#Manhunt is really good though seriously do recommend
I know I'm searching for bigfoot here but I have a request:
Does anyone who sees this post know of any novels, any genre, that are about trans people but don't heavily feature trans pain? Particularly novels about transfeminine people and especially particularly about trans wlw. Please give me your recs if you do know one!
I can't think of any, I desperately search for stories about people like me but they are all just so full of pain and hurt and like... Yeah I know being trans hurts sometimes. That's just my life. I'd like to read stories that give me hope instead, where that pain gets its catharsis.
I post this after just reading the sample on Amazon for Gretchen Felker-Martin's excellent Manhunt. Great book seriously, I'll probably buy it at some point. It's about two trans women, and according to the blurb a trans man they join op with along the way, trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse where a virus has spread that reacts with testosterone in people's bodies and turns anyone with a male level of testosterone into zombies. Incredible premise, lots of Gender happening. Love it. Wonderful horror-comedy writing too. But it's just so full of pain. The dysphoria, the grim and hopeless outlook on life, even hatred from TERFs features heavily. It's rough and raw and all jagged edges and that's great, but like I said I already live that. I'm not at risk of turning into a zombie if I miss my hormones, but I do still get that bleak "what's the point of this transition" feeling somewhat often. I do still have to worry about hatred from "feminists" who should by all rights be my allies.
And I just can't think of any hopeful, joyous book about transfem people. It's always about the pain. When I was transitioning 5 years ago the thing to read was Nevada by Imogen Binnie and I couldn't get very far because it was just full of so much pain and cynicism about living a life like mine that I couldn't do it. It hurt.
So does anyone out there know happy books about people like me? Where being trans is presented as the complex and messy thing that it is, but the overall tone is about the hope and joy we can share?
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dateamonster · 2 years
hello tumblr user dateamonster!! do you have any recommendations for good zombie media? my gf rlly likes zombies but has burned through a lot of the good stuff to be easily found. movies shows anime games etc, anything goes. ty!
oof good question but one im not sure im totally qualified to answer since most of the zombie media i consume is on the campier, sillier side.
i do have some somewhat more Serious zombos i enjoy tho!
the girl with all the gifts is one of my alltime favs (and ive heard the book is good too tho i havent read it) it hits a lot of the beats zombie fans will probably already be familiar with but the main character being a sort of half-zombie (makes more sense in context trust me) as well as a child born into this apocalyptic setting creates a totally new perspective and to me is one of the strongest most thoughtful pieces of work to come out of this sorta subgenre in a long time
the resident evil game series is probably a given. on the off chance she hasnt played it or watched a playthrough, that shits mandatory.
z-nation i think kinda tippytoes the line between stuff fans of, for example, the walking dead will recognize and enjoy in terms of ya know a story focusing more on the interpersonal drama of a group of survivors living through an ongoing apocalypse, and the sillier doesnt-take-itself-too-seriously stuff i personally enjoy, like the ongoing bit where theres just a big ball of entangled zombies rolling across the scenery. its the delicious junk food of tv zombies (though granted ive only watched i think the first few seasons when it was playing nonstop on syfy)
and if you want to join me in enjoying only thee most quality campy schlock..
zombieland saga! literally one of my favorite anime ever! i consider it in this sort of less serious category because the concept of undead idol girls is obviously pretty ridiculous on paper and not gonna be everyones thing, but if the premise even remotely intrigues you, please give it a shot. the story is fun, the characters are loveable and surprisingly complex beneath the typical moe girl archtype exteriors, the humor is on point but doesnt undermine the actually pretty effective emotional moments, and the music fucks! we stan!
z-o-m-b-i-e-s is like c-tier early 2000s dcom realness with a 2018 budget, better choreography, worse songs, questionable moral messaging, all reeking with a dangerous level of green hair dye and party city greasepaint fumes. ive watched it like four times. i cant totally explain it but its got like nostalgic high school musical vibes except more paranormal and much much sillier. dares to ask the question: can cheerleading end all prejudice and bring about world peace? (the answer is yes but theyll be repeating that question for three movies)
zombie prom. very similar to the above in general vibe except the music is honestly kind of good? theres a stage play and a movie which is more or less just a slightly shortened version. in a lot of ways it honestly feels like the fully realized version of z-o-m-b-i-e-s. if you watch the movie ru paul is there, whether thats an incentive or disincentive.
and to wrap it up another game you probably already know about, lollipop chainsaw. yes its problematic but i am honoring my past teenage self who averted their gaze when they walked by it on the shelves in gamestop by saying tara strong sexy cheerleader zombie slayer game is fun and good.
anyway all this to say my taste is very questionable when it comes to this subgenre but i hope u get something out of it. a lot of zombie stories kinda flop for me because the horror element gets watered down into this more actiony survive the zombo apocalypse type thing but the concept of zombies is definitely something that interests me despite this and there are definitely some good pieces of zombie media out there.
oh! and i havent read it yet, but ive heard really promising things about the book manhunt by gretchen felker-martin. not explicitly a zombie story i dont think but draws from the same place for sure. would be worth checking out i think.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Gilded Cage - Part 4
Once again, A won in a landslide. I hope the choices this time around will be a little more interesting. As a result of A winning, Journalist will help Villain.
Both of the options from last time around led to separate twists. It may be a little confusing at first, but I promise, it’ll make sense!
Again, the suggestions I received this time around were amazing!
I hope you enjoy!
CW// Imprisonment, collars, shock collars, villain whumpee, talk of torture, talk of blood, explicit discussion of injuries, medical discussion, deciding whether a person will receive medical treatment, mention of pneumonia, amnesia, panic, talk of law enforcement and criminal charges
The news segment began with its cheery jingle, starting with a light whistle, and crescendoing into an orchestral sound.
The video dawned on Journalist’s set. Behind the camera stood their crew. But the show’s usual host was nowhere to be seen. Instead, having been replaced by two other reporters, sitting behind their table. In their chairs.
“Hello, everyone.” One of the reporters spoke with a nod of the head. Their practiced, fine-tuned smile was present on their face, but there was a level of appropriately moderated sadness to their tone. “We hate to inform you that the previous host of this show, Journalist, has unfortunately left their post.”
The other reporter spoke with a similar tone, looking up at their cohost. “Shall we get right to it, then?”
“I suppose there’s no point in beating around the bush.”
“No. There’s not.” The reporter shook their head. “Your regular news for this segment will be moved to tonight’s News at 10. After much discussion, we figured it was only right to address the situation regarding this segment’s former host.”
“Yes. I am certain that many of you have seen this video on various social medias.”
In the corner of the screen, a panel faded into existence, showing a silenced video. Only a few frames long, looping every time it finished.
The video was of remarkably low quality, and taken in remarkably low light. The faces of only one of those in it could be made out-- that of a bloody, bruised, yet alive Villain. They who stood over the injured was little more than a shadow in silhouette, face never once turning towards the camera. After a few repeats, the video skipped around, showing different frames. Always in shadow. Never showing more than a hundred pixels or so.
The action within could only truly be seen if the viewer was to squint. Or, if they knew what to look for.
“This video was released by the Organization of Heroes, late last night.” One of the reporters spoke up, after the display was finished and faded away. “It was taken by one of the employees of their headquarters, shortly after this very news segment was filmed yesterday, in that very headquarters.”
“The Organization stated that it released this video to promote transparency regarding a current investigation. Though the exact details have yet to be revealed, this video is harrowing on its own.”
“We do not know why Journalist would do this.” The reporter’s gaze met with that of the camera lens. “We all have our own opinions about Villain, but no opinion can justify beating someone senseless. We all knew Journalist. We never thought there were capable of such a horrible thing. It is believed that, after filming an interview with Villain, Journalist led them to an unused room, and beat them severely. This video shows the incident.”
“The Heroes and local law enforcement have stated that they are currently pursuing a manhunt for Journalist on charges of assault and battery.”
“To dispel rumors that have been spreading: As of only a few minutes ago, the Organization of Heroes has reported to us that Villain is alive and well. Rumors of their death are greatly exaggerated. Journalist is not being pursued as a murderer.”
“Villain is currently under the care of in-house medical professionals of the Organization. They are in critical condition, but are expected to recover.”
“If you believe to have spotted Journalist, please call the number on screen. This is a tragedy, but together, we can at the very least bring this criminal to justice. Thank you.”
“Can they hear us?”
“No, no. They’re asleep.”
Villain’s eyes twitched, the voices above them hazy, coming from behind a layer of fog. Still, they thought they knew them... Maybe. The effort of recognizing who was speaking when made their head hurt, but their heart was beating far too fast to allow them to fade back into sedated bliss.
“Good.” Teammate muttered, their hand shifting the hospital bed ever so slightly as they placed it upon the bedrail.
“Yeah, good.” Hero’s grunt dripped with sarcasm.
“They need their rest.” Villain didn’t quite recognize the third voice, though they could only assume it was a doctor. “They’ve regained consciousness a few times, but they‘re somewhat sedated, right now. We can’t risk them choking.”
Choking. Villain knew that word. They remembered it being shouted, over and over again, next to them. Their mouth tasted so much like copper...
“I wish they’d choke.” Hero growled. Villain didn’t need to open their eyes to feel Teammate’s glare.
“Well, we’re not going to let that happen.” Doctor shook their head. “What we need to do is talk about... well, you’re in control here. We’re under your command. We have them stabilized, but if you want them to do anything more than lay in a hospital bed, we need to talk about what comes next.”
There was a moment of hesitant humming, before Teammate asked, tentatively:
“How bad is it?”
Villain had heard that question before, in a tone of panic and screaming. Who had said it?
Again, hesitance.
“Bad. Really bad.” Doctor sighed, straightening their tone to something more official. “We’ve seen some possible early signs of pneumonia, but, well...” Another deep breath. “Their torso sustained several dents. There’s risk of internal bleeding. That’s not to mention three snapped ribs, five additional broken or fractured ribs, and fractured clavicle. And the leg.”
For a moment, the nerves in the doctor’s voice turned to fury.
Villain knew that fury. The fury of someone who was watching the person they tried to protect die. Why didn’t they remember?
“A spiral fracture. I’ve never- I have no damn clue how you managed to do that. It’s generally only seen in falls, or industrial accidents, but... yes. There is a spiral fracture in their left tibia. We believe it’s shattered into five separate pieces, though we won’t be able to tell for sure until we can perform exploratory surgery. Villain will need to be a lot stronger before that, though.”
“Okay.” Teammate gritted their teeth. “And that’s all... bad.”
“Very bad.”
“Well, they’re not dead.” Hero hissed.
“They may as well be.” Doctor snapped back.
“Hey, who here is paying you-”
“Shut up, you two.” Teammate growled. “Are they going to die?”
“As it stands now... no. We have them stabilized. Any external bleeding has been stopped. But if our suspicions of pneumonia and internal bleeding are correct, then they could very well die, if we don’t act quickly. That’s what we wanted to ask you about.”
“Whether or not to save them?”
“Do it.” Hero’s tone was firm, though still frustrated. “At least for a bit. The edited video will go out on national news tonight. If this assault investigation turns into a murder one, it’ll be more scrutiny than I care to deal with. The less anyone looks into it, the better.”
“Having them back on camera so soon may not be a great idea, sir.” Doctor’s voice had practically turned to a whimper.
“Well, how soon can we expect them to be healthy enough for it?”
“A month-”
“A month?!”
“One month for the initial recovery. And at least four for subsequent physical therapy. They should not engage in any strenuous physical activity for at least that long.”
“We don’t have a month. Much less five.”
“Well, I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker.”
“I need them on the air tomorrow. Either tell me a way to make that happen, or I’ll find a better doctor.”
Doctor’s footsteps could be heard against the tile as they stumbled backwards.
“I guess there’s...”
“What is it?”
“The miracle drug. That’s what they call it. It’s certainly not a miracle, but... I’m sure you’ve heard of Hollywood medicine. An injured actor getting up the day after a car crash, looking good as new.”
“You can do that?"
“Then do it!”
“It’s not that simple. There’s no such thing as a miracle drug. Painkillers and steroids won’t fix their injuries, but with the right mix of them, they can be as good as new tomorrow. Well, along with some seriously good makeup work. Those injuries are... not pretty.”
“Then do that. The news is coming back at 9. Now, was that so hard?”
“Wait.” Teammate interjected. “It can’t be that simple. What’s the catch?”
“The catch?” Doctor began. “The catch is kind of the whole matter of the thing. This treatment, it won’t actually do anything. We’d be blocking pain signals to their brain, and giving them enough strength to press on despite their wounds. But that’s all. The injuries will still be there. And the longer they’re untreated, the worse it’s going to get. Especially if Villain is up and moving.”
“But they’ll be able to appear tomorrow night?”
“Yes. They’ll be good as new.”
“Then...” Teammate hesitated. “You treat them like normal, and we just give them some kind of miracle drug whenever we need them on stage?”
“Again, it’s not that simple. This treatment, it’s going to destroy any possibility of a normal recovery. It’s either or, not and. Either we treat them like normal, or we have them ready to perform tomorrow. It’s your choice, but I’m sure you know what I recommend.”
“They’re performing.” Hero spoke with such a force that it was known in the room that no one could hope to oppose the decision. “Get them up and moving. How long will this work? This miracle drug?”
“There’s no way of knowing, really. They run the risk of collapsing at pretty much any time. We’re tricking their mind into thinking it’s unharmed, but we can’t do that with the body. The wounds are still going to be very, very real.”
“Just give me an estimate.”
“I don’t know, two weeks? Less if the pneumonia gets bad.”
“And then?”
“And then they collapse. Kaput. Gone. The human body has its limits, superpowers or not.”
“I can work with two weeks. I want them back in their cell by tonight, understood?”
“Understood, sir. They’ll be as good as new. And, lay off the collar, please.”
“That depends on if they choose to behave, or not.”
Villain wasn’t sure when the rough linen of the hospital bed turned to a duvet made of plush, laid atop an impossibly soft mattress that sunk several inches under their weight. They must have been moved at some point, they certainly didn’t remember walking. They couldn’t so much as feel their legs, so walking would have been an impossibility.
One hand curling around the plush on which they lay, they fought against their leaden eyelids until they finally relented and opened. The ceiling above them was one they knew far too well, having spent far too many sleepless nights staring up at it.
They blinked a few times, waking up their mind, which was rapidly beginning to panic.
Had they been dreaming? The day before, had all of it simply been a horrid nightmare?
Sitting up took only minor effort, and as their lungs filled with air, they felt no pain. In fact, their whole body was absent of any pain at all. Even their leg felt to not have lost an ounce of its strength.
It couldn’t have been a dream, could it have been? The pain had felt so real, but...
They raised a hand, drawing it to their ribs. Pressing down prompted no pain, only a vague soreness. But even with their limited medical knowledge, Villain knew full well that ribs weren’t supposed to fold inwards like that.
Nope. Definitely not a dream.
At least, that part wasn’t. Maybe? Trying to think about it was so difficult, causing a horrible, gnawing pain at the back of their mind. Closing their eyes to aid their focus, they did their best to recount.
They had eaten lunch, they believed. There had been others at the table. Visitors. Government representatives? The mayor, maybe? That sounded somewhat right. But then, no, that couldn’t have been right. They remembered the burning of stage lights so strongly, it must have been a news crew.
And then...
Then pain.
They didn’t remember the circumstances in any detail, but they remembered exactly how it felt for a boot to collide with their flesh, crushing all in its wake. They remembered how it felt to have every nerve alight in artificial agony.
After that, there was shouting. Someone was touching them, helping them sit up. It mustn’t have worked, though, for a moment after, they were on the ground, and there was more shouting. More yelling. Screams.
Then nothing. Next thing they could remember, they were swimming through sedatives and painkillers in a hospital bed.
And now they were here.
They looked to the clock, noting it to be late in the night. After the time at which the Heroes would have eaten dinner. There were never any appearances at night, so they would be left alone until it was time for lunch.
It probably would have been best for them to go back to sleep, to rest and recover, but now that they were awake, they couldn’t help but feel that such a thing would be impossible. Warmth ran through their veins like alcohol, making them feel more alive than they could remember having felt in quite some time.
Villain couldn’t sleep, but perhaps they could do the next best thing. They felt around their nightstand, finding eventually the television remote, and clicking on the TV mounted on the wall before them. It was what they spent most of their time doing, anyways. Staring at the screen and rotting.
The screen blinked on, displaying something that caused Villain to do a double take. They looked at the info for the channel, double checking its number.
It was the news. The Heroes had always kept every news channel, or really anything that talked about current events, firmly out of their reach. Yet, here one was, playing right in front of them.
They couldn’t help but feel a dull ache in their neck.
Still, who would catch them? No one would be coming in at this hour. Perhaps they could, at least, peek into the outside world. Hell, they would have been grateful to know the weather.
But what was playing was not the weather.
A banner on the bottom of the screen read, in big white letters, “News At 9.” Two presenters sat behind a table, a brief moment of silence hanging between them as a video played in the top right corner.
Villain saw their own face. Their own bloody, beaten face.
“It is believed that, after filming an interview with Villain, Journalist led them to an unused room, and beat them severely. This video shows the incident.”
Villain did not know that name, but it made their stomach twist in on itself.
Their nausea turned to panic in an instant as they heard a quiet knock, echoing against the door to their room. Already shaking, they lunged for the remote, tapping in a random number and willing the channel to change faster. By the time the doorknob twisted and the door opened, they were sweating bullets.
They looked to the doorway, doing their very best to pretend that they had only been innocently watching an approved channel.
They had expected Hero, or perhaps one of the others on their team, and they supposed that they weren’t entirely wrong.
Hero had long since stopped having a singular sidekick, stating that such a thing was horribly inefficient. Instead, they had multiple at any given time, training each for several months before sending them off to other duties.
Sidekick was one of the newer trainees. Villain couldn’t quite remember what exactly their powers were, though they remembered that this trainee in particular was one of Hero’s favorites. They were younger-- not a kid, but firmly college-aged, though their stature was far too muscular to suggest such a thing.
They had painted on their face the same smile that Hero always presented to the media. It made Villain shudder.
After flashing that bright smile a moment, Sidekick turned, closing the door with notable care and approaching their bedside. Villain turned off the television, shifting to face their visitor. Sitting up straight, drawing their shoulders back, showing all the respect that a trainee of Hero deserved.
“Can I sit?” Sidekick pointed to a spot on the bed.”
“Yes! Of course.”
They nodded, sitting down. There was a remarkable care in the way they moved and shifted, as if they were terrified of making even the slightest noise.
“Turn the TV back on.”
“Um- okay. I promise, I wasn’t- I didn’t mean to, it just turned on, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, please don’t-”
“Shh, shh. I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m not going to hurt you. We need to be quiet.”
Villain nodded, turning on the TV. The noise practically drowned out Sidekick’s voice, and they couldn’t help but feel that that was rather the point.
“Villain. You know me, right?”
“I wouldn’t say that I know you very well.”
“That’s okay. I’m Sidekick, and we want to help.”
“What do you mean ‘we?’“
“Me and your friend. Journalist. They couldn’t be here, it’s too dangerous, but... I know you don’t know me very well. And to be quite honest, I don’t know you very well, either.”
Sidekick raised their hand, causing Villain to flinch back. But they were not struck. Instead, the hand was presented as if offering a handshake.
“Villain, I need you to trust me.”
They felt their mouth grow dry as they looked at the offered hand.
“I know we don’t know each other well, but what I do know is that you’re suffering, and you need help. In three days, you’re going to be at a live press conference, down on the East side. There’s going to be a signal. When the sun disappears, that’s your signal. You’ll know what I mean, okay?”
“I don’t know if I-”
“Please. When you see the signal, you need to cause as much chaos as you can, okay? I mean, don’t hurt anyone, or at least try not to, but do what you need to do to get them running. That’s all you need to do. We’ll take care of the rest.”
Sidekick moved their offered hand closer.
“Villain, do you trust me?”
What should our Whumpee do? It’s up to you to decide!
There are two options, each one leading to a separate story branch. Alongside each option is a question specifying what exactly will happen. Answering this question is completely optional, but it is great if you have any particular ideas! Otherwise, feel free to just put a letter.
To vote, feel free to use any means you would like to contact me. Replying or reblogging this post works just fine, as does PMing me directly or sending me an ask. I am unsure when I will be writing the next part, so as long as the next part hasn’t been posted yet, voting is still open!
I will choose the story path based on which option has more votes, and will choose whichever answer I find the most interesting to base the next part upon. The choices and questions for this part are as follows:
A) Trust - Should Villain go along with the plan? B) Refuse - Should Villain report the infraction?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. This is my first time doing anything like this, so I apologize if it’s odd or confusing ^^
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i-am-vpelno · 3 years
So, due to the nature of this film my opinions are going to be all over the place and admittedly biased. I am a huge Justice League fan, I hate Zack Snyder, I hated the original Justice League by Snyder and Whedon and I’m not the biggest fan of Batman or Superman.
The Editing:
I’m kind of between the acknowledgment that this was Frankensteined together and wasn’t meant to be released and the fact that Snyder was given like 70 million to make this movie so what’s up? Let’s start with the negatives. This movie could’ve been waaay shorter by editing out SO MANY unnecessary scenes and slow mo. I can distinctly remember several scenes where I felt awkward just waiting for a character to hurry the fuck up and get where they’re going. This is especially prevalent with the Flash as almost every scene with him is in slow mo despite him being a speedster??? Then there are just “walking scenes” where it was just so so so uncomfortable and pointless watching the characters walk from point A to point B with nothing else interesting going on in the scene. There are strange scenes that don’t really add anything or lead anywhere like the Icelandic lady smelling Arthur’s shirt????? And Steppenwolf getting “permission” from Desaad to interrogate the scientists even though we knew he was going to do that already. A lot of these extra scenes interrupt the pacing as well which is a shame because I think the time would be less daunting if you cut them. I think the worst part though was the soundtrack. They only play Wonder Woman’s theme once in the beginning but then every time an Amazon is on screen they start playing this “lamenting tune” over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!!! If it’s not the same exact clip from the same exact song I will genuinely be surprised. A lot of it just doesn’t fit the film, I definitely prefer Icky Thump to whatever Snyder had Arthur drinking to.
I didn’t mind Snyder’s color palette this time as I feel like the colors are punched up just a bit. I am so glad they chose to change the entire scenery for the final fight, it was so much more pleasing to look at. Albeit it was dark so...not much visibility lol but it’s understandable. I caught myself catching chills from the suspense and the emotional scenes in this. The emotional heart of this film is definitely there! I love the fight scenes!!! Other than some awkward moments with Batman and the Flash they were amazing!!!! Everyone looks great but I think the cgi shines the most here. I can actually see the parademons clearly now and I like their design. Steppenwolf had the biggest improvement, he was kinda blurry before but he looks great and I LOVE how they chose to show off the armor and his anatomy throughout the film. For this film specifically, I enjoyed the “Part One” things because it fit well in explaining part of Snyder’s vision AND was useful when I needed to take a break from the film. I kind of enjoyed the lack of a wide screen. Like Evangelion, I got the sense that there was more happening around the characters off screen and it greatly added to the mood. One of my favorite scenes is the Barry saves “Iris” (I don’t know if that’s actually Iris West.) This is one of the only times I thought Ezra Miller’s Flash was not only charming, funny and had a neat interpretation of his abilities but this is probably the best use of the weird music and slow mo in the film. I thought it was really cute.
The Story:
By far the biggest improvement upon the original, the added context is not only done well but probably the most interesting part of the film. Though not without its own issues, it adds much needed context, stakes and characterization that wasn’t available in the original. I could summarize that “everything makes sense now” but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We learn so much about Darkseid, his followers and his purpose. The whole “science so advanced it’s like magic” thing was so interesting!!! Cyborg finally has a really well done and AMAZING origin story here!!! I love how Cyborg talking to Superman’s ship and the Mother boxes is used to explain the Injustice future and how dangerous the Mother Boxes really are. It’s really hard to put it into more words than I already have!
There are still a lot of issues but they’re not too big, just pacing and preference things. For instance we didn’t need the first scenes with Lois getting coffee but we did need the ones with her and Martha. However it’s not Martha, so what’s the point? We don’t know the Martian like that yet and we have no context showing that he knows Lois is “the key.” The Flash tends to over explain his abilities at awkward points but that’s an issue I’ll expand on later. The entire “Diana explains Darkseid to Bruce” scene is good but goes on far too long and we didn’t need to see them make the boxes even though it was cool. I hated the Injustice epilogue and the intro to the Martian. We didn’t need to see the entire “break into the lab” scene or the entire convo about bringing back Superman, some of that could’ve been cut. I don’t like how they handled Black Suit Superman. From my own knowledge and reading I know that the context for the black suit is that Superman was weakened and not killed so he wears the black suit to gain his power from the sun slowly, more or less. However it’s just a fashion choice here as Supes only lost his memory. Also, no matter how hard they try this movie is not funny. Besides the jokes we’ve already seen, very few hit and I can’t even remember them. I didn’t laugh once.
The Characters:
I wanna jump into it with how bad the Flash is here. Like I said, him saving “Iris” was pretty damn good but everything around that is awkward, bumbling and forced. My biggest issue is that I’m biased towards the CW’s Flash, who is my preferred live action Flash and I completely disagree with how they’ve treated the Flash’s origin and his father. The best part of the Flash is that he’s kind of like Spider-Man in that he’s super smart and strong but lives humbly and spends most of his time helping his community. And like Spider-Man he has great quips but is easily weakened by his arrogance. This Flash is barely above a hobo and only shows the faintest hints of competence. How did he even get his suit???? Did he steal the parts to make it??? The guy who plays his father is so close to being perfect actually, if they could stop him from sounding like a high frat boy. Seriously there’s “My dad is my best friend” and then there’s “I smoke up with my mom’s sperm donor Fred.” I didn’t even like him in the original however I ever so slightly prefer him to this.
Let me tell you I’m not one to get sincerely mad over a movie, it’s all calm critique over here. However, what they did to my man Martian Manhunter is mildly infuriating. Like I said, him being Martha completely ruins that scene and makes no sense in this film. Why doesn’t he help the justice league???? His formal introduction is so blah and lacks the punch that his character deserves. I was hoping he’d get his own movie or at least something similar to Cyborg in this film. So sad!
Cyborg is obviously the star of this film AS IT SHOULD BE. Again, I’m biased but from my reading and watching of the Mother Box story from the comics, ALWAYS had Cyborg heavily involved somehow because it’s connected to his origin. But goddamn does Ray Fisher absolutely shine and I’m glad Snyder saw that in him too. The depth they go into Cyborg’s origin was great and so entertaining to watch. Hands down consistently the best part of the movie. And he was funny!
I’m going to put Batman and Wonder Woman together because I ship them but also because my critique is fairly similar. I was absolutely shocked by both of them, Diana being faithfully more brutal and Batman being to a point off color by being so soft and hopeful. BUT I ADORED BOTH. There is a balance that many people misunderstand when writing these two characters. They both have the capacity for cold calculation but have big hearts and care a lot about saving people. I hope to see more of this characterization from them. Also, we love to see Alfred being the smart capable father we know he is. I do wish they kept the thing about Bruce confronting Diana about being hung up on Steve because it’s annoying and needs to be addressed.
Superman is boring again here, but it’s the way Snyder writes him so I’m not sure what else I can say. I just don’t like how inhuman Superman seems despite his upbringing. Aqua man was shockingly boring as well. I though he was giving a decent performance, being the laid back, giggly badass from the first film.
I think Steppenwolf was amazing, a few weird flops here and there but a compelling performance that really let us get to know him! Desaad was surprisingly intriguing, mostly due to the vocal performance. Eh Darkseid was definitely different. I was missing his almost regal authority, I always thought of him as an evil emperor and I was a little sad that he didn’t act more like it. Even the Harley Quinn show captured his well founded self righteousness.
The Dreams and Epilogue:
Here’s the thing, I already know this stuff was added for sequel bating but I’d like to address some questions and concerns that I still have. I still prefer Arrow’s Deathstroke to this one, but we’ll see. Jesse Eisenburg simply doesn’t fit as Lex Luthor, even that trick he pulled was poorly done. I wonder if Lex’s body guards are Amazon’s like in the comics. Jared Leto continues to try way too hard as the Joker but actually has some intriguing lines here. Kind of alludes even more that he’s a Robin turned crazy or something. Is this leading to Injustice or APOKOLIPS War?
Anyway, it was a good film! I recommend it!
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kolbisneat · 5 years
Halfway through the year! Here’s how I spent the month of June.
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Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Delivers on everything I’d want out of a Godzilla movie: destruction, cool monsters, and bland humans making crazy decisions. It perhaps took itself a little seriously, but that also felt on-brand, you know? Hopefully this series keeps going so we can get to a Mechagodzilla showdown.
Booksmart (2019) So good. We caught this at the end of its run so it’s a shame I can’t tell more people to go out and see it. Great bff chemistry, nuanced cast, funny, and solid direction. It felt familiar and new. Oh but as a former teacher, the Jessica Williams bits were all sorts of problematic.
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Rocketman (2019) Just wonderful! The framing device of rehab wasn’t just a break from the biopic tropes, it was a crucial element towards reinforcing the main thrust of the film. Sure it goes through the rise and fall of a star, but it uses that arc to show the growth of a human. That’s why this is great. Also Taron Egerton is just overwhelmingly great.
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The Bachelorette (Episode 15.04 to 15.07) I worry that Hannah isn’t going to make it to the end of the season without some sort of emotional break. The slightly unhinged antics were fun at first, but now it feels like it’s bordering on full-on meltdown. I still long for a season where we’re given simple romance and good good friendships, but until then I suppose we’re stuck with Luke P. It’s really hard to watch a genuinely problematic relationship continue but hopefully he’ll be gone soon. Also that clip episode was next level.
The Magicians (Episode 1.10 to 3.08) It’s still doing a great job of acting as a sort of remix of the books. The stuff from book 2 is carrying over to the later seasons and while it’s not moving quite as briskly as the first, it’s still doing a great job of showing a different perspective and interpretation of the core plot elements.
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Thisby Thestoop and the Black Mountain by Zac Gorman (Complete) I put this on hold at the library thinking it was a graphic novel. Then I saw it was categorized as “children’s so I figured, knowing it was a collab between Gorman and Sam Bosma, it was an all-ages comic. Turns out it was a children’s chapter book and I loved it! Light-hearted, touching, and full of lovely illustrations by Bosma, it delivered everything I wanted in a format I wasn’t expecting. Also it’s about the adventures of a D&D-styled dungeon’s gamekeeper, Thisby Thestoop. So if you have a kid (or you, yourself) want an RPG-adjacent read, this is a great choice.
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Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (Complete) Compilations like this are always a lot of fun and I find it interesting to pick up themes when reading a collection of myths. There’s an awful lot of punishment in Greek mythology and in reading these, I really picked up on a lot of tests. Tests of strength or drinking ability or speed and it’s all rather fascinating. I admit that Gaiman’s writing is what brought me to the book but it’s rather subdued. Very cool to read how interested in Norse Mythology he is and it adds another layer to his other books (particularly American Gods). I don’t know if I’d recommend it if you were only a fan of Gaiman’s work, but I’d definitely suggest it if you’re keen to learn more about Thor and Loki and the gang.
Motherlands by Simon Spurrier & Rachel Stott (Complete) I love bonkers sci-fi. There are giant fleshy bounty hunters, pixelated teleporting guns, tiny lizard people, and civilizations all on the backs of crabs, but at the end of the day this book is about the relationship between a mother and her daughter. Sure, both are bounty hunters, but it uses the fantastic to explore the personal and that’s what my favourite speculative fiction does best.
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Black Hammer Vol. 1: Secret Origins by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston (Complete) Think alternate Justice League trapped on a farm in an alternate reality (likely our own). It’s a family drama set in a small town and it’s really good! At first it felt like a “this is our version of Shazam! This is our version of Martian Manhunter!” but the characters are breaking away from the tropes and it’s in that deviation that the book really shines. Worth checking out.
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo by Drew Weing (Complete) As far as all-ages comics go, this has a good range of appeal. It touches on topics like gentrification and xenophobia, but uses monsters to communicate them. The main characters didn’t really resonate with me (the POV character doesn’t get to take much action and the expert is perhaps a little cold for someone meant to show compassion for all). There’s a second volume and while I didn’t love this, I want to check out the next chapter to see where it’s all going.
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Factually (Podcast) If you know Adam Ruins Everything (either the show, youtube clips, or the podcast) then this is a natural continuation. I’m still not sure why the transition from the other podcast to this as it feels essentially the same, so I can only assume it was a contractual or savvy business move. Also the podcast is a deeper dive into common misconceptions in the world and it has Andrew W. K. for the intro music. What more could you want? 
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Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press) We had a bit of a lull this month from me being sick, but the party continues to hesitantly explore deeper into the maze and so is running into more dangerous encounters! It’s all very exciting.
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Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer featuring The Legend of Zelda (Brace Yourself Games) Having never played the original indie game (Crypt of the Necrodancer) I found it to be a steep learning curve and I died a whoooooole bunch at the start. Now I feel like I’ve found the literal (and metaphorical) rhythm of the game. Lots of fun, a great blend of new and familiar Zelda elements, and just a generally breezy game that can be very difficult. Oh also you can play as Zelda! For the whole game! 100% recommend.
Gato Roboto (Devolver Digital) Perfect bite-sized game. Three-ish hours of a cat in a mech suit is exactly what I wanted and it didn’t fail to deliver. The bosses are challenging though I admit most of the other enemies were pretty chill. Worth the modest cost and the whole thing was a lot of fun.
And that’s it! As always, feel free to send me any recommendos as I’m always looking for something new to watch/read/hear/play!
Happy Sunday.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best DC Comics to Binge Read on DC Universe
With an enormous swath of the world involved in varying degrees of social distancing, many of us suddenly find ourselves with a lot of time on our hands. Never fear! There are more options for streaming comics than ever before, and that means we have access to more of comics history, more hidden gems and epochal runs than ever before. But the variety of options to read can be daunting. That’s why we’ve put together a recommendation list of some of our favorite comics binge reads to help you through quarantine.
DC Universe rolled out in 2017 as the first full-service entertainment streaming platform – old shows, old movies, new shows, new movies, and a huge library of comics. And while a lot of the excitement over the platform has been about that original or new shows (justifiably! Harley Quinn and Doom Patrol are amazing!), it also gave us access to a staggering catalog of old comic books. 
If you’re coming to a comic streaming service like DC Universe, chances are you don’t need us to recommend the hits. Nobody who watches the CW shows needs to be told that Crisis on Infinite Earths is worth reading. Likewise Batman: Year One, or All-Star Superman or The Great Darkness Saga. We’re going to skip over some of the obvious ones and point you towards hidden gems, stories you might have otherwise skipped over but for a trusted recommendation. We are also looking for monster runs that will keep you occupied – you can read six issues in one sitting. Some of these might take you an entire round of social distancing to finish. 
A quick note about the reading guides: Many of them may have their own separate entry under DC Universe’s reading lists – those are helpful, but these are definitive. We will occasionally link to non-Den sources, but if you like what you hear, you should be encouraged to find your own best path. A lot of these stories wend through crossovers that are of varying degrees of relevance to the main books. It’s your call if you want to read the whole thing.
The Death and Return of Superman
The Death of Superman Reading Order
I know I said we wouldn’t talk about obvious must reads, but I feel like The Death of Superman (and it’s aftermath, World Without a Superman, Reign of the Supermen, and Kal-El’s inevitable return) should be on here. They can’t really be recommended enough. 
“The ‘90s” are often maligned as a wave of gimmicks and stunts, and killing the most important comic character in the history of superhero books definitely qualifies as a stunt. But what made The Death of Superman stand out (and several other ‘90s DC events, to be honest) is that it was actually very good. This era of Superman comics is actually a hidden gem – Clark is a joy, and all the weirdness and fun of the Superman universe is in full swing, like Cadmus, Mxyzptlk, and a truly bizarre (but surprisingly good) Justice League roster.
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Men of Steel: 11 Actors Who Have Played Superman
By Mike Cecchini
How Brandon Routh Returned as Superman for Crisis on Infinite Earths
By Mike Cecchini
The four writers – Jerry Ordway, Louise Simonson, Roger Stern, and Dan Jurgens – move pretty seamlessly between them on the main Superman books, and the art teams (Jon Bogdanove, Jurgens, Butch Guice, and Tom Grummett especially in the Death story) do amazing jobs of telling the story. Don’t be fooled by how gimmicky this feels, The Death and Return of Superman actually lives up to the hype.
Batman & Robin
Batman & Robin #1-17, Annual #1, Batman #17, Batman & Robin #18-32, Robin Rises: Omega, Batman & Robin #33-37, Robin Rises: Alpha #1, Batman & Robin #38-40, Annual #3
The Pete Tomasi/Patrick Gleason run on Batman and Robin never got the love it should have, because it ran parallel to two of the most high-profile Bat-comics of all time in Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman, and the back half of Grant Morrison’s story in Batman Incorporated. But in ten years, people are going to be looking back at this as a classic. 
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True Detective Creator Outlines What His Version of Batman Would Be Like
By John Saavedra
The Batman: Release Date, Cast, Villains, and More Details About the DCEU Movie
By Rosie Fletcher and 2 others
This is a controversial claim, but if you read this run, I think it holds up: Pete Tomasi writes the best Damian Wayne. He’s the right mix of arrogant little shit and not-actually-as-competent-as-Batman, and he actually learns lessons in this run that feel earned. He also dies during these stories, and Tomasi gets the chance to explore Bruce’s way of grieving, as well as drop in a series of guest stars that includes the best Two Face story I’ve ever read. Gleason and inker Mick Gray are utterly incredible, and do as much with one sixth-page panels with heavy inks and silhouettes as many art teams do with full page splashes. It’s a great, underrated run that I think you’ll love.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman (2006) #14-44, one story in #600
Oh my goodness Gail Simone’s Wonder Woman is exactly, precisely what I want out of a Wonder Woman comic. To me, Diana’s comics are an exception in that they should be as focused on how to avoid fighting as they are on the action. This run does that perfectly: she isn’t a belligerent meathead looking to stab everything in sight (but she does spend a little time with a neat Conan analogue, while we’re on the subject). She’s truly an agent of peace who then periodically has to kick some ass.
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Wonder Woman Wasn’t Always Set During World War I
By Kayti Burt
Wonder Woman 1984: Who Is Maxwell Lord?
By Jim Dandy
The art is really good – Aaron Lopresti and Bernard Chang handle the bulk of it, and the storytelling and pacing are really well handled, but the panel borders stand out as especially interesting and visually entertaining. The guest stars are great – Black Canary brings Diana to Roulette’s fight club for a couple of issues, and there’s a big Power Girl punchup later in the run. This is just excellent, excellent Wonder Woman storytelling.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad on Comic Book Herald (end at issue #66)
John Ostrander, Kim Yale, and (mostly) Luke McDonough’s original Suicide Squad is a revelation. The concept is almost overdone at this point, and is a little bit ruined by putting big names like Harley Quinn on the team, but taking a batch of nobody villains and putting them on suicide missions to earn their freedom actually sets serious stakes, and this book does everything it should with those stakes. This is politics and espionage and force projection all wrapped into a story that makes the DC Universe feel more complete. 
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Suicide Squad 2 Cast, Release Date, News, Story, and More Details
By Mike Cecchini
The Many Deaths of The Suicide Squad
By Marc Buxton
Beyond the plotting, though, there are so many great characters that come out of these books. Amanda Waller is one of the single best characters in all of DC Comics, and this is the run that made her the badass who can face down Batman in the shower without flinching. Punch and Jewlee are hilarious running gags. Deadshot gets some incredible work. Hell, even Captain Boomerang gets multiple dimensions added to him (without ever losing his core concept: he’s a giant asshole). I promise you, I’m underselling how good this era of Suicide Squad is.
Legion  of Super-Heroes
Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files & Origins #2; Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #122-125 alternating issues with Legionnaires (1993) #79-81; Legion Lost (2000) #1-12; Legion Worlds (2001) #1-5, The Legion (2001) #1-26, Legion Secret Files & Origins 3003; The Legion #27-33
If you loved Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s Marvel space work, when you read their Legion of Super-Heroes, you’ll be baffled at how Guardians of the Galaxy ended up on the big screen and not this. 
The Legion of Super-Heroes is generally regarded as…not the most newbie-friendly superhero team in the world. Fair or not, this run of Legion comics is incredibly accessible and does as good a job integrating them into the larger DC Universe as any I’ve read. It’s also exactly like DnA’s Marvel cosmic work, in that it is wonderful space opera that happens to have superheroes. The first batch of stories deals with a wave of catastrophes hitting the galaxy in quick succession. Legion Lost has a group of Legionnaires get thrown outside of the galaxy as they’re trying to fix one of the first catastrophes. Legion Worlds serves as a series of check-ins with popular Legionnaires left behind in the United Planets and is a really effective way to hook you into the 31st century of the DC Universe.
And finally, The Legion is an outstanding team book following all of those. Legion Lost is an unquestionable highlight; Olivier Coipel’s art is incredible, and the story will make you launch your tablet/phone/computer across the room at a couple of twists. This run is incredible comics. 
Justice League International
…you don’t have to read all of this, but if you feel like going for it, do it. You can stop at the red dots, though.
The Bwa-Ha-Ha era is half-superhero comic, half-workplace comedy, the template for greatness to come in Legends of Tomorrow, but a great superhero work in its own right. It’s an era of Justice League that takes itself (and its villains, and its stakes) much less seriously than just about any other era of the last 40 years. If you were raised on the post-Morrison “New Olympus” era of the League, the tone shift might be a little jarring. But that tone shift is part of what makes Keith Giffen, J. M DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire’s run on Justice League special.
There are so many really good characters in this book, but one of the best parts is how much it does for both the League staples like Martian Manhunter and Batman, alongside the…less substantial…characters. Blue and Gold (Beetle and Booster, respectively) got their start here, and that one panel where Batman knocks out Guy Gardner that gets shared around the internet once a year is from this era.
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Justice League Keeps Building the Wider DC Universe
By Mike Cecchini
New DC Universe Timeline Revealed
By Mike Cecchini
And besides being great comics, this run is also the favorite Justice League of a disproportionate amount of current comics writers, giving it an outsized influence on not just current books, but the rest of pop culture that superheroes have taken over – Wonder Woman 1984 is probably going to owe a HUGE debt to the Max Lord created by Giffen, DeMatteis, and Maguire.
Deathstroke: Rebirth #1; Deathstroke (2016) #1-18; Titans (2016) #11; Teen Titans (2016) #8, Deathstroke #19-20, Teen Titans Annual #1, Deathstroke #21-42 (and when they go up, read The Lazarus Contract crossover and through issue #50 of the main series)
Priest’s Deathstroke is the best book that came out of DC Rebirth. Under normal circumstances, Slade Wilson sucks. He too often falls into a murder daddy archetype, a super cool anti-hero who goes big on the violence and the dysfunction as background statuses, and not as relevant parts of his story. Priest turned all that on its head and turned in a 50 issue run (plus a couple of specials, annuals and crossovers) that was about a father who loved his kids and didn’t know how to tell them, who also happened to be a top shelf mercenary and supervillain. 
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Deathstroke Solo Movie Details Revealed by Gareth Evans
By Kirsten Howard
Deathstroke: The Most Versatile Villain in the DC Universe
By Marc Buxton
That’s not to say there isn’t some super cool ass-whipping in it. Batman and Damian Wayne are recurring characters, as Priest sets up a mystery that might undo Damian as a character and gives more depth to Deathstroke’s issues with the Teen Titans. There’s an entire arc dedicated to him fighting various aspects of his own personality, personified in other villains from the rest of the DCU.
And it’s all so clearly and aggressively Priest – it has all the same style as his iconic Black Panther run, but with different storytelling to fit Slade’s tale. This is one of my favorite comics from recent years. 
Starman Reading Order on ComicsBackIssues
For about three quarters of my entire life, DC had an absolute stranglehold on legacy in superhero comics. The entire DC Universe was littered with stories about someone new picking up an old cowl and an old title and having to grow into that role, whether it’s Jason Todd as Robin, Wally West as Flash, Dick Grayson as Batman, Kyle Rayner, Connor Hawke, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown. The list is nearly endless. The thing is, it’s a really good story archetype and an excellent use of shared universe superhero trappings to give heft and depth to stories that are otherwise not really allowed growth. 
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DC’s Stargirl Reveals Justice Society of America and Villains
By Mike Cecchini
Inside the Return of the Justice Society of America to the DC Universe
By Mike Cecchini
No comics did it better than James Robinson and Tony Harris’ Starman. It tells us the story of Jack Knight, the extremely Gen X son of golden age Starman Ted Knight. Ted is retired and passed his cosmic rod onto his son David, who gets murdered at the end of the first issue. It’s a hit on Ted’s whole family by one of his old villains, and Jack has to take up the rod to survive. Then he gets thrown into the mythology of the DC universe explained through the Starman legacy. It’s beautiful, fun, sad, meaningful, and heartfelt, and I bet you $1 that you cry at least once. 
The Question
The Question (1986) #1-15, Detective Comics Annual 1988 , Green Arrow Annual 1988 , The Question Annual #1, The Question #16-24, Annual #2, #25-36
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The Question Bounces Through Time In New DC Series
By Jim Dandy
Everyone jokes about how much of scenic Gotham City is abandoned amusement parks and chemical plants, but Gotham City is a family-friendly resort compared to the Hub City of Dennis O’Neill and Denys Cowan’s The Question. “Atmospheric” doesn’t even begin to describe this run.
It takes The Question, a character created by Steve Ditko, co-opted and pastiched as Rorschach by Alan More and Dave Gibbons in Watchmen, and introduced him to the DC Universe proper by putting Vic Sage through a spiritual ringer. Everything about this book is incredible – Vic is a terrific character; his supporting cast is thoroughly real; the book ties into the greater DC Universe really well (via Richard Dragon, Lady Shiva, and the annual crossover in the middle with Batman and Green Arrow).
But the real star here is Hub City, a love letter that’s also hate mail to mid-80s urban blight as scenery. And Cowan and inker Malcolm Jones III’s art – it’s tremendous.
Orion (2000) #1-25
I’ve been a fan of Walt Simonson’s Thor since I first read it, because it’s obviously incredible. But I didn’t realize until Thor: Ragnarok and DC Universe came out that Simonson might be the best comic creator to follow up on Jack Kirby’s ideas of all time, and it was Orion that really did it for me.
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Simonson puts Orion, son of Darkseid raised on New Genesis by Highfather as part of the peace treaty between the two factions of New Gods, on his prophesied track to kill Darkseid, and finishes it pretty early on. The fifth issue is just Simonson drawing a huge blowout fight between the two, and it’s predictably gorgeous. But he sticks with the story past that battle and digs deep into Orion’s character, the mythology of the New Gods, and some of Kirby’s best creations (the Newsboy Legion has a running subplot and it’s awesome). It also has backups from some of the biggest superstars in comics (Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons, among others). This is a hefty run of comics, but you won’t be able to put it down.
The post Best DC Comics to Binge Read on DC Universe appeared first on Den of Geek.
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daniellethamasa · 7 years
Hey all, Dani here.
Wow. Here we are at my most anticipated releases of the summer months in 2017 already. Seriously, we are almost halfway through the year already. That also means that pretty soon I’ll be writing up my Top Ten Books Read in 2017 (so far) post. I had a fun time with those posts last year so I’m going to do it again this year.
Back to this post, though. Today I’m going to talk about the books I am looking forward to in the months of June, July, and August.
First up: June
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Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee (June 6)
This book follows Tash, who has a modern adaptation of Anna Karenina online, and a random shoutout from a superstar vloger skyrockets Tash’s show into viral status. And when she is nominated for a Golden Tuba award, Tash finds that maybe a cyber-flirtation with a fellow nominee could become something real. There’s just one problem: Tash has to figure out how to tell him that she’s romantically aesexual. I’ve been curious about this book simply because I don’t think there are all that many books featuring aesexual characters. Plus, I’m a sucker for literary adaption web series…even if they technically only exist on the page.
Perfect Ten by L Philips (June 6)
I was lucky enough to snatch an early copy of this through Penguin’s First to Read program. This book follows Sam, a young gay man in a bit of a dating drought, until his friend Meg suggests casting a love spell. Then three seemingly perfect guys step into the picture, and Sam’s ex-boyfriend might want another chance. Does a perfect ten even exist? I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.
Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire (June 13)
This is the sequel to Every Heart a Doorway, which I read during Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon in April. And I’m excited to see what will happen with Jack and Jill in this adventure. I will have a review up for this on release day because I was granted access to an early copy through NetGalley.
The Gentlemen’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (June 20)
“An unforgettable tale of two friends on their Grand Tour of 18th-century Europe who stumble upon a magical artifact that leads them from Paris to Venice in a dangerous manhunt, fighting pirates, highwaymen, and their feelings for each other along the way.” Yes…just yes. Give it to me now.
The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss (June 20)
This book follows the daughters of some of literature’s more famous men. Mary Jekyll is orphaned and penniless, and wishes to hunt down Edward Hyde for the reward money. This leads her to Diana Hyde, and then Beatrice Rappaccini, Catherin Moreau, and Justine Frankenstein. That alone has me intrigued. Will they find Hyde? Will other people or issues get in the way? I don’t know but I’m ready to find out.
Now I Rise by Kiersten White (June 27)
I have heard too much good about this series to not include it on the list. I will be reading the first book, And I Darken very soon. Plus, I’ve also heard this book features LGBTQIA+ elements as well.
Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead (June 27)
Yes I talked about this in my Spring Releases post, but the publication date was pushed back. I’ve seen this happen with several books lately and I’m not exactly happy with it. Still, I just want to have a copy of this book and read it. Preferably sooner rather than later.
Next: July
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Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn (July 4)
If it isn’t obvious by some of my reading choices, I like superhero stories. This is the sequel to Heroine Complex and I still need to read and review it, but that’ll be coming soon…I hope.
  Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine (July 11)
This is the third book in the Great Library series. I have absolutely loved reading these. I was lucky to get a copy of the second book from NetGalley but was sadly denied access to this third one, so I have to wait like most everyone else. I can guarantee that I will be diving into it as soon as I have my hands on a copy.
First Watch by Dale Lucas (July 11)
Set in a city populated by humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, and mages, this is basically a supernatural cop show. Rem is new to the city. lands in jail and is unable to pay his bail. When offered the chance to work for the Watch Wardens to make up for his crimes he jumps at the chance and is partnered up with a dwarf named Torval. Then Torval’s former partner goes missing and it is up to Rem and Torval to uncover the truth and track down a murderer on the loose. This just sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait to read it.
Arabella and the Battle of Venus by David D Levine (July 18)
The cover is gorgeous and I really wanted to add this book to my most anticipated list. I still need to read the first book though, Arabella of Mars. But come on, a sci-fi steampunk regency-esque romance story…or at least that’s how it sounds based on the summary. I’m just so in.
Sovereign by April Daniels (July 25)
I am thankful that I can continue on with this series early because of e-galleys from NetGalley. I really enjoyed the first book of this series and I’m curious to see what happens with Dany Tozer next. You can find my review for the first book here.
Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw (July 25)
Greta Helsing is a doctor to the undead and other supernatural beings. She has inherited her family’s medical practice and is barely making ends meet. Then a sect of murderous monks emerge and there are humans and undead being killed all over London. Now Greta has to embrace her family’s unique skills to stop the cult and save her practice. I’m intrigued and just let me read this already.
Finally: August
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Sparks of Light by Janet B Taylor (Aug 1)
This is another book I already have in my hands thanks to NetGalley. It also happens to be coming out on my birthday so yay for that. What do I need to say about this one? Well, it’s the sequel to Into the Dim which featured time-travel and Scotland. This one also features time-travel. I’m in.
Iron Gold by Pierce Brown (Aug 22)
A friend of mine recommended the Red Rising series to me and I absolutely devoured the first book. I still need to finish the trilogy, but I absolutely plan to do that before this book is released upon the world.
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller (Aug 29)
I saw this book on NetGalley and it sounded so interesting, but I was denied early access. It is recommended for fans of books by Sarah J Maas. It is a fantasy story and I believe it features some LGBTQIA+ themes.
The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee (Aug 29)
I admit that I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first book in this series, The Thousandth Floor because it sounded more like a chick lit story set a hundred years in the future. I was swept away into the relationships and drama of these characters and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
  Most Anticipated Releases Summer 2017 Hey all, Dani here. Wow. Here we are at my most anticipated releases of the summer months in 2017 already.
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officialvalbarnes · 7 years
January Favorites 2017
It’s that time again. It’s January Favorites time. One month down, 11 more months to go of 2017. Weather wise, January was a weird month. It’s 49 degrees now, which is kind of winter weather but not really. Haha. It was like in the 20s and 30s one minute and then in the 60s and 70s the next minute. I started to forget that it was January and not April. Now, it’s starting to feel like a little like January again. Only just a little though. Anyway, I’m going to be sharing my January Favorites 2017 with you guys today. These are items I discovered this month and that I absolutely loved during the month of January. Without further ado, let’s get right into my favorites!
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Favorite Food of the Month
1. Boulder Canyon Avocado Oil Canyon Cut Jalapeno Chips
I’ve tried Boulder Canyon’s products in the past and I liked them a lot. I recently came across these chips when I was out grocery shopping. These chips are SO good guys. Just a disclaimer, these chips have a kick to them. Like they are spicy to the point where it can clear your sinuses right up if they are stopped up. I’m serious. Haha. If you’re a fan of some kick and spice, you gotta give these a try.
2. Boulder Canyon Avocado Oil Canyon Cut Cracked Pepper and Sea Salt Chips
Those who know me, know I love the combination of pepper and salt. I love it on popcorn, roasted chickpeas, and now potato chips. They have just the right amount of salt on them. They are so good and I definitely recommend them.
3. Cream of Wheat
Cream of Wheat has been my go-to breakfast lately. My mom introduced it to me and I really like it. I pair it with a little bit of dairy-free milk. It’s so good and filling. It’s one of my favorite breakfasts now. If you haven’t tried Cream of Wheat, you definitely should!
Favorite Posts of the Month
4. Sprouts x Life of a Vegaholic Hunger Challenge
You guys already know that I recently partnered with Sprouts Farmers Market to do the Hunger Challenge on my blog to spread hunger awareness. I learned so much from doing that challenge and had fun in the kitchen making these dishes. You can check out Hunger Challenge Day One, Day Two, Day Three, and Day Four here. I actually made Day Three’s recipe last night for dinner and it was amazing. All of these dishes are easy to make, don’t take a lot of time to make, and taste amazing. Make sure you’re subscribed to the blog to avoid missing out on delicious posts like these by clicking here.
Favorite Movies of the Month
5. Hidden Figures
I went to a screening of this movie this month and I really loved the movie. Computer science is something that comes so natural to me. As a person who is a child of an engineer and a person who grew up around computer science, it was super inspiring and uplifting. Everybody needs to see this movie because this story is a part of American history. It tackles not only segregation but also discrimination against women and racial discrimination. It’s a definite must-see.
6. Patriot’s Day
My mom and I went to go see Patriot’s Day this month. I have three words for you. GO. SEE. IT. If you didn’t know, Patriot’s Day is about the Boston Marathon bombing that took place in 2013. This movie was intense and so powerful. Everyone did a great job in this film. I liked how the film showed how the bombings affected the community through the first responders, survivors, and the investigators’ point of view. It was so interesting to see the FBI and the Boston police department do the city-wide manhunt to find the people responsible for the bombing. I didn’t realize nor know how many people got hurt along the way by the bombers. I spotted some familiar faces like J.K. Simmons, Alex Wolff (I loved the Naked Brothers Band when I was younger) and Melissa Benoist (Glee and Supergirl on the CW) in the film. The film did a great job at portraying what happened during the Boston Marathon bombing and the aftermath of it.
Favorite TV of the Month
7. The New Edition Story on BET
Going into this mini-series, I wasn’t really a fan of New Edition and knew a little bit about them through my mom. After watching this mini-series, I became a fan of their dancing. Those guys could DANCE. The actors did such a great job with their portrayals of the real New Edition members, whether they played them as preteens or teens to adulthood. I totally believed that they were actually a boy band. This mini-series kept me at the edge of my seat. It was SO good! If you haven’t seen it yet, you seriously have to. You can most likely catch it on BET because they’ve been showing it back-to-back like nonstop.
8. My Kitchen Rules on FOX
The show is about celebrity duos going up against each other as they cook and critique each other’s food. This show is really entertaining and is funny. I watch the show for the cooking, but my favorite part of the show is seeing the reactions of Brandy and Ray J. I LIVE for their facial expressions and commentary. Their reactions towards situations on this show are so priceless and hilarious.
Favorite Music of the Month
These are songs I’ve been listening to a lot recently. You should definitely give these songs a listen. 
9. Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter
10. Compass by Forever In Your Mind
I hope you all enjoyed seeing my January Favorites 2017. If you did, give this post a like and share it. What were some of your favorite products in January? Tell me in the comments below. I hope that you are all having a great day & I’ll see you in my next post. Bye :)
My Latest Posts:
Black Bean Dip | The Hunger Challenge Day Four
Vegetarian Chili Macaroni | The Hunger Challenge Day Three
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