#Mayhem 2019
dysfunctional-doodle · 3 months
What is your favorite and least favorite version of all the turtles?
I feel like it’s fairly obvious who I favour the most if you read my chat fic, Too Many Turtles (I have a lot of bias, oops) but I shall break it down.
Ok so favourites:
1987: Michelangelo (come on, he’s a surfer dude and actual angel)
90’s: Donnie (the snark he has with Casey makes my day, though Mikey is still second because he genuinely has the best relationship with Donnie I love watching those two interact)
2003: Mikey, duh. Just look at my blog and my fanfics. I love this chaotic gremlin.
2007: Mikey (again! Especially after hearing about the cancelled sequel of him joining the foot, his brothers demutating, etc. I will say I am looking forward to finally getting to the 2007 plot line in my chat fic, it’s gonna be great >:) )
2012: Raph (I haven’t watched much 2012 at all, I just can’t. I don’t know why people think it’s good in all honestly aside from a few episodes, but from what I’ve seen and mostly read about Raph gets way too much abuse dude, someone give this turtle a hug)
Bayverse: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (Idk why but the “younger sibling energy” they give these two is actually great. And Donnie’s little stims and the fact that he licks the icing off pop tarts and puts them back in the box just about pushes him above Mikey.)
2019: Mikey (again. Come on. Have you seen him in that movie?)
Rise: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (For me they are both pretty much even in different ways. I love Donnie’s chaotic neutral status and Mikey got boosted quite a bit after the movie, and the rage I feel whenever I hear about hall the episodes he was the star of but then they cancelled almost all of them.)
Mutant Mayhem: Mikey (Something about seeing him sadly look through a sewer grate at the humans with that music in the background made me want to protect him forever. Also I love his effort to try and be a comedian but his jokes are…um yeah. As a second I would actually say Leo - I know, strange for me - but idk, he’s just an anxious mess.)
And now least favourites, strap in boys:
1987: uuuh Leo I suppose. Kind of a fun sponge
90’s: again, Leo (though this doesn’t mean I dislike him; I really liked how happy he got when Raph woke up and the way he guarded him before then. He’s just the least favourite.)
2003: Leo (again, the same reasoning i iterated with 90’s. I really like this Leo but compared to the other brothers…he falls a little shorter.)
2007: Leo (Patronising Asshole)
2012: OK, this one is weird. I dislike Donnie the most by far only when he is simping for April. When they let him not have this as his only character trait he’s actually fun to watch but DEAR GOD I hate him when he kept being a creep to her.
Bayverse: Leo (He insulted Mikey, he must die /jk)
2019: Um I guess Raph? I like all of them pretty much equally, don’t really have a least favourite at all.
Rise: Leo (yeah I don’t like him. Don’t get why the fandom does. Still an ass)
Mutant Mayhem: Donnie (idk why, I like everyone else much more. Don’t get me wrong, I still like him though)
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tmnt-event-blog · 6 months
I present to you: Holiday Bingo!
Now, if you all remember: I made a poll with two options of team vs and decorate a thingy. The latter one won, and that results in this!
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Holiday Window! For every bingo spot that gets filled, I will add a small decor to the window. For every blackout, there will be a big decor added.
Now, you may ask: “What about a bingo?” Well since December is famous for being the busiest month ever, I made the boards 3x3 instead of the regular 5x5 to make it easier to participate.
Speaking of the boards, I have designed four different boards for everyone to do! Here is a preview of them:
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The boards with the prompts will be released this Friday, November 24th! Each will be on a separate post, so look out for that!
Now, time to lay out how this works:
Holiday Bingo FAQ and Rules!
Q. How do I participate?
A. When the official bingo cards go up, you can reblog the card you’re gonna use. After that, you just fill out the prompts with either a drawing or writing. Once you are done, post the board you’re using with the prompt you chose crossed off along with what you made for that prompt (edit: please also @ this bling when you cross a prompt)
Q. What if I make a blackout on my bingo board?
A. If you end up getting a blackout but still wanna do more, then grab another bingo board! Ex: If you blackout on Peppermint Lane, you can fill out the prompts on Candle Night. If you blackout on Candle Night, you have two more options. If you get a blackout on all four… what in gods name is fueling you? (/silly)
Q. Do I draw or write?
A. You can either or both!
Q. What if I only do one prompt and can’t do anymore?
A. Completely chill! Everyone has something going on, I ain’t gonna chastise you for only doing one prompt on your bingo board.
Q. Can I do [insert ship name here]?
A. Unfortunately for this event, ships are not going to be allowed this event. I apologize for anyone who is upset at this, but considering this is a more free range event, I want to stay clear of harassment that could possibly happen due to ships.
Q. Can I do [insert tmnt iteration here]?
A. My gay companion, you can do any iteration. You wanna do Bayverse? Fuckin go for it. You wanna do 1987? Hell yeah, you do you. You wanna do IDW? Slay.
Q. Could I use my au for a prompt?
A. Hell yeah you can!
Q. Could I use my oc for a prompt?
A. As long as they’re with any tmnt character, sure!
Q. Is this an angst event or a fluff event?
A. Both. Both is good.
Q. What’s the rule on NSFW?
A. The same it was for the Halloween gift exchange. If you do not want your boss or teacher to see it, do not post it.
Q. Does it have to include a holiday?
A. It does not! If you don’t celebrate any of the holidays in December, you do not have to include those in what you create. On that same note, if you would like to include a holiday, go for it! Whether it be Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Yule, or any other holiday in December! Do what you enjoy and will make you happy.
Q. When is the deadline?
A. This event will stay live from November 24th to January 1st. January 1st will be the last day to post any prompts on your bingo board.
Q. Why did you choose a window to decorate?
A. There are some times where I can’t draw for shit, and this is one of those times.
Update: Q. Can I do multiple prompts?
Update: A. Yes, but only two to three prompts
If there are any questions you have for me, feel free to send them my way!
Until then
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kyliecatqueen · 5 months
You are given the option to be sent to any TMNT iteration, but there's a catch: you're sent to the very first episode/adventure of whatever iteration you choose, and you've been de-aged to whatever age you were when the first episode/adventure, aired/came out/released. What are your options, and which one do you choose?
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poppysinpebbles · 1 year
He's my favorite.
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danicadenniss · 8 months
Which one is the Muscle of the group?
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caranoirs · 1 year
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 10 months
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Im indecisive as fuck so I will let the internet decide
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onlyhurtforaminute · 4 days
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noirleo · 11 months
rb this with songs u associate with the turtles in the tags
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makrostil · 11 months
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mayhem 2019
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a-flappy-bat · 1 year
And why shouldn’t she yeet it?
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dysfunctional-doodle · 3 months
do you have a ranking for the mikeys or do you like them all the same (or at least a very similar amount)?
Kind of? I’ll break it down anyway:
2003 Mikey! Literally my favourite character across all versions, he’s obviously in top spot.
2007 Mikey has been oddly growing on me a lot since hearing about the sequels that never happened (come on, Mikey joining the foot? His brothers being mutated? I feel sad every time I think of these and what they could have been)
Mutant Mayhem Mikey. I mention this in my ranking post but seeing him gaze sadly at the surface through a sewer grate with that sad music has made me want to protect him forever.
Rise Mikey, 2019 Mikey, 1987 Mikey: all of these guys are the same for me, I love them but the top three just a tad bit more
Every other Mikey. Like I said I like all Mikeys, these guys just slightly less. I haven’t watched as much 2012 so 2012 Mikey kinda defaults to here I’m afraid, but what I’ve seen of him I don’t hate the dude at all.
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midmint-blossom · 4 months
2023 movie wrap
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I was tagged by @tasto777
I watched so many movies I can't even remember them. I could truly rant about all of these for at least an hour whether positive or negative depends on the movie. Overall, this was a year for watching the good the, great, and the god awful.
I'll be tagging @woodeneyes @sweetcinema and @nana-and-ren707
pass it on (-3-)
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albumarchives · 2 years
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Mayhem | Daemon (2019)
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I’m curious about the other new names I haven’t seen in the TMNT franchise, but this particularly got me since I had seen this design and maybe name before.
If I recall correctly (I don’t) this is an Alternate Timeline April goes by after being mutated by accident, and getting time traveled into the past with Fugitiod. This is TMNT IDW btw.
But I doubt they’ll mutate April in the movie. I think… who knows, maybe they will, I mean, we never thought of age difference and species difference turtles until ROTTMNT. The same could be said on April having powers and being half mutant in 2012.
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danicadenniss · 8 months
Which’s one are the brain?
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