#Marshmallow Chao
veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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⚔️ How ‘bout a li'l training montage? 🏹
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Shadow Kirby honing his battle skills with various different Copy Abilities, feat. Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Dedede. More detailed descriptions below the cut. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 (here!)
So I keep thinking about how Shadow Kirby is confirmed in canon to be just as powerful and capable as regular Kirby, so long as he can push past his own reluctance and fears. Then I started thinking about the unique color palette he has for the Fighters games, if that could be a sort of visual indicator of him reaching that full potential. Then I started thinking about who was around to teach him these skills, and the differences in their techniques, and how SD’s treatment of SK might be vastly different from DMK, and how that affects the relationship that DMK & SD might have, and how it all ties in to the sociopolitical climate of the Mirror World as a whole, and oh stars dammit am I making another AU again???
On an unrelated note, screw the Mirror World for giving everyone in it just the most annoying color palettes to shade. Grays on grays on grays and sometimes red but mostly grays. I am languishing in render hell and ready to move on to the next one thank you. Too many headcanons - not enough time or hands or energy.
UPDATE 03/01/24: Changed SK's eyes to purple instead of blue, and changed DMK's cape from gray to dark red.
Started 11/7/23, finished 11/16/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 11/16/23.
Image descriptions
Top left: SK in Ninja gear, facing left, looking focused and holding out his katana, imitating DMK standing beside him in a similar pose with his own sword.
Top middle: SK in Archer gear, leaping up to fire an arrow from his bow.
Top right: SK in Bomb gear - also sporting his darker swirl coloration from Kirby Fighters - winking and sticking his tongue out as he tosses a bomb towards the viewer.
Middle: SK - in Wrestler gear with KF colors - delivering a strong leaping kick to a wooden training dummy, while DMK & SD observe in the background. SD stands with arms crossed and eyes narrowed, his mouth pulled into a sinister, calculating grin. DMK stands at his side, wrapped in his cape with eyes hidden in the shadows of his mask, a pensive ellipsis over his head.
Bottom left: SK facedown on the floor with a cross of bandages on his head, exhausted from training. DMK’s hand awkwardly comes in from off-screen, placing a bottle of Energy Drink beside him.
Bottom right: SK powering up into his KF form, fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open in a roar, an aura of purple-black flame flickering around him.)
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 10 months
Heart: You guys think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Mind: You're a hazard to society.
Soul: And a coward. Do twenty.
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comfy-pink-666 · 7 months
I remembered making this with @fluffygiraffe and @gibigamez 's Peppimos
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Track Record
Have you read Baby, Make Your Move? Yes? This is a follow up. No? That's okay, it's not required reading.
This fic happened because I re-watched 3 x 07 and I simply cannot be normal about Carlos in his cute little cap watching a softball game. Don't tell me he wouldn't simultaneously be the dorkiest dad ever and yet also an absolute DILF. The man contains multitudes.
Also, this is NOT the kid fic I originally wrote. That one is still coming lmao i lack any and all self control.
Carlos’ daughter is a thirteen year old weapon on the track, his husband is as cool as a cucumber and his father-in-law is driving him up the wall. And Carlos? Carlos is a nervous wreck.
A follow up to: "You get too stressed at track. It's bad for your blood pressure."
A writer who knows nothing about kids writes another kid fic, because no one told me to stop last time and Carlos and TK would make the best parents ever.
Read on Ao3
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 4 months
*cutely drops Gonta as a Hazbin demon*
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neilfinnaesthetics · 10 months
My comfort food of the week is marshmallows.
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goldshadowsarchive · 2 years
two things i think about constantly:
when the lenora gang + nancy went to the hospital they left argyle with the wheelers? 💀 he wasn’t in the hospital with them
then again at the very end at the cabin, they all went to check out the new threat and … left argyle in the woods to pick mushrooms? like he was not there in that last scene but he was with them at the cabin.
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bits-of-wit · 2 years
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2-wuv · 1 year
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btw fun fact chao have the consistency of Goop. to an extent.
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missezri · 2 years
Who else is just sitting with marshmallows at the ready for when Twitter finally burns to the ground?
No, I’m not going to share with Muskie.
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boy-above · 2 years
💜💙 ive not been too bad! I am deep into no mans sky again and it feels like the first time in a long while ive actually enjoyed videogame, feels nice therapeutic im having a good time
Youre playing splattoon lately? Ive never played but id love to hear your take on ur favourite mechanics or characters if you wanted to talk abt them 😁
i'm glad you're having fun! video games are just about the only thing i genuinely enjoy LOL
ye i've been playing every day, thankfully not so much that my hands hurt like the first day lol. i just love a lot of splatoon in general, it's the only shooter type game i have any interest in playing. probably because the characters are so freaking cute, and i can make the cutest little gender nonconforming squid boy ever. i use the heavy splatling which is a big gatling gun and i think im pretty good at it! tend to get 10-20 kills in anarchy battles. pearl and marina are my favorite idols, and agent 8 as well.
i've also still been playing copious amounts of genshin every day, it's def my new hyperfixation that's got a firm grip on me. i fucking love venti and xiao so much i'm always sitting over here like 😭😭😭🥺🥺😭😭😭 being not normal about them
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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¯\(°_o)/¯ yeAh?
And I deemed it necessary to erase you from existence 🔫🔫🔫
noW wHat
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,,, this screenshot kiLLinG me with a chAInsAW (っ◞‸◟c)
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aro-ace-axolotl · 2 months
We went grilling for Easter with friends. One of the sticks we threw for the dog landed in my brother’s face and he’ll probably now have a permanent scar on his nose. Also we broke a mirror (7 years of bad luck) and I very nearly got hit by a 10 cm long shard of the mirror. All in all, fun experience, would do that again 😅
We had marshmallows though 😁
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godzexperiment · 1 year
*possible osmosis things from interacting with nix* -random knowledge of vending machine models (as such more specifically which ones suck and 'unreliable machines of lies and false hopes') -various knowledge in general (good luck explaining why you know the average length of an oak trees roots when you accidentally repeat the info) -statements such as 'the biggest con man creation ever didn't really know' and things like 'reincarnation marshmallow regrets' -tricks, skills depending *if you really get along with him might be eligible for the 'i might be able to teach an little of how to be more precise with movements so you get stabbed less'*
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chaoswithmj · 1 year
my friends and i having a debate about peeps i need input
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jujutsukatsuki · 11 months
Katsuki knew from a young age that he wanted to be the best. He would sacrifice what he had to go get there. Even if that meant losing the people closest to him.
You knew from a young age that you wanted to be Katsuki’s. That you’d stand by his side and love him forever. You’d sacrifice whatever you could to be his.
It worked for a while. You pined after him. He shoved you away.
“Oi! Get off!” He barked and tried to shove you off of him. Katsuki had just won the UA festival and you met up with him after.
“No! You won! You did so good!” You squeal and squeeze the blonde tightly.
Katsuki knew that you and him could never happen. You were the annoying girl who lived across the street. The girl he was forced to play with when your moms would have coffee together on Saturday mornings.
You knew that you’d have to chip away at the icy exterior to make room for yourself in his heart. He wasn’t just Dynamite. He was Katsuki. The boy who lived across that street. The boy you’d spend Friday nights roasting marshmallows with in the winter time with the use of his quirk.
His time at UA came and went. With lots of bumps in the road, he always seemingly found himself at your doorstep. Disheveled. Bleeding. Nearing exhaustion.
“Sit still.” You whisper softly as you stitch him up. You went on to become a doctor, thanks to Katsuki. You saw the difference he was making in the world and you wanted to do it too.
“I am.” He said gruffly and took another swig of vodka. He looked down at your concentrated face. The way your brows furrowed as you carefully threaded the needle. He wouldn’t ever admit it, but every time you were finished healing him up, he craved the hug you’d give. Like you were holding him together.
As Katsuki moved up in the world, did you. He was the number two hero. You were a top doctor at your hospital. There was a day that seemed to be like any other. Some petty robberies, a few check ups. The day was normal for you both.
Until a huge explosion shook the hospital and sent everyone in a panic. Three villains came in and started causing destruction, and chaos. You quickly started to help patients that were laying in the rubble, you didn’t care that the villains were close by you. You put other people before yourself.
That was the last thing you remember before waking up in someone’s arms. Soft water droplets we’re hitting your face. You scrunched your brows together, your eyes felt heavy as you slowly opened them. Your vision slowly focused as you saw the spiky blonde holding you. Tears mixed with remnants of black from his eyeliner slowly ran down his cheeks and onto your face.
“Come on. Wake up. Please.” His voice was hoarse. You wanted to laugh, to tell him you were right that someday all the yelling would get to him.
“Y/n please. If you wake up right now, I’ll marry you. Just please get up. I can’t do this without you!” You’ve never heard katsuki this upset before. When you’ve finally become coherent enough to slowly move, you gently wrap your arms around him in a hug.
“I’d never leave you Suki.” You whisper to him. For the first ever, he hugs you back. His hand grip the tattered up doctors jacket like you’d fade from existence. He buried his face in your neck as you both hold each other.
Katsuki takes you to his apartment that night, he says it’s for your safety just incase. You can tell he’s lying. Which is why when he shows you the guest room to let you lay down and rest, you turn and lay in his bed instead. The corner of his mouth turns up into a smile before he lays with you.
You know that katsuki will never love you like you love him.
Katsuki knows that you will never understand his love for you. That his love isn’t something he can put in words. He doesn’t know how to translate his love into something you can understand. But he’ll work at it. Because he loves you.
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