#Matsson was right when he said “people are data”
rachymarie · 2 months
Oh gawd that feel when as a schizospec you kinda know that your phone was listening in on you yesterday talking about how you would wanna do makeup as a potential job if you could even manage a job and now Insta ads just gave you an ad about a makeup class in your area. I HATE hate hate it that our phones actually stalk us like this it gives me the creeps. Tech companies seriously STOP it. I don't need to be attacked like this in my own home.
Maybe I should start turning my phone off in appointments but like I need it to write notes down cos my foggy ass brain can't remember things the next day or even hour/minute sometimes
I feel like the more tech "advances" the more of a crisis society lurches into, to a point where it's getting harder and harder to convince schizospec/delusional/psychotic spectrum folks out of delusions/paranoia about being spied on
Genuine question: how can we protect ourselves when privacy laws obviously don't? I know i share a lot on here but that's stuff I willingly chose to share
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oreganosbaby · 1 year
I love Shiv not being able to explain specifically what makes Mencken bad and instead, arguing that their late father would’ve “respected the system” partly because she wants to believe she, her father and Kendall are “good people” (Rome, I assume is beyond help, being a ‘dirty little pixie’ and whatnot) and partly because she genuinely can’t come up with a compelling argument for why it would be in their best interest, as CEOs of the Racism Factory, to not support Mencken and of course, Roman does Misogyny etc., calls her hysterical thus, throwing her claims of his own hysteria back in her face. It sort of recalls the whole thing earlier in the season when Shiv suggested Roman was being too wishy-washy and emotional to get a good read on Matsson. Even when she wasn’t consciously arguing from an emotional position, she was all “I love fucking science” about the data and no one cares about that shit. She may as well be arguing to a wall. Also, the specific sort of data she’s talking about is entirely made up-- it can’t be proven and it’s an assumption based off what has historically been the most common occurrence. I suppose, this would also be a callback to Roman’s claims about it being possible for Logan to come back to life in episode 3. He was technically right.
Shiv is talking about what she thinks is True and Roman’s talking about what he thinks the narrative should be. It’s the same fucking problem she had in “What It Takes.” She doesn’t fucking get what this is about because she doesn’t get how politics actually works in their context. She can’t even argue in a way that’s appealing to these people and can only call upon the idea of authority because she thinks that there’s real weight to these ideas in the same way she thinks that “the American political tradition” has weight. And she said it herself, people like stability or rather, she likes stability, structure and cleanliness. It’s very funny for Mencken to talk about wanting such things because in her eyes, he is “dirtying” cleanliness, something that’s kind of unfathomable to her.
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