kafus · 1 year
i also love pokemon and love talking about pokemon!!! if it's alright, can i ask what's your favorite region and why? also, purely based on aesthetics, what's your favorite location in the games?
my favorite region is sinnoh! i'm gonna be totally upfront this is partially for nostalgia reasons and i'm entirely aware of that. my first region was kanto with FRLG (i got leafgreen as my first pokemon game on my 5th birthday) and while i had reading comprehension and was able to beat the game (i replayed it a lot actually) diamond and pearl coming out... well DP had a lot more to them as games and i was a little bit older and able to enjoy the writing a little more.
i played sinnoh to DEATH when i was a kid... i don't have my original diamond file anymore (it's the game i spent the most time on) or my original platinum file anymore but i scrounged up by old pearl file that i still have and my childhood file has over 200 hours on it so take that for what u will. i was also bullied for liking pokemon at the time and i felt really isolated about it but DP introducing wi-fi features and also the wi-fi plaza in hgss/platinum made me feel connected with people over my interest for the first time, even if i wasn't actually talking with anyone, just doing a GTS trade made me feel like, woah i'm interacting with this person super far away from me who also likes pokemon!
sorry for the ramble i just have a lot of sinnoh nostalgia :sob: LMAO but generally i like the feel of the region, i'm a fan of colder and more mundane places, i like the pokemon, and i very much enjoy the historical and religious feel of everything... the legendaries in sinnoh are some of my favorites. and even absent of the gen 4 nostalgia, PLA added a whole new layer of the gen 4 religion lore that i eat up and really solidifies sinnoh as my favorite
uhhh that's a good question about my favorite location though. honestly there's a lot of things i could pick which makes it tough :/ maybe floaroma town? if we're going off of purely aesthetics?? fields of colorful flowers... and before having an mp3 player of any kind i used to leave my DS on in floaroma town to listen to the music when i was a kid, so the music is nice too. the Vibes are Good. i could probably come up with a better answer if i thought about it longer but idk
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tagedeszorns · 4 months
(Violetbirdie here) I think it's complicated due to a variety of issues. 40k as a franchise is huge, but it isn't the sort of thing that tends to have overlap with tumblr type fanspaces. It also doesn't help that 40k is a fractured fandom featuring tons of different factions, so it's not like a standard fandom where there are main characters and a main story that people will always flock to. The primarchs are the closest thing we have to that, which is why there is naturally more content for them. In addition, fandom itself is in a bit of a flux state and has been ever since the 2018 nsfw ban which caused a lot of people to leave for twitter, which is now undergoing its own huge changes right now (and I just hate twitter on principle).
I suppose the one thing I think would help, would be somehow getting the 40k tumblresque fandom space more consolidated as a whole. Like, somehow have a blog that is popular for all factions that posts headcanons about everything, thus getting people interested in parts they don't normally think about. Because 40k is a huge time investment to learn about. I've been listening to audiobooks for what feels like nonstop for over a month, and even then I could only ever feel confident telling people about Emperor's Children. So it naturally is harder for new people to get into the fandom and focus on some of the smaller things because there is just so much. It's almost how I view your blog. I check it daily for fun art/headcanons/just general character stuff, and you made me more interested in some of the captains and such. But even then, you have your focuses. So a space even more general where someone would reblog art from everything 40k would likely be nice? Maybe I just miss the livejournal days of fandom. As far as more engagement, I think having silly things like character weeks which encourages people to draw or write or talk about specific aspects is a huge benefit. It sets a schedule and makes people feel like they are shouting less into the void.
But as someone new here, maybe its my weird perspective, but I don't feel like things are getting less popular. If anything, from just checking AO3, it seems like things are only getting more popular for less of the reddit type and more for the Tumblr wanting to see hot dudes and their complicated feelings type. Also more people are getting into 40k in this side of the space through rogue trader. Like people I never talked to about 40k are starting to look into the series because they played Baldurs Gate 3, and needed a new RPG to play, and conveniently Rogue Trader is filling that for them. So, I'm optimistic if anything. Sorry about the long ramble! Just kinda dumping my thoughts out.
I love Tumblr because, unlike Twitter or Bluesky, it allows for way longer, way more elaborately structured posts. I love it when artists don't just slap their pics into a post and be done with it, but instead add stuff like maybe "I read this book, here's a quote, and it gave me this mighty need to draw this". Or "please listen to this music here while looking at my pic! It goes perfectly with it!". Or just a multi-paragraph-essay (preferably very unhinged) about the character in the upper left corner.
This in advance, so you can see I'm totally with you on the "miss Lifejournal"-thing, because blogs are so much better than just 500 characters, four pics and nothing else. And why I think Tumblr is a very good replacement for Lifejournal.
The multitude of Tumblr-blogs with their many different angles are such a treat and provide such a rich ecosystem! I follow artists posting exclusively admech-stuff, others solely Drukhari, some writers focussing on just one Astartes Legion ... it's phantastic and the depth of their niche-knowledge is mindblowing.
I agree with you that this will be overwhelming for new fans coming from rather monolithic stuff like Rogue Trader. And the key to keeping those new people involved and making them feel welcome is showing them all this variety without scaring them away.
Maybe this new feature Tumblr is working on, can be helpful here. I haven't read much about it yet, but it seems the "Community"-feature has the potential to bundle stuff in a way that's more approachable for new and old fans alike. Maybe there's room for your idea of having "character weeks" (I like that! Sounds very MacDonald's. I'll have Fabius with extra pickles, please! 😁).
I'm sharing your optimism that both the new games and maybe the new series/movies will bring a lot of new fans over and some of them may even stick around. I am a bit wary that there's the possibility of a MCU-situation starting to build up, but since Warhammer-lore is in a constant state of flux anyways this might just add some spice to the mix.
So, yeah, hope for the darkest of futures!
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tatertotcosmonaut · 4 months
So two months ago I started reading Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish and now that I’m on break and all done with finals I’ve started reading it more.
My ramblings under the cut-
I’m on chapter 16 out of over 1400 and so far I’m not disliking the vibes, I’m intrigued enough to read more but it hasn’t been a perfect read so far. I’m unaware if that’s because of Cuttlefish’s writing or because this translation is like…rocky. I can’t say how well it’s translated because well…I don’t know mandarin, but the translation I’m reading (epub of the one on Webnovel) is like full of grammar errors, weird vocabulary, stiff dialogue, and just elementary level mistakes.
The quality of translations when it comes to Chinese web novels is always something I’ve been miffed when since I’ve started reading xianxia and xuanhaun novels, but usually I can get by. But here there’s just spots where I can’t ignore it and writing that is supposed to be serious or incite mystery comes off us unintentionally hilarious.
I will say if there’s two things that I had to be critical of when it came to Cuttlefish’s writing it’s that, while I love similes, they sometimes use similes that are really long and don’t make sense in the context of the situation. This is a small thing and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The second complaint would be the very long multi-paragraph dumps of exposition that happen either through dialogue or Klein’s own thoughts.
Considering this is a fantasy world where we’re new to it, just as new as Klein is to it, some exposition here and there doesn’t bother me. But when it happens a lot and can even be very random history dumps about the world that aren’t needed in the context of the situation, then it can get tiring.
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Like here. Mingrui gets a memory fragment from Klein and learns about the origination of tarot in this world and how similar they are to the ones on Earth. Leading Mingrui to theorizing that Roselle is possibly also someone who transmigrated like he did.
That’s interesting, that holds a lot of mystery and makes me want to know more about Roselle! But what was not needed (at least in my view) was the almost 4 paragraphs of history about Roselle including his conquests, a church receiving a hold revelation (nothing to do with Roselle), the era of colonialism, and tidbits about his marine fleet.
This is something that happens multiple times. Where Cuttlefish has Mingrui speculate about the history of something or Mingrui is having difficulty settling to the new world around him and Mingrui will just go on 3-4 paragraph thought exposition dumps that clearly are trying to flesh out the world, which is cool, but it’s like an overload of information and it feels like a tour guide is talking to me rather than someone trying to figure out a mystery or the wonder of the world around them.
Those are like my only complaints so far. I will continue my read with intrigue!
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writingjourney · 1 month
Hi, I really love your writing! :3 i hate to be a bother, but do you think you have any advice for me? I want to write some fics of my own. Short ones mostly, but I still keep running into various problems. I'm good at description and I'm decent at dialogue for the most part, but when it comes to actually moving a scene forward and making things happen, or even just moving from one scene to the next, I have absolutely no idea how to proceed. Like, everyone present at the time just ends up talking in circles without managing to say anything new or pertinent. And even when I have every major bit that I want to happen planned out, I cannot figure out how to actually get it to each point or even to A point at all. At any rate, thank you for your time, even if you don't respond to this, and I hope you have a good day/evening :)
Thank you anon ♡ Sorry I was a little busy today so I didn't have any time to properly reply until now!! You're not a bother at all, I love to talk about writing!!!! Some more in-depth thoughts below the cut :)
I definitely know what you mean. It's hard to keep scenes concise while also making sure the pacing is neither too fast nor too slow and adding the details you want in there without rambling on. Pacing depends on the scene and the story you want to tell (faster pace for action, slower pace for calmer moments, more description/longer scenes = slower pace etc etc) – you can shorten or stretch scenes as much as you want to. You definitely should be following your own style and not try to adapt to what you think a fic/story in general should look like.
That being said, I get that sometimes you want to move a scene forward and it doesn't always work out. Usually, this happens to me when I am not very excited about what's happening right now and need a change (or I don't know what happens next). You can start working on a scene that excites you more. I am a bit chaotic like that, I just write out scenes and dialogue lines and paragraphs as they come to me and then I just link them up later. You can link scenes by time-skipping, by adding some introspection, a character's observations etc. And yes, show don't tell is good advice but not every single thing always needs to be written out in detail and sometimes you just have to say that it's the next day and move on.
Or... well, you literally change the scene at hand. Have the characters get interrupted if they can't wrap up the convo, someone disturbs them, one of them realizes they have an appointment, it suddenly starts to rain – throw stuff at them that makes them become active again. Sometimes re-writing helps as well. Not editing, rewriting. Keep the OG draft but write the scene again from scratch. We get so attached to lines we've written we don't always check to see if they still fit. Push stuff around, change the order of things, just try on some changes and see if it flows nicer.
Another thing I can recommend if you want to go from BIG scene to BIG scene is to add some smaller scenes for transition. I like to do this, make the character reflect on the events while doing some menial task, have them meet someone else and have the reflection happen via conversation, have them just observe their surroundings, have them dedicate some time to their hobby – it all gives us new info about the character and it won't feel as much like BAM BAM BAM big scene after big scene. Quiet before the storm.
Now, you said you want to write short fics, so I'm not sure if you mean just drabble/ficlet type of stories or more elaborate one-shots instead of longer multi chapters like I sometimes do? The key I would say to a very short fic is to start off strong. Jump straight into the scene and don't be scared to omit the backstory and descriptions, it's hard but if you want to keep it short it's necessary to really think about which descriptions make sense. I'm not good at super short fics usually unless I'm possessed by one specific scene that doesn't need much context, so perhaps I'm not the best to ask.
For one shots with multiple shorter scenes I think you need to also just be brave and skip around. Scenes don't always need long transitions, sometimes it's a few days later when the next notable thing happens and that's where you continue. Again, I think strong scene openers really help here. Draw the reader into the next scene and they won't even notice. You can always add more description later should it feel clunky. Read the transitions aloud, that also helps to see if they flow nicely.
I hope this was any help at all. Please feel free to ask again if something is unclear, if I should go into more detail for some of it or you have any other questions :) ♡
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patron-minette · 1 year
The Patron-Minette in the original Les Misérables manuscript
These are just some of the things that I found interesting whilst skimming though the Patron-Minette scenes of Hugo’s original manuscript of Les Misérables. I can't speak French and frankly, even if I could, I still would not be able to comprehend Victor Hugo’s handwriting, so I am unable to really delve into any differences that there might be in the dialogue… but I can work out where things such as certain scenes and character names have been added, removed, or changed!
Below are five mini rambles on a variety of altered details that stood out to me in this manuscript. I'm completely aware that I'm probably overanalysing some elements and that I can only speculate in my theories, but I enjoy delving into these things nevertheless.
I’ve included images of the sections that I discuss below as I think it's just neat to see Hugo’s handwriting - and hopefully it will better illustrate the changes that I allude to! However, because of tumblr’s limits I can only post 10 images. If you want to look in detail at the original manuscripts yourself, click here (for Books 1, 2 and 3) and here (for Books 4 and 5)
Whilst on the subject of elements that were altered, added, or removed before the publication of Les Misérables.… There was also a huge, multi-chapter chunk of writing that Hugo cut in Book 3, Part 7 (aka 'Patron-Minette') that discussed “flower-wives”, prostitutes, and thieves, with a continued motif of light and darkness. However, these chapters do not exist in the original manuscript of the novel and instead were stored in a large folder of other leftovers called the 'Reliquat des Misérables'. I shall do a separate post on this in the future as there’s a lot to unpack.
On the Patron-Minette’s introduction
I would LOVE to know why Victor Hugo originally listed Babet first when introducing the Patron-Minette, then crossed him out!
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In general, I’ve always been curious as to why Hugo chose to order the Patron-Minette in this way in the final version of the novel. I find the order they are listed odd because it doesn’t seem to align with the ranking of "importance" of these characters, e.g. I would say Gueulemer is arguably the least fleshed-out Patron-Minette lead, yet he is listed second. Also, the order that the crooks are written down in fails to even correspond to the following paragraphs where we get given details about the characters (they are listed in the order: Claquesous, Gueulemer, Babet, and Montparnasse— and then are introduced / described in the order of Gueulemer, Babet, Claquesous, Montparnasse?).
To me, listing and introducing Babet first would have made the most sense! Especially as it is implied at the Gorbeau ambush that Babet sets up the jobs and is the primary spokesman for the Patron-Minette— Thénardier addresses him specifically in that scene and asks if things are set up + why there were so many men there for the job, which suggests that Babet handles such matters for the gang.
I don’t really think Claquesous should be the first Patron-Minette character to be introduced, especially seeing as he is practically confirmed to secretly be part of the police force (or, at the very least, has worked with the police force before). And, I always found it odd that Gueulemer was described first to readers - maybe because his physical stature would perhaps make him look the most "traditionally" criminal? But even then I still find it an unusual choice. Hence why I find it so interesting Hugo originally was going to put Babet first but ultimately decided against it
On Claquesous and Montparnasse's characters
Claquesous was originally scripted as being in prison with Brujon, ultimately entering into the role that we now are familiar with Babet having during the La Force sequence, aka being involved in Brujon's plot to get rue Plumet scouted out. This is presented in a page of Hugo’s initial notes for the chapter, but when he comes to write the scene up properly later in his draft, Babet has replaced Claquesous
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Even more interesting is that in these notes Claquesous has replaced another character whose name I cannot quite read underneath the scribblings in Hugo's draft. Initially I thought it said 'Thénardier' (which would have been fascinating because that would have meant Éponine would be scouting out rue Plumet partially on her father's orders... which makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE THAN HAVING BRUJON AND BABET ASK HER TO SCOUT OUT RUE PLUMET, ESPECIALLY WHEN MONTPARNASSE IS NOT IN PRISON AND THEY COULD HAVE ASKED HIM INSTEAD), but upon closer inspection I am not as convinced as I originally was. If anything, it looks like the name that Claquesous replaced began with 'F' rather than a 'T'. I won't add another image but if you are interested in speculating which character was listed in this role before Claquesous the page that these notes appear on can be found here.
Unrelated from Claquesous, but you can also see that Hugo had an alternative name for Azelma on this page which he then wrote over as he must have gone through his manuscript again. But, once more, I unfortunately cannot read it myself and have not been able not find any information about Azelma's original name online, and would really appreciate it if anyone had knowledge on this! I have tried making the image lighter and think I can make out M[...]INA or M[...]IRA.
As well as Claquesous originally assuming Babet's place at La Force, it appears that he was also simultaneously first planned as the one to attack Valjean and then get lectured instead of Montparnasse - which is rather odd considering this scene happens whilst the Patron-Minette are stll locked up in La Force, so Claquesous would have been in two places at once. As far as I can tell (by trying to translate the French), the contents of this interaction with Valjean remains largely the same between the manuscript and the published scene— aside from the fact that Claquesous’s name is mentioned throughout the scene, and has then been scribbled out and replaced at a later date with ‘Montparnasse’.
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From my understanding, Montparnasse was the last of the four Patron-Minette heads to be created in Hugo's mind, and I think it shows here. But, what I find interesting is that Hugo seemed to have already created his character when writing the manusript, but just hadn’t quite decided on the character's name yet.
I say this because even though Claquesous is originally written into this scene, he is nothing like the Claquesous that we are familiar with in the actual novel. There is no mystery about this figure and in this sequence he strides along without a mask. Gavroche describes this "Claquesous" as having a bourgeois silhouette and being a cutthroat of eighteen years old, traits that we know are attributed to Montparnasse in the final version of the novel.
Therefore, it seems to me that at one point in the drafting of his novel, Montparnasse was Claquesous, hence why the name is only changed in the scene and not the age or the description. This theory also explains why Hugo had originally written Claquesous' name throughout the entire scene instead of only once or twice, before then updating every single mention of the name to 'Montparnasse'. It seems that the two characters were not yet disctinct as Hugo drafted some parts of his manuscript.
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If we are to think about this theory deeper, would it mean that Hugo had originally intended to put Montparnasse in prison with Brujon instead of Babet, since, as discussed above, we see Claquesous originally mentioned in the La Force sequence... and if Claquesous was originally written with the same descriptors as Montparnasse then it might have meant Montparnasse was planned to be locked up (although the Némorin sequence between Montparnasse and Éponine clearly exists in the original manuscript too, so if he were to be locked up it would have had to be after the Gorbeau ambush and not during it).
However, there is a line of dialogue in one of the cut Patron-Minette chapters that never made it into the manuscript which would contradict my theory: 'Montparnasse, n'ayant pas encore été en prison' [Montparnasse, having not yet been in prison]. But, this 'yet' is important, since this cut chapter was originally meant to slot into the narrative before the Gorbeau ambush, and therefore before the Patron-Minette's principal actors were sent to La Force. So technically it is still a plausible idea (even if it is perhaps a little far-fetched) that Montparnasse could have then gone to prison, even if he had never been to prison before the Gorbeau ambush.
On Montparnasse's age: a theory
For many years I thought Hugo had just forgotten Montparnasse's age when writing the novel, as the character is simultaneously described as 'a boy less than 20 years old', then as a cutthroat 'of eighteen', and then Montparnasse tells Valjean that he is 'nineteen'.
Yet, looking closely at how Hugo had penned the scene when Valjean tackles and lectures Claquesous Montparnasse, there is something very interesting going on with Montparnasse's dialogue when he announces his age.
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If you look really closely, you can actually see (dix-)‘huit’ written underneath (dix-)‘neuf’! Whilst this could just evidence that Hugo forgot Montparnasse's age as he wrote over 'dix-huit', I instead think the changing of his age was actually more an intentional choice than an accident for two reasons:
a) literally a couple pages before this Hugo writes that Montparnasse is eighteen anyway, so its not as if Hugo could easily forget what age he had written the character as.
b) this dialogue was added in specifically by Hugo at a separate point in time from when he originally drafted the scene, hence why it is in a bubble and separated from the other parts of the draft. Therefore it seems that Montparnasse announcing that he's 'nineteen' was something Hugo felt was important to include - and why would it be important to include Montparnasse's age again if we were only told how old he is just a couple of pages ago anyway?
What was the thought process behind this choice (if there was a thought process there at all)? Did Victor Hugo think Montparnasse would lie about his age and thus changed the character's dialogue from 'I am eighteen' to 'I am nineteen' accordingly when he came back to review his manuscript? Who knows. I personally think it is exactly the sort of thing Montparnasse would do, and I love theorising if Hugo made a mistake with the character's age here, or if it was a fully intentional choice.
On the characterisation chaos during the escape from La Force
In general, the sections in the manuscript set in La Force are a bit of a mess, to say the least. As established above, Hugo took a while to work out which characters were even in prison in his early versions of the novel and thus the confusing, jumbled character swapping continues in the original manuscript's version of the prison escape. Just take a look below at the draft of this sequence, it is glaringly obvious that Hugo was completely all-over-the-place in terms of naming who is in the scene and who is not.
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In fact, we get another repeat performance of Montparnasse and Claquesous being switched out when it comes to which character goes to fetch Gavroche in this sequence! This is from the page of initial ideas that Hugo penned out before he wrote the cleaner draft of the scene, wherein Montparnasse is the one to interact with Gavroche.
However, unlike in the Valjean scene, I think Hugo knew who Claquesous and who Montparnasse were at this point in the novel (as it is only Montparnasse that features in the clean draft, and there are no further name / characterisation mix-ups) and therefore (again, I am speculating) this might have meant that Hugo actually did have Claquesous in mind to fetch Gavroche to help with Thénardier's escape. Personally I think this would have been brilliant, especially since I have always found it odd that there is no sign of Claquesous in the prison escape scene + it is not even mentioned in passing that he isn't there!
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What is more interesting to me though is that Panchaud was also written at one time as the one to fetch and directly interact with Gavroche!
In case you were not aware, Panchaud does indeed end up in the final novel, but only as a minor affiliate of the Patron-Minette who gets arrested alongside the gang's leaders when the Gorbeau ambush is stopped by Javert. In this manuscript, Panchaud also appears in the previous scene to this— telling Gavroche of Babet's prison escape and assuming the role that we see Montparnasse take in the final novel.
There is another very small mention of Panchaud that I also discovered in this sequence that caught me entirely off guard and made me so excited! Underneath some of the mentions of ‘Gueulemer’ within the draft, you can faintly make out the name ‘Bigrenaille’, aka Panchaud's alias! So this would mean that Panchaud was originally penned as breaking out of La Force with Brujon (and then, at one point in time, also going to fetch Gavroche after escaping prison!)
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It is lovely to know that Panchaud originally might have broken out with the Patron-Minette heads because it aligns with some information Hugo gives us later in the novel's final version. In the fifth and final section of Les Misérables it is briefly mentioned that Panchaud became a famous crook that was famously known for his prison escapes in the 1840s. So, having him escape La Force back in 1832 and being able to keep up with the Patron-Minette's leaders is very satisfying! Also, it is nice to know that another affiliate might have gotten out in the original draft aside from just Brujon. I always have found it unusual that we know Panchaud, Demi-Liard, and Boulatruelle were all locked up in La Force in the Spring of 1832 (and, if we want to get really deep into it, so were Kruideniers, Glorieux, and Barrecarosse - as after Brujon sent them notes from prison they too were locked up), yet they are not mentioned once at all in the various scenes at La Force, and they do not even try to escape with the others in the finalsied novel.
I really wish I could understand French because the manuscript pages for this scene are such a convoluted mess I’m sure that if I could read them I would find some lovely pieces of dialogue or sections that had since been cut or altered before the novel’s publication. All of actions that we are familiar with certain characters doing in that scene seems to be flipped entirely on its head!
On Montparnasse and Éponine at rue Plumet
As Hugo wrote the scene between Éponine and the Patron-Minette at rue Plumet, I find it *very* interesting that he seemed to have added in the word ‘ami’ to Éponine’s dialogue to Montparnasse in a retrospective redraft of the manuscript.
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There is a HUGE difference between saying 'mon bon Monsieur Montparnasse' [my good Monsieur Montparnasse] and 'mon bon ami Monsieur Montparnasse' [my good friend Monsieur Montparnasse].
Bon ami is a wonderfully ambiguous phrase - as well as ‘good friend’ the term can also mean lover or sweetheart. Hence, I find it extremely fascinating that Hugo seemed to have added this in at a later rewrite of the original draft. Regardless of what the phase 'bon ami' is meant to refer to exactly, it seems to me that Hugo had added this word in at a different stage whilst writing and editing this manuscript, perhaps deciding that he wanted to allude to more of a dynamic / close connection between the pair specifically compared to Éponine's relationship with the other Patron-Minette characters
I am also intrigued by Hugo's decision to add the dialogue where Montparnasse tells Babet he would have finished Éponine off and slit her throat in at a different point in time from when he first drafted the rue Plumet scene (hence why it is written into a bubble outside of the original draft and Hugo has drawn a line to indicate where the dialogue should be added).
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I want to know why Hugo seems to have gone back and added in more content relating to Montparnasse and Éponine specifically in this sequence. Personally, I am interpreting these additions as an indication that Hugo might have perhaps wanted readers to consider Montparnasse and Éponine’s dynamic in this scene a little more than the original draft had done.
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emometalhead · 9 months
Tag some of your favorite mutuals to let them know you love them and it's going to be okay! 💖💖💖
Hi anon! This is so cute! Thanks for the opportunity to spread some love.
I'm going to copy what Andi did and write some paragraphs under the cut. 🩷
@morska--vila Andi, I'm starting with you because this was inspired by you!! I love you so much!! You understand parts of me that I can't put into words for other people. You have the best sense of humor, and you brighten every situation. You are resilient, caring, and so lovely. You're also a petty queen, and that's a high compliment. I am forever grateful to know you and to have your friendship. I know I can come to you with any problem and leave the conversation feeling lighter and more equipped to deal with it. Endless love and hugs to you 🩷🩷.
@duffmckagans First of all, I hope you're enjoying your vacation!!!!! Some beach time is always nice, and though I love having you here I'm also happy when you're doing something cool irl! Kelsey, I feel like I've known you for a lifetime. We are so similar, and I love how well you understand my brain. No one else can decipher my ramblings and random lyrics like you lol. You are so insanely smart and talented, and I am so glad you share parts of your life and work with me!! I'm in awe of you always. Love you!! Sending virtual hugs and one day real ones!!!!
@day-trippin-dreamer TINA. Hi. I'm going to act like I haven't already texted you today (and every day). You are like my biggest supporter, and I can't say thank you enough times!! You're the best pop culture, TV, and movie buddy!!!! You have great taste, and I love our little judgments and opinions we share. Also I'm happy you're finally getting into Imagine Dragons lol. You are so fashionable, fun, and I love how we can talk for hours about everything and nothing. Our chats mean so much to me.
@no-fxn-club Frankie!!!! I have to start by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You will get an actual birthday message too in about 30 minutes, but I had to say it here. I love you so much my dude. I am eternally grateful for your friendship. You have a great music taste. I love that we can make fun of ourselves and each other together. You are so fun to talk to, and I've literally never wanted to hug someone more! Also you just have such a cool style, and I'm so impressed with you in general!!
@inquisitiveheretic Lee!! I truly admire you as a person. I love how you compose yourself. You are articulate. You are such a talented writer. I'm in awe of you. I love our conversations, and I love every glimpse you give me into yourself. You help me feel confident and free, and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. You have such good taste, and you're probably the only person from whom I've ever actually listened to every song/artist recommendation I've been given. I'm not sure what praise is higher than that.
@rebelrollerqueen Ren, you are such a force. I'm so impressed by all you've accomplished. You are crazy smart. You're multi-talented. (Seriously your makeup is to die for, but also you are musical, fashionable, and intelligent. Amazing!!) You seem so confident in yourself, and I love that for you. Not to go full mom, but damn my internet kid is cool. I am so proud of you, and I am sending such a big virtual hug your way. I love having you in my life, and I love being here to support you.
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seelestia · 2 years
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A warm welcome to ODELIA'S REQUEST CENTER where all information about requests on this blog will be answered!
(Important note: The rules have been recently changed, so these may not apply to requests I received for my first ever batch.)
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✰ STATUS: closed!
✰ QUEUE: 5/7 completed.
[ This is just a list of the requests, it may or may not be completed in order! ]
reader dying in their arms — xiao, kazuha, zhongli, itto. [COMPLETED]
unrequited love — scaramouche, zhongli, aether, diluc. [COMPLETED]
their pride or your hugs? — xiao, scaramouche. [COMPLETED]
their reaction to reader being adorably clingy — xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou. [COMPLETED]
how they'd celebrate your birthday — multi (13). [COMPLETED]
and then, there were three. — zhongli and son!xiao.
a reunion with mentor!reader — specific multi (diluc, kaeya, albedo, venti, zhongli, xiao, childe, kazuha, ayato, dainsleif).
I only write content for Genshin Impact.
I accept requests for headcanons/reactions (either bulleted or in one paragraph, depending on the request) and drabbles/scenarios. It can be fluffy, angsty or even crackish, feel free to go wild!
I write romantically and platonically for all male playable characters — but selectively for unreleased ones such as the male Harbingers (except for those whom I have enough knowledge of), so please ask first about the latter!
Male characters I write for: Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Zhongli, Albedo, Gorou, Itto, Cyno, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Childe, Ayato, Diluc, Thoma, Kaeya, Aether, Baizhu, Dainsleif. (Italicized names are currently unplayable characters that I write for!)
I also accept requests for playable female, teenager, and child characters — but only platonic ones. This is a part of my comfort zone.
I prefer writing in second POV (you/yours); so, my reader is mostly gender neutral (they/them). There may be occasions where I may write for a female reader (she/her), but the default is always gender neutral to be inclusive.
I do not write requests for: male reader, multi posts with 5+ characters, specific body type / skin color / physical or mental disorders, any form of abuse, poly relationships, and NSFW content.
Do not submit a request more than once. I'd like to give other people a chance to submit theirs too!
For all types of requests, max characters are 4-5, so you're free to pick as long as it doesn't surpass the max limit. (Note: I no longer accept requests with 5+ characters as to avoid writing burnout!)
If you wish, you can tell me more about the genre and details for the theme or situation of your request. It'd be appreciated, but don't go overboard until it becomes more of a ramble than an actual request!
I have the right to reject a request that goes against my rules, that I'm uncertain I can write well, or that I feel extremely uninspired about as I write it. I will inform you if I come across a problem with your request and I apologize beforehand.
Lastly, be patient when your request is being written. Please keep in mind that I also have a life outside of this blog, but rest assured I will get to your request soon!
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— Thank you for having interest in my writing or if you're just simply reading to satisfy your curiosity! <3
© SEELESTIA, july 2022. do not plagiarize, repost, translate nor claim as your own. kaveh gif is by @/nanakorobiyaokii!
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writteninscarlet · 4 months
I RUN: lots of blogs || a few blogs || just this one
So I write here (of course), and then have Laura and Greer over at @gottahunt , and occasionally get on @whereisthatwritten but frankly I'm in the process of completely overhauling it and probably that will be simply for Valeria Richards and Molly Hayes (because all the other muses get all the grief and angst, bring in the teen heroes). For now, I'm here the most.
I FOLLOW BACK: muses in the same fandom || muses /blogs who interest me || fandomless muses || friends of mutuals || only members of a closed rp group || everyone
I don't ever think of myself as highly selective, and if I notice you've followed me there's a really good chance I'll follow back - unless I'm unaware of the fandom, probably. But I'm also easily distracted and don't always catch new followers.
I AM ACTIVE: more days than not || as often as not || some days here and there || depending on my school schedule || rarely || I'm often lurking even if I seem inactive
So my work lately has let me be here more often, and I tend to schedule some things through the day. I have periods of high activity, then low activity - and when it's lower, I'll try to have stuff queued.
I LIKE TO WRITE THESE THEMES: fluff || angst || action || casual interactions || intense interactions ||crack || first meetings || platonic rp || shipping / romantic rp || threads || ask memes || prompts
I will write anything and everything. I mean, I'm so unfunny and so slow at times I can never do crack right but I try! But yeah, I love platonic stuff. Love good old family and friends threads. I love some fighting and action, and drama. (with a splash of fluff). And I love shipping as well.
I PREFER ROLEPLAYS THAT ARE: one-liners || single-para threads || mutli para threads || novella || different lengths depending on my mood
I tend to write a lot. And I will apologise for that, because most of the time it's like... descriptions or inner monologue. I mean, please just let me know when I ramble too much. I've been rambling here! I tend to always go multi-para (but that can be as simple as two paragraphs), but I also can write more. It does depend on the mood. Please never be afraid of matching length.
FOR SHIPPING, I AM: multiship || single ship || poly ship || no ship || plotted ships only || open to new ships || not looking for new ships || mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || not picky about ships || somewhat picky about ships || extremely picky about ships
My only shipping rule, really, is chemistry. Whether it is a canon ship or not, it has to work out here. Sometimes people have different styles, some things are better as friends or rivals. So I'm not overly picky? I enjoy plotting ships but also enjoy spontaneous things and winging it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t! And I’m always open to trying things. And if anyone wants a verse specific to our ship, I am open to it - I love having in jokes or mentioning other muses in other threads!
I LIKE TO PLOT: everything || most interactions || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything except memes and crack || ships || family relationships || history / backstory for our muses
I love to chat about my muses. I have many headcanons and many thoughts (most of them just shoving images of my muses at you!). So I’m always open to plotting. Some days I have ideas, sometimes I don’t. It can be nice when fandoms are different to plot out things, but I’m not rigid about following plots. If you ever want to plot, hit me up!
TALK TO ME OUT OF CHARACTER: anytime || to plot || if you're confused or have questions in general || to remind me to reply || sparingly || only if it's really important
Honestly the same as plotting! I’m here to talk. It can be random, it can be about your muse or mine. Or none! It can be about new or old comics, random ideas, about our pets, anything.
I GIVE ALTERNATIVE CONTACT METHODS (discord / social media) TO: friends || mutuals || anyone who asks || people i've spent a lot of time talking to already || ship partners || members of a certain rp group || no one
I spend time on Discord a lot. I plot there, chat there, and happy to rp there. You’re more likely to catch me there during working hours haha need something to keep me going
tagged by: @kylo-wrecked (thank you!)
tagging: anyone! I’m not sure everyone who has and hasn’t done it but feel free to take this!
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Get to know your fic writer!
# 1, 4, and 16 😊
Hi Liz!! Thank you so much for the asks ❤️🥰
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I enjoy writing both, and so far 8/9 of my published works are one shots, but I think I prefer writing multi-chapter. It’s fun to build a world and plot out a whole story with arcs and foreshadowing and plot twists etc. I love taking the reader on a journey and having people follow along with each chapter waiting to see what happens next.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Almost always through music or photographs😊. Occasionally real life.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
It’s funny because I see most fic writers talk about having tons and tons of WIPs/ideas, but I get overwhelmed SO easily, especially when it comes to writing, that I actually try to actively limit ideas until I’ve fully finished my current project 😅.
As in…unless an idea bursts into my brain and starts writing itself, I won’t do anything more than maybe jot down a quick note to come back to later. If I’m actively working on a multi-chapter fic, I engross myself so fully into that world that I can’t handle jumping around too much. And it stresses me out to have too many full-on WIPs that I’ve actually started writing scenes for and plan to finish.
Anyways, to go back to the main question, I have 2 main WIPs that I’m aiming to get published this year. If It Kills Me is where my current focus is, and then The First and Last I’m hoping to publish this summer.
I have 5 total multi-chapter "official" WIPs (meaning I’ve actually written full scenes and have done plotting work), which includes the 2 I just mentioned, and 2 that are kind of “on hold”, meaning I’m not sure when/if I’ll get back to them because I haven’t had any inspiration to work on them for a long time.
Then I have 3 other one shot WIPs that I actually intend to post at some point (hopefully this year but we’ll see). And a handful that I’ve jotted down some paragraphs for but am not overly passionate about ever publishing so I don't really count them.
TL;DR (sorry for the rambling🤣): 5 multi-chapter (2 active, 1 to dive into later this year, and 2 on hold) and 3 one shots.
I think I already shared info on all of my main WIPS a few months ago, so I’ll share one of my vague ideas that I jotted down but I don’t consider an “official” WIP yet:
InuKag AU based loosely around Aragorn and Arwen’s backstory in Lord of the Rings (the appendix story from the books but I'd also draw from the movies). I’m still debating switching the roles so that Inuyasha is the one in Arwen’s position (immortal, demons are planning to leave earth behind and he has to decide whether to go with them or not…it could definitely fit better in some ways). BUT I think I pretty much settled on having Kagome in Arwen’s position and having it be that since she is a priestess who protects the shikon jewel, it grants her immortality. So there would be the whole "choosing a mortal life" conflict, along with some kind of epic adventure where InuKag have to save the world together.
I've been wanting to write some kind of feudal AU, and am hoping to use that setting for this story, but it might turn more into an abstract fantasy world like Middle Earth. We'll see!
Thank you so much again for the asks @liz8080 !! ❤️
Get to know your fic writer asks
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dre4mers · 11 months
this is an independent roleplay blog made from various canon and original muses ! prev. a degrassi mumu. selective and not mutuals only, but mutual focused. written by aspen, twenty - three, she / they, pst. can also be found @aspenwriting . under the cut, you can find my rules. and here, you can find my muses. under co. until i find a theme !
my writing fluctuates between multi - paragraph to one liners. depending on my mood and time, i will ramble at most, and i will always make sure i give something for you to respond to! i expect the same. i write in third person. also, a heads up, sometimes i am a slow writer. pls be patient w me.
i prefer to write against muns that are over twenty. i do write smut if the plot comes to it.
i love when the energy is matched, i love throwing headcanons back and forth, plot ideas, silly quirks about our muses / dynamics. i’m simply a talker ooc, because i like creating dynamics that we gush over! i also love making tiktok edits, so if you ship w me.. beware for the spam. that said, i am chemistry based.
i am always making muses + changing up faceclaims. if plotting, if none of my muses match what you are looking for, i will likely create a muse for such thread.
i’ve only recently started writing canon characters. for a long time, i’ve had a long anxiety trying to portray a canon character correctly, limiting myself to original characters. that’s changed! however, i am still a bit rusty, so if i am writing my canon characters, pls bare with me.
i write on discord and tumblr, with no specific preference. i use gifs or icons. i am forced into beta editor, so please only respond using beta otherwise the struggle will b real lo.l
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banisheddie-moved · 2 years
i gotta put this somewhere in my rules but let it be known that i post a lot of ooc whether it's about my muse, dynamics, shitposting, rambling, etc & my writing isn't always consistent in length. i don't mind longer threads, i'm fine with any length really but i write what i can whether that's one - two paragraphs or three - five. of course, if we are writing multi - para threads i won't leave you hanging with a few lines but i won't always be able to deliver with the same length.
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ashilrak · 2 years
hello, you've given advice about writing but was wondering if you have any specifically towards writing multi-chapter/long fics? I find them infinitely more hard to write than just oneshots, partially because of endurance/motivation but also of pacing and what's relevant to include, plot structure, how to not ramble, etc! thank you in advance if you can answer!!
So with longer fics, endurance and motivation are going to be a HUGE part of it. But like you said, that's not all of it.
Honestly, the planning isn't that much different for a one-shot and a longer fic, it's a matter of scale. I don't know if I can consider myself the best resource for some of this, but I'll try my best and hopefully give a good starting point!
To start off, I'm someone who outlines, so I'm going to be coming from that perspective. My outlines aren't super detailed, and a scene can be a single bullet point of "Percy and Annabeth talk", but they're there and I rely on them a lot. This is my process for approaching longer fics and what works for me. If it's just me, I do it with outlines and by talking out loud, if I have friends who are willing to lend an ear, I'm going to them.
The first thing you want to do is think of the story you want to tell. Is it plot or character focused? Is it about the relationship? Is it about a character's sense of identity? Is it a what-if? You don't need genre definitions or to be able to sum it up perfectly in a single sentence, but you have to know what you want to achieve.
And then, you're going to be to outline. Get your thoughts on the page, it can be a single scene for now, but let that grow. Have the ending clear in your mind, have the beginning, and then connect them. The middle can be this great, amorphous thing, but I will always advise having a beginning and an end point.
So now, you have a general idea of what you want this story to be and you know what you're working toward plot-wise. You have a goal now. You've figured out what you want you do, much as you would for a one-shot, but now you have a lot more to fill in.
Now, take a break. A couple days to let it settle.
This next bit isn't always possible, but it's something I see in advice a lot and something I find extremely helpful for figuring out pacing, plot structure, and what's relevant: talk your story through with someone. After you figure out what you want to achieve, summarize it to a friend, talk out loud, or write a few paragraph summary on a blank doc with our outline out of reach. The bits and pieces that come to mind as you talk through your story are the important ones, that's what's crucial.
Do you find yourself having to backtrack to tie something in that's relevant later on? Congrats, you have a side-plot. What character elements are you focusing on? That's the main character line. What other characters keep coming up and up again? Those are more side-plot/secondary characters.
After you do that, you can look at your outline with a fresh set of eyes. See things that you need to add to make it make more sense. Would foreshadowing help there if you know that this character is going to be a little bastard later on? Well, is this scene really important since that character never comes up again?
Pacing also changes depending on the story you're telling and you're writing style. Are you trying to focus on the slice of life details, highlight the domesticity for a character who's gone through a lot? Or are you trying to keep the tension high? Those answers will affect your pacing choices.
I also find that it's really helpful for me to start with a one-shot. Maybe it's a one-shot in the verse if it's an AU, just to get a feel for it, or maybe it's a matter of answering the question of "does this need a long fic?". You don't have to post it, but write that scene, write that one-shot, and see if it scratches that itch. Not every idea is a long story, and the times I've tried to force it have ended up terribly.
I know this certainly doesn't answer everything, and you might read this and be like 'what is wrong you, that is NOT how my brain works' and that's okay. But, I hope this is a good starting point and makes sense! Writing is a very individual process, and what works for one person might not work for someone else.
My first couple attempts at longer fics were not good; I wasn't lucky enough to nail it on the first few tries. It takes time to figure out your approach and what works for you.
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heartbreakvs-privat · 2 years
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 # 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐕𝐒      ⸻     an  independent  and  fandomless  oc  ;  inspired  by  the  movies  heartbreakers  and  the  oceans  triology  (  early  2000s  ).  low  to  medium  activity.  multi  -  everything  !  can  be  put  into  almost  any  fandom  or  franchise,  such  as  criminal  minds,  bridgerton  /  reign  /  the  tudors,  star  wars  or  star  trek.  created  and  written  by  tabby.  she  /  her  pronouns,  twenty  seven  years  old.  please  don’t  interact  if  you’re  under  the  age  of  eighteen.   
ABOUT  THE  BLOG    :    indie and fandomless oc. private, selective and  mutuals only  !  activity anywhere from low to medium  ;  mostly active on  weekends.  as mentioned above, this blog adores multi-ships and multi-verses  —  every thread is set in its own verse,  unless stated otherwise.  threads may contain themes such as faked love, lies,  manipulative behavior  and theft.  all common known triggers will be tagged  !  
GENERAL  RP  ETIQUETTE    :    kindness goes a long way. please don’t steal or copy anything from here  (  i own javier and all his headcanons, story, ideas, etc.  ).  please always cut your posts and place a meme you’d like to continue,  in a new thread. thread-dropping is absolutely fine, though i’d appreciate a short info. reblog from the source, if possible, and control your muse only.  if you unfollow me, please soft-block or block me. and with that being said  :  racism, homophobia, misogyny and anything along the lines won’t be tolerated.  
SHIPPING    :    i love all the ships, really  !  my dms are always open for plotting  various kind of connections and dynamics.  i’m fine with a good age-gap  (  up  to  ten  years  is  fine  )  however muses shouldn’t be younger than twenty five in that case. in general speaking,  i love platonic ships as well.  javier, despite his criminal  energy, can be a great father figure  /  mentor to younger muses. and  i also adore threads with a good friendship, bitter exes, victims of his fraud, enemies, frenemies and whatever there is. chemistry is always the key.
WRITING    :    i always write in past tense and third person  ;  with some rambling  here  and  there. when it comes to formatting i like to use small and double-spaced text, with the occasional bold and italics. my threads, depending on my energy  /  muse and plot can be anywhere from one-liners (  although there are somewhat rare  )  to multiple paragraphs.
BANNED    :    i’m not too keen on writing actual smut  ; i’m fine with headcanons and memes.  other than that i refrain from writing anything like suicide and suicidal thoughts, as well cutting and self-harm. facelaims i won’t interact with are the following  (  in alphabetical order  )  :   amber heard, emma roberts, johnny depp, kat mcnamara, ian somerhalder, liam payne, megan fox, perrie edwards and sydney sweeney;  including minors and deceased. on another note, feel free to use whomever (  models, athletes, actors, singers  ) you like, as long as they’re not uncomfortable with being used in roleplay or mentioned above  !
CREDITS  :  first and foremost :  krissy. she put up with me, when i set up the  blog. she’s a keeper and i love her. psd, dash icon, dividers and promos were commissioned from .... icon border by @  screencaps / photos are from pedro-pascal.com.
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heartbreakvs · 2 years
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 # 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐕𝐒      ⸻     an  independent  and  fandomless  oc  ;  inspired  by  the  movies  heartbreakers  and  the  oceans  triology  (  early  2000s  ).  low  to  medium  activity.  multi  -  everything  !  can  be  put  into  almost  any  fandom  or  franchise,  such  as  criminal  minds,  bridgerton  /  reign  /  the  tudors,  strange things,  star  wars  or  star  trek.  created  and  written  by  cassie.  she  /  her  pronouns,  twenty  seven  years  old.  please  don’t  interact   if  you’re  under  the  age  of  eighteen.   main  blog  /  est. in june  2022.
  ABOUT  THE  BLOG    :    indie and fandomless oc. private, selective and  mutuals only  !  activity anywhere from low to medium  ;  mostly active on  weekends.  as mentioned above, this blog adores multi-ships and multi-verses  —  every thread is set in its own verse,  unless stated otherwise.  threads may contain themes such as faked love, lies, manipulative behavior  and theft.  all common known triggers will be tagged  !  
GENERAL  RP  ETIQUETTE    :    kindness goes a long way. please don’t steal or copy anything from here  (  i own javier and all his headcanons, story, ideas, etc.  ).  please always cut your posts and place a meme you’d like to continue,  in a new thread. thread-dropping is absolutely fine, though i’d appreciate a short info. reblog from the source, if possible, and control your muse only.  if you unfollow me, please soft-block or block me. and with that being said  :  racism, homophobia, misogyny and anything along the lines won’t be tolerated.  
SHIPPING    :    i love all the ships, really  !  my dms are always open for plotting  various kind of connections and dynamics.  i’m fine with a good age-gap  (  up  to  ten  years  is  fine  )  however muses shouldn’t be younger than twenty five in that case. in general speaking,  i love platonic ships as well.  javier, despite his criminal  energy, can be a great father figure  /  mentor to younger muses. and  i also adore threads with a good friendship, bitter exes, victims of his fraud, enemies, frenemies and whatever there is. chemistry is always the key.
WRITING    :    i always write in past tense and third person  ;  with some rambling  here  and  there. when it comes to formatting i like to use small and double-spaced text, with the occasional bold and italics. my threads, depending on my energy  /  muse and plot can be anywhere from one-liners (  although there are somewhat rare  )  to multiple paragraphs.
BANNED    :    i’m not too keen on writing actual smut  ; i’m fine with headcanons and memes.  other than that i refrain from writing anything like suicide and suicidal thoughts, as well cutting and self-harm. facelaims i won’t interact with, are the following  (  in alphabetical order  )  :   amber heard, emma roberts, johnny depp, kat mcnamara, ian somerhalder, liam payne, megan fox, perrie edwards and sydney sweeney;  including minors and deceased. on another note, feel free to use whomever (  models, athletes, actors, singers  ) you like, as long as they’re not uncomfortable with being used in roleplay or mentioned above  !
CREDITS  :  first and foremost :  krissy. she put up with me, when i set up the  blog. she’s a keeper and i love her. some banners and dash icons were made by her as well. current psd, dash icon, dividers and promos were commissioned from @horrorwoodkills ; pinned post banner template is from @ashtynrph ( post ) and border used was made by @creationcolors​ ( post ).
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orthodoxadventure · 5 months
Sorry for the 183729 lines of rambling in the last ask lol. I love comparative theology and I could talk about it allllll dayyy <3.
Lol you never need to apologise for rambling too much with me. I will always take a basic question and turn it into a multi paragraph response
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digitalhavoc · 5 months
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. . . RULES . . .
MUN STUFF — [Updated as of 11.22.23]
Hi! call me Spring. I’m a 26 year old non-binary gremlin with my interests scattered all over the place. I have a bit of a problem when it comes to collecting muses, so if you see any other muses pop up eventually this is your warning! if you have a question, some concerns, or just want to chat, feel free to dm me at any time! or reach me on Discord (DoodleJam)
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Be aware that this is an 18+ blog! on top of suggestive content, there may be mentions, writing, or depictions of mental illness, death/murder, torture, drugs, gore, horror and other dark themes. that being said, this is a problematic FREE zone!! If you’re pro-ship, consume or condone PEDOPHILA / ZOOPHILIA / INCEST / NON-CON get out of here! I will not hesitate to block you.
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I prefer to write in 1-3 paragraphs, but such things may differ depending on what I am writing at the time. You don’t have to match length, but understand that a couple sentences of writing in response to a multi-para reply is not going to get much from me, and may even drop my motivation to reply.
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I love interacting with mutuals! I may be semi-selective with people who I haven’t followed yet, but if I follow you that totally means I wanna interact and plot with you. don’t be shy or intimidated if you’d like to send an ask or throw a message my way.
Crossovers and OCS are always welcome! I love interacting with other people, especially other characters, even if they’re from another fandom. I am fine with any sorta thing sent my muses way. MUSE does not equal MUN. be as cruel, or flirty, or any way you’d like to them! so long as you know I will still be reacting in character.
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Shipping is always welcomed. Canon ships, Crack ships, OCS. no matter the ship though I do I prefer to discuss it out of character as well!! it’s nice to ramble about things and such.
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As stated previously, this blog is for people over the age of 18, meaning any minors I see looking at or trying to engage in my content will be blocked for this reason. I am open to flirting, nsfw talk between ADULT muses or even suggestive interactions and sexual hcs. Any explicit sexual writing between characters is not something I am comfortable with on such a public platform, so if muses get to that point I either ask you to take it to dms with me, keep it to a few paragraphs/light descriptions or fade to black/skip such things entirely.
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Asks will be answered in it’s own post, where the asker will be mentioned/@'ed if possible. please specify muse when sending ic asks, prompts, or questions directed towards my characters! or else they’ll go to whoever I see fit… you’re also free to do that intentionally, although stating so in the ask is appreciated.
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I am low-activity, and I may be a bit spotty. although that does not mean I may not have bursts of energy before going offline for a bit. please understand I have my own personal and social life that I have to pay attention to!
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I prefer not to get into or be apart of drama/negativity on the dash- I will NOT reblog that sort of stuff here. this is a stress-free environment for me, and I will try and keep it that way. but I will take note of any suspicious or problematic behavior I see being called out on the dash or somehow comes to my attention. If you understand the above, please send me an ask or dm with the password "digitalhavoc" so I know you've read my rules!
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0 notes