#Maenod | Melpomaen | Figwit
melpomaen · 6 months
A drunk Lindir a la asks 9 : “don’t shush me!”from @elithilanor
"Don't shush me, child!"
"You're being too loud! All of Lorien will hear you."
"So let them!" Lindir gestures wildly toward the window, the little wine left in his cup threatening to jump the rim. "My kinsmen should be glad to hear my voice. Varda knows they love the sound of my name on their lips."
"I think we have to at least pretend to be mature about it." Maenod says.
The point is lost almost as soon as it's made, Maenod's composure shattering when Lindir's face twists up in disdain.
"I am old enough to be your father, you know."
"Everyone is old enough to be my father!"
"Grandfather then. At any rate, you'll change your tune when it's 'Rúmil' and 'Maenod' on everyone's tongues." Lindir tuts. "Don't think you're so unknown. In fact, you and your dandelions already have a reputation."
"My dandelions? What's wrong with my dandelions?"
"Ai, what was it that I overheard?" Lindir hums, feigning contemplation until Maenod is waiting on the edge of his seat. "Something along the lines: 'Now we know the true measure of Rúmil's fondness for him, to suffer having his hair all pinned up with weeds–' "
"Weeds!?" Maenod cries, jumping from his seat. "They're a fine and noble flower!"
Lindir's laughter rings out from the talan as he topples from his perch on the divan, the crash audible from the forest below. He resigns himself to the floor, helpless to the sight of his friend's incensed hopping.
"Reportedly," Lindir manages to wheeze. "Your warden replied the same."
"He had better!" Maenod snaps. "Alas! Weeds! Their elanors can thank my weeds for moving the soil their gentile roots can't reach."
Maenod throws up his hands, unable to find the words to express his discontent.
"Weeds, Lindir!"
"Fucking ridiculous." The scribe mutters, dropping back down into his chair.
"Careful now. All of Lorien will hear you."
"All of Lorien shall suffer me until my weeds are given their due respect!"
"How Noldorin of you."
"It's bullshit, is what it is."
"So we've come to an agreement." Lindir snorts. "And then remember, where my name is concerned the Galadhrim gossip about far more than my taste in flowers!"
#43 from this drabble prompt list.
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melpomaen · 7 months
Blorbo ask game!
Template: X
Pick your favorite blorbo and answer the questions below, then pass it on. Just a little fun and games here and/or can be used for character building: 
The blorbo this time is Figwit (Maenod / Melpomaen). He's bad at picking favorites so prepare for non answers.
What is your blorbo’s: 
1. Favorite season?
The summer. He finds the winter beautiful but he stands up to heat better than the cold.
2. Favorite Food?
He's fond of sweet things, cakes and fruit chief among them. I think his favorite fruit is blackberry.
3. Favorite plant or herb?
He's got a list. The entire viola genus. Violas, violets, pansies. They're all wonderful. The multicolored yellow and purple ones are his favorite.
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Violas in Snow 22218-290 by Kathy Whipple Wong+
Dandelions and orchids remind him of his parents (Glorfindel and Erestor, respectively). He's also fond of roses, lavender, and forget-me-nots.
4. Favorite person/being?
It's hard for him to pick one person. But in the timelines where he marries, probably whoever he marries.
5. Favorite place?
In general: libraries, gardens, and close to his loved ones. Geographically: Imladris will always have a special place in his heart. He is absolutely enchanted by the Shire and skirts around Aragorn's ban on entry to it by outsiders by making Sam's acquaintance.
6. Favorite animal?
His horse. Additionally, any horse he ever has or will lay eyes on. Loves his horses. He's very anxious about their care when he goes abroad and prefers to tend to them himself. He also likes butterflies and moths.
7. Favorite drink?
Dandelion tea.
8. Favorite hobby/activity?
He'd probably say something different each time you ask. Calligraphy, translation, transcription, reading, text restoration and preservation, and research are all things he does regularly both at request and for enjoyment. He also enjoys horseback riding and traveling with his friends or family.
9. Do they like to read? If so, favorite genre?
He loves to read. Texts on language and culture, especially if they're either ancient or very current, are his favorite.
10. Do they like to dance?
11. What is their favorite room in the house?
Elrond's house: it's a toss up between his own and the library. Glorfindel and Erestor's cottage: the main room In most other places it's usually the library or archives or other equivalent.
12. Favorite place to travel to?
Fuck if he knows. Lothlorien, for many years. However, when he travels somewhere new, it usually becomes his new favorite place to travel to for a while unless he's found himself there under spectacularly poor circumstances.
13. Who is their best friend?
Erestor is his closest family member and Lindir is his closest friend, though Lindir also operates as family to him.
14. Favorite bioregion?
Out of practicality, more temperate regions are easier for him to handle. Harsher ones are more of challenge but he still enjoys them.
15. Choose one for them: wine, beer, cider, hard liquor, or none?
Cider. As sweet and least alcoholic as possible.
Tagged by: @parma-formenorion Also, you're it, again.
Tagging: @elithilanor and anyone who's interested
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melpomaen · 6 months
Got any fun Figwit hcs running around in your head?
Pretty much always. You can decide if these are fun lol
Assorted Figwit Headcanons
Can and will get pissed if someone calls dandelions a weed. When he finds out that certain wardens gave Rúmil shit for having dandelions braided into his hair, Figwit starts passive-aggressively referring to beloved flowers of Lorien as weeds in their presence. He has an entire rant on how dandelions are objectively more useful than the elanors of Lorien.
Figwit's memory is more or less on par with other elves, but he struggles with chronological order. Most wouldn't notice because he's very good at figuring out timelines using context clues.
Figwit doesn't like the taste of alcohol. He'll do cider or port if they're sweet enough. Otherwise, he'll take a few sips through dinner then pawn his glass off to someone else. Rúmil usually, if he's there.
He has a spat with Rúmil during their time in Gondor after Aragorn and Arwen's wedding. During a short trip to Dol Amroth they exchange heated words and make the last several miles of the journey separately. Figwit takes a detour with a young Gondorian hunting party, who are thrilled that an elf is personally interested in them. They're v excited to speak Sindarin with him and Figwit gives them impromptu Quenya lessons. Little hunting occurs. Mostly they talk and get very drunk together. Figwit has them call him "Melpomaen," which isn't widely known to be his given name. In most settings he uses Maenod at this point. When the men go back home and recount their elf adventures, everyone thinks they're making it all up because "Melpomaen" is a nonsense Sindarin/Quenya mishmash of a name and honestly, you're going to have to try better than that to fool everyone.
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melpomaen · 6 months
Does Imladris have anything like Croquet and if so, is Figwit any good at it?
I don't know jack shit about croquet, so I had to look things up. TLDR; I think it'd be delightful if they do.
I don't have thoughts on who started croquet in Arda, but this made me think about the Noldor and polo. I can't decide if it's funnier if the Noldor
saw croquet and went "This is lovely. 10/10. You know what would make it even better? More or less the same thing but on horseback" then invent polo.
already invented polo. Similar to how it developed in real life, it evolved out of a cavalry training game. When they come across croquet, they're like, "Oh yes! Love that. We have a similar game that also involves mallets and a ball."
Either way, the propieters of croquet watch a game of polo and are like "Dear gods. This is not similar to croquet. But we're glad you like it. ...We'll be sure to try out polo if we ever feel like playing a spectacularly dangerous version of team croquet."
Figwit specific thoughts under cut:
Figwit is decent at croquet when he's actually focused on playing, but he's usually distracted by conversation. If it's individual play, he doesn't care much about winning. The mistake he makes the most is getting the ball through a hoop but forgetting to line the shot up so that his ball is anywhere tactically useful afterward. He does much better at team croquet if his partner cares about winning.
Figwit is actually consistently decent at polo because it's fast-paced. He struggles with a lot of day-to-day, low stakes interactions but toss him in a high adrenaline / high stakes situation, and he's all right. The teams aspect of it also works better for him because the roles are more specialized. He's usually Position 4, which is the defensive position that protects the goal.
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melpomaen · 6 months
Given the absolutely wonderful Lindir x Haldir, it now just be time for Rúmil x Melpo no? Or just Melpo hcs?
Just very innocently asking ya know
I am rehauling my Rúmil X Mel headcanons because the person who used to write Rúmil for me is kind of retired from writing, but I have most of the broad strokes of their timeline down 🌹
Rumil/Figwit hcs
The beginning
I hc that when Haldir is early in his career as a marchwarden, Rivendell used to be somewhere he was sent to often, either as security in larger parties or as a single messenger. Eventually, his duties shift and the Rivendell assignments fall into Rúmil's lap instead.
One of the first times they get a glimpse at each other is when Lindir drags Mel out of Elrond's House to enjoy the view. "The view" is marchwardens arriving in Rivendell. I like the idea that it's kind of shitty out when Lindir does it, so Mel is just like ...What view? Oh. –OH.
RúMel Things
Generally Mel goes by his Sindarin name (Maenod) but Rúmil earns the right to call him Mel/Melpomaen with him in record time.
Mel finds out that Rúmil draws and is absolutely fucking delighted. In a similar vein, Rúmil can watch Mel write for hours. It doesn't even have to be calligraphy or a fancy manuscript, just Mel's penmanship in general. They read to each other often as well.
Mel is very interested in Rú's stories and travels. Rú hasn't actually been around that much (mostly Rivendell and Mirkwood like once or twice) but Mel is still impressed.
Rúmil makes his move by bringing Mel flowers.
Mel starts teaching Rú Quenya. He's a bit past conversational by the end of the Third Age. It's a labor of love on both their parts because learning languages and switching between them in different places/contexts stresses Rúmil tf out. He doesn't speak it super often, but it's nice to know what Mel's family is saying when they're all passing time at home. He also gains far more access to all the weird shit Mel mutters under his breath when he's trying to Get Shit Done. –Turns out, Mel swears like a Gondolin soldier when no ones around.
Rú doesn't teach him North River Pendarin because he's so used to only speaking it in limited contexts that it genuinely slips his mind. He's also gotten a bit worse at speaking it over the years. He still understands it spoken. When Mel meets Haldir and Orophin formally for the first time, they both give Rú a little bit of shit because what do you mean you forgot tell your boyfriend with the language hyperfixation that we speak North River Pendarin
Rúmil's Westron is pretty rough. It's, like, several generations of men out of date and mostly choice phrases like "Get thee gone." and "Return whence you came or fkn else." Rú thinks it's fine for his purposes. Mel's been working on it on it, but they're more focused on Quenya.
Occasionally Rúmil makes a dumb comment about mortals. If they're at Elrond's House, Mel kicks him out of his room for the night. If they're elsewhere, the closest equivalent occurs.
Mel doesn't really have a taste for alcohol. He usually takes one or two sips and slips Rú the rest unless it's something very sweet.
They both love to dance and will spend the whole evening doing so when they have the opportunity.
A section just for hair headcanons
They start braiding each other's hair. It's really easy to tell, which Rú likes a lot. Mel usually wears his very plain, but he's happy to sit while Rú does something more elaborate with it. Rúmil tends to wear the same functional hairstyle day to day, so it's really obvious that Mel put his hair up when he goes around with flower braids and Noldorin hair accessories.
Glorfindel taught Mel a lot of the hairstyles he knows. Sometimes, if Rú is going out hunting or traveling, Mel braids his hair the same way he would for Glorfindel out of habit. Some people do a double take early on, but after it becomes common knowledge that Rúmil and Mel are together no one blinks. It's not like Glorfindel has a patent on the braids or anything. There's just not a lot of people around still putting their hair up in the popular fashion of the House of the Golden Flower circa FA 500.
Mel inherited a good armful of hair accessories from Glorfindel. After they become close, Mel sends Rú home with a golden flower clip.
When Rú gives him a strand of hair to keep, one of the ways Mel keeps it is by braiding it into a small flower shape that he pins into his hair.
When they start courting, they like to do each other's hair in their respective culture's style if they're getting dressed up for something more fancy.
Sometimes it slips Rú's mind that Mel is a Noldo, but the first time they go all out for a festival/big formal event Mel pulls out a spread of jewelry and Rúmil is like Ah. Yes. That's right. Valar above, you guys fkn love your metals. By the time Mel is done, Rúmil has never had so much metal in his hair in his life. He's mildly worried some of it is going to fly out when they dance.
Mel gives Rúmil his hair to make into bow strings occasionally.
They get married, eventually.
When Rúmil breaks the news that he's officially courting Maenod to his brothers they're like Congratulations! then immediately start interrogating him in sibling fashion.
Haldir stands in as the father figure for his brothers' betrothal and wedding ceremonies. He's been through this once before with Orophin so he knows the drill but he's Stressed about it. Notably more than Rúmil is.
Meanwhile, Mel's family is just like this is wonderful! They already like Rúmil and his family. They're not worried about it.
Mel is little nervous about meeting Rú's family formerly, though he's already interacted with them before briefly. He's most nervous about Haldir because he has a reputation in Lorien, both as a Notable and Respectable marchwarden and for being kind of harsh. Lindir helps calm his nerves by reporting that Haldir is only a hardass to wardens and/or younger brothers.
Mel had nothing to worry about; he gets on fantastic with Rúmil's family, especially the brothers.
Rúmil and Mel get betrothed relatively quickly, but it takes them some time to set a wedding date. Neither of them are certain whether they'll sail or stay in Middle Earth. They don't want to end up in a situation where they marry, then one person gets sea-longing and/or chooses the opposite path.
I hc that Orophin marries first out of the three brothers. Haldir/Lindir's Indefinitely Long Situationship™ goes on for so long that it overlaps with Rúmil/Figwit's Indefinitely Long Bethrothal™. Orophin watches this unfold like You have to be fucking kidding me. BOTH of you?
Sometime during the events of the Lord of the Rings, Rú decides he would follow Mel anywhere, whether he sails or stays, and they plan to wed as soon as they're able to see each other again.
They get married in Lorien when Elrond's party stops along the way to Aragorn and Arwen's wedding.
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melpomaen · 7 months
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to Mel?
He took a tumble into one of the rivers while crossing a rope in Lothlorien.
He'd been to Lorien at least a couple times before at this point but the main reason for this visit in particular was to formally meet Rúmil's family. Of the many ways Maenod was worried he might slip up, literally slipping and falling into a fucking river wasn't one of them. Luckily the weather was warm and it wasn't particularly hard to fish him out.
It's not the most foolish thing Figwit's done by a long shot, but it's one that stands out to him. He has a sore spot when it comes to Elvish Things™ correctly.
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melpomaen · 7 months
How does Mel feel about his parents' PDA?
He's well used to it by now. Generally it doesn't bother him, but he is well practiced in conveniently scurrying away if he's had enough.
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melpomaen · 7 months
What is bby Mel's favourite bedtime story?
He's not one to discriminate against stories, but he's particularly fond of the oldest and the newest ones.
I think he tends to ask Erestor for the oldest ones he knows, especially ones from his life. From Glorfindel, he always wants to know his news from his travels, whether the "story" is coming across a traveler close to Rivendell or recounting an actual journey somewhere else.
He's also interested in mortals, both their stories and their current businesses.
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melpomaen · 7 months
Weren't there any good, respectable elves in Imladris for you to marry? Why go so far as Lothlorien?
"My plight had little to do with respectability." Maenod begins with hesitance, the phrasing of the question giving him pause. "By the time of my arrival, most of the elves interested in being wed in Imladris had already done so."
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melpomaen · 3 months
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP?
Initially I wrote Figwit as an elf, but a few years ago I changed his backstory and made him a half-elf. Since half-elves age closer to humans during childhood, I scrapped his childhood being elvish-ly long. There wasn't much there to begin with, so I added much more than I scrapped. (Young adult crises about mortality, anyone?)
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melpomaen · 11 days
From this aesthetic board prompt list: x
send 🌤️ for a friendly aesthetic of our muses
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I did modern day Mel & Rossiel :D
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melpomaen · 3 months
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Here, have newlyweds bantering:
"I've been telling you to update your Westron for a century." Maenod muttered.
"Westron is a curse upon these lands!"
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melpomaen · 7 months
Does Mel ever question whether or not he should call Erestor and Glorfindel his parents?
Being unable to know his birth parents is a loss that will always be there, but he was taken to Rivendell too young to remember a time it wasn't home. Glorfindel and Erestor are the ones who raised him and loved him.
In verses where he reconnects with blood relatives, he may worry that calling Erestor and Glorfindel his parents might be taken poorly, but he doesn't stop thinking of them as such.
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melpomaen · 7 months
Blog Navigation
This is a Figwit rp blog not Lindir.
Please look at the Rules and About before starting an rp.
Under construction. ;w;
About Mun
TBA: tags under constrction
Currently using: About Mel (Figwit specific headcanons), headcanons (not necessarily ones I incorporate), Tolkien Fanart, Tolkien Shitposting, Tolkien Fanfiction, aesthetic, RúMel (Rúmil/Mel), Glorestor (Glorfindel/Erestor) and character names.
#//ooc | out of cheesecake
#Mel Likes (tbr aesthetic tag)
#Tolkien Shitposting
#Figwitposting | crack
#RúMel | Rúmil/Melpomaen; Rúmil/Figwit
#Glorestor | Glorfindel/Erestor
#HaLindir | Haldir/Lindir
NOTES TO SELF: X #The Archives | references | works of art | music | history | my writing #Jewelry Box |  a dim ringing- as of small bells tinkling
TBA: verses
Assume everything is occurring in its own timeline.
In his main verse, Glorfindel and @oracleofimladris's Erestor are his foster parents and he eventually marries Rúmil of Lorien.
I rp Figwit not Lindir.
I've also switched to using Maenod in formal writing. Most people outside his family and those who know him well wouldn't call him Melpomaen or Mel.
I respond inconsistely and sometimes slow as hell. If I don't get to something it's not personal. I am simply tired and this is a hobby.
Feel free to tag me, send memes, message, plot, ect. And thanks for being here. 🌿
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melpomaen · 6 months
Tagging system notes so I remember to go retcon the whole blog eventually
Steal AO3's system and stick them all in the same tag to get past tumblrs dumb first 5 tags rule. Characters that I write more have all their names written out. Government name characters whose names aren't specific enough to immediately be determined as Tolkien characters or share a first name. Ex:
#Maenod | Pietunto? | Melpomaen | Figwit
#Glorfindel | Laurefindil
#Rúmil of Lorien (as opposed to #Rúmil of Tirion)
#Merry | Meriadoc Brandybuck
#Samwise Gamgee
Ship tagging format: #ship name | name/name
Also skirts around the first 5 tags matter bs. Maybe add the name X name format too. Ex:
#RúMel | Rúmil/Melpomaen (putting their government names in the tags after for blog searching)
#Halindir | Haldir/Lindir | Haldir X Lindir (?)
#Glorestor | Glorfindel/Erestor
Tolkien categories
Broad strokes:
#Tolkien Fanfiction
#Tolkien Shitposting
#Tolkien Headcanons(?); wherever all hcs, metas, and close readings go
#LotR | The Lord of the Rings #Silm | The Silmarillion #The Hobbit
Still figuring out tagging culture & race & location specific hcs. Maybe something ridiculously long like #hcs; race | culture | subdivision(s) | location if necessary
#Noldor hcs? #Eldarin hcs?
#headcanons: The Last Homely House; Rivendell | Imladris (?)
Timeline Shit / Verses
#headcanons: Avari; Penni; North River Community | Lothlorien (?)
Format: #Annals | AA (Age) YYYY (year) Month DD (if known/applicable)
day Figwit is found: #Annals | TA 4248 June 21
Still figuring out verses. How to tag shit in line with my friend's verses? All of these tbd:
#Main!Verse | Canon
#Oracle!Verse Compliant (?)
#blogname Compliant (?)
Format: #Verse | time period/arc?
General: #v: main | The Scribe of Imladris
Elfling!Mel: #v: main | The elfling of Imladris
Hobbit: #v: main | The Hobbit?
LotR: #v: main | The Lord of the Rings?
Travels 3019 onward: #v: main | wandering east of the sea
#v: living history | here I shall remain until the breaking of Arda
#v: out of history | and so he followed his people West
#v: Third Age |
#v: Fourth Age | a new day will come
#v: Silm |
Crack: #Figwitposting | Crack
Figure out aesthetic shit.
Better tag for #About Mel / #Mel likes
The Last Homely House; Rivendell | Imladris
RP shit
#//OOC | Out of cheesecake
#//(Out of character commentary on writings)
#RP | open starters
#mailbox | writing prompts(?)
#mailbox | ask games(?)
#mailbox | answered(?)
#RP | starter calls
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