#Lord of Virulence
gardhoulthehermit · 2 months
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Here's a lord of virulence I got for Christmas but procrastinated on their base!
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eyeofthestorm888 · 5 months
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The Fist of Entropy, wip
1/7 Plagueburst Crawler. The purpose behind making 7 of these tanks. Firstly 7 is our grandfathers sacred number. And so I wanted to make 7 unique warband. This is the beginning of the 1st warband.
1 Lord of Viulence
5 Death Guard Legionaries
1 Plagueburst Crawler
Add up to 7 Individuals
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silvernome · 2 years
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Finished up with the Lord of Virulence and getting some proper looks at him with some new photos. More photos up at the Brookhammer site and a 360 degree look at him over on my Youtube channel. 
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Winter's King 24
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: hey hey.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Before you get too far, Bryce appears from the shadows. You don't know if he was listening or if he's only stumbled on you but it hardly matters. He offers only a sullen look, too meek to mention the tension that stands between you. He left you first to King Geralt, then Lord Vesemir; he's more their ally than your own. But what can a maid expect? 
"I am to return to the queen's service," you state matter-of-fact. 
"So I've been informed," he says grimly. "Perhaps you might quell her restlessness." 
You stop along the corridor as your surroundings grow familiar. You’re halt and sway as the soldier scuffs to a stop a few steps ahead of you. He turns to face you as you unclasp the cloak from around your shoulders. You drag it away from your form. 
“Sir, will you hold this for me,” you fold it over your arm and offer it to him, “I shouldn’t require it during my work.” 
He looks at it and takes it with a frown. He pets the soft fur around the neck as you catch a peek of the wolf’s badge sewn into the lining. You lift your head and look past him. 
“I will make sure it is not lost,” he promises. 
Your dread mounts with each step. You’re weighed down by the last day and all that’s come to light. You cannot shake the shackles newly clasped around your wrists and the links only draw tighter and tighter. For now, the danger has calmed but it will not dissipate entirely. There is only doom ahead, even if now, it remains obscure. 
You will have no safety, not even in the familiar; not even in your duty. How can you keep on in serving when you are at the same deceiving? 
Jazlene, once Lady, now Queen, has rarely been easy to calm. You've come to expect her virulent behaviour, never once forsaking her the habits inherited from her mother. Now, you fear her fiery emotions and what wrath she may rain upon you should your betrayal be discovered. It almost seems wiser to confess and be done with it all, yet your fear restrains your guilt. 
As you come upon the queen's chamber doors, you give pause, as does the soldier at your side. You share a curious look between you. There are no guards at her door.  
"Gods, I beg, do not tell me she has escaped once more," Bryce mutters. 
You step ahead of him and go to the door. You turn your ear to it and lean in, dragging your palms along the wood. You ball your hand and rap upon it, certain you hear some sound from within. There is scuffling and the queen's trite voice. She is within. 
You peer back over your shoulder at your escort as he squints. The door opens from within and you spin back. It's that orange-haired guard; Gilles. It’s odd and the noise that escapes Bryce’s throat says as much. 
“Queen having another tantrum?” The soldier behind you scoffs. 
“Eh, she is your queen too,” Gilles accuses, “it is treason to mock your liege.” 
“Mocking? No, merely the truth,” Bryce chirps, “let the maid in. She’ll do better work of serving our admirable queen, eh? Tend to her lady needs with a softer hand.” 
Gilles grabs your arm and shoves you through the door, “do not worry her--” 
“Eh!” You feel another tug and you’re turned back as Bryce tears the guard away from you, “unhand her. She is but a maid. If you need feel big, you might go squash insects in the stables, yea?” 
“Be wary of crossing me, king’s pet,” Gilles pushes away the other soldier, “I do not fear any old man, no matter his name.” 
“Young twerp like you, I’ve known many,” Bryce stands unflinching, “my name comes from tossing fools like you in the dirt. Don’t think the years have taken that much.” 
“The maid is a maid, as you say. She hardly needs a guard herself,” the carrot-headed man rebukes. 
“And you hardly need the witness, eh,” the soldier sneers and chortles, “heed your own warning, man, you dance in a pit of snakes.” 
“I am the snake,” Gilles makes himself as big as he can but pales against the taller soldier. 
Bryce pokes his tongue in his cheek and smirks. He doesn’t reply, instead looking past the younger man, “maid, attend your duty and I’ll attend my own.” 
“Sir Bryce,” you utter tremulously. 
“Don’t worry for me,” he assures as his gaze returns to the man before him. “I’ve sworn never to draw steel against a man of the crown, and I shan’t, so long as the man in question does not offer doubt to that title. We are allies,” he slaps Gilles’ arm, his other hand on his pommel, “aren’t we, loyal guard?” 
Gilles’ gauntlet flinches towards his own sword but does not finish its path. He raises his chin and backs up against the wall. 
“In the name of the king and the queen,” the guard proclaims. 
Bryce’s eyes linger on the man and he shoos you with a flick of his fingers, “go on, maid. You needn’t worry for the matters of men.” 
You quickly flit inside, your heart fraught and your veins flooding with ice. That look in the soldier’s eyes worries you. He is a man of war and the mere scent of conflict seems to enliven him. Certainly, you know, if the guard gives the merest of reasons, there will be blood. 
Jazlene is within, abed beneath layers of fur. She lays with a hand against her forehead in a constant state of dismay. The door closes behind you and she sighs. 
“I called for a bath ages ago!” She decries, “if I must be imprisoned in this horrid place, I will at least be warm!” 
The mention of a bath disarms you. You waver on your feet before you can reclaim your wits. You ignore the memories stirring in the base of your skull. The king’s heat creeps up your back as the sensation of his touch tickles in your sides. You could sob for the way your chest rents. 
“Your highness, I will fetch the water,” you acquiesce in a brittle voice. 
“Oh, and where have you been?” She bawls, “here I am, with child and miserable and cold, and you are off, a maid, without a care? Abandoning her queen, as my very husband does the same?” 
You lower your chin at the mention of the king, “my apologies, I was bid to... other duties.” 
The lie is like poison in your mouth. You could gag at your own deceit. You keep your head low. You wish she would rise and pinch or lash or kick you. 
“All I wanted was wine,” she babbles at the canopy as she throws her hands up, “and company. He will not allow my own father to see me. He chased him out like some stray dog. The only family I have close and he keeps us apart. I want to play cards and I have no one to win against.” She thumps her fists down on the mattress and kicks her foot, “how can a queen have no power?” 
She sits up, her eyes fiery as her curls puff out wildly from her head. Her eyes are sparkling from her tears and pretty features twisted. The blankets fall away from her torso. She mops her face with the sleeves of her gown; they are wrinkled and her bodice is crooked. 
“And that Lord Ves... whoever he is, he is a nasty old troll,” she blusters, “I hate him. I hate them all, these winter pests. These animals. Beasts!” She snarls, “how can they live like this? I swear, when we reach the king’s castle, this will not go on. I must have my court. I am a queen and I should be crowned!” 
She sneers and shakes her head, closing her eyes as she presses her long fingers to her nose, “why are you just standing there?” She hisses. “I want a bath!” 
She pushes the blankets off of her and like a storm, she blows out of bed and towards you. You flinch but do not shield herself. She grabs your shoulders and shakes you. She shoves you away from her and you stagger. 
“I will fetch the wat--” 
You cannot finish your words as she strikes you across the cheek. You taste blood. The punishment you longed for is not so freeing as you expect. The sear across your face cannot assuage the flames of your guilt. 
“Go before I knock your teeth from your stupid head,” she snarls.  
You retreat and pull the door inward, letting yourself out. Gilles remains and does not look or comment at you. You rush away, your mouth pooling with blood. You swallow it down as you get to the kitchens, a pair of servants in gray working in the light of the stove. 
“Water,” you murmur as you rub your jaw, “please, can I have a pot to boil?” 
A woman, slender and silent, moves to fetch the large vessel. She hands it to you and you thank her. She clings to the other handle. 
“You will need help,” she declares. 
“Yes, thank you,” you flutter your lashes as the sting sticks in your skin. 
You know her. She is the same who welcomed in the king’s party to the castle. She helps you carry the pot down a corridor. You feel cold creeping through the air and your teeth chatter. She doesn’t react to the chill and leads you out a door into the frigid outdoors. She stops at a cistern pump and angles the pot beneath it. 
She takes a small mallet from next to the spout and beats the lever until it dips, ice falling away from it. She pumps without a word as you watch. You offer to take over but she shakes her head. You linger close by, feeling useless. 
“Lift,” she orders as she stills the pump and you grab the handle as she takes the other. You carry the pot together back into the castle. 
The act reminds you of another time. The night you and Merinda carried water to the king’s chamber in Debray. The woman across from you is a stranger and as cold as the winds. You raise the vessel over the flames and leave it to boil. 
She turns to you and nods, “hard work serving strong men. Best us maids work as one.” 
Her words are kind though her tone remains as hard as iron. Your cheeks tense and your lips tremble, “yes, thank you, miss.” 
“Same as you,” she dismisses the title you give her, “let me know when it steams.” 
You agree and turn to face the pot as it sits above a brazier. You are comforted in knowing that not all is changed in the Hinterlands. That camaraderie among servants has not frozen over like everything else. 
As you carry up the first pot of steaming water, the servant offers a name. Ezme. You return your own before you reach the queen’s chamber. You make several trips up and down, between the boil, and fill the large tub nearly to the brim, adding a pot of cool water to mellow the heat. 
Ezme leaves with the empty pot as you remain to attend the queen’s bath. As Gilles pulls the door shut, you notice how his eyes search past you. You turn and go to Jazlene as she tugs at her dress. You help unlace the piece of her gown, then her corset, and lift her shift over her head.  
She lowers herself into the tub, her dark skin flawless and her figure still as sculpted and firm as ever. She must be early in her state as she has yet to show the effect of her condition. She reclines with her arms over the lip of the wooden tub. 
“And what do you suppose the king is about?” She speaks with her eyes closed, frightening you as you stand quietly by the wall. “Hm? Why does he keep my people from me? Not only my father, but those other summer nobles who have accompanied us?” 
You don’t speak or move. It’s best to act as if you aren’t there. She speaks to herself; for herself. 
“First, he forbade my mother to come. Kept her from seeing me conceive her first grandchild,” she sneers, "and now he has banned my father from my chambers. All because he thought to provide me with a bottle of wine.” 
She is back to that. The wine. She is childish in how she latches onto that one grievance and will not let it go. 
“Because he would defend his daughter,” she snivels, “well, who else will keep me company as my husband remains errant? Oh, how bound he is to his kingliness. Oh, the hero he is. He has brought his wintry misery to the summer people and cursed us all to his wretched ways.” 
You stare at the floor, scalded by the dangerous inference of her complaints. She treads close to those things even a queen should not voice. She might be unhappy but she cannot be so unwise. It is like the game with the dice; she does not think of the turns to come, only what she holds in the moment. 
“He must plot against us. It’s what we all believe,” she sits up the water swishing around her.  
You try not to react, especially as the king’s command returns to you. ‘...you will watch and you will listen...’ 
“He has baited us all into his lands, into his snare, and he means to close it on us. He must,” she puts her hands up as if what she says is only the truth. Without a doubt, she must be right, “he speaks of uniting us and yet he means to extinguish us. He will do away with the summer’s blood and invade our lands as he always meant to.” She scoffs and drags her fingertip over the water’s surface, “he gives to all the same empty vows he gave me...” 
Silence, the sort where you can hear your own heart beating. You hold your breath. She needs to stop speaking. You want to stop hearing. 
“We are not as foolish as he thinks. We will be ready,” she smirks and tilts her head, “and he would not hurt his own prince, would he?” She plunges her hand under the water and rubs her stomach. “Even he cannot deprive his people of their future.” 
She hums and the water swishes around her as she lays back again. She snickers and sighs. You tuck your chin down and clutch your hands tightly. In this war of winter and summer, of king and queen, of husband and wife, you will surely be lost. 
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Something so important to me about Alicent's characterization is that she is Viserys' second, least favorite wife. All she wants is to be important to somebody, and they won't let her.
One of the many things that drives Alicent into a comparative villainy driven by despair is that she is the least important person in her own life. She's the Queen, a crucial figure in the history books, but barely anyone seems to care. This is reflected after Larys' offer for friendship in which she deflects "I am the Queen," and in no need of allies.
But she's the second Queen. And Viserys only cares about the first. This is reflected not only in the fact that he calls her "Aemma" in front of the whole court years before he's properly senile. But also in how he treats her and her family.
Take for example her caregiving of him. In episode 6, when Lyonel Strong speaks to Viserys, he makes a blithe comment about Alicent fluffing his pillow, joking that he's surprised he can use the privy without assistance. So firstly, the king has used toilet humor to refer to his wife's devotion to keep up appearances that he's a virulent King, and she's just a fussy wife. But as soon as Lyonel is gone, he says "aren't you going to help me?" when sitting back down. He wants her help in private, and mocks it in public.
This circles back to her unimportance to her entire family. Regardless of each character's background and trauma, Alicent is the Queen. And regardless of whether or not he inherits the throne, she is the mother of his firstborn son. As well as an additional Prince and Princess, no small thing when heirs are better in numbers. But still, Viserys does not give her reverence or respect. Instead she is his nursemaid, and he feels no protectiveness over her children that he fathered on her when she was their age.
Can we really blame Alicent when she snaps and demands the true order of things? Aemma is dead, a victim of Viserys' desire for a son. She is alive, and gave him two, but she is ignored. Her on-paper position should award her respect, and she has not received it. So, she keeps playing her role as though the respect will come, but it never does.
It is also not surprising that she accepts the idea that Viserys whispers his change of heart to her with his dying breath. Lord Beesbury seems to think this is ridiculous, probably because he knows how Alicent is treated, but classically, this makes sense. A wife is a confidant, someone who sees Viserys at his most vulnerable, of course she's privy to important information; she's his wife.
But she's his second, least favorite wife, and so of course he would never tell her the family secrets.
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These lawyers were described by the prosecutor as “impartial”. However, they were anything but. Some had associations with Palestinian causes; others had previously expressed often virulent anti-Israel views.
One member of this panel was the lawyer Baroness Helena Kennedy, a longtime radical-left campaigner and honorary patron of the London-based charity, Medical Aid for Palestinians.
Three weeks after the October 7 pogrom, Kennedy warned against “collective punishment” by Israel, referred to the Gaza Strip as “being reduced to rubble” and accused Israel of cutting off Gaza’s water supplies.
But her most disgusting statement was in a speech she made on genocide in March. She told the House of Lords: “The current conflict between Hamas and Israel follows decades of terrible conduct, by both the IDF and Hamas, before, during and after 7 October.”
So in the view of this doyenne of “human rights,” Israeli soldiers who desperately tried to fight off the Hamas stormtroopers — even while they were continuing to perpetrate depraved atrocities against Israeli women, children and men — were guilty of “terrible conduct” in doing so.
It is hard to fathom the obscenity of such a condemnation. Yet this moral bankruptcy was no one-off. Others in the intellectual classes have been heard to issue exactly the same condemnation of the Israelis for killing Hamas murderers on October 7 itself.
In other words, Jews are not to be allowed to defend themselves against genocidal attacks. Indeed, they are actually condemned for doing so. More astoundingly still, the genocidal attack has actually galvanised the global attempt to destroy Israel altogether.
That’s what’s happened in Ireland, Norway and Spain, which have said they will recognise a non-existent “State of Palestine”. They are thus rewarding Hamas for its barbaric onslaught. The message to all Palestinians is that slaughter, rape and hostage-taking are their route to victory.
Unilateral recognition of “Palestine” is a form of lawfare against Israel. And the principal motor behind lawfare is “human rights” law.
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anamericangirl · 5 months
I cannot begin to fathom how it's so easily become commonplace in the media and populace (even some average joes! though admittedly mostly ~beguiled youngsters~) to back Hamas--VIOLENT, MURDEROUS, RAPIST, KIDNAPPING TERRORISTS--over Israel.
Flabbergasted doesn't begin to describe my state.
It's kinda scary actually, to see such virulent anti-semitism come reeling out of the shadows this readily. By way of one explanation for the clear hatred and lunacy in flipping the facts over this conflict, someone told me these sentiments have been taught in universities for the last 30 years.
Lord Jesus, come quickly. You will make everything right. We pray for Your perfect justice and truth to reign.
You've really got to see it to believe it. It's amazing how a brutal terrorist attack where children were raped and murdered led people to immediately support the terrorists.
They don't care that Hamas are violent murderers and rapists and kidnapping terrorists because they are raping, murdering and kidnappingJews and all the brainwashed leftists have been programmed to hate Jews.
They allege that they would totally have opposed Hitler and not been duped into joining the Nazi party but somehow they aren't smart enough to resist that very same thing today.
All along they were the real Nazis.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 7 months
I've made a horrible 1k list made out of 9 blight haulers and a lord of virulence.
It will probably never win anything but lore for this is that the lord is taking his doggies for a walk (blight haulers are described as hound like).
This is objectively a top-tier list and you should be extremely proud of yourself
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elia-nymmeros · 3 months
""A start?" said Ellaria Sand, incredulous. "Gods forbid. I would it were a finish. Tywin Lannister is dead. So are Robert Baratheon, Amory Lorch, and now Gregor Clegane, all those who had a hand in murdering Elia and her children. Even Joffrey, who was not yet born when Elia died. I saw the boy perish with mine own eyes, clawing at his throat as he tried to draw a breath. Who else is there to kill? Do Myrcella and Tommen need to die so the shades of Rhaenys and Aegon can be at rest? Where does it end?" "It ends in blood, as it began," said Lady Nym. "It ends when Casterly Rock is cracked open, so the sun can shine on the maggots and the worms within. It ends with the utter ruin of Tywin Lannister and all his works."" The Watcher, ADwD
Rereading ADwD, one of the most interesting aspects of the Dorne plot for me is that constantly, over and over again, the elder Sand Snakes mock Doran for his perceived weakness, for being slow to act, for planning and disguising and lying instead of outright fighting, claiming that he was a lesser man compared to Oberyn, and yet part of me wonders what they thought/might've thought of Elia while she lived, especially when Gregor's head was brought back to Dorne and the Sand Snakes demanded vengeance not only for Oberyn, but also for Elia and her children.
"Her sister Tyene gave answer. "What he always does," she purred. "Delay, obscure, prevaricate. Oh, no one does that half so well as our brave uncle."" The Watcher, ADwD
It's hard to know because we only have second-handed accounts, but we've been told that Elia was someone agreeable, kind, with a good heart, someone precisely like Doran and very unlike Oberyn. No account of Elia presents her as a bold, outspoken, bloodthirsty, or vengeful woman, which of course doesn't mean that she wasn't, but it means that she didn't choose to present herself as one in front of Dorne and King's Landing court; in fact, some people even remember her as "drab" and "frail". It's very poignant to see the Sand Snakes asking to spill blood and kill innocent people in the name of a woman dead some 17 years ago who, as a matter of fact, probably never wanted to see the entirety of Casterly Rock and Oldtown destroyed and slain, children and smallfolk included.
"Princess Elia was a good woman, Your Grace. She was kind and clever, with a gentle heart and a sweet wit." ADwD, Daenerys IV
""We could kill him, to be sure," said Tyene, "but then we would need to kill the rest of his party too, even those sweet young squires. That would be … oh, so messy."" ADwD, The Watcher
It's interesting for me that they learned this bloodthirsty attitude from Oberyn, who of course had almost two decades of virulent resentment because the brutal rape and murder of his sister and her children went unpunished, but who was also the man who probably knew Elia the best and what ideas she held about retribution, not some idealized version of a woman who they probably don't remember. Part of me wonders if the Sand Snakes wouldn't have found Elia cowardly and weak and useless too, simply because she displayed the same ideas about politics and power than Doran, because all accounts of Elia (all three of them) shows us a genuinely gentle and easy-going person who did not murder and poison her way to power as it is common in the royal court.
"I am not blind, nor deaf. I know that you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better (...)" The Watcher, ADwD
"It must have been the madness that led Aerys to refuse Lord Tywin's daughter and take his son instead, whilst marrying his own son to a feeble Dornish princess with black eyes and a flat chest." AFfC, Cersei V
I'm not saying that Elia wouldn't have wanted The Mountain dead or that the Sand Snakes were in the wrong for wanting their family members avenged, because Tywin Lannister and his lackeys were evil men who committed several crimes against the Martells and faced no direct repercussions, but the extreme level of hatred that the Sand Snakes show towards everyone who happens to be named Lannister, their willingness to go to a war they cannot hope to win with allies they aren't sure they can trust without any kind of well-thought plan, and the constant derision they show towards Doran and his attitudes... part of me feels like Elia has already been forgotten by them, replaced by an empty figurehead who they can rally around and use to justify their cruelty, while at the same time disdaining the same attitudes that Elia herself was known for...
"Written? If you were half the man my father was—" AFfC, The Captain of Guards.
""Obara would make Oldtown our father's funeral pyre, but I am not so greedy. Four lives will suffice for me. Lord Tywin's golden twins, as payment for Elia's children. The old lion, for Elia herself. And last of all the little king, for my father." "The boy has never wronged us."" AFfC, The Captain of Guards.
Something something about letting vengeance and senseless violence consume you, about a woman dead so many years ago and yet still loved by her people and her family, about the attitudes we teach our children and how they might end up twisted without a specific contextualization in time and space...
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
List of characters/worlds.
OC world
The locked door
Shadow wars
The brother
The sister
The light dragon king
The light dragon Prince
The hybrid
The hybrids partner
dreamers musings
I will dig out that folder later.
Moss and car-car
Moss (spinosaurus)
Car-car (baby carcharodontosaurus)
Territory seeking sub adult carcharodontosaurus
Glam Bonnie
Glam foxy
Glam Freddy
Music Man
Owner YN
Adopted by
Bloody lambs, blood moon
Adopted characters
Warehouse daycare
Frank the cat
Owner YN
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Mechanical medic
Ralph the repair dragon
Other animatronics in the Plex
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Perrfect thief
Cat King YN
Detective Sun
Police officer Moon
Gang leader Eclipse
Underground informant leader DJ
Underground informer ballerina
Underground informer mangle
Underground informer Bonnie
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Rusted wheels
Rabbit raiders
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Cryptid eater
Hunter/Cryptid YN
Hunter Sun
Hunter Moon
Hunter eclipse
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Saving Waves
Darkened Dawn (eclipse)
Silver reflection (Luna)
Red Wave (Blood Moon)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Stop you silly siren
Captain Eclipse
First mate Sun
Navigator/siren moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Arcade project
Arcade alt Fae
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Red blue and black
Blue Moon (lunar/blood moon)
Black Star (eclipse)
Frankie the cat
Sundown dance the dinosaur
Horn the Dragon
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, Chaos
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Adopted characters
TF traveler, refracted glow
TF trapped, crushed glow
TF servant sun, dying fire
TF Void, No light
TF ghosty, wisp
Recovering blood moon
CtOS solar
AE solar !attempted!
Old Tsams
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Shattered Blue Moon (storyline end)
Strained Black Star (storyline end)
Cruel copy
Butler (eclipse)
Werewolf (Blood Moon)
Gladiator (Sun)
Pastel (Moon)
Witch (Earth)
Wizard (lunar)
Hunter (Monty)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF Void, virulent
Beast maker
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Empty cup
Honey (Lord lunar)
Cider (Eclipse)
Apple (wither storm)
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Chapter -SSC
Story written in ash
Chapter (eclipse)
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, gluttony?
Empty cup, Honey -SSC
Kid eclipse, teen solar flare
Adopted characters
Separated blood moon -LB
It's tough to be a god
Huitzilin (Hum) (Sun)
Zipacna (Zip) (Monty)
Xolotl (Xolo) (Eclipse like child)
Axo's Daddy
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF traveler
Desolate hunger
Ravenous (lunar/blood moon)
Fork face
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Adopted characters
Lost Lord
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Hostage Solar, little fox
Under the stage
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, wrath and sloth.
Adopted characters
Eclipse Brothers
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Sulky star cluster
Cygnus (eclipse)
Antares (eclipse)
Rigel (eclipse)
Algol (eclipse)
Star holder Glam Freddy
Adopted by
Autumbra au, kill code
Adopted characters
TF Traveler -Orion's belt
Autumbra Eclipse *friend*
Toy swap
Crimple (DCA swap)
Glam toy Freddy (Glam Freddy swap)
Glam toy Chica (Roxy swap)
Glam toy Bonnie (Glam Chica swap)
Glam toy mangle (foxy swap)
Puppet (Monty swap)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Alternate solar
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Autumbra *friend*
Runaway eclipse
Incomplete lunar
Adopted by
Lord's brother ?in works?
Remorseful Lord Eclipse ?In works?
Adopted characters
Code Moon (blood moon)
Black bear
Alcoholic human friend
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased Eclipse -SSC
Actual dad eclipse
Dad code
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased eclipse
Hati (moon)
Sköll (Sun)
leiðr (eclipse)
bana (kill code)
Adopted by
Kid eclipse, Moom
Sundown Eclipse -SSC
Adopted characters
Orion's belt
Betelgeuse, basil (Lord Lunar)
Rigel (Eclipse)
Saiph (Good wither storm)
Bellatrix, Bella (Blood Moon)
Mintata, Mika (cyborg lindworm)
Alnilam, Alnim (Sun)
Alnitak, Alnik (Moon)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler
Supernova AU
Nova (lunar/eclipse)
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Demon alts
Blue Moon
Black Star
RBB Earth
Adopted by
Lord's brother, Vim
Adopted characters
Tf void demon, demon wisp
Mer alts
Blue Moon
Black Star
Red Moon
False star
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Fey alts
Blue Moon
Researcher Blackstar
Hunter Earth
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Lord's brother, puppy
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler fey *friend*
Warrior cats alts (mostly created by @artoutoftheblue)
Blue Moon
Black Frost
Lion light
Rain cloud
Berry heart
Many others
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sympyl · 4 months
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Lord of Virulence
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eyeofthestorm888 · 5 months
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Death Guard, Lord of Virulance, wip
His name is Gothela, legend has it he was close to Mortarion during the creation of the Plague Burst crawler, thus he has such an affinity to those machines.
His eyes sealed shut from the gifts of our grandfather, he inhales deep the gas that spews out from the gas vents of his armour. An endless thick cloud of The Graying, as the guardsmen called it.
Everything that fog touched turned pallid and gray, all life seeped out of them and absorbed into the fog, and back into the armour.
He is closely followed by a handful of zealots and his Plague Burst Crawler, named The Fist of Entropy.
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silvernome · 2 years
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Putting the finishing touches on the Lord of Virulence and the Tallyman. Gotta varnish them but a bit too humid today. Will get some better photos/video up soon. Next up, going to be working on a duel themed diorama, so excited!
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce III
I love Meryl so much. Imma talk about all the ways she's terrible.
First watching the show, I had her clocked pretty much from the moment she opened her mouth and the moment she first appeared on the screen.
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Oh Lord. This child is insufferable.
She's twenty-three, just out of college, from a sheltered background, and determined to solve all the world's problems, but she'd have a much easier time of it if she weren't such a scold. She's prissy. She's judgemental. Because nothing in the world lives up to her standards, she's going to shout at it until it does. It's endearing now because she's so little and cute, but she will encounter someone unwilling to put up with it sooner or later, and she had better hope she survives that encounter to learn from it.
Reminder that her first appearance in the manga is striding onto the panel like a queen and then whipping out a megaphone to announce she's from the insurance society, like any of the people she's talking to have any reason to care. She's, uh. She's a real woman of conviction.
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What makes this Meryl seem so young is that she still has a lot of faith in the rules, and that the way things should be is indeed the way they are. Why wouldn't she? Her family is wealthy, she just got out of school and this is her dream job. Her whole life so far has kept her cushioned from pain and consequences, as well what exists on the edge of society - violence, poverty, corruption - as well as the edges of her own reality - the truth about the Plants, the existential terror of a being like Knives, who so virulently hates her species and has the power to crush them at will, for any reason, at any time. And of a being like Vash, whose power is even greater, but whose appearance is so purposefully soft.
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That dude she's yelling in the face of could vaporise the planet they're standing on, if he felt like it. He would never, but that doesn't change having that capacity, or that there are individuals who will do anything to obtain control of his power.
What makes Meryl such a fantastic character despite these flaws is that upon encountering proof of her ignorance, she doesn't double down. She's surprised, and often scared, but primarily she's saddened, or even outraged. Why is the world this way? What can she do about it? What action can she take?
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That's the perfect trait for a journalist, and I also think the reason that Vash likes her - and Roberto, too. It's why both of them are determined to protect her, and Roberto comes to adopt (or perhaps reclaim) a little righteousness by her example.
She doesn't belong on No Man's Land, but then none of them do. No one wanted to be here. Nevertheless they are here.
What can they do together to make it a kinder world?
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Also, one more thing.
There's an argument for how hard it is write female characters that the audience won't instantly loathe. It's called the Galbrush Problem, after a theoretical genderbend of Guybrush Threepwood from the Monkey Island series. They're point-and-click adventure games, and they're very silly - Guybrush's entire backstory, as far as we learn, is that he washed up on a beach in the Caribbean as a teenager with the burning ambition to be a pirate and no practical skills in the field whatsoever.
Sample dialogue:
Elaine: Ugh, let's face it, LeChuck! You're an evil, foul-smelling, vile, codependent villain, and that's just not what I'm looking for in a romantic relationship right now! LeChuck: Darn yer riddles, ye saucy female! What do ye mean?!
They're engaged in a high stakes sea battle at the time. Elaine is defending the port she governs from LeChuck's skeleton pirate crew. (Hauntingly realistic reaction to a woman's unambiguous rejection from LeChuck, though.)
Anyway the Galbrush Problem suggests that a Galbrush version of these games would come across as offensive, because Guybrush is a comedic protagonist. He's subjected to slapstick, mocked, rendered the butt of jokes. He says and does absolutely ridiculous things. Who'd enjoy a woman being a victim of such humiliation?
I hate the Galbrush Problem as an argument.
Because Guybrush might be hard to take seriously, but he's still loveable - he's quick-witted, charming, and his many failures combined with his unwillingness to let them ever get him down for long actually make him a little inspiring. And we don't just watch him, we embody him - we relate to him. His absurd challenges are ours to overcome and his cracking wise in the face of craziness is something we sort of wish we could do. We'll all look a bit ridiculous at least some of the time. That's not something gender specific.
It's not a problem to write a woman being goofy. Not unless you present that as her only trait, or her as the only woman, or failure as the only outcome of her actions. Meryl completely explodes the Galbrush problem by being hilarious - she and Vash get to play comedic partners pretty frequently early on and it's always great, and her stupid sibling fights with Wolfwood are splendid. It doesn't make her offensive. She's fun! We need levity! That tomas is hauling around a bunch of fricking coffins!
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The wonder of Trigun as a story is that everyone in it is so gloriously, painfully human, even the ones who pretend not to be. Is there really something offensive about affording women that courtesy too? Really?
Maybe I get too pissy about it, I don't know, but I've been a fandom cryptid for some twenty years, and was once determined to enter a profession where there was straight up a conspiracy to prevent women being protagonists, or when they are protagonists, having partners or lovers, because it meant they were less appealing and available.
Lookit this silly marshmallow. What about her is unappealing? What about her is offensive? I mean, apart from the fact that at this rate she's going to give that poor man a heart attack.
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Part I
Part II
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
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redzonerandr · 2 months
Week #14: Bones Are Still Hard
Still can't really get the bones to look the way I want. Some fun news though! I was looking through my local hobby store and just so happened to stumble across an unopened Death Guard Boarding Patrol box. I'd been wanting to get Deathshroud Terminators, but I just couldn't really jusitfy buying three models for nearly $60. Something about that just didn't set right with me, but I was really excited to see that the boxset came with them as well as more Plague Marines and a Lord of Virulence. Which means now I have something I can use as a Warlord. One step closer to being able to play a bigger game.
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As for painting another terminator I didn't mind painting this one as much, but bones are still hard and for some reason I'm just not feeling my scheme as much right now, but I have so many models in this scheme already that I'll just stick to it and see if I can find a better way. It was fun at first, but now it's just taking way too long to put together. I really don't know why that is.
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Fuckin' Star Trek Rant
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Transcript: This was in response to talking about a Lower Decks episode where a crew member on the Cerritos wore a hijab and about how religious representation is important and would be a founding principal of the Federation.
Apparently... muslims shouldn't be allowed in the future.
[Screenshot of another tweet from an anonymized user reading: "No, consistent world building matters more."]
Yes... I am aware of the ✨CANNON✨of Star Trek... but I do not fucking care.
It's important to show representation of people who are alive RIGHT NOW in a future that is painted as good and desirable.
By saying muslims shouldn't be in Trek because CANNON... that's fucked up.
By saying "Muslims shouldn't be in Trek because cannon!!" or because "Roddenberry hated religion!"...
...you're saying muslims and others who show their faith outwardly in such ways are not welcome in your fantasy playground, or in your potential view of the future.
You're saying your fantasy is a world without non-white people.
Shut the fuck up. Sit the fuck down. Let people be in things. Stop. Fucking. Gatekeeping.
Full disclosure: I am not a religious person and I have a virulent repulsion of religiosity--because I have seen and experienced too much hypocrisy and harm from those who espouse strong faith.
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