#Marilyn Nash
chaplinfortheages · 12 days
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Monsieur Verdoux (1947) Charlie Chaplin
January 2nd 2023
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gatutor · 11 months
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Marilyn Nash (Flint, Michigan, 26/10/1926-Oroville, California, 6/10/2011).
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ulrichgebert · 11 months
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Zum Schluss wird es dann doch etwas pathetisch, beklagt der Tobi an Charles Chaplins ansonsten reizender Gattinen-Serienmörder-Komödie Monsieur Verdoux. Aber wird es ja irgendwie immer.
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triumphonlyfan · 3 months
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Marilyn Monroe
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sidrial · 10 months
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Pick 1 album and discuss.
If you don’t recognize any of these, listen to at least 2 first. I will add music 🎶 links in the comments.
Episode 170
8 8 23
#judaspriest #marilynmanson #TaylorAustinDye #CrosbyStillsandNash
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rjptalk · 2 years
There is a lot of social media discussion about kids having no manners, especially offspring who display a lack of civility towards adults and their own families. I hear a lot of squawking from families how “they didn’t learn this from us!” I find that kind of funny. They learned it somewhere, so I’m guessing home is exactly where they learned it. The way you treat your children, each other and…
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1boblog · 7 months
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Nash Healey, Marilyn Monroe
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ghelgheli · 9 months
The Stuff I Read in August 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked Is Bold
Raven Stratagem, Yoon Ha Lee (2017)
Reconsidering Reparations, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (2022)
The Mirror of My Heart: A Thousand Years of Persian Poetry by Women, trans. Dick Davis (2019)
The Origins of Unfairness, Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Short Fiction
the prisoner, ignatz
The Unwanted Guest, Tamsyn Muir
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, Sakaomi Yuzaki
Still Sick, Akashi
Born Again Bunny, ignatz
A Museum of Dubious Splendors, Studio Oleomingus
In the Pause Between the Ringing, Studio Oleomingus
The Indifferent Wonder of an Edible Place, Studio Oleomingus
Game Theory
The Bargaining Problem, John Nash (1950)
Two Person Cooperative Games, John Nash (1953)
Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Ariel Rubinstein (1982)
Marriage and household decision making: A bargaining analysis, Marilyn Manser and Murray Brown (1980)
Evolutionary Game Theory
The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts, John Maynard Smith (1974)
The Logic of Animal Conflict, John Maynard Smith and George R. Price (1973)
Why imitate, and if so, how? A boundedly rational approach to multi-armed bandits, Karl Schlag (1996)
On the Stability of Racial Capitalism, Liam Kofi Bright, Nathan Gabriel, Cailin O'Connor, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Fairness and Signaling in Bargaining Games, Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, Roland Mühlenbernd Jeremy L. Wyatt
Inequality and Inequity in the Emergence of Conventions, Calvin Cochran and Cailin O'Connor (2019)
Power by Association, Travis LaCrois and Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Why Natural Social Contracts are not Fair, Cailin O'Connor (2022)
How to Put the Cart Behind the Horse in the Cultural Evolution of Gender, Daniel Saunders (2022)
Division of Labor, Economic Specialization, and the Evolution of Social Stratification, Joseph Heinrich and Robert Boyd (2008)
On the emergence of minority disadvantage: testing the cultural Red King hypothesis, Aydin Mohseni, Cailin O'Connor, and Hannah Rubin (2021)
Philosophy (broadly construed)
"But What Are You, Really?" The Metaphysics of Race, Charles W. Mills (1998)
Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System, Maria Lugones
Extracted Speech, Rachel Ann McKinney (2016)
Nozick's Entitlement Theory of Justice, Kenneth J. Arrow (1978)
Nietzsche, the Chinese Worker's Friend, Ishay Landa (1999)
Measuring Conventionality, Cailin O'Connor (2020)
Who Was Barbie? various @ nplusonemag
Lockhart's Lament, Paul Lockhart
Female Hunters of the Early Americas, Randall Haas et al.
We Have No Moat, and Neither Does OpenAI, anonymous
The Bitter Lesson, Rich Sutton
The Evolution of Individual and Cultural Variation in Social Learning, Alex Mesoudi et al.
Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-Like Women, Sahar Amer (2009)
"My son was castrated as a result of a medical error. Is it OK to raise him as a eunuch?" Thomas W. Johnson and Richard J. Wassersug (2021)
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alightinthelantern · 5 months
Books read and movies watched in 2023 (July to December):
Bolded verdicts (Yes!/Yes/Eh/No/NO) are links to more in-depth reviews!
Books (fiction):
The Starless Sea (Erin Morgenstern): No
The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina (Zoraida Córdova): Yes
Brave New World (Aldous Huxley): No
The Association of Small Bombs (Karan Mahajan): No
Pond (Claire-Louise Bennett): NO
Heaven (Mieko Kawakami): No
The Verifiers (Jane Pek): No
The Old Capital (Yasunari Kawabata): No
Falling Man (Don DeLillo): No
A Free Life (Ha Jin): Yes
People of the Book (Geraldine Brooks): No
The Spectacular (Fiona Davis): No
Klara and the Sun (Kazuo Ishiguro): Yes
Children of the Jacaranda Tree (Sahar Delijani): No
This Place: 150 Years Retold (anthology): Yes
Books (nonfiction):
The Forgetting River (Doreen Carvajal): Eh
Valiant Women: The Extraordinary American Servicewomen Who Helped Win World War II (Lena S. Andrews): Yes
Mozart's Starling (Lyanda Lynn Haupt): Yes
Poetic Form & Poetic Meter (Paul Fussell): No
Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry (David Mason & John Frederick Nims): No
A Poetry Handbook (Mary Oliver): Yes
We Should Not Be Friends (Will Schwalbe): No
Seen from All Sides (Sydney Lea): No
Books (poetry):
Afterworlds (Gwendolyn MacEwen): Eh
Sailing Alone Around the Room (Billy Collins): Yes
Be With (Forrest Gander): No
Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (William Carlos Williams): Yes
Horoscopes For the Dead (Billy Collins): No
The Wild Iris (Louise Gluck): Eh
Moon Crossing Bridge (Tess Gallagher): Yes
Who Shall Know Them? (Faye Kicknosway): Yes
Great Blue (Brendan Galvin): No
Collected Poems (Basil Bunting): Eh
Paterson (William Carlos Williams): No
Selected Poems (Donald Justice): No
Dear Ghosts, (Tess Gallagher): No
The Death of Sitting Bear (N. Scott Momaday): No
Evidence (Mary Oliver): No
What Have I Ever Lost by Dying? (Robert Bly): Yes
Blessing the Boats (Lucille Clifton): Yes
Source (Mark Doty): No
Tell Me (Kim Addonizio): Eh
Zoo (Ogden Nash): No
Alive Together: New and Selected Poems (Lisel Mueller): No
“A” (Louis Zukovsky): NO
Flying at Night (Ted Kooser): Yes
The Man in the Black Coat Turns (Robert Bly): Yes
This Tree Will Be Here for a Thousand Years (Robert Bly): No
Nine Horses (Billy Collins): Yes
Arabian Love Poems (Nizar Kabbani): Yes
Delights & Shadows (Ted Kooser): Yes
This Great Unknowing (Denise Levertov): Yes
Young of the Year (Sydney Lea): No
Pursuit of a Wound (Sydney Lea): No
The Life Around Us (Denise Levertov): No
Red List Blue (Lizzy Fox): No
It Seems Like A Mighty Long Time (Angela Jackson): No
Some Ether (Nick Flynn): Yes
Divide These (Saskia Hamilton): No
The Simple Truth (Philip Levine): No
Saving Daylight (Jim Harrison): Eh
Midnight Salvage (Adrienne Rich): No
The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems (Billy Collins): Eh
My Brother Running (Wesley McNair): Eh
Whale Day (Billy Collins): Eh
Talking Dirty to the Gods (Yusek Komunyakaa): No
A New Selected Poems (Galway Kinnell): No
The Dolphin (Robert Lowell): No
Star Route (George Longenecker): No
Brute (Emily Skaja): Eh
No Witnesses (Paul Monette): Yes!
Blood, Tin, Straw (Sharon Olds): No
Town Life (Jay Parini): No
Dead Men's Praise (Jacqueline Osherow): No
Stag's Leap (Sharon Olds): No
Sleeping with the Dictionary (Harryette Mullen): No
Looking for the Parade (Joan Murray): No
Sparrow (Carol Muske-Dukes): Yes
You can't Get There from Here (Ogden Nash): No
Carver: a Life in Poems (Marilyn Nelson): Yes
The House of Blue Light (David Kirby): No
Ariel (Sylvia Plath): No
Caribou (Charles Wright): No
The Collected Verse of Theodore Roethke: No
Letters from Maine (Mary Sarton): No
Diasporic (Patty Seyburn): Eh
The Five Stages of Grief (Linda Pastan): Yes!
Not One Man’s Work (Leland Kinsey): Yes
Wise Poison (David Rivard): Yes
The Continuous Life (Mark Strand): Eh
On the Bus with Rosa Parks (Rita Dove): Yes
Fuel (Naomi Shihab Nye): Yes
Ludie’s Life (Cyntha Rylant): Yes
Wise Poison (David Rivard): Yes
My Name on His Tongue (Laila Halaby): Yes
Messenger (Ellen Bryant Voigt): Yes!
Unfortunately, it was Paradise: Selected Poems (Mahmoud Darwish): Eh
The Collected Poetry of James Wright: No
The Unlovely Child (Norman Williams): No
The New Young American Poets (anthology, 2000): Yes
The Black Maria (Aracelis Girmay): Yes!
Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Ocean Vuong): Yes!
Thoughts of Her. (Casey Conte): NO
Standing Female Nude (Carol Ann Duffy): Yes!
The Tradition (Jericho Brown): Yes
Girls That Never Die (Safia Elhillo): No
Repair (C. K. Williams): No
The Big Smoke (Adrian Matejka): Yes
American Wake (Kerrin McCadden): Eh
Collected Poems (Jane Kenyon): No
E-mails from Scheherazad (Mohja Kahf): Yes!
I Had a Brother Once (Adam Mansbach): No
Holding Company (Major Jackson): No
Hunting Down the Monk (Adrie Kusserow): No
Happy Life (David Budbill): No
Prelude to Bruise (Saeed Jones): No
Wade in the Water (Tracy K. Smith): Eh
Penury (Myung Me Kim): Yes!
Commons (Myung Mi Kim): Yes!
The Final Voicemails (Max Ritvo): No
Pieces of Air in the Epic (Brenda Hillman): No
Gone (Fanny Howe): No
A Vermonter's Heritage: Listening to the Trees (Rick Bessette): No!
Roget's Illusion (Linda Bierds): No
First Hand (Linda Bierds): No
The Other Side (Julia Alvarez): No
Pig Dreams: Scenes from the life of Sylvia (Denise Levertov): Yes
Winter Evening in Gagra (1985, Karen Shakhnazarov): Yes
My Tender and Affectionate Beast (A Hunting Accident) [1978, Emil Loteanu]: No
Fate of a Man (1959, Sergei Bondarchuk): Eh
Ordinary Fascism (aka Triumph Over Violence) (1965, Mikhail Romm): Yes
The Most Charming and Attractive (1985, Gerald Bezhanov): Yes
Gals/The Girls (1961, Boris Bednyj): Yes
Drunken Angel (1948, Akira Kurosawa): Yes
Stray Dog (1949, Akira Kurosawa): No
Viy (1967, Konstantin Yershov/Georgi Kropachyov): No
Battleship Potemkin (1925, Sergei Eisenstein): Yes
Amarcord (1973, Federico Fellini): Yes!
Charade (1963, Stanley Donen): No
Dreams (1990, Akira Kurosawa): Yes!
Barton Fink (1991, Coen Brothers): No
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967, Leonid Gaidai): No
Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1974, Eldar Ryazanov & Franco Prosperi): Yes
By the White Sea (2022, Aleksandr Zachinyayev): Yes
Ivan’s Childhood (1962, Andrei Tarkovsky): Yes!
The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed): Yes!
The Kitchen in Paris (2014, Dmitriy Dyachenko): No
Optimistic Tragedy (1963, Samson Samsonov): Eh
White Moss (2014, Vladimir Tumayev): Yes
Oppenheimer (2023, Christopher Nolan): Yes!
Scarlet Sails (1961, Alexandr Ptushko): Yes
We'll Live Till Monday (1968, Stanislav Rostotsky): Yes
Vladivostok (2021, Anton Bormatov): No
Ballad of a Soldier (1959, Grigory Chukhray): Yes
The Theme (1979, Gleb Panfilov): Yes
A Haunting in Venice (2023, Kenneth Branagh): Yes
Barbie (2023, Greta Gerwig): Yes
Is It Easy To Be Young? (1986, Juris Podnieks): Yes
Badlands (1973), Terrence Malick: Yes
Satyricon (1969, Federico Fellini): No
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, Werner Herzog): Yes
Fitzcarraldo (1982, Werner Herzog): No
The Illusionist (2006, Neil Burger): Yes
The Duchess (2008, Saul Dibb): Yes
Pride & Prejudice (2005, Joe Wright): Yes!
Emma (1996, Douglas McGrath): No
And here’s Part 1 of my 2023 list!
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magrit-alessa · 6 months
My weekly chart (04 Dec 2023 - 10 Dec 2023) #TimeMachine #melancholy
That what I like. That what surrounds me. That what creates my mood.
*Created by my preferences only*
Аll 10 chart positions in 4 minutes here -> https://youtu.be/frEr0RS8PCE
10. Marilyn Manson- The Last Day On Earth
9. Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
8. Fugees - Ready Or Not
7. Kate Nash - Nicest Thing
6. Brainstorm - Colder
5. Gotye - Hearts A Mess
4. Nelly Furtado - Try
3. Years & Years - The Whale
2. Evanescence - So Close
1. Linkin Park - From The Inside
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chaplinfortheages · 11 months
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Publicity photos promoting release of "Monsieur Verdoux" 1947.
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gatutor · 11 months
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Charles Chaplin-Marilyn Nash "Monsieur Verdoux" 1947, de Charles Chaplin.
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pocketfulofelviss · 1 year
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“Even though it was Dottie [Harmony] he liked, on December 4th [1956], Elvis made good on his promise to bring Marilyn Evans to Audubon Drive, where ‘that phone just rang and nobody answered, which was odd.’ Elvis made no moves on her (‘He was extremely honorable’), and treated her to the usual motorcycle rides and eating out. But they quickly realized there was nothing between them. ‘I always preferred classical music,’ for starters. ‘We were just into different things, not that one is better than the other.’” (Nash, 2010: 197) * #elvispresley #presley #theking #graceland #elvis #smile #love #idol #music #iconic #vintage #style #classy #vintagefashion #kingofmusic #rockandroll #sideburns #blessedsoul #rip #elvisthepelvis #memphis #tupelo #soldier #elvislegacy #epe https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpz_o7mtmms/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zooterchet · 4 months
Contract Achievements: "Chet" Becomes Real
Congressional Budget Office (Hungarian Bank): The shutdown of the Ku Klux Klan and German Federations, through legal proof of IQ test against prescription of adderral upon self-defense against "bully", redefined as a "conduct disorder", a status position of advantage upon perception.
Taiwanese Navy (Gamespy): Identification of the Trump Organization and venture capital hoteliers, as the Israeli Defense Paramilitary Reconnaissance unit, on UseNet hentai trades through a Department of Defense computer (HP Pavilion, from the Ahlquists, Faye Private School).  Early warning of the World Trade Center attacks, as a combined arts and mercenary unit out of social activism.
Department of Commerce (DC Comics): Seizure of licenses of Megaman X1, Dragonball, Harry Potter, Quake, and Area 88, of self, DC85 "NASH" experimental "SPIDER-FIVE", seized from Capcom, and returned to federal purview, of United States Congress.  Return to prohibition of prints of live agents, except as "Batman", on undercover, "Superman", on graduate to marriage, particularly through games and under authorization of State Department of municipal capital embassy from United States State Department Cabinet; named and stated, the Whitey Bulger incident, where James Bulger was mistaken as an alcohol, "Megaman", a coffee sales game for Boston Police and investments in Vietnamese coffee, Starbucks.
National Security Agency (Game Theory): Outing of Dan Slot as a cheat and liar and abuser of children, for NSA comics theoretical, and the placement of the MUD and MUX and MUSH and MUCK projects as NSA Blacksite for theory development, the original purpose of the program in the 1980s, and the shutdown of the control of the Wachowski brothers over the software.  Removal of spyware from Goldman-Sachs talent, used to recruit intelligence officers to highschool theater to render inconsequential, and the shutdown of Auckland Scientology, the Tolkien Society, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the Betty Ford Clinic, to wield police power.
Oktober Guard (AFROTC): Military reconnaissance against the Louisiana Cajun Fugitive Slave Act, the prohibition of politicians of ethnic pride and civil rights as a majority under criminal law's obedience and protocol of liberalism.  Work with the Canadian Freemasons, through their Hell's Angels unit, the Nixon Foundation, and preventions of terror bombings to New York and Boston to seize DC Comics or Ace Comics in a bauble bet placed by Lawrence Hama, through the Green Berets station of Attleboro; the 7/7 bombings, as a consequence, to shut down Marvel Comics, Haganah MI-6, and the victory of a diamond, from Pakistan and Pervez Musharaff, of own placement of marriage as espionage soldier.
Homeland Security (CIA Analytics): Investigation of Mossad St. Cyr, for modeling live human beings for games, math, and pharmaceuticals; film models used to establish false medical stipulations for city police stations, Mossad United Nations State Police, and return to highway rectories under Vatican guidance for the United States' State Police.  The placement of Firaxis Games, the sublet unit, in stock fraud, through a SWAT raid on a Geek Center computer lab, and the divorce of Bill and Linda Gates, with the assertion of locks and ciphers on the internet to remove Nintendo Russia, the Satanic Vietnamese investment, and the incarceration by trial of Marilyn Manson, for involvement in Hawai'i Five-O, Transmetropolitan, and Sons of Anarchy, Treblinka genocide material; the Poraujmos.
Russian Organitzsaya (Hopkinton Class Council 2003): Reactivation of five dead units, David Michael Charlebois, Matthew John Scott Lennox, John Bones Remby, Jenna Laurel Williamson Marisco, and William Feary Morgan Jr., to establish an end to the prohibition on alcohol in the Middle East.  Single "Alpha" operative, placed in charge of framing each and every of the five lost souls, for the Hopkinton Freemasonic Temple, in contradiction with the enemy intrusion of Sonya Savdie's military act of warfare on Middlesex County and her lecture inserted on Israeli rights of war crime to be enacted at pursuit of justice by any given affiliation drug dealer working off of a ranged unit out of Canadian Mounted.  The shutdown of the Magna Carta, the establishment of Daish for Arab liquor rights at gas station under town ordnance, the creation of Antifa as a military unit to oppose drafts of authors and artists as convicts, the creation of Syria as a neutral zone against smuggling under personal embargo as a "Bay of Pigs", and the legalization of marijuana under State Police tax stamp under tree surgeon's inspection of all marijuana sold, and only out of dispensary, police enforcing laws of use to be within dwelling, not vehicle or property.
British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6): Hire by son of half-brother, Charles III, to engage in clearing of his son, own cousin, Harry Edinburgh, to kill own aunt, Queen Elizabeth Lennox II, and remove KGB Ukraine's influence over American politicians through the John Hancock police union over auctions of seized properties out of insurance rates of ingress.  Longterm duel over online and real life systems, to end an engagement in a chess match, resulting in the expulsion of the rear left hemisphere of Queen Elizabeth's skull, with her husband's signature chess move, own blood by grandfather, not adoptive father, police media commissioner and journalist of Boston Globe.  Psychoconnective link permanently established, to online access of games and measures; Neo Flies.
FetLife (9/11 Truth): Identification of 9/11 as a result of fraud upon teachers through banking assets and dividends, to use special education training to place members of teachers families in courts abject, through marriage into corporate mergers to overtake group companies and any given convicts sold into film model with family and children as child actors and musicians.  A-Affordable Insurance, East Boston, identified as having spread the 2012 Conspiracy, through recruits of homeless international history teachers with unemployment unions, as operatives for World Trade Center attacks and other bombings.  Insurance law in employ, the seizure of right of attorney for bank access, the default of loans if a criminal charge is placed against the family through an '88'.
Ace Comics (NEWS): Dr. Debowy has been found to be in fraud of statute, by using prison measures and rape tools to remove the blockage of the bowels from the stethopen, his own genetic device, to remove pork and cigarettes and vodka, upon rebellion and common incendiery against the American government; upon finding that own school textbooks out of Beacon Hill were doctored infallibly since the 7th generation, the medical knowledge out of the zenith of the 8th century AD, his own Hohenzollern medical practice has been ruined by Jews and Muslims and Gays and Lutherans, as being pork eaters with an infallible bowel gland, to poison others via suggestion.  Top mercenary Sayed Adnan is back, and under personal suicide mission at threat of child stolen placing self in position to humiliate WAAF Clear Channel, "Chet" hits the streets; his father's old job, "Trouble Shooter".  
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