sweet-sweet-petunia · 8 months
Flufftober Day 9
Prompt: Bathing
Pairing: Humanized!MacLarry and MacTunia
“Ugh!” MacTunia’s cry of disdain rang out so loud it shook MacLarry’s focus on his newest invention “MacJimmy, you’re disgusting!”
“It was an accident!” MacJimmy cried. “I said I was sorry!”
MacLarry peaked over curiously. MacTunia was storming off with…what looked like a very sticky substance in her hair.
And storming in his general direction. “H-hey MacTunia,” he greeted meekly. “Is everything okay?”
“No!” She cried, distraught. “He blew his stupid bubblegum in my hair and now I’ll have to cut it and nothing will ever be okay again-“
“You’d look cute with short hair.” MacLarry muttered, cheeks flushing “but I don’t think you’d have to cut it, if you don’t wanna. Vinegar should dissolve the gum if you let it soak. And then you just gotta wash it real carefully in hot water. It should come right out.”
“Really?” Her eyes were wide like a sad little puppy dog “I wouldn’t have to cut it?”
“Not unless you want to.”
“And I don’t!” She cried, panicked. “I like my hair long. I like it in this braid you taught me how to do. What if I cut it too short? What if I gave MYSELF a bad hair cut?!?”
“Hey, hey,” MacLarry gently placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her. “You don’t have to cut it at all. I can help you.”
“You can?”
This was clearly incredibly troubling for her in ways MacLarry himself didn’t quite understand. “I can. I’ll do anything for you.” A slip of the tongue. Oops. It was true but… “to help you.” He tacked on, just in case.
“Thank you.” She muttered quietly. “Can we, um, can we start now? It feels so icky…”
“Yeah, yeah, of course!” He assured her. “Just let me gather up a few supplies. If you wanna get a bucket full to wash your hair I can meet you back here.”
“Maybe not right here.” Her eyes darted back to where MacJimmy was back to goofing off with MacBob and Donald. “They’re well intentioned, but…”
“Good point.” MacLarry nodded.
It wasn’t long before they met a little closer to her abode, MacLarry’s arms filled with various bottles of things. “You need help carrying all that?”
“I’m surprised I didn’t drop any!” He laughed, as MacTunia helped to unload everything in his arms. “But we can start breaking down that goo now. It might make your hair a little dry though.”
“Dry and long is better than hydrated and short and ugly.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t be ugly,” he smiled, pouring vinegar directly on the offending gum, saturating it between his finger tips to really break it down. “I don’t think you could ever be ugly, MacTunia. Even with the worst haircut in the world.”
“Don’t even joke about that.” She pouted, as MacLarry started working through it with a fine toothed comb, breaking it apart tiny piece by tiny piece. “I know we don’t prank anymore but…my long hair is still special to me. If it got cut it meant someone else cut it-“
“…and you weren’t fast enough to stop it.” MacLarry inferred.
“I was the only girl barberbarian.” She muttered quietly. “I had to be twice as fast and twice as good as everyone else.”
“And you were.” He smiled. “Except for maybe my dad. Besides, they called the truce-“
“-because of you.” She interrupted. “Not even your father was able to do that. Don’t forget that. You’ve done something incredible even he wasn’t able to.”
MacLarry’s face flushed, “it’s time to shampoo.” He murmured, pushing her flattery to the side. “You should be good to-“
“You don’t want to do it?” She teased. “You don’t want to spend time with me?”
“MacTunia…” he groaned “you know that’s not what I meant.”
But joking tone eased as she asked “Please? I’m still afraid it won’t come out.”
With a soft, warm smile he conceded “You could’ve just said that. I wouldn’t leave you here all alone and scared.”
“What a gentleman.” She giggled, now kneeling by the bucket to soak her hair in the warm water. “Are you going to extend that chivalry and wash it for me?”
“Do you not know how to wash it yourself?” He teased.
“You can see the sticky.” She reminded him. “I can’t.”
“That’s true,” he smiled, already sliding down to kneel at the opposite side of the bucket. “And what is the son of Chog Norrius if not chivalrous?”
MacTunia giggled, but then as she leaned her head into the bucket, the giggling and chatter subsided. A silence washed over them, the sounds of nature, the leaves rustling in the breeze, and MacLarry’s fingers in her hair.
He knew this was a big deal, that she was letting him touch her hair in the first place, now that she had been so open about her insecurity surrounding it. He was happy she trusted him this much, and silently wondered if he could ever prove to her that he trusted her this much, too.
He could feel that there was no more gum left in MacTunia’s hair. He could tell by the relaxed smile on her face that MacTunis had likely figured that out, too. Yet neither of them made a move to draw the soft intimacy to close.
Only once MacLarry started to feel his fingers getting pruny did he declare “it’s all out of there.”
MacTunia slowly raised her head out of the water, throwing her hair back into a loose braid. “You did it.” She smiled smally, though still facing away from him.
“I told you, I’d do anything I could to help you. I meant it.” He assured her.
As she tied the end of the makeshift wet hairdo, she turned back to him, offering her hand as they both pulled back up. “Thank you, MacLarry. You have no idea what this means to me.”
“It seemed pretty important.” He shrugged good naturedly. “So it seemed important to me to help.”
She tugged on his arm. “C’mere.”
“Why?” He asked, though he was already stepping around the bucket and over to her.
“I think you know why.” She teased. “I want to thank you. Properly.”
And with that, she pressed forward, capturing his lips in hers briefly, giggling as she pulled away. “That’s a very strong thanks.” He muttered shyly.
“One you ought not to tell your dad about.” She wagered.
“Like the other three you gave me this week?” He teased.
“And the two you gave me.” She nodded, still smiling brightly from the giggles threatening to spill.
“I do intend to court you, you know.” He smiled. “Properly.”
Still giggling, she asked “are you calling me improper?”
“No,” he lightly booped her nose. “I’m calling you impatient.”
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 1 year
MacLarry had always wished MacTunia would show an interest in his inventions, but now she seemed more interested in Archiemedes' assistant
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 2 years
MacLarry's wife, MacTunia, made an interesting selection of words during Pictionary
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sweet-sweet-petunia · 9 years
MacLarry/MacTunia Snippet
MacLarry was bullied by MacTunia when they were both children. MacTunia doesn't remember doing it. Can also be read here
“He’s not wearing those.” MacTunia decided, sneering in disgust as she picked the much too large glasses up off her son’s face.
MacLarry eyed MacGherkin, their so far only but soon to be first born child. “Why not? I wore em. He’ll be able to see, at least.”
“The other kids are gonna hurt him!” she argued “That’s demoralizing and I refuse to stand by let it happen.”
“You’re kidding.” MacLarry replied flatly.
MacTunia raised an eyebrow, a little confused and very skeptical. “What?”
“You and the others teased me mercilessly as a kid. And very little of it had to do with my glasses!” he cried, arms in the air. He didn’t notice the toddler wandering off.
Luckily, MacTunia did notice, as she swept little MacGherkin up in her arms. “No we didn’t. I mean, we teased you some, but we all teased everybody!”
“You hated me!” MacLarry’s voice was shrill. Inhaling sharply, he added “You treated me like dirt. You all did! Do you not remember that?”
“Nope.” His wife stated simply. “Can’t say I do. But does it really matter anymore? I mean, we all adored you after the whole cheese thing. Some of us more than others.” She winked slyly.
MacLarry sighed in defeat “I suppose you have a point. It was a good ten years ago now…”
Setting MacGherkin down on his playmat, she turned around, kissing MacLarry on the cheek as she spoke softly “And if we really were the bad, I’m sorry. You’re the last person I’d want to hurt.”
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sweet-sweet-petunia · 9 years
MacTunia, what is the worst haircut anybody could get? Bowl cuts? Crew cuts? Those weird 'Bieber' cuts if you even get that reference?
"Well, you know, different hair suits different people. So, like, kinda the same, different bad haircuts look worse on different people. Like, it all depends on your face shape, and stuff."
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sweet-sweet-petunia · 10 years
OTP Prompts Day 5 - MacLarry and MacTunia
Can also be read here
AN: Remember when I said these were going to be about 500 words? Ha. Ha. Haaaaaaa.
Also I've only seen MacLarry once so I apologize for any mischaracterization.
Prompt: Imagine Person B (if they are a guy) of your OTP going through puberty and having his voice crack a lot, especially when he's nervous- thus, he's too shy to talk to Person A, his crush.
Gosh, she was pretty.
MacLarry spent more time staring at MacTunia then he would've liked to admit. It wasn't a productive way to spend the day. There were so many more inventions he could've been working on! But then again…her hair was pretty. And her smile made him smile. And of course, puberty had been a kind mistress to the former barberbarian, and since puberty was also taking hold of MacLarry himself at the moment, he was hard pressed not to notice.
She may have used to been one of his tormentors, but to the young inventor, she was now the depiction of the word beauty. And he'd like to think they were friends now. She was nicer to him, and they actually talked on a regular basis. Sometimes she'd even sit so close to him that their arms would brush together. Those were the times he liked best.
Unfortunately, he couldn't relish in those moment as of late. Because while puberty may have been what opened his eyes to just how radiant MacTunia was, it was also putting him through some strange changes. Most recently, his voice.
Poor MacLarry's voice would crack at least once an hour, and as a man of science, he noted that it would often crack more the more nervous he was. And being around MacTunia was more than enough to make him nervous.
So, he did the only logical thing one could do in that situation. Avoid MacTunia at all costs.
And so far, it had been working pretty well for him. If he could keep this going for what he hoped was only a few more days, everything would be fine. His voice would be back to normal and he could go back to staring at MacTunia without the fear of her turning around and seeing him. He could go back to talking to her again. He was really looking forward to that.
But alas, all good things must come to an end. He had finally been able to focus his mind on something other than the redheaded vixen, and was hard at work on one of his inventions when he felt a strong pair or arms wrap around him from behind. He could instantly tell who it was due to the butterflies in his stomach. "I haven't seen you in like, forever! Have you been hiding or something?"
"Yeah…something." His voice cracked on the second syllable. Great. He felt his cheeks go red with embarrassment.
MacTunia immediately felt her heart drop. She lowered herself to sit alongside MacLarry as she asked, her voice quivering "Were you really hiding from me? Did I hurt your feelings or something? Cause I promise I didn't mean it…"
MacLarry immediately turned to look at her. She was looking at her hands, but her face was filled with guilt. And of course, that only made him feel worse. Now she felt guilty because he was hiding, and he was only hiding because he was afraid of embarrassing himself. In that moment, he thought embarrassment probably felt a lot better than guilt. "No, no! Of course…" his voice cracked again. "Of course not! I just…" another crack. He took a deep breath to steady himself "My voice cracks a lot and it's embarrassing." He finally admitted. There. No more dancing around the subject.
MacTunia eyed him almost suspiciously. "Really? You think that's embarrassing? I think it's kinda...you know..." her cheeks reddened as she couldn't get the words out. She was never good with words or emotions. "….cute"
He choked on his own spit. Not caring that his voice cracked while only using one word, his eyes wide in shock, he asked "Cute?"
"Yeah," she smiled softly. "Like when you use big words and stuff. Or when your glasses kinda fall and you make the little pouty face trying to scrunch them back up. Or…" suddenly, she was silent. She stopped to look at him. His entire face was etched with confusion as he stared at her. No hint of a blush, of happiness, of any reciprocation. She was starting to wonder why she expected anything different. Her face fell as she went to push herself back up. "Forget I said anything." She mumbled.
MacLarry was still trying to process everything. The most breathtakingly beautiful girl in the village thought he was cute? While all of her friends were some of the most strong, handsome, manly men in the village? It had to be some kind of practical joke. But…she sounded so sincere. And if that was the payoff, it seemed like a very weak prank. And she had sworn off pranking after the whole cheese incident…
"MacTunia?" he called after her. She had already gotten a good dozen feet away from him. "I…I'm confused."
She spun around to face him "Don't be. I said forget it, okay?" she instructed her tone harsh and bitter.
"I'm just confused." He restated. "Were you making fun of me?"
"What?" she replied, blinking multiple times in confusion. The accusation hurt. "No!"
That only confused him further "So then why would you say all those nice things about me? Call me cute?"
Her voice was loud and angry as she whined "Cause you are cute!"
"I'm a wimpy loser!" he argued
"You're adorable!" she cried, arms in the air. "And it's a huge inconvenience."
MacLarry stumbled back in surprise. "Inconvenience?" he repeated, his voice cracking.
"Do you know how hard it is for me to act like I don't think it's adorable when you get talking and talking about your inventing stuff?" she challenged, before explaining. "I'm a Barberbarian! I'm not supposed to show feelings! 'Specialy not the mushy kinds."
Immediately his expression softened. He wasn't even cognitive of the fact that he has reached out and captured her hand in his. It was surprising – her hands were rough and calloused, and yet her bone structure was so thin, it felt incredibly fragile. "MacTunia, I had no idea you had mushy feelings."
Her eyes were glued to their hands, and how delicately he was holding hers. "I guess I do a good job of hiding them." She replied, her voice quiet and unsure.
Slowly, his hand was under her chin – his touch so gentle, so timid, that it almost felt like he was only ghosting the touch – as he tilted her head up look at him. "You don't have to hide 'em around me if you don't want to." His voice cracked twice in the one sentence. He didn't care.
MacTunia found herself trembling. She'd never been exposed to this level of absolute tenderness before. "I don't want to." She whispered. "But…"
"But?" he questioned.
"There's something else I do wanna do…" she began, slowly pulling herself towards him. "If you'll let me."
It took him a moment, but he caught on when her face was less than an inch from his, her eyes shut, and her lips puckered. Oh. He suddenly realized he had no clue how to kiss. Should he close his eyes, too? But if they both close their eyes how will they know they won't bonk heads or smash noses? Was it okay that his hand was still resting on her face?
He shook his head slightly, ultimately deciding that his biological instincts would take over. They didn't. They ended up smashing noses. "Hang on!" he cried, taking a step back to recalculate. "I can do this!" He noticed that the voice crack made her blush and smile at the same time. Had it always done that?
MacLarry was slow in his approach this time, placing his hands on either side of waist to give himself a sense of balance. He tilted his head to a 45 degree angle this time to avoid the nose smashing. And then slowly, carefully, he kissed her.
For all the clichés he was feeling (seeing fireworks, forgetting where he was), he realized she hit one he hadn't seen coming. MacTunia, one of the strongest people in the village, was gripping his shoulder as her legs trembled – weak in the knees.
As they parted, her entire face was red, and she was giggling uncontrollably. "Wow."
"Yeah." He breathed, grinning from ear to ear.
He paused, staring at her for a moment. He realized then that for all intents and purposes – she wasn't all that aesthetically pleasing. Her skin was blotchy, her hair was limp and stringy and her teeth were crooked. And he couldn't think of anything he'd change about her.
Gosh, she was pretty.
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sweet-sweet-petunia · 10 years
You Need To Hear Me Out || MacLarry Verse || Closed RP with bob-and-larry
Chog Norrius was the king, whether or not he was ever addressed by the title. And as such, one of his many duties was to ensure that his royal lineage continued to grow - and hey, if he could make peace with another kingdom in the meantime, then why not? Which was why, years ago, the first born daughter was promised to be wed to the first born son of Chog Norrius.
No one really ever spoke of it again. Until now. You see, that self same first born daughter had finally turned 14. Which meant she was of age to be wed.
Poor MacLarry had to deal with a lot of taunting about it. It was all in fun, of course. A lot of jokes about cradle robbing and how she'll wear the pants even though she can't drive yet. The guys all joked about it. and MacTunia considered herself one of the guys. Even when it was just the two of them.
"I still can't believe you're going through with it. I mean, she probably can't even read. And they expect you of all people to keep the lineage going. With a fourteen year old!" she cracked up at her own "joke", unaware of how offensive it may have sounded.
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sweet-sweet-petunia · 10 years
Added MacTunia to the verses page! Not entirely sure why Nonnie wanted it, she doesn't have much of a personality, but enh, it's up now. If any of you want a MacLarry RP I can do it.
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