even if it was at the cost of his pride. 
If Victor thought the consequences of his actions could be nullified with money, Noah might as well feed that fantasy. He would bleed him dry. He’ll see how a pathetic man such as Victor fares without the money he carelessly threw away.
If Victor thought of him as a cold-hearted businessman, he could take that role all the way.
"You want it your way? Fine. Compensate me for all my troubles. Those corpses cost… let's see here." He roughly jerked his sleeve away in favor of the ledger in his pocket. Opening it revealed numerous notes at risk of flying out and falling. Each note however was vital in his financing. 
"The first three corpses were worth about let's say…" He hadn't thought of a price for the three, but anything to make Victor squirm would do. 
"200. The 19 year old male was worth 30. The 56 year old male was worth 35. The 16 year old female was worth 15, but the autopsy was worth…" He idly counted on his fingers, making up some imaginary number to milk Victor for all he was worth. It seemed to have been working,  Victor was nervously looking up at him. Noah only gave a smug smirk when coming up with an answer.
"25. And the wood you made me use was worth 30. Not to mention my new toy there hm?~" He playfully pointed at the combination lock, a legacy of Victor's shame to come. 
"That was worth 140~" He couldn't help but to grin from ear to ear, the look on the other man's face was priceless. 
"If we tally that up now that'll be-" the numbers all clicked together, but Noah paused just to prod at Victor even more.
"475." Noah was a natural at accounting in his head. Watching the color drain from Victor's face was incredible. Maybe his frustration was worth it for all this. 
"Now to compensate for my future expenses. You may not think ahead at all, but I've considered what would happen to my business if the families you had stolen from demand compensation. Heaven forbid legal action. What should I tell them? Since your dim-witted little plan did not account for it, I might as well. For 200 more, I'll consider letting you off."
"So… for 675, would you stay silent?" 
"I would certainly consider it. I know that number is pocket change for a man such as yourself." Perhaps Noah had been more scathing than he normally was. It was 12 in the morning and he was done with this nonsense. 
Wordlessly Victor had taken his pouch and started counting under Noah's watchful eye. Not a single unit would be cheated from him. For all his previous reluctance, Victor had put no resistance into the bribe. Was there really something far more important than this? Important enough to defile corpses? Victor was left with 3 marks by the end. Perhaps he had more stored elsewhere, but Noah hoped to at least make a dent in Victor’s current finances.
"I would say 'pleasure doing business with you' if I wasn't utterly disgusted. This better have been a lesson in economics and humility for you. Get out you bastard, and never come back. I never want to see you again." 
Noah had the final say as Victor scrambled out the entrance. The money he had made just now was enough to take a break for a whole month. However a one time payment of 675 wouldn't keep the orphanage afloat forever. It did make Noah smile to himself, a spiteful little thing but nonetheless a smile. 
He just hoped never to see that worm again. Now it was a matter of what to tell those families. He had essentially just let himself be bribed into silence. Those bodies could never be found, at least not intact. The gold pieces in his hand felt filthy, but he had no other choice. At the very least it all went to Winston, his only comfort in the messy situation.
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gwaaaaar · 2 years
The evolution of Noah Thy Creature
wow I am bored af but let me info dump rq teehee, ofc there's gonna be Thy Creature spoilers but its mainly from outdated stuff like the demo/early access so it's not detrimental to the canon lore, just a documentation of how hes portrayed.
The first edition of Noah was with his character profile in March 2021
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"A kind and wise mortician. But there is a rumor about him. He never prays for himself."
Portrayed as kind and mysterious, also oddly pious as he prays, to God or whatever idk if hes Christian.
In the kickstarter trailers he is briefly mentioned once, never shown, you meet beta Alex and Justine first instead.
Then there is his demo, "Muscular man in glasses. Kind and level-headed, but somehow uncomfortable to make eye contact with. Claims to not be a pharmacist but has fingers that reek of chemicals."
Still kind, but also with the new information that he's uncomfortable to make eye contact with. I actually have a theory that his eyes are of an unnatural color via supernatural reasons or symbolism. Like how victor and the creature are associated with yellow eyes when that is not a natural eye color for humans to have. A "eyes are the windows to the souls" type beat.
Poc like Noah should not be able to have blue eyes? It depends though. But it's also possible hes biracial bc of his straight hair and nose. Mazm can do poc features considering Mihir Saha and Crack is on the team, so it may be a deliberate design choice to imply his ethnicity because the main focus is not on his ethnicity so it's not as if they can just drop that.
Ok that was very offtopic but in the demo he relatively has a nice demeanor but he's like. since I did this for you, you have to do this for me. Like very entitled, already giving red flags but whatever maybe he's a little quirky. You also meet him first too, and only him bc its a short demo.
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That is where he goes from bad to worse bc the early access amps it up by 10. His bio in that edition is "A well built man with glasses. He stares as if his cold eyes are looking through people. His calm voice is low and deep." and then something similar to the he insists hes not a pharmacist thing. His blue eyes are described as cold, so it really may be a personality thing.
This time right off the bat he asks for monetary compensation from the creature, not even a pay back a favor, just straight up money. He has bandages on his hands and a snazzy new pendant. He's far more snarky and dickish in the EA. It's almost funny. He says shit abt how beggars on the street ask him for free services and that he wasnt a charity when the nepe steals his memories from him. But he develops a friendship with the creature anyways, you can see he had loved ones and people he cared for. He wasn't heartless, just reserved. For quite a bit of time you are with him alone and he's the first one you meet, so he has a special role.
I only watched Millie Parfaits stream and some rumors abt the final edition, but from what I hear, Noah gets meaner? From what I saw however he was, kind of the same tbh. Although the personal connection to him gets ruined because you don't meet him alone at first, you meet with him justine and El together. An interesting thing I noticed was they somewhat remembered his pious aspect from his wayyyyy older bio. He wanted to help kids in the slums which ties into the fact that he only prayed for others, never himself. a selfless aspect.
I wonder, is the reason he insists he's not a pharmacist or a doctor or whatever is because that job is associated with helping/caring and he doesnt want to be taken advantage of that way/doesnt wanna be seen as kind.
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gwaaaaar · 2 years
with every passing rendition of Thy Creature, Mazm makes noah less kind
They do however give him small eyebags and according to Hextian (doll customizer on yt), in Korea they have a beauty trend where they accentuate the eyebags for a cuter/younger or sweet look.
The babygirlification of Noah Thy Creature.
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mazm-imagines · 2 months
To Noah,
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My best wishes to you and everyone, happy birthday🎊🎉
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"I'm one year closer to my grave, what's there to be happy about?" Noah inquired with his usual pessimism. Even so, he still held that same smile that indicated he wasn't being all too serious.
"Well, nevermind that. Thank you for your wishes. You make me feel less lonely on a day I don't celebrate anymore." He took a parfait in his hands, inspecting it to make sure it wasn't poisoned or something before giving a whistle of approval.
"And you gave me 3... how generous of you. But you surely know I can't eat it all by myself, yes? So..." He turned his head bashfully to the side.
"You should eat one with me."
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gwaaaaar · 3 months
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This would be the creature and ELs dynamic if EL was in the early access ver
Alternatively, Creature calling Noah
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gwaaaaar · 6 months
Noah thy creature portrait rahhhhhh
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mazm-imagines · 6 months
Thy Creature Modern/Zombie AU Part 2
Because i went past the word count on the last one... oops... same tws.
Victor has been trying to make a cure but to no avail because everything's just infected and disgusting. Not a sterile surface in sight. Can't make heads from tails out of the biomass.
When the residents finally find him, he realizes he never had a chance of making the cure. He's begging them to save him but he can't be saved. He sees the creature and goes enranged because if it weren't for it, he wouldn't have had continued doing it because he was successful (classic Victor putting the blame on everyone else...)
He gets enraged enough that he goes full mutant mode, taking a little piece of each Nepe Zombie. 701's ribbons that come from her body, Raven's wings, EL's teeth, Atlas' relaxant, Siren's hallucinogen, and Nameless' roaring.
Everyone has to help kill him now. Justine is in tears doing it because that's her childhood friend goddamit!!! But he's no longer the person she knew
Noah's so happy/j. He feels bad bc this is his student but at the same time what the fuck man.
They let Ben free to attack Victor but he nearly loses himself to the infection...
Noah does manage to figure out a sort of vaccine which cant reverse the damage, but definitely help stop it/clear it out of someones system. Using the strain in Creature which has since stabilized further, hes able to inoculate everyone on the team.
Now it's just a matter of introducing it to the world.
Bens condition has been halted but his body is more gelatinous/sensitive, meaning theyll have to take care of him. Theyre more than happy to bc at least hes not dead :3
YIPPEEEEE Happy ending
Now you guys may be wondering why everyone lives... bc i want them too but also considering Thy Creature is a zombie apocalypse adjacent story and the residents survived that ordeal. I think they would survive this one.
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